The dog began to limp on its hind leg and was trembling. What to do if the dog is lame? Why the dog is lame, but there is no visible damage to the paw

Lameness in dogs is one of the most common reasons for visiting a veterinary clinic. It can spoil the state of health not only for a dog of a small breed, but also for its more massive counterparts.

Etymology of the disease

Lameness veterinarians call a partial or complete violation of the ability to support the animal. This term is understood to mean gait dysfunction in one or both hind limbs. Changes in gait will be visible to the owner with the naked eye, they are expressed in the asymmetry of the rearrangement of the hind legs associated with various violations of the functionality of the animal's musculoskeletal system.

Lameness should in no case be considered as a separate diagnosis, since it is actually a symptom of some kind of disease that disrupts coordination. pet.


Many veterinarians are inclined to believe that when a problem occurs this kind There are a number of factors that can cause lameness in a dog:
Factors that can cause this disease:

  • Bearing a mechanical nature (wound, damage).
  • Thermal (frostbite, burn).
  • Chemical (burn from acids, medicines, alkalis).

Predisposing to lameness:

  1. Poor exterior.
  2. Unbearable load for the animal.
  3. Unbalanced nutrition leading to weakening of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Avitaminosis.
  5. The presence of inflammatory processes.
  6. Neoplastic neoplasms and so on.

Symptoms of the disease

This disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Soreness at rest.
  • Painful movement.
  • Impairment of support ability associated with stress, wakefulness, sleep.
  • Fast fatiguability.

Types of disease

  1. Lameness of the leaning limb. It is characterized by pain on movement. The dog at this time whines, does not go forward at the command of the owner, is constantly in a restless state. This form is typical for trauma to the claws, damage to the pads on the paw, tendon-ligament, or bone apparatus.
  2. Hanging limb lameness- is expressed in painful sensations associated with the transfer of the dog's limb. This form is typical for injuries associated with a violation of the functionality of the muscular apparatus.
  3. Mixed lameness - it includes elements of the two previous variations. It refers to acute inflammatory processes that occur in the area of ​​​​large joints in a dog.
  4. Intermittent claudication- is determined by the unexpected appearance and the same disappearance.

The latter type of ailment is extremely characteristic of dogs. dwarf breeds. It is associated with a dislocation of the patella. Such lameness does not give the pet soreness, as in other matters, and special discomfort, however, in the future, the dog may develop a degenerative change in the joint area, which will become in the future an unpleasant problem not only for the dog, but also for his owner.

In large dogs, lameness can occur due to dysplasia. hip joints. This disease is purely hereditary, it occurs due to a violation of the development of the joint.

Diagnosis of the disease

Violation related to partial loss supportability, expressed as mixed lameness and lameness of the leaning limb. Diagnosis this disease must be applied using very informative methods. One of these methods is considered to be radiography.

First, the veterinarian must carefully inspect a lame animal evaluating the changes that led to the disease. This requires 10 minutes to be like a dog, during which time he will have to assess which one back paw a sick animal limps.

Having assessed the situation, the veterinarian will have to palpate to determine whether the dog has muscle hypertrophy, or even atrophy, painful tumors, crunching in the joints, discomfort when flexing and extending the hind limbs, conduct a thorough examination of the fingers, pads and claws of the pet. Quite often, cracks are considered the most common cause of lameness. small size appearing on the pads of the paws and plucked claws.

As stated above, the most authentic way definition of lameness in a dog should be considered passing x-rays. It is the R-shot, necessarily taken in frontal and lateral projections, that will help to establish true reason lameness in the animal.

As an add-on, the attending veterinarian may order the animal to undergo a CT scan.


Therapeutic activities veterinarian will prescribe based on the degree of the disease. These include:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (Rimadil, Ketofen).
  • Diet.
  • Decrease in activity and load.

If the case is extremely severe, then surgery may be necessary.

The dog may limp for some time after sleep, which in turn will be the result of a rupture of the cruciate ligament, and one cannot do without surgical intervention.

If the dog began to limp after the injection, then in this case it was done incorrectly, the needle hit the nerve. A similar effect is associated with the introduction of antibiotics. In this case, the veterinarian will advise you to thoroughly massage the lame hind leg.

