Congratulations to employees on June 12 in prose. Congratulations on the Day of Russia: official, in prose

Today, on the Day of Russia, I congratulate from the bottom of my heart all the citizens of our great country, as well as the people dearest to me! Today we celebrate the day of independence and prosperity of our Motherland, and perhaps it can be proud of each of us! I want to wish you a happy, long, peaceful and prosperous life!

We are all very different, we have different dreams, interests and destinies, but we are all united by the fact that we are citizens of Russia - a country with a rich past and, I am sure, with a bright future! I congratulate you and want to wish a peaceful, happy life for you and your family!

Our country is great and beautiful, a lifetime is hardly enough to get to know it, we are lucky to grow and live here, make it better, and the life of its citizens is happier! I congratulate you on the Day of Russia and wish you to remain as strong, full of strength and readiness to fulfill your dreams for many years to come!

Happy Russia Day! Today is the time to congratulate you and wish you what can make your life, and the life of your dear people, in the vastness of our vast country, even happier! Peace to you, success in work and personal life, may there always be warmth and comfort in the house, and spring and winged dreams in your soul!

Whoever we are, and whatever we do, it is in our power to do much more than we usually imagine ... On a solemn holiday, on Russia Day, I want to wish you more strength and inspiration, good luck and success in every business! May day by day, and year by year our life become happier, and our country be beautiful and prosperous!

Today I congratulate you on the Day of Russia and I have to admit that on this day I am especially proud that we live on this earth, that we can make a small, but contribution to its great future! I congratulate you and wish you to live happily ever after, so as not to regret a single day you have lived!

Today, June 12, on the Day of Russia, I congratulate you and want to wish you a life that is not simple, but of the highest quality! Let there be luck, success, love and a warm home in it! Let all dreams come true, and true friends are added! And of course, I wish great and bright happiness to all the citizens of our great country, and to the country itself - prosperity and a peaceful sky!

Our country, as big and amazing as our life in it, all this is made up of many details, sometimes of little things, in a word, of the actions of each of us. On Russia Day, I want to wish all of us to be happy, live in peace and tranquility, and thereby increase the wealth and happiness of our country!

On a wonderful holiday, on the Day of Russia, I want to wish you what invariably makes the happiness of every person - happiness, love, good luck and good health! May life be truly good, bring only pleasant surprises and please with the fulfillment of cherished desires!

Today I congratulate you on the Day of Russia! We can live in any corner of our vast country or beyond its borders, but it would be good for us to always remember it and sincerely love our native land! I want to wish you good luck, long years, good health, prosperity and happiness!

Dear Colleagues, Sincerely I congratulate you on Russia Day , with the main holiday of our great and mighty state. I sincerely believe that we, the Russians, were lucky to be born in a country that has no equal either in area, or in the spread of natural and climatic zones, or in the number of peoples inhabiting it and the cultures represented, or in the diversity of confessions it has, or in the presence natural wealth, nor the centuries-old history ...
The Russian Federation in many aspects of life, as they say, is the best. The Russians are strong and known throughout the world for their courage and courage, love of freedom and desire for peace and friendship, unity and solidarity, breadth of soul and hospitality, unique cultural heritage and respect for ancestors.
Over the years of the existence of the great Russian state, many things have changed more than once in its life: the socio-political system, the social structure, the way of internal life, there were unifications of principalities and the collapse of the republican union ... The day the Declaration was adopted, signed on June 12, 1990, became a symbol of the revival of modern updated Russia, in which every person has the inalienable right to a decent life, free development and use of the language, and every people the right to self-determination.
Dear Colleagues! Russia Day or, as it is also called, Russian Independence Day - the most important holiday of the state. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this truly great day - the day of the triumph of freedoms, civil peace and harmony, which favors the unity of the nation and fills our souls with a sense of patriotism and common responsibility for the present and future of Russia.
Dear colleagues! congratulating you on 12 June, I want to wish the Russian Federation further development, and together with it you a better, more comfortable, bright, prosperous and happy life. May all your dreams and hopes come true, your plans come true, there will be prosperity in your homes, love in your hearts, and peace and harmony in families. Do not get sick, live many years in peace and harmony, enjoy life, relatives, friends, children. And also ... believe in yourself, your strength and your country! Happy Russia Day!

The holiday of the adoption of the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia will be celebrated on June 12, 2016 for the twenty-fourth time. However, its name - the Day of Russia - was approved much later, in 2002. Until now, many consider June 12 to be Independence Day, however, this is a mistake. The Day of Russia holiday entered the history of the country along with the name of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, but was finally approved by order of Vladimir Putin. On this holiday, festive events, concerts, performances by artists are held in all places of the Russian Federation. Official congratulations on the Day of Russia are heard on radio and television. Hundreds of thousands of Russians gather on Red Square and adjacent areas on June 12. They go out into the street to join in the general rejoicing and listen to the speech of the President of the country, addressing his compatriots. On the holiday of June 12 - an official day off for all residents of the Russian Federation, but in 2016 the Day of Russia falls on Sunday, so we rest for three days. On Russia Day, you can congratulate each other in different ways: with poems, in your own words, pictures, souvenirs, and even performances.

How do we relax on Russia Day June 12, 2016?

June 12 is a holiday officially approved by the President of the country. In 2016, June 12 is Sunday, so there will be more holidays. The Russians will not work for three days in a row, from June 11 to June 13 inclusive. At some sites, June 14 will also become a shortened working day.

The history of the holiday Day of Russia June 12

Name B.N. Yeltsin, the first president of the Russian Federation, entered the history of the country not only with his patriotic speech on a tank in front of Muscovites during the August 1991 coup. June 12, 1991 Yeltsin won the election, becoming the first president of the new Russia. Seven years later, he proposed to rename the date of the adoption of the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia on June 12 as the Day of Russia. However, the final approval of the Day of Russia and its name took place only 4 years later. This was already done by the successor of the first president, Vladimir Putin.

Russia Day - pictures and postcards (visual greetings)

Russia Day on June 12 is a large-scale holiday celebrated by millions of our compatriots. Since June 12 is a day off, on this day many families go to concerts in honor of the holiday, gather guests and relatives at home. Both children and adults congratulate each other. Holiday postcards and pictures in honor of the Day of Russia on June 12, as usual, depict the tricolor, fireworks, Moscow, the Kremlin. Greetings are written on the front and back of the cards. Every year, the motives of greeting cards for the Day of Russia change and are updated a little, but the main theme - patriotism - is always present.

Official congratulations on the Day of Russia in prose

The morning of June 12 begins with official congratulations from all residents of the Russian Federation on the Day of Russia. Each television news program, radio broadcasts tell about the history of the Day of Russia holiday. Honorary residents of cities, heroes of Russia, children, passers-by speak before the microphone. The congratulations of the Russian president are broadcast on central television, and he himself takes part in the celebrations in honor of the Day of Russia on Red Square. Poems about Russia are recited on the stages of concert halls and open areas, famous artists perform their concert numbers. The finale of the holiday on June 12 is salute - multi-colored fireworks.

Congratulations to all on the day of our Motherland - the Day of Russia! We wish our country to grow stronger, prosper, develop and be just as powerful and great. May every citizen from the Far East to Kaliningrad feel free, successful and happy!

Day of Russia can be safely designated as a people's day. After all, it is the citizens, the real patriots of the country, who are laying the bricks for the bright future of a great power. Glory to the state! Glory to might and steadfastness. Throughout its long history, Russia has been great and powerful, it has not caved in under the onslaught of enemies... And on this beautiful day, I would like to wish only one thing: stability, economic growth and national peace. I wish everyone to be proud of the fact that they live on the beautiful Russian land.

Happy holiday of freedom, peace! This holiday symbolizes the unity of the entire nation of the Russian people, so let the life of every Russian be truly bright, clean, happy and bring only pleasant surprises!

When choosing how to celebrate the Day of Russia on June 12, do not forget that in 2016 we rest much longer. Plan your three days off in advance so that you can get to a gala concert and organize dinner with family or friends. For Russia Day, give your children picture books about the history of this celebration. Start your festive dinner with poetry or prose in honor of the holiday. Relax from the heart!

Russia is the greatest power, and the main holiday for the state is June 12, a holiday of strength, power, and steadfastness. Every year, this is a difficult test for the inhabitants of this beautiful country and its leaders.

But together with the allies, the superpower country confidently holds the blow.

Congratulations on the day of Russia is, first of all, an appeal to every inhabitant of the Russian Federation, to a little boy, a future defender of the Motherland, and a noble old man, who provided invaluable assistance in the formation of a superpower. To a young girl who looks to the future with a smile, and a talented businessman whose work helps the country's economy grow. This is a holiday not so much of the country as of its inhabitants, each of which is an invaluable gift for the state, regardless of age, gender, nationality and religion. And everyone wants to wish good, prosperity and well-being. On this day, classically, all government employees are given a day off and let it be bright, useful and fun.

Russia is the strongest power this year, and once again proved to the whole world that it is still the greatest power in the world, and on Independence Day one can only be proud that one can be called a full-fledged citizen of this great country. Initially, they planned to call this holiday - Independence Day, as in other countries, but this name somehow did not take root and is now called the Day of Russia.

On this holiday, every Russian can wish only one happiness and health. Back in 2002, sovereignty was adopted, and since then, Russia has acquired the status of a strong and independent country. We live in a free country that maintains a democratic system and provides an opportunity to grow and develop in the way that a free person wants.

This date is another reason to think about the future of the country and its contribution to this future. Whether it will be bright and vague is decided by a Russian citizen in open elections. The future of the country depends only on us.

May our country take another step towards a bright future this year, with the help of our patriots.

When celebrating the Day of Russia, it is useful to remember its rich history and the richest cultural and spiritual heritage and feel proud. No country in the world has such a rich history of ups and downs, resounding victories and painful defeats, but there were very few defeats, in almost all confrontations Mother Russia won, thanks to a strong and courageous people. The people - which, despite all the hardships, was and remains smart, resourceful and hardy, and thanks to the strength of the spirit, Russia is a country that the whole world fears. And on this day, all citizens would like to wish good and happiness for their everyday hard work and say thank you for the huge contribution to the development of the country.

Russia Day is a relatively young holiday, but the path to independence and sovereignty was long and thorny, many bloody wars in which the best sons of our Motherland died, the heroic deeds that our ancestors performed in the name of the inviolability of the borders of the Russian Federation, this is all history written in blood. The history of the state, the history of a great country. And now every person who has Russian citizenship can say with pride that he is a Russian, with a capital letter. On this bright holiday, I would like to advise all citizens not to forget what our ancestors went through and thank them for the wonderful country in which we live and wish spiritual and material growth, stability and prosperity and great human happiness.

The Russian Federation - it sounds proud. Russia Day is a bright holiday, a holiday - freedom, independence and unity of the people.

Holiday of democracy and national equality. This holiday embodies the inseparable connection between the people and their fatherland, with its history and power. And all of us, regardless of the type of activity, want prosperity and development for our country.

And only by combining our efforts, we can hope for a result. Only thanks to our potential, this country is still one of the strongest powers in the world. On this day, we look to the future with hope and it inspires great hope. The situation in the country is getting better, and the economy is growing, and this gives us a chance to arrange our lives and the lives of our children in the best possible way. Russia Day is a holiday that symbolizes the strength and power of the largest state and I would like to wish everyone the fulfillment of plans, stability and success.

Usually, grandiose fireworks are arranged to celebrate the Day of Russia, and city and regional authorities organize festive events. Congratulations on the day of Russia are official, pronounced by the governor / mayor or just the head, then the floor is given to other public figures. I would like to wish everyone to try to spend this day as actively as possible, it is possible to organize a collection of funds and things for orphanages. After all, small and not very children live there. Let them have a holiday, because they are the future of our country and what it will be depends on them. It's a good idea to also help the elderly, it is thanks to their work that Russia has gained greatness. For veterans, the most important thing is to put on a performance. And organize the collection of medicines and delicious food, it will be a gesture of gratitude.

For Russia, every person is important, everyone can bring something useful to strengthen the status of the country. Let it be even a hundred rubles donated for gifts to babies left in a baby house, but this act can change a lot. If every person, at least on this day, does something good, then Russia has a great future.

Only thanks to mutual assistance and mutual assistance, it is possible to build the country that our children want to live in. You can write a speech for compatriots on this holiday - Russia Day, congratulations in prose or in verse.

Solemn and official congratulations on
Russian colleagues, employees, youth with a holiday in prose, wishes at a gala event
Time, like a river, carries life swiftly forward and along with
You, dear colleagues, we have to sail on this river. Today we have
You have a common holiday, a holiday of freedom, equality, a holiday of our independent state - Russia!

On this day, I would like to emphasize that if the country is independent, then let no one ever be able to dictate their rules to us. Talk about who to work with, who to make friends with, how to do business.

you to
You have never depended on bad and bad habits, on finances, on the surrounding everyday adversities.
Warmth and prosperity, a calm measured life, health. Let
Your speeches will always be wise, and your thoughts will always be free, dear employees.

With day
Official congratulations to colleagues in prose, text
Today's bright June day is the most joyful and most important event in the life of our country.

Today our great country is celebrating its
Births and we as citizens
Russia, we are proud of the history and culture of our big house. We want to live beautifully and for a long time, which requires a lot of effort from us.

Dear colleagues, I wish
You will grow a worthy legacy for our country, because its greatness depends on people who fight for justice and peace around. Everyone creates his own destiny, so I wish
You have patience, success in achieving
your goals.

You are surrounded by comfort and happiness, mutual understanding, well-being and harmony. Congratulations on
Russia June 12 in the prose of youth
Happy day of freedom and equality to you,
happy independence day
Today, June 12, is, first of all, a holiday for all Russians, all citizens of this vast country who spare no effort, creative energy for the prosperity of their homeland. Our youth are the future for
Russia, because the burden of responsibility for the future of the country falls on their shoulders.

Today I wish our youth more patience and striving for something new, health and well-being. Let
Your thinking minds never cease to desire knowledge, and may your heart continue to love its homeland - Russia.

Read also:

Congratulations on Russia Day June 12

Congratulations on
All the people of Russia: All miners, metallurgists and doctors,
All those who live happily in our country, All relatives, distant, relatives and friends.

May the sun always shine for you on the road,
Let the nightingales sing kindly to you
Let your worries go away forever
And fine days await you in the future.
So that there is always prosperity in your house,
So that the great day brings you freedom
Let me congratulate you on
Russia you

So that life turns into your happy home
So that work brings pleasure to you
So that they can relax and visit guests,
We congratulate you on this great holiday,
Those who believe in power and with their hearts
With day
Russia you, friends, with

Congratulations on the warm holiday of the country
Those who teach children, sow bread in the field,
Metallurgists at the open-hearth furnace. Congratulations to those who are at sea and on land,
Who loads us with coal from underground,
Who supplies us with apples and pears,

Congratulations on
happy birthday all
After all, she is our only mother.
Only blessings and smiles to you spring
Allow me to wish everyone from the bottom of my heart. Happy Day of what is not, how to congratulate
Or close your eyes, just lie,

hello to all
send to Russia. But not the one in
Moscow, or is it only there
And in two or three big cities,
Where the smiles of gentlemen and ladies brighten
Those who share
Russia in quarters.

And maybe that's just what she is.
Well then, I would consider it an honor to congratulate
With day
Russia, which cannot be read, cannot be understood, seen or discerned.

Congratulations on the day of Russia in prose

Today at
I congratulate Russia from the bottom of my heart to all the citizens of our great country, as well as the people dearest to me!
Today we celebrate the day of independence and prosperity of our
Motherland, and perhaps she can be proud of each of us!
I want to wish you a happy, long, peaceful and prosperous life!
We are all very different, we have different dreams, interests and destinies, but we are all united by the fact that we are citizens
Russia is a country with a rich past and I am sure - with a bright future!
I congratulate you and want to wish a peaceful, happy life for you and your family!
Our country is great and beautiful, a lifetime is hardly enough to get to know it, we are lucky to grow and live here, make it better, and the life of its citizens is happier!
I congratulate you on
And I want to wish Russia for many years to remain as strong, full of strength and willingness to fulfill their dreams!
With day
Today is the time to congratulate you and wish you what can make your life, and the life of your dear people, in the vastness of our vast country, even happier!
Peace to you, success in work and personal life, may there always be warmth and comfort in the house, and spring and winged dreams in your soul!
Whoever we are, and whatever we do, it is in our power to do much more than we usually imagine ... On a solemn holiday, in
Russia, I want to wish you more strength and inspiration, good luck and success in every business!
May day by day, and year by year our life become happier, and our country be beautiful and prosperous!
Today I congratulate you on
Russia and it is worth admitting that on this day I am especially proud that we live on this earth, that we are able to make a small, but contribution to its great future!
I congratulate you and wish you to live happily ever after, so as not to regret a single day you have lived!
Today, June 12, at
Russia, I congratulate you and want to wish you a life not simple, but of the highest quality!
Let there be luck, success, love and a warm home in it!
Let all dreams come true, and true friends are added!
And of course, I wish great and bright happiness to all the citizens of our great country, and to the country itself - prosperity and a peaceful sky!
Our country, as big and amazing as our life in it, all this is made up of many details, sometimes of little things, in a word, of the actions of each of us.

In a day
Russia would like to wish all students, citizens
Russia and the guests who came to get an education, an unburned desire for knowledge, so that this knowledge can be applied for the good of the country. May every day lived in
Russia, will be filled with positive emotions and pride in the Russian land, so huge and dear to all of us!

Congratulations on
Russian wishes, prose
In a day
We wish Russia to all the inhabitants of the vast country a hospitable table, a bottle of sweet wine, so that everything always works out, so that things go well. So that at the festive tables there were guests of different nationalities and peoples, but there was always something to talk about and something to drink. Don't forget to make a toast to
Our homeland - Russia!
Play at the casino
Day in our country
Russia is not just one of the holidays, this day embodied the holiday of freedom, peace, equality and justice. On this day, I would like to wish everyone that there will never be a war, neither in the country, nor in families, nor in collectives. So that everyone lives together and works for the good

Congratulations on
Russia in prose official

Official congratulations on
Russia June 12

Congratulations text No. 1: Dear ______!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the main public holiday -
This holiday symbolizes the power and greatness of the Russian state, the global national idea and the unity of peoples around it. It causes genuine pride in our glorious past and common responsibility for the worthy future of the country. And we, today, still have a lot to do so that our children and grandchildren live in a prosperous state. I am sure that the citizens of modern
Russia can do it!
Therefore, with all my heart I wish you all success in good deeds and undertakings for the benefit of our beloved
Motherland. Good health, happiness and prosperity! Congratulations text No. 2: Dear ______!
Congratulations on
The path of reforms and market transformations, which the young
Russia in 1990 was a thorny year. But by common efforts, the Russians overcame it with honor.
After 25 years, our country again occupies one of the leading positions on the world stage.
We must understand that even today the fate of the country depends on each of us. From our patriotism, solidarity, creative work and purposefulness. I am sure that the inhabitants of _______ will also make a significant contribution to the development and prosperity
Dear countrymen!
I wish you health, peace and harmony, confidence in the future, new achievements in the name of a small
motherland and great
Russia! story - date (when, what date is the holiday) After the collapse
Union at the young
There are no public holidays left in Russia, folk holidays came to the fore - New Year,
Easter. That's why
The president
B. N. Yeltsin by his decree approved June 12 as a holiday as the day of adoption
Declarations of State Sovereignty
Russia. But the idea of ​​a holiday with such a name as a national one did not take root in the country, and in 1998 the country's leadership suggested calling the holiday
Russia. Officially, it began to be called that only from 2002, when a new
Labor Code. Today
Russia is perceived as a symbol of freedom, autonomy and independence
Russia as a day of national unity of all citizens of the country.
Showing!type of congratulations: sms | | in verse | all
Today is the day of the great country,
Russia. And on this bright day, I would like to wish all of us to be proud that we are Russians. Let every person feel free, happy, needed and respected. Let no wars, natural disasters, economic crises concern us. I wish you all prosperity, prosperity, prosperity. Happy holiday to all of us!

Congratulations to all on our day
Motherland - from
We wish our country to grow stronger, prosper, develop and be just as powerful and great.
Let every citizen
East to
Kaliningrad feels free, successful and happy!
Russia - the day of the great and mighty state.

This is a significant day for every citizen of this amazing, unique and vast country. So let the threat of war never hang over our country on this holiday and subsequently, let no one show his disdain and hope to violate the integrity of our state. May everyone who dares to set foot on our holy land with a sword not resist the onslaught of the unity and patriotism of the Russian people. Mother Russia, happy holiday to you!
You are our pride, our glory and our
Motherland. May the Russian people prosper, may the economy of our state rise from year to year and take first positions in all world rankings!
Let our athletes, actors and singers glorify their
From the holidays of all
You, dear compatriots!
With day
Russia you, dear patriots!
We are all Russians, which means we already have something to be proud of. Our country is a great power, a reliable stronghold with a rich history that gives us, the children of our country, the strength to fight against any problems. Let's continue to build the future together
Russia is worthy, and also teach this to your children. Russians!
This is your day, the day of your country.
Join hands and feel like one family!
Russia can be safely designated as a people's day.

After all, it is the citizens, the real patriots of the country, who are laying the bricks for the bright future of a great power. Glory to the state!
Glory to might and steadfastness.
For all the long history
Russia was great and powerful, did not cave in under the onslaught of enemies... And on this beautiful day, I would like to wish only one thing: stability, economic growth and national peace. I wish everyone to be proud of the fact that they live on the beautiful Russian land.

To congratulate the native state on the holiday is the sacred duty of each of its inhabitants. So let our immense
The motherland knows no more wars, crises, or falls.

May the subsequent history
Russia will be associated only with extraordinary economic growth and the well-being of its citizens. Russia is a young state, but the Russian land has the deepest historical roots, and the Russian people bear within themselves particles of the great Russian culture.

Today at
Russia, let's remember this and feel our common strength and power.
Let our country grow stronger and richer, and let us live in
Russia is free and joyful!
Today is our day
Great, boundless, dear and beloved country.

On this day filled with notes of patriotism, I wish you an idyll, auspicious days, grace, favor
Saints, harmony to your home and peace. With day
Russia you, let our country contribute to your prosperity!

Those who grew up in times
Union, surely remember how much it meant
Homeland for man. They gave their lives for it, for the sake of its development they abandoned their homes and went to little-developed corners to build factories and develop land. Today, this country is our legacy. She does not require more sacrifices, she is affectionate both to her own and to strangers. Always lend a helping hand.

So let our country know neither wars nor cataclysms. With day
Russia. congratulations on the day
Russia from
Today for all Russians, for all patriots of a magnificent country
Russian holiday!
Big holiday day
Russia, the day of a great and courageous country that has come a long way to now give such a standard of living as we have!
Let everyone move out today.
We still have some way to go, but at the same time we have overcome a lot and achieved a lot!
Bloom and smell
After all, there is no more powerful country than ours in the whole world!
Let the life of every citizen be the way he wants.
And let's make our country even better together!
After all, only by joint efforts can we achieve the standard of living that each of us needs!
With day
The holiday that all Russians celebrate today has come.
Warm summer day
Russia proudly stood up and began to rise day by day, and raise the standard of living of every citizen of our country!
After all, this holiday for each of us is the most important and most joyful!
Let's start building the future of our country today!
After all, each of us, having made a small contribution to our country, builds the future not only for ourselves and our country, but also for our descendants!
Russia stands firmly on its feet and pleases the eye of every resident and visitor!
Happy holiday to us
Russia, a huge country with a great advantage and a fabulous future!
We are proud of our country!
After all, she is great and powerful!
So let every day, our life becomes brighter and richer. Let the old people live without needing care and finances, children have a decent upbringing, families create a strong unit of society. Let all visitors admire our country. Our inhabitants are proud, and enemies envy!
With day
Russia today congratulations to all!
Let our country flourish!
We are proud of you
The most beautiful, rich, generous and great country is ours
A country with huge potential, incredibly rich lands, beautiful landscapes and the best people!
With day
Russia all of us!
I am proud of my country, and I am glad that I was born on this land.
I can't imagine myself anywhere else!
There is no better mother than you
With day
Russia us!
In a day
Russia would like to wish all of us a future.
Bright, carefree future!
Where each of us is happy and confident in the future!
Russia, forward our industrious people, forward to a better life!
Let everyone think today that the future depends on him
After all, only by working together we will achieve everything!
happy holiday to you
The mother of each of us, our homeland, the breadwinner!
The Lord protects our lands!
Today in the day
Russia, I would like to wish every inhabitant, on the table of fresh bread, in the house of comfort and in the heart of love, for the motherland and for the neighbor!
May we all have happiness.
Warmth in the soul, joy in the eyes!
After all
Russia brought up all of us not only as patriots, but also caring for each other!
May every new day, we are getting closer to the dream, and to the future that we dream about!
Every day, I wake up with a smile on my face because I'm happy. And I'm happy, because I'm doing well, I have a favorite job, family, friends, rest.
