How to increase the energy level in the body. Here are some basic rules for normalizing sleep


Set goals.
Clear, motivating, realistic goals invariably communicate to the body energy for their successful achievement. Connect a creative look at everything that exists, fill your goals with positive emotions. To do this, imagine that you are already safely to the intended task: how do you feel? What do you see and hear around? What do you think of yourself at this moment? Are you ready to set your next goals and be ready to achieve them? Every time you lose faith in yourself (i.e., in a decrease in internal energy), imagine yourself a winner again and again. Helps, checked.

High-quality is able to accumulate a huge amount of invigorating energy. Alas, our life today and the term "stress" very often become synonymous. We do almost everything in a state of extreme tension - we work, move, even sit and lie down. At the same time, a danger signal is constantly sent from the body to the brain, and a huge amount of energy is allocated to this function. Is it possible in such a state to talk about creativity, good intentions, vitality, good health? Of course not. The only way out is relaxation - conscious, regular, high-quality. Everyone chooses ways and methods for himself, it can be meditation, music, floating, massage, passive rest, communication with animals, etc.

Get enough sleep.
Sound sleep invariably fills our body with energy, promotes cell renewal, restoration of the central and normalization of the work of all organs.

Eat right.
Eat more energy-intensive foods energy) - vegetables, fruits, nuts,. And reduce to zero the use of products that take away energy, - semi-finished products, chips and various "chemistry", the abundance of which is observed on the shelves of our stores. Drink plenty of clean water.

Breathe properly.
Read special literature, there you will find many breathing techniques. Choose what you think suits you best. By mastering the technique of proper breathing, you will save yourself from many health problems, and then the energy spent earlier on fighting diseases will be directed to creative and positive work.

Even light exercise brings amazing results. It is known that after active training, i.e. physical activity, the body relaxes as much as possible, which serves as a triggering mechanism for energy production. The main thing is not to overdo it. Do not bring the body to overwork and exhaustion, during which all the energy accumulated earlier will go away.

Fall in love.
Love gives life a special meaning, thereby filling the body and mind with creative energy. It is no coincidence that during periods of love, a person can turn mountains.

Thank the universe (God, nature, the universe) for the gift of life to you.
Gratitude and a sense of the joy of being, as you know, makes it possible to exchange energy with other people and even the universe (cosmos, the divine principle). There is such a law: we gave a lot - we got even more. Learn to create a positive attitude.

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What does a person need for a normal life? Of course, energy. But where and from what to draw this vitality, especially when it is weakened by frequent colds, stress, harmful radiation and other negative environmental factors. But it turns out that sources of energy are present both in a person and around him. You just need to know how to use them.


Energy organism largely depends on lifestyle and environment. This includes nutrition, breathing, movement, purity of mind and body, harmony with nature. Use these factors wisely and you will always be full of energy.

Eat right! Nothing deprives the body of energy like frequent and plentiful meals. She focuses all her energy organism around the digestive organs. That is why after a hearty lunch or dinner, weakness and drowsiness are especially felt. But quite different sensations are brought by light food, which is without feeling.

Breathe fully! Proper breathing affects the state of everything organism and can cure many diseases. However, most people do not even notice how they are. And, meanwhile, their breathing is superficial, it ventilates only the upper, sometimes middle lobes of the lung. While the lower lobes suffer from chronic oxygen, which inevitably affects the functioning of the brain and other vital organs, depriving them of energy.

Move constantly! It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with active physical activity in order to raise energy organism. Daily and long walks are quite enough, which will disperse the blood and lymph, as well as strengthen the musculoskeletal and bone system.

Vitamins for energy and vitality contribute to increase efficiency in men and women, form a good mood.

You just need to know which vitamins to drink, in what concentrations and combinations.

Chronic fatigue is the scourge of our time. A person experiences weakness and loss of strength, despite the fact that he had a good rest. Moreover, a person who has just got out of bed after a long and deep sleep, feels overwhelmed and depressed.

Chronic fatigue is an unwillingness to live actively, because in every action a person has to force himself to move, think and even desire.

The term “chronic fatigue” describes this condition remarkably accurately. Such fatigue cannot be cured simply by rest, since it is generated by deep violations of physiological processes.

