Modern bride price scenario in an apartment. "I remember evrything"

Bride price is an important part wedding ceremony. The tradition dates back to ancient times, when the groom had to pay money in material things (food, livestock, other valuable items) for the right to marry his beloved.

The ransom is carried out in 2 stages: the first time, when the guy crosses the threshold of the house and pays for the right to enter it, and the second time, when he ransoms the bride.

How to organize a bride ransom

Modern wedding traditions offer wide scope for creativity. You need to take the redemption rules as a basis and draw up rules based on them. interesting scenario with competitions and tasks for the groom and his guests.

The general mood of the guests depends on a correctly carried out ransom, so it needs to be carried out lively and cheerfully, in no case delaying it.

It is important to pay attention to the attributes (posters and balloons in front of the house entrance, a colorful bag and plates for coins, colored paper blanks for competitions). Distribute roles for the bridesmaids, decide on competitions and riddles. The bridesmaids should actively prevent the groom from going to his bride for free, inventing tricky questions and tasks.

Preferably musical accompaniment, you can attract an accordion player.

Who conducts the ransom ceremony

For successful implementation competitions, appoint a responsible person who will prepare according to the script and coordinate the actions of guests during competitions. This may be a specially appointed toastmaster with experience who will conduct the ransom quickly and cheerfully. It is not recommended to delay the ceremony for more than half an hour. Active participation are received by the bridesmaids and relatives on her side, their main task is to act out skits and competitions with humor..

Bride ransom competitions

Create a script yourself, choosing the most interesting riddles and tasks for the groom, you can in poetic form. The ransom can be classic - in folk rustic style, or in the form of a talk show. You can choose a scenario for a gangster or Caucasian ransom, or decorate the ceremony in a nautical style.

One of the most wonderful wedding traditions, which sets the tone and mood for the entire wedding, is the bride price. From time immemorial, a girl was given in marriage only if the groom “buyed” her. Over time, the tradition changed a little and took on a humorous look. Choosing wedding scripts to buy the bride, be guided only by your desires and the time limit, because the main thing is not to be late to the registry office!

As you know, you need to prepare for the action in advance. Choose a script, buy props, tell the young man what to take with him.

You should not invent complex and difficult tasks for your beloved; bride price is, first of all, an easy and comic procedure.

To help the groom:

  1. Typically, the following things can be useful at a bride price: money, alcohol, various sweets.
  2. For an event, just in case, you can pre-select different synonyms for kind words, learn poems, songs, ditties and remember all the memorable dates from your relationship.
  3. Dear grooms! Do not be late for the bride price, in this case it may not take place, which will greatly offend the bridesmaids, and even the future wife herself.

The approximate time of the event is half an hour. You need to calculate it so that you can immediately go to registration. All preparations must be made before this moment.

Redemption scenario “An Extraordinary Journey”

An interesting scenario that will not let the groom get bored. During fun game we will fly on an extraordinary journey in the name of love. For competitions you will need: a sheet of Whatman paper, a small paper airplane, felt-tip pens, balloon, darts and a cool trip that you can make yourself.

Scenario “Competitions for a real groom”

This script is designed to last approximately 20 minutes - optimal time so that the competitions don’t get boring. Each task is designed for one floor; if the bride lives downstairs, experiment and offer tasks on steps.

Interesting scenario “Little Madness”

So, the bride had a pre-wedding faint and was rushed to the hospital! There she was diagnosed with “overwork” and sent... to a mental hospital! Only the groom can save her. He wants to take his beloved, but the bride’s friends do not allow him into the room until he fulfills all their demands. A nurse guides him through the tests.

  1. Task one. Opposite the groom is a snake made from various objects. He is blindfolded, and with the help of clues from a witness, the young man must pass the test. The words “left”, “right”, “back” and “forward” are replaced with the sounds “meow”, “woof”, “chirp”, “uh-huh”. Knocked down an object - pay a fine.
  2. Task two. Enters the room chief physician: “Are there strangers in the hospital?” So that he does not suspect anything, the players begin to behave strangely.

