What date will Easter be? History of Easter celebration

How is the date of Easter determined?

The date of Easter can only be determined using Easter. This method takes as its basis the date of the Old Testament Passover, when the very last and cruel Egyptian execution was carried out. The next Sunday after this day in the solar calendar is the day of Christian Easter. It is important to know that in order to determine when Easter will be, you need to use the Gregorian, Julian or Alexandrian calendar.

In Easter there is certain rule, which makes it easier to understand the date of Easter. To find out when Easter will be you need to know when the spring equinox will be. Then determine the first full moon after this day and find the Sunday closest to the full moon. This date will be the holiday of Great Easter.

The full moon and equinox when determining the date of Easter are not astronomical phenomena, but dates calculated using the Metonic cycle.

When is Easter in 2017 for the Orthodox?

Do not despair if the method for determining Easter is not clear. The dates have long been calculated and now you can easily find out when Easter will be in 2017 for the Orthodox. The Feast of the Resurrection of Christ in 2017 is celebrated on April 16. The week before Easter is called Passion and is considered the most difficult week in all of Lent.

Holiday Happy Easter is the magnificent end of Lent, which lasts 48 days. During fasting, a person must cleanse himself spiritually, pray, eat only light plant foods and refuse bad thoughts. And on the day of Easter, tables are usually set with various meat and holiday dishes. Traditionally, Easter cake, eggs and Easter should be present on the table on Easter day. It would be good if they were consecrated in the church during the night service.

Catholic Easter in 2017

It very rarely happens that Catholic and Christian Easter coincide. And 2017 became just like that. Catholic Easter in 2017 is celebrated on April 16. Church services begin early on Thursday. Preparation for Catholic Easter is similar to Orthodox Easter. People are cooking holiday dishes, paint and decorate eggs. Cleanliness should be both in the thoughts of believers and in the home. People invite each other to celebrate this great holiday.

Jewish Passover in 2017

In Jerusalem, Easter is considered one of the main holidays. The Jews believe that it was on this day, called Passover, that all their people were saved. The Jewish holiday of Passover is celebrated on a grand scale in compliance with all traditions. It is not for nothing that Jerusalem is the center for all pilgrims who believe in God. Jewish Passover in 2017 is celebrated all week in April from the 11th to the 17th.

In addition to laid tables, prayers and worship services, it is customary on this day to help the poor and treat the poor to food.

Every year, Christians all over the world eagerly await the main church holiday - the Resurrection of Christ, and each time this event falls on different days. To calculate its date, entire methods have been developed, thanks to which we know what date Easter will be not only in 2015, but also in subsequent decades.


The exact day of the “triumph of all triumphs,” as Easter is called in Orthodox tradition, calculated according to the lunar calendar. The starting point is considered to be the full moon closest to the spring equinox. The first Sunday after it will be a day of great joy.

Since the equinox occurs on March 20 or 21, the date of Easter falls between April 4 and May 8. The decision to link the celebration to the solar and lunar cycle was made in 325 at the First Ecumenical Council. Before this, the Resurrection of Christ was celebrated annually on the 14th of Nissan according to the Jewish calendar.

On this date, the Eastern churches celebrated a festival in memory of the suffering of Christ on the cross, which was called Easter of the Cross, and the next day - Easter of the Resurrection. Naturally, the cherished date did not always fall on a Sunday, so the celebration was often celebrated on weekdays.

In order to somehow streamline the annual cycle of services, the bishops established new rules for calculating Easter, which are based on the Julian calendar. Thus, they achieved the simultaneity of holidays in all churches.

In 2015, we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ on April 12 according to the new style. Over the past century, Easter has fallen on this day twice: in 1931 and 1936. This number was found using a formula derived back in the 4th century. It takes into account many factors, including: celebration on Sunday, date spring equinox and the first full moon after it.

