How to wash the nose with saline for a child of 2 months. How to rinse the nose of the baby? How to prepare saline solution at home

In order to properly rinse the nose of the baby, try to get rid of your fears and prepare everything that you need. For the procedure you will need:

  • Herbal decoction. It is best to use sage or chamomile
  • syringe
  • Vaseline oil
  • Sea salt

Surely you should not be reminded that all items must be clean. Also, make sure that the broth is not too hot or cold.

How to wash the nose of a newborn: step by step instructions

  1. Before proceeding, make a decoction and cool it to room temperature.
  2. Remove dried crusts from the spout, if any.
  3. Draw the decoction into a syringe.
  4. Prepare a basin over which you will carry out the procedure.
  5. Position your baby in an upright position. If you find it difficult to cope alone, ask for help.
  6. Make sure that the mouth is open, otherwise it may choke.
  7. Position the syringe vertically to the nostril and gently press it down.
  8. At first, inject a little solution, gradually strengthening the stream.
  9. Make sure that the baby's head leans forward, otherwise the liquid will not flow out of the other nostril.

Repeat the same procedure for the other nostril.

Advice! Instead of a decoction of herbs, you can use a saline solution. To do this, dilute a teaspoon of salt in one glass of boiled water.

How to wash the nose of a baby who does not yet hold his head?

Very young children do not know how to blow their nose, so they need help to remove mucus from their nose. The technology is slightly different from the previous one due to the fact that they still do not know how to hold their heads and it will be difficult to keep them over the basin.

  1. Prepare an herbal tea or saline solution.
  2. Take a pipette.
  3. Lay the child on his back and drip the solution.
  4. Do not pour too much, so that the liquid does not get into the ears.
  5. Use cotton swabs to remove fluid from the nose along with mucus.
  6. Take cotton flagella, dip them in boiled sunflower oil and clean the nose from the remnants of mucus and decoction. It is very important that the oil is not too hot. Enter the flagellum with twisting movements no more than 2 cm inward.

All parents are faced with such a problem as a stuffy nose in a child. With a runny nose, the baby becomes restless, refuses to eat and does not sleep well. The pediatrician in this situation prescribes treatment and recommends rinsing the baby's nose with saline.

Flushing with saline sodium chloride is carried out in several cases.

  1. For medicinal purposes with a cold or for prevention. The procedure allows you to clear the mucosa from allergens, mucus and bacteria accumulated there.
  2. To moisturize the mucosa. When it dries out, it immediately loses its ability to protect the nose from viral infections.

How to prepare a solution for the procedure

A small child does not yet know how to blow his nose on his own, so parents need to learn how to do nasal rinsing with saline on their own.

What is saline? It is a solution of sodium chloride diluted in water. It is not difficult to prepare it, the main thing is to know the correct percentage of salt.

The most physiological salt concentration for the body is 0.9%. To get this result, you can take a glass with a capacity of 250 ml, pour water into it and slowly pour in 2.5 grams of table salt.

If the solution is made to the baby, then the salt can be used a little less.

Devices for the procedure

There are several devices with which you can wash your child's nose with sodium chloride.

  1. Pharmacies sell a special device for such a procedure. It looks like a small teapot with a handle and a rather narrow spout, which makes it easier to pour saline solution.
  2. Syringe, or small rubber bulb.
  3. Often, the baby has to drip saline into the nose with a pipette.
  4. One of the most convenient ways is to use an inhalation nebulizer.

What is needed for the procedure

Before proceeding with the procedure for washing the mucosa with sodium chloride, parents need to check whether they have everything for this.

You need to have the following on hand:

  • cotton buds;
  • washing tool;
  • prepared saline;
  • oil (you can take peach or apricot);
  • drops prescribed by a doctor.

Apricot or peach oil is necessary in order to lubricate the mucous membrane of the child after the procedure. This will relieve him of discomfort.

Stages of the procedure

Washing with sodium chloride of the mucous membrane of a child consists of several main stages.

  1. With the help of a small rubber pear, mucus is removed from the child's nose. This is necessary so that the saline solution more easily penetrates inside and does not flow back.
  2. If the procedure is carried out with a syringe, then the needle is separated, and a diluted solution (5 ml) is drawn into the syringe. The child is laid on its side, its head is turned in the opposite direction. This is necessary so that the baby does not choke. If washing is done to a newborn, it is recommended to carry it out with a pipette, drip a few drops of saline into each nostril.
  3. With the help of a pear, excess fluid and mucus residues are carefully removed. Next, take cotton swabs and clean the mucous membrane again. After interaction with a saline saline solution, the crusts in the nose will soften and will easily move away.
  4. After the above steps have been completed, it is necessary to treat the nasal passage with oil.
  5. When the mucous membrane of the baby is completely cleared, a drug prescribed by a doctor is administered. You need to drip drops no more than once every 6 hours. The duration of treatment is 2-3 days.

