How to determine a boy or girl kitten newborn. When fluffy pets open their eyes

To identify a cat or a cat, just look at the genitals of the animal. In a cat, the genitals are external, in a cat it is vice versa.

Everything seems to be simple and clear here, but try to determine gender little kitten. Just here, not everything is as simple as it seems. At little cat and cats, the genital parts of the body are hardly distinguishable. But, all the same, there are several ways to determine the sex of even a newly born kitten.

Was the kitten born a boy or a girl?
The sex of a newly born kitten is easier to determine than an already teenage animal - for example, a week old. Indeed, in a newborn kitten, the genital areas have not yet become overgrown with hair, and after a week of life, a kitten, especially a breed with fluffy wool, the genitals are already poorly visible.

Method 1. Determining the sex of a kitten by the shape of the penis

First you need to wash your hands well and wipe dry. It is unacceptable for hands to be cold and smell strongly of foreign odors.

A kitten's gender can be recognized by the shape of the urinary opening and the distance from the opening to the animal's anus.

Now step by step:

  • - reassure the mother of the kitten, do not give the cat a reason for alarm;
  • - take the kitten in your arms so that its stomach lies on the warm palm of your hand;
  • - lift the kitten's tail, look at the anus and urinary opening.
In small cats, the anus and urinary opening look like two vertical points of the same size, with a distance of about 1 cm between them. In small cats, the urinary opening looks like a small gap, and is located next to the anus.

Look at the diagram for determining the sex of a kitten

To determine the sex of a small animal, you cannot do the following:

  • - take a kitten during feeding;
  • - lift the kitten by the scruff, paws or tail;
  • - to disturb the kitten's mother and the animal itself, if, for example, it is sleeping;
  • - press on the kitten's genital area;
  • - carry or hold a newborn kitten in your arms for more than two minutes.
Newborn kittens should always be close to their mother cat.

Method 2. Determining the sex of a kitten by coat color

If, nevertheless, the sex of a small kitten could not be determined, you should not despair, because the sex can be determined by the color of the animal. Many experienced breeders of cats and cats can easily determine the gender of a two-three week old kitten. The color of the animal in the form of a turtle means that the kitten is a cat.

The secret here is hidden in the chromosomes, that is, in the genes. The genes for black and red color are found only on the X chromosomes. Females always have two X chromosomes. It rarely happens that cats are tricolored, but there are such, but unfortunately they are sterile, since their genes have one extra X chromosome.

Method 3. Determining the sex of a kitten by careful feeling

After a kitten has crossed the threshold of its life at two or three months old, its sex can be easily determined by careful palpation.

Now step by step:
- put the kitten up with its tummy, that is, on its back;
- Swipe two or one finger in inguinal zone animal in the direction from the abdomen to the anus.

If the kitten is a cat, then it will be easy to feel the testicles with your fingers.
When palpating, never press on inguinal region kitten, so as not to cause him an accidental injury.

Method 4. Determining the sex of a kitten by the external addition of the body

By about six months, all kittens, outwardly, begin to look more like adult cats and cats. Cats grow up with a more graceful body and a neat muzzle. Cats, on the other hand, acquire more large form heads, and the body of the male itself is larger and more powerful than that of the female. But there are, of course, exceptions, but this is rare.

Method 5. Determining the sex of a kitten by habits

Any male among cats always tries to mark his territory - these are genes. Therefore, if the kitten is constantly trying or has already begun to mark the territory, it is definitely a cat. Cats usually start marking their territory at 7 months of age. In kitties, by the age of 7 months, estrus begins, that is, the kitty begins to “walk” - bending her back, she constantly caresses her butt up.

Even adult cats and cats are very different in their behavior. Cats sleep most of the time compared to cats. Cats, on the other hand, constantly show how independent they are, and can even treat people aggressively. Almost all cats love cleanliness, constantly wash themselves and always go to the accustomed toilet, which cannot be said about the representatives of the stronger sex.

And the last tip...

Having decided to check the sex of the kitten, do not be rude and persistent towards the kitten. First, make friends with the kitten, squeeze into his trust, and most importantly, the trust of the cat mom. Love animals.

Video: How to determine the sex of a kitten. How to distinguish a cat from a cat

Determining that a kitten is healthy is not so difficult. If the baby has a good appetite, he is playful, responsive and friendly towards others, most likely everything is fine with him. Watching your kitten and spending time with him, you will certainly notice deviations. Upon detection anxiety symptoms go to the doctor immediately.

healthy appetite

To understand that the kitten is healthy, his appetite will help: he wants to eat - he will live! This statement in equally true for both humans and animals. But everything is good in moderation: if you notice that the kitten eats too much, this may indicate the presence of worms, which means it's time to conduct regular deworming. The amount of food eaten should correspond to the age of the kitten. You can clarify the proportions by checking the packaging of your chosen kitten food, or consult with your veterinarian.