A simplified version of the formula was proposed German mathematician K. Gauss. The main calculation is carried out using the year digits using the remainder operation. For ease of calculation, mathematical quantities are used, designated by the letters a and b. Each letter is calculated as follows:
a = [(19* + 15) / 30] = [(19*1 + 15) / 30] = 4.
Here the expression means the remainder of 2015 divided by 19.
So, full moon (2015) = March 21 + a = March 21 + 4 = March 25.
b = [(2* + 4* + 6*4 + 6) / 7] = 4.
(a + b) is less than 10, which means that Easter will be calculated according to the formula (22 + a + b) March Art. style. As a result, we get 22 + 4 + 4 = March 30 (old style) or April 12 (new style).
If (a + b) were greater than 10, then the following formula would be used: (a + b – 9) April Art. style.

Happy Easter is Christian holiday, which is dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ. This holiday is considered one of the most ancient and important for the church. Easter celebration is the greatest and happy event for all people, both Catholics and Orthodox. It signifies love of life, victory over death and hope for eternal existence.

On this holiday, the church rejoices, opens its gates wide, letting in everyone who wants to dedicate Easter cakes, eggs and other dishes brought in a basket.

When is Easter celebrated?

Christian Easter is always celebrated on Sunday, only the dates change. The exact date It’s quite difficult to calculate it yourself, because it is formed according to the solar-lunar calendar. Orthodox and Catholic Easter begins on different time, because different calendar systems are used.

Orthodox Easter 2017: date, traditions, signs

In 2017, Orthodox Easter falls on April 16. This holiday has its own traditions, which were established gradually over many centuries. Since Easter the clearest sign everything alive and renewed, then the main symbols of this day are considered Life(Easter cakes and painted eggs), Water(Easter streams) and Holy Fire. In all cities and villages on Easter night, people went to church, listened to the service, blessed water and Easter basket with products.

After the service in church, it is customary to come home, set the table and break the fast. People who have kept a strict 48-day fast are especially looking forward to this day. First of all, you need to taste the egg, followed by the Easter cake. Once this ritual is completed, you can begin other treats.

Most Favorite Easter fun- battle of eggs. To do this, you need to take a decorated or painted egg and hit your opponent’s egg with either side. The winner is the one whose egg remains intact.

It is also customary to christen yourself on Easter. Young and old, children and adults, men and women, when meeting, should kiss a friend three times and say “Christ is Risen!”, and in response they will hear “Truly He is Risen!”

There are several Easter omens and rituals that have come to us since ancient times:

  1. For the one who will come first home after church service, the whole year will be lucky.
  2. By dipping gold jewelry in water with a blessed egg, you can attract wealth and success.
  3. Roll an Easter egg over children's faces to protect them from the evil eye.
  4. To preserve happiness in the home, you should not do any household chores on Easter.

To feel the magic and significance of Orthodox Easter, you do not have to be a deeply religious person. After all, this holiday, first of all, is about everything dear and important that people have: about goodness, about love, about children, about forgiveness. It’s also a wonderful tradition to visit all your relatives and get everyone together for big table and just enjoy life

Catholic Easter 2017: date, traditions, rituals

2017 is one of the few times when Catholic and Orthodox Easter are celebrated on the same day. Usually the difference between dates is several weeks. But this year, all Catholics will celebrate the day of the Resurrection of Christ April 16.

The symbol of the Easter holiday is painted eggs. IN different countries they are painted according to their customs and preferences. For example, Western European Catholics paint eggs red without any additional stickers or designs. And in Central Europe, it is customary to decorate Easter eggs with beautiful ornaments, patterns and colorful flowers.

Another symbol Catholic Easter is a hare who, according to ancient belief, goes from house to house and puts various treats in an Easter basket. Easter Bunny- a popular creature among all Catholics. It is printed on postcards and made chocolate candies in the shape of a hare, baked. Souvenirs in the form of rabbits, which are made from clay, fabric, plastic and other materials, are popular.

The Roman Catholic Church holds the main service of the year from Maundy Thursday to Holy Resurrection. It is during this period that it is customary to remember all the torment that Christ suffered, his death and his resurrection.

