How to understand if he likes you. How different zodiac signs hide their feelings

Sympathy is a feeling of emotional predisposition towards a person. In other words, it is when someone likes you. Does this manifest itself externally, and how to find out about sympathy, what signs indicate a guy and his feelings for you, we will consider below in the article.

The main thing in the article

How to tell if a guy likes you: common signs

  • When a guy finds that girl next to whom he feels “at ease,” an emotional feeling permeates him. The girl becomes indifferent to him, and he tries in every possible way to win her over, attract attention, subtly hint that he likes her.
  • The young man’s behavior changes before our eyes, he begins to behave differently than usual. Some become a little inhibited, others, on the contrary, actively attract attention to themselves, sometimes doing rash acts.
  • But there are some signs by which you can determine that a guy likes a girl. We will look at the most obvious ones.

How can you tell if a guy likes you by looking?

  • The look of a guy who likes a girl looks like that of a devoted puppy.
  • A sympathetic guy literally eats with his eyes.
  • Some timidly spy on the person they like, others look without looking away.
  • There is tenderness in the eyes of the young man, his gaze is affectionate.
  • The eyes of a guy who likes a girl radiate a sincere smile.

How to understand that a guy likes you by gestures?

The young man’s gestures indicate in every possible way that he is not indifferent to the girl:

  • He straightens his hair;
  • He rubs his palms with excitement;
  • Adjusts clothes;
  • Touches a girl;
  • He offers his hand when the girl comes down the stairs;
  • Opens doors;
  • Holds hands while walking;
  • He wants to hug himself.

How can you tell if a guy likes you by talking?

There are two types of guys: "macho" and "nerdy".

  1. The first type is so named because such guys try to praise themselves in every possible way when talking. They do this not because they are actually beautiful, but because they are trying to attract attention. But in any case, they enjoy talking with the lady.
  2. The second type are more shy guys; they listen more than talk about themselves. But they listen avidly, watching every movement of the pretty girl’s lips with tenderness and love. They are laconic about themselves and prefer not to brag, even sometimes belittling their merits.

How can you tell if a guy likes you by your behavior?

  • Most guys act like children, at any age.
  • Sometimes their behavior can be compared to tomfoolery.
  • A guy who likes a girl will always find time for her, even if he has a lot to do.
  • Today, young people prefer to exchange messages on social networks. But if a guy likes a girl, he will definitely call her.

How to understand that a guy likes you when you meet?

  • When meeting, the guy behaves a little absent-mindedly.
  • He likes to spend time with the girl.
  • He is not shy about the girl he likes.
  • Invites you to interesting places.
  • Invests time resources into these relationships.
  • Tries to please by giving compliments, sometimes even ridiculous or obvious ones.
  • His appearance suggests that the best girl in the world is walking next to him.

How to understand that a stranger likes you?

  • He will look at you, and when you try to catch his eye, he may look away.
  • He will try to find out about you through his friends.
  • Pluck up the courage and get acquainted.
  • Will give a compliment.
  • Will try to find a hobby that is common with yours.
  • He will try to distinguish himself and make an original gift.
  • He will tell his friends about you.
  • Will invite you for a walk.

How to understand that a guy friend likes you?

A friend who is always there for you. The one you spend a lot of time with and have fun with. A friend who makes you laugh and understands. With whom you feel comfortable sharing everything and telling even the strangest stories. How do you know if he likes you?

  • He is always on your side, even if you are wrong.
  • Being around you lifts his mood because you are an outlet for him.
  • He wholeheartedly invests material and time resources in you.
  • He tells his male friends about you.
  • He loves to watch you and listen to you talk, even if it’s nonsense.
  • He always corresponds with you and calls.
  • Gives compliments.
  • Fulfills your wishes and whims.
  • He always comes to the rescue.
  • Looking for a reason to be near you.

How do you know if a guy likes you on a date?

  • He will give compliments, sometimes inappropriate ones.
  • Wants to take you to an amazing place.
  • He will pay for the entire dinner himself.
  • He will be a gallant gentleman.
  • He will try to show all his pleasant sides.
  • He will try to surprise you.
  • Will want to know more about you.
  • He will ask about your interests and hobbies.
  • Will invite you on a second date.

How do you know if your work colleague likes you?

  • He helps you when you can't cope with your work.
  • He says hello first.
  • He greets you with a smile and sees you off with a bewitching gaze.
  • Always says nice words.
  • Offers a ride home.
  • He invites you to his table for lunch.
  • Gallant like a true gentleman.
  • If the issue of promotion is between the two of you, he will concede.
  • He always watches you work.
  • In his free moment he offers to drink tea or coffee.
  • Invites you on a date, for a walk, or somewhere else.
  • He notices every detail in you, your every transformation.