    For this task, you need to make sure that before the bride price, all participants receive special cards with tasks on how to behave in front of a doctor. You can come up with tasks yourself.

  3. Task three. The groom needs to write love letter beloved. It is necessary to use the words suggested by the nurse: “love”, “live”, “drink”, “fly”, “sail”, “hurt”, “athlete”, “marriage”. You can choose other words. The groom's friends help to write them in, and then read out the result together. If the guests liked it, the test continues.
  4. Task four. The nurse asks questions about the bride and her family, but... the witness and his friends must answer! The test subject must prompt the children with gestures. If the test is successful, the groom is finally allowed to see the bride.

Redemption "Fairy Forest"

The girls meet the groom near the entrance. Now you need to imagine that between the street and the bride’s room there is an impassable thicket, the girl was stolen by the evil Koschey, and the groom is a real prince. Of course, only love can save the bride. To do this you need to pass several difficult tests...

  1. There is a large pebble next to the entrance to the entrance. The young man must choose which road to follow. The groom must choose a “marriage for love”, then he can be allowed into the thicket. The remaining stones are “arranged marriage” and “forced marriage.”
  2. There is a web made of threads. The groom needs to get through the wall, but he must not touch the threads with his hands! You can jump, crawl, or use the help of friends.
  3. The time has come to meet the Serpent Gorynych. He is drawn on a poster, and our prince needs to pass by. He recites a poem, sings a song or dances a dance to appease the beast.
  4. Everyone stops in front of the door to the apartment.

    To get the key, the prince needs to answer several questions about the bride. If everything is correct, he receives the key; if not, he pays a ransom for each error.

  5. On the door behind which the bride sits hangs a piece of paper with the sentence: “A blue-eyed girl is languishing in this house.” The groom needs to find a mistake, for example, this is the color of the bride's eyes.
  6. The prince enters the room. The girl is sitting on the sofa or lying down, her eyes are closed. To wake up the bride and rid her of evil spells, you just need to kiss her. Ready!

"Broken Phone"

To get to the bride, you need to call her and say: “I love you. Open the door, I'm here." The only problem is that it’s new phone number The groom doesn't know the bride. To find out, you need to do a few things interesting tasks. The bride is waiting for a call in the apartment with the phone number of one of her friends.

  1. The first numbers are solved by the groom's friends. They need to answer questions without using “yes” or “no”, but only synonyms. However, this cannot be repeated. The questions are asked simple, the main thing is to confuse the witnesses in their answers. With each repetition they pay tribute.
  2. The groom guesses the next numbers. Girlfriend holding in her hand air balloons, one of which contains a piece of paper with numbers. The rest contain tasks or funny phrases, for example: “No, not here!”, “Move on!”. You can also write something cool on the balloons. The groom pops the balloons and completes tasks until he finds the right piece of paper.
  3. The following numbers are written on a ball that needs to be hung somewhere high. The hero of the occasion must get the ball with the help of his faithful friends and a witness.

    In this case, it is necessary to select several people who will sing a funny song to make getting the ball more fun.

  4. Last digit. Different voices are recorded on the phone different girls which say different numbers. The young man must guess the voice of his chosen one - only she says the correct answer. The groom, having all the numbers, calls the bride, and if he didn’t guess correctly, he will have to pay the ransom and call again.
  5. When the subject gets through, he says the right words and the bride lets him into the apartment.

The bride's ransom is a traditional action that is designed to cheer up the guests and relieve pre-wedding tension. Guessing riddles, solving problems and making wishes come true, the groom and his friends gradually reach the bride, and the happy couple goes to the registry office. You can use the suggested scenarios or come up with something of your own, the main condition is that you have fun!

Big half modern girls They are squeamish about the idea of ​​ransoming the bride, saying that it is stupid fun and generally a relic of the past. But perhaps you just haven't heard of modern variations of this custom? Believe me: creative organized ransom It can be fun, modern, and unobtrusive.