As soon as evening comes Holy Saturday, Catholic churches celebrate Easter Eve. The beginning of this action is the Liturgy of Light. A fire breaks out not far from the Temple, from which the priest takes a spark and lights a large Easter candle. With this candle, the clergyman enters the dark temple and says ancient hymn, signifying the resurrection of Christ. It is from the lit Paschal that Catholics light their candles.

After this action, the next one begins - the Liturgy of the Word, and then the Liturgy of Baptism. In the Catholic Church, it is customary for adults to be baptized immediately the night before the holiday. Believers consider this an honorable rite that makes their destiny happier.

As soon as the baptism ends, the Eucharistic Liturgy begins, and at the end of the service, “Christ is risen” is said. People in the temple must answer “Truly he is risen.” After which they go in procession around the temple.

An integral tradition of Catholic Easter is family dinner. Catholics always have the most delicious treats on their table: sweets, pastries, meat dishes. The table itself is decorated with Easter decor.

What not to do on Easter

Easter is pure holiday, during which a person cleanses his soul and body. On this great day you cannot do housework or go to work. There are exceptions, of course, such as caring for sick people and children. Also, on Easter Day you cannot visit cemetery grounds. For such moments there is a special day, which occurs immediately after the Easter festivities end. Since the Day of the Holy Resurrection is considered a joyful day, it is forbidden to hold funeral services for the deceased.

Pre-Easter and Easter days The church does not hold weddings, citing the fact that the holiday was invented not for physical pleasures, but for complete spiritual and moral cleansing, thereby causing the rebirth of the human soul.

Video recipe for wonderful Easter cake

Lent begins at a different time each year because it coincides with Easter. In 2019, it will begin on March 11 and will last until April 27.

On this day the jubilant words “Christ is Risen!” will be heard in all languages. Such unanimity happens - alas! - infrequently. The dates of the Main Holiday for Orthodox and Catholics rarely coincide, and it is also fickle.

Easter date: why does it change every year?

The answer to this question is hidden in the depths of centuries, and it reveals the true meaning Easter joy.

Pesach means “to pass by”

The word Passover comes from the word Passover, which in Hebrew means “to pass by, to pass by.” Three thousand years ago, when the Jews were preparing for the exodus from Egypt, God sent the last plague to the Egyptians: the death of the firstborn in every home. The dwellings of the Jews, marked with the blood of the sacrificial lamb, were not touched by the Angel of Death and flew past. - Death has passed! It was on the night of the 14th of Aviva.

Aviv - “month of green ears” - the beginning of spring according to the Jewish calendar. The first day of the month is the new moon, and the 14th is the full moon day. On this day, the people left Egyptian captivity for the Promised Land and received the commandment from the Lord: “Observe the month of Aviv and observe the Passover to the Lord your God...”. (Ex. 12.2)

The Passover holiday is a Jewish memory of how death passed over their families, how they united and gained freedom. It takes place every year on the Easter full moon - the 14th of Aviva (later the month began to be called Nissan). The date was mobile, associated with the lunar cycle and did not depend on the day of the week.

The Resurrection of Christ and the Jewish Passover.

Events related to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ unfolded during this Jewish holiday.

On the eve of Passover, all Jews gather for a festive meal - Seder: bitter herbs, roasted one-year-old lamb, unleavened bread reminiscent of the great exodus from Egypt, which became the birth of the Jewish nation. Jesus Christ in his last seder - at the Last Supper - established the Sacrament of Communion. “Take, eat: this is My Body...” (Mark 14:22-24). Communion gives birth to something new, spiritual kinship– Christianity. There are no nations in it, but there are brothers and sisters in Christ. Instead of the Jewish Passover, the Last Supper was prepared Christian Easter- redemption by the blood of the Savior.

On the night of the Easter full moon on the 14th of Nisan and the next day, Christ was captured and crucified on Golgotha. In the evening of this terrible day for Christians, the Jews celebrated their Easter, and a day later - on the morning of the 16th Nisan, He, resurrected, appeared to the myrrh-bearing women. For forty days Christ appeared among his disciples to strengthen their faith in his Resurrection.

