How to wash a hat with a fur pompom? How to wash a hat made of fur, wool and other materials.

Even those people who do not like hats take their hats out of the closets in winter. From contact with the scalp and hair, the lining in the cap becomes a little greasy, and the top of the cap gets dirty from street dust and the touch of hands. Sooner or later, but the question arises of how to wash the hat correctly so as not to spoil the thing.

Woolen garments must be washed very carefully, because they can stretch or, conversely, sit down and shed heavily. How to wash and dry a wool hat?

We wash knitwear

If there are no problems with washing hats made of artificial thread, then how to wash capricious wool? You need to wash such things only by hand, strictly observing a number of important requirements.

Proper drying

Wool after washing should be wrapped in a terry towel and lightly pressed with your hands - this will remove excess moisture. This thread absorbs odors very well, so it must be dried in a ventilated area. Then the knitwear is hung from the top on a rope.

Do not dry clean wool near heating devices, and even more so on a radiator. With improper drying, the thing will definitely sit down and deform. Wool should dry out only naturally.

If the headdress is made of fluffy mohair, then it is simply wrung out, wrapped in a bag and sent to the freezer for several hours. The remaining water will freeze in the thread, and the mohair will become much fluffier after drying.

product with pompom

Very often, woolen garments are decorated with a fur pom-pom. How to wash such a product so as not to spoil the fur? Everything is much simpler if the pom-pom is made from the same thread as the headpiece. But if it is fur, then it must be tightly tied into a bag, and tied tightly with a rope so that water does not seep under the bag.
After that, the headdress is washed in the usual way, trying not to wet the bag. When the garment dries, the bag can be removed and the fur combed.

Washing a woolen product at home is not difficult at all. The main thing is to fulfill the important washing conditions, and then your hat will look like new for a very long time.

After improper washing or prolonged storage when folded, the hat may stretch. This is especially true of natural materials, including wool and cotton. So that the cap is not large and sits on the head, you can use several methods to shrink the fabric.

First of all, washing is recommended for shrinking things, as many materials shrink after washing, especially in hot water. In this article, we will learn how to make the beanie one or two sizes smaller. And consider how to wash a hat so that it sits down.

Washing a woolen hat

Soak a wool hat in hot water 20 degrees hotter than labeled. Leave the hat on for 30-40 minutes and then launder as usual. After water procedures, rinse the product in ice water. Due to a sharp temperature drop, the wool will sit down.

Spread a damp washed woolen or knitted hat on mohair or terry towels. Gently roll up into a roll and lightly blot excess moisture so that it goes into a mohair or terry cloth. Wool can not be squeezed and twisted!

Dry a woolen hat only in a horizontal position, placing a dense fabric down. Straighten the material carefully. To make the thing sit tighter, you can dry the hat on a battery or electrical appliance by laying a clean cloth under the product. Lay and straighten the material on top.

But after a standard wash, it is impossible to dry wool on a battery or electrical appliances, otherwise the material is greatly deformed. Woolen items can only be dried in a horizontal position under natural conditions. When washing in a washing machine without observing the temperature regime, woolen products sit down two or more sizes at once. Therefore, be careful and wash better by hand.

With a standard wash in a washing machine, such products are washed in a delicate mode or a special “wool” mode at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. Be sure to read the label on the product and follow the instructions. For more information on how to wash a wool hat and other wool items correctly, see.

Washing cotton hats

Children's caps and hats are mainly made from cotton. Note that it is very well deformed, so the material, if desired, can be stretched and reduced in size. With prolonged wear, cotton stretches, as a result, the headdress becomes large.

A new cotton item that is small can be ironed with an iron with a maximum heating temperature and steam function. In other cases, it is recommended to wash the products in hot water.

To reduce a cotton item by a size, dip a clean item in boiling water and soak in water for five minutes. To make the hat fit 1.5-2 sizes, leave the hat there for 10-15 minutes. But be careful with colored things, as they can shed a lot in boiling water. In addition, after a normal wash, you can dry the cotton in an electric dryer, as a result of which it will shrink.

If you are afraid that after boiling water the headdress will fade or shed, use a machine wash. To do this, use the temperature regime 20 degrees more than indicated on the label, but not more than 60 degrees. In addition, you need to increase the number of revolutions by 150-200. Washing in a washing machine in hot water and at maximum spin contributes to good shrinkage of cotton items.

Light and dark cotton products after normal washing can be dipped in boiling water with the addition of fabric softener. Then close the container with boiling water with plastic wrap and wait five to seven minutes. During this time, the cap will have time to sit on the size.

After the manipulations, the cotton cap is left to dry. To do this, the product is first laid out on a flat wooden surface. The material should be blotted with a cotton or mohair cloth. Then the product is dried in the fresh air under the sun until completely dry.

