The best first date, where and how to spend it. Where to have a first date in winter

According to the rules of etiquette, it is customary for girls to choose a place for a first date. But in the modern world, few people remember this. Often, where to go on a first date, a young man decides on his own.

Choosing the right venue is half the battle for a successful date. There are many options for this. Starting from the banal: cafes and restaurants, parks, ending with creative ideas on the roof, a walk along the river, a concert.

There are many options for a first date.

Every person, going on a date, dreams that it would be different from everyone else and become the best. To give originality to such an event will allow the choice of a romantic place for a meeting.

Also important is the correct behavior and an interesting program on a date.
When preparing for a date, it is recommended that you first find out from your soulmate about her preferences and, perhaps, about the presence of some fears.

This will allow you to choose the right place for the meeting.

Compliance with the elementary rules in preparing and conducting a date will make your meeting truly unique. Care, attention, respect and pleasant time spent together will make a date one of the best in life.

Where to spend a first date the best places

Classic meeting places in today's modern world are beginning to lose their value.

Originality in actions is now very much appreciated.. By choosing any, you are guaranteed to immediately earn yourself several points in the piggy bank.

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Best places for first dates:

  • On the roof.
  • tea clubs.
  • Bowling.
  • Amusement park.
  • Travel by car.
  • Skating rink or rollerdrome.
  • Exhibition.
  • Master Class.

Such places are considered not very creative, but they will make your meeting unique and original. The main thing is that the appearance should correspond to the place, be comfortable and convenient.

If you want to fill your relationship with creativity, recklessness and fun, you can spend a date in places that are not intended for this at all. The main rule when choosing such a place is the mutual desire of both people.

After all, the best date should leave only positive emotions in the memory of both people.

Creative meeting places:

  • Auto racing.
  • Planetarium.
  • Massage salon.
  • Boat base.
  • Swap meet.
  • Anatomical Museum.
  • Temporary tattoo parlor.
  • Date-quest.

The main rule when choosing a place is the mutual desire of both people

What to do on a first date

When preparing for a date, you should carefully consider what you will do while spending time together. The action plan must match the venue.

How to spend the first date, so that it remained in the memory, and aroused the desire to meet again? If a girl wants the relationship to develop, and she received an invitation to the next date, you should follow how to behave and what to do.

You don't have to agree with him on everything. Having your own opinion and views on various situations will make the conversation exciting and interesting.

Keep up the conversation. A conversation on a date is a dialogue between two people. Don't shut yourself up and be shy. This will allow you to carry on a conversation in a relaxed atmosphere with ease and interest.

Jokes that are kind and harmless should be mandatory. But do not use banter, barbs and black humor. A well-bred guy is unlikely to want to continue a relationship with such a girl.

And of course, the most important thing is to be yourself. A date is not a theater where you should put on masks that do not match your inner world. Nothing is more appreciated than naturalness and sincerity in a relationship.

It is impossible to predict the outcome of a first date. It happens that people find each other from the first meeting, and there is nothing wrong with that. And it happens, unfortunately, that the date brought only disappointment. But do not despair, whoever seeks will always find.

Sooner or later, people find their soul mate. But it is very unfortunate if, at the first meeting, due to improper behavior, they part.

At the first meeting, a man picks up every signal that comes from the object of his attention, which is the girl.

Of course, the clothes, hairstyle and fragrance of a woman do not pass by the attention of the gentleman. Correct behavior in combination with appearance creates an overall picture that characterizes a girl from a positive or negative side.

Often, according to the results of the first date, a man determines whether he wants to meet with a girl again or not. So everything is in the hands of women and do not forget about it.

A long-awaited meeting may be overshadowed by the search for a place for it. Do not rely on a man, participate in the choice on an equal footing.

According to statistics, only every fourth man independently decides where to invite a woman. In other cases, the girl has to choose together with the guy or independently where to go on a date. Our advice will be useful not only for ladies, but also for men who are looking for the perfect place to start a relationship. Do not stop at one thing, save all the options, they will help you to spend the next days interesting.

Key Rules for Success

The first date should not take place alone, but without friends and relatives. Consider meeting only in relatively crowded places, do not agree to a visit home and do not invite a gentleman to your place. Why serve everything on a silver platter to a boyfriend, depriving yourself of a holiday? If a man persistently invites friends to the company, find a reason to gently refuse or offer your own option.

