Instructions on how to properly starch a petticoat or dress. How to sew a petticoat from tulle, mesh, lining fabric for a lush and straight children's and adult dress and skirt: patterns, description, video

A tulle skirt is a unique and versatile piece of your wardrobe. It can be combined with absolutely any style of clothing, whether romantic or sporty. To do this, you should choose the right accessories, the style and color itself.

And one more plus of such a thing is that it can be sewn easily and simply with your own hands, even for a beginner. Don't worry if you haven't sewed yet - our step-by-step instructions, patterns and useful tips will help you with this!

How to sew a tulle skirt

To sew her do it yourself You only need to take two measurements: waist circumference in centimeters and length of the product from the waist down (the length depends only on your preferences).

Materials needed for tailoring:
Lining fabric, preferably satin

1.We will cut out a sun skirt: fold the fabric in 4 layers, as shown in the pattern below, and mark everything you need.

Tulle skirt for girls

To sew this product with your own hands, you will need the same materials as for the model above. You don't have to stitch anything here, this method is very fast! We also determine the length of the product and the size of the gum.

You need to cut ribbons from the material of your choice, the width of which will be about 6 - 10 cm, and the length will be twice the desired length of the skirt itself. This is done in order to fold the ribbons in half, tying them to an elastic band. It will be easier to do this if put the elastic on the back of the chair, and tie the tapes until they completely cover it. All is ready!

Train, elastic, layered

Skirts are very popular among young girls. They wear them to prom, to parties. They are best paired with high heels.

Model on an elastic band very convenient and practical. It can be worn for a romantic walk, tucked into a T-shirt or shirt. And most importantly, it is very easy to put on!

BUT multilayer products will suit fragile slender girls - they will reveal their femininity and beauty!

Tulle skirt for adults

To make such a thing with your own hands for an adult will not be difficult for you. Just choose one of the above methods. Detailed instructions will help you cope with this task. In the meantime, you can choose the color and style of your choice from the photo selection below:

Skirt - chopinka

This model is sewn from a very thin and airy material. It can be combined with shoes with high or medium heels. The top, in this case, can be neutral so as not to distract attention from the lush bottom. From accessories - a small handbag, a bracelet, a necklace and a wreath or a hoop with flowers.

How to sew a skirt - a pack with your own hands: video

Tulle skirts for girls

In summer, the most popular models are light and warm shades. They are best worn with something form-fitting. Here you need to choose - the top or bottom will be magnificent. Of course, it is important to consider what style you want to be dressed in. For a tulle skirt, anyone will do! It can be worn with a tank top, t-shirt, sweater, shirt, pullover or crop top. Shoes can also be anything: from flat sandals to elegant and feminine stilettos. These skirts are very easy to make with your own hands, you just need to choose the right material and color!

5. Beige embroidered T-shirt, blue bag, open heeled shoes - a great choice for every day.
6. A velvet burgundy sweater, a leopard print small bag and gold sandals with thick, stable heels are the perfect trio for a blue printed tulle skirt. You can make such a model with your own hands, guided by the instructions above.

7. For the cool season - throw a jacket over your shoulders over a T-shirt, and boldly put on open heeled boots on your feet.
8. Very sexy look - put on a leather jacket, black large earrings and glasses. Pick up a clutch for shoes, in our case - ankle boots with an open toe.

Long skirt

A long tulle skirt can be worn with flat shoes. Ballet flats or sandals are best. They look very stylish in black and blue colors. It is best to choose a light or white top, a small handbag, large sunglasses or a necklace made of natural stones.

Starching is used to restore the shape of a knitted product, update it and protect it from excessive soiling. In the process of applying the starch mixture to the fabric, a thin airtight layer is formed, which provides the above functions. At the same time, there are several rules on how to starch a dress so that the outfit does not turn out to be too hard or acquire a white coating.

Why starch garments

A starched dress retains freshness and volume longer. For example, in ballet, all packs are necessarily treated with a mixture before a performance, so that they keep their shape and do not “fall” during various steps and stretches.

