How to train your dragon hiccup and astrid wedding. The best plan (gen)

Okay…” Hiccup cast a determined look around him and cleared his throat. - All right, Astrid! No, that's a bit too pushy, hmm... Hey Astrid, look... we've never really spent time together... Or, for that matter, never. But I really want to get to know you better... better, or more. So, I know that tomorrow you will not be busy with anything ... oh no, I look like a complete jerk. I act like a Snotlout. I'll try to put it differently. If you're free tomorrow, would you like to explore the island with me?

Hiccup looked at Toothless with a shy smile.

…The sun was barely up on the horizon, and Hiccup had already finished packing his pack; his heart was pounding with excitement. Throwing his satchel over his shoulder, Hiccup looked at the animated Toothless.

Okay, buddy, we're leaving, we'll be back tonight, at sunset. Try not to cause trouble, okay? Hiccup laughed softly as the dragon gently rubbed its muzzle against his cheek with a purr. Leaving the hut and closing the door, he was surprised to see Astrid already standing on the steps.

"What a strange sound..."

Toothless opened his eyes, waking up from his slumber at Gobber's mumbling. The night fury's attention turned to something over the mountain range. Curious, Toothless turned his head and his eyes widened in fear as the dragon saw thunderclouds blocking the sky over the mountains. And that's where Hiccup and Astrid were going to go...

Gobber, have you seen Hiccup? He's been gone all day,” Stoick asked, looking extremely flustered.

He wasn't in the village, and Toothless is here. He couldn't have gone far.

Toothless turned away, looking at the horizon again and not listening to any further conversation as it contained no more useful information. The sun has almost set, flooding the sky with a soft pink light. In theory, Hiccup should have returned by now.

This storm is coming. Gobber, gather the citizens in the great hall.

What are you going to do?

I take Toothless and go look for Hiccup. Stoick turned around to call out to the dragon, but Toothless was gone.

Claws on the ground, Toothless ran to Astrid's house after Stormfly. If anyone finds the guys, it's only them.

In this article you will learn:

Astrid Hofferson- girl, Viking, the main character of the cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon" 1, 2 and 3.

Astrid beautiful girl from the Shaggy Hooligans tribe from Berk Island. She is independent, daring, lively, energetic, and probably the only one who looks like a real Viking among her peers. She has blonde hair, with long bangs, so she wears a leather headband.

The girl was considered the most experienced teenager Viking. She never let go of her trusty axe, which once belonged to her mother.

How to Train Your Dragon

She was 14 years old when, along with other teenagers: P fishleg, Snotlout, the twins Tuff and Bully, as well as the son of the leader, she was trained to fight dragons that attacked the island and dragged food.

Astrid was the most best student and showed great promise. Rest barely kept up with the dexterity and strong girl. She wanted to train alone to become a better fighter. Her pride and irascibility did not always bring her luck.

Snotlout was in love with the girl, but Astrid did not reciprocate. Secret admirer of Hiccup, so she did not notice at all. However, when the frail son of the leader began to win by defeating dragons by strange methods, she turned her eyes on him with envy.

Hiccup's victories forced the belligerent girl to follow him. And not in vain. She discovered that the guy made friends with the dragon, whom he named.

Astrid wanted to tell about everything in the tribe, but Hiccup, who became a dragon rider, lifted her high into the sky, changing the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bterrible creatures. The girl was amazed. Together with the boy, whom she considered a hopeless loser, Astrid flew to the nest of dragons, learning that the dragons attacked the tribe only to steal food for the huge dragon of the Red Death.

Returning to the village, Hofferson kept the boy's secret, but he soon revealed it anyway. The Night Fury was captured, and Chief Stoick the Vast gathered people for a disastrous trip to the nest.

The girl was one of those who joined Hiccup's team, riding the dragon and going to save the elders from the Red Death.

Hiccup and Toothless defeated the huge dragon and Astrid's views on the leader's hopeless son have changed. When Hiccup woke up with a prosthetic left leg, Hofferson gave him the first kiss, expressing her sympathy.

After peace reigned between the Vikings and dragons, Hofferson became a dragon rider. Her dragon was Stormfly, the serpentine.

Along the way, Astrid experienced many adventures, made many new friends and became one of the best riders in the Dragon Academy.