You should not invite girlfriends to the first meeting, even if the guy offers to get together with four, taking a friend with him. In such a company, you will not be able to be alone and talk heart to heart. There is also a chance that a man will like a girlfriend more, because he does not yet know that he has caught a goldfish in your face!

Cinema as a place for a date

Going to the movies is a good idea for the first date, as well as the second and all subsequent ones. There are many advantages here:

  • you can be next to a guy without showing any initiative;
  • in the cinema you don’t need to talk a lot, which means there will be no unnecessary questions;
  • you can wear high heels without fear of getting tired;
  • no need to worry about evening dress;
  • do not answer embarrassing questions, citing the need for silence;
  • there is an opportunity to quietly observe the reaction of the gentleman to life situations.

In order not to get tired of visiting the cinema, choose neutral films. Erotica is not good for a first romantic date with a man. It’s good if you determine before buying a ticket that both are interested in science fiction, comedy or action.

When going to the movies with a guy, choose clothes that do not wrinkle too much to look decent on the way out. Grab water - it will suddenly tickle from excitement in the throat or there will be thirst.

Cafes and restaurants for communication

When choosing where to go on a date with a girl, men most often suggest a cafe. A non-committal cup of coffee is the best start for both getting to know and having a sincere conversation with someone who has long sought solitude with you. At the table it is convenient to talk, joke and consider a potential groom. But here there are some nuances:

  1. Do not offer expensive restaurants if he has not chosen this segment himself.
  2. Be careful with unfamiliar national cuisine, so as not to be disgraced by ignorance of the instruments and rules of the meal.
  3. Do not get carried away with alcohol - a glass of wine or a light cocktail is enough to neutralize stiffness.
  4. Do not wait for the man to offer to leave, try to determine this golden moment yourself.
  5. Stick to mid-range meals. Interest in the most expensive snacks may not work in your favor, and the search for the lowest price tags will offend the gentleman.
  6. Having received an invitation to a restaurant, find information about it in advance in order to decide on an outfit and think about what you can order there.

If you just met, it is better to choose a coffee shop as a place for a date. You can go to a restaurant with a fan you already know.

Walk around the city

Hiking is the safest option, ideal for both young girls and couples who want to get rid of loneliness in retirement. This option is convenient because it is easy to expand it by going to a cafe, cinema or other entertainment. By making an appointment in a crowded park, on the embankment or by the fountain, you risk nothing and can leave if you don’t like the man from the dating site.

To brighten up the awkwardness, invite the gentleman for a walk with the dog.

  1. First, if something goes wrong, you will have something to do.
  2. Secondly, you will not consider time wasted.
  3. And thirdly, the dog will help to identify what kind of man is in front of you and whether it is worth continuing a relationship with him.
  4. Fourthly, you can even without fear seem intrusive to call a man who walks a dog.

For couples who already know each other, there are more interesting options for walking. For example, you can organize a mini-picnic in a city park. Even if a man says that you don’t need to take anything, grab something simple, cooked with your own hands.

You can also go to the zoo, to an exhibition of butterflies, cats, scientific achievements or folk crafts. When there is some goal, it is easier to communicate and feel united as a whole.

For a walk, dress as comfortably and comfortably as possible. Keep in mind that you will have to walk a lot, so it is better to refuse heels, preferring comfortable shoes.

Beach or water park

It would seem that the beach is the perfect place to go on a date. But this option, as a rule, men offer in two versions:

  • want to evaluate the figure of a girl;
  • seek to save on free leisure.

If you are confident in your irresistibility and do not feel embarrassed, then you can recover to the beach or to the water park, in other cases, gently refuse, citing neutral reasons.

Baths, saunas and other similar establishments are categorically not suitable for a romantic date with a guy. Find the strength to postpone pair procedures until at least the third meeting.

One day trip

Not very popular, but worthy of attention. There are small excursions without an overnight stay in every city, so choosing the most interesting for two is not difficult. And if you use the coupon discount service, then you can save a lot of money in the price.

A date on an excursion will help you get to know your boyfriend better, identify his strengths and weaknesses. See how the guy behaves with other people, whether he knows how to support in unforeseen situations, what he is interested in.

Choose places based on your interests, and don't forget how you will look. For example, hiking in the mountains will require sportswear, excursions to water bodies may include swimming, sightseeing trips may reveal your poor knowledge of history and culture.

Home furnishings for him or for you

You can invite a guy on a date home only if you already know him - studied together, worked together, met in common companies. Of course, this option will completely deprive you of the holiday, since you will have to take on the organization of the event:

  • clean up, including in the bathroom;
  • take care of light snacks, tea or;
  • think over clothes;
  • prepare entertainment - music, films, albums, collections.

