Coat of arms tattoo. What Soviet women did tattoos for themselves

A senior forensic expert at the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs named Arkady Bronnikov, over 30 years of his service, has collected a huge collection of photographs of prison tattoos. Next, you will see a transcript and description of the prison symbols, which the prisoners stuff on the skin in the form of a tattoo.

In the photo: a snake wrapping around the neck is a sign that the owner of the tattoo is using drugs. Most prisoners are either alcoholics or drug addicts. They committed many crimes in a state of intoxication. Stars on the collarbones and epaulettes on the shoulders indicate that we have authority in front of us. The prisoner's pants are part of the uniform of a special regime colony, the most severe prison regime in the Soviet Union. Prisoners of such colonies are called especially dangerous recidivists; they can be responsible for such serious crimes as pedophilia. They are sentenced to stricter detention than other prisoners and cannot be released on parole.

The stars on the shoulders indicate that this prisoner is a crime boss. Medals are pre-revolutionary awards, so their image becomes a sign of disobedience to the Soviet regime. Eyes on the abdomen indicate the homosexuality of their owner (the penis becomes the "nose" on the depicted face).

Images of monasteries, churches, cathedrals, the Virgin Mary, saints and angels, usually on the chest and back, mean belonging to the thieves' world and its "concepts". Skull tattoos, in some places accompanied by an image of a flying angel, indicate that the prisoner was convicted of murder. The coffin is another sign of murder; the dead are buried in it.

The shape of the epaulettes tattooed on the shoulders is borrowed either from the pre-revolutionary form or from the existing Soviet one, both options indicate a negative attitude of their owner towards the system. These tattoos are found on crime bosses who have nicknames such as "major" or "colonel". Epaulettes with three small stars or skulls can be deciphered as follows: “I am not a slave of the camps, no one can force me to work”, “I am a prisoner, but born free”, “I am a colonel in the zone - I will not get my hands dirty on a wheelbarrow”, “ The strong win - the weak die”, “Horses die from work”.

On the hand is written "Remember me, do not forget" and "I have been waiting for you for 15 years."
This person is a Muslim. On the stomach on the left is a cult building with a crescent moon, the features of his face also indicate that he is not Russian. He is not the authority of the thieves' world, but he tried to pretend to be one with the help of tattoos, which were supposed to increase his position in the prison hierarchy. The lighthouse on the right hand denotes the desire for freedom. Handcuffs on each wrist indicate that he has been sentenced to more than five years in prison.

The Madonna and Child is a talisman of thieves, protecting from misfortunes and troubles. It also indicates that the wearer was a thief from an early age: "Prison is my home", "Child of prison".

Eight-pointed stars are the emblems of a thief-authority living according to "thieves' concepts." There are many options for "thieves" stars. The lines inside the ends of the star mean that the owner of the tattoo did military service, but abandoned it and went into crime, literally the tattoos of such prisoners mean "I despise the army."

This prisoner is a victim of syphilis, the disease leaving deep scars on his face, eyes and mouth. In prisons and colonies, prisoners, both men and women, suffering from venereal diseases (such as syphilis) are called "bunchies". They are also awarded military ranks depending on how severe the condition of the disease is. For example, “Kolka was hanging around the women and didn’t take a steam bath, yesterday the doctor told me that he was already a “lieutenant”” (a prisoner suffering from second-stage syphilis is called a “colonel”, the third - “general”). There have been cases of people contracting syphilis, AIDS and tetanus while getting tattoos in unsanitary prison conditions. Tattooing is prohibited in prisons and camps. The status of this procedure grew as it became more and more secret due to prohibitions and harsh penalties from the administration.

The "demons" on the shoulders of this prisoner symbolize hatred for authorities and the prison hierarchy. This type of tattoo is known as a "grin" - its owner "shows his teeth" to the system. Sometimes "grins" accompany anti-Soviet signatures.

On the hands is written: "Thank you, dear Motherland, for our ruined youth."
The image of a dagger on the throat indicates that the prisoner committed a murder in prison, and he can be hired to commit another one. Drops of blood can mean the number of people he killed.
Many criminals perceive Lenin as the "godfather" (leader) of the Communist Party. The letters VOR, which can sometimes be seen under his image, carry a double meaning. It is an acronym for the phrase "Leader of the October Revolution", but also simply the Russian word for "thief".

