The ascension ladder can be baked the day before. If the day is rainy, the summer will be wet

The Ascension of the Lord is celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter. On this holiday, special rituals can be performed that help the good growth of everything that has already been planted in the fields and gardens.

One of the most common rituals is to visit one's plantings and hold ritual meals there. If you have your own site, then be sure to go to it, taking with you a birch twig tied with bright ribbons. Stick a branch in the middle of the garden, saying:

“As a birch tree grows, so do you, my crops, grow, pour juice, know the life-giving water and the sun. Exactly!"

So that your back does not hurt while working in the garden or on the site, you need to touch the ground and say a conspiracy 3 times:

“How light mother earth is, how high her power-power is, so it will be easy for me with her, my body will get drunk with her strength. May it be so!"

Also in Ascension, you can perform a ceremony to protect the earth from damage and the evil eye. To do this, in the corners of your site, bury the shell from easter egg, saying aloud 3 times a plot:

“Lord, bless my land, Lord, protect it from the machinations of the devil and people, from the attacks of pests and animals, protect it from witchcraft, from theft, from witchcraft, from the evil eye, from damage, from lessons, from prize-winners, from reproaches, from envy , from praise. Amen".

On this holiday, special rituals can be performed that help the good growth of everything that has already been planted in the fields and gardens.

One of the most common rituals is to visit one's plantations and arrange ritual meals there. If you have your own site, then be sure to go to it, taking with you a birch twig tied with bright ribbons. Stick a branch in the middle of the garden, saying:

“As a birch tree grows, so do you, my crops, grow, pour juice, know the life-giving water and the sun. Exactly!"

So that while working in the garden or on the site your back does not hurt, you need to touch the ground and say a conspiracy 3 times:

“How light mother earth is, how high her power-power is, so it will be easy for me to come with her, my body will get drunk with the power of her. May it be so!"

Also in Ascension, you can perform a ceremony to protect the earth from damage and the evil eye. To do this, bury the shell from the Easter egg in the corners of your site, saying the plot aloud 3 times:

“Lord, bless my land, Lord, protect it from the machinations of the devil and people, from the attacks of pests and animals, protect it from witchcraft, from theft, from witchcraft, from the evil eye, from corruption, from lessons, from prize-mongers , from reproaches, from envy, from praise. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Ascension of the Lord - great Christian holiday. He has many conspiracies for good luck and wealth, as well as a conspiracy on the Ascension of the Lord for growth in career ladder.

The crackling of a magpie on Ascension Day will help to attract prosperity into your life. Hearing how the magpie "talks", you must try to have time to say such a conspiracy:

“The magpie soared over the forests and fields, collected jewelry and goodness, but did not take it to its nest, but brought it to me. The barns of grain are full, the sheds of goods are full. May it be so!"

And in order for Lady Luck to be present in your life, it is necessary on this bright day, having heard the “crow” song, whisper the following conspiracy:

“It’s not trouble that calls me, but luck calls, I don’t hear a song of grief, but I foresee good luck. Croaking in Ascension - I'm lucky. Exactly".

AT this holiday you can use a conspiracy to move up the career ladder. For this, specially prepared ladders are used, these are ritual cookies in the form of a ladder. In order for a person to have a good career growth, they spoke such a ladder in a special way and ate until sunset, while drinking water consecrated in the church. Then luck certainly will not pass by.

And here is the plot for the Ascension of the Lord to the ladder:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

To you, Lord, I turn

Who stepped on the ladder of glory

And rose in his glory,

Came to the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Bless, O Lord, my bread,

Who will eat this bread

Yes, drink it with holy water,

He will find patronage in all the affairs of the Lord!

The fate of that person will not offend

Judge won't judge

A cunning person will never outwit, never deceive,

A fast man will never overtake, overtake,

All doors will be open

All heads bow before him

King David himself will help me,

Bless my stairs!

Archangel Michael confirms everything that has been said,

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!".

Also, for health and good spirit, it is necessary to say the following words on the Ascension of the Lord, having heard the birds singing:

“There the nightingale lives, sings about Ascension, glorifies God, heals the body.”


Anyone who passionately desired promotion, came to the Ascension to the healer, who took a fee from the visitor and gave him in return a charmed “ladder” baked from dough.

I will teach you how to prepare such a "ladder" and what plot you need to read over it. Who knows, if not you, then maybe your children will find it useful.

For the test you will need:

Hazelnuts - 120 g, flour - 11/2

cups, crushed sugar or powdered sugar- ½ cup, egg - 1 pc., juice of 11/4 lemon, vanillin - to taste, holy water.