At home, the use of starch is very wide. Previously, after washing, men's shirts, namely, the collar and cuffs, were necessarily processed. Children's dresses to give them splendor and wear also went through this procedure. Even snow-white bedding was dipped into the solution to keep it fresh.

Modern housewives and fashionistas starch things for the following tasks:

  • get a clearer and more voluminous shape;
  • prolong the feeling of freshness and lightness;
  • to ensure that the fabric is less wrinkled and does not require constant ironing;
  • stiffen collars and cuffs.

A starched knitted skirt stretches less, and the pattern on it looks much more spectacular.

How to prepare laundry

To properly starch a dress, you must follow all the steps. The preparatory procedures include:

  • regular laundry;
  • check for stains.

Tip: if you need to remove a stain from clothes, use hydrogen peroxide by mixing 2 tbsp. and 200 ml of water.

Varieties of processing

  1. Soft application is used for delicate and thin fabrics where high stiffness is not necessary, for example, for summer and knitted items.
  2. The middle version is prepared for bed linen and clothes made of cotton, linen.
  3. Rigid processing is used for cuffs, lace, frills and headpieces, as well as for the durability of the petticoat and tutu.

How to starch an elegant children's dress

Stages of work:

  • wash;
  • preparation of starch mixture;
  • applying and drying the dress;
  • ironing.

How to prepare a solution

Children's dress requires special attention, because it should not prick after the procedure, so at home, choose one of the following options:

  1. For a mild option: dilute 0.5 - 1 tsp. starch in 1 liter of water and stir until smooth.
  2. For an average, 1 tbsp is enough. per 1 liter of liquid. Mix until lumps disappear.
  3. Strong concentrate: 2 tbsp. l. powder per 1 liter of water, and add 1 tsp. boric salt (borax), which will give a special shine to the fabric.

The process of preparing "starch water" itself consists of several stages:

  1. Pour the required amount of starch into a suitable container and pour 150-200 ml of cold water. Be sure to mix the mixture thoroughly until the lumps are completely dissolved.
  2. Boil the rest of the water. Add the prepared solution there, stirring constantly. When the liquid becomes homogeneous, the fire must be extinguished.
  3. Wait for the mixture to cool to room temperature and check the consistency. To do this, dip your hand into a clear solution, after which a slippery mark should remain on the skin.
  4. Pour all the contents into a washing basin and lower the item there for 1-2 minutes. You can wash the fabric with your hands so that it is better saturated.
  5. Take out the clothes, wring them out and shake them off. Then, leave to dry, after checking that there are no creases and folds on the fabric.

When everything is dry, you can iron and wear an updated outfit.

Ready funds

Analogues can be found in household chemical stores. Such tools reduce the time spent on hand-made preparation of the mixture. They are divided into two types:

  1. Spray or aerosol is used to starch collars, laces and other parts of clothing where increased rigidity is needed. Before use, read the instructions from the manufacturer. The average price per bottle is 100 rubles.
  2. Powder or liquid suitable for tablecloths, petticoats or children's dresses. Such a tool is used as an additional for automatic washing. The average price per pack is 250 rubles.

There is only one drawback in purchased starch formulations - you cannot control the level of resulting product rigidity. When manually diluting classic starch, you can experiment by choosing the optimal ratio of water and powder for a particular outfit.

Step-by-step instruction

When deciding how to starch a dress at home, choose the simplest and most proven option:

  1. Prepare the desired consistency of powder and water. It must be warm.
  2. Place the baby dress completely into the prepared liquid.
  3. Take it out and see that the starchy "water" gets to all parts of the suit. If there are untouched places, it is necessary to repeat the procedure.
  4. Wring out and hang to dry on a hanger separately from the rest of the washed laundry.

After that, you can iron the outfit. As a result, you will get such beauty, as in many photos on the Internet.

How to handle, dry and iron a petticoat

Often, it is necessary to starch the petticoat of a child's dress. And how to do it so that it retains its shape for a long time is the main question.

Tip: When working with multi-layered fabric, use a spray gun to process all layers.