The inscription on the chest: "He who is not with me is against me."
The swastika and Nazi symbols can mean that their owner is sympathetic to fascism, although they are more often done to show the hostility of the prisoner to the prison or camp administration. During the Soviet period, the administration often removed such tattoos by force, either surgically or with ink. The image of a mermaid can mean a sentence for the rape of a child or the molestation of a minor. In prison jargon, to refer to the perpetrator of such a crime, there are the words "Amurik", "shaggy" and "universal". They become "lowered" in the prison hierarchy after being raped by other inmates, sometimes in groups.

The inscription above the cross: “Oh God! Save and save your servant... Viktor”, under the cross – “God, judge me not according to my deeds, but according to your mercy”. The inscription above the waist "*** need and grief ..." [Indifferent to need and grief].
The skull and bones indicate that the prisoner is serving a life sentence. One eight-pointed star means that he is a semi-authority among thieves. A girl catching a dress with a fishing rod on her left forearm is a tattoo of hooligans and rapists. A snake coiled around human remains (in the crook of each arm) is a variant of an old thief's tattoo. The snake is a symbol of temptation, but here the head of the snake was replaced by the female head of the temptress. On the right side of the abdomen is Giorgione's 1504 version of Judith: a symbol of a sly seductress betraying a noble man.

Dollar bills, skyscrapers and a vending machine with the US abbreviation speak of the prisoner's love for the American mafia lifestyle. Eyes mean "I'm watching you" (for other prisoners in a prison or camp).

On the hand under the image of the skull is written the phrase in Latin Memento Mori, which means "Remember that you are dust."
The double-headed eagle is a symbol of Russian statehood, dating back to the 15th century and used by Peter the Great. After the fall of communism in 1993, it replaced the hammer and sickle on the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. The photo was taken during the Soviet period, when a tattoo in the form of this emblem was a sign of hatred for the USSR. It can also be interpreted as "Russia for Russians" or "For Russia without Jews, Khachis and Marxist-Leninists." The Statue of Liberty indicates a longing for freedom, and a dark character with a gun says that this prisoner is ready for violence and murder. The eyes on the chest mean "I see everything" and "I watch", this is the famous tattoo of a prisoner belonging to the "watcher" caste. An eight-pointed star on the shoulders means that its owner is a thief-authority.

The inscription on the right hand: "Take care of love and freedom." On the right hand: "Sinner". The inscription on the chest: "To each his own." The inscription under the skulls: "God is against everyone, everyone is against God." On the wrist is written Mein Gott, "My God" in German.
A cowboy with a gun indicates that this thief is ready to take risks and will not miss a single challenge. A dove carrying a branch (on the left shoulder) is a symbol of good news and deliverance from suffering.

The stars on the shoulders mark the thief-authority. A rose on his chest means that he met his eighteenth birthday in prison. For the abbreviation SOS on the right forearm, there are several decoding options: “Save me from the court”, “I am saved from bitches”, “I am saved from syphilis”, “Save, father, son”, “Bitches have taken away freedom”.

The inscription on the chest: "Save and save." On each side of the cross is written "ХВ" ("Christ is Risen").
An eight-pointed star on the collarbone indicates a high position in the thieves' hierarchy. A bow tie around the neck is often found in maximum security colonies. This image was originally an infamous tattoo. Such tattoos were forcibly made to pickpockets who violated the "thieves' concepts" and started working for the administration, they were placed under the images of cats on the collarbones. However, later the connection of this symbol with shameful marks disappeared. The dollar sign on the butterfly shows that its owner is either a bear cub, or was involved in money laundering, or was convicted of stealing state property.

A tattoo depicting a coat of arms means that a person belongs to a certain circle, superiority, loyalty, respect for power and the state, an indication of one's goals, life principles or strong character traits, power.

The meaning of the coat of arms tattoo

For a long time, any people, community or group of people associated with certain interests had their own sign, which previously looked like a religious symbol or totem. Since the Middle Ages, coats of arms began to appear in England, which were worn by knights and passed on to their heirs. A little later, coats of arms began to serve as a designation of cities and countries, while they mainly depicted shields, helmets, mantles or inscriptions.