The tradition of ransoming a bride has come to us since the times of Kievan Rus - then it was called “veno”. The groom had to pay his parents future wife a certain amount(sometimes money was replaced with valuable property) for “the girl leaving the house.” Most famous example payment of vienna - before the wedding in 988 of Vladimir with the Greek princess.

Later, this ritual became more symbolic and acquired an entertaining character. Now “payment” could be considered various products, linens, trinkets, etc. The groom had to “pay off” not only from his parents, but also from his bridesmaids.

The tradition itself has survived to this day, but the rules for its implementation have become as free as possible. Now this is no longer a strict ritual, but fun challenge for the groom, which is usually organized by the bridesmaids. As a “payment” they may ask not material goods, but certain actions or correct answers to questions regarding the bride.

Read also:

Whether to carry out a ransom or not is up to you to decide. We believe that this is a great way to please the many relatives who are eager to “ traditional wedding”, but at the same time do everything your own way. In addition, fun challenges will only inflame the groom's desire to see you as soon as possible.

Original options for bride ransom

Since the Soviet version of the ransom with the blocking of the landing has long become boring to everyone, we offer new, original variations. They will only add romance to your first meeting with the groom.

Drawing up a portrait

It is necessary to prepare for such a competition in advance: take a full-face photograph of the bride and several bridesmaids. Then print out the pictures and cut them into pieces: eyes, noses, lips, etc. On the wedding day, the groom will have to make a portrait of his beloved from the “puzzles” received.

Blind selection

To carry out the ransom, you need several girls and the same number of ribbons. Each of the young ladies takes a ribbon in her hand and together they hide behind the door. The other ends of the tapes are left lying on the threshold. When the groom arrives, he is asked to guess which of the threads will lead him to future wife. If a guy is confident in his choice, he must pull the ribbon. For extra laughter, you can let the bride’s mother, her grandmother, or even a guy in disguise. The one who carries out the ransom says: “Well, now get married or give me sweets!”

Relationship Exam

One of the most touching options carrying out a ransom. Caution: often accompanied by tears from the bride and exclamations of “Oooh!” from girlfriends. The point is to prepare for the groom a kind of test on your relationship. The questions can concern anything: the circumstances of your acquaintance, the date of your first date, the number of days spent together, the bride’s favorite flower... In the circle of loved ones and friends, you will remember the most romantic moments in your relationship, and you will also understand once again how much you love each other.

Logic quest

One of the most original and modern options bride price, but its script will have to be worked hard. The point is to create an encrypted route for the guy in love, the end point of which will lead him to the keys to the bride’s house. In the first note in the morning, the groom will receive a riddle. If he guesses it correctly, he will understand where to look for the next clue. As a result, you will get a small route during which the guy can combine business with pleasure (for example, picking up the bride’s bouquet from a flower shop).

You will recognize her from a thousand...

A cute and fun challenge for your future husband. To carry it out, you need to collect several children's photographs - of the bride, her bridesmaids or other close people. To see his bride, the groom will have to guess which of the photographs shows his wife. It is advisable to take pictures of babies under one year of age, because it is during this period that all children are very similar - this will complicate the task for a man.


A love serenade has always been considered the most romantic confession in love. But the likelihood that your fiancé will be a musician is quite small. Therefore, bridesmaids “arm themselves” with pot lids, whistles or any other household items that can make “musical” sounds. When the groom arrives with his friends, each of them is asked to choose one “tool.” It's likely to be quite a cacophony, but it's guaranteed to be fun!

Boxing match

To carry out this ransom option, you will need to look for an impressive-looking man among relatives: tall, muscular, in a word, as menacing as possible. When the groom crosses the threshold of the bride's house, the bridesmaids should hand him boxing gloves with the words: “Well, let's see what you can do.” At this moment, in the “right corner” of the apartment, rubbing his fists, that same threatening-looking relative appears. Men are asked to take a fighting position and... unroll a mountain of candies at speed!

Lip prints - in a new way!

