How to wear a stole with a fur coat. How to choose and beautifully tie a scarf on a fur coat

Have you become the owner of a mink coat? Congratulations, in your hands appeared amazing beauty thing that will make you happy for a long time. To catch admiring and envious glances, it's time to think about accessories, because you can't do without a stylish and warm scarf in winter.

How to choose coat color

It is no secret that the colors of the fur coat and scarf should be combined with each other. How to find perfect solution? Trust your own intuition and take into account a few simple and harmonious color tandems.

To black

Simplest color choice scarf refers to a black mink coat. Indeed, black is in perfect harmony with red, white, pink, pastel and other shades. Do not overload the image with multi-colored motley ornaments, because the mink is the main decoration of your bow.

You can choose a matching scarf for a black fur coat, however, if it is understood that the scarf will be visible from under outerwear, experts advise choosing more interesting option. For example, light shades perfectly shade the tone of the face, making the image brighter.

To brown

Shades Brown color with notes of caramel and sandy overflows fill the image with calmness and measuredness. Brown mink is a classic that requires careful selection of accessories. Pay attention to the light palette of soft shades. Milky and beige tones will be win-win options.

If you are used to experimenting in images, a multi-colored stole with a colorful ornament and a matching headdress will help to realize the most daring ideas. At the same time, the bag may not match in color, because the creative does not tolerate strict rules.

To gray

Gray tint fur coats displays a rich palette of tones. Here you can find light gray, gray-blue and gray-violet. Each of these shades will suit light, calm tones. Can't do without pink. Pale pink goes well with light fur coat, saturated - to a darker shade of gray.

To beige

A beige fur coat is a very calm and light option. With a scarf, you can complete harmonious image or stand out in a crowd. So, a beige and chocolate scarf that matches the tone of the shoes can act as a worthy addition. For fresh solutions, a scarlet shade, mustard and reddish-brown tones are suitable. Take a closer look at the pale green hue.

To white

tender white fur coat captivates with its purity and fabulousness. It is easy to create various images with it, because, like a black shade, White color accepts any color palette.

Scarves with delicate pastel shades will be a nice addition, but bright and rich ones, such as red, burgundy and emerald, will play bold notes on a white background.

A black scarf with a white model will create a classic, strict look, suitable for business meetings and conservative style of dress.

How to wear and wear

Scarf and coat are classic combination, because how else can you keep warm in the severe frosts of Russian winters. Besides, beautiful combination able to update the image, make it brighter.

Tie over

Fur experts highly discourage wearing a scarf over a mink coat, or any fur coat in general. Why such categoricalness? The smooth long hairs of mink fur are prone to abrasion, and constant contact with a scarf can provoke such an outcome. This is especially true for models of scarves with beads, heavy knitting, tassels and brooches. Never pin a scarf to a fur coat with a brooch, because a gap will appear in this place.

If the desire to additionally cover yourself with a scarf is great, wear light scarves or shawls, for example, made of fine wool with cotton. From a long scarf model, you can build a stand-up collar, provided that the style of the collar allows you to do this. Wrap the scarf several times around your neck, and hide the ends under the layers. Stylish and warm image ready.

You can tie a scarf under turn-down collar. A regular knot with straightened edges will update the image.

Tie inside

long model can be wrapped several times around the neck, and the ends passed through the formed ring and hidden under a mink coat.

The cowboy way of tying a scarf is known to many. It will work for a coat too. A scarf folded diagonally into a scarf is placed around the neck, and the ends are pulled back, crossing each other. Next, the ends of the scarf are displayed on front side and tied beautiful knot, bow or hide under the resulting triangle.

With a Chanel fur coat

The Chanel-style fur coat resembles the famous jacket from the famous fashionista Coco. A straight silhouette, short sleeves and a low stand-up collar or no collar at all are the main features of the model.

Of course, the graceful neckline and fur look charming. However, if you plan to show a fur coat not only at social events, then taking care of warmth is a must. In addition, the scarf will save the mink from traces foundation and powders.

So, a scarf for a Chanel fur coat should be worn inside. You can wrap your neck by creating a stand-up collar from a scarf, however, at the same time, a highlight original style hide under warm layers. won't fit and knitted scarves and wide voluminous scarves. Coco-style collar should be open.

Perfect option- light scarf-shawl with threads of wool and silk. It can be tied tightly around the neck or cowboy style. subtle matter will give the image grace and will not weigh down the feminine image.

