First signs of pregnancy. Late ovulation and conception

When to take an ovulation test?

They are done 5-7 days before its expected start. This is subject to regular menstrual cycle, because otherwise you need to buy more tests and use them approximately 10 days before follicle rupture, that is, almost every day.

With late onset of the luteal phase It is advisable to use the device on days 13-21 of the menstrual cycle. After receiving positive result the test will no longer be needed, since it has fulfilled its function.

Is it possible to correct/restore the cycle?

From a medical point of view it is easily doable, but it is important to understand why you need to interfere with the menstrual cycle.

If ovulation is late variant of the norm, then there is no need to restore the cycle for the “average value”, since the consequences will be unpredictable.

In cases of persistent hormonal imbalance(increase/decrease in prolactin, progesterone), serious illnesses It is necessary to correct and restore the menstrual cycle. For this purpose, there are special drugs inhibitors or hormone analogues that normalize hormonal status.

For example, among gynecologists it is used popular medicine"Duphaston". It stimulates the onset of the luteal phase and is also an analogue of progesterone.

Sometimes combined ones are used oral contraceptives . However, if it is a woman, then it is most reasonable. After 2 months, the cycle will recover on its own.

Is it possible to conceive, how does it affect pregnancy?

Late ovulation is not an obstacle for pregnancy and subsequent gestation. However, it is permissible to say so only if it refers to a variant of the norm and is just a consequence of a long menstrual cycle.

Minor hormonal imbalances of a short-term nature also do not pose a danger to conception, but in the case of serious illnesses and significant endocrine disorders, pregnancy is unlikely.

For example, with increased prolactin or insufficient amounts of progesterone, fertilization is almost impossible, which indicates the need medical care. Each case is individual.

Who is most likely to conceive?

Untimely rupture of the follicle has no effect on gender future child. Here it is impossible to calculate with accuracy and in advance, since such biological parameters depend on to a greater extent from a partner. It is in a man that the Y chromosome has an X and Y program, unlike the egg.

Scientists have found some connection between the sex of the child and the woman’s ovulation. For example, you need to have sexual intercourse immediately before ovulation, and then 2-3 days before its onset, stop sexual relations.

Happens to the boy everything is exactly the opposite: it is advisable to start sexual intercourse during ovulation.

Key factor here is precise definition luteal phase of the cycle, which will indirectly help influence the gender of the unborn child.

In conclusion, it must be said that late ovulation is not an independent diagnosis, but just a symptom that can be a variant of the norm or pathology. With a long menstrual cycle, late rupture of the follicle is logical and natural. This in no way speaks in favor of a serious illness.

Almost all women, when they experience a delay in the onset of menstruation or its absence, begin to wait for the appearance of serious signs pregnancy, however, doctors suggest paying attention to any signs that may appear very early and can also confirm the onset of pregnancy. Delayed or absent menstruation can also occur as a result of other reasons, including bad habit poor diet, lack of appetite, specific treatment with medications or side effects from certain treatments. Additionally, many signs of pregnancy begin to appear within a few days of fertilization, while a missed period can occur after several weeks of pregnancy.

Therefore, within a few days after conception, women who are waiting for pregnancy begin to take a closer look at their body in order to identify any signs of pregnancy as early as possible, even before the delay of menstruation. Because the early signs Pregnancies can be similar to signs of other disorders in the body, therefore, early signs of pregnancy can appear the same in many women. Let us tell you about the signs that indicate pregnancy in a woman at the earliest.

Signs that may appear before the start of the next menstrual cycle

Lack of menstruation, or amenorrhea, a term used by medical professionals, often occurs due to side effects medicinal drugs, which were used for a specific treatment of a woman. Women who suffer from severe nervous tension or anxiety, or eating improperly and insufficiently, may experience delayed menstruation or even absence. Therefore, keeping such factors in mind, it is better not to wait for a missed period to confirm pregnancy. Watch for the onset of each of the following early pregnancy signs that you may experience immediately after conception.

Vaginal bleeding. This vaginal bleeding can occur as soon as the fertilized egg attaches to the inner wall of the uterus. This one is very before the start of the next menstrual cycle. It is notable because it appears in the form of minor, light bleeding for a few days after conception. Unlike menstrual bleeding, this bleeding from the implantation of a fertilized egg is usually pinkish in color. This bleeding or pinkish discharge is completely normal and harmless; however, if you notice that you have dark brown discharge and bleeding dark color, you should immediately contact your doctor, as this can cause serious consequences. Heavy, dark-colored bleeding during pregnancy can signal various pregnancy complications, including displaced pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy) and miscarriage.