Surely everyone is familiar with the competition with lip prints: on large sheet the bride and her bridesmaids leave their “pomaded” kiss marks. The groom's task is to find out which of the lip prints belong to his beloved. We propose to slightly modernize this ransom option: girls will not just kiss White list, and posters depicting famous actors. Then the girlfriends invite the groom to start guessing. The secret is that the bride's lips are not on any of the posters. “How could you think that your future wife would agree to kiss another man?” the girlfriends will say indignantly and demand payment for the mistake in the form of sweets.

Seven-flowered flower

This competition is another variation on the theme of knowing each other. Girls should make something out of cardboard big flower, and on each petal write a number associated with the bride. It could be anything from age to number school class. Of course, the groom will guess what event is associated with this or that number. We recommend that bridesmaids not be too harsh: this ransom option is for entertainment purposes, so you shouldn’t expect the guy to give you an exact number of correct answers.

Touching meeting of the groom without ransom

If you decide not to perform this ceremony, we will tell you how to meet the groom without ransom. There are several options for organizing a meeting of future newlyweds. We highlight three of them - in our opinion, the most romantic.

At the bride's gathering place . To do this, it is worth organizing a romantic atmosphere. For example, from the threshold front door You can make a path from rose petals to your room. If desired, light a few candles. An airy veil thrown over your eyes will add a touching touch to your image at the first meeting. Be sure to warn the photographer so that he is nearby and captures this moment!

Bride ransom - old tradition. Nowadays, during the arrival of the bride, many onlookers and guests gather around the house. Usually from the very morning the groom and girlfriends are with the bride. They can take over organizing the buyout. It should be fun and interesting. Therefore, the redemption process itself is combined with competitions and games.

The main thing in the article

Funny bride ransom scenarios

First you need to decorate the entrance to the entrance. To do this, use an arch of balls, fresh flowers and ribbons. If the bride lives in a private house, then decorating the area is much easier. Prepare in advance everything you need for competitions and warn the groom to take with him many small bills and one large one, coins and champagne candies.

Example scenario:

  • First test. One of the organizers of the ransom meets the groom and the boyar. It is necessary to outline the feet of several girls in advance so that characteristic marks remain. The groom must determine where the trace of his beloved is. With every mistake he puts money into the piggy bank
  • Second test. After the first test, the groom is allowed into the entrance vestibule. Photos of the bride as a child and her bridesmaids are pre-hung here. The groom must choose his future wife. If he makes a mistake, he puts money in the piggy bank. The piggy bank is prepared in advance. It can be an ordinary box covered with ribbons and sparkles.
  • Third test. The presenter asks directly at the elevator to lay out the name of the bride in banknotes. All the money is then put into a piggy bank
  • Fourth test. Having gone up one floor, they place a basin of water in front of the man and ask him to put the most valuable gift for the bride. The groom must guess that it is him. At the same time, the guests hint and give hints in every possible way that the most valuable prize is the groom. When the man answers correctly, he must take off his socks and stand in a basin of water. You need to prepare a towel in advance
  • Fifth test. It is located directly on the last flight of stairs. The host asks the groom to write with chalk on the steps the reasons why he is getting married. Warn the man in advance so he can think about his answers. In some flights there are 12-15 steps, a man must prepare. At the end, the presenter asks for a ransom in the form of sweets and champagne. The groom is allowed into the bride's apartment

Modern bride price in verse

Of course, poems have always been something unusual, so you can organize a bride price using poems.

Sample script in verse:

Happy, good day everyone,
Yes, the groom called the guests,
Do you want to show yourself?
And pick up your daughter-in-law?!
It won't be easy
But still, it will be decided
And first, rhyme,
Just don't be nervous, don't spit,
I want to say one word,
You will take it with you to the registry office,
And this will be the same...?

(Groom's answer: ring)

A man must dance. Moreover, you need to depict three different dances. Different melodies sound for three minutes each. For example, swan dance, gypsy dance and waltz. For every wrong dance, the groom pays money.

You went through everything with a bang,
We give the title of a young man,
Now there will be a task,
Know success in your mind,
I will give riddles
And you answered correctly!

The bride needs her so much

(Answer: veil)

She will be with you again and again,
This big, passionate...?

(Answer: love)

And at least life will be a little easier without her,
But she is very important, dear...?