How to Train Your Dragon 2

Five years later, the grown girl became the bride of Hiccup, who matured and got stronger. While she was chasing dragon races with her friends, her fiancé explored new lands, flying farther and farther away from Berk. Nevertheless, Astrid always followed her lover.

In one of these walks, Astrid and Hiccup stumbled upon dragon catchers who were catching them for the army of a certain Drago. After telling this to the leader, Hiccup went to meet this Drago, and Astrid of course followed him.

When Hiccup disappeared driven by thoughts of peace, Astrid gathered her friends :P fishleg, Snotlout, the twins Tuff and Ruff and went in search of him.

Astrid soon discovered Hiccup, who had found his long-lost mother, in a huge ice cave, and went into battle with Drago's army. She was not destined to win. The Evil Leader - the dragon Drago, subjugated the dragon riders from Berk, including Stormfly Astrid. In this battle, Hiccup's father Stoick, who was killed by Toothless, also died. Drago won, leading his army to capture Berk.

After the death of the leader, Hiccup placed the command on his shoulders and Astrid supported him.

Left without "pets", he came up with a plan to return to Berk. Astrid had to saddle the little dragons and get to the island on them.

Returning to his native island, Hiccup entered into a decisive battle with evil. When it was all over, he became the full leader of Berk Island, and Toothless the leader of the dragons. Astrid regained Stormfly and was happy to be near her fiancé.

How to train your dragon 3


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Who is Astrid Hofferson? What is remarkable about this heroine of the cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon"? What is known about her character and skills? Everything in order further in our material.

Astrid Hofferson: biography

Our heroine was born in the Hofferson clan, which are fearless warriors from Berk Island. From an early age, she gained a reputation as a truly brave teenager. The girl became one of the main horsemen who assisted the clan leader in the confrontation with the Red Death. At the end of the first part animation story Hofferson expressed sympathy for the main character of the cartoon - a warrior named Hiccup.

In the film How to Train Your Dragon 2, the girl encounters dragon hunters who obey the villain Drago Bludvist. The heroine refuses to follow the order of the leader of the Hofferson clan and rushes in pursuit of the robbers. Together with her beloved Hiccup, she is captured by the enemy. However, courage and cunning ultimately allow friends to gain freedom by defeating an insidious enemy.


Astrid Hofferson - sweet, fragile-looking, blue-eyed blonde. In the first part of the cartoon How to Train Your Dragon, the heroine is dressed in green armor with metal shoulder pads, a leather skirt generously studded with sharp spikes, and fur boots. On the hands of the character are cloth bandages.

In the second animated film, the appearance of Astrid Hofferson, whose photo can be seen in the article, has not changed much. Is that the heroine began to look more feminine. Here, as before, the girl is dressed in tight leather skirt, massive boots and iron shoulder pads. In her image has changed only top part armor, which has acquired a reddish-brown hue. Tight pants and leather knee pads appeared on the legs. It is worth noting that in both parts of the animated saga, the heroine practically does not let go of a massive battle ax from her hands.


Astrid Hofferson ("How to Train Your Dragon") has an indomitable temper, does not tolerate submission, which brings her a lot of suffering. A quick temper and narcissism often make a girl look for ways to get out of difficult situations. At the same time, Astrid demonstrates love for her dragon and is ready to stand behind him with a wall.

Despite difficult character, the heroine sincerely worries about the fate of loved ones. After overcoming numerous difficulties that fall to the fate of her tribe, Astrid draws closer to the characters that she previously felt neglect.


Astrid Hofferson has the following skills:

  • Despite his fragile stature and cute appearance, he is practically not inferior in strength to the most experienced male warriors. This is confirmed by the skillful handling of a heavy battle ax, which the girl skillfully wields.
  • Astrid is able to call on her personal dragon Stormfly to help, using a special battle cry for this, which she calls the wolf roar.
  • The heroine has a special attack of Crooked Wing that crushes enemies in flight.
  • Astrid is one of the most skilled riders in the tribe. The girl has perfected skills to control the dragon. She knows how to fully synchronize her own body movements with the animal.

Hiccup and Astrid

According to the plot of the cartoon "How to Train Your Dragon", Astrid begins to experience romantic feelings to a hero named Hiccup. They complement each other perfectly. The guy manages to rein in her quick temper. Characters become an integral combat unit in Hard time. Astrid begins to actively support the guy in a difficult relationship with his intractable father.