How can you tell if a guy likes you via correspondence on the Internet?

When communicating with a guy on the Internet, you won’t immediately understand whether he likes you or whether he just likes correspondence with you. But there are several signs that he likes you:

  • Writes often;
  • Asks about you;
  • Choose topics that are related to your hobbies;
  • Wants to meet you;
  • Invites you to the cinema, for a walk;
  • Interested in your successes;
  • Every day wishes you pleasant dreams and good morning;
  • Before important events, he writes parting words;
  • Supports you in any endeavor;
  • Likes to send emoticons;
  • Offers video chat;
  • Writes pleasant things;
  • Likes your published photos and videos;
  • He doesn’t notice how time flies by correspondence with you.

How do you know if a guy likes you over the phone?

  • You can call this guy at any time and he will always find it for you.
  • He will talk to you until you get bored.
  • If he has really important things to do, he will subtly give you hints.
  • At any free moment he will dial your number.
  • He is looking forward to your call.
  • He will be happy to even be silent with you on the phone.
  • He enjoys hearing your voice.
  • If you want to meet, even at night, he will come to you.
  • When you say goodbye, he will wait for you to hang up first.
  • He will always find a reason to meet.
  • He will try to ask you out on a date.
  • He will praise you and say nice words.

How can you tell if a shy guy likes you?

  • He will look at you when your gaze is not directed in his direction.
  • He will behave ridiculously and unusually.
  • He may be hiding when you pass by.
  • He may be distracted and slow around you.
  • He breathes faster when you're around.
  • Sometimes, young people even sweat when they see an object that they like.
  • He is speechless when you greet him.
  • His friends laugh and make fun of him.
  • He is afraid to take the first step.
  • When talking to you, he often stammers and cannot find the right words.
  • His compliments are often unsuccessful.
  • When he sees you, he often forgets what he wanted to do or where he wanted to go.
  • He often has his head in the clouds, dreaming about you.
  • Sometimes your name is written in his notebooks.
  • He listens to music that you like or about love.
  • He may try to take the same classes that you take. And perhaps he won’t succeed, but he will try to get you to pay attention to him.

How do you know if your ex-boyfriend likes you?

  • He will try to find meetings with you.
  • Ask about your affairs.
  • Be interested in your love life.
  • Invite you to your favorite concerts and events.
  • Send flowers and show other signs of attention.
  • Invite to a cafe for tea, coffee or ice cream.
  • Send funny sms.
  • Like your photos on social networks.
  • Write enthusiastic comments.
  • He will invite you to parties or to his place.
  • He will call you, sometimes even for trifles.
  • He will want your day to be successful.
  • Ask how your day was.
  • Feel sorry for you if you feel bad.
  • Rejoice with you when you feel good.

How do you know if a married man likes you?

  • A married man tries to find time for the object of his desire.
  • Makes nice gifts.
  • Helps solve your problems.
  • Invites you on a journey.
  • Keeps its promises.
  • Feels real next to you.
  • Shares his plans with you.
  • Loves to give compliments.
  • Appreciates your presence.
  • Supports you in any matter.
  • Bears responsibility for his actions.
  • Always looking for a meeting with you.
  • He behaves like a schoolboy in love.
  • He does something nice with or without a reason.
  • Tries to please in everything and everywhere.

How to understand that a guy likes you: test

Sometimes a guy's behavior is contradictory and requires an accurate definition of his feelings and behavior. Then a simple and sure way comes to the rescue - a test, after passing which you can be more likely to make sure of the guy’s sympathy.

1. His reaction to your appearance?

  1. No way.
  2. Joyfully.
  3. The same as on others.
  4. Calmly.

2. You are sad, he...

  1. He'll ask what's going on.
  2. Trying to lighten the mood.
  3. He won't notice.
  4. He won't even notice me.

3. How does he perceive your conversation?

  1. Inattentive.
  2. Attentively.
  3. No interest.
  4. Interrupts.

4. He turns to you...

  1. By name or affectionately.
  2. Gently by name.
  3. Doesn't remember my name.
  4. Careless by last name.

5. Does he share stories about his exes?

  1. Only nasty things.
  2. Only if I start.
  3. Likes to brag.

6. While talking to you, his friends called him, his actions...

  1. He politely refuses.
  2. He finishes his agreement and leaves.
  3. He leaves without saying goodbye.
  4. He waves it off and continues the conversation.

7. You are cold, he...

  1. Zero reaction.
  2. Everyone will sympathize.
  3. He'll give you a jacket.
  4. Hug.

8. He was visiting with a large company and you wanted tea, he...

  1. He will make tea for everyone.
  2. He will do it, but without pleasure.
  3. Will offer it to me separately.
  4. He will tell you where everything is.