(Answer: mother-in-law)

And the sun will shine brighter for you,
When will you have...?

(Answer: children)

The groom pays for the bride price

And now there remains one more condition,
You must compose the poem yourself
And a witness can be helpful,
Here are my words to you: a wife, needed, alone, tender,
Make up some of them,
And take the bride!

Usually men are confused, so the presenter can discreetly hand him a sheet of poetry:

Will you be my wife now?
You will be my only one
Most of all I need you
You are so beautiful and gentle!

Groom reads aloud

It's time to finish the poems,
The tasks were not easy
But you were able to complete them all,
And it will be like a lesson,
Now take the bride,
Open the door to a new life,
Love her and respect her
Then there will be paradise all around you!

The man's future wife comes out to him, he gives her bridal bouquet, a mini-feast takes place, and everyone goes to the registry office.

Original bride ransom competitions

Without competitions, the ransom turns into a boring rip-off for the groom. Accordingly, you need to try to make the event fun for the guests and the groom and the boyar.

Several competitions for bride price:

  • Darts. It is necessary to attach a regular circle for playing darts at the entrance to the entrance or on the fence. Designations are written on each circle. The furthest ones from the center are a fur coat, then earrings, an apartment, a car, underwear, etc. The apple is everything. The groom throws darts and whatever falls out he gives to the bride.
  • The smell of the bride. For the competition, 5 napkins soaked in perfume are prepared in advance. Among them is the bride's scent, which she regularly uses. The groom must choose the right napkin. If he makes a mistake, he puts money in the piggy bank.
  • Photo report. In advance, the presenter prepares several photographs with some memorable moments in the life of the couple. The groom should briefly tell the story behind the photo. That is, where she is captured, some interesting points. Guests will get to know the groom better and how the future spouses usually spend time together.
  • Guessing game. For this competition, the groom is blindfolded. Several figures cut out of cardboard are hung on a ribbon or clothesline. This is the silhouette of Baba Yaga, a poker, a bride, a tree. The groom must choose the bride's silhouette.

Bride price in the style of let's get married

This program with Larisa Guzeeva has long won the hearts of many women. If you are a fan of this TV show, arrange a ransom in the style of “Let's get married.” To do this, a table is placed in the yard and three women sit at it. It is advisable that they do makeup and wear wigs, like the TV show hosts. Almost all ransoms are improvised, but there are also prepared competitions.

  • At the very beginning, the groom is asked questions. For example, for what purpose does he get married, what does the chosen one like. After this there is a drawing competition. The groom's friends take part in it. The presenter asks to draw some episode of the groom's life. Anyone who draws a lie, for example, a groom in a library, pays a fine. It’s better to discuss in advance what everyone will draw so that you don’t end up with similar drawings.
  • Next, an astrologer is consulted. It is necessary to prepare a funny compatibility horoscope for the bride and groom. After this, the astrologer hands the groom a piece of paper divided into two parts, he must write positive and negative qualities his chosen one
  • After the competitions, the presenter offers to pull the most expected phrase from the basket, but mostly the groom will pull from the basket funny phrases like “come on, let’s smoke” or “come on, let’s eat.” At the end, the presenter says the phrase “Let’s get married” and the groom goes to the bride

Bride ransom in quest style

This is a modern and fun scenario that involves driving around the city. Accordingly, it is better if the registration at the registry office is scheduled in the afternoon. To organize a ransom, you will need a map of the city. If you don't want the groom to drive around the city looking for his beloved, draw a map yourself. The bride may be staying with neighbors.

Brief instructions for organizing a ransom in the Quest style:

  • You need to draw on a homemade or purchased map a place where clues about the location of the bride will be located. Place your phone in the designated place. Once the groom finds it, he must call the last number listed. There he will receive the next clue
  • Next, he goes to where the person on the phone sent him. Hide a note with the following clue under the bench. You can use rebuses to encrypt the location of the next clue
  • Thus, the groom will walk around the districts, near the place where the bride is hidden. In the end he will have to pay to the last person, who will tell you where the bride is. This is a very exciting ransom, however, the groom will be tired even before the registry office

Bride ransom in mafia style

To buy in this style you need to prepare accessories. These are toy guns, black hats and ties. The bridesmaid and bridesmaids wear accessories over their dresses.