You can dip the petticoat in the prepared warm mixture and rinse the fabric well in water with your hands, apply the solution with a sponge or spray. Dry on a hanger, separate from other things.

After drying, the petticoat must be ironed. To do this, be sure to turn off the steam function on the iron and use wet gauze as a layer between the household appliance and the fabric. It is necessary to iron each layer in turn.


Watch a video on how to starch a dress or other product with home remedies to understand the sequence of actions: Video can't be loaded: USEFUL TIPS. STARCHING. (

How to starch your own wedding dress

To process a wedding dress at home, do the following:

  1. Before starching, carefully wash the outfit and check that there are no stains or dirt.
  2. Correctly dilute the mixture of medium concentration (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Dip the wedding dress in warm liquid.
  3. If the skirt is fluffy, it is better to process all layers through a spray bottle. Then, wring out and hang to dry on a hanger.
  4. After drying, iron the dress.
  • No need to speed up the drying process. Hang on a hanger with even shoulders and let dry naturally.
  • If it was not possible to starch the product the first time, wash it again and repeat the procedure with a solution of a higher concentration.
  • Be sure to turn off the steam function while ironing. It is better to additionally use a damp cloth or gauze layer.

TOP 7 products for starching

To starch things as quickly and simply as possible, pay attention to the following tools:

  1. It is cheaper and easier to process products with ordinary starch.
  2. Aerosols of the Luxus Professional series with different aromas. With this tool, even overdried linen can be processed to give it a shape. The average price is 250 rubles. for 500 ml.
  3. Citico - added when washing any clothes in a washing machine. Can also be used for hand washing. The cost is about 400 rubles. for 1 liter
  4. Sano Iron Starch - starch, 0.7 l. It is used instead of steam when ironing, gives things freshness and durability. But less effective than regular starch.
  5. Yplon Expert - aerosol, sold in a can. The average price is 130 rubles. Suitable for petticoats and layered garments.
  6. Reinex is the most affordable ironing spray. The cost is only 90 rubles. for one jar.
  7. For washing, you can use Domal. Differs in economical solution consumption and good results.

There are plenty of other ironing, washing, and spraying products in the home improvement department, so finding the right one shouldn't be difficult.

What things do not starch

Do not use starch "water" for some categories of clothing:

  • synthetic fabrics;
  • underwear: after processing, it ceases to let air through;
  • black and dark materials: white streaks will appear on them.

In such simple ways, with the help of starch powder, it is easy to return clothes to their original magnificent appearance.

The secret of the procedure is that in the process of starching, a thin film is formed on the fabric that does not allow air to pass through. It becomes a protection against stains and dirt. When washing, the barrier dissolves, and with it, pollution also disappears. You can starch not all clothes completely, but only cuffs, collars or a skirt.

Why you need to starch

It would seem that starching clothes is a thing of the past. But it's not. The process is still relevant today and has four advantages.

  1. Volume . The dress will become more magnificent, the volume will last until the first wash.
  2. Freshness and beautiful view. Clothes will get less dirty and look presentable and elegant longer.
  3. Less wrinkles. This is especially true for highly wrinkled fabrics - linen and staples. The product will not wrinkle under any conditions.
  4. correct form. Collar, skirt, cuffs, frills will take the desired shape.

Starched knitted items look especially impressive: they do not stretch and retain their shape, the patterns seem more embossed and more voluminous, the threads lie evenly, and the color becomes brighter.

professional tools

Analogues of a natural starch solution can be found in a hardware store or where household chemicals are sold. These products will allow you to starch a children's dress without starch and much effort, and just as easily refresh your mother's lace outfits.

  • Spray or aerosol. Used for individual parts of clothing, for example, to stiffen the collar, ruffles. The product is sprayed onto the desired area and passed over it with a hot iron. Check out the instructions. Make sure the product is suitable for the specific type of fabric. An aerosol costs an average of 100 rubles per 300 ml bottle (data as of July 2017).
  • Powder or liquid. They are used for voluminous things: tulle, tablecloths, napkins or lush petticoats from formal dresses. This is, in fact, the way how to starch a dress in a washing machine. After all, the agent is simply added to the powder and the normal wash cycle is started. The average cost of a liter bottle of liquid product is 250 rubles (data for July 2017).