If the runny nose does not go away, you should consult with your doctor. He will already determine whether it is possible to continue to drip the medicine into the child's nose.

Breathing through the nose is the main type of respiratory activity, characteristic not only for adults, but also for children, starting from a very early age. And when blocking the nasal passages with thick mucus, a child can experience a number of problems. It is for this reason that parents need to know about basic precautions when performing lavages, as well as when home procedures are appropriate, and when it is better to see a doctor.

What can block the nasal passages cause?

  • During breastfeeding, the baby breathes exclusively through the nose. With its congestion, the normal process of nutrition becomes impossible.
  • Blocked nasal passages create significant difficulty in swallowing.
  • And even if the process of swallowing occurs, the child at this moment tries to reflexively inhale through his mouth. This leads to the accumulation of air in his stomach and, accordingly, increased belching and regurgitation.
  • Maintaining normal patency of the nasal passages is an excellent prevention of inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, etc.)
  • Finally, even in the case of an already developed catarrhal pathology, cleaning the nasal cavities of a child significantly increases the bioavailability and effectiveness of drugs.

Why is there excess mucus in the nose?

adaptation reaction

This symptom is typical only for very young children - it occurs in the first two months of life. In this case, increased production of mucus in the nose is considered a physiological norm. It reflects the child's body getting used to new physical and chemical environmental conditions. Special treatment is not required, but clearing the nasal passages of mucus will help the child go through this period faster.

allergic reactions

Physiologically immature immune systems in infants often cause allergies. One of the manifestations of this disorder is rhinitis, or inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Washing the nose is not able to cure allergies, it will only eliminate the symptom of the disease, temporarily alleviating the patient's condition. To get rid of allergies, you should identify the allergen and exclude the child's contact with it.

Situational Violations

Abundant mucus in the nose can appear with a sharp hypothermia of the child or during teething. In such cases, no special treatment is required, and even nasal lavage is not necessary. This symptom will soon disappear on its own.


This is the most common cause, which is infectious in nature. Washing the nose in this case is not a medical procedure - the child needs pharmacological therapy. But the periodic removal of thick mucus, which is a substrate for the reproduction of microorganisms, will significantly speed up recovery and prevent relapse. In order for the treatment of a cold to be as quick and effective as possible, thick mucus in the nose must be thinned and removed by washing.

How to wash the nose of a newborn?

Pre-packaged nasal sprays

The choice of such liquids in our pharmacies is quite large. We recommend paying special attention to a mucus thinner called Aquamaris. In addition to the salt component, it also contains a number of trace elements that improve the functioning of the mucous membrane in the nasal passages.

You can also use the cheaper, but no less effective domestic drug Morenasal. It is made on the basis of sea water and contains calcined salt, which is excellent for treating colds. Please note that when using ready-made nasal sprays in infants, some conditions must be observed, described in the section on rinsing technique.

Sea water for washing the nose in newborns

The first thing parents should know is that the "sea water" bottles often offered by cosmetologists do not contain anything unique. Specific substances of biochemical origin, which saturate the natural water in the sea, decompose within a few hours after entering a closed container.

Therefore, if you want to wash your child's nose with healing "sea water", then the most reasonable choice would be to prepare a solution yourself from pure water and solid sea salt. You can buy this salt in almost any pharmacy. When choosing, pay attention to the composition - it should not contain any flavors, dyes or other additives. In order to make such a solution for washing the nose, you will need to take:

  • 250 ml of warm boiled water (ideally distilled);
  • 2-3 teaspoons of sea salt (without a slide).

Pour water into a clean and boiled container. Then pour salt into it and gently stir it until completely dissolved. The solution remaining after the procedure cannot be stored - a new one will have to be prepared for the next manipulation.

Nasal lavage for a newborn

Saline solution is the medium closest in salt content to ordinary human blood. In order to make saline solution yourself, you will need 9 grams of salt, which should be dissolved in 1 liter of water. Water must first be boiled. The solution must also be prepared in a container sterilized by boiling.

Important! For the manufacture of saline, only non-iodized salt should be used. Salt with the addition of potassium iodide can cause irritation of the nasal mucosa in children.

Some medicinal compounds can also be added to the saline solution. A few drops of chamomile extract or aloe extract would be an excellent choice. These substances do not cause allergies and can be used even in infants. They will provide a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as help fight infection.


How to wash the nose of a newborn with saline and other substances? This procedure should be primarily safe, so postpone it if the child cries, screams or resists. In this case, the risk of injuring the delicate mucous membrane of the nasal passages increases. Before washing, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly and provide, if not sterile, then at least close to this conditions for placing all the instruments.

When washing the nasal passages of a newborn baby, you can not inject the spray directly from the dispenser. The jet of the drug may be too intense for the thin mucosa of the child and injure it or penetrate further than it should, once it enters the cavity of the inner ear. This can lead to inflammation. It is necessary to use such sprays that allow you to draw the solution into a pipette and carefully bury it in the nose.

Sterilize the pipette by boiling and draw the solution into it. Then, taking it in one hand, put the child on his back, and inject the drug into each nostril. The exact dosage must be found in the instructions for the spray, but usually it does not exceed 1-2 drops. A minute later, position the child so that his head is lower than other parts of the body. In this position, the solution will begin to flow out, taking the liquefied mucus with it. The child at this moment may sneeze - this will speed up the excretion of mucus.

How to rinse the nose of a newborn with a pipette with a self-made solution? Everything is pretty simple. The procedure for washing the nasal passages in this case does not differ from the technology for using ready-made nasal sprays drawn into the same pipette. But the dosage of saline or sea salt solution can be increased to 2-3 drops injected into each nostril.

In addition, saline solutions are gentler, but do not have such an intense thinning effect as nasal sprays. Therefore, a few minutes after washing, you need to insert a dry cotton flagellum into the child's nostril. Then, performing gentle rotational movements, collect softened mucus on it and finally clear the nasal passages.

Important! Do not touch the finished solution with your hands, so as not to violate its sterility!

Another option for quickly clearing the nasal passages of mucus can be the use of a rubber bulb-syringe. First, it should be thoroughly washed in warm soapy water and practice several times to control the compression force. A minute after instillation of the thinning solution, squeeze the pear and gently insert its tip into the child's nostril. Then gently open your hand. This will create a reduced pressure in the pear and under its action the mucus from the nose will be aspirated (drawn) into the syringe. After the end of the procedure, the pear must be washed again in warm soapy water.

Restrictions and contraindications

  • Ready-made nasal mixtures and a solution of sea salt for washing the nose in children can be used no more than 3-4 times a day and no longer than a week. With more frequent procedures, overdrying of the mucosa and the destruction of its natural anti-infective barrier is possible. But with pure saline or saline with the addition of herbal extracts, you can wash your child's nose more often.
  • Highly allergenic products (such as honey) or concentrated essential oils should not be used as additives to the washing liquid.
  • Mother's milk should also not be used for washing. Its usefulness in this case is a common misconception, since milk is a good breeding ground for bacteria.

After washing, the child should be at room temperature for at least one and a half hours. This will protect the sinuses from hypothermia.

Washing the nose with saline is a simple procedure that is carried out for hygienic and medicinal purposes. Due to its composition, saline solution is the best tool for the complex treatment of the common cold in people of any age.

Children under one year often have problems with nasal breathing. The child most of the time is in a horizontal position, which makes it difficult for the natural outflow of mucus. Nasal lavage is a safe and effective procedure that can help newborns and young children with physiological, cold or allergic rhinitis.

In accordance with the instructions for infants, the nose is washed lying down

Why rinse your child's nose?

The causes of nasal congestion in young children can be completely different. The condition is provoked by colds, allergic reactions, too dry air in the room, the beginning of teething (we recommend reading:). Abundant discharge from the nose greatly complicates the life of the baby. To solve the problem, you need to establish the exact cause and take effective measures:

  1. If a runny nose arose as a response to dry air, it is necessary to purchase a hygrometer and adjust the air humidity with a humidifier and frequent ventilation.
  2. With the allergic nature of the common cold, you need to get rid of the irritant and daily carry out wet cleaning in the house.
  3. In the presence of a viral disease, mucous secretions are a protective reaction of the body. Discharge from the nose in this case can be especially thick. It is necessary to provide the child with plenty of fluids and often ventilate the room.

If a child has a stuffy nose, then he begins to breathe through his mouth (we recommend reading:). Breastfed or formula-fed babies become moody and whiny, as they cannot eat and breathe at the same time. Sleep is disturbed - with nasal congestion, babies sniffle and grunt in their sleep.

Congestion can provoke the development of a cold. During normal physiological breathing, the air passing through the nasal passages is purified and warmed. During mouth breathing, cold air immediately enters the bronchi.

To help the baby get rid of discomfort and restore nasal breathing, it is necessary to rinse and clear the nose of liquid and thick secretions.

Indications and contraindications for rinsing the nose with saline

Saline is a sterile low concentration sodium chloride solution. Saline solution is often used in medicine:

  • dilution of powder preparations for use as injections;
  • removal of toxic substances from the body with various kinds of poisoning;
  • replenishment of fluid deficiency during dehydration;
  • washing the mouth, eyes, genitals.

Although low concentration sodium chloride is safe, there are contraindications to its use. Washing the nose with saline solutions is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • in the presence of polyps and other neoplasms in the nasopharynx;
  • fragility of the capillaries of the nasal cavity;
  • severe swelling of the mucosa;
  • individual intolerance to salt.

How to prepare saline at home?

A saline solution in a 400 ml bottle costs from 30 to 60 rubles, you can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription. In the event that it is not possible to buy a solution in a pharmacy, it can be prepared at home.

Saline can be easily and quickly prepared independently

To make a solution for washing, you need 1 liter of water and 1 teaspoon of kitchen salt. With the addition of 1 drop of iodine, the solution acquires antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

The procedure for preparing the solution:

  1. to boil water;
  2. dissolve salt in it;
  3. carefully strain the resulting liquid through a cloth;
  4. cool to room temperature.

How to perform the procedure correctly?

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to properly rinse the nose of the child with saline. The method of execution depends on age - washing the nasal passages of a one-month-old baby is different from treating a child older than a year. Before the procedure, you need to visit a doctor - the pediatrician will give the necessary recommendations and explain what devices will be needed for the procedure.

Instructions for washing the nose of a newborn baby

To rinse the nasal passages of a newborn, you will need to purchase cotton wool, a sterile pipette, a special children's aspirator, or a small rubber bulb. The solution can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

First, the child's nose is cleaned of dried crusts. To do this, you need to lay the baby on his back, slightly moisten cotton flagella in boiled water, and carefully remove dirt from the outside. After that, you need to drop 1-2 drops of the solution for washing with a pipette into each nostril. It is necessary to wait a while until the liquid dissolves the dried mucus in the nose. With an aspirator or a rubber bulb, you need to suck out the softened mucus from the right and left nostrils.

The final stage is cleaning the nose with dry cotton flagella. Special care should be taken when performing manipulations, since newborns have narrow nasal passages and delicate, vulnerable nasal mucosa.

Performing the procedure on a child older than one year

Rinse the nose of a child under the age of 3 years as follows. If the baby already knows how to blow his nose, you need to ask him to blow his nose and help him clear the right and left nostrils alternately. Babies older than a year can drip 2-4 drops of saline into the nose to soften dried crusts.

To flush the nasal passages, you will need to prepare a rubber bulb with a soft tip or a syringe without a needle. The child should tilt his head over the sink and turn it to the side so that one nostril is slightly higher than the other. The baby's mouth should be slightly open during the procedure.

In the "upper" nostril, it is necessary to slowly, without creating pressure, pour the prepared saline solution with a rubber pear or syringe. In this case, the injected liquid should pour out of the “lower” nostril along with the mucus accumulated in the nose. In this way, the right and left nostrils are cleansed alternately.

After the end of the procedure, you should offer the child to blow his nose well or remove the remaining liquid with an aspirator.

How often can you wash?

You should not wash your child's nose on their own initiative. The doctor must prescribe the treatment. The frequency of procedures is affected by the degree of nasal congestion and the intensity of mucus production.

It is recommended to resort to washing in cases where nasal congestion worsens the quality of life of the baby - sleep, nutrition are disturbed, anxiety and capriciousness appear. It is allowed to use a saline solution for washing the nasal passages in newborns up to 3 times a day for no more than 7 days in a row. Uncontrolled procedures destroy the natural protective barrier of the mucosa and cause increased dryness in the nasopharynx.

Too frequent flushing in older children causes:

  • decrease in local immunological reactivity of mucous membranes;
  • irritation of the nasal passages;
  • psycho-emotional discomfort in a baby;
  • increased mucosal edema and aggravation of congestion.

What other drugs can be used to wash the nose?

A solution of sodium chloride has many effective analogues. The most popular substitutes for saline are pharmaceutical liquids with purified sea water in the composition. Means for washing are available in sprays and bottles equipped with pipettes. Parents can use Aqualor, Otrivin, Quicks, Dolphin (we recommend reading:).

Of the pharmaceutical preparations, Aquamaris has proven itself well, containing isotonic sea water with minerals. For babies in the first years of life, Aquamaris is available in the form of moisturizing drops, it is absolutely safe to use (we recommend reading:). Spray Aquamaris is recommended for use in children aged 3 years and older.

How to properly rinse the nose with saline can be seen in the video for the article.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 02/13/2019

At the moment, there are a huge number of different solutions that can be used to wash the nose of children of any age category. If it is rational to choose a solution, you can refuse to use drugs. They also increase local immunity.

Solutions according to composition are divided into:
  • herbal
  • soda
  • saline

The nature of the disease determines the choice of one or another type. Saline solution can be used as a prophylaxis or hygiene of the nasal cavity. Rhinitis and sinusitis require a more thorough treatment - soda or ridiculous soda-salt solution. In more serious diseases, in which the nose is clogged with purulent mucus, herbal remedies with antiseptic action are used.

The form of release of such funds is different: spray, drops, aerosol, packages. In pharmacies, you can buy any drug from a large assortment. The most famous are:

  • Miramistin
  • Aqualor
  • Aquamaris
  • Physiological sodium chloride solution
  • Furacilin
  • Marimer
  • Quicks
  • Dolphin

Miramistin is in the form of a spray, it is a clear, odorless liquid. It is used both for the treatment of the nasal and oral cavities. Suitable for the prevention of respiratory and treatment of fungal and viral diseases. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day.

Aqualor, Aquamaris, Marimer, Quicks, Dolphin contain sea water and are available in the form of a spray or drops. Such drugs will not cause discomfort even to the baby, the procedure is absolutely painless. With a runny nose, you can drip a small amount of sea water and clean your nose with a special tube or pear. You can also flush each nostril with sea water using a small syringe without a needle.

The doctor may advise irrigation of the nasal passage with Furacilin for a runny nose. This drug is also suitable for babies. Sold in the form of a ready-made solution and in tablets. Dissolve the tablet in one liter of boiled water and then rinse 3-4 times a day. For each procedure, you must use a freshly prepared medicine. It has a high antiseptic effect, so you can treat them with sinusitis and other diseases associated with the release of pus.

There is no better remedy for a cold than saline solution. It is sold ready-made. The baby can be rinsed with a pipette nose.

During the epidemic of influenza and SARS, it is necessary to wash the nose every day for all children for hygienic purposes. In this way, the risk of infection can be reduced by 70%.

home remedies

There are situations when going to the doctor is impossible for some reason. Therefore, in the home first aid kit should always be all the necessary safe means to alleviate the condition of the baby before the doctor's examination.

The most popular home remedy is homemade saline solution. To do this, it is better to take fine salt and iodine. Dilute a third of a teaspoon of salt and a drop of iodine in a glass of boiled water. The composition of such a liquid will be similar to sea water. Can be used for babies from 3 months of age. Dilute the baby with water without adding iodine. Salt is safe for mucous membranes.

The second most popular is saline solution, which can be used to wash the nose of a child four times daily. It will remove mucus and neutralize bacteria. It can be found in any pharmacy.

A child with a runny nose is well suited herbal decoction. The most popular is chamomile decoction, diluted with boiled water in the same ratio. It is an excellent antiseptic. Such washing is not suitable for a baby.

Application safety

The benefits of washing are undeniable for children of any age. Differences exist only in the technique of the procedure.

It is always difficult for a baby to wash his nose, because he still does not hold his head. For this reason, the procedure should be carried out in the supine position. Gently pour a few drops into your baby's nose with a dropper.

For an older child, instillation is carried out while standing. Open your child's mouth so that he doesn't choke. With a small rubber bulb, pour the solution first into one, then into the other nostril. There should be a towel nearby, on which the liquid will drain. It is best if it is under the chin so as not to stain the baby.

Regarding age restrictions, everything is simple. Saline and saline solutions are suitable for a child up to a year. No soda or herbs. For children older than one year, with a runny nose, a special spray is selected or the prepared solution is poured into a can. From the age of four, a child can rinse his nose using a syringe, standing over the sink. The contents of the douche are squeezed into one nostril and flow out through the other.

Tools for a cold

The choice of the tool with which you will wash the baby's nose with a cold is no less important. Can be used:

  1. Pipette - it can be used even for the smallest children. It is very easy to control the amount of liquid poured with a pipette.
  2. A syringe is a pear. It is used in the same way as a pipette, but for older children.
  3. Syringe - necessarily without a needle. The technique is the same, but there is one rule - you can not fill in liquid under pressure. The baby's vessels are not yet ready for such loads and may burst.
  4. Special devices - in the pharmacy you can find special tubes for removing mucus from the nose. Often they are sold complete with a ready-made solution. Very easy to apply.

No need to get involved in self-treatment, consultation of a pediatrician is mandatory in any case.

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