How to wash a synthetic hat

  • To sit down, when washing in a washing machine, add ten degrees to the water temperature to the recommended values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are indicated on the label. Wash without conditioner and at the maximum number of spin cycles;
  • Soak a synthetic cap in ice water for three to five hours. After that, lay the product on a terry towel, twist it into a roll and gently wring out the material with wet movements. Then leave to dry in a horizontal position on a dense, dry cloth. As a result, the headdress will be able to sit down by 1-1.5 sizes;
  • Drying in direct sunlight on a battery or electrical appliances can reduce synthetics by half the size. With normal care, you need to dry synthetic things only under natural conditions;
  • You can wash synthetics in the washing machine in the "cotton" mode with a temperature of 60 degrees. Do not use fabric softener during the procedure. After manipulations, also wrap and lightly wring out the cap in a soft terry towel. Lay the product horizontally on a dense, clean cloth and leave to dry completely.

Hat made of other material

If a denim cap is stretched, you can reduce the size by washing the product in a washing machine with a temperature of 70-90 degrees and a number of spins of at least 60 revolutions. After washing, dry the product on a battery, electric dryer or in a washing machine.

When washing by hand, you must first soak the denim cap in cold water for 20-30 minutes, and then move the hat to boiling water. When the water has cooled, put the product back into cold water, rinse and twist. Dry in an electric dryer or on a battery. Be prepared that in hot water, denim will shrink not only in width, but also in length. In addition, boiling water jeans can change color.

The silk cap can only be washed by hand. To do this, use warm water with a temperature of ten degrees more than recommended. Then dry the product in the fresh air. To shrink linen, hand wash at 90 degrees.

Before any washing, ironing and storage of the product, be sure to read the label. Many materials stretch or, conversely, shrink due to rain and wet snow, high humidity and other bad weather. Incorrect washing, storage and operation, sudden changes in temperature lead to deformation of the fabric.

Wool products tend to stretch and increase in size. This is due to long wear. With improper care, you can easily deform and stretch a woolen, cotton and even synthetic hat, especially if you wash the product for a long time and wring it out with your hands. We will tell you how to wash a hat so that it sits down and returns to its previous state.

Washing wool hats

Usually knitted products made of wool and fur shrink after washing by themselves, but if the opposite situation occurs, and the hat is stretched after washing, and you don’t know what to do, then wash the product according to the following rules:

  1. Soak. Pour water into a basin at a temperature 20 degrees higher than indicated on the product label. Add a little powder or liquid detergent, shake until foamy. Put a wool cap into the water and leave it for 30-40 minutes. Treatment with soapy water will allow the fibers of the threads to straighten out.
  2. Wash. After the specified time, start washing the wool hat with light movements, and then wring out the product a little. Do not squeeze all the water out of the hat to the last drop. It is enough to remove 2/3 of the entire liquid. Do not twist or stretch the headgear.
  3. Rinsing. Rinse a hat made of wool or fur in ice water, which should be changed in the basin several times until it becomes transparent. The main effect is achieved due to the temperature contrast. With a sharp change of hot water to cold, the fibers of the woolen threads are compressed, and the fur hat is reduced in size.
  4. Spin. Repeated push-ups should also be partial. Roll the wool product into a roll or fold it 4 times and lightly squeeze with your hands.
  5. Drying. Lay a fluffy terry towel on a flat horizontal surface and place a hat on it. After 10-12 hours, turn the towel over or replace it with a new and dry one. Put the hat on with the wet side up.

Note. Do not place a drying wool hat near a running electrical appliance or a hot radiator. In this case, the product will sit down, but it will be rough and unpleasant when worn, and the fur will fade. Therefore, dry your hat in a well-ventilated area with moderate humidity.

Cotton products

Caps are not only woolen, but also lighter, made of dense cotton fabric. In cool times in spring and autumn, they warm, but do not load the head with extra volume. However, cotton is able to change its shape and stretch especially quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to return the product from such material to its original shape as soon as possible. You can reduce the headgear in the following ways:

  1. Put a clean cotton hat in boiling water and leave it there for 5 minutes. In this way, it will turn out to reduce the product by one size. To make a hat 1.5-2 sizes smaller, soak it in boiling water for 10 minutes. It is better to resort to such processing if the product is dyed with high-quality pigment, otherwise the thing may shed.
  2. Wring out the headpiece lightly and lay it on a horizontal surface covered with mohair, cotton cloth or a regular bag. If you have an electric dryer, then use it. So the hat will sit even more. Drying in direct sunlight is also recommended.
  3. If you are afraid that the color of the item will fade after exposure to boiling water, then wash the hat in the washing machine. Set the temperature regime 20 degrees higher than indicated on the product label. The upper limit is 60 degrees. Increase the normal number of revolutions by 200 units.