Redemption scenario:

  • Witness: “Have you come to become related to our clan? Come on, girls, look at this daredevil. To get our bride, you must prove to us that you are familiar with the history of the mafia." Witness asks to name five films about the mafia
  • Witness: “Well, you know the history of the mafia, now answer questions related to the history of our clan.” They bring out cards with a set of numbers. Each card contains memorable date for the bride's family. It could be the mother-in-law's birthday, parents' wedding day, etc. If the groom makes a mistake, he puts the money in the piggy bank
  • Witness: “Now prove to us that you can protect the bride from a bullet. Prove your accuracy." They hang a dartboard on the wall and give the man three darts. He must hit the bull's eye in three attempts. If he fails, he pays a ransom. Then the boyar tries to correct his friend’s failure
  • Witness: “Now the last obstacle is before you and you must open this door.” She gives him a hairpin and offers to use it to open the door. Of course, nothing works out for the groom. The witness suggests popping the balloons at the door and finding the key. For each empty balloon, the groom pays money. Having found the key, he opens the door and receives the bride

Bride ransom in fairy tale style

You can choose any fairy tale that you like. Prepare costumes from improvised clothes and wigs. Apply makeup, you can use masks.

An example scenario for a fairytale ransom:

  • For this scenario the following characters are needed: Devil, Angel, Vodyanoy and Gypsies
  • Angel: “Hello guests, has a good fellow come to ransom the bride? Come in, you will be a guest. We’ll feed you, give you something to drink and keep you warm.” The groom is allowed to the entrance. But then the Devil pops up
  • Damn: “Well, well done, what did you set your sights on? The girl is skin and bones, choose something suitable.” Gives the groom photos of fat women
  • Angel: “Well, again you’re getting in the way, fooling people’s minds. Go away, let the fellow take the bride."
  • Damn: “Okay, let him go, good riddance.” Goes to pester guests, makes them laugh
  • Angel: “The Serpent-Gorynych took your beauty, you will have to save her. Here's the first test. You must put out the fire that the Serpent started.” Candles are burning on the floor; the groom and his entourage must put out the fire
  • The groom goes up to the next floor. Gypsies pester him and ask him to gild his pen. The groom gives them money, and they give him a raincoat. After that, they ask girls 2-3 years old to find their favorite one from a bunch of photographs.
  • The groom goes up to the next floor and meets the merman there. He offers to choose one of his daughters instead of the princess. The groom refuses. Then the waterman places cups of liquid on the floor, some containing vodka. The groom and his entourage empty their glasses
  • The groom rises higher. Copper-colored ribbons are tied to the railings
  • Angel: “You’ve come all the way well, all that’s left is to go through the copper pipes and fight the Serpent.” The groom cuts the ribbons and the angel gives him a sword. A man enters an apartment, the door of which is covered with a sheet with a drawing of a Snake. The groom tears off the fabric and takes the bride

Bride ransom scenario

This alternative scenario. It is based on an original Russian lady who will stop a galloping horse. It is necessary to warn the bride in advance about unusual ransom. The entire scenario is prepared by the future spouse and his friends. It is necessary to prepare a disc in advance with the kidnappers' address to the bride. They report that they stole the groom and demand a ransom.

  • A black car arrives, into which the bride sits and arrives at the place designated by the robbers. The bandits offer to fulfill several conditions for the ransom. The bride must stop any three cars and ask the drivers for money to ransom the groom.
  • The bride is given checkbook the groom's wishes. After this, the bandits exchange the money received from the drivers for a rebus with the indicated street where the groom is hidden. If the bride cannot solve the puzzle, then she tears the check from the groom's book. Desires can be very different. For example, drinking beer with fish in the evening and watching football with the groom
  • The bride is brought to the house where the groom is hidden. There are guards at the entrance. The bride must tie the men's ties around their necks. If he fails to complete the task, he again tears the check from the groom’s wish book.
  • Next, a man runs out of the entrance with five notes written in different handwritings. The bride must recognize the handwriting of her beloved and come to the indicated apartment
  • After this competition, the bride is allowed into the apartment, outside the door of which the groom and his friends are sitting. The bride must guess which voice belongs to her lover. Men say “I love you.” After this, the groom is allowed to see the bride

There are a lot of buyout scenarios, choose the most suitable one.