Mix toasted ground nuts with vanilla, flour, sugar and egg yolk. Add holy water, but so that the dough is not very steep. Knead it and roll out a layer 1-1.5 cm thick. Then cut the layer into strips, which are laid on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, so that a “ladder” is obtained from them. Lubricate the "ladder" with glaze and bake until cooked.

When you knead the dough, read this plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

True Christ, King of Heaven,

Rising in His glory.

Lord, I sing to You

Stepping on the ladder of glory

that brought you

To the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven.

God bless this bread.

Who will eat this bread

Who will drink it with holy water,

That Your patronage

Find it everywhere.

Fate will not offend that person,

Judge won't judge

The cunning will not cheat

Fast will not run around

Every door will be opened to him

Every head will bow to him.

King David himself helps me,

He blesses my stairs

Michael the Archangel confirms my words.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

When the charmed "ladder" is ready, eat it.

The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, which is celebrated on the fortieth day after the Easter holiday, when, according to the Gospel, Jesus ascended to heaven, is very significant for every Orthodox Christian.

Many ceremonies, rituals and conspiracies are timed to this holiday, promising a rich harvest and good growth plants. But for those who have nothing to do with gardening, you can do a little magic on this day.

There is a belief that if you say a conspiracy to the Ascension and light a candle, this will help get rid of everything superfluous, unnecessary, which slows down spiritual development and prevents you from moving forward.

And to perform this rite on the Ascension is quite simple. On Ascension, visit the church and light a candle to the image of the Lord Jesus Christ. After that, in a whisper or you can just use your heart, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:
“Jesus, our Savior, as You got rid of worldly fuss, ascended into heaven, so help me, a sinner (oh) in the past, leave all troubles and problems in order to go to you with with a pure heart and bright thoughts! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

In Ascension, you can atone for your sins. Especially this rite will be very useful for those who do not have the opportunity to visit the church.

Ascension rain has been considered a very good omen from time immemorial.

The ringing of bells also has magical power in Ascension. If you accidentally hear the ringing of a church bell, then cross yourself three times and say a conspiracy to yourself:
“Heard the bell (a), became happy (a), drove away failures (a), took luck (a). The Lord is my witness! Amen".

If you live far from the temple, then you can simply call small bell, pronouncing these words of conspiracy:
"bell song, bell ringing I call the angels, I invite the archangels. You, holy servants, deliverers from troubles, shelter me, take me under guardianship. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Possible conspiracies for the Ascension of the Lord 2015:

To attract prosperity on the day of the holiday, you must try to hear the crackling of the magpie. Hearing this bird chatting, you need to say a conspiracy and ask her to collect good and jewelry, but carry them not to her nest, but to your house.
. In order for good luck to accompany you during the year, you need to hear the song of the crow. And under this song, ask that it’s not trouble that is called out, but good luck, so that during the year you and your family do not hear a sad song, but under every croak of a crow, so that a good event happens in life.
. To move up the career ladder, there is no better time to conspire than the Ascension Day. The fact is that traditionally on this day the peasants baked cookies in the form of a ladder with steps. This is a ritual cookie and will help build a career. You must independently bake such ladders according to any recipe and eat before sunset. At the same time, be sure to drink pastries with water consecrated in the church. It is believed that when such a conspiracy is committed, the career will definitely go up.
. The egg that the chicken laid on Ascension, in 2015 it is May 29, also always had magic power. It was considered a talisman, and he was credited with magical abilities take trouble away from home. The egg must be hidden in the attic or in a secluded place.
. An interesting sign, not a conspiracy, is associated with the holiday and the weather. If it rains on a holiday, it will rain for another six weeks. If good weather sets in, then for six weeks after Ascension, the weather will be just fine.
. Good weather that day also prophesied an excellent harvest, and bad weather, respectively, on the contrary. I wonder what else on Pure or Maundy Thursday ( last Thursday before Easter) the peasants determined the weather for Ascension. It will be exactly the same as it was on Maundy Thursday.