Mostly men choose a tattoo with a coat of arms for themselves, whether it is the symbolism of sports clubs, a state, a clan, or some kind of closed society. The meaning of such a tattoo, unlike other images, is purely individual and depends on the nature of its owner, his life views, interests and experience.

If a person's body has the coat of arms of a country or a sports team, he wants to show his loyalty to them. By the way, applying the coat of arms of the state to the body, for example, in Sweden, is prohibited for everyone except members of the royal family or civil servants. But the flag of Sweden may well choose for itself as a tattoo and an ordinary citizen.

In our state, a tattoo with the coat of arms of Russia speaks of devotion to one's country. At the same time, it is well known that the symbolism of the country often changed depending on a specific historical period. Today it is a double-headed eagle against the background of a red heraldic shield. Above the heads of the bird are three crowns of Peter I, personifying the legislative, executive and judicial branches of power, in his paws is a scepter and an orb, and on his body is a rider with a spear killing a snake - George the Victorious.

The most popular components of the coat of arms are considered to be the crown and the eagle, which have different meanings based on the overall composition of the image. So, for example, for a long time the eagle symbolized the sun, power, eternal life, belonging to the royal family. In ancient Rome, the eagle was the banner of victory, and in Christian culture meant a strong spirit and strong faith. Today, the eagle embodies freedom, courage, courage, power and majesty. The drawing of an eagle on the coat of arms characterizes a strong personality who does not limit himself to the search for simple solutions, a leader with independent views.

The crown also has multiple meanings. Her image in the coat of arms may indicate the presence of royal or aristocratic blood, material well-being, authority. The crown is often combined in a tattoo with other elements, which can emphasize superiority over them.

In general, we can conclude that a tattoo with a coat of arms indicates a person’s desire to show his belonging to a certain group of people or a state, talk about his principles and goals in life, or tell about the strengths of his character.

Is it worth talking about the attitude of post-Soviet people to tattoos? Tattoo owners probably heard, in turn, not the most pleasant statements, like: “Why are you wearing tattoos? Zack or what? and a lot of things like that. But this can be easily explained by considering the percentage of prison tattoos to all others in the USSR. Fans of decorating the body also appeared among the military and sailors, musicians and football fans, and simply in the companies of teenage rebels.

Given both the external and internal isolation of tattoo art in the Soviet Union until the 80s, tattoos developed based on older variations of European tattoos, changing under the influence of clients. "Old school", performed with a minimum of detail, can be compared with the current style of home tattoo. In those days, tattoo artists assembled cars with their own hands from improvised materials, and instead of the usual paint for us, they used clerical carcasses or burnt heels and, sorry for being rude, urine.

Army tattoo

Historical summary

It is not difficult to assume that the height of the military tattoo in the USSR fell on the Second World War. Wearable art was not legalized and was equated with self-mutilation. Seniors in rank had to stop all attempts to get a tattoo, and a fresh drawing could be forced to be removed with a vegetable grater, for example. This was taken seriously in places where worse problems rarely arose. The more difficult the service was, the more loyal the ensigns were, etc.

Image motifs

A classic military tattoo usually does not contain complex artistic and technical elements, but contains the soldier's personal information. Occupation, part in which the person served, dates, mottos, traditional in various companies of the Tau, and so on. Variations allowed the drawing of naked women or minor changes in familiar images.

Nautical tattoo

Historical summary

In the history of wearable art, sailor tattoos occupy an important place as one of the pioneers. As for the USSR, it is difficult to say when tattoos began to spread among sailors. There is data proving that in the First World War sailors were already “decorated”, but there are sources that refute this information.

Image motifs

In the Soviet Union, tattoos did not have artistic qualities, often trying to depict the attributes common to a sea wolf. It could be fencing sailors, beautiful mermaids, sea monsters, ships or their separate parts. Often one could find tattoo inscriptions with a laconic inscription "Nyura" or "Manya".

prison tattoo

Historical summary

A tattoo in a Soviet prison is not just a drawing, it is a very detailed language that has a huge number of symbols and the meaning of which in circles not so distant is very easily explained. According to some reports, from the 60s to the 90s, there were from 25 to 30 million prisoners with tattoos in prisons, and such numbers cannot but impress. The largest collection of tattoos from Soviet prisons, was released after the collapse of the USSR and has more than 3000 images (Russian Criminal Tattoo).