Christ is Risen! - which means we will not die, but will live forever. The Savior, by Death on the Cross, atoned for human sins, and by Rising from the grave showed the way to eternal life. Here is the source of Easter joy: “Death! where is your sting? hell! where is your victory? (Os.13.14).

Rules for calculating the date of Christian Easter.

For three hundred years Christians argued about when to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. It was necessary to maintain consistency major events: Crucifixion, death, Passover, Resurrection. They occurred on the Easter full moon, which was used as the basis for calculations. At the Council of Nicaea in 325, it was decided to celebrate the main holiday:

  • After the vernal equinox (March 21)
  • After the Easter full moon (1st spring)
  • On the first Sunday after the Easter full moon
  • After the Passover.

In order not to retreat from evangelical events, the date of Easter was associated with Jewish holiday. And through it - with the mobile lunar cycles– therefore, it is different every year: in the range from April 7 (NS) to May 8 (NS).

Why don't Christians celebrate Easter on the same day?

More than a thousand years Bright Resurrection was the same for all Christians. Based Julian calendar scientists created the Alexandrian Paschal - a system for determining the dates of Easter. It made it possible to calculate the Great Indiction - a period of 532 years through which all dates are repeated - a kind of perpetual calendar.

However, in the 16th century Catholic Church switched to a new style. This calendar turned out to be unsuitable for Orthodox world. The Resurrection of Christ in the Gregorian Easter falls on days or earlier Jewish Passover, or on the same day as her. And this means celebrating the Resurrection before the Crucifixion - i.e. distort the innermost meaning of the main holiday.

Despite this, more than 2 billion people on the planet (Catholics and Protestants) celebrate Christ's Resurrection according to the new style. Fidelity to the decisions of the Council of Nicaea (old style) was maintained in Russia, Serbia, Georgia, Jerusalem and Mount Athos. Total 310 million people. But only before Orthodox Easter does the Holy Fire light up in the cave of the Holy Sepulcher and is received by the Orthodox Patriarch A, which means - “Do not be afraid, little flock! For it has been your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” (Luke 12:32).

Easter 2019: traditions and signs.

Easter 2019: traditions and signs

  1. Easter service.

Procession. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, the Easter service begins. At half past eleven people leave the church with candles and make a procession of the cross (this is how the myrrh-bearing women approached the Holy Sepulcher). The procession with candles stops in front of closed doors temple and the priest for the first time proclaims: “Christ is Risen!” - “Truly He is Risen!” - answers a polyphonic choir from the darkness. The doors swing wide open. Everyone is filled with inexplicable joy - the holiday has begun!

Artos.(translated from Greek - bread). At the service that night, artos is consecrated - round bread with the image of the Cross or Resurrection. This custom is associated with the first meals of the disciples after the Ascension of Christ. The apostles felt His presence at the table. In the place where He had sat before, they placed bread for Him. When leaving the table, they raised this bread with the words “Christ is Risen!” As a sign of the presence of Christ, artos stands in the church until Saturday, and then is distributed to believers “for the healing of ailments.” This shrine is kept in the house and protects the house from illnesses and troubles. Eats on an empty stomach.

Blessing of Easter cakes and eggs. Each believer's basket at this service contains the same products - rich Easter cakes and colored eggs. Their consecration is a symbol of the transition from Lenten food to fast food, as well as the unity of all Christians, because on holidays everyone eats this food.

  1. Greetings.

For forty days, before the Feast of the Ascension, the greeting sounds: “Christ is Risen!” and the answer: “Truly He is Risen!” The exclamations affirm the belief that Christ is God, capable of changing the laws of nature and giving us eternal life. These greetings express Easter joy in the best possible way.

It is also customary to christen yourself - kiss each other on the cheek three times. This custom expresses the kinship of people in Christ: we are not strangers to each other, but brothers and sisters in spirit, having one Heavenly Father.

Sign(they are more of a superstition than a symbol of a spiritual phenomenon). A husband and wife do not christen themselves in front of all people, so that unkind eyes to be saved and to avoid separation.