9. Is he trying to touch you?

  1. Does this to everyone.
  2. The same as with everyone.

10. How do his friends react to you?

  1. They whisper behind your back.
  2. Negative.
  3. Kindly.
  4. Neutral.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1. 0 2 2 2 3 3 0 2 1 3
2. 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 0
3. 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 3 3 2
4. 2 0 0 1 0 2 3 0 2 1


  • 0 to 10- He is indifferent to you and he does not pay attention to you. He is not interested in you, he avoids your attention in every possible way. Makes it clear that he doesn't like you.
  • From 10 to 20- he sometimes shows sympathy for you, but easily switches to other girls. He doesn't think you're the one to whom his heart lies.
  • From 20 to 30- He likes you, and he makes you understand this with every action. He hints at sympathy with all his behavior and waits for a response.

7 main signs that a guy definitely likes you

  1. His interest in you is not fake, but sincere.
  2. His behavior gives him away.
  3. He gets nervous when he sees you.
  4. Always tries to come to your aid.
  5. His touches are unobtrusive.
  6. He speaks to you affectionately and with trepidation.
  7. His friends know he likes you.

How to let a guy know that you like him?

  • Reciprocate;
  • Share his interests;
  • Take an interest in his affairs;
  • Touch back;
  • Go on a date;
  • Accept invitation;
  • Say it directly.

Most men are not as insightful as women, so hints are useless. You need to act directly, opening your heart. Of course, it is advisable to do this when you are sure that he has sympathy. Otherwise, there is a chance that your feelings will remain unrequited.

Video: how to understand that a guy likes you?

Sympathy is a feeling when some kind of affection flares up between opposite sexes. There is a desire to always be there, to help, listen and do something nice. All people experience these wonderful emotions at one time or another, and it doesn’t matter when or where, the main thing is that they are mutual.

How to understand that a guy likes you? Determining sympathy by gestures, looks, in conversation, behavior and actions. Calls and SMS from a guy in love. Advice from a psychologist. FAQ. Further actions after identifying sympathy.

Only girls know how to skillfully hide their feelings. Guys show sympathy with just a couple of the right words or the right gestures. Every guy is designed in such a way that he cannot help but be close to the girl he loves. So the first indicator of whether a guy likes you is his actions.

The guy is always trying to touch the object of his desires. These actions indicate that he finds you attractive. Also, a guy can sometimes copy your actions to make you feel like you are similar.

Elementary politeness and gallantry have not yet been canceled, so if a guy helps you take off your outerwear, carries your things, opens the door for you, then be sure that he is not indifferent to you.

His care, desire to help and look after his beloved will tell you the whole truth about the guy’s feelings. Men are knights, and if someone likes you, they will try their best to please you.

How to identify a guy's sympathy at an early age?

  • Movements. A guy who likes you will not turn his back to you or shy away. Just watch his body language and you will understand everything.
  • Reaction to views. If his gaze lingers on you even for a second longer than others, this may be a sure sign of sympathy.
  • Talk. Stories about yourself do not always indicate selfishness. Perhaps the guy just got worried and started talking about what he knows best.
  • Touch. At a certain point, you will feel that he likes you, because he will try to touch you. In this case, all womanizers who are accustomed to flirting are excluded.
  • Chatting with other girls. He may flirt with others in order to see your reaction, so even while talking to someone else, he will glance at you.
  • Common interests. If a guy knows in advance that you like a certain movie and talks about how he watched it in the cinema and how much he liked it, then this is enough to give you a compliment.
  • Excitement. Wanting to make a good impression, a guy may get a little nervous.
  • Facial expressions. People become a mirror of the movements of the one they like.
  • Jokes. If you are the object of his jokes, then he hardly wants to offend you, he is just waiting for you to smile.
  • Compliments. If a guy notices that you got a new manicure, know that he definitely has a crush on you.

How to find out that a guy likes you by correspondence in VKontakte?

Factors that indicate he likes you:

  1. The guy will give you all sorts of unobtrusive compliments.
  2. If a guy used to write illiterately, but after some time he began to monitor his vocabulary and mistakes, then this is a good sign.
  3. No indifferent phrases!
  4. Somewhat obsessive interest in your life.
  5. Comparing his friends and you, he praises you.
  6. The conversation often uses phrases where he expresses regret about your absence from a certain place.
  7. He writes that he misses you.
  8. Complaints about other girls (only in the context of modern education).
  9. Show interest in your hobbies.
  10. The correspondence begins first.
  11. Shows activity on your page.
  12. Jokes, trying to seem funny.

External signs

We recognize it by looking!

The eyes never lie, so it is best to look for the truth in them.