Image motifs

The list of symbols is very long, usually marking important names and dates, the nature of the crime, prison status, personal characteristics, and important vows. A special style of tattoo arose in the Soviet Union, which delights artists around the world with its individuality and symbolism. However, among the local population, this tattoo is despised for its origin and is not perceived as wearable art.

Anti-Soviet tattoo of a malicious violator of the regime in the Dzhidastroy OLP, twice convicted for theft of state and public property, sentenced to 10 years in prison. Copied in Ulan-Ude in the apartment of S. P. Baldaev in the summer of 1975.

A rare tattoo of a criminal authority named Associate Professor, who has an incomplete higher education. Copied in OLP "Kraslaga". 60s Stomach.

Russian male nationalist tattoo of a major criminal authority, repeatedly convicted of theft, robbery and robbery of non-Russians in the cities of the Kazakh SSR - Chimkent, Dzhambul and Alma-Ata. According to the bearer of the tattoo, he comes from the Cossacks. Copied in the prison of Alma-Ata in 1968.

Artistic tattoo of a touring thief prone to escape from places of detention. Persons with such tattoos require special supervision in prisons. Copied in the 60s.

An artistic tattoo made on the chest of a military builder in a workshop at 202 Ligovsky Prospekt. The complex process of applying the tattoo took place in stages and took a total of two weeks. Leningrad. 80s

Artistic, "grinning" at the authorities of the CPSU. Copied in the special detention center of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate on the street. Kalyaeva, d. 6. Leningrad. 1979 Chest.
Tattoo found in the 60s and 70s. among the representatives of the "denial" - malicious anti-Soviet, violators of the regime of detention in places of deprivation of liberty.

"Bared teeth" at the authorities, a tattoo inflicted on the left buttock (the Order of Lenin is depicted on the right) of a person convicted of fartsovka - speculation in foreign goods purchased from foreign sailors. Copied in a special detention center for temporarily detained police department on the street. Kalyaeva, 6. Leningrad. 1981

Tattoo of a person convicted under the Decree of the PVS dated 04.06.1947 for theft of state property. The term of imprisonment is 25 years. Made in Bugulma in 1950. Copied in Kraslag in 1952. Breast.

A tattoo that has among the prisoners - veterans of the Gulag - GUITLK the names "Experimental Zone of Satan and the Devil", "Zone of Marxist-Leninist Communism", "Stalin's Socialist Camp of Communism", "Zoo of the CPSU", "World Graveyard". Copied in the OLP for coal mining in the village. Bukachacha, Chita region Transbaikalia, Eastern Siberia. 50s Back.

A tattoo of a thieves' authority named Luba, a former prisoner of the Kolyma ITL, who spent 21 years in prison. Copied in the Ushakovka near Irkutsk in 1967.

The tattoo of a person convicted of speculation (fartsovka) has the name "Grandmother of October 1917". Copied in 1997 after the end of the term of imprisonment for the second conviction - for private business activities.

Rare, artistic, caricature, executed on the left side of a previously convicted artist Vladimir Fedorov in an art workshop at 202 Ligovsky Prospekt. Leningrad, 70s.

One of the options for a caricature anti-communist youth tattoo, belonging to a malicious violator of the rules and regime of detention in places of deprivation of liberty. In some zones, such tattoos were surgically destroyed by order of the administration. Copied in ITC "Irkutlag", art. Kita. 60s

Rare tattoo previously convicted twice for hooliganism. ITC Arkhangelsk region Copied in the hospital. Kashchenko in 1979. Stomach.
The bearer of the tattoo, an alcoholic named Vanka-Satan, Fool or Kosach, came to "surrender" to the hospital. Kashchenko after a long absenteeism to avoid major trouble.

A tattoo of a criminal authority from the city of Tambov, who has been in prison for over 42 years. It has the names "The Great Ogre - the organizer of the Great Terror", or "We were born to make Kafka come true." Copied at the Interregional Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1979.

Men's artistic thief's tattoo of a recidivist named Professor. Copied in the morgue at Zagorodny, 47. Leningrad. 1960

Anti-Soviet, artistic, military construction worker of military unit 48868, previously convicted of theft. Hip.

Artistic, male, thieves. Copied in ITK-9. 1979 Belly.

Common in the 50's and 60's. Zon's tattoo is an imitation of a famous poster from the time of the Civil War. Copied at the special department of the hospital. October 25 in Leningrad in 1956.