  1. Breaking the fast.

The fast continued for forty-eight days, when fasting food was not blessed. Now the moment has come when you can use it! First, the blessed egg. Painted eggs are a symbol of the holiday: they are used to break the fast, they are given as gifts, and they are used to play cue ball.

After the eggs, they eat the cake: cut off the top and cut it crosswise into slices. The crown is returned to its place - and so on every day during Bright Week. The top of the cake, covered with glaze, is eaten by the head of the family before starting important work(for example, seva). You can spread Easter cottage cheese on the slices.

There is a belief that on Bright Week Christ tests the hearts of people. In a beggar's robe He can come to visit. You must be ready to treat every visitor.

Sign. To get rid of quarrels, all family members need to gather around festive table and taste Easter dishes together.

  1. Bells.

During Holy Week, all the bells are rung; anyone can climb the bell tower and announce the Resurrection of Christ. This ringing has the power to fulfill desires uttered from the heart: “Chritsos is Risen, and for my family health, prosperity for the house, and harvest for the land. Amen". Someone asks for health, someone for success in work, and someone for the bride or groom.

  1. Easter souvenirs

On Easter, it is customary to visit all distant relatives to give cards and bring symbolic gifts.

  • “Pysanki” are skillfully painted eggs: hard-boiled, wooden, made of precious metals.
  • Easter baskets decorated with lace, with festive napkin at the bottom and with eggs, sweets, and bird figures inside.
  • Egg cups: cardboard, wire, crocheted and beautifully decorated.
  • Candles in the shape of an egg, Easter cake, with wax lace and the inscription “ХВ”
  1. Games with paints

The most popular entertainment was and remains games with colored eggs.

  • "Bitki." Opponents fight with the noses of their eggs; the one whose egg splits must part with his egg. The winner collects greatest number trophies.
  • "Rotary wire". An inclined chute is installed on a horizontal surface through which the egg is released. If it rolls onto the blanket and collides with other eggs, then its owner becomes the winner. You need to skillfully direct the movement of the eggs. A large number of participants increases the excitement and fun.
  • "Heaps." Near each player there are two piles of sand. Someone hides a colored egg in one of them. The one who guesses where it is hidden wins.

Among other Easter entertainments in Rus', the favorite was the swing, around which all the neighbors gathered. Riding on a swing is a ritual of shrouding - sins are blown away by the wind.

  1. The sun is playing

On the morning after the Easter service, nature gives people its miracle: the jubilation of the sun when it appears in the sky. If you watch the sunrise on a hill: on a roof, a mountain, a hill, you can see the “sun dancing.” The disk changes its shape: now round, now triangular, now in the shape of an egg; moves left - right; up and down, shimmers with all colors, rays splash out like a fireball. Anyone who sees the sunrise on Easter will not know trouble all year. This phenomenon also promises a bountiful harvest.

How can you not celebrate Easter 2019?

  • The holiday lasts seven days - Bright Week. It is absolutely forbidden to swear, get angry, slander, take offense at this time and spoil the joyful mood of others. It is difficult to do this without God's help. Therefore, on the eve of the holiday (best of all, on Maundy Thursday), all believers must confess and receive communion.
  • All holidays, and the Holy Resurrection of Christ in the first place, serve to ensure that a person takes his mind off the bustle of the earth, rejoices in earthly life and thanks God for this gift. Therefore, it is considered a great sin to work in church holidays housework and chores. Helping the sick, caring for small children, and service responsibilities are not considered a sin.
  • On the days of Pentecost (from Easter to Trinity), kneeling prayers are canceled. This resolution of the Church Council emphasizes the exceptional nature of this time.
  • During the entire Easter week there are no funeral services in the church and no commemoration of the dead: everyone is alive with the Lord. It’s also not worth going to the cemetery at this time, much less crumbling blessed Easter food on the graves. The deceased begin to be commemorated on Radonitsa - on the ninth day after the Resurrection of Christ.
  • You cannot get married on Holy Week. This is a spiritual holiday, so the Church does not bless organizing your personal life during it. And you should not neglect this prohibition.
  • You cannot throw the remains of consecrated food into a trash can or on the ground - they must be burned or buried in the ground.