How to starch a dress the old fashioned way

Despite a good selection of store-bought starches, the product that our grandmothers used is still in use. Ordinary potato starch remains the most common and popular substance for making things stiff and beautiful.

Rice and corn are also used. Any of them are suitable. And for the processing of products sewn from mixed fabrics, it is even recommended to give preference to rice starch. In this case, after the procedure, to get rid of excess solution, wrap the clothes in a white cloth that absorbs moisture well.

Proportions of solutions: table by type of fabric

Depending on the degree of concentration of starch in water, soft, medium hardness and hard starching can be distinguished. The degree is chosen, focusing on what fabric the things that need processing are sewn from.

Table - Types of starching: differences by type of fabric

Type of starchingStarch concentration per 1 liter of waterWhat things are used for
Soft0.5-1 teaspoon- Products from chiffon;
- knitwear;
- gauze products;
- products from cambric;
- products from muslin;
- chintz products;
- tulle fabrics
medium hardness1 tablespoon- Bed sheets;
- table linen (napkins, tablecloths);
- furniture linen (smart covers and capes);
- products made of silk;
- products from mixed fabrics;
- tulle products;
- cotton products;
- linen products;
- staple products;
- openwork and lace products
Rigid2 tablespoons- Cuffs;
- collars;
- petticoats in layered dresses;
- knitted products

In some cases, the degree of stiffness of starching can be adjusted to your liking. For example, if you are sewing a pack of tulle for your daughter with your own hands, then try starching the skirt by changing the density of the solution. Engage hard, despite the fact that the fabric is "shown" medium. This can also be done by those who do not know how to starch a mesh skirt. However, this is rather an exception. Not all tissues tolerate such experiments.


Having decided on what degree of hardness is needed (in the table above), we proceed to prepare the solution, relying on step-by-step instructions and observing the necessary proportions. There are five steps to take.

  1. Pour dry starch solution into the bottom of the pan.
  2. Pour the solution with cold water to make a creamy slurry.
  3. Continuing to stir, add boiling water. You should get a paste, transparent and viscous.
  4. If the mixture is cloudy, boil for five minutes.
  5. Make sure there are no lumps. If formed - remove or strain through a bag of gauze.

Processing a thing: 3 steps

It is important that the finished mixture cools down, as things are not immersed in too hot a starch solution. Be guided that the temperature should be slightly above room temperature. The procedure is carried out in three steps.

  1. Immerse the dress in a container with paste. And make sure that the solution is evenly distributed throughout the clothes. To do this, straighten out the details.
  2. Take it out and inspect the item. There may be untouched areas. Then the product will need to be laid out in a different way in a basin with starch and withstand additional time.
  3. Wring out the fabric. But not too much, in order to avoid the appearance of non-ironable folds.

In order for the dress to starch well, you need to keep it in the solution for at least 30-40 minutes. A thing, even if it is new, it is better to wash it before starting the process. This rule does not apply only to wedding dresses. It is not necessary to "bath" the dress in the solution. You can simply apply the mixture with a sponge, starting from the lowest layer of the skirt.

3 drying rules

Drying starched things, as usual, will not work. The fabric will take the form in which it was hung and will not want to be smoothed out. To avoid this, the drying of wardrobe items that have become acquainted with starch must be done according to three rules.

  1. Use hangers. Hang the dress on a coat hanger and carefully smooth out each fold. If this procedure is not carried out, then they will dry incorrectly and “petrify”.
  2. Hang at room temperature. Dry items only at room temperature. Some advise taking out clothes in the cold. But you should not do this - low temperature can damage the fabric treated with starch.
  3. Don't speed up the process. Do not use a hair dryer or heater to speed up the removal of moisture, otherwise the wrinkles will be difficult to smooth out.

If there is a mannequin, then it is better to dry the starched wardrobe item on it. So you will achieve the desired shape of the product. Knitted dress requires a different approach. Lay it flat to dry on a soft, absorbent cloth. Straighten the lace, shape and fasten with needles.