When a dog limps on its hind leg, an action of this kind, as a rule, is a consequence of the presence of some kind of disease in its body. Timely contacting the veterinary clinic in a timely manner will help to identify the appearance of a dog in a dog serious pathologies and eliminate them.

Lameness in a dog is a functional change in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. First of all, the step function is violated. The movements of a healthy animal, regardless of its physique, are free and springy. It relies on all limbs. An unhealthy animal moves stiffly and is careful. This means that no limb or even several limbs are involved in walking. An attentive owner cannot fail to notice that his gait has changed in any dog, it limps or drags its paw. A veterinarian is most often asked why a dog is lame on its front paw. The front paw is the supporting one, it is most quickly injured by the animal when jumping - it twists, dislocates, cuts against glass, stretches the ligaments when landing on a slippery surface.

The question of why a dog limps on its hind leg is a little less frequent. But the hind limbs also suffer - they are infringed, damaged in fights, affected in the hock joint. It is important for the owner to understand that lameness is not a disease. This is a symptom of many diseases, so they are eliminated in accordance with the diagnosis.

Possible Causes of Lameness in Dogs


Mechanical causes include injuries of various etiologies. The dog could fight and get bitten by another animal in a fight (if the fight was with a cat, then the cat could scratch the dog’s paw with its claws and infect the wound). Fight small dog with a larger dog leads to obvious injuries, but a skirmish big dog with a small dog is usually ignored by the owners. Therefore, they do not always associate the pet’s health problems, in particular lameness, with past “showdowns”. Meanwhile, even Yorkshire Terrier or the miniature pinscher is able to bite through the muscle or tendon of a large opponent, which will subsequently lead to lameness.

An unsuccessful jump leads to fractures, sprains, dislocations, and bone fractures. An animal falling from a height has similar consequences. There are breeds that are contraindicated in jumping, and falls are often fatal for them. These are dogs heavy type on short legs - pugs, French bulldogs, bulls, as well as dogs with thin fragile bones - Russian toys, chihuahuas, Chinese crested. Dogs with an elongated body - dachshunds, basset hounds, skye terriers, welsh corgis - are also prone to diseases of the back and paws, with improper maintenance and excessive loads, they meet their mature years with lameness, numbness of the paws, sagging of the back.

The dog could still be kicked or hit with some object, it could also get under the wheel of a car, bicycle and get hurt. Bruises are not dangerous, but pain at the site of impact causes the animal to limp and save the diseased limb for some time.

IN summer time the cause of lameness is often the bite of an insect, especially one with a sting: wasps, bees, bumblebees. These bites are dangerous because they can cause severe allergic reaction and even lead to tissue necrosis at the site of the bite. The same goes for snake bites. Tissue damage causes the bite of any snake, including non-venomous ones.

Another summer nuisance is the particles of the spikelet oat plant (popularly called wild oat, wild oat, ustyug, ustyuk, etc.). These particles go deep into the tissues and provoke an abscess.

Medical Causes of Lameness

Under medical reasons refers to genetic (congenital) and acquired diseases.

Genetic diseases of the musculoskeletal system include hip dysplasia (Saint Bernards, Rottweilers, Sennenhunds and other large breeds), knee dysplasia with possible dislocation of the patella (Labradors, Spitz, Griffins), ataxia (Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers, Cocker Spaniels) . These diseases are not treated, only the symptoms are stopped and the suffering of the pet is alleviated. The only prevention of genetic diseases is the genetic testing of breeding animals and the exclusion from breeding of individuals with a tendency to genetic defects.

Inflammatory diseases of the muscles, ligaments, joints also cause the animal to limp. Lameness is often caused by neurological problems in animals - paresis, paralysis. These diseases affect the peripheral nervous system and spinal cord (about concussion).

Various kinds of vascular problems - thrombosis, for example - disrupt blood circulation in the limbs, impair tissue trophism and cause lameness due to weakening of the ligaments.

Lameness leads to poor-quality nutrition, poor in magnesium, potassium, calcium. Due to the deficiency of these microelements, convulsions develop in animals. Painful contractions muscles, even after relaxation and return to normal, for some time they remind themselves of a dull aching pain in the limbs, which can also lead to the fact that the dog is lame.

The same problem is caused by tumor diseases, especially osteosarcoma, muscle myoma and others. First, the tumor disrupts normal structure bones or muscles, impairs their nutrition, causes discomfort and pain at the site of formation. Secondly, the tumor changes the functionality of the limb, growing into different parts of it.