Artistic criminal authority tattoo. Copied in ITK-5. 70s

Anti-communist, anti-Jewish tattoo of a malicious violator of the regime of detention in ITK-9, twice convicted for theft. Copied in 1966. Stomach.

Rare, artistic. Abbreviation ZHIRSPK - "Jews from Russians made guinea pigs," Copied in hospital No. 21 named after. Konyashin in 1985. Leningrad. Left shoulder blade.

Women's tattoo. Anti-communist "grin". Rare, made in the ITK Komi ASSR. Copied in the "homeless" on the street. Bakunin, 10 in 1977.

Another tattoo from the female zone. Polish, “semi-portachka” - “grin”, a Pole named Bronya, exiled from Bialystok in 1940 to the same camp with criminals. "Taishetlag". 1949 Right thigh.
According to the bearer of the tattoo, Bronya (Bronislava), she was orphaned early and from the age of nine she was brought up in a Jewish family, which contained two shops, where Bronya worked as a saleswoman after graduating from high school and trading courses. At the age of twenty, Bronislava, along with her adoptive parents, was transferred to the Urals according to the "NKVD lists" as an "alien bourgeois element." In the city of Sverdlovsk, an NKVD convoy separated all the young Poles from their parents and older relatives, after which Bronya, along with others, was brought to the Taishetlag. Here Bronya organized around herself a group of Polish and Baltic girls who gave a unanimous rebuff to the Russian criminals, who were supported by the OLP administration. Bronislava was a beautiful, well-built girl, somewhat reminiscent of Sophia Loren.

Male, thieves, having the name "Fatherless". 50-60s

Artistic, thieves. 60s
A tattoo quite often found among the authorities of the criminal world. Apply to the forearm. It can also belong to authoritative criminals, in this case it is called "Pakhansha", "Thieves' mother". Women apply on the stomach, thigh, shoulder.

Vorovskaya, which has the name "Winged capricious happiness." Copied in a special detention center for administrative detainees for petty hooliganism, st. Kalyaeva, 6. Leningrad. 1981
A tattoo of a thief who dreams of committing a very large, daring theft and “tied up” on this.

Artistic tattoo of Odessa Greek. Copied in Odessa in 1960.

A similar tattoo is found in "sexually horny", i.e. rapists. Hip, belly.

Artistic, made using real photography. Inscription: "Fate, fate" (lat.). Leningrad. 60s Stomach.

Variants of tattoos of passive pederasts.

Tattoo "congenital" active-passive bugger. Convicted under articles 120 (lewd acts against minors) and art. 121 sodomy with minors) Term 8 years. Copied in SIZO No. 1 in the early 60s.

Artistic tattoo of a homosexual named Cook, convicted of rape by the Decree of the PVS of January 4, 1949. Copied in the OLP of the village. Kita, Irkutsk region 50s Back.

A common "classic" tattoo of homosexuals, made on the back of a convict under Art. 120 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for indecent acts against minors and under Art. 121 for sodomy against boys. Copied in the OLP "Angarlaga" in the 50s.

The tattoo has the name "Love for one chirp (10 rubles)" Thigh, shin.

Tattoo authority thieves nicknamed Luba (from the name of Lubov). Copied in Irkutsk in 1967. It is applied under the sternum in the stomach area.

Tattoo convicted under Art. 59-3 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1926 for participation in a gang engaged in robberies and sentenced to 10 years. Copied in 1972 in Leningrad. Stomach.

A tattoo of a convict who served time at Construction 501, on the construction of the Dead Road - a railway from Pabytnang to the port of Igarka on the Yenisei, 1300 kilometers long, which cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of convicts and subsequently "failed" into swamps and tundra. Copied at the Interregional Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1951.

Tattoo thief in law named Lucky. Fartovy died quietly in his sleep from a heart attack at the age of 84 in the hospital. Konyashin in 1985. In total, according to him, he spent 42 years in prison. Chest, right side.

A tattoo of an old thieves, an authoritative criminal who was serving a sentence on Solovki and the White Sea-Baltic Canal. Copied in the mortuary of the Obukhov hospital in Leningrad. The corpse was missing its right leg. 1960

A tattoo of an authoritative recidivist thief who was serving a sentence in SLON, later sent as a convoy to the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal. Copied in the transit prison of Leningrad in 1947.

Common in the 70's and 80's. artistic, "grinning" at the authorities; has the title "Chief chief of the menagerie." Copied in the Voronezh Baths on Litovsky Prospekt, Leningrad. 1978

Cartoon, artistic. Copied in 1963. Hip.

Tattoos in Soviet times, to put it mildly, were not encouraged in society, because they evoked a strong association with the criminal world. For this reason, it was quite difficult to meet a woman with a tattoo (a tattoo, as they said then). However, there are exceptions to every rule. There were ladies in our country during the years of Soviet power, flaunting various patterns on their bodies.

Representatives of the underworld

There are no exact statistics on this, however, we can safely assume that among the tattooed women in the USSR, the majority were representatives of the criminal world. A long stay in places of detention forms a certain worldview, among the values ​​of which the marks on the body occupy not the last place. Women's prison tattoos are not as diverse as men's, however, and among them there were very interesting stories. For the most part, the convicts' tattoos told about their unhappy love and abandoned children. One of the most favorite plots is the image of a child, sometimes decorated with wings or a halo, accompanied by the inscription "My Kolya" or "My excellent student Tanyusha" and the like. The xenophobic inscriptions (anti-Semitic, anti-Azerbaijani, etc.) are not at all explained by the owner's convictions, but by the fact that the reason for the imprisonment was the actions of a representative of this particular nationality. Among the popular women's tattoos are the image of a mermaid and the inscription "Love freedom like mermaids love water." A tulip on her shoulder meant that the lady met her majority in prison. The losers, angry at fate, splashed out their attitude to the world with the image of a grinning wolf's muzzle and the inscription "Man is a wolf to man." Active lesbians adorned themselves with tattoos of naked women in draft poses. Convicts were very fond of imprinting on their bodies the Virgin and Child and portraits of their beloved men.

Women who served in the army and navy

As you know, in the USSR, girls could voluntarily serve in the army. There were many of them in the fleet, both military and civilian. However, not all of them dared to decorate themselves with tattoos. After all, an army tattoo must be earned. According to an unspoken rule, the more dangerous the service, the easier the military authorities looked at tattoos. Therefore, the heroic images of tigers in the berets of the Airborne Forces, scorpions, parachutes and helicopters remained the lot of men. The rule here was simple - you don’t take weapons in your hands, you don’t risk your life - forget about the tattoo. So, if occasionally ladies appeared with a tattoo of a blood type and an image, for example, of a bat or a machine gun, this could mean only one thing: she fought on an equal footing with men.

Nautical tattoos are a separate issue. In the USSR, for some reason, it was the sailors who enjoyed the unspoken right to a tattoo. Plots of marine tattoos - anchors, seagulls, helms and other marine paraphernalia. Girls who served in the Navy or worked on ships as cleaners, stewardesses, radio operators, etc. could well decorate themselves with an anchor. But this happened, as a rule, because of a drunken affair or outright stupidity. Subsequently, the tattoo was reduced or carefully hidden by clothing. A special article is port whores. As you know, there was no sex in the USSR, but there was very much love for sale, especially in international ports. Here, “girls with low social responsibility” decorated themselves with tattoos to immediately let the love-sick sailor know that he had achieved his goal. Prostitutes in the ports decorated themselves with images of mermaids with a fish in their hand and the inscriptions: "I want to eat a fish and sit on a bolt."

Representatives of informal associations and subcultures

In the 1980s, various youth subcultures literally flourished in the USSR. An integral feature of the image of a hippie, punk or metalhead was, as now, the presence of tattoos. Girls in this sense did not lag behind the guys. We can assume that these are generally the first, with the exception of convicts, women in the USSR who defiantly decorated their bodies with tattoos. Hippies loved floral motifs, images of symbols of pacifism and the struggle for peace, metalworkers were fond of, as now, a variety of Celtic motifs, pictures with mystical overtones. The punks were the most aggressive, and their tattoos were appropriate - clearly demonstrating the denial of all social norms. It is now that few people pay attention to a girl with a tattoo, and in the 80s a young lady with a mohawk and an image of a skull on her bald temple attracted everyone's attention. There were, of course, few of them, but it was in the informal environment that tattoo wearers could be found most often.