If the guy is brave, you will catch his interested glances at you every minute, but if he is timid, in this case, don’t be upset if the guy looks away. Deep down, he may like you wildly, but he doesn’t know how to express his feelings.

If you notice that a guy’s pupils are dilated when looking at you, then be calm - this is a sure sign of sympathy and desire.

If a guy’s gaze is focused on your forehead, then he has a purely business interest in your direction. And if it glides from your eyes to your lips and back, know that this is a signal for a possible friendship. The key to sympathy is sidelong glances with tenderness and a smile.

If your eyes crossed, and the guy quickly looked away or, on the contrary, kept his attention on you, it means he liked you. In this case, it all depends on the character.

In the company of friends or at a party, you will always be in his field of vision, because a guy in love never lets his “prey” out of sight.

By gestures! His gestures can say a lot!

In this matter, situationality is important. Watch his gestures when he meets you or sees you off, when you enter a room or walk on the street. These gestures can tell you a lot.

  • Adjusts clothes - it means he wants to look more attractive in your eyes or is afraid of looking stupid in front of you.
  • Exposed leg. If a guy puts his leg forward, it means that he is not confident enough in himself and is looking for support. He gets excited in your presence.
  • Shoulders straightened. In this way, the guy tries to look taller and more respectable next to the girl.
  • Scratching the back of the head when talking. A sure sign that you are making him embarrassed and timid. Guys in love are always different than usual, so don't be scared.
  • Raised eyebrows. If you notice raised eyebrows in a conversation, then you can sigh calmly - he definitely likes you.
  • Rubs cheeks or chin. Signs of excitement and desire to please you.
  • Hands on the belt . The guy wants to show strength and self-confidence.
  • Parted lips - evidence that your appearance delighted the young man.
  • Smoothes hair. The desire to look attractive.
  • Twists a button. Feels excited and desires to be near you.
  • Hands on the belt - desire to be liked.

By his actions and behavior?

To understand whether a guy likes you by his actions, you should pay attention directly to his character. If he is timid, then even a slight smile in your direction will be a hint of sympathy. If a guy is strong-willed and strong, then, of course, much more attention is expected from him.

The guy will try to meet you, help you, be present in your life in every possible way.

A guy in love will never lose sight of you, will not show disrespect or rudeness, and will try to please you by any means.

But you shouldn’t abuse this, because you may seem selfish and this will alienate the young man.

  • He looks at you longer than usual.
  • Tries to spend more time with you.
  • Does unusual things.
  • Remember your interests and make gifts accordingly.
  • Trying to get your attention.
  • Making fun of you.
  • Helps solve problems.
  • Attentive to your mood.
  • Pays attention to your needs.
  • He listens carefully to all your stories.
  • Places emphasis on the future.
  • Absent-mindedness shows through in his behavior.
  • He's jealous of you.
  • He introduces you to his friends.
  • Does nice things.
  • Tries to make a good impression.
  • Protects you.
  • Gives compliments.
  • Cheers you up.
  • Calls often.

What does he look like? Changes in his appearance

There are no special tricks in this matter. What happens inside is reflected outside.

A guy who wants to please always looks perfect and beautiful. At the same time, he is always trying to fix or smooth something to look even better.

Casually praise his shirt that he wore at the last meeting and see that tomorrow he will come in it. He’ll also perfume himself with his most delicious perfume, so that you definitely won’t be able to resist.

It is possible that he will want to change his hairstyle or adjust his style. This means that with your appearance, he noticed flaws in himself and wants to correct them in order to look like you.

How does a guy act when he's in love?

  • Stage 1. He's trying to show you that he's interested in you. Show sympathy and continue communication. At this stage, politeness and a degree of respect are extremely important. A guy must show all his imagination and ingenuity in order for you to agree to go on a date with him, and they get a lot of pleasure from the process of winning a girl.
  • Stage 2. The guy loses his head with feelings and can no longer restrain himself so as not to violate your personal space and not bother you with calls. This period is the most favorite for girls - the period of flowers and going to the cinema. The guy becomes active and happy.
  • Stage 3. Having achieved your location, the guy will not leave everything as it is and will not leave the reins of power in your hands. He will fuel your relationship with something new and romantic. Each next step will become thoughtful, he will learn more about your interests and will begin to devote more time to them. So next time, instead of the park, you will go to the concert of your favorite band.
  • Stage 4. In any relationship, there comes a period when everyday bouquets end and people begin to live their lives again, only adding a loved one to it. During this period, the guy will become less active, but will not lose interest and desire to spend time with you and please you in every possible way.

His conversations and dialogue with you

Talk- a very important part of the relationship, so it is in it that you need to look for signs of primary sympathy.