With a fur coat with a hood

Even such a warm model as mink coat with a hood, a scarf is required. It is better to tie it inside with any known ways. For example, a French knot will look elegant and simple. For its implementation, it is necessary to fold the scarf in half, place it on the neck, and draw the ends of the scarf through the loop formed. The image is ready. For additional warmth, you can make a similar knot under the hood.

Stylish images

Gorgeous mink coat caramel shade perfect in combination with a milk chocolate-coloured fine wool stole. A stole tied around the head securely covers the neck and head from the cold wind, and also compensates for the lack of a collar in the Coco Chanel model.

Palatine is wide scarf, various colors and textures. An indispensable accessory in wardrobe modern woman, it is worn at any time of the year. If it is a thin, light, flowing fabric, a stole is used in summer or spring, and wool and other dense materials will be appropriate in the autumn-winter period.

Versatility this accessory lies in the variety of ways to tie and use it. This non-standard element of the wardrobe can radically change the image of a woman. It is tied on the head, neck, thrown over a dress, coat or jacket.

How to tie a stole in style? How to tie a stole on the head and neck? How else can you wear a stole? In this collection of material - the answers to all exciting questions and a demonstration of the most popular ways to use the stole. After reviewing the secrets and recommendations outlined in the article, any woman can look modern, fashionable and spectacular.

Which tippet to choose?

When choosing a stole, one should be guided by the main question: what will it be worn with? Decorate a coat or Evening Dress, a romantic blouse or a "rocker jacket" - there are a lot of options. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of combination in clothes, taking into account the features of the figure and face. Naturally, a stole with a similar floral print, and on fine fabric a stole made of dense and hard material will look rough.

When choosing a stole, pay attention to its color scheme. The shade should “fit” to the face, combined with the things with which it is planned to be worn. Options are also possible here: it can be an independent bright accent in the form of a woman or a finely selected elegant addition to clothing.

So, the more such accessories a woman has in her wardrobe, the easier it is to create any stylish outfits.

How to tie a stole - ways

Consider the most common ways to tie a tippet, ranging from simple to somewhat intricate.

How to tie a stole with the Loose Ends method

Throwing a stole around your neck, loose ends thrown forward, over the shoulders. In fact, the scarf is wrapped around the neck, and the ends are left on the chest as an ornament. The ends of the stole, depending on the length, can simply hang down, or you can tie them with a light knot.

How to tie a stole using the "Long Tail" method

Throwing a scarf around your neck, throw one end of it behind your back, beautifully arrange the front folds. For better fixation of the stole, you can fix it from the inside (on the shoulder) with a pin.

In this, the simplest, variation, both voluminous and narrow models of the stole look beautiful.

How to tie a stole using the "Loop" method

The stole is folded in half in width and thrown around the neck. The ends of the scarf are threaded into the loop formed (during addition). The degree of tightening of the stole can be different: dense and clear or loose and airy.

Light summer scarves tied with a "Loop" can be additionally decorated with a brooch or decorative flower(as in the photo).

How to tie a stole using the "reverse loop" method

Variation on the theme "Loop". Do the same manipulations as described in the previous method (stage No. 1), but first thread only one end of the stole into the loop (stage No. 2), and thread the second into another loop (stage No. 3), slightly tighten the ends (stage No. four).

How to tie a tippet using the "Twist" method

Twisting the stole slightly along the canvas, wrap it around the neck, cross in one place, and tie it carefully, hide the ends under the bottom.

This method is great for wide and long scarves. A narrow tippet after twisting will look too short. Great for women with thin and long necks.

How to tie a stole using the "Hood" method

The tippet is twisted around the neck twice, crossing and tying a small knot at the back (according to the principle of the previous method). One layer of the stole is slightly pulled out and used as a hood or hood.

The method is convenient for its versatility, turning a scarf into a headdress and vice versa. In this form, the stole resembles the well-known snood.

How to tie a stole "Volumetric arc"

A simple way, when the ends of the stole are tied, the knot is moved under the neck, the scarf is beautifully straightened on the chest. You can also twist it slightly by adding voluminous folds.

How to tie a stole on your head?

Often the stole is tied not only around the neck, but also used instead of a headdress. It will be appropriate in the hot summer heat, instead of a hat or panama, and in cool windy weather. Warm soft stole on the head, in winter it will become unusual decoration and frost protection. Preferring a stole over a trivial hat, it will be easier for a woman to keep her hairdo, its volume and shape, even in the winter cold.

There are also enough options to tie a stole scarf on your head: with a scarf, turban, traditionally thrown over your head and throwing the free ends over your shoulders or tied around your neck. Everyone chooses according to taste and according to the style of clothing. So, how else can you wear a tippet?