Abdominal cramps. Abdominal cramps are also one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, which can appear before the start of the next menstrual cycle and along with vaginal discharge. If you feel abdominal cramping, rest for a few minutes or change your position to relieve the discomfort of abdominal pain. If you feel your abdominal pain getting worse, consult your doctor immediately.

An irresistible desire to eat. In the very early stages of pregnancy, your body may crave some unusual foods that you may have even hated before pregnancy. You may have desire eat salted cucumbers, ice cream, cake or munch on various cookies all day. On the other hand, you may be disgusted by some foods that you enjoyed eating in large quantities before pregnancy. Nausea is also a very early sign of pregnancy, and sometimes it occurs very often. In such cases, it is necessary to eat food more often, but in small portions. Avoid during nausea food products, rich in fats and spices. The smell of foods you used to love during pregnancy can irritate your senses, and you may even feel like throwing up.

Enlarged breasts. After conception, you may notice that your breasts have increased in size, and you may also develop painful sensations in the chest area. Your breasts will seem more sensitive and firmer than before. This one, the most essential feature pregnancy. You will notice that your nipples swell and darken, and may release a few drops of thick, translucent fluid in the first weeks of pregnancy.

You most likely know that basal body temperature should be elevated from ovulation to conception. Therefore, if you notice that your basal body temperature remains high and does not decrease for a large number of days, you should consider this as a very early sign of pregnancy even before the start of your next menstrual cycle.

There are many ways to confirm pregnancy, you just need to know which of them are the most reliable at what stage.

In most cases, women do not know exact date conceiving a child, but can tell exactly when the last menstruation began and when the next one should begin. Therefore, it is customary for obstetricians around the world to count pregnancy from the first day of the last menstrual period, although for most women the most likely period of fertilization occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The period of time between the expected conception and the delay of menstruation is the time when a woman expects an answer to the question “Yes or no?” – coincides with the second phase of the menstrual cycle and the first week of delayed menstruation. During this period, many are looking for signs of pregnancy. Usually, three weeks after conception (5-6 weeks from the last menstruation), it is already possible to accurately answer whether pregnancy has occurred. During this time, many conjectural (doubtful) and all probable signs pregnancy. Each of the signs of pregnancy reflects physiological processes, occurring in the body at this time. Therefore, first, let’s remember what happens during the days of waiting for pregnancy.

First weeks of pregnancy

As a result of fertilization, a one-celled embryo is formed - a zygote. The first six days of life, the embryo is not associated with the mother, it moves along fallopian tube to the uterus. In the ovary, at the site of the released egg, a special formation is formed - corpus luteum. It is undergoing rapid development blood vessels to produce various hormones necessary to support pregnancy early stages, primarily progesterone.

From 7 days after fertilization, implantation begins - the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus. In some women this is accompanied by minor bleeding.

On the 9th day after fertilization (on average, the 25th day of the menstrual cycle), the fertilized egg is located in a new place. At this point, the outer layer of the embryo begins to produce a hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It is this hormone that gives the mother’s body information that pregnancy has occurred and encourages all organs and systems to undergo restructuring. Blood volume gradually increases, forcing the heart, kidneys and lungs to work more energetically, and begins to rebuild endocrine system, therefore, many expectant mothers recall that even before the delay of menstruation, some changes also appeared in their well-being.

First signs of pregnancy

Suspected or dubious signs There are quite a few pregnancy occurrences, and they manifest themselves in a variety of combinations. In some cases, just a week after conception, a woman notices the first signs of pregnancy; in others, signs of pregnancy appear after a few weeks or even do not appear at all. Some women feel almost everything, while others may feel nothing. Most often women talk about the following: unusual changes in health even before the expected menstruation.

Very often, the first sign is increased fatigue and drowsiness. Nature seems to give a signal to our body: “Stop! Stop! You no longer need to be on time anywhere, you have a completely different task.” Fatigue at the beginning of pregnancy can bother you not only in the evening, but also in the morning. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy arterial pressure women often decreases slightly. Therefore, the usual slightly reduced pressure, which does not interfere at all normal life women, can result in a sharp and strong decrease. The condition is further aggravated by the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy there is a physiological decrease in blood glucose.

Some women experience unusual sensations in the lower abdomen, a kind of “premonition” of pregnancy; the moment of implantation (on days 23–28 of the cycle) may be accompanied by scanty bleeding.