Ascension of the Lord 2015: conspiracies

What you need to know about the commemoration of the dead in the Ascension

In addition, the commission of certain conspiracies on this day prophesies good luck and happy year, it is important not to forget about other signs. On Ascension, it is imperative to pay attention to the commemoration of deceased parents, grandparents. Pancakes are baked in their honor, eggs are boiled. It is believed that the commemoration of the dead brings good luck to people, because the ancestors protect them. You just need to follow church laws and you don’t even have to read and memorize any special conspiracies.
In order to celebrate the holiday according to the rules, you can also bake a large oblong pie, on which lay out seven crossbars. Take the pie to the Ascension with you to the service in the church, and then distribute it to the poor at the temple.
It is interesting! To provide for yourself good harvest peasants also spoke land. With them in the field, they took more eggs and cookies of ladders and buried them in the ground, reading the prayer “Our Report” three times. It is best to do this ritual in secret to protect yourself from the evil eye.
What is forbidden to do in Ascension
May 21, 2015 is exactly forty days from Easter this year. On the Feast of the Ascension, as well as on the other 11 most important church holidays, cannot work. But in modern world You have to go to work on Thursday. In such a situation, you must try to protect yourself from homework: washing and cleaning, ironing, knitting and sewing.
You can cook food on this day, but starting new business, borrowing a day or repaying debts is strictly prohibited. Ascension Day is recommended to be spent in a quiet home environment. In the same environment, all conspiracies suitable for this day must be performed.

Many people strive to move up the career ladder by working hard and fulfilling all responsibilities at 100%. Despite this, the authorities do not seek to sign the papers on the appointment. To increase your chances, you can use it by reading the plot on the Ascension ladder. To get what you want, you need to bake special cookies that have great power.

Conspiracy "Ladder" for Ascension

First you need to bake cookies, of course, you can use any dough, but it's best to focus on the right recipe.


  • hazelnuts - 120 g;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • powdered sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1.5 pcs.;
  • vanillin and holy water.


Toast the nuts in a dry frying pan and then grind them using a coffee grinder or meat grinder. Add vanillin, flour, powder and yolk to the resulting powder. Mix everything well and pour in holy water, in such an amount that the dough does not turn out too steep. Knead the dough and read this plot on the bread ladder:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

True Christ, King of Heaven,

Rising in His glory.

Lord, I sing to You

Stepping on the ladder of glory

that brought you

To the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven.

God bless this bread.

Who will eat this bread?

When the dough is well kneaded, it is necessary to roll out a layer about 1-1.5 cm thick. After that, cut it into strips, from which form “ladders” with seven steps. Lay them out on a baking sheet lined with parchment. If desired, cookies can be smeared with icing. Bake until done.

Ready-made treats should not be given to anyone, because you spoke cookies only for myself. Take the "ladder" in your hands, bring it as close as possible to your mouth and say the following plot:

“The Lord is high above us, and I people are above you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It is necessary to eat a treat before the sun goes down below the horizon.

There is one more interesting rite associated with "ladders". Ready cookies must be consecrated in, and then thrown off the roof. In the event that the “ladder” remained intact, it means that the person has a pure soul, and if it breaks, this is a sign that there are many sins in the soul.

Forty days will pass after Easter, and Jesus Christ, having finished his work, will rush to heaven. Ascension of the Lord historical event New Testament. The holiday does not have a specific day, because it is tied to Easter.

It is on the fortieth day, and it is on Thursday that we celebrate it. The Ascension of the Lord in Orthodox Christianity is one of the twelfth holidays, which in many countries is considered the official state.

Read this article:

Celebration of the Ascension of the Lord

This holiday is dedicated to the Lord. Priests wear clothes during worship white color symbolizing divine light.

On the eve, in all churches, the rite of “giving away” Easter is held. And on Thursday, on the day of the Ascension of the Lord, solemn liturgies are performed, where, to the sound of bells, the part of the Gospel dedicated to the Ascension of Christ is read.

All the people on this day rejoice and glorify the Lord. Pies are baked in houses - small rectangles with crossbars on them. They symbolize the ladder - the path of Jesus Christ to heaven. The filling for such pies is made from eggs with green onions. Their dead ancestors - parents are commemorated with boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, pancakes with various fillings.

Reading on a holiday special prayers in which the people turn to the Lord, believing in his strength and power, with a request for help.

It is after the Ascension of Christ that the summer time with warm and blessed days. Used to be a holiday still considered the wires of spring. People decorated their houses with delicate greenery, prepared treats, went to visit, where they had fun from the heart and sang songs, saying goodbye to spring.

folk traditions

The people more perceived the Ascension of the Lord as the growth of all living things, the rise. We went to each other with eggs, Easter cakes and cheese.

bread ladders

According to custom, each housewife baked bread ladders with seven crossbars (7 is the number of heavens of the apocalypse). They were taken to church and consecrated. Then the most nimble climbed the bell tower and dropped the "ladders" down. If it breaks, pray for sins, and if it remains intact, there will be a road to paradise. Later, freshly baked "ladders" were thrown right at the stove on the floor.

Ascension Tradition

They also took bread ladders with them to the garden or in the field. They went there in the afternoon and stood by the garden, tossed up the bread, saying the words "So that my garden grows as high." They caught it and ate it right away. Also boiled eggs buried in the garden secretly from everyone and read “Our Father” three times, appeasing the field spirits for a rich harvest.