How to tie a stole on your head - method 1

The stole is thrown over the head and tied under the chin in a knot (like an ordinary scarf). The free ends of the scarf remain in front or are thrown behind the back.

How to tie a tippet on your head - method 2

A variation of the first method, when the ends of the stole are not tied, but simply thrown over the shoulders (or over one shoulder).

How to tie a stole on your head - method 3

The stole is thrown over the head, the ends are aligned (along the length), a knot is tied at the back, on the back of the head (like a scarf). If the length of the stole allows, you can (before making the knot) wrap the ends of the scarf around the neck again.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 4

The stole is thrown over the head, the ends are aligned (along the length), tied at the back of the head (optional) and the stole is twisted into a tight tourniquet, which is wrapped around the head. To fix the scarf, a decorative knot or bow is made in front or on the side.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 5

Fold the stole lengthwise, wrap your head around it, ends towards the back of the head. Having collected the ends in soft warehouses, tie a tight bulk knot. Loose ends can be left on the back or wrapped around the neck. A braid wrapped in a stole or a hair bun will look fashionable and stylish.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 6

Fold the stole lengthwise, wrap your head around it, ends towards the back of the head. Wrap your head around your forehead, forming a "turban". The ends of the scarf are tied on the forehead or taken back, fixing on the back of the head.

The photo shows several options for the formation of a "turban" from a stole.

By the way, such universal way tying a stole on your head is convenient not only in summer, but also in winter. Just choose a warm and soft scarf.

How to tie a stole around your neck?

Most often, the stole is tied around the neck. There are a lot of design variations and the number of decorative knots.

Below, the photo shows several ways to tie a stole beautifully.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 1

The edges of the stole are twisted at the back, forming a voluminous loop in front. First, one free end is tied on the side (on the shoulder) into a knot, hide the tip. Then the same manipulation is carried out with the second end. The tippet is neatly straightened on the chest.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 2

Make a voluminous arc from the stole on the chest. Twist the edges at the back and bring them to the front. Tie the loose ends around the neck, beautifully hide the ends under the stole. Straighten the scarf.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 3

Put the stole around your neck, tie one knot at each end. Arrange the nodes asymmetrically, one above the other. Tie loose ends, twist scarf back. Hide the peeking ends under the stole, into the loop of one of the knots. Beautifully form folds.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 4

Wear a stole around your neck, align the edges. Tie the ends of the scarf into a knot. Twist the stole and pass the head through the hole. Depending on the length of the canvas, the scarf can fit tightly around the neck or fall slightly in two tiers on the chest.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 5

Wrap the tippet around the neck, as shown in the photo. Tie loose, hanging ends. Hide the knot under the first tier of the scarf, straighten the ends.

How to tie a tippet around your neck - method 6

Wrap the tippet around the neck, leaving hanging ends on the chest. At one end, make a light, loose knot into which to thread the second free edge tippet. The asymmetry of the arrangement of the knot looks beautiful and impressive in any image.

How to wear a stole with a coat?

Fashionable stoles are indispensable in a set with outerwear: a coat, a fur coat, a jacket. Sometimes, it is quite simple and random to throw a scarf over the shoulders or slightly throw one edge behind the back, and the image will be fashionable and creative. Sometimes women of fashion twist a scarf tightly around their neck or fix hanging scarves with a belt. long ends tippet.

Increasingly, the stole is becoming a central element in a girl's outfit, as, for example, in the photo. Having thrown a spectacular scarf over the shoulders, it is carefully straightened and fixed with a belt along the waist line.

Options - a lot. It all depends on the mood, the outerwear model and the stole itself.

Warm “cozy” stoles are suitable for winter outerwear, warming the neck on cold days. Checkered colors are the trend of the fashion season.

So, in order to learn a variety of ways to tie a stole, you just need practice and a little patience. Represented step by step photos and video tutorials will help you easily master the art of tying a stole.

How to wear a stole, photo

Scarf (stole) on the head for a fur coat - how to choose and wear?
Choosing a stole (shawl) for a fur coat

Choosing a stole (shawl) for a fur coat

Nothing more elegant women's accessory to outerwear than stole or classic scarf(on the picture). This stylish detail wardrobe will not only warm in the cold, but will also wonderfully complement the delicate feminine image.

Today, ladies are offered a whole host of elegant scarves. different colors and textures: from light translucent chiffon or delicate silk, to complex chic models from natural fur. fashion designers have long appreciated the discovery of Princess Palatine. Today, an elegant headscarf is used great success among young ladies (especially in the cold season), and completely different age category. The success of the image directly depends on the ability to combine with clothes and wear it. interesting decoration outerwear.