It happens that the dog limps on the hind leg after an injection. She may be in pain after the wrong - too fast or too slow - injection of the drug, or the drug causes painful sensation at the injection site, or an inexperienced specialist got into the periosteum.

Also, the dog limps on the front paw if it goes on droppers. She is usually catheterized and secured to her paw with duct tape. The catheter causes discomfort to the animal and slightly interferes with movement. Even when it is removed, the animal limps either from discomfort at the place of attachment, or out of habit. IN severe cases sometimes a nerve is affected, in which case specific neurological treatment is required. Muscle contracture is also likely under the local toxic effects of the drug.


Dogs, of course, should not be humanized and attributed to them qualities and abilities that are unique to humans. But you should not underestimate them either, many of them are very smart and cunning creatures who are perfectly able to manipulate both people and other animals. It is by cunning that psychological reasons some cases of lameness in these pets.

The dog may be lame if

  • Previously, he was sick, limped, was treated and was released from training at the training ground. In this way, he wants to avoid another training session and habitually demonstrates the behavior that he needs in order not to train.
  • He somehow ran, limping, in the ring with a handler and was removed from training or removed from the exhibition. Since handling and performance in the ring are not interesting for the dog, he will remember how to avoid them.
  • He is younger than other familiar dogs. Then, in the event of the slightest manifestation of aggression on the part of adults, a young dog can limp, fall on its back, whine, in every possible way showing that it is smaller and weaker.

Owner actions for lameness in a dog

What to do if the dog is lame? Definitely lead to a veterinarian or call him at home. In the first case, it is possible full examination dogs, in the second, the dog does not bother the sore paw by walking and feels better in a familiar environment.

The veterinarian manually and visually examines the paw on which the dog is lame, takes a blood test, and if necessary, urine. You will also need to take x-rays in several projections. Ideally shown ultrasonography joint and adjacent tissues. It is desirable that the results of analyzes and studies are studied by an orthopedist or traumatologist. But in principle, the surgeon will cope with the diagnosis and the appointment of treatment.

In veterinary clinics major cities installed equipment for magnetic resonance and computed tomography. If it is possible to conduct such an examination for your pet, you should not neglect it. It's on this moment most accurate and safe method diagnosing various health problems. the only drawback of this study is its high cost.

Before the dog gets to see the veterinarian, it is necessary to immobilize his paw, place the animal in a cage, carry or tie, limiting his mobility. A small dog is best carried in your arms.

Treatment of lameness in dogs

Treatment for lameness will depend on what diagnosis the veterinarian makes based on the examination. If the dog is in pain, pain medication may be prescribed. But if it is necessary for the purpose of treatment that the animal is at rest, then the painkiller is not administered to it. Indeed, with the disappearance of pain, the dog will again begin to run, jump, play, disturbing the sore paw and preventing healing.

If the x-ray revealed a crack or fracture, then a splint is put on the limb or otherwise immobilized. Inflammatory process removed with nonsteroidal drugs. Steroids are prescribed if the first ones were ineffective.

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No one is immune from illness and injury, including your pets. If the dog begins to limp on its hind legs, and there are no visible reasons, this is a reason to seriously worry about its health and take action. About why a dog can lame and how to help it, we will tell in the framework of the article.

Determining lameness in a dog

The reader has the right to be surprised: “is it not clear when the dog is lame?”. Indeed, this symptom is immediately visible in 90% of cases. But you can notice something was wrong before the dog begins to clearly limp.

What can cause a change in the gait of an animal? There are many reasons, the most likely are:

  • joint and ligament injuries;
  • spinal cord disease and nervous system generally;
  • limb thrombosis;
  • genetic diseases;
  • various types of tumors;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • other diseases.

In dog puppies large breeds lameness can be caused by household reasons. You turned away, and the animal jumped off the bench, stretching the ligaments in the process. There seems to be no apparent reason, but the dog is lame. At risk and animals suffering from beriberi.

In most cases, only a veterinarian can help your pet. But in some situations, you can manage on your own, especially if the lameness is caused by injuries.

Take a closer look at a healthy animal: his steps are free, and his gait is springy, light. If there are any deviations, they can be detected using a simple method.

