Soaps for skin cleansing. Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Cleansing Bar for Face and Body

Tar soapcosmetic product, which is actively used not only by folk healers, healers, but also in official medicine. This product is especially popular among cosmetologists - with the help of elementary procedures, tar soap will help get rid of many problems with the skin of the face and décolleté.

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Washing the face with tar soap

To useful properties tar soap can be attributed to its disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and cleansing abilities. That's what it does this remedy indispensable in the fight against acne and acne.

What are pimples and blackheads? This is the result of contamination of overly enlarged pores, where not only dust and particles of decorative cosmetics enter, but also sweat products / sebaceous glands. Cosmetologists believe that procedures that have a complex effect can reduce the intensity of the appearance and spread of acne and pimples - they dry the skin, make it less oily, cleanse pores and narrow them.

It is tar soap that has all the necessary properties and can be used for facial skin care procedures. Washing with tar soap for acne is the easiest way to restore health, but to get the expected result, you need to use a natural remedy from trusted, reliable manufacturers. Such is Nevskaya Kosmetika, which offers its consumers both ordinary tar soap and liquid soap. Soap with birch tar from "Nevskaya Cosmetics" meets all standards, is made only from natural ingredients and really helps to get rid of acne and acne.

How to use tar soap correctly

If you need to get rid of acne and acne, then you need to know how to properly wash with tar soap.

Firstly, you can wash your face with birch tar soap no more than 2 times a day. It is advisable to do this in the morning and in the evening: in morning hours Soap will cleanse the skin from the secret of sweat and sebaceous glands accumulated during the night, and in the evening - from dust / dirt and decorative cosmetics. Before use in the evening, remove all decorative cosmetics special lotion or milk.

Secondly, you need to use tar soap not constantly, but in courses. The first course is 14 days. Then they take a break for 10 days and evaluate the feasibility of a second course. If acne and acne are still common on the face, then you need to wash yourself with tar soap for another 14 days, and if the skin is clean, but single rashes appear from time to time, then soap should be treated precisely with them, pointwise. Liquid tar soap from Neva Cosmetics is perfect for this - a convenient dispenser allows you to “get” a drop of the product from the bottle, beat the foam between your fingers and apply it specifically to the problem area.

Thirdly, tar soap can cause allergies, which will increase the redness and inflammation of the skin of the face. To exclude such a reaction of the body, you need to apply foam to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face or inside elbow, wait 30-40 minutes and assess the condition of the skin.

Washing in combination with a mask of tar soap will be very effective. You just need to whip the foam from the product, apply it in a thin layer on the skin of the face and let it dry completely. Then everything is washed off with warm water. Such a mask is made, for example, in the evening, and the next morning you can do with ordinary washing.

Note:tar soap has a drying effect, and if you constantly use it for washing, then the skin of the face starts to peel off a lot - a dubious replacement for acne and acne. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend that after washing with tar soap, apply a moisturizer to the face and not carry out the procedure for longer than 14 days in a row.

Tar soap can also be used for the body - for example, it will get rid of small rashes on the buttocks and thighs, will help the fastest healing micro-scratches. Tar soap has a mild whitening effect, it can be used for washing in spring period when freckles and age spots appear on the skin under the first rays of the sun.

There is one not very nice moment- tar soap has an unpleasant, specific aroma, but usually they quickly get used to it. If washing with tar soap is carried out in the morning, then the aroma will disappear within 30-40 minutes, only after the procedure you will need to wash your hands with warm water and ordinary toilet soap.

Tar soap is natural remedy which helps to solve skin problems. Proper conduct procedure guarantees a positive result.

It's time to retire foams, mousses and gels! .

The difference between regular soap and face wash

In the formula “scented soap and fluffy towel”, the first variable was replaced some time ago with foams, gels and mousses for washing. They turned out to be the main components of success in the matter of the health of our skin.

"The point is that the usual toilet soap has an alkaline environment, with constant use it damages the surface protective layer skin, which leads to dehydration and makes the skin vulnerable to bacterial attacks. Therefore, the constant use of soap can cause inflammation, irritation, dehydration and peeling of the dermis,” says Svetlana Nazarova, an expert cosmetologist at Oriflame.

In foams, mousses and gels, the pH is 5.5, that is, the medium is slightly acidic. It does not damage the epidermal barrier, does not dehydrate the skin and is harmful to pathogenic bacteria. The additional softening, moisturizing and antibacterial ingredients in the cleansers help the skin to rejuvenate and energize.