What can you cook for Easter 2019?

The Easter feast is the most solemn of all holidays. Its main decorations are: Easter cake, Easter cottage cheese, colored eggs.

Red egg - a symbol of the rebirth of life, so it is impossible to imagine a holiday without it. The eggs are painted on Thursday. Multi-colored eggs are laid on green grass made from sprouted grains. There should be more red eggs, because... It was the egg that first turned red when Mary Magdalene presented it to Emperor Tiberius as a gift with the news of the Resurrection of Christ. “I will believe it if the egg turns red in your hands,” the emperor answered - and it turned red.

Easter cake - symbol of the body of Christ, the bread of life. The dough is placed on it in the evening from Thursday to Friday. It needs to be kneaded for a long time (at least an hour!) - this requires both time and effort, and these days there is always not enough of it. Therefore, I would like to offer a proven recipe for “Alexandria Easter cake”; it does not require long kneading, but gives an excellent result.

  • Beat eggs (5 pcs. + 2 yolks) with sugar (0.5 kg); soft is added butter(250g) and yeast diluted in milk (dry - 25g); Baked milk is taken - 0.5 l. The dough (without flour!) is mixed and played for 10-12 hours in a warm place.
  • Then salt (0.5 tsp) is added to it; raisins (100g) and candied fruits (100g), soaked in cognac; vanilla sugar (15g), flour (1.5 kg). Knead the soft dough (10-15 minutes) with hands dipped in vegetable oil. Place the dough in the molds, grease only the bottom with oil, and let stand for 1-1.5 hours. Bake at t = 180 degrees, cover with glaze, decorate with sprinkles.

Curd Easter - symbol of Golgotha ​​and the Holy Sepulcher. Today this dish is not so popular, because... it requires special shape: tetrahedral prism with the letters “XB” on the inside.

The simplest (raw) Easter is prepared by sequentially grinding all the components, and only in one direction - its taste depends on this. First, fresh dry cottage cheese (0.5 kg) is thoroughly ground, then a third of a glass of sugar is added, then softened butter (100g) and lastly sour cream (150g) are added. The whole mass is placed in a mold covered with gauze, pressure is placed on top and left for a day in a cool place. After removing the uniform and gauze, Easter is decorated with raisins and candied fruits.

Traditional meat dishes Easter table– jellied meat (jelly), stuffed turkey (or any other bird), lamb (in remembrance of the sacrificial lamb), ham. It was not customary to serve hot food to the table. Nutritionists advise people who fast long time, begin breaking the fast with a few sips good wine, and from meat dishes choose jellied meat as the most gentle food for the stomach. After long fasts, it is better to alternate lean and fast foods in small portions.

Easter 2019: beautiful pictures.

Beautiful pictures for Easter 2017:

Pictures for Easter 2019

Pictures for Easter 2019

Easter in 2017 is the most important Christian holiday and a joyful event not only for Orthodox Christians, but also for Catholics. He carries within himself greatest love and hope for spiritual cleansing. On this day, the doors of each church are open for those wishing to bring and bless Easter cakes, colored eggs and other delicacies available after.

When is the holiday and what date is Orthodox Easter in 2017?

Christian Easter in 2017, as always, is celebrated on Sunday. This year one of rare cases, when Easter in 2017 for the Orthodox coincides with the celebration of Catholic Easter. Most often, the difference between the dates of Orthodox and Catholic Easter differs by several weeks, but this time all Catholics celebrate together with the Orthodox.

In order to determine the date of Easter in 2017, just turn to church calendar. If you want to calculate this date yourself, you can do this using lunar calendar. Determine the full moon after the vernal equinox: the next Sunday after this day will become happy holiday Easter in 2017.

To find out what date Easter is in 2017, look at the calendar. This day falls on April 16th.