Important! Wanting the hat to dry faster, do not pull it over a three-liter jar, as our mothers and grandmothers did. So you will achieve the opposite effect - the product will stretch even more than it was. Dry hats only in a horizontal position.

Synthetic materials

Now on sale there are many hats made of synthetic threads. These hats are comfortable, pleasant to the body and stretch well. But sometimes synthetic things stretch, and to fix this, you need to use the following tips:

  1. Soak a clean cap in ice water for 4-5 hours. Then lightly wring out by rolling the product into a roll or blotting with a terry towel. Dry the synthetic headgear on a horizontal surface in direct sunlight. In winter, use an electric dryer or heater, so synthetic threads retain their soft structure.
  2. If you wish to machine wash your hat, set the temperature 10 degrees above the recommended temperature on the product label. The main thing is not to exceed the limit of 60 degrees. The machine wash mode is suitable for synthetic and cotton.

Using these processing methods, you can reduce the synthetic cap by 1-2 sizes.

Hats serve as a source of additional heat for the head and a stylish accessory for any set. Hats should be washed regularly, as dust, dirt particles, and lint settle on them. It is important to learn how to wash a hat correctly. Knitwear made from natural fabrics is recommended to be washed by hand, hats made from synthetic fibers can be washed using a washing machine.

Before you decide to wash your hat at home, you should pay attention to what material the product is made of, take into account the information on the label (temperature and washing method).

Which tool to choose

If your hat is made of wool or a material with a high wool content, then you should use a special detergent. This measure will preserve the softness of the product, avoid the formation of pellets and deformation.

You can replace this product with a version that does not contain chlorine.

It is important to test for compatibility with the product. To do this, it is necessary to wet a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product in the prepared solution and wait a couple of minutes: if the product has not shed during this time, then you can wash it using the chosen method.

How to wash a hat by hand

To perform this action, just follow a simple instruction.

  1. Prepare suitable utensils. It can be a basin, a sink.
  2. Take cool water. The use of warm or hot water may cause the product to lose its shape and shrink.
  3. You need to collect enough water so that the product can be completely covered with water. Smaller dishes can be used to wash one headgear.
  4. A suitable detergent must be added. Experts recommend using liquid detergent. Enough 25 grams.
  5. The cap must be completely immersed in the prepared solution. Leave in this position for 25 minutes. If the product is heavily soiled, it is recommended to increase the soaking time to several hours.
  6. It is necessary to rinse the product. This must be done under running cold water. Continue the procedure until the soap traces and foam are completely removed. The product should no longer be sticky.
  7. You need to take off the hat. You need to perform this action without stylish pressure with the help of your palms.
  8. Then you need to prepare a soft terry towel, on which to send a hat. Position the headgear in a horizontal position.
  9. Let the product dry. It is necessary to dry the headgear in natural conditions. There should be no heaters or heating systems nearby.

This method is suitable for washing knitted hats, synthetic and cotton fibres.

Washing hats in the washing machine

Caps made of acrylic, cotton and combined materials can be washed in the washing machine. It is undesirable to use this method for washing woolen products.

To complete this procedure, you will need to follow a number of simple steps:

  1. Prepare a laundry bag. You can use an old pillowcase. Send a hat (s) in a bag or pillowcase.
  2. Send the product to the drum machine.
  3. Select the delicate wash mode.
  4. Add detergent and conditioner.
  5. Close the machine, activate the selected mode.
  6. After washing, you need to take out the hat, carefully straighten it and send it on a towel to dry.

How to wash a fur hat

If your hat is made of natural or artificial fur, then washing by hand or machine is prohibited. It is necessary to resort to special cleaning of the product. In order for your fur hat to look clean and well-groomed, you need to follow these simple recommendations:

  1. Since such hats are equipped with a lining, it must be torn off, since washing this part of the product is not prohibited. You can wash the lining of the fur hat in the washing machine, on a delicate cycle. If the lining is worn out, it can be replaced with a new one.
  2. It is worth paying attention to the condition of the skins inside the headgear. If you find protruding threads or torn seams, then all this must be eliminated.
  3. Pour wheat bran into a glass. This amount of product must be poured with the same amount of hot water. Cover with a lid and leave in this position for about 10 minutes. After the bran has swollen, you need to remove excess water and start cleaning the natural fur hat.
  4. It is necessary to rub the bran into the surface of the product. Distribute the product gradually, in circular motions.
  5. Then you need to comb the fur with a brush or comb.
  6. Shake your hat.
  7. Repeat the procedure until the complete removal of the remnants of bran.
  8. Let the product dry. To do this, stuff a coma of paper inside.
  9. Sew on the lining.

Proper and timely care of hats made of various materials will provide them with a long service life and an attractive appearance. Washing hats is not difficult, it is only important to follow the simple rules that you have just learned.