About a third of women report tenderness or mild soreness of the mammary glands. Due to increased output prolactin, in some of them the breasts “swell” and increase in size. A woman may feel “goosebumps” and even pulsation in the mammary glands. There is no toxicosis yet, it will appear a little later, but eating habits are already changing (for example, you may “crave salty foods”), a metallic taste may appear in your mouth and hypersensitivity to odors. And you no longer like your favorite perfume, your usual coffee is unbearable, and there is nothing worse than the smell of food in your favorite restaurant. The exact cause of this phenomenon is still unknown. It is believed that the main reason for the appearance of food selectivity is the immune response of the woman’s body to the developing pregnancy.

Basal temperature

Basal temperature- this is the body temperature in the rectum, measured by a woman in a state of complete rest after sleeping for 3-4 hours. If you measure your basal temperature, this method can help you know if you are pregnant as soon as possible. early stages.

During a normal menstrual cycle, the basal temperature is below 37 ° C until ovulation begins - approximately until the middle of the cycle. This period is called the first phase. As soon as the readings have increased by at least 0.4°C, you need to think that ovulation has taken place. The basal temperature remains elevated in the second phase and 1–2 days before the start of the menstrual cycle or on the day when menstruation begins, it decreases again. If this does not happen, neither menstruation nor a decrease in basal temperature is observed, - Great chance that pregnancy has occurred. During a normal pregnancy, the basal temperature remains elevated to 37.1–37.30C during the first four months, after which it gradually decreases.

Most likely, pregnancy has occurred if:

  • the fever persists for longer than 12–15 days.
  • after a short-term decrease in temperature at the end of the second phase, a second rise is observed.

There are two more signs of pregnancy that you should be wary of. The first is an increase general temperature body up to 37.0–37.50C. It has already been proven that normal pregnancy may be accompanied by such phenomena, but also viral infection Same. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor in such cases. The same as with the appearance of frequent urination. This is due to the fact that metabolism changes, and therefore more active work kidney Some later feeling pressure on bladder is caused by a change in the relationships of organs in the pelvis - the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, but the same sensations can accompany a urinary tract infection.

Signs of pregnancy: delay

You can talk about a delay in menstruation or its absence when a week has passed after its expected start date. A change in the duration of the menstrual cycle during the week is not considered a deviation from the norm. Such changes may be associated with stress, unusual physical activity, climate change, compliance strict diet. This is the body's reaction to too much sudden change living conditions. If menstruation does not come even after a week, the first thing a woman should think about is pregnancy. However, for some women, the cause of a prolonged delay in menstruation may be various diseases female reproductive system.

Delayed menstruation can be caused by various gynecological diseases, for example, such as inflammation of the uterine appendages (salpingoophoritis), uterine fibroids ( benign tumor uterus), hormonally active ovarian cysts and others.

Delayed menstruation does not always mean pregnancy, just as timely menstruation does not always mean absence of pregnancy. True, menstrual-like bleeding during pregnancy is always unusual: it differs from the usual in color, is often scanty, less painful, or, on the contrary, unusually painful. The occurrence of such bleeding is explained by the formation of new blood vessels that actively grow around the embryo implanted into the wall of the uterus. Naturally, new vessels at the stage of formation are still very fragile and are quite easily injured, which leads to a small number of bloody discharge. However, sometimes women do not pay attention to quantitative characteristics vaginal discharge, considering them just another menstruation. As a result, without knowing about the pregnancy, a woman may unknowingly put the health or even the life of her child at serious risk (for example, by taking medicines, for which pregnancy is one of the main contraindications). To avoid this, you must always be attentive to your menstrual cycles and, in doubtful cases, carry out pregnancy tests.

Pregnancy test

To make sure that you are pregnant, you can take a pregnancy test at home. These systems are freely sold in pharmacies. They are based on the definition human chorionic gonadotropin(hCG), which is secreted by the chorion ovum and makes that long-awaited second line appear on the test. It begins to be released after implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, that is, already in the very early stages of pregnancy. As a result, under the influence of hCG, the corpus luteum does not dissolve, but begins to secrete the hormone progesterone, which is necessary to maintain pregnancy. HCG enters the blood and is excreted from there along with urine.

The level of hCG during pregnancy can be determined by urine testing - this can be done even with the help of home use rapid tests, as well as blood tests.

In order to perform a pregnancy test at home, you need to place a few drops of urine on a special strip soaked in a certain chemical, or place the strip under a stream of urine. If possible, use your first morning urine for the test or avoid urinating for 4 hours before the test. Before performing the test, please read the instructions carefully and follow their instructions.