The Dragon

Astrid Hofferson's personal dragon is a serpent named Stormfly. The choice of this creature speaks of the heroine as a windy person, since together they often make hasty, thoughtless decisions. It is worth noting that Stormfly managed to become one of the most dexterous, fast dragons on Berk Island. This was facilitated by feeding the animal on a special chicken diet that Astrid developed for him.

Stormfly is in many ways similar in character to her mistress. Like Astrid, she is fearless and understands her friends. The dragon not only allows the girl to establish control over herself, but also turns out to be her faithful protector in the most dangerous situations.

Astrid in the book

Prototyped by Astrid Hofferson in the eponymous literary work performs a girl named Kamikaza. In the book How to Train Your Dragon, she initially expresses distrust of Hiccup, but later becomes one of his associates and best friends.

Kamikaza has a luxurious light hair. The girl is an excellent fencer and track specialist. The heroine is prone to displaying undisguised complacency. Like Astrid, the girl tries to constantly compete with the guys.

Two month. He sailed for two months. The islands he visited could be circled on a dragon in a week, and there was still time to lie on the beach, taking a break from managing the village. Unfortunately, not everyone accepted the way of life of Berk's people, and many were still afraid of dragons. Therefore, Hiccup had to leave his best friend Houses. One thing is good - Toothless will not be bored. Hiccup agreed with Astrid that she would fly the night fury for the time being.

Astrid... They just recently got married and Hiccup would like to spend more time with his newly minted wife. Before the wedding, Hiccup had to leave Astrid's house early, while the girl was sleeping, so that no one would notice. No, no, the honor of the girl was not touched - it was just pleasant for them to fall asleep and wake up together. But if someone noticed, then do not blow his head. Even though Hiccup is the chief's son. On the contrary, the punishment would be much more severe.

But now... Now Hiccup could wake up early and watch Astrid sleep. How funny she wrinkles her nose in her sleep, how a slight smile appears on her face. And then, she opens her eyes and smiles even more. And Hiccup can fully enjoy her smile, her eyes the color of a clear, clear sky, her hair, woven as if from the sun itself.

And now, Hiccup is finally coming home. It's early morning, which means Astrid will wake up soon. Yes, and Toothless will be glad to have his brother back, with whom he can fully fly.

"He'll lick me from head to toe again," Hiccup thought cheerfully as he approached his house.

Wasting no time, the young leader went up to his room, but there a surprise awaited him. The bed was empty, and Toothless slept not alone - Astrid slept sweetly in his arms. Approaching slowly, Hiccup squatted down closer to his lover's face. Nearby was the muzzle of a dragon.

Astrid! - Hiccup called softly and ran his fingers over the girl's forehead, removing a strand of hair. A threatening growl was heard from the dragon. The young man was surprised last time that was when Toothless's mind was taken over by the Evil Troublemaker.

Brother, what are you? It is me! - Hiccup said without raising his voice.

The dragon's eyes opened, its head lifted, and its tongue protruded from its open mouth. With all his appearance, Toothless showed how glad he was to see his best friend. But Astrid was in no hurry to let go.

Buddy, you know you're hugging my wife, right?

He is well aware of this. The blonde opened her eyes and stretched.

Great. So what's going on here? Why aren't you in bed?

The girl sighed and said and in a very serious face.

I'm sorry Hiccup, but I couldn't help but cheat on you with your best friend.

The dragon at first looked slightly surprised at Astrid, whom he was in no hurry to let out from under the wing, then looked at Hiccup and nodded his head, fully confirming the words of the leader's wife.

Uh... Is this some kind of joke?

What are you, honey, this is not a joke. Astrid continued with the same expression on her face. - Toothless and I understand each other without words, we became like water. Now he does not leave me a single step, he supports and gives the most delicious fish in everything!

While Hiccup was listening, his eyes became larger in size, the guy did not sit on his haunches and literally flopped on the floor with his fifth point, and his jaw remembered the law of gravity and began to move towards the floor.

What?... How?... Why?...

Hiccup couldn't figure out which question to start with and what the catch was. But then, Astrid still smiled and laughed. The dragon echoed her in his manner. It’s like a stone has fallen from the leader’s soul - there is still a catch and the wife will not fly away into the sunset on his dragon.

Astrid carefully climbed out of Toothless' arms and sat down on a rock. The smile faded a little, Hiccup noticed that she wasn't feeling well. Before he could ask if everything was all right, she asked for a glass of water. After that, the girl removed her hair and went to the bucket, which was standing near the bed.

"And how did I not notice him?" thought Hiccup. And then the girl threw up. Right into the bowl. Hiccup ran up to his wife and put his hands on the girl's shoulders.

Honey, what's wrong with you? You are ill? Did you go to Goti? Or to mom? Maybe bring something?

No, everything is fine. Someone just wants fresh food. - Astrid smiled again and went to the basin for washing.

In terms of? Who wants? Do you want to eat? Then let's go and eat something! But why are you vomiting?

As Hiccup spoke, Astrid had time to wash her face and dry her face with a towel.

You see, Hiccup, this is the situation. - Uncertainly began the girl. - When I said that Toothless and I found mutual language and steel did not spill water, I was not cunning. And in the next few months, he will most likely walk with me more than with you. I talked to your mom, she said that everything is fine, it's in the order of things. It's just that dragons care a lot about their offspring, even about someone else's. Therefore, eggs are protected in every possible way. Well, or their carriers, as in this case.

Eggs? So you have an egg that Toothless instinctively guards? Hiccup smiled. Where did this egg come from? Whose egg is this?

The leader's face slowly showed signs of realizing what he had just been told. Hiccup waved his hands excitedly, pointing first at himself, then at Astrid, then at where the "egg" was supposed to be.

Oh gods, no. That is, yes. Yes! Yes!!! We!... That is, we have!...

Words were not enough and he hugged his wife, raised her above the floor and began to circle. Then he put it on the floor and began to kiss Astrid and hug her, saying:

How great!... It's wonderful!... It's wonderful!... We'll have an egg!...

Hiccup! Not an egg, but a baby! Our Baby.

Still, it's great!

Yeah... Hiccup definitely didn't expect such a surprise. But he won't mind a second surprise of the same kind. And maybe a third

Astrid usually shoved and then kissed Hiccup first. but this time Hiccup decided to try this tactic... (cute and fluffy, I know you all love it. =))

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And this is for everything else.

Ready? Hiccup asked.
"At your command," Astrid replied.

Toothless spread his wings and soared into the night sky.

Evil Viper Astrid wasn't in the mood tonight, so the only option was to ride Toothless together. Astrid remembered her first dragon flight and laughed as Hiccup-guided Toothless soared up into the clouds. Flying the Vile Viper was fun, but flying the Night Fury was… amazing. The dragon was faster, more agile…well, friendlier too.

And, of course, Hiccup was attached to it.

This was a big plus.

Astrid? Hiccup's voice broke into her thoughts. She blinked a few times, returning to reality.
- Mm?
- Have you ever tried air jumping? Hiccup asked, turning to her and grinning slightly, "Apart from accidental falls?"
Astrid chuckled.
- I wonder when I would have enough free time for such an activity?
- Well, now you have it, - Hiccup said, - We have it, - He smiled again, - Do you want to try it?
Astrid glanced down uncertainly.
- Do you have a rope?
"We don't need her," Hiccup smiled, "Toothless will catch us." Really, buddy?
He stroked the dragon's head. Toothless bared his teeth happily and let out a happy dragon growl, which clearly meant absolute agreement.
Astrid smiled nervously.
- Um, okay. But you are the first.
Hiccup laughed.
- Yeah of course. You are brave!

He crouched down on the dragon's back and slightly changed the position of the stirrups that controlled the tail.

Go ahead, buddy! Toothless suddenly dived down and then rushed up sharply, throwing Astrid off his back, sending her into free flight. The girl gasped, feeling that she was falling, and then yelled:


Suddenly Toothless was back under her and she found herself lying across the saddle with Hiccup giggling in front of her. Astrid blushed a little with anger. Laugh, laugh, she thought, You're next! And before Hiccup could figure out what was going on, he was simply thrown out of the saddle while Astrid took control of the flight controls.

EEEE!!! yelled Hiccup, feeling like a stone flying to the ground. Astrid slammed Toothless down, ducking under the falling youth, and quickly moved back to make room for her to land. Hiccup dropped into the saddle right in front of her and grabbed Toothless tightly around the neck, groping for the stirrups with his feet. Astrid giggled softly from behind as she watched the process. The young man slowly let go of the dragon's neck, continuing to cling to the saddle so that Astrid could not see anything, and, suddenly, Toothless dived down again, and Astrid was again in the air.

But this time, she didn't land behind Hiccup, she fell right into his arms.

Astrid somehow did not plan where she would fall. She just grabbed whatever she had to to keep from falling again. It was just a coincidence that she ended up right on top of Hiccup when she fell, right?

But Hiccup was the one who controlled the dragon, wasn't he?

Part of Astrid told her to elbow him in the ribs and send him flying again. But another part, one that she discovered in herself not so long ago, told her to do the exact opposite. And Hiccup didn't push her off the saddle, no. He tried to make it look like an accident, but Astrid knew that he planned it all from the very beginning - she could see it in his eyes. And he saw that she wanted this moment not to end ...

But none of them saw that Toothless was about to crash until it was too late. They flew straight into the water.

Astrid fell out of Hiccup's arms as Toothless crashed into the surface of the sea. Its wings were open, which helped them not to go deep into the water, but still, they did not emerge immediately. Hiccup and Astrid climbed back onto the dragon's saddle, and Toothless took off somewhat awkwardly again, heading back.

The flight took place in silence, which was periodically interrupted by a sneeze of one or the other. Toothless flew quietly until he reached the forest where he and Hiccup first met. There, the dragon suddenly barreled into the lake, throwing both of them off its back, after which it climbed onto the shore and shook itself, dropping water.

Astrid and Hiccup fell into the water for the second time today, spitting and somehow making it to the shallow edge of the pool where the water was only up to their knees.

Astrid grimly wrung out her scythe while Hiccup shook his fur vest, trying to shake off some of the water.
- How nice. Weren't you supposed to be at the helm? She looked at him with slight annoyance in her eyes.

And that's when Hiccup came up with one of the most stupid ideas for his entire life. If everything works out, his life will probably be just perfect. If not, Astrid probably wouldn't talk to him again at all. But Hiccup, being Hiccup, decided to try anyway.

He swung slightly and hit Astrid in the shoulder.

Astrid widened her eyes in confusion, touching her shoulder where Hiccup's fist had landed. It didn't hurt, but she was in shock. She wasn't used to this, Hiccup had never hit her at all, especially in a playful way. No, she wouldn't blink if Toothless suddenly grabbed her and lifted her into the sky, or if the young viking pushed her off the dragon to show her charms. free fall, but this?

She just had to ask.

What is this for? Astrid asked, trying to sound outraged, but her voice betrayed her surprise.
"That's because you distracted me and that's why we fell," Hiccup said with a mocking smile. Without taking his eyes off her, he slowly approached until he was literally one step away from the girl. Their eyes met for a second before Hiccup mustered all his confidence and leaned forward... and pressed his lips to Astrid's.

Astrid opened her eyes wide in surprise when she felt his lips touch hers. She'd assumed it would happen, as it always did after a friendly poke like that, but when Hiccup did, it felt completely different. Instead of the confidence she always felt when kissing him, she felt strangely weak and unsure, as if he would be frightened and recoil if she pressed too hard against him. Hiccup was always very careful when he kissed her - and not at all confident, as she imagined when she dreamed of a first kiss.

Not that she dreamed of such a thing, but still.

And she had to admit that she liked such shyness much more ...

As Astrid felt Hiccup pull away, she slowly opened her eyes to catch his gaze. Hiccup held her hands in his - he must have caught them somewhere during the kiss - and he looked at her slightly tense and uncertain. Astrid just stared back at him silently, at a loss for words. The voice returned to her only after a minute or two.

And what is this for? she asked softly, barely moving her lips so as not to frighten away the remaining sensation of the kiss.

Do not you know? Hiccup asked, lightly squeezing her palms in his, "That's for everything else..."

Sitting on the edge of the pool, Toothless looked at his best friend, still standing in cold water lakes. And, for some reason, his man was not at all bothered by the fact that he was knee-deep in water, and the night was cool enough - and all because there was a girl with him. Why, Toothless thought to himself, why do people do this when they like each other? Dragons don't do that. It's just stupid.

The dragon returned to the process of shaking off the remaining water from itself. Well, after all, people seem to like it. Because they didn't leave. They moved closer to each other.

People are so weird...