Many brands have developed a special scented soap for washing, built according to the same formula as the notorious foams, gels and mousses. “This soap does not contain alkali, but it contains many moisturizing and softening components that are comfortable and beneficial for the skin,” says Svetlana Nazarova.

Types and composition of soap for washing

Soap for washing is now presented for every taste and color. It doesn’t matter whether it’s liquid or solid, the main thing is to choose the soap according to the type and condition of the skin, and in what form it will be depends on your preferences.

Soap for dry skin

“Usually has a creamy texture. The soap simultaneously cleanses the skin and moisturizes it. In the composition you can find glycerin and petroleum jelly - components that protect and restore the protective barrier of the dermis. This soap has low foaming, thanks to which it is easily washed off, does not cause a feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin,” says Elena Grishechkina, leading specialist of the Clinique brand.

  1. Super mild soap Caudalie Fleur De Vigne,
  2. Soap Honeymania The Body Shop,
  3. Soap for body and hands "Cherry and nutmeg» Scentsations CND,
  4. Moisturizing almond soap Himalaya Herbal,
  5. Soap Facial Soap With Soap Dish Clinique.

Soap for oily skin

“This product has a sebum-regulating effect and contains anti-inflammatory ingredients, such as calendula, oil tea tree”, - says the cosmetologist of the Academy of Scientific Beauty Corporation Oksana Borisenko.

Your beauty assistants:

Wash soap: types and myths

“Contains abrasive particles such as dried algae, finely ground shells, clay, polymers different sizes. It is too hard for the face, so it is better to use body peeling soap and no more than 2-3 times a week,” says Svetlana Nazarova.

Your beauty assistants:

Wash soap: types and myths

  1. Peeling soap Rose De Mer Peeling Soap Christina,
  2. Algae Exfoliating Soap Savon Exfoliant Aux Algues SPA Marine,
  3. Soap "Oatmeal and honey" JOIK.

How to use soap for washing

First you need to remove makeup with a special lotion or milk. You should not do this procedure using soap: it is designed to remove makeup residues, but not for make-up remover. Then lather the soap, apply on the face, wash with warm water. After that, do not forget about the ritual of toning and moisturizing the skin with lotion and cream.

3 soap myths

There are a lot of tips on the use of soap on the forums. But are grandmother's recipes applicable in Everyday life? Our experts have sorted it all out.

1. If you can’t wash your face with ordinary soap, then washing your body is quite safe, because the skin is denser there
Washing the body with soap is possible, but not for everyone. If your skin is dry and sensitive, it is better to use shower gels with moisturizing ingredients, otherwise there is a risk of irritation, redness, tightness.

2. Laundry soap helps to cope with acne, dries up inflammation
Myth. Laundry soap contains the largest percentage of alkali in its composition. Using this tool will not solve, but only exacerbate the problem. It destroys the protective water-lipid layer of the skin, changes the pH to the alkaline side, enhances the activity of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the growth of bacteria, exacerbation of inflammation, peeling and irritation of the skin.

The main argument against the use of soap is the alkali in its composition. The natural environment of our skin is acidic. This creates unfavorable conditions for bacteria that fall on it. The alkaline base of the soap destroys the natural protection of the skin, causing dryness, inflammation and flaking.

The best soap for washing contains natural ingredients

At the same time too soft remedies for washing, it is often not possible to fully cleanse the face of dirt, sebum and cosmetics.

You can often find positive reviews about washing with soap, saying that it only benefited the skin.

The secret is to choose the right soap, which will perfectly cope with the cleaning function, but it will not harmful effects on the skin

It must be neutral acid-base balance and maximum natural ingredients in composition.

The best soap for washing

Here are some products to look out for.

  • Tar soap. In its composition, it has birch tar. Soap is distinguished by its antiseptic properties, often it becomes a godsend for owners problematic skin. Tar soap reduces inflammation, perfectly cleanses pores and helps get rid of blackheads. The product has a characteristic smell of tar.
  • Baby soap. It has a neutral acid-base balance, it does not contain dyes, flavors, preservatives. At the same time, extracts of medicinal soothing herbs are added to it: succession, chamomile, calendula. The absence of preservatives in the composition makes long-term storage impossible. baby soap so keep an eye on the expiration date.
  • Soap self made. This product contains a large number of natural ingredients. You can choose soap with the addition of ground coffee, honey, olive or other nourishing oil, oatmeal. You can buy it or cook it at home.
  • Dove soap is also popular. It contains a moisturizing cream that provides careful care behind the skin.

Get healthy and beautiful skin with the help of washing with soap is quite real. The main thing is to choose a high-quality and most suitable product for yourself.

Many already refuse to wash with soap, and some, and generally from washing as such, replacing it with cleansing tonic or micellar water. They are afraid of water because of bleach, and soap because of alkali. After all, its pH averages 10-11, when the pH of the skin is about 5.5. Inevitably, when washing with soap and water, this balance shifts to the alkaline side. Why is this soap dangerous for the skin?

What is dangerous "scented soap"?

A slightly acidic pH level is needed by the skin to suppress pathogenic microflora that causes itching, irritation, and acne. Alkali destroys the natural defenses, while weakening the skin's immunity, dries the skin, and causes peeling. With excessive degreasing, the epidermis becomes thinner, its acid reaction decreases, alkaline increases, which is favorable for the development of microbes.

Acne soap: good or bad?

Soap "anti acne" most often contains essential oils, extracts and natural additives. But any super natural acne soap- this is a vicious circle, acne is not treated by washing, and even more so by washing with soap.
All good essential oils, extracts and active additives is nullified by exposure to alkaline environment and excessive degreasing of the skin. This destroys the skin barrier, reduces the skin's ability to resist, and only exacerbates problems. Some women are desperate deal with acne ready to try any means - even popular in cosmetology in Soviet times plain soap. But laundry soap is the most alkaline - it means it dissolves dirt and grease faster and better than others, but it also dries the skin more

Soap and dry skin don't mix

Soap is very dry oily skin , but dry and even more so. Soap quickly softens the upper layers of the skin, cleanses, and at the same time dries and degreases it. Soap-cleansed skin, trying to restore its usual pH, activates the production of sebum and after a few hours it shines even brighter, and after 2-3 days it begins to peel off completely from a sharp loss of moisture. This breakdown of skin lipids by alkali results in the loss of the water-retaining barrier.

What can replace soap?

Experts advise replace soap with special gels , foam or milk for washing the face with a physiological pH of 5.5-4.5. They contain, as a rule, a vegetable cleansing base. It is important that the cleansing composition is gentle, suitable for your skin and contains caring active ingredients. Look for natural cleansers that do not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. Completely refuses to wash is not worth it, because water procedures the skin is needed. Try not to wash your face with chlorinated water, replace it with melted water or bottled water. In the morning, it is good to wipe the skin with ice cubes. Washing once a day is enough. The rest of the time you can cleanse the skin with makeup remover and tonic or lotion.

If, despite all these warnings, you are sure that the soap suits you, wash your face with it to your health, because there is no single beauty recipe for everyone.

“You have to wash yourself in the mornings and evenings. And for the unclean chimney sweeps, shame and shame, shame and shame!”

Remember these instructions from the scary walking box from children's cartoon? A bow-legged and lame washbasin from an early age made us obediently pick up a piece of soap (even if the soap dish contains only a remnant of household soap) and mercilessly scrub our faces and dirty hands.

In fairness, it’s worth saying that this angry character did not go into details, the better to wash his face. Perhaps, if we were to enter into a discussion with him, he would reveal his advice in more detail. But it will remain a secret forever.

And now his instructions look somewhat outdated. Therefore, let's talk about whether it is possible to wash with soap at all and what alternatives we have to it.

Historians believe that soap making has been familiar to mankind for about 4000 years. Such ancient civilizations as the Babylonian and Sumerian were already engaged in its production.

On the other hand, this is not surprising, because men's skin tends to be more oily than women's. Yes, I have been using this for a long time.

In its composition, you can see the extract of red algae, organic silicon, which has antibacterial properties, zinc, arginine, vitamin C.

The foam perfectly cleanses oily skin, prevents the development of acne, leaves good feeling on the face.

What to wash with dry skin

I must say that the exotic fruit Gak contains beta-carotene in doses 15 times higher than its content in carrots and 2 times more than in the liver. oily fish mackerel. He is also rich useful components that will take care of your face.

In order to have healthy skin face, you just need to choose the right cleanser for you every day. The product is selected depending on the type of skin and the necessary care for it. There is a solution for even the most problematic skin.

Yes, Moidodyr was right - you have to, you have to wash your face in the mornings and evenings. And what is better to wash - now, I hope, it will be more clear to you.