The advantage is that you will feel more confident in your territory.

A date at the guy's house will relieve most of the problems, besides, you will get rid of organizational responsibilities. For a home environment, you don't need to choose too frilly outfits, but don't stoop to sportswear and banal things.

If the guy lives with his mother, then arm yourself with a potential groom.

Where else can you make a date?

Choosing the best place to go on a date with a man depends not only on temperament, age, social status, tastes and degree of acquaintance, but also on the place of residence. You might be more comfortable with these options:

  • the circus;
  • theatre;
  • bike ride;
  • roller skating;
  • sports match;
  • master class (photo, cooking);
  • talk show;
  • bowling;
  • karaoke;
  • planetarium;
  • night club;
  • disco;
  • sea ​​or river walk;
  • horse riding.

If you don't have anyone to date yet, don't despair! We have a selection of the best places without much effort. Visit us more often and subscribe to news in social networks.

The first date is considered introductory. Young people have the opportunity to see each other, hear a voice, ask questions of interest, observe their interlocutor, his manners and behavior. The best option for a first date would be a walk through the streets of the city or in the park. There is more space in the fresh air, there is no need to sit in a stuffy room opposite each other and come up with topics for conversation so that there is no awkward pause. Walking through the streets of the city, you can always find a topic for communication: the architecture of buildings, urban problems, discussion of a recently opened fountain, an overview of evening illumination, watching performances by street performers.

Also during the walk there is an opportunity to touch the interlocutor. The guy can give a hand to the girl or hold her if there is an obstacle on the way, gently grab the girl by the elbow while crossing the road. In the fresh air, excitement disappears faster, because it is not a closed room, and there are a lot of people around.

If you choose a park where there are rides, then you should definitely use it. You can invite them to ride a Ferris wheel, ride a boat, shoot at a shooting range. The guy may try to win a teddy bear or other present for the girl. It is necessary to try to make this evening and the meeting memorable for a long time. If there is an opportunity to go sailing on the river on a boat, then such a chance should not be missed. Such a romantic date will certainly not leave anyone indifferent. The sound of water, the landscapes of the embankment will certainly contribute to the development of further relations.

Going to the movies on a first date is not recommended. Because two people do not know each other well, they are shy, they will not be able to relax and enjoy the film. In addition, it is rarely possible to please two in the selection of a film. On the first date, you need to communicate as much as possible, talk, tell stories from your life, clarify details from your biography. You won't be able to talk for a long time in the cinema. Going to the theater, like going to the cinema, is also not the best option. It is better to postpone these events for future meetings.

On the first date, you should not go to a cafe or restaurant. It is human nature to behave unnaturally during the first meeting. In a cafe, you will have to order something from food or drinks. Because of the excitement, you can do something that will scare off the interlocutor: carelessly eat, spill coffee on yourself. It will be necessary to sit in a quiet environment, look into each other's eyes, while still remembering all the rules of etiquette.

Sometimes it seems that first dates are an endless cycle of dinners in bars and restaurants. Undoubtedly, everyone has been to such at least a dozen times. Don't get me wrong, this is a perfectly normal dating option, it's just that many people are not attracted to the prospect of going to the same bars and spending time in the same way, but with different people. Not to mention, you don't want to wake up hungover after spending time with someone you might not like.

The first date should be fun. And of course, you shouldn't feel obligated to do something you don't like, like drinking alcohol. Therefore, we offer you alternative ideas for first dates that will help you get out of your comfort zone, be fun and unusual, and maybe even help you continue to get to know the person you just met.

Bring everything with you

One person brings drinks with him, and the second is responsible for the snack. Together you choose some fun place (a park or somewhere in nature) and spend time there. Although this picnic option is more suitable for warm months, it can be a lot of fun if you bring a thermos of hot chocolate and go for a walk in the snow.

Cooking class

Cooking is always a great date option, but you might feel uncomfortable being at the house of a stranger on your first date. Instead, go to a cooking class together. It can be a bit pricey, but if you're really interested, you can find discounted options. Just pay attention to such offers. You never know when these masterclass tickets might come in handy.

Ice cream

You can meet at the convenience store and make yourself some ice cream or frozen yogurt. Besides the amazing taste benefits, you can learn a few things about your partner just by watching them make their choices. Did he/she want to add colorful sprinkles to their ice cream? Obviously, this is a very bright personality. Ice cream with fresh fruit? Surely you are dating a person who monitors his health.