History of the celebration

This bright and joyful Christian holiday celebrates faith in God and his powers. It was from this day that it once began new era. Having accepted martyrdom for human sins, and resurrected on the third day according to the will of the Lord and for his glory, Jesus became a symbol of humanity, a sign that anyone can enter the Kingdom of God after the end of earthly life.

For Christian believers it's time Easter holidays- the main event of the year. Preparations for the holiday begin long before Easter. The essence of fasting is preparing the spirit and body for the celebration of the resurrection of the Son of God. During fasting, the task is not so much physical cleansing by giving up many foods, but rather the opportunity to know your own strength of spirit and cleanse yourself spiritually.

The fast lasts 40 days, the same length of time that Christ's fast lasted after his baptism.

The symbols of the holiday of resurrection are:

  1. Life (represented in the form of Easter cake, colored eggs).
  2. Water (Easter streams).
  3. Fire (Holy Fire taken out from the Holy Sepulcher).

On the night of Easter celebration, all believers went to church, listened to the festive service and sanctified Easter basket with Easter cakes and colored eggs.

Catholic Easter

The celebration of Catholic Easter is slightly different. Catholics also paint eggs, go to night services and congratulate family and friends. The baptism of adults on the night before the holiday is considered a special rite. Catholics believe that this will bring them happiness and good luck.

Family dinner is an integral part of the holiday. Relatives gather for common table, which is sure to be decorated with Easter paraphernalia, sweets and pastries. Children, adults and lovers exchange colored eggs, and the whole day is spent in the streets theatrical performances on a religious theme.

Traditions, rituals and signs

Easter rituals and traditions involve many rules. After the night Easter service, people come home and begin to break their fast (that is, allow themselves to eat food that makes them for a long time refused). This ritual is especially significant for those who have fasted for the entire period. This needs to be done correctly; first of all, you need to break and eat the egg. After eating the eggs, they eat Easter cake. After this, you can proceed to other products. For most children, a favorite tradition is breaking eggs. To do this, everyone chooses an egg and hits it against another. The one whose testicle remains intact wins.

While still leaving the church, all familiar people should greet each other with the words “Christ is risen!” The answer to this greeting should be “Truly he is risen!”, People hug each other and exchange three kisses on the cheek.

Preparation Easter cakes and painting eggs before Easter is also a tradition for many. Relatives get together and spend time together talking and preparing for the bright holiday; this unites and fills souls with love.

Among Catholics, the rabbit is considered the symbol of Easter. It is he who comes into the house and leaves treats in baskets. Drawings of a rabbit are present in most holiday attributes - postcards, various souvenirs, chocolates, colored eggs and cookies are made with his image. In addition to the main traditions, there are folk signs and rituals, here are the main ones:

  1. Whoever comes first to the house after the night service will attract good luck for the whole year.
  2. You can attract wealth by dipping gold jewelry in water with a blessed egg.
  3. Rolling over a child's face Easter Egg, you can protect him from the evil eye.

Holiday bans

During Lent, you cannot kneel in prayer in church: this is allowed after the Resurrection. The same restriction applies to bell ringing, resuming after Easter.

Easter is pure and Holy holiday, on this day you should not do cleaning, laundry, repair or agricultural work. On this day, the church does not commemorate the dead and does not perform any rituals. Easter is a holiday of spiritual and moral cleansing, revival and purification of one’s own soul and thoughts. On this day, family members gather around the same table and enjoy communicating with each other, thinking about good deeds and drive away gloomy thoughts.

Knowing what date Easter is in 2017, every believer will be able to prepare for this holiday by studying all the traditions and history of the celebration, cleansing their soul and body of the accumulated negativity over the year.

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Easter in 2017 is the most important Christian holiday and a joyful event not only for Orthodox Christians, but also for Catholics. It carries within itself the greatest love and hope for spiritual purification. On this day, the doors of each church are open for those wishing to bring and bless Easter cakes, colored eggs and other delicacies available after.

When is the holiday, and what date is Orthodox Easter in 2017?