How to wear a scarf with a mink coat?

Such a luxurious version of outerwear, like a mink coat, will not tolerate an ordinary hat as a headdress. Winter set must be completed warm scarf or a tippet, which can act as both a scarf and a headdress. For such an image, a soft cashmere stole in calm pastel shades, harmoniously combined with the color of natural fur, is best suited. Head scarf can be decorated fur trim in the tone of a fur coat. But with such a decor, you should not be too zealous so that the image does not turn into one continuous fluffy spot.

  • One of the simplest but very spectacular ways- throw a stole over a mink coat, throw one end of it over your shoulder, securing it with a brooch. In this case, you can freely adjust its length by playing with the drapery. A mink coat in addition to a flowing elegant scarf gives the image a special grace.

  • Cashmere shawl, knotted the classic way, looks perfect in an ensemble with a fur coat. To do this, you need to roll it into a triangle, throw it over your head, wrap both ends around your neck and tie them at the back. In this case, the neck and head will be tightly closed.

  • The classic version can be slightly modified by tying a scarf on the head more freely. If the ends of the scarf-stole are crossed around the neck without tightening and tied at the back or fastened with a brooch on the side, you get a kind of hood that can be removed and turned into an interesting scarf.

Last but not least important rule, which will allow every woman to look irresistible - this is a graceful gait and even posture. Only with such a supply, a mink coat and an elegant stole will make a real queen out of every woman.

By itself, a fur coat is a rather self-sufficient wardrobe item, therefore, when choosing accessories, the most important rule is not to overdo it. Their purpose is to emphasize the beauty of the fur and harmoniously complement the outfit. Extravagant zest that can refresh the image real fashionista can become a stole, let's find out how to wear it on your head or with a fur coat with a hood.

Choice of stole

Among the obvious variety, it is not so easy to make a choice. But the process should be approached responsibly. The material can be any openwork knitting, fine wool, linen, silk, viscose, satin, cashmere. Silk deservedly enjoys great popularity; its combination with fur products looks very elegant. Especially for evening looks!

Color, pattern and size are all subject to personal taste preferences. However, it is important to be aware of the need to combine the stole in style, texture and color scheme with a fur coat. It is necessary to take into account the length of the pile, the shade of the fur, the presence of a hood and other features of the product. The same scarf can both perfectly complement one fur coat and look absolutely tasteless with another.

There are many combination options. All of them depend on self-expression, mood, preferences. It is absolutely not necessary to have perfect exquisite taste in order to look luxurious. A little imagination is enough to create your own unique style emphasizing individuality.

It should be noted that the stole should look harmonious not only with a fur coat, but also with other accessories (belt, bag).

It is definitely better to avoid fabrics decorated with beads, sequins, rhinestones and all kinds of sparkles. This option can oversaturate the image and runs the risk of looking tasteless. It is important to remember that the task of this accessory is to complement the image, emphasizing the style, and not at all to capture the championship branch in attracting attention.

The fabric should not be too thick. With regular wearing of a heavy fabric draped over a fur coat, the fur can begin to deteriorate, rub over, and eventually form bald patches.

How to wear a stole

You can tie a stole in a variety of ways in the following ways:

On shoulders

To emphasize the lightness and integrity of the image, you can casually throw it over your shoulders, fix it with a simple knot.

On the head

A tippet or a light silk scarf instead of a headdress is a classic. A win-win for stylish combination with luxurious fur.

On the neck

It can be wrapped tightly around the neck, which will keep you warm, but at the same time make an accent. The flirtatious edge of the stole will gracefully peek out from under the collar. Either make a few turns leaving the ends falling freely or secure with a light knot.

As a belt

For lovers of originality, as well as those who are not afraid of experiments, you can try to tie a scarf pre-twisted with a tourniquet at the waist. With the right color for certain styles of fur coats, it looks very original.

The main rule is never to fix anything to a fur coat with pins, brooches. Leaving holes in the skin, there is a risk of a tear.

Exists great amount a variety of knots, weaves and ways to beautifully tie a stole. Fantasy, some inspiration and beautiful accessory in combination with a chic fur coat will complete the ensemble.

Most importantly, in pursuit of fashion trends don't lose your special style. Individuality is something that will always remain in fashion.

Outerwear always involves wearing a scarf over or under it. Fur coats are no exception. But this requires a special approach to how to wear a scarf with a fur coat. There are several conditions for creating a stylish image. In addition, it is necessary to create gentle conditions for the fur - an incorrectly chosen accessory can damage the fur product. Photos and videos will help to visually assess which way to wear a scarf to prefer, and how to choose the right one.