Wine degustation

Sure, tasting at a liquor store or restaurant can be quite fun. But can you really remember all the nuances that the sommelier told you about? And do you really want to spend a large enough amount on just one bottle of wine? We don't think. Best of all, each of you bring your favorite wine (better if you set a maximum amount you can spend per bottle), meet in the park for an impromptu tasting. Don't like wine? You can do the same with beer, champagne, or whatever you like.

Three-course dinner… in different locations

A long dinner can seem exhausting, especially on a first date. You can choose from three different places to eat. So you will feel more at ease with a new acquaintance, and this dinner option is quite unusual.

Food festival or street fair

Who wouldn't want to go to a marinade festival? Or hot sauce? Or oysters? The more unique it is, the better. You can go for walks, try different snacks and enjoy the time together with your partner. At the very least, this is a very comfortable place so as not to experience inconvenience and calmly say goodbye if something goes wrong.

Breakfast date

Why not take the pressure off dinner on a date and meet in the morning? Pancakes in sweet syrup can be a good alternative to trendy meals. In addition, the usual food will help you relax.

A park

Theme parks aren't just for teenagers or birthday parties. A date like this can be quite fun, and the steep slides will help you hold hands for the first time if you're feeling a little uncomfortable. Besides, nothing says romance quite like balloons and cotton candy. In addition, the theme park is a good excuse for you if you decide to eat an extra brownie or cake.

Film or outdoor concert

If the weather is warm, you can enjoy your favorite movies and music outdoors. There are many street concerts, theatrical performances, movies… Your options are endless. Plus, they're often free. Check out local news magazines or newsletters - you never know what you might find.

Walk with coffee

A cafe date can be pretty boring, but if you order a coffee and then take a leisurely stroll, it will be much better. Choose places for a walk that both of you have not been to before, this will provide you with more adventures.

Swimming pool

Such a date can be quite fun, and besides, it is harmless. This is a great way to laugh, swim and soak in the water.

"Hunting" for adventure

Such a date is easy to organize. Imagine what you would like to do if this were your last day. Get creative. You can even write a short list. And let your partner do the same. It can be both the simplest things and more complex ones.

Rapprochement with nature

No, no one suggests walking around in the nude (although who can forbid you to do this?). Instead, you can go biking, try rock climbing, go hiking or try your hand at golf. Fresh air makes such a date much more pleasant.

Imagine you are a tourist

Regardless of where you live and how long you have been in this city, there are always places where you have not been. Use the first date as an opportunity to check out these places. Visiting a historic site may not be the most romantic thing you've done, but how would you know if you haven't tried it yet. In addition, you can always drink something or have a snack with something before or after.

Watch the sunset

...or sunrise if you're feeling super ambitious. A beautiful setting makes a date more enjoyable, and it's a great time and place to grab your favorite snacks and drinks. This is the perfect time to get to know someone.

Sport competitions

You can attend minor league competitions. The fact is that tickets to big sporting events tend to be very expensive. But you have an alternative. Competing local teams can also be exciting.


This is an amazing place to get to know each other better and a great opportunity to relive the best childhood memories. The large number of animals also means you won't run out of things to talk about.


An ice rink or skate park is a fun way to have an active first date. In addition, he will help you get closer when you help each other. In addition, the low temperature provides an excellent excuse for hugs.

painting class

Nobody expects you to be a second Picasso. On the contrary, the worse you draw, the more fun the first date will be. Plus, it's easy to find classes that serve wine, or you can bring your favorite drinks with you.


Ridiculous shoes, beer, snacks at the bar… sounds romantic enough. In fact, if you're looking to connect with a new person, there's no better way than pairing a conversation with an interesting activity, especially one that's perfectly doable no matter your skill level. To make the date even better, you can come up with some kind of joke bet on the game.


This is an amazing place where everyone is on an equal footing, regardless of whether you are a former theater star, sing only in your soul, or you can’t hit the notes at all. Just try to avoid too romantic songs. It's not very appropriate on a first date.

Meeting with friends

If you are afraid to meet a person face to face for the first time, you can join a group of friends. And even if this is not the most ideal first date, at least you will go on a second date without fear.

Listen to live music

You don't have to spend a lot of money on a ticket to enjoy good performers playing. Many bars have live music or local bands. Weather permitting, you can go to an open-air concert.