Christian Easter in 2017, as always, is celebrated on Sunday. This year is one of the rare cases when Easter in 2017 for the Orthodox coincides with the celebration of Catholic Easter. Most often, the difference between the dates of Orthodox and Catholic Easter is several weeks, but this time all Catholics celebrate the holiday together with the Orthodox.

In order to determine the date of Easter in 2017, simply refer to the church calendar. If you want to calculate this date yourself, you can do this using the lunar calendar. Determine the full moon after the vernal equinox: the next Sunday after this day will become the joyful Easter holiday in 2017.

History of the celebration

This bright and joyful Christian holiday celebrates faith in God and his powers. It was from this day that a new era began. Having accepted martyrdom for human sins, Jesus, resurrected on the third day by the will of the Lord and for His glory, became a symbol of humanity, a sign that anyone can enter the Kingdom of God after the end of earthly life.

For Christian believers, the Easter holidays are the main event of the year. Preparations for the holiday begin long before Easter. The essence of fasting is preparing the spirit and body for the celebration of the resurrection of the Son of God. During fasting, the task is not so much physical cleansing by giving up many foods, but rather the opportunity to know your own strength of spirit and cleanse yourself spiritually.

The fast lasts 40 days, the same length of time that Christ's fast lasted after his. Followed by Holy Week.

The symbols of the holiday of resurrection are:

  1. Life (represented in the form of Easter cake, colored eggs).
  2. Water (Easter streams).
  3. Fire (Holy Fire taken out from the Holy Sepulcher).

On the night of Easter, all believers went to church, listened to the festive service and blessed an Easter basket with Easter cakes and colored eggs.

Catholic Easter

The celebration of Catholic Easter is slightly different. Catholics also paint eggs, go to night services and congratulate family and friends. The baptism of adults on the night before the holiday is considered a special rite. Catholics believe that this will bring them happiness and good luck.

Family dinner is an integral part of the holiday. Relatives gather around a common table, which is always decorated with Easter paraphernalia, sweets and pastries. Children, adults and lovers exchange colored eggs, and religious performances take place on the streets all day long.

Traditions, rituals and signs

Easter rituals and traditions involve many rules. After the night Easter service, people come home and begin to break their fast (that is, allow themselves to eat food that they have refused for a long time). This ritual is especially significant for those who have fasted for the entire period. This needs to be done correctly; first of all, you need to break and eat the egg. After eating the eggs, they eat Easter cake. After this, you can proceed to other products. For most children, a favorite tradition is breaking eggs. To do this, everyone chooses an egg and hits it against another. The one whose testicle remains intact wins.

While still leaving the church, all familiar people should greet each other with the words “Christ is risen!” The answer to this greeting should be “Truly he is risen!”, People hug each other and exchange three kisses on the cheek.

Making Easter cakes and painting eggs before Easter is also a tradition for many. Relatives get together and spend time together talking and preparing for the bright holiday; this unites and fills souls with love.

Among Catholics, the rabbit is considered the symbol of Easter. It is he who comes into the house and leaves treats in baskets. Drawings of a rabbit are present in most holiday attributes - postcards, various souvenirs, chocolates, colored eggs and cookies are made with his image.

In addition to the main traditions, there are folk signs and rituals, here are the main ones:

  1. Whoever comes first to the house after the night service will attract good luck for the whole year.
  2. You can attract wealth by dipping gold jewelry in water with a blessed egg.
  3. By rolling an Easter egg over a child's face, you can protect him from the evil eye.

Holiday bans

During the period before Lent, you cannot kneel in prayer in church: this is allowed after the Resurrection. The same restriction applies to bell ringing, which resumes after Easter.

Easter is a clean and bright holiday; on this day you should not do cleaning, laundry, repair or agricultural work. On this day, the church does not commemorate the dead and does not perform any rituals. Easter is a holiday of spiritual rebirth and cleansing of one’s own soul and thoughts. On this day, family members gather around the same table and enjoy communicating with each other, think about good deeds and drive away gloomy thoughts.

Knowing what date Easter is in 2017, every believer will be able to prepare for this holiday by studying all the traditions and history of the celebration, cleansing their soul and body of the accumulated negativity over the year.