VIDEO: Cool bride ransom

If you want to ransom your beloved girlfriend, sister, or daughter in an original and fun way, you will have to try hard. After all, in order for everything to work out exactly as we recommend in the bride price scenario, you need to put in all your efforts, diligence and talent. By the way, if you don’t yet have the exact number for registration, take a look.
Well, for now we are moving away from traditional daisies, balloons at the entrance to the bride’s entrance, basins with money and laces for the groom - our bride price scenario is cool 2017, youthful, creative and modern. So, first we organize assistants who will be responsible for certain areas ransom. The good idea of ​​holding such a ransom is that it is suitable for weddings of different youth styles; we will involve many wedding guests in the matter, and will give the groom the opportunity to demonstrate to his beloved again and again his readiness to do anything for the sake of her smile and consent.

Groom preparation

On the wedding day, we send our agent with a big wallet to the groom. It contains particularly important vouchers. The agent explains to the groom that this is “money” with which the groom will pay the bride’s relatives. The vouchers are printed with promises of what the groom promises his bride to do after the wedding.

Vouchers - promises

“Darling, I undertake to cook breakfast every morning, and on Sundays to go to your mother, and to allow her to visit us once a month for three to four weeks.”

“I promise you that instead of football we will watch your favorite figure skating"

“My dear, from now on cleaning the house is my favorite hobby.”

“My bunny, your dog is mine from now on, now I love animals, especially walks with her in the morning”

“Remember: on Fridays, I will personally give you an aroma massage.”

“Honey, I agree that you have nothing to wear, especially in winter. I undertake to buy a brand new fur coat."

“My kitty, I will never allow you to wash the dishes”

"Dear, in maternity leave I will sit with our future children"

“Beauty salon on Sundays – from now on I pay”

We hide the bride and two or three bridesmaids in the garden, near the house, or in a house on the playground, as you see fit. We first make sure that she has an umbrella in case of rain.

WITNESS: Who are these gentlemen who came here?
Beer, vodka, chocolate – whatever you want, we’ll give you everything!

The groom and witnesses answer that they need a bride.

WITNESS: Oh, bride, here you go. But she is not at home - our bride has disappeared. Although, wait a minute, maybe you and I will get along and help you. They say that the groom has a special currency that he can use to pay for our help?

The groom says that there is a special currency. Provides one voucher to the witness.

Security questions for the groom

1. How many months have passed since the first date with our fiancée?
2. On what day of the week did you submit your application to the registry office?
3. What course was the bride studying when you met?
4. What is the room number in the dorm?
5. The sum of your and your fiancee’s birthday numbers?
6. What is the mother-in-law’s house number?
7. What are the numbers for your father-in-law's shoe size?

If the groom answers incorrectly, he pays off with a voucher with a promise for the bride.

WITNESS: So, our groom answered all the questions absolutely accurately. Let's name the password numbers (the numbers for the answers to the security questions for the groom). For correct answers, our groom receives a letter from the bride, which contains a hint where to look for her.

Letter for the groom

“Darling, I know that you are ready to do anything for my love. Today - last time in life when I feel your feelings. If you pass all the tests, I am yours forever! Take the map, it shows the next test object! Remember, I believe in you!

Your bride

"First family difficulties"

The bridesmaid and bridesmaids present the groom with a package with a roughly sketched diagram of the house and surrounding premises. The next test object is indicated in red on the map – an alley near the house. Along the length of the alley, ribbons are stretched between the trees.

WITNESS: They say that family life– it’s not easy, anything can happen. But today you take responsibility for everything family problems decide with ease. Now we will check whether you are ready to unravel complex family situations and difficulties that will arise over time.