The nuances of ironing

It is better to iron slightly wet material. If you didn’t have time to iron your wet clothes, sprinkle the “petrified” areas with water and immediately go over them with an iron, following these recommendations:

  • choose the optimal power of the iron - the mode should be medium;
  • turn off the steam function;
  • It is better to iron the dress through damp gauze.

As a rule, there are no problems with starching home textiles, bedding sets and casual clothes. But from which side to approach the bride's snow-white dress and how not to spoil the Snowflake's children's costume? Consider a few recommendations for such special cases.

  • Wedding Dress. The top can not be touched if it is made with a corset without puffed sleeves. And in order to starch a fluffy skirt with starch, in this case you need a hard solution. Do not wait until the fabric dries, and immediately go over it with an iron (through gauze). Moreover, you can starch a dress for a celebration with varying degrees of splendor. If you do not want a clear "ball" effect, then process not all the petticoats, but through one.
  • Children's Christmas dress. If you are wondering how to starch the petticoat of a child's dress, proceed by analogy with a wedding dress. However, pay attention to the elements at the top of the product (ruffles, bows, flounces). They quickly lose their appearance and also need to be treated with a paste. Here you can act pointwise or soak the suit in the solution entirely.
  • Cuffs and Collars. A hard solution is also used to starch cuffs and collars. To make it work even better, add sodium boric salt. A tablespoon of the product must be dissolved in 200 ml of boiling water. However, the solution must be allowed to brew for at least two hours. Dip in the paste only those elements that need to be processed.

3 types of products that cannot be starched

Keep in mind that not all things can be starched. You will not achieve the desired result or hopelessly ruin the fabric. There are three types of products in this category.

  1. Underwear . It will no longer allow moisture and air to pass through, which means it will become less comfortable and hygienic.
  2. Black and dark clothes. After treatment, white spots may remain that cannot be removed.
  3. Synthetics. Such products initially do not breathe, and after starch they will completely stop letting air through.

Alternative Methods

In addition to potato starch, there are other natural remedies that can give things a “crispness”. These alternatives include the following.

  • Sugar . The sweet powder is most commonly used for shaping knitwear. Prepare a syrup in the proportions of eight tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of water. The algorithm for carrying out the procedure is the same as with potato starch, only you do not need to iron things, since the sole of the iron will stick to the surface of the fabric. Therefore, the product must be shaped during the drying process, carefully straightening all the folds.
  • Gelatin. The jelly-like substance can be used to starch models of dark and bright colors. To prepare the mixture, dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in the same amount of water. When the particles swell, add more liquid, bringing the volume to 250 ml. The mixture should cool, but do not wait too long, otherwise the gruel will simply harden. Things after such processing are tougher than after bathing in potato starch. Therefore, it will be useful to add half a teaspoon of glycerin.

For knitwear, some use PVA glue. This method is the fastest, as it does not require cooking and waiting for cooling. To do this, mix glue and water (1: 2) and immerse clothing in the resulting product or simply coat it with paste.

4 more nuances

To make the fabric shine after starch treatment, you can add half a teaspoon of table salt or a drop of melted stearin to the paste. There are 4 more ways to improve the starching process.

  1. For whiteness. You can refresh the look of white products by adding a drop of blue to the starch solution.
  2. For shine. Things will become as if they had just been bought if you prepare a paste in the following way. Take borax (sold in a pharmacy), talc and starch in a ratio of 1:3:5. Mix with the right amount of water. Dip a napkin made from natural fabrics or gauze into the resulting mixture. Iron the product through it. Shine after such a procedure will not disappear even after several washes.
  3. For easy ironing. To make starched things easier to iron, you can add milk to the solution - two teaspoons per 1 liter of water.
  4. To keep the color. To prevent colored items from shedding, you need to immerse them in a starch gruel, the temperature of which is not higher than room temperature.

Now you know all the secrets of how to properly starch a skirt and dress. If you like how things look after processing with a paste, you will have to do the procedure after each wash. But you will look your best.