Walk your pet on wet sand or damp ground. Measure the distances between paw prints. Ideally, the stride length is the same. But if one step is a little shorter than the other - it's time to sound the alarm. This means that your dog has musculoskeletal problems that will eventually show up as lameness, including on the hind legs.

When measuring tracks, pay attention to one more thing: how the dog places its paws. If it “carries out” to the outside or “turns” inward, this is also a sign of incipient lameness.

If the dog is already lame, you can self-diagnosis. Of course it won't replace instrumental methods used in clinics, but at least you will understand what is happening with your pet.

There are three types of lameness, each with specific symptoms.

  1. Lameness of the leaning limb. The dog only slightly leans on the diseased paw and tends to quickly transfer body weight to a healthy limb. The step is shortened, this is clearly visible if you observe the animal from the side. The animal can hunch or jump on three legs. Common cause- injuries. Also, such lameness can occur due to inflammation of the muscles.
  2. Lameness of a hanging limb. The paw is drawn up to the body, the dog does not step on it. Touching the injured limb causes severe pain. The reasons are different: wounds, fractures, inflammation of the joints, dislocations.
  3. neurological paresis. In this case, there are no visible reasons, the animal does not experience pain. Lameness is caused by muscle weakness.

What to do if the dog starts to limp? We will analyze all the reasons and tell you what to do in each case.

Signs, causes and actions of dog owners with lameness

For your convenience, we have prepared a table with descriptions of lameness, possible reasons and your actions to help the animal.

Description of the problem Possible reasons Your actions
The animal is lame on one paw, including the back. When bending / unbending the limb squeals in pain. It's probably a sprain or cartilage sprain. Apply a cold compress, apply a pressure bandage. If it doesn't help, call your doctor. This injury can lead to arthritis.
Were physical exercise(running, walking, jumping), after which the pet limps for 2-3 hours. Then the gait is restored. This is how the muscles are stretched. Eliminate physical activity for 2-3 days, do light massage. If the problem persists, contact your veterinarian.
Sudden lameness, the animal squeals, there is blood on the pad or near the nail. Broken nail. Wounds. Treat small cuts with saline, do not let them step on hard surfaces. For a torn nail or deep wounds, call a doctor.
Lameness in the hind or forelegs begins suddenly, during or after exercise. You may notice muscle tremors. The animal whines. The most likely cause is myositis, that is, inflammation muscle tissue. Often lameness is accompanied by convulsions. This problem occurs if the animal is supercooled, for example, when bathing or being in a draft. Keep the dog warm, give a light massage. If the condition does not improve, call the veterinarian.

We've covered all the causes of dog lameness that you can try to deal with on your own. But there are diseases that cannot be treated at home without special knowledge.

Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint

The animal begins to limp unexpectedly for you, after prolonged training. There are no visible reasons. By type - lameness of the leaning limb. Probable Cause- rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint. This injury is most common in dogs, especially large breeds. The only way to deal with the problem is through surgery.

Patella shift

Also a common injury, the main symptom of which is lameness of a hanging limb. The dog whines, cannot step on a sore paw, keeps it tucked in. An animal cannot be helped without a veterinarian.

Fractures and dislocations

Lameness occurs suddenly, often after a fall. The injured limb swells, with dislocations it is bent. The animal whines, cannot step on the foot, and touching causes severe pain. You yourself cannot cope with this problem, take the animal to a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home.

Protrusion of the intervertebral disc

A serious pathology that threatens the life of a pet. The dog falls on its paws, lameness develops. In some cases, the animal cannot turn its head, the gait becomes shaky, the limbs “twitch”. Call a doctor immediately!

Infectious or rheumatic arthritis

Have you noticed that the dog began to limp after sleeping, and after a while the lameness goes away? This is how infectious or rheumatoid arthritis manifests itself. In dogs of large breeds, the front paws are most often affected, in other animals both the front and hind legs. Another disease that occurs in large animals is elbow dysplasia. There are no other symptoms other than lameness after rest. The exception is infectious arthritis. In this case, you may notice swelling of the affected limbs. In addition, the animal's appetite is disturbed.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure an animal of arthritis. See your doctor so he can the right treatment. To maintain the health of your pet, use chondroprotectors. For example, for dogs or. The latter, by the way, helps with muscle inflammation, wounds and sprains. The main thing to remember is that chondroprotectors are aids and cannot replace full-fledged treatment.