A fur coat, as an expensive and refined thing, requires special approach to the choice of accessories. Here are some tips from experienced designers on how to wear scarves with a fur coat:

  • natural fabrics: silk, woolen, cashmere;
  • the texture is light, thin, it is better not to tie scarves with a rough heavy texture;
  • products can be knitted with openwork or loose knit;
  • the accessory can be trimmed with fur, fringe, tassels.

In addition, it may not necessarily be scarves in direct meaning, and scarves, stoles, snoods, scarves, etc.

How to wear a scarf and not damage the fur?

Even the most expensive and well-dressed fur can suffer from an incorrectly selected accessory, the presentation will be lost after a couple of seasons. There are some rules on how to wear a scarf with a fur coat.

  • It is optimal if you wear a scarf under a fur coat - this is classic version. If the product is made of dense and heavy material, then it should not be tied with a scarf on a fur coat. This leads to abrasion of the fur.
  • You should refuse to pin a scarf to a fur coat with brooches or pins. A small hole from a pin will eventually expand to a visible size.
  • It is also a mistake to completely refuse a scarf. Contact of the fur with the skin of the neck leads to clogging of the collar and its abrasion.
  • A scarf or scarf should not contain beads, sequins, chains. These decorations will look in combination with natural fur vulgar and can ruin the fur.

Ways to wear a scarf with a fur coat

The scarf should be chosen not only to match the fur coat or in accordance with the fur, but also harmoniously with all the clothes. In addition, there are many ways to wear this type of accessory. Consider the most common options with a photo demonstration. How beautiful to tie a scarf on a fur coat?

  • The simplest and most common way is single knot. In this case, the scarf is wrapped around the neck once and tied once. The knot should be free, laid-back, the ends need to be straightened. If you put a scarf on your head, then you can also tie it up with one knot. Stylish image it turns out if you use this option when wearing a scarf over a fur coat with a hood.
  • Also common in recent times a way to wear a scarf, when it is folded in half, wrapped around the neck and the free ends are threaded into a loop. This option fits under a fur coat, over it with a style with a stand-up collar or without a collar.
  • Another simple option is to wrap several times long scarf around the neck and lower the free ends in front. You can also make a node. If the node is free, it will create romantic image, and in frosty weather, warmth will help keep the knot tighter. This option is possible with a stand-up collar or under a turn-down collar.
  • Light scarf, wide thin scarf or a scarf folded diagonally can be applied with a triangular part in front, the ends, crossed at the back, brought forward. The ends can be tied or just freely lowered. With this method, beautiful folds are formed, giving the image charm and charm.
  • With a fur coat without a collar, you can wear snood. It can be single or rolled up in several layers.
  • A scarf with a fur coat with a hood should not be voluminous otherwise top part will be too busy. Also, a canvas decorated with fringe, tassels or a fur product does not look good with a hood.
  • Cashmere, silk, wool are suitable for a fur coat with a hood.

Scarves for a mink coat

The owner of a mink coat must also adhere to general rules wearing scarves, so that her fur wardrobe would please and warm for a long time on cool days. When choosing a textile accessory for a mink coat, you will have to decide on the color and texture. Such a luxurious fur product in itself looks status, accessories only place accents, they must be of high quality and look expensive.

  • Black mink. Under this delightful fur product, it is wonderful to tie light plain scarves. Coloring is the best suitable red, gray, blue, beige.
  • Brown mink. Here, a noble combination will give soft colors, and restrained calm colors of accessories. For example, beige, sand, mustard, henna, ocher will give style. The same goes for white mink coats.
  • Gray mink. With any gray shade is suitable tie a scarf in contrasting colors - red, black, blue or dark gray.
  • The classic combination is mink coat and a silk scarf. And recently, fashionistas complement outerwear knitted scarves from mink fur or with fur tassels.
  • Bulky snoods are well suited to fur coats without a collar or with a stand.
  • Posad and other beautifully painted shawls will never go out of fashion.

Hat and scarf with a fur coat

Basic combination rules fur hat and fur coats are the same tone, and the same fur. In this case, the style of the cap does not play a significant role. Suitable for a coat with a hood knitted cap or a scarf. As for hats made of other materials, there are no restrictions here. It can be caps, berets, hats.

Scarves are matched to match the headdress. In order not to overload general form, the scarf should not be voluminous, bright, colorful, this is the case if the hat is fur.

Having gone to the store to choose a hat or scarf for a fur coat, it is better to fur product to which the accessory is matched. In this case, it will be difficult to make a mistake with the choice.