But, in order to overcome the problem, you need to purchase a tool. For the instrument we will ask for a voucher - a promise from the groom.

The groom agrees, he is given a “tool” - scissors

WITNESS: Since you are a smart man, a well-known bachelor, we believe that you can overcome all difficulties even blindly. Therefore, we blindfold the groom and invite him to begin the task!

The groom, blindfolded, uses scissors to cut all the ribbons. The groom's eyes are untied; a card with the next object is pinned on the last tree - this is a dovecote.

"Doves of Love"

WITNESS: Well, dear groom, the next object is the dovecote. In order to get doves for the wedding ceremony, you will have to climb all the steps on the dovecote stairs. Moreover, at every step you must pay a compliment to our bride. You need to start each phrase with the words: “Do you know what kind of bride I have?” And then - your version of a compliment for your future wife.

The groom, together with the guests, goes to the dovecote, which is necessarily located on the territory of the bride’s yard.

The groom begins to climb the stairs, complimenting his bride on each step.
For this obstacle, you should prepare the dovecote in advance, make sure that the stairs that lead to the door are as clean as possible. In the dovecote you should prepare a pair of trained pigeons in a cage. A package with the next test object is tied to the pigeon's paw - the Gypsy's hut, which is located in the yard, among the trees.

Gypsy Hut

WITNESS: We see that our groom is ready to do anything for the sake of the bride, so he has supplied doves for the ceremony. But are you ready to visit the local Gypsy? And at the same time, buy a hint for the road? Great, then let's go!

The groom and his witnesses head to the hut (tent). There they are met by the Gypsy and her friends (a relative or friend of the bride dressed in rags, a wig, with a glued-on nose, as well as girls in gypsy costumes. All this can be accompanied by gypsy music and dancing)

GYPSY: Oh, what a handsome and young man has come to us! And what lads he brought! I see, I see - your mind is inexhaustible, your knowledge is great, and your ingenuity is invincible! You deftly cope with the tasks that your bride has prepared for you!

Yes, I don’t want to upset you in advance, but... Your bride has been seriously damaged. What are we going to do, honey?

The groom asks Gypsy to help. Gypsy agrees

GYpsy: Okay, okay, I see you’re a good guy. I'll help you. But, if you pay us well! Girls, quickly bring me the devices for removing damage!

Girls dressed in gypsy costumes carry out a basin of water and terry towel. The gypsy begins to perform magic over the pelvis.

GYPSY: “I conjure, I conjure, I cleanse the bride from dark forces, I attract her to the groom. Move away dark force, stay pure love. I see quarrels and resentment in the eyes of your beloved.
Yes, the dark force took love from her heart and hardened the girl’s heart. Oh, it won’t be so sweet for you, dear! I think I know how to help. You will have to use witchcraft spells, all your gypsy strength.
We will perform one old gypsy ritual with you. Take this towel and moisten it with healing water.
The groom takes a towel and wets it in a basin of water.

GYPSY: And now, my dear, tie this towel tightly in knots. Be careful that it doesn't come undone - as tightly as you love your bride!

The groom, trying, tightly ties the wet towel.

GYPSY: Well done, groom, your strength is heroic. But this was only the first part of the ritual. Now you need to untie this towel and as quickly as you can calm everything down family quarrels.

The groom, with zeal, begins to untie the tied knots. Gypsy only gives you 15 seconds to complete the task; for every five seconds you are late, you need to pay with vouchers. Witnesses can only help the groom with advice.
Having completed the task, the groom receives from the Gypsy a map with the next test object - a darts area.

Accuracy is the main advantage of the groom

WITNESS: We see, dear groom, that it was not in vain that our bride chose you. Here's another test for you - in front of you are seven balls, in them are the answers to the question why you decided to get married. So, accuracy and willpower will help you!

The groom takes a dart and begins to throw it at the ball. Each of them contains a note. Each reading of the note is commented on by the Witness.

Ball 1. “Because I love my mother-in-law. I've dreamed of something like this all my life."
