Owners of the thinnest waist. The narrowest waist in the world

78-year-old American Cathie Jung is the owner of the thinnest waist in the world, whose achievement is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Katie's waist is only 38.1 cm. It all started with envy of the Barbie doll's waist, and then at the age of 22 she discovered an interesting thing for herself - a corset, which she has been wearing for about 30 years. From acquaintance with a corset, this interesting story of the life of this amazing woman begins.

Cathy Jung got into the Guinness Book of Records thanks to her waist, the volume of which is 38.1 cm.

At 22, she discovered a wonderful thing for herself - a corset. According to her, she really liked the heroines from Gone with the Wind and she began to imitate her idols.

Having given birth to three children, Katie finally decides to say goodbye to her former waist of 71 cm and make friends with a corset. For 25 years she has not parted with him. Removes only in the shower for 30 minutes, no more, otherwise the waist may deteriorate ...

Kathy is married to a surgeon. It is the husband who monitors the health of his wife and claims that Katie is absolutely healthy.

Katy's clothes are made to order. She admits that she feels chic in her corsets, while generating income for manufacturers. The price of a corset is from 100 to 500 pounds. Katy has over 100 of them.

Cathy Jung, along with her husband, often take part in various TV shows in the US, Western Europe and even Japan. In addition, the owner of an unusual waist is invited to shows of old clothes.

Katie at the Guinness World Records Reception

Now grandmother Kathy is 76 years old, her proportions are 99-38-99.

A little about other owners of the "wasp waist":

Dora Stein's waist in girth is 42 cm. But she says that she will not stop there (the woman removed 2 ribs) and wants to do another operation and go on a diet.

24-year-old German Michelle Kobke wore corsets for three years and made her waist 40.6 cm.

Nerina Orton from the UK with a waist of 40 cm.

The absolute record for thinness of the waist belongs to Ethel Granger, who died in 1974 - 33 cm.

The organs of these women were also deformed along with the waist, and this is a direct threat to health.

Proportions are considered ideal when the waist is from 60 to 70% of the hip circumference (that is, from 60 to 70 cm), for Katie this proportion is 38% of the hip circumference.

Ethel Granger from Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK, became known to the whole world as the owner of the thinnest waist of the 20th century - only 33 cm! She was brought to such a state by the fantasies and fetishes of her husband, who was obsessed with wasp waists.

For the sake of her husband, Ethel did not take off her corset throughout her life.

Ethel Granger's youth came in the 1920s, when shapeless hoodie dresses were in fashion, and women with short hair looked a bit like boys. Ethel was a completely ordinary girl until she married astronomer William Arnold Granger in 1928.

Once, hugging his wife, William expressed the desire to feel her waist in a corset. After a while, Ethel nevertheless began to eat less and pulled herself tightly into a corset. The husband was so delighted that he suggested that she not take off the corset 24 hours a day. After much persuasion, Ethel agreed to sleep in it. A few years later, Ethel Granger's waist decreased from 58 to 33 cm, and the woman was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

When Ethel succumbed to her husband's persuasion and began to wear a corset, William had new fantasies. The wife had to add insanely high heels to her look and pierce her ears in several places to put on several pairs of earrings.

Ethel Granger pierced.

And at the end of the "beautiful" image, the husband pierced Ethel's nose. During this procedure, he blindfolded his wife and pierced the septum between the nostrils with a silver needle. The same was done with the nostrils. It should be noted that all this happened long before the popularity of piercing among young people.

Photo shoot by Ethel Granger for Vogue magazine.

Despite the unnatural manipulation of her body, Ethel Granger lived a fairly long life. She died in 1982 at the age of 77.

The generally accepted canons of female beauty are still subject to the parameters 90-60-90, but this is how we break the rules!

And if we remember the owners of the largest breasts and the largest fifth point with enviable regularity, then it's time to talk about those who can boast of a real aspen waist.

To open the rating of "10 girls with the thinnest waist in the world" rightfully belongs to the unsurpassed Betty Brosmer. Today, the owner of the most beautiful female figure of the 40s and 50s is already 82 years old, but fans don’t care much! But what they really care about is Betty's unique parameters, "prisoners" in 96-45-91.

It turns out that Betty began her career at the age of 13, and even then her every appearance at a beauty contest (and she won them more than 50 times!) Or on the cover of a magazine caused irrepressible puppy delight! The male half of humanity did not want to let the beauty out of sight for a long time, which is why Betty now and then became the owner of titles, like "Miss Figure" or even "Miss Television". By the way, it was she who was the first in history who managed to get the rights to all her photos and receive% of their publication. But most importantly, it was Betty Brosmer who created the image of a playful girl who gave life to the pin-up trend and prepared the audience for the future star start of Marilyn Monroe!

27-year-old Aleira Avendano often hears in her address - "Venezuela's silicone misunderstanding" or "wasp woman", and such nicknames were attached to the girl not by chance. It is known that she is 19 years old and wears a corset for 23 hours a day. For 7 years, Aleira managed to narrow her waist to 50 cm, while increasing her hips to 115 cm and her chest to 97 cm.

Doctors scare the girl with an imminent deformation of the internal organs because of such a strange hobby, but these words had an effect on Aleira exactly the opposite - today she does not take off her corset even at night, but only if she takes a shower.

The name of Valeria Lukyanova has long been associated exclusively with the revived Barbie doll. It is known that the similarity with the famous toy was brought to the girl not only by painstaking work on herself, but also by the help of plastic surgeons. But be that as it may, today Valeria's waist is 47 cm, and does not increase solely due to special nutrition and a belt that pulls her waist up to 43 cm and does not allow her to eat an extra piece, even if she really wants to!

From day to day, the “queen of burlesque” will celebrate her 45th birthday, but the reflection in the mirror stubbornly proves to her that now she looks better than even at 20! So, with a height of 160 cm and a weight of about 52 kg, Dita von Teese's waist stopped at around 56 cm, and in a corset - 42 cm.

The ex-wife of rock musician Marilyn Manson says that she has such parameters thanks to physical exercises and a healthy diet - she rarely drinks, never eats starchy foods, and starts every morning with a vegetable cocktail of spinach, cilantro and parsley. By the way, Dita has been wearing a corset since she was 18 years old.

Glory to the head of 26-year-old Ann Ward fell on her head, as soon as she crossed the threshold of the Tyra Banks show “America's Next Top Model”. It turns out that with a height of 188 cm, a chest measurement of 84 cm and a hip measurement of 90 cm, her 59-cm waist seemed like it could easily be wrapped around her arms. In general, then the girl conquered not only the main presenter, but also all the members of the jury. And then - off we go: 5 best photo shoots in a row, Roberto Cavalli show and a contract with IMG Models!

The figure of the Romanian model Ioana Spangenberg is called the "hourglass" behind the eyes, and you know why? Yes, because with a height of 167 cm and a weight of 38 kg, the girl's waist stopped at around 50 cm. And plastic surgery has nothing to do with it! As Ioana herself says, she has long dreamed of getting better, eating a lot of sweets and indulging herself in unhealthy goodies, like chips and barbecue, but to no avail. By the way, at the age of 13, the girl's waist was no more than 38 cm, and her friends often had fun by simply picking her up with their hands!

Ethel Granger is known all over the world as the owner of the thinnest waist of the 20th century - 33cm! But it’s too early to rejoice or admire ... It turns out that from the original 58 cm, the girl “dragged on” in the name of love, or rather, her husband William Granger had an obsession with the idea of ​​​​having a wife with an aspen waist at hand, and Ethel fulfilled his desire! By the way, for the sake of her beloved, she did not take off her corset throughout her life, got into the Guinness Book of Records, and then also became famous for having pierced her face.

We all guess that the wasp waist is often the result of the work of plastic surgeons or bullying over one's own health. The German woman was no exception, whose figure parameters are striking and at the same time frightening. It is known that today the girl's waist has reached 40 cm from the original 64 cm, and this is not the limit. Michelle literally became related to the corset, for several years she has not taken it off day or night. But the worst thing is that the muscles of the back and abdomen of the girl are atrophied, she hardly manages to get out of bed, and she has to eat very small portions 10 times a day! Do you think Michelle is stopping it?

This year, American Kathy Jung will celebrate her 80th birthday, but you won’t believe it - this beauty still holds the world record as the owner of the thinnest waist in the world in a living person. The desire to get a unique figure came to the girl after her passion for Victorian fashion. At the age of 38, Katy began wearing waistbands and corsets, changing her waist circumference from 66 cm to 53 cm without a corset and 38.1 with a corset. Want to be shocked even more? Then imagine that Katie's waist is about the same as ... a mayonnaise jar!

Birmingham resident and burlesque show dancer Nerina Orton is the owner of the well-deserved title of "the narrowest waist in the UK", but she has long identified the main goal of her life - to break the record of Katie Jung! And it seems that everything is moving towards that ... It is known that Nerina began to wear a corset from the age of 14, and she will never take it off. Her waist circumference to date has reached 40 cm in a corset and 56 cm without it. Nerina does not care why she constantly feels the movement of the intestines, which is trying to take a natural position, because all the forces are thrown to win. Well, shall we wait?

Do the ends justify the means? topnews.ru magazine published an article about the owners of the thinnest waists in the world! Beauty or an imposed idea of ​​​​it is up to you.

Go in for sports, take care of your health and!

Emilia Marie Bouchot
Waist 33 cm in a corset was the French actress Mademoiselle Polaire (Emilie Marie Bouchaud - Polaire, real name Emilie Mary Bouchot). From 1909 to 1935 she acted in films, often under the name of Pauline Poehler, starred in more than thirty films by French, American and Italian directors. Left memoirs. She died in 1939.

Ethel Granger
Ethel Granger had the smallest waist in the world - 33 cm. However, such a thin waist was not natural for her - the woman was influenced by her husband, William Granger, who was obsessed with the idea of ​​a wasp waist in women.

Nerina Orton
Nerina has been wearing a corset since she was 14 years old. She is only 22 years old, now her waist circumference is only 40 cm. Nerina works as a dancer at a burlesque show. She does not take off her corset even at night, she sleeps right in the corset.

Cathy Yung
Cathy Jung currently holds the record for holding the most in the world in a living person. Her waist is about the same size as a mayonnaise jar.

Mr Pearl
He is 43 years old, he wears a corset 24 hours a day, takes it off only in the bathroom. He was inspired to wear a corset by childhood memories of his grandmother. He is a "Corsetier" or corset maker, making corsets for many stars: Kylie Minogue, Victoria Beckham, Jerry Hall.

Michelle Koebke
Waist 24-year-old Michelle Koebke has decreased from 64 cm to 40 cm as a result of wearing a corset every day for three years, even while sleeping. Despite the fact that her waist is smaller than that of most supermodels, the German woman wants to reduce it to a record 38 cm. Michelle can hardly stand up, because the stomach has also atrophied due to the corset.

Joana Spangenberg
The height of 30-year-old Yoana is 167 cm, weight - 38 kg. She claims that she eats three times a day and does not deny herself fatty foods like chips, pizza and kebabs. When she was 13 years old, many of her friends could close their arms around her 38 cm waist. Now her waist is 50 cm.

Ann Ward
Ann's waist is so thin that a person can easily wrap his arms around her. Considering her height is 189 cm, it is understandable why viewers of the show "America's Next Top Model" were shocked. Anne's thin waist impressed show host Tyra Banks and the jury, so Anne won the 15th episode.

Dita Von Teese
In 2012, Dita Von Teese celebrated her 40th birthday. The Burlesque Queen, who was married to rock singer Marilyn Manson from 2005 to 2007, thinks she's in better shape than she was in her 20s. The height of the star is only 162 cm, and the weight is about 50 kg. She explains that she maintains her 55 cm waist thanks to.

Valeria Lukyanova
A few years ago, a 21-year-old Ukrainian woman made a splash in her native Ukraine and neighboring Russia due to her resemblance to a Barbie doll. She has undergone tons of plastic surgeries, from nose reshaping to rib removal to reduce her waistline. And her waist is definitely very thin.

In different countries and in different eras, the hands, legs, and even the neck were considered the most beautiful part of the female body. However, it is the thin waist that traditionally attracts the attention of men and causes the burning envy of women. A thin waist and lush hips have always been considered not only beautiful, but also served as a guarantee that a woman will bring her husband many healthy children. However, the theme of offspring gradually receded into the background, leaving only aesthetic moments. The thinnest waist in the world - what girl would not be attracted to such a title?

Finding out who was in the world without a corset is very difficult. There is no such section in the Guinness book nominations, you can only remember celebrities. And here Lyudmila Gurchenko and Sophia Loren come to mind. Both had a waist of about fifty centimeters, which is very beautiful, delightful, charming. They can not only be envied, but also imitated, because neither one nor the second artificially reduced their waists in any way, achieving the beauty of the figure using completely natural methods.

Well, if you list unnatural ways, then you immediately remember the famous accessory that spoiled the health of many, and even cost some ladies their lives. Corset - a cage made of fabric and whalebone. In the century before last, it was ubiquitous and worn at any event: both for walks and games, sports meetings, riding in carriages and on horseback, and for balls. It got to the point that ladies wore corsets even during pregnancy. And all this for the title of "the narrowest waist in the world."

Stunning fanaticism was justified - the corset emphasized the curves of the figure, reduced the waist, visually enlarged the chest and hips. They wore it since childhood, treating it like a normal part of the toilet. The narrowest waist in the world, as it was then believed, was that of a Frenchwoman, a famous actress named Poehler (actually her name was Emilia Maria Bouchot) - only 33 centimeters. She began to perform in Paris at the music hall in the last decade of the 19th century, became an operetta and drama actress, acted in films and even wrote memoirs.

The lady who intercepted the title of "the thinnest waist in the world" was Ethel Granger from the UK. Her husband was an ardent fan of corsets and shaped figures. He insisted that his wife wear this slimming product. In just ten years, the lady managed to achieve a waist of 24 centimeters.

Well, the most famous lover of these cruel attributes of beauty was the "queen of corsets" named Cathy Jung. Her waist is only 38 cm, and she managed to achieve it over thirty years of constant body pulling. She takes off her corset for only half an hour a day. I must say that she was not always like this: at the age of 28 she gave birth to two children and decided to listen to the wishes of her husband, who persuaded her to wear corsets. Now she has more than a hundred of these products, and the lady even got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Now the owner of the title of "the thinnest waist in the world" is already seventy years old, but she continues to flaunt in corsets and reduce her waist. Of course, she has to sew clothes to order, because she simply cannot find the right one in the store. However, to follow in the footsteps of Katie or not, it is up to each representative of the fair sex. In the end, the figure obtained after wearing a corset is specific and does not indicate good health.