If a kitten has lost its appetite, this is an alarming sign. Weak appetite, its absence, a small amount food eaten during the day suggests that the kitten may be sick, unless of course you changed his diet and this is not a reaction to a change in food. But don't try to treat it yourself, go to the vet.

Signs of a healthy kitten: appearance

Again, the appearance of a kitten directly depends on its internal state. The baby should be moderately well-fed, without excessive fullness or thinness. Eyes with regular care should be bright and clean, with no signs of discharge. The ears should also be clean, be sure to check them for discharge. If you notice dark lumps in your ears, they may indicate an infection. ear mites or other infections. tongue and gums healthy kitten will be pink, exactly pink, not pale. A healthy cat has no nasal discharge. Sneezing is acceptable, but infrequent, if the kitten sneezes often, it may be sick.

To find out if a kitten is healthy, the appearance of his coat will help you. It must be clean and shiny. If you have a hairless kitten, monitor the secretion of sebum and remove it in a timely manner to avoid blockage and inflammation of the follicles. If the kitten is long-haired, for example, persian, give Special attention combing his coat to avoid tangles. However, tangles can manifest themselves not only as a lack of care, but also as a symptom of the disease. Worse, if the kitten develops bald spots, you should not ignore this problem, immediately consult a doctor.

Excellent behavior

A healthy kitten eats with appetite, runs a lot, plays and sleeps moderately. If the kitten sleeps too much and does not engage in play, this may be a sign of illness. If a kitten shies away from you when you want to cuddle it, this is also an alarming sign. If, among other things, the kitten gets tired of playing too quickly, consider a visit to the veterinarian. Remember that your little pet is a hyperactive creature, and any decrease in activity can be a manifestation of a dangerous disease.

To determine if a kitten is healthy, you will be able to observe its behavior. Fix warning signs and don't ignore them. After weaning from the mother, you are the closest being for the kitten, and it is in your power to preserve his health, good mood and love for you for years to come.

Cat owners often face the problem of determining the sex of kittens. It is better to carry out this procedure when the kittens reach the age of one month. This will avoid stress for both mom and the kids themselves. In addition, gender differences are still implicit. There are several ways to solve this problem:

  1. Examination of the genitals.
  2. With the help of palpation.
  3. By color.

During the inspection it is better to move the cat to private room; or make sure that the mother allows you to touch the kittens. The procedure is carried out quickly to prevent hypothermia of the kittens - until the age of 1 month, thermoregulation is imperfect. Wash your hands with warm water and unscented soap (no foreign scent should remain on the kitten's coat, otherwise the cat may refuse to feed this cub). Prepare a warm towel and place the kitten on it, belly down. Raise your tail carefully. Now look at the organs:

  1. The difference in the shape of the genitals.

In a female kitten, it looks like an inverted latin letter "i". The boy has a colon ":".

  1. The difference in distance between the genitals and the anus.

For a girl, this distance is much less than for a boy.

Sex determination by palpation

Remember that in no case should you press hard on the kitten's genitals. With two fingers - middle and index - draw over the area between the anus and genitals. If you feel two small peas - three to five millimeters in diameter - these are the testes. This method of sex determination can be used from birth. In kittens of three months of age, the testicles are clearly visible to the naked eye.


Define gender maybe the color of the kittens. Tortoiseshell - tricolor - coat color indicates that this cat. Cats are not tri-colored, because to pass on the color genes - white, red and black - two X chromosomes are required, which only the female can have. If the kitten is red, then most likely it is a boy.

other methods

There are other ways to determine the sex of kittens. Of course, they cannot be 100% informative. For example, you can look at the behavior and habits of kittens:

  1. Cats are more active. They have strong hunting instincts. Cats are lazy and devote a lot of time to sleep.
  2. Females devote a lot of time to their own cleanliness - they lick their fur.
  3. Males mark their territory with a strong-smelling secret, while females scratch the floor or objects.
  4. In cats, urine may be more Strong smell than in cats.

Some cat owners can recognize the gender of kittens by looking at them. A persistent and self-confident look betrays a cat. The cats are watching with concern.

You can also look at the hair near the anus and genitals. Males have very dense growth there, and cats, on the contrary, practically do not grow hair.

Boys and girls differ in body type. Cats have a larger skull and larger bones than cats. Girls are more fragile physique.