Summing up

Your dog suddenly starts to limp and you don't know what to do? In the article, we talked about the main causes of the problem. Remember that trying to cope with the disease on your own is not always appropriate. Do not risk your pet's health, contact your veterinarian at the first sign of lameness.

The dog is lame, the causes of lameness and the treatment of the disease

Dogs can suffer from lameness for a variety of reasons. To understand why dogs limp, you need to do the following.

1. Examine the limbs of a lame dog

If your dog is lame on one leg or another, examine it carefully. On the paws, there may be injuries such as cuts, insect bites, damage to the claws and bruises of soft tissues, pebbles and other sharp objects can get stuck between the fingers. If you have the latter case, then the object between the fingers of the animal is best removed with tweezers, and this should be done in a well-lit place. If the item is stuck under the skin, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian.

2. Feel the limbs

If during the examination you received little information, the paws of the animal must be felt in order to understand where it is experiencing pain. All dogs react differently to pain. Some growl, others whine, and still others bite. If you have aggressive dog that bites, its sore paws or lame paws should not be touched. If the limb is swollen and the bones are irregular shape, this may indicate the presence of a fracture, and it should be treated only in a veterinary clinic.

3. Take your dog to the vet if the cause of the lameness cannot be identified.

If you are able to help the dog on your own, you can try. If not, take your dog to the vet.

The animal must be taken to the clinic even if it is lame, and the cause of its lameness cannot be identified. There he will be x-rayed and diagnosed. Sometimes lameness can occur due to systemic diseases that you still cannot determine visually and by touch.

Random Causes of Lameness in Dogs

In addition to cuts, damage to the claws and stones stuck between the fingers, there are whole list other causes of canine lameness. If the animal was hit by a car, played too hard or ran a lot, it may begin to limp, but it is most likely that it will not be possible to immediately find out the cause. In this case, she may have the following injuries.

1. Stretching

Dogs, just like people, can get muscle or ligament sprains. This happens with sudden movements during games and other vigorous activity. Most sprains go away within 48 hours. If after this time the dog is still lame, it must be taken to the veterinarian. He will bring out real reason lameness and prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain. Early Treatment contributes more quick recovery after injury.

2. Fractures

Fractures are usually visible immediately. The leg does not support the weight of the dog. It can be seen that the animal is in severe pain. The leg is deformed, and sometimes the bones protrude. In some cases it is possible heavy bleeding which is important to stop as soon as possible. In this case, the dog must be urgently taken to the clinic, where it will be surgical treatment. It is important that the animal does not move after receiving a serious injury. But fractures are not always due to trauma. Sometimes they occur during dog bone cancer.

dog boxer

3. Lameness associated with the growth process

Large young dogs often experience leg problems as they grow. This happens to them, most often, at the age of 2 months. up to 2 years. Too much a big increase the body of the dog creates a great load on the still fragile bones. The cause of lameness may be too high-calorie food, incorrect proportions of protein, calcium and phosphorus in it.

Other Causes of Lameness in Dogs

Although young dogs may develop lameness during their growth period, older dogs may have other causes. This can affect both the front and hind legs.

Elbow dysplasia

In this case, the dog will limp and experience pain when stretching the area of ​​the elbow joint. Sometimes the pain can be so severe that the animal loses the ability to lean on the limb.

hip dysplasia

The hip joint consists of a head and a socket. With dysplasia, due to structural defects, the head does not properly fall into the cavity, which causes the corresponding sensations. In dogs, hip dysplasia is a genetic disorder. Before mating, all dogs should be checked for this defect. big dogs with dysplasia have difficulty walking and lying down.

Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament

Sometimes the dog makes turns on hind legs. In this case, a rupture of the cruciate ligaments may occur. It can also happen if the dog moves on how many surfaces, or if it is hit by a car. The most common cruciate ligament tears are seen in Newfoundlands, Labrador Retrievers, Rottweilers, and St. Bernards. The affected dog will usually have lameness and the affected joint may be swollen.

Habitual dislocation of the patella

If the dog is experiencing pain in the patella, it may be due to subluxation of the patella. This condition is common in dogs. small breeds such as Yorkies, Toy Poodles and Dachshunds. The problem often manifests itself when the dog runs.

bone cancer

Large dog breeds are often prone to bone cancer, which can lead to severe lameness and unexplained fractures from minor injuries. Bone cancer is very serious illness, which can result in the amputation of a limb for the animal in order to reduce pain.