This phenomenon has many reasons. As a rule, they act in a complex that includes:

  • prolonged nervous strain;
  • lack of a normal rhythm of sleep and wakefulness;
  • sleep disturbance in the form of poor falling asleep, frequent or early waking up;
  • lack of a normal diet;
  • malnutrition;
  • avitaminosis;
  • mineral deficiency.

The last two causes can increase the manifestation of ordinary fatigue and the consequences of nervous overexertion. The opposite situation is also possible - when the deficiency of vitamins and minerals is eliminated, all other factors can weaken their impact.

There are examples of the complete healing of this ailment of our time with the right choice of vitamin and mineral complexes. Properly selected vitamins can not only improve well-being, but also return a person to his former active lifestyle.

What vitamins are needed for energy and vitality

What are the best vitamins to use for energy and vivacity, for raising and restoring the vitality of adults?

Of the totality of natural catalysts for physiological processes the most significant in energy metabolism are:

  • Ascorbic acid (C).
  • This is the most universal remedy for improving the energy state of a person. Ascorbic acid stimulates the immune system and the synthesis of norepinephrine, improves the condition of nerve cells. It is norepinephrine that increases tone and improves mood. The efficiency of assimilation of ascorbic acid increases with a sufficient amount of magnesium and calcium.

  • Thiamine (B1).
  • This is a kind of energy booster that increases creativity, activates thinking, and slows down the rate of cell aging. All these properties are based on the fact that thiamine activates the release of energy at the cellular level.

  • Biotin (H).
  • With its help, the body quickly assimilates proteins, which provides a supply of not only the building material of the body, but also its energy. In addition, vitamin H stimulates the production of pancreatic hormones, which normalizes metabolism, especially carbohydrates. Biotin is involved in the synthesis of glucokinase. This increases the activity of glucose metabolism, and also normalizes blood sugar levels. As a result, the body releases the optimal amount of energy, which helps to maintain vitality.

  • Inositol (B8).
    In a healthy body, it is synthesized from glucose and concentrated in the central nervous system. Inositol affects the functioning of the liver, prevents the formation of fatty tissues in and around this organ. It ensures the normal movement of glucose and the biosynthesis of glycogen, which is involved in the regulation of metabolism. Inositol has strong antioxidant properties. It forms the energy potential of the body, lowers cholesterol, activates blood flow.

It is important!
When using these vitamins, it should be remembered that their synthesis, absorption and functioning are highly dependent on the presence of certain minerals in the body. Particular attention should be paid to food products and vitamin-mineral complexes containing magnesium, iron and calcium.

What foods increase the amount of energy in the body

Vitality vitamins stimulate efficiency, increase activity and mood.

How to increase their number in the body? There are three ways - to promote synthesis in the body (for some vitamins), drink special preparations, eat foods with the maximum content of the necessary substances.

When choosing food that relieves fatigue and increases efficiency, people often proceed from its energy value. The more calories, the more energy in a person. Such a position can hardly be called constructive, although with great physical, emotional and mental stress, calories are always in demand.

In order for a person to satisfy the needs of his body not only in calories, but also in vitamins, it is necessary to combine fresh fruits and berries with foods containing the optimal amount of easily digestible proteins, fats and carbohydrates. To do this, it is recommended to use the following products in different versions:

  • Black currant berries containing a large amount of ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6. In addition, each berry contains the most necessary minerals: potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, calcium.
  • Schisandra chinensis berries are natural biostimulants. They contain lignans and trace elements such as selenium, potassium, magnesium, iodine.
  • Lemongrass is very rich in vitamins C, PP, A, E, B1. However, schizandrin is considered the most valuable substance in these berries. It is he who excites the nervous system and stimulates the work of the heart and respiratory organs. Large amounts of lemongrass increase blood pressure. With moderate consumption, you can avoid hypertension, but gain vigor and increased efficiency.
  • Nuts, especially oily ones. These include pine and walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. They contain not only the necessary vitamins and minerals, but also proteins, as well as vegetable fats. Nuts, ground with raisins, dried apricots, prunes, and then filled with honey, are food with a very high content of proteins, vegetable fats, vitamins and minerals.
  • Bananas. Many people are skeptical about the benefits of this fruit. However, it is valued for its large amount of carbohydrates and vitamins (C, E, B4, beta-carotene).
  • Hercules and oatmeal porridge. In our time, oatmeal is undeservedly forgotten. But in vain, because it is crushed almost into flour oats. Oatmeal porridge is a pleasant and highly digestible dish with great nutritional value.

Vitamin complexes to combat fatigue and weakness

The pharmaceutical industry offers consumers a wide range of dietary supplements, containing biostimulants, vitamins and minerals. Let's give examples of some of them.

  • Vitrus Energy.
    These vitamins for energy and vigor, contained in effervescent tablets, are more suitable for girls and boys, they raise the tone and give a good mood due to natural biostimulants. The use of Vitrum-energy in adulthood can lead to hypertension. This does not mean that this drug should not be drunk at 50 years of age or more, just the occurrence of negative consequences should be taken into account. Vitrum-energy contains: vitamins B2, B6, B12, PP, pantothenic and succinic acids, taurine, caffeine and inositol.
  • Alphabet Energy.
    This includes the usual spectrum of vitamins and minerals, but in increased quantities. Some components are presented in daily doses, some significantly exceed these figures. This drug is recommended for those who have suffered a serious illness and are in the rehabilitation stage, and also had to starve for a long time and eat poorly.
  • Duovit Energy.
    This is a dietary supplement, which includes vitamins - E, D, A, C, of ​​the entire group B, minerals - selenium, zinc, iron, chromium, copper, iodine. The energy essence of this complex is also manifested in the presence of the most famous biostimulant - ginseng.
  • Vitrum Energy. It consists of vitamins: C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, biotin, folic acid, as well as minerals: boron, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium. This complex also contains ginseng as a special energy drink.

Vitamins for men and women - is there a difference

To ensure the energy of the body, both sexes need to consume the same vitamins.

The only difference is that at a certain period of his life, a man or woman must use certain vitamins in increased concentrations.

You need to know!
Men, since they usually have a large body weight, consume vitamins in large concentrations. This is due to a greater load on the psyche and body when performing certain functions.

To maintain a healthy state of the prostate gland and hormonal levels, men need vitamins E, F, C, A to a greater extent.

To perform their reproductive functions, women mainly need vitamins: C, E, B9, folic acid.

Is it possible to do without pills?

This is difficult to do these days for the following reasons:

  • declining food quality;
  • deterioration of the ecological environment;
  • increased stress on the emotional sphere.

However, it is necessary to strive to maintain the natural state of the body. For this, first of all, you need to watch your diet. The more you consume natural food that has undergone minimal heat treatment, the better.

The problem of consumption of vitamin-mineral complexes is the danger of overdose. Too long intake of artificially created combinations of vitamins and minerals can lead to the opposite effect.

The way out of this situation is simple. In the summer, when it is possible to consume fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, you should stop taking vitamin complexes. At other times, they need to be drunk in courses with interruptions of at least a month.

Vitamins that provide a person with a surge of strength, vivacity and good mood, are a good means of getting rid of many diseases, especially infectious ones. Skillful use of them will significantly reduce the amount of drugs consumed, and maybe completely abandon them.

In contact with

Modern man is constantly affected by adverse environmental factors. Stress, improper regimen, lack of sleep, poor nutrition have a detrimental effect on the body, cause weakness, malaise, and bad mood. What to do in such a situation? It is necessary to take special vitamins for energy and vigor. They can be obtained from food or purchased at a pharmacy.

Vitamins for energy and recuperation

The main reason for the inability of the body to function well and counteract the negative environmental factors is the wrong lifestyle. Food is especially harmful. Quick snacks, convenience foods, sandwiches, pastries, coffee and carbonated drinks not only interfere with the normal functioning of systems and organs, slowly destroy them, but also block the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

It is fresh and natural food that contains vitamins for vitality and energy in optimal concentration and easily digestible form. Therefore, it is very important for each person to eat well and balanced, to practice cleansing diets more often, to use vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. The most necessary trace elements for maintaining activity, mental and physical strength are:

  • thiamine (B1);
  • biotin (B7);
  • inositol (B8);
  • retinol (A);
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • calciferol (D).

The benefits of vitamins

Thiamine (B1)

The nervous system is in dire need of this substance. Vitamin B1 improves the performance of the brain, prevents early aging of its cells, restores memory and consciousness, so it is especially important for the elderly and mental work. With a lack of a trace element, mood swings often occur, concentration of attention is disturbed, a person becomes whiny, irritable, weak, drowsy.

Biotin (B7)

This vitamin regulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, that is, it is involved in the formation of energy. But its main function is glucose metabolism. With a deficiency of biotin, brain cells and nerve endings receive less sugar and experience hunger. A person's mood and character change dramatically: he becomes angry, aggressive, irritable, apathetic, absent-minded.

Inositol (B8)

This trace element controls the process of assimilation of proteins and the release of energy from them. It also regulates the level of glucose in the blood, which is necessary for the nutrition of the brain.

Retinol (A)

This vitamin is the strongest antioxidant. It supports the immune system, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and respiratory organs, helps maintain visual acuity and prevents the development of senile eye diseases. Women especially need retinol: it has a beneficial effect on reproductive function, stimulates the secretion of mammary glands, activates regenerative and metabolic processes in cells.

Ascorbic acid (C)

This trace element has powerful antioxidant properties. Once in the body, it binds to amino acids and participates in the synthesis of norepinephrine in the adrenal glands - the hormone of activity and vigor. With an abundance of ascorbic acid, a person feels cheerful, experiences inspiration and emotional upsurge.

Calciferol (D)

This vitamin is also called the hormone of happiness. It controls the flow of minerals into bone tissue, prevents the development of rickets, participates in the formation of cells, makes muscles strong, and helps to heal injuries faster. Calciferol is especially important for girls: thanks to its effect, the skin retains youth and beauty for a long time. Deficiency of the substance is observed quite often in different segments of the population, accompanied by problems with the skin and internal organs, a decrease in vitality.

Natural sources of vitamins for energy

The fair sex suffers especially from the lack of strength and energy. The deficiency of useful elements is most noticeable by them in the winter and spring season. At this time, it is recommended to take pharmaceutical preparations in addition to food. What vitamins are better to use to restore the body after the winter cold? For girls, trace elements C, A and D are essential. They help restore mental and physical strength, restore vigor and good mood, rejuvenate and tone, improve blood circulation in the organs.

For men, substances are useful that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and mental abilities, relieve impotence, apathy, depression and other consequences of stressful situations. These include B1, B7, B8 and other vitamins from group B. But still, it is better if the body receives vitamins for energy and vigor not of synthetic, but of natural origin. Therefore, it is important to know in which foods they are contained in sufficient quantities. Below is a table that lists foods rich in these micronutrients.

thiamine (B1)

milk, fermented baked milk, eggs, beans, pork, nuts, potatoes, cabbage, bran, wild rose, green buckwheat

biotin (B7)

milk, beef liver, mushrooms, egg yolk, nuts, soy, tomato, cauliflower, brown rice

inositol (B8)

sesame oil, peas, lentils, soybeans, beef, caviar, leafy greens, turnips, grapefruit

retinol (A)

fish oil, caviar, chicken liver, milk, cream, egg yolk, carrot, sea buckthorn, tomato, zucchini, pumpkin, spinach

ascorbic acid (C)

lemon, orange, tomato, sweet pepper, wild rose, dill, spinach, sea buckthorn, cabbage, black currant, green onion

calciferol (D)

mackerel, herring, cod liver, caviar, veal, butter, mushrooms, egg, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream

Vitamins for energy in tablets

Currently, pharmacies offer a huge range of drugs and dietary supplements to restore vitality and energy for people of all ages and health conditions. They should be consumed if natural sources of nutrients are not available for some reason. The following vitamin and mineral complexes are most popular:

  • Doppel Herz Energotonic;
  • Dynamizan.
  1. Alphabet Energy. The drug is designed to replenish strength during hard work and outdoor activities. Thanks to its effect, working capacity and brain activity are improved, the body quickly comes into shape after a hard and eventful day.
  2. Supradin. A complex of vitamins and minerals is recommended for the prevention of nutritional deficiencies during strict diets, high mental and physical stress, after chemotherapy and antibiotics. It also strengthens the immune system after infectious diseases.
  3. Vitrum Energy. An excellent remedy for overwork, chronic fatigue syndrome, nervous exhaustion. The drug returns vitality, efficiency, vivacity and activity, fights the effects of stress.
  4. Gerimaks Energy. The vitamin-mineral complex is designed to restore the body after severe and long-term illnesses. It also helps to improve concentration and memory, to relax after intense physical or mental work.
  5. Doppel Herz Energotonic. A solution of vitamins and other nutrients is recommended to be taken during rehabilitation after surgical operations and protracted illnesses, with mental and emotional disorders, nervous and physical overload. It helps to increase activity, improve brain activity, mindfulness and health with strict diets and malnutrition.
  6. Dynamizan. The drug helps the body to resist stress and negative environmental factors. It also eliminates the effects of nervous and physical exhaustion, stimulates the brain, increases energy and endurance.

When using vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements, do not forget about observing the rules of administration and dosage. To prevent overdose, you should carefully read the instructions.

Ecology of life: Life energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, the mood splashes over the edge, and you understand that you can turn the mountain without being out of breath

Life energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, then the mood splashes over the edge, and you understand that you can turn the mountain without being out of breath. And, on the contrary, when the energy ends, thoughts and movements become lethargic, you feel tired, and gradually realize that you have only two urgent needs: where to sleep, and how to make sure that no one interferes with this.

The Chinese call it "Qi", and even created the whole Chinese medicine Qigong, which translates as "control of Qi". But, perhaps, today I do not have enough Qi to write an article about Qigong, and I will simply tell you about several ways available to everyone to pump their life energy.

Exercise every day

Regular exercise is the easiest way to increase vitality. Exercise increases breathing and blood flow, which means that every cell in your body receives more oxygen and nutrients than at rest. And the better your cells feel, the better you feel, and the more energy you have.

If you are not a sports fan and your goal is only to increase energy, then you do not need to stick to the system. Do any exercise that puts a strain on your muscles, but do it regularly. Do morning exercises, run, jump rope, swim, ride a bike - any activity is good.

healthy eating

Your life energy is directly related to what you eat. Stuff your mouth with junk food and your energy level will drop. If you regularly eat unhealthy and artificial food, then depending on your attitude towards religion, your energy will either be deposited in the fat compartments of the body, or flow out through a special point in the middle of the forehead.

In products that have gone through a long and complex cycle of industrial processing, there cannot be many vitamins, minerals and other useful substances that are so necessary for the body. If they can be there at all. And that is why you should pay attention to the most natural and healthy food. If you want meat - take raw chicken breasts and cook instead of buying sausage or sausages. If you want milk - take ordinary cottage cheese instead of the beautifully packaged “Miracle Curd”. And, of course, your biggest friends should be fruits and vegetables. They will increase your vital energy.


Our body has two states: hungry and full. In a hungry state, the body supplies energy to all systems and organs harmoniously and evenly, while cleansing and removing toxins. In a full state, almost all the energy goes into the stomach, and this explains the sleepy and dull state of satiety after a hearty meal. Intermittent systemic fasting will allow you to better cleanse the body, and not spend most of the energy on digesting food (especially the harmful ones from point 2). I didn’t just say systemic - you need to starve according to your mind, and not at random, and this is a topic for a completely different article.

drink water

It would be logical to write “drink coffee” at this place, since coffee is a well-known and simple energy drink. However, I am opposed to increasing some parameters of the body at the expense of the deterioration of others, and coffee in this regard is a very controversial drink. Therefore, I can call ordinary drinking water the best drink to increase vitality. Water helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, water is a source of oxygen and nutrients, after all, our body is largely made up of water. Therefore, to increase energy, instead of alcohol and coffee, drink plain water, and at least a liter and a half per day.

normal sleep

This is another prerequisite for maintaining a high level of energy. The body of a person who does not get enough sleep does not have time to properly cleanse, recover and prepare for a new day, and as a result, every such day is given more and more difficult. The presence of a computer, the Internet, and a lot of entertainment in it, like games and social networks, gives many temptations to stay up. It even comes to information addiction - this is when you are sitting at the computer, you have done everything, you seem to get up and go to bed, but you cannot tear yourself away from the screen and climb to read or watch at least something else. In this case, weak vital energy is provided to you - and not only due to lack of sleep.

Multitasking exception

All sorts of energy gurus are often silent about this, but I am not a guru and I will say it. An obscene amount of energy is consumed by our multitasking when we take on several things at once. Therefore, if such situations often occur to you, think about how this can be avoided. Perhaps some time management techniques and organization of work activities will help. In general, do things in order, do not start the second case without finishing the first, and you will be happy.

The tips above are just the beginning. Choose what is most convenient for you, and soon your energy will increase. But if you do not know where to start, I will offer you something that has helped me a lot - follow a normal sleep pattern, point 5. Perhaps sleep provides the most significant influx of energy. published

The energy of the body is a force that fills a person from the inside. Each person should be able to save, accumulate and properly distribute their energy. Because when it is not enough, a person becomes lethargic, his efficiency decreases, and he begins to get tired quickly. Someone might think that this mainly concerns the elderly, but the younger generation also has a decrease in the energy of the body.

Energy of the body - what is it?

The energy of the body is its potential and a certain amount of energy inside each person, which is required for life. Energy fills every person and its level is different for everyone. Our health, vitality and, of course, our mood depend on its quantity. With a sufficient amount of energy in the body, we get sick less often, we feel enough strength to perform actions and enjoy life.

We are always in high spirits and we do not notice the negativity around us. Also, the energy of our body is responsible for intellectual growth, physical processes occurring inside us and immunity. There is an opinion that our body receives energy from food or physical activity, after which we feel a surge of strength. We need loads to keep the body in good shape, and food is just a building material for cells. These processes produce only rough energy for the vital activity of the physical body.

The energy of the body is completely different, it is more spiritual and enters the body through completely different channels. It is very good if a person's physical energy is on the same level with the energy of the body, then everything is in order for a person and all processes proceed normally. The energy of the body must always be maintained, developed and increased, then your physical condition will be in order.

How to increase the energy of the body

The easiest way to increase and increase the energy of the body is to get in touch with the beautiful. It is in these moments when we look at beautiful objects, masterpieces of art, walk in a beautiful park or are in an unusually beautiful place, our energy increases, we are overwhelmed with positive emotions and vitality appears. The energy that is contained in the surrounding space and which we are able to perceive through breathing has 4 states of vibrations, corresponds to 4 colors and 4 chakras.

Red color - the energy necessary for the life of the physical organism, vital energy.

Yellow energy is necessary for thinking, mental processes.

Blue energy - necessary for the development of higher chakras, develops super consciousness.

White energy is necessary for higher mental activity: clairvoyance, perception of thoughts.

It is necessary to saturate the following parts of the body with red energy - the lower abdomen, genitals and the back of the head.

Yellow energy should be saturated with the upper chest, throat chakra and forehead.

Blue energy - the solar plexus, the heart chakra and the crown of the head.

White energy should be filled with arms, legs, feet, hands and face.

Sit on a chair. Keep your spine straight. Relax. The legs are a little apart, they should not be connected. First of all, exhale all the air that is in the chest. Then within 7 sec. inhale slowly, closing your eyes, imagining that you are inhaling red energy in the form of a red mist, 1 sec. hold your breath, then on a count of 7 exhale into the lower abdomen, genitals, filling them with red energy and into the back of the head. You can imagine 2 streams, one flowing down and the other up.

Then also inhale yellow energy, directing it as you exhale to the upper chest and forehead.

Then inhale blue energy, directing it as you exhale into the solar plexus, heart chakra and lotus.

After that, you inhale white energy, filling your arms, legs, face with it.

All these exercises will take 3 minutes. 12 sec.

Exercises increase energy reserves, develop clairvoyance, the ability to feel more subtle vibrations.

How energy affects the body

The energy of the body has two states - weak and strong. Each of them affects and manifests itself in completely different ways.

With a weak energy of the body, a person manifests: depression, apathy, fatigue; poor health, chronic diseases, frequent viral diseases; insecurity, lack of interest in life, phobias and other symptoms.