100% informative DNA test. Simultaneously with this analysis in the clinic, you can find out about the pet's predisposition to genetic diseases. For analysis, you need to donate blood or a cheek scraping. Scraping from a kitten can be taken independently. To do this, two hours before the procedure, do not feed the kitten and rinse oral cavity- to delete mother's milk from mucous membranes. Sterile cotton swab swipe between cheek and gum. Air dry the stick for half an hour. Place in a sterile paper bag and send to the laboratory. Such an analysis genetic analysis can even be mailed.

Like any pet, a cat needs care, and in return gives affection and warmth. With registration in the house of a fluffy pet, many worries and questions arise. You need to know how to determine the age of a kitten, so that, based on this, for example, prescribe a diet or treatment for him.

It is important to consider that knowing the exact age of the kitten plays a significant role in this. If a kitten is purchased from a shelter, workers can usually tell the exact time of its birth and other details. However, if a pet is picked up on the street or given as a gift, it often needs to be treated or fed, and therefore you need to know how to determine the age of a kitten. It's not that hard to do.

Experienced breeders and veterinarians can tell a kitten's age without having exact dates. The process of socialization in kittens begins at about two weeks of age and lasts up to almost two months. It is at this time that you can understand how playful or closed the kitten is, and how it will get along with people. If the animal is different wild or, most likely, this will not change in the future.

Kittens of any age are adorable, no matter what they belong to. However, it is very important to know when they were born in order to provide them with the correct care and attention.
As a rule, for self-determination five signs of a kitten's age are enough:

  • body size and proportions;
  • the color and shape of the eyes and ears;
  • pet weight;
  • number and condition of teeth;
  • behavior and activity.

How to determine how many days or months a fluffy pet: useful tips

It doesn’t matter if your new pet is purebred, or a foundling without a family or tribe - there are many ways to determine the age of a kitten that do not require a special approach or veterinary education, rather an attentive and caring attitude.

If the kitten is still a baby, and he is no more than three days old, he still has an umbilical cord, which usually falls off in the first few days. The cat gnaws and licks the kitten, thereby massaging him and calming him down. It is not advisable to pick up kittens before they are two weeks old.

You can roughly guess the age of the kitten by the proportions of his body. Three week old kitten big head, short paws and small ears. Their coordination of movements at this time is poor, they spend a lot of time trying to take control of their paws and body.
By one month they become a little more proportional, and after another month the body becomes longer. By three or four months, their ears lengthen, kittens become restless and active. Starting at four months old, the kitten begins to lose its cute baby features and roundness, stretches out, even if it is gaining normally.

Is it possible to find out the age of a kitten at home

It's one thing if a kitten is presented or found, and you yourself become a mother to him, feeding from a bottle. Another thing is when the kids grow up with their mother, and you get the honor of being a witness to this touching process.
One fine day, your cat, who often left home, suddenly returns with a replenishment in his teeth: a tiny ball of wool, and more often several. In addition to joy, this can cause some confusion, especially if you are not good at raising kittens. One of the questions that arises is when exactly they were born, and how to find out? Observation and inspection of babies can clarify the situation.

A cat usually starts weaning kittens from her milk when they are a month and a half old.

This is easy to see: she will increasingly leave them and leave when the kittens are attached to her nipples. However, there are cats that do not stop feeding up to three months. There are also cats that do not feed kittens from the moment of birth.

Kittens up to two weeks of age move little, usually they sleep almost all the time and drink milk, occasionally crawl on their stomach. When they are two or three weeks old, they already begin to walk more confidently. By three weeks, they develop an interest in moving objects, they begin to play with rustling pieces of paper and roll small things on the floor. At the age of about a month, they learn to deftly roll over in the air and fall on their paws.

Video - Kittens learn to walk

Closer to two months of life, kittens begin to learn more and more actively. the world, become mobile and increasingly leave their mother, causing her to worry. They often climb a tree, although at first they do not know how to descend, and at this time one must carefully monitor their movements, because sometimes fluffy pets overestimate their strength and can be seriously injured if they fall. For a cat, this is the most hectic period, because you have to watch the children all the time.
If the kitten runs confidently and quickly, he is over five weeks old. It is at this time that a healthy kitten receiving normal nutrition and care, self-confidence appears, because coordination improves, they begin to explore the house, communicate with people and can make friends with a dog if it is peaceful. The cat-mother at this time vigilantly monitors the behavior of the dog and, at the slightest threat to the children, fearlessly attacks. Kittens love to play with toys, tossing and catching, scratching and chasing. Who else can wake you up with a rustle and the sound of small paws on the floor, and cause a smile of tenderness?