As dogs age, due to continued friction, the joints begin to become inflamed and arthritis develops. Arthritis is more common in middle-aged or older dogs. Animals have difficulty jumping out of a car or climbing stairs. In the morning they have more severe pain, so they walk at this time of day more slowly. Anti-inflammatory drugs help in the treatment of the disease. Home remedies can also be used to treat arthritis.

Lyme disease

This disease occurs after a tick bite. A few months after a tick bite, the dog begins to limp without apparent reason. True, in initial stage lameness may be barely noticeable. When the process reaches its peak, the dog will no longer be able to walk. Lameness in Lyme disease may be accompanied by fever and lethargy. The disease responds well to antibiotic treatment such as doxycycline or cephalexin.

So, as you can see, there can be a great many reasons for the appearance of lameness in dogs. Despite the information contained in this article, it is not necessary to self-diagnose the dog. The only way to find out the cause of her lameness is to take the dog to the veterinarian to have x-rays and other types of examinations.

Lame on one paw

A dog limping on one leg is the cause of a sprained tendon. A very common type of injury is when the dog runs over rough or hilly terrain with significant ground level changes and during large jumps during training. Pathophysiologically, ruptures occur in the bundles of fibrous tissue that make up the tendons. Accordingly, there is damage to the vessels too. Small hematomas form at the sites of injury, inflammatory fluid accumulates around them, and other signs of tendon inflammation appear - tendinitis. The limb is painful, the animal begins limp on an injured paw, the location of the break can be clearly identified. If the collateral ligaments are stretched, then the pain will be reflected in the place of their fixation ( pun tum fixum) to the bones of the leg.

Dog lame on back leg

The next disease of lameness is tendon tear. A problem that occurs while overcoming high barriers or jumping from a considerable height. The final rupture does not occur, but most of the fibrous fibers are damaged, and, consequently, the vessels and nerves that feed them are also affected. It is almost impossible to localize the place of the tear, since the pain is spread over the entire length of the tendon. The animal protects the paw and does not stand on it, keeping it in limbo. At the site of injury, the classic inflammatory response begins with fever, redness, pain, swelling, and loss of function. If treatment is not started immediately, the process can develop into a chronic disease, since inflammatory mediators stimulate the growth and division of fibroblasts, and they, in turn, induce blood fibrin sedimentation and scar formation.

Such a tendon loses its elastic properties and may rupture again. After a while, when the edema subsides, you can palpate a slight thickening at the site of the tendon tear, this is the scar. Since the limb for a long time immobilized, and the dog protects it from tension, contractures may form (prevalence of the flexor muscles over the extensors).

Lameness caused by tendon rupture

Lameness with complete rupture of the tendon. This is extremely rare condition but also very heavy. The tendons of the flexor muscles are usually damaged, since they bear the main load during physical activity animal. Since the muscles contract, the edges of the wound diverge at a considerable distance from each other, and the space between them is filled with inflammatory exudate and blood that has poured out of the damaged vessels. Without timely assistance, the effusion is organized into a scar and the ends of the torn tendon are connected using a fragile fibrous plate, which periodically recurs inflammation, irritates the surrounding tissues and disrupts the elasticity and mobility of the tendon.

In the future, the tissue surrounding the tendon (fascial sheaths and bags) joins the formation of the scar. This method of healing significantly shortens the tendon, which leads to a forced posture and the appearance of persistent contractions of the flexor muscles - contractures. Movements are limited in two joints adjacent to the site of injury. For a quick diagnosis, you can feel the place of the rupture with your fingers until the swelling prevents you from doing this.

Briefly about the treatment of a lame dog

If any of the above three injuries occur, it is necessary to clean skin over the site of injury, treat them with a disinfectant solution: brilliant green, iodine, chlorophyllipt, furatsilin, and apply a pressure bandage. After that, directly on the bandage with an aerosol, apply chlorethyl in a thick layer, which will settle in the form of frost. If there was not a stretch, but still a tear of the tendon, then it is necessary to increase the number of such typical “layers” by two to three times. With a complete rupture of the tendon, the bandaging procedure is carried out four to five times on the first day. The bandage must be removed the next day. If you don't have chloroethyl in your first aid kit, you can use ice water, even from the tap. Our goal is to slow down the development of inflammation and scar formation.