Here are a few signs of falling in love that can be seen in a dialogue with a young man:

  1. Inner world. A man in love sees not only your face, but is also attentive to the girl’s inner qualities and experiences. He takes an interest in her mood and gives compliments to improve it. It is important for girls to feel that their sincerity and warmth are appreciated, and guys know this.
  2. Sincerity and frankness. Stories about childhood, funny moments from vacation, or some emotional experiences are a sign that the guy trusts you and sees support in you. A guy in love is not afraid to seem sentimental or tender.
  3. Misses you in your absence. If you went to the restroom and, returning, saw boredom on the face of a young man whom someone else approached in your absence, then smile and know that he is getting used to your company.
  4. Doesn't see any errors. A man in love sees only positive qualities in you. This does not mean that you are perfect, he just does not notice your mistakes and does not correct you in conversation.
  5. Doesn't put you in an awkward position. A guy in love will never joke rudely and make a girl blush and feel embarrassed.
  6. Attentiveness. He will hang on your every word, but will never show it. He will always be there at the right moment and listen to everything you want to say.

SMS and calls from a guy in love

Calls and SMS will become a little intrusive, but no more than long enough to find out how you are doing and when you will meet. If you have a problem, the guy will definitely listen to you if he is not busy with urgent work.

A guy in love cannot live without your voice, but this does not mean that he will call every half hour. Live communication is important for men, so don’t expect long conversations and detailed discussions of your day.

There is a certain type of guy who doesn't like talking on the phone. Expect an SMS or an invitation to go out from them. It is better to communicate with such guys outdoors or in a cafe. It’s easier for them to open up when looking into a girl’s eyes.

  1. If you are not sure about sympathy, then ask about it directly (only if the guy is not shy).
  2. A guy who likes you will never discuss other girls with you. Only you and yourself. Although, there are possible options in which he is simply trying to make you jealous.
  3. Don't deceive yourself. When you notice that a guy is looking at you, don’t rush to rejoice, this may turn out to be a backlash to your views. He was simply interested in your curiosity, nothing more.
  4. It’s not always possible to correctly interpret a guy’s behavior, so don’t be fooled by noticing how he ruffles his hair or smiles at you. Maybe he's just naturally kind and friendly.
  5. Never ask your friends to find out about a guy's likes. This could make things worse.
  6. If during a conversation he looks at your body, he is interested in you as a physical object. It's better not to communicate with such guys.
  7. Be extremely careful with timid guys. If you receive an offer to go for a walk, immediately explain what kind of walk this is.
  8. Don't discuss your crush with everyone. The strongest relationships always occur between two people, without anyone else interfering in them.
  9. Don't overdo your observation. You can easily scare a guy with your suspicious looks.
  10. Talk to your parents. In the early stages, your feelings won't hurt anyone, but if you think you're seriously in love, talk to your mom.
  11. Stay optimistic. Guys like smiling girls more than sullen ones.

Video help

Let's find out about a guy's love by his look and eyes! © Motor Girls

Answers to other frequently asked questions

How can I understand that a guy likes me if he hides it?

The main thing is not to ask him directly and do not try to find out his intentions through friends or mutual acquaintances.

Just compare his attitude towards you and others. His behavior may sometimes make no sense. Instead of thinking about the fact that he doesn't talk to you, take a closer look at how he communicates with people. If next to you he becomes calmer, sweeter, a little more affectionate, then this may be a sign of sympathy.

Pay attention to non-verbal signs: gestures, facial expressions, clothing, demeanor. Our body reveals all our feelings, but not everyone can see it.

How do you know if a guy likes you if you don't know each other?

Catch his eyes on you. Meet smiles and interest in the eyes. A guy who is sufficiently inflamed with feelings will never pass you by. He will try in every possible way to talk to you or get your attention.

How do I know if a guy likes me as more than just a friend?

First of all, pay attention to changes in his behavior. Even the tone and manner of speaking of a person in love changes. He will stare at you more. It’s not easy to distract him from talking to you.

The main symptom in such a situation is timidity. The guy who previously could easily hug you suddenly becomes embarrassed and looks away? Now you are more than a friend to him and he began to comprehend his behavior more.

Light hints of reciprocity are enough, after which just observe his behavior and actions. Guys don't value easy-to-get relationships, so play with him for a while, create a feeling of inaccessibility, so that he becomes even more interested.

For yourself personally, you should understand whether you are ready for a relationship and responsibility. If yes, then just love yourself, take care of yourself, smile and wait for the right time for the guy to show himself.

Natalya Luchina

Very often, men do not show their interest in a woman for various reasons: they are afraid of being rejected, seeming funny, do not want to become dependent on a woman, etc. How then, if a man does not show or directly talk about his feelings, can you find out if he likes you?