When fluffy pets open their eyes

You can quite accurately determine how old a kitten is by looking at its eyes. Kittens are born blind and usually open on the tenth to twelfth day, but not earlier than a week after birth. In healthy kittens, up to two weeks of age, the eyelids are tightly closed or slightly open, there is no opaque discharge. At the same time, for some time the eyes will be unclear and bright blue, and only then they will begin to change their color to “adult” - unless the breed of the cat suggests that they will remain blue-eyed (Angora, Siamese, and others). Blue eyes mean that the kitten is not yet two and a half months old. Usually the eye color of cats is green or yellow, sometimes amber. The final color is established by the age of six months.
You can also look at the ears of the cubs. At birth, the ears of kittens are tightly pressed to the head, as kittens are born with closed ear canals. They are revealed not earlier than the fifth day of life, and the kittens begin to hear; ears are fully raised in the second or third week.

Show your teeth baby

A good way to understand how old a kitten is is to examine its teeth. To do this, you need to carefully, without using force, push the kitten's jaws apart and examine the oral cavity. Up to two weeks, kittens have no teeth at all, then the incisors begin to cut. Milk fangs erupt in the third or fourth week, and premolars - in the fourth or sixth. If the kitten full set teeth, but they are not molars, the kitten is about four months old. Should be:

  • six incisors on both jaws;
  • two fangs above and below;
  • three premolars at the top;
  • two premolars below.

If the pet things and furniture upholstery, perhaps this is due precisely to teething. If the kitten already has large teeth, then he is about four months old or more. There will be 26 milk teeth in total, and in a year and two months they will be replaced by permanent ones, and four more molars will be added to their number.

How much does a kitten weigh

Because different breeds cats can have different weight, determine the age pet this parameter can be difficult, and the result will not be accurate, but this method is suitable for an approximate determination.
Usually kittens weigh about 100 grams at birth, and begin to gain weight by 10-20 grams daily. At this time, kittens need only warmth and food, they hardly move and wake up only to eat.

Their approximate weight is as follows:

  • 120-175 grams - in two weeks;
  • 180-230 grams - in three weeks;
  • 235-260 grams - in four to five weeks;
  • 670-910 grams - at seven to eight weeks (weight gain by this time slows down somewhat, because kittens at this age become active and move a lot).

If the pet appears to be in good health and has not had a sudden weight gain or loss, then it is not necessary to weigh it. However, this may be required, for example, in cases where:

  • need to calculate daily allowance kitten food;
  • you need to calculate the dose of drugs or vitamins.

It should be understood that accurate knowledge of the kitten's age is important in order to prescribe the correct one for him and not try to feed the crumbs with meat, or, on the contrary, to feed an active teenager only with milk. Of course, the health of the pet can deteriorate dramatically.
The easiest and most calm way for a kitten and its owner to weigh it is when the owner picks it up and stands on the scales, then weighs itself and subtracts the second from the first number.
Of course, the weight of a kitten and the rate at which he gains weight depends on many factors, in particular:

  • how did the cat eat during pregnancy;
  • how many kittens were born at one time;
  • what a kitten
  • what gender is it (females gain weight more slowly).

A kitten after three months adds about 500 grams per month until the weight is about 4 kilograms - this is already average weight adult animal.
You can also focus on the length of the kitten's body:

  • the newborn has a body length of 10-12 cm, excluding the tail;
  • 1 month - 13-15 cm;
  • 2 months - 16-18 cm;
  • 3 months - 18-21 cm;
  • 4 months - 21-23 cm;
  • 5 months - 23-25 ​​cm;
  • 6 months - 25-27 cm.

How to understand how old a kitten is

At about half a year, the kittens begin to fight with each other in an attempt to establish who is stronger. It should be remembered that teenagers bite more often than babies or adult animals, and you need to be careful in communicating with your pet. At the age of seven months, kittens are considered sexually mature and become larger and more aggressive.
If you try to translate the age of a kitten to an analogue of a human, then the first year of a cat's life is approximately 14-18 years of a person, then seven "human" years are added every year.

Primary in cats can be distinguished from birth. You can examine the kitten yourself, tactilely or visually. In the first case, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, make sure that they are not cold, and put the kitten in your palm. If the baby is wary or anxious about something, it is better to leave the check.
The second way is to simply look at the penis and anus. In a male, they are very reminiscent of a colon, and in a cat, an exclamation point. In addition, cats can boast quite thick hair between these "points", unlike kitties.
Experienced cat lovers can determine the sex by the shape of the muzzle and body:

  • the cat's muzzle and nose are wider;
  • his physique is more massive, his paws are thicker;
  • the cat is more graceful;
  • the muzzle of cats is elongated.