On the second day, when the edema has subsided and the bleeding has stopped, the damaged tendon is sutured end-to-end, trying as much as possible to maintain its previous length in order to avoid contractures. Fibrin clots and blood slugs are removed, an antiseptic is poured into the wound, then it is sutured tightly in layers and a plaster splint is applied. If you don’t need to stitch anything, then on the second day after the injury, they start warming procedures. These are alcohol compresses, heating pads, wrapping limbs in warmth. Two days after stretching, it is appropriate to make warm paraffin applications along with massage and anti-inflammatory ointments.

Lameness in dogs due to osteoarthritis

With arthrosis, the joint degenerates and deforms. In veterinary medicine, the disease is also called osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis. arthritis leads to internal changes joint.

The junction of two or more bones is called a joint, and the area of ​​​​contact of the bones is covered with hyaline cartilage. Outside, the cartilage is smooth, but inside it looks like a sponge. When a person or animal moves, cartilage produces joint fluid that lubricates and nourishes the joints. The space between the two bones is called the synovial cavity, and the secreting synovial fluid allows for easy gliding. Osteoarthritis damages proteoglycans, molecules that help the joint retain water. As a result, the cartilage loses its elasticity, and the destruction of collagen fibers leads to its dryness and thinness. And now the damaged and depleted cartilage cannot function as before, the articular surfaces of the bones rub against each other, the load on the bone increases, and movements become painful.

Initial symptoms of a lame dog

This initial symptoms arthrosis, and it is better to treat the disease at its onset. The next stage leads to deformation of the bones and joints. The limbs of the bones in the area of ​​the joints begin to increase, the articular areas become larger, osteophytes appear. These are bone fragments in the joint cavity that appear during the disease. Animals feel pain when moving, limp and try not to use the diseased limb. As a result, atrophy of the joints occurs (they cease to secrete synovial fluid normally), inflammation of the synovial membrane and the destruction of hyaline cartilage. When the distance between the joints becomes less than 70%, the cartilage almost completely disappears, and the joints are in close contact with each other. This is the third stage of arthrosis, which leads to a global deformation of the joints. With such a course, arthrosis is difficult to treat, the deformation cannot be corrected, they simply increase the mobility of the joints, sometimes even replace them with prostheses.


There are several reasons for the occurrence of the disease. First of all, arthrosis appears with age.
Injuries and microtraumas, which can be repeated several times, are the cause of the onset of the disease. Particularly vulnerable large dogs and animals. In horses and dogs participating in sports competitions, hock, carpal joints are damaged. There is also necrosis or infarction of the joint, the cause of which is overload and injury.

Heredity plays an important role in the spread of the disease. abnormal development joints. For example, dysplasia (abnormality of the hip joints) can be passed on to offspring, and arthrosis does not wait. In order for genetically transmitted arthrosis not to manifest itself in phenotypes, it is necessary to monitor the health of the animal: properly feed, strengthen immunity, and provide comfortable housing.

The next reason is arthritis. With this disease, the composition of the interarticular fluid changes, which leads to dysfunction of the hyaline cartilage, blood circulation in the joints and the structure of the synovial membrane are also disturbed. Great importance has a metabolism in the body. If metabolic processes are disturbed, crystals of calcium pyrophosphate can accumulate in the joints and uric acid. All this leads to atrophy of the articular tissue. Another cause of osteoarthritis can be overweight. In animals with overweight disease is more common.

Treatment of lameness in arthrosis

For the treatment of arthrosis, it is necessary to provide the sick animal with rest, reduce the load. Some dogs have a habit of standing on the elbow instead of on the paw. For this reason, the load of body weight on the joints increases, and bursitis develops on the tubercle. It may have chronic. In order for arthrosis not to progress, you need to make a soft bedding for a sick dog or cat. Medical treatment carried out with the help of drugs that retain moisture well in the joints. Of these substances, glucosamine, sodium hyaluronate are used. Glucosamine is an amino sugar that is part of the cartilage tissue, it activates the formation of chondrocytes and proteoglycans. Hyaluronic acid maintains the desired balance of water in the tissues. Some steroid drugs are injected directly into the joint and Wolmar Winsome is taken.