Reviews: “It is better not to starch, but to“ gelatinize ”

I use the German Superform starch in a can - I'm very satisfied. And it keeps its shape well, and there are no streaks.
I used them to starch my daughter a ballet tutu made of several layers of guipure.
The only thing is that the manufacturer does not recommend using it for certain types of silk fabrics (natural or artificial), acetate and viscose materials.


It is better not to starch dark things, but to “gelatinize” - then there will definitely be no stains. Pour the gelatin with water, and when it swells, heat the mixture, stirring constantly, until the gelatin is completely dissolved. For 2 teaspoons of gelatin you need 1.5 cups of water. After the solution has cooled, dip a cloth into it. No need to wring, dry on a coat hanger at room temperature.


Of course, I don’t do starching dresses, but I’ll tell you about hand-knitted things. The fact is that I am fond of knitting various vases, baskets, etc. There is no way to do without starch in my hobby. And most importantly, after you lower the vase into a solution with starch, you need to give it the desired shape, for this I put my product on a bottle or glass vase until it dries completely.


Pattern: puffy dress for a girl with a pleated skirt (for 9 years)

Pattern: puffy dress for a girl with a sun skirt (for 9 years)

How to sew a puffy dress for a girl

Step 1. For a dress with pleats, you should first start working from the bottom. Process the bottom of the product and then lay the bow folds, you can see how to make a skirt with pleats in this

Step 2. On the top of the dress, sew the side and shoulder sections.

Step 3. Sew the cuts on the skirt. If you chose a model with a sun skirt (I wrote about how to sew a sun skirt), sweep the top cut of the skirt and gather it to the size of the bottom cut of the top of the dress. Then sew the skirt to the top.

Step 4. For convenience, sew a zipper into the back middle seam.

Step 5. On the sleeves, if any, sew the seams. Sweep the top sections and sew in the sleeves.

Step 6. To make the skirt even more magnificent, you should make a tulle petticoat identical to the main skirt. Pull it over the dress, turn it up and sew it to the zipper, and then to the seam of the skirt.

Pattern of a fluffy dress for a girl

Download the patterns at the end of the post, open the PDF file and print in full size. Cut out the details and reshoot them onto the fabric.

Dress pattern for a girl for 2 years (download below)

Download dress patterns for girls 2 years old:

How to sew a dress for a girl with a fluffy skirt: a pattern and a master class

And another pattern with a step-by-step sewing master class. Download and print the pattern in full size (100% scale). The control square in this pattern is in inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm).

Download dress patterns for girls 4-5 years old:

What do you need:

  • 60 cm of elastic fabric for the top,
  • 90 cm of knitted fabric for the skirt,
  • paper pattern.

The width of the fabric cut for the skirt is 90 cm, and the length depends on your preferences (measure from the girl's waist line).

Finish the bottom edge of the sleeves. Cut off the excess on small sleeves (shown by the arrow). Baste and tighten a little so that the top of the sleeve is 12.5 cm. Sew the sleeves to the front and back of the top shelf. Sew the side seams on the top of the girl's dress.

Sew the ribbon to the neckline. It is better to sew with a stretch seam, such as a zigzag or stretch seam.

Process the bottom of the future skirt. Baste the top and tighten the thread until the resulting size of the top of the skirt matches the bottom of the top. Pin the skirt to the top and sew.

Another dress for a girl, sewn according to this pattern

MK: how to quickly sew a puffy dress with a ballet skirt

And here is another version of a magnificent dress for a girl. It can be sewn in a matter of minutes, since the upper part will be ready. For her, we will take a blouse of a suitable size.

What will be required:

  • Blouse (you can T-shirt),
  • 50 cm of knitted material for the petticoat,
  • 1 m tulle,
  • elastic band.

Step 1. Cut off the excess part of the sweater so that it ends at the level of the girl's waist.

Step 2. Sew on a wide elastic band.

Step 3 Cut out two trapezoidal pieces from the knitted fabric. To do this, attach the fabric to the cut of the blouse and draw two inclined lines starting from the waist. Cut out the resulting A-shaped pieces and sew along the sides.

Step 4. Cut the tulle into 2 equal pieces for a two-layer skirt. Baste the cuts along the top and tighten to the size of the bottom of the top of the dress (in other words, to the size of the top cut of the petticoat). Sew the tulle skirt to the petticoat, and then sew to the wide elastic band on the top of our dress.

Master class: how to sew a dress for a girl from an adult sweatshirt

Now let's see how to convert your sweater into a dress for a girl. For work, you only need the sweatshirt itself.

First you need to rip off the sleeves. Then attach the child's T-shirt to the folded sweater, tucking it in from below (tuck it where the waist begins). Circle and cut out the top. On the bottom, draw pockets for the top of the dress. Next, draw a straight line to the bottom. Cut out the bottom of the piece.

Cut out pockets on the remaining fabric. To do this, attach the cuts for the pockets on the skirt to the fabric, circle, and draw the rest.

On the sleeves of the sweatshirt, cut out the sleeves for the baby dress. To do this, attach the sleeve to the top of the dress and draw a curved line from the bottom. Sew on pockets.

Sweater dresses for girls - final

Sew the top and bottom pieces. Dress for a girl from a sweatshirt is ready!

Fashion for puffy dresses is back again. Many modern designs are very reminiscent of fashionable clothes from the 1950s. By the way, even an ordinary dress, of course, not a straight silhouette, can be made more magnificent.

There are many ways to make a dress fluffy, but most often they use a petticoat made of tulle or other similar material that keeps its shape well. The underskirt in this case should consist of several layers. It is necessary to properly gather the panels of the skirt so that it turns out to be more magnificent. It's okay if the edge of the petticoat peeks out a little from under the dress, on the contrary, it looks very feminine, stylish and cute. That is, the hem of the dress may be shorter than the petticoat.

A fluffy underskirt made of tulle, organza or nylon can be sewn, cutting strips with a width equal to the future length of the skirt. Finish the edges of the strips (top, bottom, and sides) with an overlock or zigzag stitch to keep them from fraying. On the upper edge, you need to lay a machine line with a wide stitch, and then, by pulling the extreme threads, create an assembly. On the top edge, the gathered skirt should not be less than the waist circumference. Make as many layers as you need. Then you need to sew together the resulting skirts along the waistline, and as a belt, you can sew a wide elastic band.

If you already have a dress with a layered petticoat, but for some reason the outfit does not look voluminous, then there is an easy way to make the skirt of the dress voluminous - starch it. The starched option is suitable for natural fabrics such as cotton. If the petticoat is made of synthetic material, then in this case you need to use a sweet solution of water. This method, by the way, is well suited for those cases when you need to figure out how to make a wedding dress more magnificent. If the wedding dress comes without a petticoat, then you can sew it yourself. It can be either a regular multi-layered petticoat or a product on a crinoline.

How to make a dress for a girl more magnificent

Many mothers, especially before the new year and other holidays, are interested in how to make a magnificent dress with their own hands for a girl. At home, to sew such a children's dress, you need cutting and sewing skills, as well as suitable material. You can find a pattern and a description of the sewing process for such a dress in specialized magazines or on the Internet. For the smallest girls, you can sew a simple flared dress, and add splendor to it with the help of a petticoat. A petticoat for a children's dress can be made not only from plain tulle or nylon, a fluffy petticoat sewn from multi-colored nylon ribbons will look very good. It will not only keep its shape perfectly, but also add elegance and brightness to the whole image.

Girls, of course, are interested in how to make a puffy dress for a doll. For the simplest dress, you will need two rectangular pieces of fabric. The top should be a length equal to the girth of the chest (or hips) plus a small margin, and a width approximately from the bottom of the neck to the waist or hips plus a margin. Here you will need to decide what style the doll dress will be, whether it will be cut off at the waist or at the hips. For a skirt, take a rectangular piece of material with a width equal to the length of the skirt and a length of several hips. The longer this piece of fabric is, the more magnificent the skirt will turn out.