Tricolor cats are almost always (with a very rare exception in the form of a genetic disease) cats, since the tricolor gene is associated with the X chromosome, which only girls have.
When kittens are four or five months old, they begin puberty, the hormonal background. They can ask to go outside, meow loudly. Males tend to mark territory and may try to mate with females. Females can experience all the delights of the first estrus, in which, under the influence of awakened hormones, they begin to scream loudly, rub their muzzle against the owner’s legs, and writhe. However, it should be remembered that early for the cat.

Scottish kittens

For owners, the issue of kitten weight is especially important, because the status of the animal largely depends on it. The Scots are calm, rather stocky, they can be placed in size between large and, for example, Siamese.

They are often addicted, so it is necessary to carefully control their weight. Up to six months, the Scots put on weight quite quickly, then this process slows down. The weight rules are:

Table 1. Weight norms for kittens of the Scottish breed.

Scottish kittens

Weight, g
newborns75-145 60-135
1 Week245-285 115-250
2 weeks345-410 130-370
3 weeks390-730 210-410
1 month800-1710 250-610
2 months1510-2520 405-910
3 months2690-3890 1010-1500
4 months2590-4300 1705-2400
5 months3000-5390 2200-2890
6 months3310-5710 2310-3600


Whatever breed your fluffy pet belongs to and no matter how many days, months or years it may be, in exchange for care and love, it will give a lot of warmth and joy.

How to determine the sex of a kitten is a fairly common dilemma for most people who want to get a pet. It is difficult to do this in tiny kittens, since there are no pronounced sexual characteristics.

The sex is determined already in the second week of the pet's life. The kittens are still poorly pubescent, which improves visibility. This is especially true for long-haired breeds.

It is more difficult to understand the sex of a baby 2-3 weeks old. Most optimal period- this is when the cat has reached the age of three months. They have almost formed genitals. The final formation ends at six months.

How to determine the sex of a newborn kitten

The most correct determination of the sex of a kitten when he was one week old is to examine the sexual characteristics:

  1. In cats, the vulva is closer to the anus. Approximately five millimeters apart. Visually, it resembles the English letter "i". Attention needs to be paid to this
  2. Distinguish the sex of a newborn boy from the age of 2 weeks. Its sexual characteristics resemble a colon. One and a half centimeters from the anus are the external genitalia. In addition, boys have more hair than girls.
  3. You can run your finger along the tummy. The male has a slight bulge.

What can be done

Conduct an inspection month old baby need to be very careful. What can you do with a kitten:

  • newborn kittens should be held very carefully on the entire surface of the palm, belly down;
  • to examine a week after birth, to determine the sex of a small cat, you can gently lift the tail;
  • you need to take the baby in your arms after birth only if the mother cat does not show aggression on this;
  • the whole procedure is best done as quickly as possible so as not to cause stress in the baby.

Read also Why cats and cats love valerian

What Not to Do

In the first days of life, the pet is very fragile and defenseless, like any child. Therefore, under no circumstances should you:

  • carelessly pick up and hold;
  • it is better not to touch week-old kittens, it is recommended to wait a few weeks, the baby needs to get used to the world around him;
  • the smell of the owner will pass to the baby and adult cat may refuse to feed him, so it is better not to touch the kitten;
  • in no case should you tear the child away from feeding.

How to tell a boy kitten from a girl

Wash your hands thoroughly before handling an animal. You should correctly take the kitten in your hands. Put pet on a warm towel or palm. To distinguish the sex, gently lift the tail. There are several differences between little boys and girls of felines.

Distance between anus and genitals

Most new owners do not know how to find out the sex of a kitten by the distance between the anus and the genitals. This gender determination method is quite simple. In girls, the distance between the anus and the genitals is less than in boys. Visual material by gender, you can look on the Internet. Or watch the video "How to determine the sex of a kitten."

The shape of the genitals

The difference between male and female genitalia lies in their appearance. The genitalia of female cats looks like English letter"i", if the gender of the cat is male, then as ":".

The manifestation of the shape of the testicles in kittens of boys at 3 months

Of course, a kitten boy has testicles. Unlike an adult animal, they are almost invisible.

Formation takes certain time. The testicles become more prominent at 3 months.

Tactile probing of the genitals

You can check the sex of kittens by probing the genitals. Even in a small cat, you can determine the sex in this way, but this should be done as carefully as possible and only with the permission of the cat mother. Veterinarians do not recommend carrying out the procedure at 1 month of life, since it can harm the baby.