Bar with billiards or board games

Gone are the days of sipping drinks and straining from the awkward pauses that many experience during a first date. Many bars have darts, billiards or board games. Choose what you like the most and have a friendly competition.

dance lesson

Choose a type of dance that will be new to both of you and settle for a beginner class.

Game "Truth or Dare"

It's like high school, isn't it? But such a simple game will help you keep up a conversation with a new person. In addition, you will have a chance to learn more about your partner.

Planetarium or museum

If it's too cold to stargaze outdoors, you can head to the planetarium. It's a fun excuse to visit a place you never have time for, not to mention romantic.

Visit a psychic

Yes, this is more than an unusual date, but it will give you a lot of things to talk about. In addition, you can find not very expensive places, so that your date will be affordable. Just make sure you don't get too caught up in your previous romantic life, as a first date isn't the best time to do it.

Own adventure

So many ideas, so little time... If you're looking for adventure, just offer a few options and let your partner choose what you do. This guarantees you a good time together.

Where is the best place to arrange a first meeting with a girl or where to invite a girl on a first date? What original place can you go to make a date memorable and you can count on further relationships? Where does a man or a guy usually invite a girl he likes on a date?

You may find it difficult to organize something out of the blue, especially if you don't know where to start. Can't come up with something amazing by taking ideas from the air? For those who need help, we've put together a list of dating ideas. If you're looking for something fresh, fun, adventurous and romantic, then just use these ideas to find out where a guy can go on a date with his girlfriend.

Standard meeting places are various cafes, restaurants or similar establishments. The second place is shared by picnics, parks, the third - theater, cinema, museums. But if you don’t want to take the girl to classical places, then you need to improvise. As an option - a little extreme or create romance. Here are some ideas.

Adrenaline rush.
Karting, amusement park, water/mountain skiing, hot air balloon - an exciting adrenaline rush + a feeling of euphoria in the presence of each other. You can also invite a girl to ride ATVs, kayaking or take a horse ride. It is really romantic and makes an indelible impression on the young lady.

Why it's a good idea: There is scientific evidence that couples are more likely to develop a mutual attraction to each other when their first day is pumped with adrenaline. It can also be more fun than a walk in the park.

Date on the boat.
Boating even around the lake in the park is a romantic classic summer date pastime. For more adventurous couples, something more energetic can be considered - canoeing or kayaking. (In this article, in the section, you can consider how to make classic dating places interesting and memorable for a girl).

Parks, reservoirs.
A leafy park, a well-groomed lawn on the banks of a river or lake - a place where you can fly a kite or ride a swing. By the sea, free your "inner child" by building sandcastles, playing beach volleyball or just sitting on the pier and eating ice cream. A date like this allows you to show your playful side to each other with lots of laughter.

At the end of the day, you can dream and enjoy a walk along the promenade, as well as the view of the sunset. In addition, small restaurants, cafes with an open terrace near water bodies are good for romantic feelings.

Where to go with a girl on a first date when the budget is limited

Your head is probably drilled by such a thought, because you met a charming lady, but you don’t have a lot in your pockets, so you doubt whether it’s worth making a date. It seems to you that in order to win the heart of such a beauty, you need to feel the heaviness in your pocket from a tightly stuffed wallet. Fill her with your generosity. Believe me, this is self-deception, everything is much simpler.

Cooking date.
They say the way to a man's heart, and many women, we'll add, is through their stomach, so this is the perfect opportunity to explore food or chocolate festivals, tours, or exhibition shows with tastings, where many producers offer free tastings.

Check local listings of gourmet events in your area or search the internet for dates for similar food festivals. You will definitely be surprised by the choice of these events. The coolest thing about such a date is that it gives you the opportunity to enjoy fun communication, try something new + a little adventure.

Organize an interesting trip.
Invite her to take a girlfriend with her and you can go fishing in the morning or pick mushrooms in the forest or take an interesting excursion. Sports, as well as joint overcoming of obstacles, are not only cool, but also bring together. For a girl to experience pleasant emotions in nature, this means agreeing to a further continuation of the relationship.

By the way, in nature you can impress her with your abilities, skills and knowledge, moreover, without even showing off in front of her. Everything happens naturally: make a fire, cook food, navigate the terrain.