A blood test for hCG during pregnancy will give more accurate results, since in urine it is necessary for diagnosis hCG level is achieved several days later than in the blood. A level of hCG in the blood sufficient to determine pregnancy is achieved approximately 7–10 days after fertilization (i.e., 3–5 days before a missed period). Express tests for home use become positive around the time of the expected menstruation. By the amount of this hormone in the blood, one can judge how pregnancy develops: normally, throughout pregnancy, the level of hCG is not constant: in the early stages of pregnancy, the concentration of hCG in the body constantly increases by about 2 times every 2-3 days.

Examination by a gynecologist

Doctor on the basis of usual gynecological examination may suggest pregnancy in the patient starting from the 6th week from the last menstruation. However, immediately after implantation and the first 2 weeks after a missed period are considered dangerous, critical periods for the development of pregnancy. Therefore, if nothing bothers you, it is better to postpone everything medical examinations and ultrasound before the eighth week from the first day of the last menstruation.

During pregnancy, the uterus increases in size, becomes softer and looser. In addition to size, the doctor pays attention to the consistency and shape of the uterus. The uterus during pregnancy is softer than a non-pregnant one; the part of the uterus close to the cervix (the so-called isthmus) becomes especially soft. On short term The uterus is mobile and occupies a middle position in the pelvis. The cervix is ​​tilted back, its length is more than 2 cm, it feels dense to the touch, and the canal is not passable for a finger.

Ultrasound during pregnancy

In the early stages (from the 5th week from the beginning of the last menstruation), the fertilized egg begins to be visualized in the uterine cavity in the form of a round formation with a diameter of 5 - 6 mm. At 4-5 weeks, visualization of the embryo is possible - strips measuring 6-7 mm. Starting from the 7th–9th week of pregnancy, the heartbeat can be determined, the head of the embryo is identified from 8–9 weeks. The most accurate determination of gestational age at this time early period(with an accuracy of 2–3 days) is made mainly by measuring the coccygeal-parietal size, starting at approximately 6 weeks. In addition, ultrasound helps determine the location of the fetal egg (intra- or ectopic pregnancy). Multiple pregnancy can be detected by ultrasound as early as 5 weeks.

The name “menstruation” justifies itself. Moon calendar consists of 28 days, like the normal menstrual cycle. But unlike the persistent laws of astronomy, female body the cycle chooses itself. Therefore, it is worth knowing the specifics of determining ovulation in each case. Let's consider a 29-day cycle and when ovulation occurs for it.

Ovulation - when does it occur?

The menstrual cycle is the duration from the first day of menstruation to the day before the next one. The normal continuation of this period is 25-29 days, and sometimes 21-35.

It is divided into 2 phases:

  • The first is follicular, in which the egg matures in a liquid vesicle called a follicle located in the ovary.
  • The second is the luteal phase. It comes after leaving female cell and release of luteinizing hormone.

The first period is different for each organism, but the second lasts 14 days. Between these phases of the 29 day cycle the most important point- ovulation. This means that the egg leaves the ovary, inflicting a small wound on it, and passes into the fallopian tube to possibly meet the sperm.

Features of ovulation calculations for a 29-day cycle

Using the example of a menstrual cycle of 29 days, we will consider the features of calculations. Let’s say the first day of your period is November 3, it lasted 4 days, the next one began on December 2. We count the days up to December 1 inclusive, we get 29 days. This is the size of the cycle, which does not depend on the duration of menstruation. Even with a value of 3 or 7, the cycle is similar.

Now let's calculate if the cycle is 29 days, when ovulation is more likely. We know that the second phase is 14 days. We take our number 29 and subtract 14 from it, we get 15. This means, counting from the first day of menstruation, on the 15th day there is a favorable moment for the possible fertilization of the egg. Using this algorithm, calculations are made using other indicators.

Possible failures in the cycle

It is difficult to choose the “right” day when observing one month. After all, disruptions in the body due to stress or illness are always possible. Therefore, it is worth making a calendar at least 4–6 months in advance, and even better, keep it constantly.

To find out when ovulation occurs in a 29-day cycle, use the ovulation calendar calculation on our website.

Ovulation tracking

Also, an ovulation calendar will help in the following situations:

  • will tell you when it is better to abstain from unprotected sexual intercourse due to the possibility of unplanned pregnancy;
  • will warn about the future critical days;
  • will identify disturbances in the usual rhythm, which may be a harbinger of illness. In this case, it is worth contacting a specialist in order to receive treatment in time and return to your normal routine.

All these factors will help you experience the joy of motherhood with the onset of ovulation in a 29-day cycle. Even if slight deviations are possible, strip tests contain 5-7 strips and will help check ovulation for the same number of days.