In addition to ordinary language, every person uses in communication a second, more ancient language - non-verbal - body language. In the animal world, there are vivid examples of male courtship language - they spread their tails, change their plumage, organize exhibition fights... People also use non-verbal language, but often do not pay attention to it and do not know how to understand it correctly. It is generally accepted that women, unlike men, have developed intuition, and therefore always feel if they like you. In essence, this “feeling” is the ability to capture and recognize the signals that a man’s body gives. If you don’t have this ability yet, don’t be upset, understanding body language can be learned, and no matter what exactly a man says (or is silent at all), you can find out from non-verbal manifestations how he feels. So, what postures and gestures will a man show you that he likes you?

Gestures of a man in love

This may not necessarily be love, but only its beginning. So, what body manifestations indicate sympathy and interest in you? If a man is turned towards you, his feet and knees are directed in your direction, this is a sure sign of his interest. The body itself can also be used as a barrier between you, if a man does not want to communicate (this needs to be checked, maybe he wants to, but is still afraid). The simplest way to use your body as a barrier is to turn your back to you, or turn half-turn. Often, a man can use foreign objects - a folder, laptop, backpack, etc. - as an obstacle between you and his body.

Gestures of a man in the hip area

Body poses that highlight the hip area are more sexual in nature. So, men can sit or stand with their legs spread wide apart - demonstrating their masculine strength, or taking a dominant, hanging position “above you”, resting their hands on their hips, tucking their fingers into the belt, again, emphasizing the genital area. Despite the fact that these poses carry information of a more sexual nature, they can also serve as compensation for a man’s feelings of internal insecurity, and speak of his desire to look more masculine, strong, and in a “dominant position.”


Our boundaries do not end with the boundaries of the body, but also include the space around us. The distance between you speaks about the nature of communication, and is divided into so-called. zones. Social zone (1.2 - 3 m) - for strangers, personal (46-120 cm) - for business, official dating, and intimate zone. In our culture, the zone of “intimate” contact, intended only for very personal communication, is 15-45 cm. A man who likes you will try to penetrate your intimate zone. He will either come too close to you, or begin to lean on the back of a chair or railing behind you - imitating the currently prohibited hug movement. He can give you his hand, thereby violating your boundaries, try to touch you by chance. (Depending on which side he extends his palm towards you, you will see whether he strives to take a commanding position in his relationship with you, or is completely open and trusts you (a sign of trust is open palms)).

Facial expressions of a man who likes you

Maximum emotions are revealed by the language of a man’s face, and especially by his gaze and eyes. The more time he looks at you, the more he likes you. At the same time, his pupils dilate (constriction of the pupils, on the contrary, indicates hostility, aggression), his head may be tilted to the side. His gaze is directed into your eyes and slides down, below the chin, to chest level - this is the so-called. intimate look (look at the forehead and to eye level - business, from the eyes to lip level - social, friendly). There is also a “flirting”, enticing sideways glance, while the eyebrows rise slightly upward and there is always a smile.

A smile on the face, by the way, can express different emotions, and not always positive ones. A symmetrical (the same on both sides) smile is considered sincere, which arises slowly and remains on the face for a long time; it speaks of openness and sympathy. If there is no smile on his face, then his lips are usually just relaxed. Any asymmetrical quick movements of the lips, nervous smiles, pursing of the lips indicate that the man is experiencing discomfort. If he is busy with some thoughts of his own, he may run his tongue over his teeth, suck or curl his lips.

Gestures of a man who is embarrassed by you

But in the presence of you, a man experiences not only sympathy, interest or sexual attraction. Along with the desire to get closer to you, there is a fear of being rejected. The situation changes and he can alternately be overcome by many different emotions - uncertainty, anxiety, fear, tension, awkwardness, embarrassment, the desire to control, boasting, the desire to attract attention and even aggression. All these feelings are reflected in body language, even if a man tries to hide them from you (even if he himself is not fully aware of them).

In any case, if you are attractive to a man, in addition to sympathy, he will show uncertainty and excitement or tension in communicating with you. Usually, in order to relieve tension, people begin to finger various objects (rosary beads, for example), fidget with their clothes, buttons, etc. Touching your body and face also calms you down; to relieve anxiety and calm down, a man can use body swaying, he can stroke himself, rub his face, his mouth may become dry from excitement, and he will lick his lips, spin in a chair, etc. Often men begin to preen themselves, straighten their tie, smooth their hair - these gestures convey information about his desire to look more attractive, and at the same time help him relieve tension. Tension and excitement can look like increased energy, activity (waving hands, active gestures, increased tone of voice, verbosity), or in another way - a man will become “inhibited”, it will be difficult for him to squeeze out words, he will be very awkward, clumsy in movements.


In the first stages of dating, signals of fear and tension may be stronger than signals of desire and sympathy. Therefore, if you are in doubt, you can experiment with “speaking with your body.” Try to approach the man, and see what he will do - respond to your movement, or, on the contrary, begin to move away. Show your sympathy for him - smile, look at him with an “intimate look,” extend your hand to greet him, etc. Even if he doesn't understand non-verbal language, his body will respond to you. But do not forget that all signals should be considered not separately, but as a whole, as a single picture - taking into account all his non-verbal signals, and his words, and his behavior towards you. If, despite all his and your nonverbal signals, he does nothing to express his sympathy for you in words or actions, then there is a serious reason why he does not want to get closer to you. Whether he wants to, whether he can overcome this reason is unknown. You can choose for yourself whether you want to wait for him to continue the relationship, risking being left with nothing, or whether you just need to satisfy your pride now that he likes you and look for a more suitable partner who is not just emotionally passionate about you, but is ready and deliberately wants to win your love.

We tried to describe the most common postures and gestures of men in the presence of an attractive woman. In fact, there are more of them, but you just need to start with the main ones to answer the question “Does a guy/man like me” without any verbal clarification. This is already very, very much! All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is permitted only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

Do you want to know if a man likes you? Read the answer in his face. has prepared a master class on physiognomy for you.

When we fall in love with a man, we girls usually lose our minds, intuition, common sense and ability to reason logically.

“Does he like me?”, “Does he perceive me as a woman or just as a friend?”, “How does he treat me?”, “What does he really need from me: just sex or a relationship?” These questions probably torment all girls in love.

Fortunately, the most interesting science comes to the rescue - physiognomy! With its help, as you know, you can learn to read faces.

Psychologist-personologist, expert physiognomist Alisa Anisimova

Psychologist-personologist, expert physiognomist Alisa Anisimova tells how to do this.

So: read his face to see if he likes you.

As a rule, in the first moments of meeting a man’s gaze subconsciously focuses on those areas of the woman that are his priority.

During the first contact, his eyes still momentarily “jump” to the same places.

What does physiognomy tell us about this?

It is important that we can use this analysis only when in contact with a man, since women use different criteria for assessing their interlocutor, and therefore look at different fixation points.

Pay attention to his stance. How does he present himself?

According to physiognomy, if he slouches, it means that he will often “burden” you with his problems. In you he wants to find a “listener”, a “vest”, a “tolerant interlocutor”.

If he sticks out his butt a little, this means that he is prone to boasting, which means he will try to assert himself at your expense.

If your interlocutor is tense in the torso area and tries to control himself (postures, words), then he is unsure of himself. Keep in mind: the way he communicates with you now is one thing, but later he may act completely differently (when he gets to know you better and relaxes).

If he jokes a lot and laughs at his own jokes, it means he considers himself smart and definitely witty. This indicates a somewhat inflated self-esteem and his tendency to demonstrate it.

Gesticulation is a kind of safety net for words. Most likely, such a person is very emotional.

If the interlocutor is silent, this is an indication that he is hiding something. And the man’s gloominess should make you think that he is capable of using force.

If a man bows his head very often, he is tormented by a feeling of guilt for something.

Clubfoot men are characterized by unscrupulousness and sometimes even arrogance.

Hands on hips are often a favorite stance for ambitious and conflict-ridden people.

And fidgetiness speaks of hot temper and impatience.

Physiognomy pays attention not only to the external signs of a person, but also to his voice. Therefore, learn to listen to your interlocutor!

Even speech in most cases is a sign of adequacy.

Fast speech indicates high dynamics of nervous processes; he is always in a hurry.

Accelerated speech is characteristic of those who are afraid of appearing “worse than they really are.”

Slow speech indicates a desire to impress you with your intelligence.

Affectionate speech is characteristic of people who want to seduce.

A cheerful speech is a demonstration of ease of communication.

A person who is worried and unable to control himself speaks intermittently, as well as about pathologies of speech and psyche.

Speech with obscenities speaks about a person’s cultural level, his social self-perception.

How to understand that a man likes you? Mutual love is wonderful, but how do you know that the sympathy is really mutual, and the guy likes the girl as much as she likes him? There are several sure signs of mutual feelings, and from them you can easily understand whether a guy likes you.

One of the easiest ways to find out a man's attitude is to observe his actions in the presence of the object of sympathy. In order not to get into trouble, you need to call on psychology for help, otherwise you can inadvertently reject a worthy man or, on the contrary, fall for the bait of a womanizer.

Of course, with proper knowledge of psychology, you can become interested, but not all men bother searching for and studying such information.

Signs of interest appear mainly in the position of the body relative to the girl you like. A man always tries to be turned in her direction and his poses will be as open as possible:

  • straight back;
  • display of wrists;
  • relaxation in movements.

Moreover, the man will not turn his back on the lady he is interested in. When talking, he will slightly tilt his head towards the girl.

If a young man tries to distance himself and does not want to communicate with a girl, then he:

  • keeps arms and legs crossed;
  • its body is turned in the other direction.

Evidence of a man's interest is a subconscious desire to copy the gestures of a girl sitting in a mess. It's not difficult to check.

For example, if you casually touch your earlobe, lean back in a chair or change the position of your hands, and then watch your interlocutor, a lot will become clear.

It’s not a fact that the guy will completely copy the movements, but he also won’t be able to sit still. He may begin to fidget, touch his hair, or reach for a napkin or lighter.

If a man is attracted to a girl, then the toes of his shoes will always be turned towards her. This fact speaks volumes about sympathy, and such a manifestation of it is almost impossible to control, even if the guy tries to hide his feelings.

It's no secret that we always want to touch the person we like. Therefore, one of the options for finding out that a guy likes you is to analyze his desire to get closer.

If in a large company he tries to choose a seat nearby and, most likely, on the left, but in a spacious room he still stays at a close distance, then this is a good sign.

By the way, psychologists say that the zone of personal space in communication between Europeans of different sexes is approximately 50 cm. If a man easily breaks this barrier, then he is interested in closer acquaintance.

The same applies to a woman’s personal belongings. If it is not possible to touch her, then the man will not miss the chance to twirl her thing in his hands, for example, a phone, a hairpin or a keychain.

Internet activity

In this day and age, showing affection through social media should not be underestimated. In the virtual world, even the shyest man is many times bolder and more decisive than in a personal meeting. Therefore, it is worth carefully analyzing its activity.

Interest can be manifested in attracting her attention. Even if the young man has not yet plucked up the courage to send a personal message, he will definitely be noted with a few comments or likes under the photo.

Features of behavior

The way a man shows affection greatly influences his behavior. Usually, in the presence of an interesting girl, it changes to diametrically opposite from usual.

In other words, the quiet, calm young man will try to take the place of the ringleader by doing the following things:

  • actively gesticulates;
  • laughs loudly;
  • enthusiastically tells stories from life.

At the same time, the merry fellow, with the arrival of the girl, will calm down and embarrassedly give way to the leader to another contender.

When a man wants a woman, the signs of this appear in his gaze. It’s not for nothing that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, the young man will not take his eyes off the object of his interest, and by looking at him it is not difficult to determine how far his thoughts and desires have gone.

If a guy looks into your eyes and turns away sharply when a girl notices this look, then his sympathy is just beginning to emerge. But if he openly looks at a girl, stares at the neckline and curves of her figure, then he is definitely experiencing serious interest.

To find out for sure whether a guy is looking at a girl or whether they just accidentally met their eyes, you should turn to the help of your friends. If, for example, a classmate more often looks at the person he likes than at the board or fellow students, then the conclusion is obvious.

Desire to help

Falling in love includes in every man the desire to be a knight. And this doesn't just apply to helping with heavy bags and opening car doors.

To check who in the company is not indifferent to the girl, you can talk out loud about some problem, the solution to which is usually a male prerogative. For example, complain about a computer or car malfunction, difficulties in choosing fishing rods as a gift for your father, or something like that. A man will never miss such a chance, and will definitely want to help.

A guy will also gallantly lend his jacket on a cool evening, give up a more comfortable seat, and offer a ride home after the party is over.

Conversation style

When talking to the object of sympathy, a person automatically changes the timbre of his voice and manner of speech. A certain tenderness and softness appears in him, and usually there are fewer rude words. A good sign that a man is interested is when he changes his voice significantly when talking to a girl he's interested in.

The questions he asks say a lot. A guy who is indifferent to a girl will not be interested in her personal life, work affairs, or mood.

A young man in love talks a lot about himself, trying to present himself in the best light. He will not do this if there is no sympathy. How to determine if a man likes you? He will brag a lot about his successes and achievements.

Even the most modest representative of the stronger sex, if he likes a girl, will try to give a compliment. We are not talking about banal compliments, but rather about unobtrusive ones that emphasize the characteristics of this particular girl. Sometimes they may come in the form of approval of her actions or support of her position in a general dispute.

If you look carefully, you can see through even the most timid man. It's another matter if he is not free.

How to understand that a married man likes you? His behavior will show the same signs and signals as a free one, only they will be much less pronounced.

After all, even if a man feels sympathy for another girl, this does not mean that he is ready to cheat. And even if he carefully hides it, he will still give himself away somehow. So, by analyzing his behavior, you can easily find out about everything.

As a rule, all these manifestations are obvious to others, but not to the girl herself. Therefore, understanding and goodwill will help the guy overcome fear and admit his sympathy directly.

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