Bird feeding.
If all your ideas are exhausted, where to invite a girl on a date, then invite her to feed the pigeons or ducks in the nearest pond. Just find such a place in advance: a pond or a park. It seems to you not to impress the lady, but believe me, feeding birds or animals is very cool. For a girl, such a guy is a mystery. On the one hand, it is simple, but on the other hand, there is a certain core in it that distinguishes it from all other representatives of the male world.

Board games, tennis.
Invite them to play some board or sports game. For example, in many cities in the parks there are free tennis tables, or tennis courts where you can have fun. When talking to a girl, you can ask “you know how to play tennis, then say that you can teach her or keep her company for several games. Sport charges with positive energy.

Walk around the city.
Go wandering around the city or local attractions. At the same time, try to be cheerful, fool around a little, joke, prompting the girl to laugh. Laughter, humor - it is remembered for a long time.

Summer is the perfect season for organizing active dates. A great way for such a date is a leisurely bike ride along the river or embankment or in the park. If you don't have your own bikes, you can rent them in many parks. When riding, you can always stop at a beautiful place, saying that against its background the girl looks especially attractive. Such a subtle compliment will please her. Such a date will allow both of you to see the picturesque landscapes, while enjoying each other's company. (In this article ).

In that video in two minutes you will learn a few more ideas.

Where not to go with a girl on your first date

Who came up with such a stupid idea how to go with a girl on a date to the cinema? Imagine a girl getting ready and preparing for her date for several hours. I twisted my hair, gathered it, straightened it, did my hair - I didn’t like it. Again she does her hair, styling, makeup, trying on one dress, another in front of the mirror, racking her brains about how she will look on a date. After rushing to a meeting, only to have a guy take her to a movie?

The lady wants to talk, show her, get to know her better, perhaps the future gentleman. And as a result, she sits on a first date in the dark watching a film of little interest to her, not being able to communicate. Do you think that after such a date she will agree to a second one? Agree, it is unlikely, besides, the cinema will not go anywhere. So drop the movie theater idea. When you already meet, you will have a relationship, then you will go to the cinema.

Music festivals, band concerts, as long as it's not her favorite artist or band. In an environment of noise, loud music, it is difficult to talk and pay attention to each other.

9 ideas for winter dates in this video.

What to talk about with a girl on a first date

Communication should be easy, relaxed, so the topics of conversation should be the same: cinema, music, hobbies, nature. In general, there are no rules here, you can talk about anything, if the girl is interested. Otherwise, change the topic of conversation.

It is worth avoiding any personal or unpleasant topics for the girl: past relationships, whether she was married, whether there are children, talking about the family. Refrain from discussion topics: religion, politics, tolerance for various minorities. These are questions that can immediately lead to misunderstandings. (You can read more in the article of the same name).

Never talk about your complaints or grievances on dates. Telling heartbreaking stories that you had to eat one mivina as a child because of poverty, so you have to study (work) in a bad institution, where the redneck boss delays your salary.

Remember, you are a confident, purposeful man / guy who accepts any difficulties as a challenge with a smile on his lips. People who have everything bad are unattractive to others. We are arranged in such a way that we want to be where the level of comfort for us is higher. Therefore, first consider what to talk about with a girl on a first date. After all, talking about what a bad boss, teacher, professor, as well as negative news are bad topics for conversation.

Another taboo is finance.
The words "expensive, cheap, credit, mortgage, debt" should not fly off your lips on a date. It does not matter whether you need money or you have your own profitable business. Talking about money destroys the whole idyll of romanticism on the first date with a girl.

Talk about the "former".
It does not matter for what reasons you broke up, but refrain from weaving it into a new relationship. Talking about the "former" is unlikely to add to the chances of success. The new chosen one will think that your relationship is ongoing or that there is some kind of emotional connection between you. And the current date is an attempt to make the "former" passion jealous. It is better to let past relationships be an intrigue for the lady, but try not to overdo it.

it video prompt how to get out of an awkward situation when the topics of conversation are over.


If you want to keep a further harmonious relationship with a girl, never stop there. You need to act and always come up with new ideas. Remember two main things: 1) Monotony quickly ruins the romanticism of dates. 2) Do not allow everything to become a routine. Do you want high-quality, cool relationships filled with feelings, reciprocity? Then be sure to follow the tips in this article.

Try to choose original ideas, places where to invite a girl on a first date. At the same time, you should not think that this requires a lot of money. After all, the main thing is to show yourself from an unusual side, that you are different from thousands of other guys. The girl will quickly realize how lucky she is, because in you she sees a romantic, mysterious guy.

Sincerely, Andronik Oleg/Anna.