What you need to know

If a chicken lays an egg that day, then you need to hang it under the roof of the house. This amulet will protect from troubles.

It’s bad when it rains, it will lead to crop failure and the cattle will get sick.

If it is hot on Ascension Day, then after that you can already swim in the reservoirs.

What not to do on the feast of the Ascension of the Lord

On the day of the celebration of the Ascension of Christ, no work can be done. It is better to prepare for it in advance. By tradition, you need to get together with the whole family or go out of town, to the country.

You can not turn to the Lord with requests for wealth.

You can not ask for revenge on offenders.

Make a wedding

On Ascension, girls wove birch twigs into braids. If the leaves on them did not fade before the Trinity, then be in the house of the wedding.

Commemoration of the dead on the Ascension of the Lord

As well as on Radonitsa, and on Ascension, they always remember their dead ancestors. Fried and boiled eggs are prepared on the table, pancakes are baked. They eat memorial food in the early morning in the house, and in the field or garden during land work. Pies were treated to neighbors and beggars.

Jesus Christ said that the soul of everyone living on earth will go to heaven after death. And this happens in forty days. There exists a completely different life, eternal and righteous, which you need to think about today.

Prayer to the Ascension of the Lord

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, who descended from the heavenly heights for our salvation and nourished us with spiritual joy on the holy and bright days of Your Resurrection, and again, after completing Your earthly ministry, ascended from us to heaven with glory and sat at the right hand of God and the Father!

On this “clear and all-bright day of the Divine ascension to heaven” of Thy “the earth celebrates and rejoices, the sky also rejoices in the Ascension of the Creator of creation today”, people praise unceasingly, seeingly erring and fallen nature on Thy frame, Savior, earthly and ascended to heaven, The angels rejoice, saying: Who is this, who came in glory, mighty in battle. This is truly the King of Glory?! Grant us the weak, the earthly still wise and carnal pleasures, create unceasing, Your ascension to heaven is terrible thinking and celebrating, carnal and worldly, lay aside cares and from Your Apostles to heaven now look with all your heart and all your thoughts, remembering that there are in heaven woe is our dwelling place, but here on earth we are exactly strangers and aliens of Esma, who has departed from the house of the Father to the land of sin far away. For this sake, we earnestly ask Thee, by Your glorious Ascension, Lord, revive our conscience, even if there is nothing more necessary in the world, raise us from the captivity of this sinful flesh and world and make us wise on high, and not earthly, as if we would not please anyone and to live, but we will serve and work for You Lord and Our God, until we have renounced the bonds of the flesh and passed through unrestricted aerial ordeals, we will reach Your heavenly abodes, where, standing at the right hand of Your Majesty, with the Archangels and Angels and all the saints we will glorify the All-Holy Your name with Your Father without Beginning and Your Most Holy and Consubstantial and Life-Giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Recipe "Voznesenskaya ladder"

Such "ladders" can be prepared from rye flour, which you need to measure 1 cup. We take the following products for flour:

  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • vegetable oil (3 tablespoons);
  • sugar (2 cups);
  • cinnamon, salt and soda (a pinch);
  • hot water (3 tablespoons).

dissolve in a little hot water and add all of the above products except flour. Mix well until sugar dissolves.

Gradually add flour, kneading the dough. It should be elastic. We roll sausages out of it. We form ladders and bake in the oven.

Finished products quickly become stale, so they need to be baked early in the morning in order to be eaten in a day.

These cookies, in the form of a ladder, people baked for the Ascension Day and called it "ladders, ladders." The shape, size of the cookies, even the filling (with poppy seeds, cottage cheese, jam) and decorations were different. Only the image of the stairs remained.

Ladders symbolized spiritual growth, the desire for moral perfection. In other regions of Russia, the ladder was an indispensable attribute aimed at ensuring the harvest. Cookies were eaten in the field and crumbled into crops, falling asleep with earth with sentences. Today, the custom of baking ladders is being revived. And this rite is given a new meaning. Ladder - a symbol career development and success.

Knead the dough under the plot. This must be done with Vera.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The true Christ, the King of Heaven, risen in His glory. Lord, I sing of You, who stepped on the ladder of glory, which led You to the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven. God bless this bread. Whoever eats this bread, who drinks it with Holy water, will find Your protection everywhere. Fate will not offend that person, the judge will not condemn, the cunning one will not outwit, the quick one will not run around. Every door will open to him, every head will bow to him. King David himself helps me, blesses my stairs. Michael the Archangel confirms my words. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Heart carefully - slightly open the door ... Sweet ... and anxious .... If you want - Believe! .. Do not believe ...