Washing hats is a painstaking task. This is rarely done, but sooner or later the hat will get dirty and you will have to figure out how to clean it without ruining it. It is good when it is knitted from strong threads with a tight knit. This option is enough to throw in the washing machine with other clothes. But fine weaving, handmade, woolen and fur hats, caps, straw hats require a special approach. Consider how to wash a hat so that it does not stretch, sit down or shed.

Hats can be roughly divided into the following categories, which affect the washing method:

  • knitted;
  • with pompom;
  • fur;
  • baseball cap.

Washing a knitted hat

The hat can be knitted from synthetic threads or wool.

The first option shouldn't be a problem. Read the product label or yarn information if you knitted yourself, and follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Synthetic threads tend to be machine washable. Place the knitted hat in a laundry bag and put it in the washing machine with other items. The mode is delicate. It is necessary to wash with the detergent that suits the type of yarn.

But in the question of how to wash a knitted wool hat, everything is much more complicated. Previously, we have already considered the rules for washing woolen products, applying them to hats, we get the following features:

  • Wash woolen hat only by hand.
  • Pour warm water into a bowl (not higher than 30 degrees). The bowl should be deep enough to completely soak the headgear in it.
  • Choose a detergent specifically made for wool. Regular shampoo, shavings of laundry soap are also suitable. If using regular powder, make sure it is completely dissolved before soaking the hat. Undissolved powder granules are then poorly washed out and leave a specific odor. It is strictly forbidden to use bleaches on wool.
  • Dilute the detergent until completely dissolved.
  • Check that the selected detergent is suitable for the hat. To do this, dip part of the wrong side into the water for 2-3 minutes and wait. If not shedding, then you can soak completely.
  • Just dip the knitted hat under water for half an hour. Do not wrinkle, do not rub, otherwise the threads will stretch, the wool will deteriorate, which will affect the appearance.
  • Rinse under cool running water until all detergent has been removed.
  • Gently squeeze the cap without twisting it, and squeeze out as much water as you can. Soak up the rest with a terry towel.

A hat made of mohair or fluffy wool can be wrung out in the freezer. Put it in a bag and leave it in the freezer for a couple of hours. The remaining water will turn into crystals that can be easily shaken off.

  • It is necessary to dry a knitted hat in a well-ventilated place in a horizontal position or by fixing it vertically at the top, otherwise it may become deformed or acquire an unpleasant odor. Do not dry wool in the sun or on a radiator.

Hat with pompom

There are two options here. If the pompom is made of yarn, then it must be washed in the same way as the hat itself. The threads are likely to fall off, so after the headdress dries, it will be necessary to return the pompom to its former splendor. You can do this with a wooden comb, a cat comb, or a knitting needle. Be careful not to tear the threads.

But with how to wash a hat with a fur pompom, it is much more difficult. Natural fur cannot be washed, so the pompom will have to be torn off. Wash the headdress, and then sew the fur decoration in place. If it is impossible to unpick it, do not despair - housewives have come up with a way for this case too. Just wrap the pom-pom in a plastic bag and tie it tightly to keep water out. Next, wash the hat by hand. And keep the pom-pom, and freshen the headdress.

Washing a fur hat

You will have to clean such a headdress using dry methods, since it is impossible to wash a fur hat. Upon contact with water, the mezdra (wrong side of the fur) begins to absorb it, losing its properties, as a result, after drying, it will crack and shrink, ruining the fur product at the same time. To freshen up a fur hat, it can be cleaned with dry methods. This is discussed in detail in this article.

One way is to “wash” the fur in oatmeal. Roll the hat in oatmeal, vacuum and air, then comb it. All fine dust and dirt can be easily removed with the "detergent".

Washing caps, baseball caps

To ensure that the cap does not lose its shape, it is better to wash it by hand.

  1. Prepare a bowl, in size it should be such that the baseball cap fits completely into it.
  2. Pour hot clean water, dip your cap into it and leave it for half an hour. Drain.
  3. Type warm water, stir in it a good detergent, preferably liquid without dyes, bleach and fragrances.
  4. Soak the baseball cap and wash with a medium-hard brush.
  5. Rinse in cold water until all detergent has been removed.
  6. Hold the cap up to drain excess water. Stuff a soft towel inside. This will keep the baseball cap in shape as it dries and soak up any excess liquid. Leave the cap to air dry. Avoid exposure to the sun or drying in warm air, as this will shrink the hat.

The cap cannot be washed in the washing machine, as it will lose its shape from the rotation of the drum and mixing with other things. If you do not want to wash by hand, then you can use another washing technique - a dishwasher. Place the hat on the bottom of the dishwasher, securing it on the teeth so that it does not lose its shape. Wash in fast mode. Dry in the same way as for hand washing.

How to wash your hat
