Congratulations on your mother-in-law's 50th birthday. You are the moral support

You mommy is 50
They fly, they fly, little boys,
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you,
Accept greetings from your daughter!

It's my mother-in-law's anniversary!
Don't skimp on the cream for the cake!
Don't count the candles for the cake,
Congratulations to our mother!

I wish you on your anniversary,
Health, happiness and love,
Don't regret the days gone by,
To the joy of everyone, live a hundred years!

Even in spite of everything
Quarrels and adversity,
Children will come to your home
And the balcony will be open.

What do they want there?
Leave it on the sly?
50 beautiful roses
For my beloved mother.

To live the longest,
I danced with my grandchildren
And my daughter-in-law
I just loved it.

Happy anniversary,
You are fifty today!
I drive away sadness with joy
Let the fanfare sound!

For mine mother-in-law
Let life go easy
And don’t let your eyebrows frown,
Happiness will be great!

50 years is a round date,
You make us happy, dear mother-in-law,
You are more precious to us than anyone, gold,
You give us your love.

I would like to wish you from the bottom of my heart:

I congratulate you again and again
My beloved mother-in-law!
Let the sun shine for you
And we, giving our love,

We'll come to your anniversary!
Meet us soon, dear,
We wish you happiness ocean,
May there be a fountain of health in him!

My mother-in-law, I congratulate you on your anniversary,
I wish you a lot of happiness and love!
I haven't seen many kinder people
What are you! I want the Lord to bless

All your hard-lived years,
May luck smile on you now,
And let sorrows and adversity disappear,
And happiness will open its door to you!

And there is peace and comfort in my soul
May they always live with you!

Let your wishes come true
And let all your dreams come true!
Let the table be forever full,
Let the house be filled with fun,

My mother-in-law gave me
Half and blood.
That's why I appreciate her
I take care of it, I love it, I keep it.

That I am a daughter-in-law, not a daughter,
We instantly forgot
We are in a hurry to help each other,
This is a must!

I was lucky with my mother-in-law, and on this “half-century holiday”
From my heart I bow to her, I thank her for the wisdom of her words,
Your every advice is important to us and your care is dear to us,
I wish you to be at peace with yourself, to shine like amber.

May every new day be filled with bright hours,
Let the pipe sing in your soul when there is a snowstorm outside the window,
And a light waltz sounds for you under the blue skies,
And your carefree choir of angels guards your sweet home.

Someone will say that they are lived
10 more honey years,
For someone bitter,
And for some - cheerful.

Let's all say just one thing,
No matter how old you are,
Anniversaries are the best
Your birthdays.

Well, what if 50
At yours, at your mother-in-law's,
Golden anniversary
Everyone should celebrate.

We respect you, we bow at your feet,
Happy anniversary, congratulations to you,
Much, much happiness, we ask God,
We will kiss you more than a hundred times!

Like the rowan tree that grows near the house,
You are forever waiting for us at the window,
In the house where everything has long been familiar,
We always need your affection.

Please accept it on your anniversary
My heartfelt "thank you"
For being in a storm family days
Learn not to make mistakes.

I wish you fifty
Dreaming new, new goals.
Lakes of eyes always sparkle
Let it be from the sweet hops

Mutual fabulous love!
May you shine with happiness tirelessly!
Let him confirm appearance,
That you are loved and desired!

This word right is not for you,

I want to congratulate you now.

We look forward to visiting you more often.

There's a fire burning in your soul,
I wish you human happiness,
May love never leave you.

My dear mother-in-law, I congratulate you on your birthday. Let your soul play with the chords of happiness, let your heart beat in the rhythm of inspiration, let incredible powers awaken in your body every day, let pleasant surprises and miracles happen to you all the time.

Happy anniversary,
You are fifty today!
I drive away sadness with joy
Let the fanfare sound!

For my dear mother-in-law
Let life go easy
And don’t let your eyebrows frown,
Happiness will be great!

I am my mother-in-law,
I respect and love
And I’ll tell fate out of spite,
I was lucky with my mother-in-law.

Her speeches are pure honey,
Never reproach
No moralizing
No offense, no suspicion.

And for so much difficult years,
For your support, for your greetings,
Behind well-bred son,
Thank you very much!

Let it thunder all over the earth,
Your golden anniversary!

Today is a holiday in our house, at our mother-in-law's - Anniversary,
Happy birthday to you mom, don’t regret the past!
You're fifty, so what, fifty is not a hundred,
And you look even younger, no one will give you fifty!
Stay like this, sadness, sadness, like forgetting a dream,
Don’t give in to the years, be healthy and happy!

You mommy is 50
They fly, they fly, little boys,
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you,
Accept greetings from your daughter!

That I am a daughter-in-law, not a daughter,
We instantly forgot
We are in a hurry to help each other,
This is a must!

I wish you on your anniversary,
Health, happiness and love,
Don't regret the days gone by,
To the joy of everyone, live a hundred years!

You are like a mother to me, I respect you very much,
All your life you try to help and protect.
And I cordially congratulate you on your anniversary,
May there be many warm meetings in life.

You're 50 today, so what.
Full of energy, beautiful and smart.
May the Lord always help you in everything,
And to have bright dreams at night.

Happy anniversary,
I wish for various blessings;
My mother-in-law is like a mother to me,
(only my husband's, not mine).

But - like a young woman,
And you can’t say how many years.
And there is no need to look young
You've already dimmed the light!

50 - what years!
Yes, twice 2

I congratulate my mother-in-law on her anniversary,
You have become dearer to me.

After all, we are now one family!

You are Fifty, and this date
Already says a lot
That there is experience, a rich soul,
And the heart breaks and boils!

Let the sun give all its rays,

Starlings, goldfinches and rooks are singing!

I’m not pouring tea into a mug,
It immediately makes my heart happier:
I congratulate my mother-in-law -
Today is your anniversary!

Until the big anniversary,
Very round - a hundred years old,
You live without getting sick,
Let the light flow into your eyes!

Over the years you have become a wonderful mother to me,
And for the grandchildren - a wonderful grandmother herself!

The song of joy splashes powerfully,
May mother-in-law be healthy forever,
Let you have fat ears,
So that there are lush breads,

Great happiness in life,
To laugh - not to be sad,
So that without tears and troubles -
And marry all the grandchildren!

Some people get a simple mother-in-law,
For someone with a complex character, but for me
I got it, I won’t hide it, my mother-in-law was golden.
Such mothers-in-law are at a huge price!

Today is your anniversary, dear!
And your son and I want from the bottom of our hearts
Confess your love and say that we know
We remember and appreciate how good you are!

Bottomless your eyes are blue
Opened up to a world where there are so many friends.
Fun and dancing are your element.
At the same time, you are the mother of beautiful children.

You are tireless in life. And in short
How can I describe all your energy?
When you were young, you went dancing at night,
And in the afternoon - pass the exam with an "A"!

You give advice to friends and relatives,
Sometimes helping to make a decision.
You share your experience like a recipe.
I can't say thank you enough for this!

This is how a mother-in-law lives with gold
Let the fountain of your vitality splash,
Siberian health to you by all means,
And go to London, which captivated me so much.

When I fell in love with your son,
I didn’t think that this was doubly happiness,
That I will be with you as if in my own home.
Such mothers-in-law, I tell you, are valuable.
Let me tell you today: “Thank you!”
I would like to wish you on this holiday,
So that you will certainly be carried in their arms
And they left less household chores!

The most beautiful, tender, wisest -
I want to confess my love to you again:
I always call you only mom
And I never say “mother-in-law”!

On the day of your big anniversary
I want to quench your sorrows:
Let your temples turn slightly white,
But the youth of the soul cannot be hidden!

I don’t want empty praise -
Let this verse bind your wishes:
May God bless you with much good health
And many, many simple joys!

Let them say that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
It's as if a cat and a dog live.
We are in retaliation for all gossip and rumors
We appreciate each other. Don't let people lie

That such relationships don’t exist!
Let trouble not touch you, mother!
I congratulate you on your anniversary,
Don't change, please, never!

The mother-in-law is not just her husband's mother,
You became a mother to me.
Congratulations to you, mother, on your anniversary,
I wish you happiness and spiritual fire.

May the years of life last forever,
Warmed with care and love.
I am grateful to God and fate
For becoming my mother-in-law.

Let fate spoil the good ones,
Love and tenderness pleases!
We wish you to walk boldly through life
And there is no limit to happiness and joy!

If there is laughter, then the loudest one
And more funny eyes
Wishing you the best, kind
In this festive, bright hour!

You became a second mother to me,
Showing all tenderness and loving
You instantly became an example for me,
We are one happy family together.

Please accept my gratitude,
On your anniversary, I sincerely wish you
Live many more long years,
Be happy, say “No” to diseases!

I will call you my second mother,
All because I love you
And my endless congratulations,
I wish you a better fate!
May your birthday be an anniversary,
Will bring great happiness
And also a sea of ​​inspiration,
In the 50th year of life!

Today is my mother-in-law's anniversary:
Turned 50 - what's wrong with that?
Pretty, young at heart,
Nice hostess - I'm proud of you.
I wish you, mother-in-law, from the bottom of my heart,
May you live long without knowing sorrows.
May all your cherished dreams come true,
And love and order in the house will remain.

I wish dear mother-in-law
On your anniversary, good luck with all my heart,
There is still a lot I want to wish -
Of course, you don’t know despondency,
And don't be afraid of anything at all,
I wish you only the best!
Let your health not let you down,
And a lot of happiness awaits you in this life!

My dear mother-in-law,
Today is your holiday,
Your golden anniversary,
And he makes life brighter,
Whole beautiful “50”,
So let them inspire
To live with a smile for you,
And be the happiest!

I am my mother-in-law,
I respect and love
And I’ll tell fate out of spite,
I was lucky with my mother-in-law.

Her speeches are pure honey,
Never reproach
No moralizing
No offense, no suspicion.

And after so many difficult years,
For your support, for your greetings,
For a raised son,
Thank you very much!

Let it thunder all over the earth,
Your golden anniversary!

My mother-in-law is fifty,
And I would give twenty-five!
She is always slim, beautiful,
Not just a woman - but a diva!

Live beautifully, like yourself,
Let spring make your heart happy!
Love your daughter-in-law, don’t forget,
Pamper your son too!

To love and be always loved,
So that troubles pass by,
And you will always be happy
Here are the wishes. Daughter-in-law.

Thank you, beloved mother-in-law,
That my husband was raised to be the best,
What gave him life and blood
And they wished us happiness forever.

Today is your anniversary - half a century,
I would like to wish you from the bottom of my heart:
To remain the most the best person,
After all, you are now my second mother!

I congratulate my mother-in-law on her anniversary,
You have become dearer to me.
We will always be able to be friends and love,
After all, we are now one family!

You are Fifty, and this date
Already says a lot
That there is experience, a rich soul,
And the heart breaks and boils!

Let the new day be a gift,
Let the sun give all its rays,
Let it always be hot inside,
Starlings, goldfinches and rooks are singing!

The tongue will not dare to call you mother-in-law,
This word right is not for you,
I call you mom with love.
I want to congratulate you now.

I want you to remain my friend
Adviser, assistant in everything,
He was the best friend to his grandchildren.
We look forward to visiting you more often.

May all bad weather pass you by,
There's a fire burning in your soul,
I wish you human happiness,
May love never leave you.

Someone will say that they are lived
10 more honey years,
For someone bitter,
And for some - cheerful.

Let's all say just one thing,
No matter how old you are,
Anniversaries are the best
Your birthdays.

Well, what if 50
At yours, at your mother-in-law's,
Golden anniversary
Everyone should celebrate.

Because only once
It happens,
What's for your anniversary?
All the gold is given to you.

Even in spite of everything
Quarrels and adversity,
Children will come to your home
And the balcony will be open.

What do they want there?
Leave it on the sly?
50 beautiful roses
For my beloved mother.

Congratulations to mother-in-law on her 55th birthday

The warmth of your hands, the kindness of your eyes
We met in sadness and pain more than once.
When things got really hard,
Your warmth saved me.

We wish you health and joyful years,
May each day be warmed by the sun,
May happiness always live in your home,
Let the soul be, as it is now, young!

We wish to know everything and comprehend everything,
It’s no good to be sad about the past years,
At least live to be a hundred years old,
And then – the Almighty will help you.

Mother-in-law 60 congratulations

When I fell in love with your son,
I didn’t think that this was doubly happiness,
That I will be with you as if in my own home.
Such mothers-in-law, I tell you, are valuable.
Let me tell you today: “Thank you!”
I would like to wish you on this holiday,
So that you will certainly be carried in their arms
And they left less household chores!

Congratulations to mother-in-law from daughter-in-law

The song of joy splashes powerfully,
May mother-in-law be healthy forever,
Let you have fat ears,
So that there are lush breads,

Great happiness in life,
To laugh - not to be sad,
So that without tears and troubles -
And marry all the grandchildren!

A good mother-in-law is a second mother.
My mother-in-law and I are very lucky.
We both love the same man
We maintain comfort and family warmth.
Happy birthday, my second mother,
My older friend, mother-in-law.
Thank you for your wisdom and advice,
For your help, patience and love.
I wish you joy, warmth and understanding,
So that your son pays attention to you.
Good health and joyful moments,
Gifts and beautiful compliments.

Congratulations to mother-in-law on her 50th birthday

You are the mother-in-law, and I am the daughter-in-law,
I'm terribly lucky!
What place have I found in life?
In your affectionate family.

I congratulate you today,
May God give you health!
And with all my heart I wish
Less stress and anxiety!

Many of your nights have passed without sleep,
There are countless worries and worries for us,
Bow to you, dear mother
For the fact that you exist in this world.

Your love is enough for everyone,
So beautiful and earthy.
You surround us with care and warmth,
And we want you to be like that.

Let the years have no power over you.
Let troubles pass by,
But health and great happiness
They always walk next to you.

Congratulations to mother-in-law on her 50th birthday

Happy holidays, dear mother-in-law
I sincerely congratulate you!
Joy and happiness, health, love
Let them not fade away in life.
I also wish you always
You remained young
So that no grief, no pain, no misfortune
You've never met.

Congratulations to mother-in-law on her 50th birthday

Dear mother-in-law, we hug you,
Many happy days
And good nights
We wish you a long life and good health!

Congratulations to the mother-in-law

My mother-in-law is my friend!
Not many people are so lucky in life,
And we got along with each other,
And we've been friends for years

Happy birthday to you, dear,
My beloved mother-in-law,
I wish you health and happiness,
And don’t be sad in vain!

Congratulations to the mother-in-law in verse

You gave so many years to your family -
She cooked, washed and baked,
She gave us the light of her smile,
She carefully took care of the family hearth.
Responding with care to care,
We all adore you.
Be healthy and happy, dear.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything!

Wedding congratulations from mother-in-law

You bring joy to people and family,
And we hurry, as in childhood, we quickly come to you.
You can support me, warm my soul,
Let yourself be believed, have compassion in your heart!

It is so difficult to express all the love in words.
We say “thank you” to our beloved mother.
For your care, sensitivity, kindness,
And a long series of sleepless nights!

Dear mom, we congratulate you.
Happy to have been born by you!
Be always healthy and happy too.
We want to be like you in everything!

Congratulations to mother-in-law on her 50th birthday

Just as there is no prophet in the Fatherland,
You will look younger both in body and soul.
Do not believe the dark predictions of the lines,
Let the storm and the flight, and the swarm of happiness!

SMS congratulations to mother-in-law

Dear mother-in-law!
Today at this hour
Happy birthday to me
I wish that all your dreams come true,
To career strived further to the heights!
Even today I wish you
So that life is full of success,
Like a caffeinated cup of tea!

Congratulations to mother-in-law on her 50th birthday

The sky has given you, my dear,
heartfelt tact, wise kindness.
You surrounded the whole family with care,
because you have a golden character

You are the best in the world!
We all admit this lovingly -
And your son, and your grandchildren, children -
We simply cannot live without you.

Thank you, dear, for your participation.
Live a hundred years and live more
In the rays of health, joy and happiness,
In the arms of cloudless love!

Posts 1 - 20 from 27

Thank you, beloved mother-in-law,
That my husband was raised to be the best,
What gave him life and blood
And they wished us happiness forever.

Today is your anniversary - half a century,
I would like to wish you from the bottom of my heart:
To remain the best person,
After all, you are now my second mother!

I am my mother-in-law,
I respect and love
And I’ll tell fate out of spite,
I was lucky with my mother-in-law.

Her speeches are pure honey,
Never reproach
No moralizing
No offense, no suspicion.

And after so many difficult years,
For your support, for your greetings,
For a raised son,
Thank you very much!

Let it thunder all over the earth,
Your golden anniversary!

Both on your anniversary and every day I sincerely wish you more solar heat, light and less rain of life, and sorrows are completely absent in every day. I wish you more smiles, tireless activity and may healthy mind is in full swing.

My precious mother-in-law,
Second affectionate mother,
I present you with a bouquet of words
Blindingly bright, most tender,

Please accept it on your anniversary
My heartfelt "thank you"
For the fact that in the storm of family days
Learn not to make mistakes.

I wish you fifty
Dreaming new, new goals.
Lakes of eyes always sparkle
Let it be from the sweet hops

Mutual fabulous love!
May you shine with happiness tirelessly!
Let him confirm his appearance,
That you are loved and desired!

My dear mother-in-law,
I love you like a mother.
You are my second mother,
And pressing it to my heart,
I want to hug you.
Today is your anniversary.
My husband and I are your children,
And these congratulations
Accept from children.
We wish you to be healthy,
Don't grow old at all.
For my birthday again,
We'll be ready in a year
Come visit you!

My mother-in-law is many years old
I wish from my heart;
She's like a second mother to me -
It's been a long time since I've been dear.

Love, good luck and in the eyes
Let happiness shine;
Health, my sunshine,
Let the bad weather pass.

The years shimmer
Pleasant bright light;
Where there is laughter, there will not be trouble,
Don't forget about it.i/

Today is a holiday in our house, at our mother-in-law's - Anniversary,
Happy birthday to you mom, don’t regret the past!
You're fifty, so what, fifty is not a hundred,
And you look even younger, no one will give you fifty!
Stay like this, sadness, sadness, like forgetting a dream,
Don’t give in to the years, be healthy and happy!

I love my mother-in-law like a mother,
On her piquant anniversary -
I wish you health and joy,
Always love my children.

She is smart and homely,
Friend, and of course mother,
So let her live longer
May peace reign in our family!

You are like a mother to me, I respect you very much,
All your life you try to help and protect.
And I cordially congratulate you on your anniversary,
May there be many warm meetings in life.

You're 50 today, so what.
Full of energy, beautiful and smart.
May the Lord always help you in everything,
And to have bright dreams at night.

I congratulate my mother-in-law on her anniversary,
You have become dearer to me.
We will always be able to be friends and love,
After all, we are now one family!

You are Fifty, and this date
Already says a lot
That there is experience, a rich soul,
And the heart breaks and boils!

Let the new day be a gift,
Let the sun give all its rays,
Let it always be hot inside,
Starlings, goldfinches and rooks are singing!

Dear mother-in-law, happy anniversary to you. I don’t believe in all these stupid jokes about the relationship between a wife and her husband’s mother and I don’t think that this has anything to do with you and me. Because I can with a pure heart wish you happy holiday and may in another fifty years we celebrate your new, already centenary, anniversary!

Happy anniversary,
You are fifty today!
I drive away sadness with joy
Let the fanfare sound!

For my dear mother-in-law
Let life go easy
And don’t let your eyebrows frown,
Happiness will be great!

Happy anniversary,
I wish for various blessings;
My mother-in-law is like a mother to me,
(only my husband's, not mine).

But - like a young woman,
And you can’t say how many years.
And there is no need to look young
You've already dimmed the light!

50 - what years!
So, twice 25.
Anyway, enough talk
It's time for us to raise a toast!

No matter what they say,
No matter how much gossip swirls,
There is no such power in the world,
To stop me!

You ask what kind of joy is this?
Why am I rejoicing?
It's my mother-in-law's holiday,
It's an anniversary, friends!

50 is not old at all,
Mom is young at heart,
Let them give roses today,
I wish her happiness!

Happy anniversary! You are fifty today,
Stay young at heart.
May your dreams always come true
And there will be a big bucket of health.

For me, my mother-in-law is a second mother,
I love you, happy birthday.
May grace accompany you through life,
May your years be without aging.

Oh, my dear mother-in-law,
We celebrate your anniversary,
Only I wish you
Stay young
You're only fifty
This is the flowering of life
Let someone argue with me
Do you know the main secret?
To be beautiful and slim,
Be bright, smart, kind,
To be worthy of love,
You need to love life like you!

People lie and don't blush
They say you're fifty -
But who will believe them?
What if he sees you?!

Groovy, mischievous,
Slender like a forest deer,
Gives any girl a head start
What languishes in anticipation.

My dear mother-in-law,
I want to wish you again
For long years happy life,
And great love.

Happy fiftieth birthday, my beloved mother-in-law!
My love for you is limitless,
I don’t call you mom for nothing,
I live with your son thanks to you!
It's you who keep him with a tight grip,
He is ready to come to terms with your advice,
And even though sometimes the kitchen is cramped for you and me,
But life is not boring, but very interesting!

Beloved mother-in-law! Please understand me
And on your 50th anniversary, congratulations,
Although it is not decent for a woman to talk about her age,
I will say a loud toast on my own behalf!
Don't get old, don't get sick, don't interfere in the kitchen,
Don’t visit my husband’s and my bedroom,
Don't count how much money we spent
I love you more than my mother!

The basis of our strong marriage union,
Former Komsomol member, trade union party committee,
Party leader, headman and foreman,
This woman conquers the whole world!
And my husband and I were no exception,
And in our family, she is also a commander,
We wish her on her fiftieth birthday,
May life be as sweet as an ice cream!

You are fifty! And we have come to terms with this triumph,
In the morning the house was turned upside down,
Cutlets are being prepared, pancakes are being fried,
Mother-in-law! We are completely in love with you!
I hope that for you, I am a good daughter-in-law,
I'll help you prepare the dough,
According to your recipe, you taught me personally,
I will try to pass the culinary exam with excellent marks!

Your gaze is attentive and bright,
You accept our gift carefully,
What could the daughter-in-law put there?
To annoy my mother-in-law at least a little!
I will disappoint you, or maybe not,
You are wise, you are fifty years old,
Your son and I give you love,
Happy Birthday, my beloved mother-in-law!

This round date glitters with gold!
My mother-in-law! Gifted to me by fate!
Rich in spiritual wisdom and experience,
I want to live my whole life next to you!
My friends sometimes laugh at me,
How can you want to live with your mother-in-law?
And I’m pleased to wake up before you,
And before you succeed in the kitchen!

I'm not going to tolerate you for long in my life,
And I’m trying very hard to get you out of the apartment,
But so far I haven't been able to do it at all,
My mother-in-law just laughs at me!
But I endure, and my husband endures too,
We practically share a marital bed with her,
He lives through the wall, well, what’s the big deal?
Happy Birthday, Mom! Good health for many years to come!

For me you are not just my husband’s mother,
You are both mother and father to me,
When my soul is filled with confusion and cold,
You suggest that this is not the end!
That there is always a way out from everywhere,
That you just need to be able to forgive,
Fate doesn't always present happiness on a platter,
Happy Birthday, my second mother!

How can I not love you, dear mother-in-law?
After all, love splashes out of you like a fountain,
After all, your heart is filled with goodness,
And I wear your son’s ring on my finger!
I can't even call you mother-in-law
Mother! Mother! Mother! I call you with love,
I am grateful to fate for your support and care,
And for giving us freedom of choice!

I speak about this man with love,
It’s hard to call her mother-in-law,
I will exclusively call her mom,
And today, congratulations on your 50th anniversary!
I'll pour her some homemade cherry liqueur,
To make her mood even more beautiful,
So that your cheeks turn red and your eyes sparkle,
So that she doesn’t get tired of words of congratulations!

I want to confess my love to you again,
You are 50 years old, my mother-in-law,
I ask you to remove sadness from the list today,
I will personally entertain you all evening!
I’ll pour some wine, I’ll cut the sausages,
And in your passport they lie about your age,
After all, your youthful soul cannot be hidden,
I wish you, mom, to always be like this!

There are many simple holidays in the world,
But the mother-in-law’s anniversary is a holy celebration,
I wrote a poem about this all night,
I’ll read it at the table, since that’s the case!
Maman! You are not just a mother-in-law to me!
You are more dear to me than my own father,
My immeasurable love for you is limitless,
I will love you forever! I give you my word!

Congratulations on your 50th anniversary:
