Educational games for children 7 8 months. Games for the development of sensory sensations

Today, in continuation of our favorite topic “ Games from birth to a year"Let's talk about educational games for seven month old baby .

Earlier I wrote: the baby learns to understand that in any action there is some kind of result, for example, he dropped the rattle - it fell with a thud, pulled the rope that is tied to the bell - it rang. Etc.

The kid covers with his gaze more and more objects, his can take almost any- he will definitely consider it for a while. By the way, that's why the seventh month is from personal time to distract from dangerous maneuvers, objects and actions. If he is upset about something, reaches for forbidden things, offer him something new or unfamiliar, he will quickly switch to this object.

7 month olds love hit with objects on the surface, against other objects, simply because they like the sound they make and their own swing of the hand “I'm strong, that's how I can!”

The child is watching the parents seeks to imitate their everyday actions(fiddling with the pot like mom, pressing the buttons on the keyboard like dad, etc.). Use this passion and encourage him to imitate- you can teach him a lot important actions that will enrich his physical and mental development. Buy a toy plastic or wooden utensils, a toy telephone with sound buttons, a piano for children, a drum, i.e. those objects that will give the baby the opportunity to manipulate them, imitating adults, to cause responses to pressing, tapping.

When introducing your baby to objects, try to don't talk long sentences - two or three words are enough: “This is a bear, bear.” “Look, it's a cat. Fluffy cat." Repeat the names several times to reinforce understanding and recognition. Avoid talking about the past or the future - talk only about the current time, what is happening with the baby or with you right now. NOW is the keyword

It is important to be able give your child time to play independently. Many mothers constantly rush with him, endlessly occupying him different games in her presence and forget that he also needs “personal time”. Plant the baby in safe place: on the floor, in a spacious arena, give interesting toys and go out. Let him play a little.

And you can watch him from afar, without interfering with the process. This will help the baby develop your independence and the ability to occupy yourself. In the future, these important qualities they will be very useful for both the baby and you: he will not be capricious from boredom even during that period of time when, for example, you need to talk on the phone, cook dinner, put the laundry in the wash, etc.

And finally, before we move on to educational games, we need to say the following: a seven-month the baby is still so small to fully learn the words: “no”, “no”. Therefore, do not abuse these words, do not irritate him, but rather switch to something else and remove everything that can provoke him to grab a forbidden object.

Educational games for a 7 month old baby

Let's grunt?

At this age, babies begin to wrinkle their noses in a funny way. Straight, like old men Catch this moment and teach him to blow his nose into a handkerchief, saying: “Let's grunt like a pig?” - show a picture with a piglet or a toy so that he understands who he is talking about. - “Look here: Hrr- ... Hrr” - show by your example, then let's “grunt” him.

This game will help the baby clean his nose in a timely manner, and, God forbid, he will get sick - blowing your nose will help to quickly cure a runny nose and improve nasal breathing.

What a wonder rug!

At seven months, babies love to crawl on the floor, grab everything that comes to hand. In this case, a developing mat with sewn on buttons, ribbons, rustling fabric or filler, etc. will be an excellent educational material that can take the baby on for a long time. You can either buy it at children's store or, better yet, sew it yourself for every taste and fantasy! By the way, my colleague Lyuba Dalnova sews wonderful rugs, educational and tactile books for children. Come visit her, she will be very happy to see you! She can also subscribe to a free course on sewing such a rug or take her training " We sew a Unique Educational Book in 3 weeks".

They involve tactile receptors, motor skills, cognition of the properties of things, which enriches emotional perception develops intellect.

Who is this light and round?

Inflate slightly balloon bright colors and show the baby. Its size should not be larger than your head. The child can lie on his back, tie a ball to his leg - let him pull his leg. Can also be tied to a handle. If the baby reaches out to feel this miracle - do not forbid, but be as careful as possible so that the ball does not burst right in front of the nose.

In the game the child learns to see the consequences of their actions, gets acquainted with the concepts of “easy”.


Teach your child to keep things in their places. For example, a car is by the bed, a doll is in a toy bed, a bunny is in a box, a ball is in a basket, etc. When you have spoken the names of the objects several times, ask him: “Where is the ball? Here it is - a ball in a basket ”- show the baby’s pen to the basket. When the baby remembers after repetitions, you will ask - and he will start looking into the right side.

Show with a pen or nod-shake your head in response to a question, he will be later. You can also discreetly move the toy to a new location later, leaving its old location empty. To the question “Where is Lyalya?” you will shrug your shoulders in bewilderment: “No Lyali! Let's look for Lyalya!”

The game is very exciting and develops the baby memory, attention, orientation in space.

What is it flying?

Take a light scarf, sit next to a sitting or lying baby. Introduce him to the scarf, let him feel it with his hands, bring it to his nose, and touch it. Then toss it up: “Fly up!” so that it smoothly falls on your head, then on the baby's head. Encourage him to show positive emotions, praise him if he "caught" on his head.

The game teaches exercise positive emotions, strengthens bond with mom, develops hand coordination.

Learn ... letters!

A seven-month-old baby can begin to introduce letters. Choose the vowel or consonant letter with which his name begins. Draw it on paper (half of an A4 sheet is suitable) - the vowel is in red, the consonant is in blue. The colors should be clear and saturated, not pale, a marker or felt-tip pen (not too thin) will do. Attach it to the wall or on a board against the wall so that the baby can clearly see it. Say: “Alyosha, this is your letter, the letter “A, A, A”!” Repeat it several times. Then draw an "M" - and say: "And this is my mother's letter, the letter "Mmm, Mmm."".

These two letters will be just enough for two weeks. Further, you can expand his knowledge of the alphabet by adding letters that begin with objects that the baby knows well.

Where does it squeak?

Play hide-and-seek with your child. Let's just complicate this time, and we will find the hidden toy by sound. To do this, select a squeaky, purring, meowing, etc. a toy. Hide it after the baby has played enough with it and squeaked it, so that he does not see. And ask: “Where is the cat?” He will look around in search of her, and you squeeze the toy: “meow!”

The game teaches find an object by its sound.

This is where we end interesting selection educational games for a seven-month-old baby. Next we will go. Grow-grow!!! Do not miss!

What does a 7 month old baby know?

The kid already knows how to move independently, which greatly expands the boundaries of his world. The baby can crawl to the object that interests him, feel it, try it, examine it. For optimal development, the child must be given complete freedom movements: choose a place in the apartment where nothing will interfere or threaten the baby.

This age is characterized by increased trauma, therefore, arranging children's Corner, take care that sharp, prickly, small items. In this corner, the child will be happy to play: “equip” him with pyramids, cubes (pay more attention to playing with them, teach your child how to disassemble and assemble a pyramid, build towers from cubes) and other various toys.

The baby has new knowledge about objects: he masters the movement of objects, their attraction or repulsion. Can hold an object put into the hand, take it from any position. The task of an adult is to activate these movements with the help of insert toys: nesting dolls, boxes, bowls, etc.

Arises special treatment to the toy, favorite toys and activities are clearly distinguished. Now the child is interested in everything that can be pressed: take care of the remotes, Cell phones, a computer.

"Can" and "Impossible"

A child at 7 months old can already understand the word “no”. However, to make it effective, think over a clear system of prohibitions. "It is impossible" should not be more than three! Otherwise, the baby will simply stop paying attention to him.

What you consider “dangerous for the time being” is better to remove away. From some things and activities, the baby can be distracted by switching his attention to another, no less exciting action. To secure your apartment will help the devices widely presented in the "baby safety" departments: plugs, door and drawer regulators, adhesive tape and window film, etc.

Children, whose every movement is accompanied by a heart-rending “don’t touch!”, “don’t you dare!”, “you can’t!”, learn to satisfy their curiosity when adults are not around - and often this ends in tragedy ... Those whose curiosity and interest in knowing the world parents satisfy without limiting the sphere of action only to toys, quickly learn to observe the necessary safety measures and switch their attention from sockets, stoves, etc. for more suitable items.

When introducing complementary foods, teach your baby to eat from a spoon. Also, the baby can get acquainted with solid food - let him gnaw on a piece of carrot, fresh cucumber, zucchini, apples, pears, many children love to procrastinate drying. Also, experts recommend teaching a child to drink from a cup (pour 1-2 teaspoons of juice into a cup and invite the child to drink, gently tilting the cup; the little one will quickly understand how to do this).

Sign language

The baby's speech now consists of much less vocalizations, but the babbling words are already quite clear. Many children begin to make sounds that imitate a dog, a typewriter, a pussy: “av-av”, “beep”, “me-me”, “pee-pee” ...

The child begins to actively use gestures. He will not only find with a glance, turning his head, but also show with his finger where the ball, doll, mother are. You can teach the baby to wave goodbye with a pen, nod his head gratefully, raise his arms if something happened.

It's time to play gesture games- "Ladushki", "Magpie-thief". Of the other games, the most beloved are the insertion of a smaller object into a larger one, knocking one object against another. Teach your baby to knock with both hands at the same time or in turn: in this way, you will develop interhemispheric coordination.

Do not forcefully transfer a spoon or toy from your left hand to your right. At this time, the right hemisphere of the brain (for which left hand) develops much faster than the left (guiding right hand). The baby feels this connection intuitively. Using both hands will allow the child's brain to develop better.

finger games

Teach your child to show his arms and legs.

  • Where, where, where, where,
  • Where are our pens?
  • Here, here, here they are
  • Here are our pens!
  • Where are our legs (nose, eyes, tummy, etc.)?

Learn to move and spread your fingers, the following game will help:

  • Look at my horse
  • What a fun accordion.
  • I spread my fingers
  • And then I'll play:
  • One-two-three, one-two-three
  • I play look!
  • And then I move again
  • And I start first.

Having captured some kind of toy, the baby will be happy to knock it. It's time to gradually turn knocking into rhythmic exercises!

Knocker "Rain"
  • Quiet, quiet rain
  • Rustling on the roof -
  • Drip-drip-drip-drip. (palms slowly stroke the knees or the surface of the table)
  • Quiet-quiet rain became stronger -
  • Drip-drip-drip-drip. (knock harder and faster)
  • Quiet, quiet rain
  • Turned into a downpour
  • Drip-drip-drip-drip. (knock hard and fast)
Topka "Horses"
  • Stomp in the field -
  • The horses drowned. (slowly stomp feet)
  • From the clatter of hooves
  • Dust flies across the field (stomp quickly)

Development of active speech

While babbling is an involuntary physiological reaction, indicating a comfortable state of the child and his good mood. After all, while babbling, the baby trains his entire articulatory apparatus: vocal cords, tongue, lips, etc. Baby's babbling is fun entertainment, game, fun. And at the same time rehearsal before the difficult and difficult process development of sound space.

A child at 7 months old listens to himself, his intonation, learns to correlate what he heard with the sensations from the movements of the lips and tongue. Any speech therapist will confirm: the more varied and expressive the baby's babble, the less reason to worry about his future. speech development. It is very important to develop and maintain babble.

During the waking period, take the baby in your arms, and if he is lying, lean towards him. The child should be able to see your face well. Communication should take place in silence so that the attention of the crumbs does not dissipate. Start talking to your baby and, along with affectionate words, say lingeringly: "Ah, woo, ma-ma-ma." After a pause, repeat the syllables again and watch the child. He likes? Talk to the baby in a normal voice, then in a quiet, then silently, change intonation. At the same time, articulate the sounds exaggeratedly, emphatically.

All this will draw the attention of the crumbs to your facial expressions and articulation. If at the time of the conversation the baby has a desire to touch your lips, it is very good, because with the help of his hand he receives additional information about sound pronunciation. After a while, the child will begin to imitate the movements of the lips, and then he himself will begin to make sounds.

It is great if you periodically communicate with the baby in his language. Speak while supporting speech activity baby, his syllables, his babble, and give him the opportunity to speak. In the course of such a “conversation”, the child gets the feeling that he is understood. And the mother, who stimulates the dialogue, knows that mutual understanding and the desire to communicate are laid down precisely at such moments. Praise, stroke, kiss and thank your baby for any positive results.

What games can be played with a child from 6 to 8 months.

In the period from 6 to 8 months, your child clearly controls the position when sitting, gets up in a crib or playpen, holding on to the fence, and actively crawls. The baby has formed the first attachments and there is anxiety reaction to the appearance of strangers in the house. The baby masters simple imitation games, imitates adults in their actions (mirror reflection). “Battering” develops, the child begins to listen to the speech of adults, can manipulate two objects, knows how to shift a toy from hand to hand, learns to put objects into each other, and depicts the work of simple mechanisms.

Note to parents

❧ C early childhood carefully observe the behavior of the child, and you will see what will allow you to cope with age crises relatively easily and painlessly in the future.

❧ To establish contact with the baby, you need to put yourself in his place. And for a better understanding of the child, you need to look at the world through his eyes, play his games.

❧ Among the toys that you buy for your baby, there should be simple toy tools and mechanisms so that you can show your child how they work.

❧ Impressing a child with positive, good things helps him gain confidence and better adapt to the world around him.

❧ Toys rather quickly bother the baby, satiety occurs. Therefore, you should separate them and periodically replace one with another.

Educational games for children from 6 to 8 months

Who quickly

Purpose of the game: development of coordination of movements, emotional contact, competitive spirit, adequate perception of defeat.

: miscellaneous different toys, whistle.

Game progress: the participants of the competition are the baby and the father, the judge is the mother. Mom shows the baby a toy and sets it a short distance from the child and the father with the words: “Where is the bear (or other toy)? Let's get to the bear", whistles the whistle, giving a start. The baby and dad begin to move towards the toy, during which it is necessary to encourage the baby. After the child comes to the finish line first, praise him by clapping his hands: "Well done." The baby who has reached the toy is left for self play with her. After the game, the toy is put in place.

It is worth noting that the child does not always have to be the winner, but even in case of a loss, you need to reassure him and praise him so that he remains from the game. positive attitude and failures were not perceived as a disaster.

Elephant shakes his head: yes, yes, yes

Game Goals: obtaining an affirmative answer to an adult's question, the development of verbal communication.

Required materials and visual aids : toy elephant, blanket.

Recommendations: if dad and mom portray a family of elephants, then the child will join the game much faster. Warning: if the child is not in the mood, postpone the game, otherwise your actions will give rise to a duality of feelings in the baby if his desires do not coincide with the answer that you expect from him.

Game progress.

1st option: dad or mom sit on the floor with the baby, on a spread blanket. Dad shows the baby a toy and depicts how the elephant shakes its head: up and down, up and down. At the same time, he asks the question: “What does the elephant say?”, And he himself answers this question: “The elephant says “YES” - up and down, “YES” - up and down”:

The elephant shakes its head

Up-down, up-down

What will he say today?

Up-down, up-down

"YES" today says

Up-down, up-down.

Then the dad invites the baby to say “Yes” with the elephant, nodding his head up and down. In the future, resort to this game when an affirmative answer is required from the child: “Let's go for a walk?”, That the elephant says “Yes”, etc. The game requires an emotional lift.

2nd option: all family members play as much as possible. Preliminarily, a fairy tale is told about a family of elephants: there lived an elephant father, an elephant mother and a little elephant son. When the baby wanted to eat, he asked his dad: “Do you want to eat?” And dad answered, shaking his head up and down: “Yes”, “Yes” (at this point in the tale, dad depicts a big elephant and shakes his head, while saying “Yes”). Then the baby elephant ran to his mother and asked her: “Will we eat porridge?”, And the mother answered in the affirmative: “Yes” (mother, depicting an elephant, shakes her head and says “Yes”). Mom and dad sit down at the table and ask the child: “Do you want to eat?” The kid, like an elephant, answers, nodding his head up and down, and dad and mom say: “Yes”, “Will you eat porridge?” - "Yes". One recommendation: you can play using this fairy tale when the child is hungry, then what is happening will correspond to reality. According to the situation, come up with other versions of the fairy tale: elephants go for a walk, elephants go to sleep, etc.

In the future, the child will give answers to your questions in the form of shaking his head up and down, which means “Yes”.

Hide and seek (or "Where are you?")

Purpose of the game: skill development collective game, emotional contact.


Game progress: sit in a circle, determine with the help of a counter (you will find options for counters in the chapter "Grandma's Chest") who will drive:

The mouse came out once

See what time it is.

One two three four,

The mouse pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a loud ringing.

Get out of the circle!

Hide first with your baby so that he learns the rules of the game. The one who searches comments on the results of his searches: “Where is everyone?”, “No one under the bed and no one behind the curtain”, “Found it, cheers!”

The child can also look for those who have hidden. At first you can give a voice so that the baby is interested and tries to look for you, in the future, refuse this technique and watch what he will do. After the baby has found you, praise him: “I found mom (dad), what a fine fellow.” Be sure to take the child in your arms, throw it up, hug it to you.

Blacksmith. Telephone

Purpose of the game: development of purposeful actions at the request of an adult.

Necessary materials and visual aids: toy hammer, toy phone.

Game progress.

Blacksmith. Pick up a toy hammer, depicting the work of a blacksmith, say:

We beat the anvil

Forging bells!

The bells are ringing,

The bells are ringing:

Knock, knock, knock, knock,

Let's hit together all of a sudden!

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

Give the kid a hammer in his hands, show him how to work with a hammer. The child knocks with a hammer, and you again sentence, ending the poem with the words: “Knock, knock, knock, knock ...”

In the future, ask the child to show how the blacksmith works. When he starts to knock with a hammer, say: "Knock, knock, knock, knock." At the end of the game, praise the child and put the hammer back.

Telephone. Show the child on a toy phone how to use it, dial a number, depict how the phone rings (if the toy does not make such sounds), explain to the baby when to pick up the phone: call - picked up the phone - HELLO ...

For this, use Korney Chukovsky's poem "Telephone" (or any other, at your discretion), read it in faces, place the necessary accents with your voice.

- My phone rang (Tsing-n-n-n-n).

- Where?

- From a camel.

- What do you need?

— Chocolate.

Watch how the child will conduct the game on their own. If the phone does not have a ringer, sound the ringer yourself. At the end of the game, be sure to praise the baby, put the phone back together.

Let's clap our hands

Game Goals: consolidation of purposeful movements in response to the request of adults, development of a sense of rhythm.

Game progress: at the end of any game, when you praise the baby for progress made, finish the praise with the words (options can be very diverse): “Sasha (child's name) played well today, well done, let's show how well he played? Let's clap our hands: "Ho-ro-sho, mo-lo-dets" (clap your hands to the beat of the syllables). The baby quickly adopts your movements. In the future, ask the child to show how he played today, ate, slept, walked, etc. This game, which takes place on an emotional basis, creates a good, joyful mood. Clapping hands can also be used to express joy: “Hurrah! Dad came”, “Hurrah! Let's go for a walk", "Hurrah! Let's play."

2 toys

Purpose of the game: development of coordination of movement, the ability to manipulate two toys, speed of reaction.

Required materials and visual aids: bright squeaky toys, a blanket.

Game progress: put the child on the floor, on a spread blanket, sit next to the baby, put a few toys next to him, let the baby choose one of them and start playing, quietly remove the rest of the toys. Give the child a “new” toy, offer it either from the side of the free hand, or from the side of the busy one. If the baby lets go of his toy and reaches for a new one, try to offer him the object left by him again, either from the side of the free hand, then from the side of the busy one. Repeat the steps until the baby learns to shift the toy from the occupied hand to the free one in order to take another toy. When the baby completes the task, praise him for his diligence. Observe how the child will behave if, at the beginning of the game, unselected toys are not removed, but left in the field of view of the child and attract his attention with their squeaking sounds. See how he will dispose free hand on one's own. After the game, all toys must be returned to their place.

Roly-poly, Roly-poly

Purpose of the game: development of movement coordination, team game skills

Necessary materials and visual aids: blanket, pillows.

Game progress: Spread a blanket on the floor, put a few pillows on it, put the child on the blanket and sit next to him. Gently push the child so that he falls on the pillows, while cheerfully say: “Masha (child’s name), like Tumbler, fell on her side, look how quickly she got up,” then again gently push the child onto the pillows:

The roly-poly will not get tired,

Lie down, get up

Lie down, get up.

Praise your baby for getting up quickly and being so tireless.

For boys, use the name of the Roly-Vstanka toy.

Vanka, get up

We will ask

“Are you tired, Vanya?”, we ask.

Changing at a fast pace physical development the child and his cognitive interests.

Physical development

How does the baby's body grow during this month? The next 500-600 grams of body weight and approximately 1.5-2 centimeters of height. In addition, the chest and head circumferences increase by 0.5 cm.

Chances are high that by the end of the seventh month your child will “arm” his mouth with a pair of wonderful brand new incisors (usually the lower ones). Therefore, it is recommended to introduce fluoride supplements into the child's diet. Great importance This halogen for tooth enamel has been known to everyone for a long time.

Indicators of a child from 7 to 8 months

Growth chart and

And the weight chart


67.44-69.56 cm

8.250-8.920 kg

Head circumference

Girth chest

Your baby is six months old!

You noted how he has grown during this time, how smart he seems to you now.

The main slogan of the second half of the year: "Movement is freedom in the exploration of space."

The baby is no longer so dependent on mom and dad. If earlier he was able to touch and examine only what his parents showed - after all, it was they who changed his position in space, gave him toys and objects, now the baby strives for independence. The seventh month of life is a start in this direction. And the main incentive in the desire to act independently - rapid change motor skills.

Lying on his stomach, the baby needs to rely on only one hand to maintain balance, he independently turns from his back to his stomach. Lying on his back, the child amazes you with his acrobatic abilities - holding on to his legs, playing with them, raising his head high.

Stretching out your hands to the baby, you notice his active attempts to take a sitting position - the child learns to sit down.

Most babies sit well in child seat. In the sitting position, they confidently turn their head towards the sound source, reacting even to very quiet sounds, for example, the rustling of paper or the noise of a quiet rattle.

The development of muscles and coordinated hand movements help the baby master the grasping of small objects. He picks up toys from the floor, grabs objects with the whole palm (“palm grip”), traces with his eyes the fall of the toy that he has released from his hand.

What games and activities are available?

Have your child sit on the floor, close to the couch, so they can sometimes lean on it. Put a few toys on the side and in front of the crumbs. He will look at them with interest, reach out and take them in his hand. Can pull a toy into the mouth, bite it, lick it.

Don't leave your child alone on the floor while he sits precariously without support. Sit around and play. If the baby did not notice the toy on the side of him, draw his attention to them. Tap your hand or a toy on the floor, ring the bell. The kid will definitely look to the side, see the toy and try to grab it.

Put next to the small toys from different materials(rubber, plastic, wood, metal, cloth), different sizes and forms. Don't forget to put balls of different sizes on the floor. Put the toys in cardboard box from under shoes or into a small plastic basket and put it next to the child. The kid is very interested in pulling out and throwing toys out of the box onto the floor.

Sometimes a child can collect the toys back into the box on their own, but then pull them out again and throw them on the floor - it's so interesting!

Now is the time to give the baby an “Activity Center” - this is a plane on which various toys are located: buttons that need to be pressed, rotating balls and rollers, cords that can be pulled, bells, a mirror. The kid now likes: rotate, press, knock, shake.

mental development

The kid carefully examines familiar objects and toys. When you hand a rattle to a child, you notice that he is trying to make a sound - he is shaking the rattle, listening and shaking again. This observation leads you to believe that a child is beginning to develop long-term memory.

The main achievement of this age is considered to be a clear distinction between the reactions of the child at the sight of familiar and unfamiliar people.

At the seventh month, the child begins to perceive individual differences in facial expressions and appearance, in his memory, clear images of the faces of familiar people are formed. Appearance stranger leads to a slowdown in general movements and a wary study of the “stranger”. This behavior is due to the fact that the child does not know what to expect from strangers, because he does not have experience with them. If the mother starts talking to the friends who have come, smiles at them and encourages the baby, then he stops being afraid and after a while can smile at the stranger.

The closeness of the parents immediately causes animated movements, a smile and spontaneous chatter of the baby. He emotionally and expressively pronounces chains of syllables: “ba-ba-ba”, “de-de-de”, “me-me-me”, changing the height and strength of his voice. The similarity of such chains with the first words - “mother”, “woman”, “grandfather” - misleads many parents who think that the child is starting to speak. At this age, the baby actively shows his desire for communication, but the baby's babble only begins to resemble a request or a question.

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7 to 8 months

  • from birth to 1 month
  • 1 to 2 months
  • 2 to 3 months
  • 3 to 4 months
  • 4 to 5 months
  • 5 to 6 months
  • 6 to 7 months
  • 7 to 8 months
  • 8 to 9 months
  • 9 to 10 months
  • 10 to 11 months
  • 11 to 12 months
  • 1 year to 1 year and 3 months
  • 1 year and 3 months to 1 year and 6 months
  • 1 year and 6 months to 1 year and 9 months
  • from 1 year and 9 months to 2 years
  • 2 years to 2 years and 3 months
  • 2 years and 3 months to 2 years and 6 months
  • 2 years and 6 months to 2 years and 9 months
  • 2 years and 9 months to 3 years
  • 3 to 4 years
  • 4 to 7 years old
  • 5 to 7 years old
  • 6 to 7 years old
  • 7 years and older

Baby 7 months old: what the baby can do, what to do with him, educational games and exercises, developmental features.

In each section of the article you will find:
1) Description of the list of skills of the child 7 months by the end of this development month. What will he learn in a month?
2) Features of the development of the child What every mom needs to know.
3) The list of developing exercises and games for a child of 7 months on this direction development.
At the end of the article you will find poems for screening games with a seven month old baby.

A child of 7 months: features of development, games and exercises

The first direction. The physical development of the child at 7 months.

What a child can do at seven months by the end of this month:

Crawls quickly in all directions. Crawls up the stairs to a low children's slide.
Learning to sit up on his own.
Can change the position of the body from a sitting position - for example, after sitting, lie on the tummy.
Learns to stand at the support, holding on to the railing of the crib or leaning on the seat of an armchair, chair, sofa. If the child manages to stand at the support, then he can stand with it for 1-1.5 minutes. Then he sits down - kneels down, bends the other leg and, leaning, gets on all fours or sits down.
He learns, holding on to a support, to take an added step to the side (one or two steps).

What exercise is good for a baby?

At the age of 7 months for muscle development abdominals and the formation of the ability to sit down, sitting down is very useful.
When a child learns to sit down, he turns his head towards the toy from a lying position on his side, after which he sits down leaning on his arm.

Sitting down.

Exercise 1. Sitting down. The baby lies on his back. Take him by the hands. Slightly pulling on the arms bent at the elbows, encourage the child to sit down. Repeat 2-3 times.
Exercise 2. Sitting down with support for one hand. The child lies on his back. Fix his knees with one hand, and hold the handle set aside with the other. Gently pull the child by the hand and say: “Sit down, Sashenka!”. Repeat 2 times. Once for the right hand, the second - for the left hand.
It is good if you interest the baby in a toy in this exercise.
At first, the child will not sit for long, but then he will master this new movement for him.
It is impossible to forcibly seat a child, here you need to “follow him” and act taking into account his capabilities on this moment time.

For more information about how a baby learns to sit, what exercises he needs and is useful for, what sitting position is right and wrong - in the article.

Crawling game for 7 month old baby.

AT different places room, lay out the sounding toys, cover them so that they are not visible with napkins. Start sounding with one toy - for example, shake the bell. But don't show the toy. The kid will become interested, and he will crawl to the toy and look under the napkin. After that, let the child play with this toy. Show how you can grab the object with a pen (how you can grab it from above, from the side, from below, etc.).
Then repeat the game with another sounding object. The kid at the end of his crawling path should have something interesting for him, hidden under a napkin.

Second direction. Social and emotional development of a child at 7 months.

What you need to know about the emotional development of a child at 7 months?

By the end of the month, i.e. by eight months, the child will develop emotional attachment to a particular adult. This is usually the mother or another adult who takes care of the baby. This attachment is very necessary for the child, therefore it is very undesirable to break it, send the child to a nursery or transfer it to a nanny. Attachment means that the baby can have the most beloved adult, and that's okay!

Attachment to the mother will be formed only if the mother performs for the child interesting partner on the game, if it supports his initiative.

It is very important that adults, when praising the baby, emphasize what they are praising for, for what specific actions: “That's how well Anya opens her mouth!”, “Clever girl! I put all the balls in the box! General positive evaluation or affection is no longer enough, the baby is drawn to business communication with an adult. It is important for him that his mother expressed pleasure with his specific actions, supported his actions in the world around him, and not just caressed him. Although weasel, of course, is not canceled! But it's just not enough for the baby! He needs to go further in his development - to business cooperation with his mother in an interesting game for him!

Always praise the baby, tell him that he is “clever”, “beloved”, “well done”, “good”. With these words and emotional attitude and support, you will create an atmosphere of joyful business cooperation that a child of 7 months and older needs.

What can a baby at 7 months by the end of this month:

Responds to the mood of adults, reacts to it. Have fun if they are happy.
Interested in other children - observes, laughs or babbles.
Actively plays fun games: "Okay", "Crow", "Hide and seek", "Ku-ku" and others.
Shows sensitivity to adult praise. Gets adults' attention with a smile or a whimper.
Detects attachment to close adults, can single out the most beloved among all adults.

Third direction. Cognitive and speech development of a child at 7 months.

1. Sensory development.

At the age of 7 months, it is very important for a child business conversation with mom. He no longer just lacks affection and attention, he needs a mother who will be a partner in exploring the world around him, who will show new ways of acting with objects, who will acquaint him with the world around him.

What the child can do:

Recognizes objects from different distances and shown from different angles.
Seeks to examine objects in all ways.
Operates with many items, and not with one or two as it was before. Can transfer items from hand to hand. Playing with objects involves both hands.
Knows "direct and reverse actions". For example, it folds and unfolds, puts the rings on the rod and takes them off. In these active actions the child develops an idea of ​​himself as an active, acting person!
Acts with toys depending on their properties: rolls balls, puts cubes on top of each other or knocks them against each other, puts toys out of a bucket and puts them back, opens the lids of boxes, moves, squeezes, pushes, shakes, knocks, turns over and so on Further.
He takes objects differently: he takes large objects with the whole palm, and small objects with a pinch.
Can deal with interesting toy 3-6 minutes, and together with an adult up to 8-10 minutes.

2. Development of speech.

What a child can do at seven months by the end of this month:

At seven months, the child can actively perform movements in various nursery rhymes - magpie-crow, patties, hide-and-seek, goat. He can perform the necessary learned movements according to the word. That is, as soon as the child hears the familiar words of the nursery rhyme performed by the mother, he immediately begins to do the action.
The kid knows how to perform actions at the request of an adult: give, drink, etc.

The baby actively babbles, repeating different syllables. Syllables are repeated loudly and clearly. Babble is very active when the child is interested in something.

He plays roll calls with his mother, repeating syllables after her. And the mother repeats his syllables after the baby. This is how the speech apparatus develops and trains.

To the question "Where ...?" pointing to an object with a finger. At an earlier age, in response to this question, the baby pointed to an object placed in a permanent place. And now he can point his finger at an object that has been moved to another place.

The child can find an object among other two or three familiar objects - in response to the question "Where ...?" he is looking in the right direction. The question “Where…?” you need to ask several times, giving a pause of 5 seconds.

Hearing his name, the child turns to you, crawls towards you.

How to conduct a developing speech lesson-roll call with a child of 7 months?

In order for the roll call to really develop the baby’s speech, you need to know what syllables and sounds your child is already saying. It is from this "speech base" of the baby that the speech classes- rollovers.

During roll calls, the child should see the face of the mother, listen to her, follow the articulation. And for this you need to think over the place of the roll call so that it is convenient for the baby to look at you, so that a sharp light does not hit his eyes.

What should be the structure of the roll call session with a child of 7 months

Below I give the structure of the roll call, developed by L. N. Pavlova, candidate of psychological sciences, authors of many books and manuals on child development early age. It is advisable to conduct such mini-classes daily so that the child successfully develops preparatory speech skills.
Introductory part. Bend over the baby so that he focuses on your face. Stroke him, call him by name, holding out the vowels of the baby’s name: “Aaaaaaanechka!” and pronouncing the name with different intonations: “Aaaanechka? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Then pause -15-20 seconds.

Part 1. "Roll call". You pronounce the sounds and syllables that your baby already says. Then pause for 15-20 seconds. If the baby responded - repeated after you, repeat the sounds again after him.
Part 2. "Voiced toy." Show a sounding toy, sound it. Let your child focus on the sound. Then pause for 15-20 seconds.
Part 3. Re-showing the toy. Show game actions with a toy, onomatopoeia. Name the toy.
Part 4. Repetition of the first part.
Part 5. In conclusion sing a song or tell a rhyme about the shown toy.

Is it useful to listen to fairy tales for little ones with a baby of 7 months?

With a child of 7 months, you can already listen to audio recordings of fairy tales, but in a special way. If you just put on an audio recording for the baby and leave the room, then you will not get any developmental result. Just hearing nearby speech does not affect the development of the speech of the child himself.

But if you sit next to the baby, listen with enthusiasm to a fairy tale, then he will begin to watch you. And your enthusiasm will be transferred to him. The baby will begin to listen to what the mother listens so intently.

You can listen for 5 minutes. And the more times you listen to the same record, the more joy the child will experience from recognizing sounds familiar to him.

While listening, you can move your lips, say, repeat words. This will further attract the attention of the baby.
And an even greater developmental effect will be if you tell fairy tales yourself, with pleasure, with different expressive intonations! Precisely to tell, not to read from a book. It doesn't matter if the child isn't talking yet. He is learning to listen to the sounds of speech!

Educational games and exercises with a child of seven months: the preparatory stage of speech development

Game 1. Showing toys and actions with them.

How to play a toy display game with a 7 month old baby?

First part games are activities. First, attract the child to the toy (move the toy, name it: “Here is a bunny. The bunny jumps: hop-hop-hop!”. If the toy makes sounds, show them to the baby. If the baby crawls towards the toy or wants to sit down to play with it, help him.

The second part of the game is the lesson. Let the baby act with the toy himself, examine it from all sides. As soon as interest in the toy drops, and actions with it become monotonous, go to the third part. game lesson with a toy.

The third part of the game is lessons. In the third part, show your baby different stories with a toy. The toy can hide. You can sing a song or tell a poem or a nursery rhyme, accompanying it with actions with a toy. You can also "dance" with a toy.

Helpful Hints for conducting an educational game - showing a toy to a child of 7 months:

Council number 1. In the show, repeatedly clearly repeat the name of the toy, its signs, actions: “Here is a cockerel. The rooster is beautiful. The cockerel sings: "Crow!". Or like this: “Here is a cockerel walking (demonstration of action). Found grains! The cockerel pecks at the grains (demonstration of action) ”And it can be done differently:“ The cockerel sings (demonstration of action). The cockerel hid. Where is the cockerel? Anechka found a cockerel and began to dance with him: la-la-la, la-la-la.

Tip number 2. In one such game, 1-2 actions are shown and called. In the next game - the next 1-2 new actions.

Highly the right advice № 3:). For those who haven't stopped reading this long article, but wants to know all the nuances and details! I have prepared for you main secret which will ensure the child's interest in classes and their effectiveness! This is the key to success, and now you will learn how to captivate the baby, and how to guarantee yourself 100% success!

The fact is that at the age of 7 months, the child cannot yet consciously and voluntarily focus on the toy. Therefore, the so-called "orienting reactions" That is, a situation is created when the baby will involuntarily look at the toy.

How to create this situation:

The effect of the sudden appearance of a toy (from under a bright scarf, from a bright bag, from a bright box). They take out the toy, call it, show 1-2 actions - and - attention - this is the main thing! - after that they put it back in a box, under a handkerchief or in a bright bag! It is very important! The toy must be hidden! And then again unexpectedly get it and show a new action. And again, unexpectedly, she was removed - she ran away, the toy hid.
The effect of contrast actions and unexpected change actions. For example, first a bunny rides a horse, and then suddenly - bang! Fell! Keep in mind that vivid experiences will lead to the fact that at this moment the baby will not repeat the necessary syllables after you, he will be full of emotions. That's how it should be! Babble - repeat syllables - the baby will be in between shows (when you hide the toy and sing a song).

Game 2. Actions with toys to imitate.

For example: lay out the balls, roll them and put them in a box. Or open the purse, get the pussy, close the purse.

You show the action, and the baby repeats it or does it in his own way. For example, you put the cubes in the cart, and he takes them back. Or you arrange the balls into two groups by color (yellow separately, blue separately), and the baby mixes them again. It is at 7 months that the child masters the opposite actions (put on-take off, put on and off), so he will gladly join in such a game.

In games with toys with a child of 7 months, you can and should include materials with different texture. Even the same patchwork balls can be velvet, calico, and flannel, or slices from different materials are combined on one ball. This develops the baby's tactile sensitivity.

Interesting ball games for games and children and poems for them were developed by F. Frebel. You can find them in the article.

How to teach a child new actions?

Usually such training occurs intuitively by itself, because the mother adjusts to the baby. But if we talk "according to science" :). then teaching the baby a new action (give ..., show goodbye, etc. passes three stages:

First stage. The new action is called an adult and is performed by the adult together with the child. An adult makes a child's hand desired movement. This is called the passive movement method.
Second phase. You act in front of the child, prompting the baby to perform the movement (“the method of showing with the word”).
Third stage. The kid does an action according to your word without showing (“okay”, “goodbye”, “give”, etc.)

Game 3. Games with pictures.

At seven months, the child can already find an object familiar to him in the picture, that is, recognize a well-known three-dimensional object in a planar image.

Game 4. Games for development fine motor skills.

Games with toys for the development of fine motor skills and cognitive development child. These are games with balls, cubes, cones, rings, which are fixed in a garland on a ribbon. Games with educational books and educational mats. Games with materials with different textures to develop tactile sensitivity.

Games for the development of fine motor skills can be found in the article
How to make a developing book for the development of fine motor skills, you will learn from the article

Game 5. Learning to grab objects with both hands.

Give the child holding one toy another toy and help him pick it up with his other hand.
AT next time help your baby learn to shift the toy from one hand to the other.

You can play the drum with both hands at once. Give your baby two sticks or rattles to tap on the table. The child will be happy to knock with both hands.

Speak at this time the words of a rhythmic rhyme or nursery rhyme. For example:

Tili-bom, tili-bom,
The cat's house caught fire.

Knock knock, with a hammer,
We will build a house for the dolls.

Poems for games - displays of toys with a child of 7 months.

You need to speak the texts as if humming, stretching out vowel sounds, rhythmically, clearly, distinctly, at an average pace of speech (not fast)


I'm riding a horse
Click, click, click, click!
Oh, sit down, let's ride!
Click, click, click, click! (T, Volgina).


Who woke up early? - Cockerel.
He lifted up the red scallop.
The cockerel sang: “Ku-ka-re-ku!
Who else is lying there on his side? (S. Prokofieva)


Ding-ding, ding-ding-doo!
Everywhere you hear the call!
Rattle, play!
Have fun with our baby!


Likes to drum
Long drumming
Long drumming,


The pussy approached the children,
The milk blew.
Milk proiiiila,
MEOW! She spoke.
Meow, meow, meow (N. Frenkel).

Like a cat cat
The coat is very good!
Like a cat mustache
Amazing beauty!
Eyes are funny!
Zuuubki are white!


Little zaaaaainki
They wanted baaaaaaainki,
They wanted baaaaa-inky,
Because maaaaaalenki!

A gray bunny is sitting
And wiggles his ears.
Wooot-taaaak, wooot-taaaak,
And wiggles his ears.
It's cold for a bunny to sit
You need to warm up your paws
Wow-wow, wow-wow,
You need to warm up your paws.


Play us, Anya, in a tambourine,
We will clap our hands.
Play us, play
Give mom a tambourine!

The child sits on the lap of an adult, the adult shakes him to the rhythm of the nursery rhyme and says:

The dog was walking across the bridge
Four paws, the fifth is a tail.
If the bridge collapses,
That dog will svaaaaaletsya! (simulate falling into a hole from the knees)


There is a horned goat
There is a butted goat
Who does not eat porridge
Doesn't drink milk
I'm going to gore, I'm going to gore!


Tiiiishe, guuuuli, don't make noise.
Don't wake my baby.
Don't interfere, guuuulenki,
Fly away, bitches!


Maaaaa little birdie
Came to us, to us, to us.
Little bird
I will give grains, ladies, ladies!
The bird sat on the window
Sit a little longer
Wait don't fly away
Flew away, hey!

Seven months- a unique period of development of the child! I wish you and your baby happiness, let him please you! O further development You will learn the child from the following articles on the site "Native Path". And in this short 2-minute video at the end of the article, let's recall all the features of the development of a baby at 7 months:
