Breastfeeding after cesarean: features of the postoperative period. Feeding a baby born by caesarean section

The operation of caesarean section causes expectant mothers a lot of anxiety for their own health and the health of the baby. The main concerns are related to breastfeeding, because it is widely believed that it is extremely difficult to establish lactation after surgery. The first attachment to the breast and the arrival of milk in such a situation have their own characteristics. The task of a young mother is to take them into account, follow the recommendations of doctors, and then the result will be successful.

The nuances of breastfeeding after caesarean section

The amount of milk a woman has directly depends on how often the baby is applied to the breast and how early the first feeding took place. According to the World Health Organization, sufficient sucking activity in a newborn should develop within 6 hours after birth. It is important to consider this time interval for successful feeding. With a caesarean section, the first application is optimal an hour after the operation: a baby who has not passed through the natural birth canal takes more time to adapt and activate the sucking urge. To produce milk, regardless of how actively the child sucks, it is applied at each request until the reflex reaches the desired intensity.

With a caesarean section, there are additional factors that affect the first attachment of the baby to the breast:

  • The type of anesthesia used. With epidural anesthesia, the woman in labor remains conscious, drugs are injected into the cerebrospinal fluid and relieve sensitivity only from the lower body. After removing the baby, it is immediately placed on the mother's chest, this allows you to achieve the same result as with natural childbirth. With general anesthesia, more time passes before the first application - you need to wait until the mother comes out of anesthesia.
  • Special postures for feeding. Given the presence of a postoperative suture and drainage, you need to feed in positions that exclude pressure on the stomach - from under the arm, on the side.
  • Stay in one room. It is necessary that the child be with the mother, as soon as she is strong enough - then she can often apply it to the breast. If the woman in labor is in intensive care, then early first feeding is impossible. In this case, it is important to organize it as soon as possible, to avoid bottle supplementing and to ensure regular pumping of the breast to stimulate the flow of milk.
  • Taking antibiotic drugs. If complications arise during the operation, the woman in labor may be prescribed antibiotics that exclude breastfeeding. In this case, it is important to follow two rules: regular pumping and feeding the baby with mixtures from a spoon, and not from a bottle. The first application occurs after the complete release of the drug from the woman's body.

Photo gallery: acceptable positions for breastfeeding after caesarean section

The position from under the arm requires placing a pillow under the baby when feeding to eliminate tension in the abdomen after a cesarean section Attaching the baby to the breast in the supine position is comfortable for the mother after the operation The position when feeding over the shoulder allows you to completely eliminate the effect of the baby on the stomach

Causes of lack of milk after surgery

Lack of breast milk, as evidenced by the crying of the child after feeding, refusal to sleep and rare urination, occurs due to various reasons:

  • complications after the operation, an infectious disease of a young mother;
  • malnutrition, disturbed drinking regimen - often the cause of a small amount of milk is a lack of fluid and nutrients in the diet of the woman herself;
  • taking prescribed medications - after a cesarean section, you can’t do without drugs, they are necessary to prevent complications and speedy recovery of the woman in labor;
  • psychological trauma resulting from a caesarean section;
  • decrease in lactation due to the fact that the mother did not decant, being separate from the child;
  • refusal of frequent feeding due to pain in the suture area.

In the establishment of lactation, not only the correct behavior after the operation, but also the tactics chosen by the doctor for its implementation play an important role. The optimal solution is considered to be a planned caesarean section after the onset of contractions - in this case, the woman's body produces hormones responsible for contractions, and the flow of milk is significantly accelerated. If the date is set in advance and the operation is not preceded by the natural onset of labor, the process may be delayed.

Video: obstetrician about breastfeeding after cesarean section

Methods of stimulation of lactation in the postoperative period

When the first attachment to the breast was successful, and the baby has already learned to actively suck, it is important for the mother to stimulate lactation so that the baby has enough milk. This requires proper diet and breast care.

Power correction

The amount of milk for a nursing mother will help to increase:

  • hot broths and soups from lean meat and fish - they must be added to the daily diet;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal in water or milk;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits (carrots, radishes, pumpkins, onions, figs, prunes, apples, etc.), as well as juices from them;
  • fermented milk drinks;
  • rosehip broth, hot tea with sugar;
  • greens (as an additive to dishes): cumin, dill, anise, lettuce.

Photo gallery: products that help produce milk

Oatmeal and buckwheat contain complex carbohydrates Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals Dairy products are rich in calcium and will ensure good digestion. Rosehip decoction has a lactogenic effect Light soups and broths stimulate lactation

For effective breastfeeding, an additional 500 kcal per day is required. It is necessary to get them at the expense of low-fat protein products (meat, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, etc.), vegetables and fruits, and not bakery products and sweets.

It is important to remember about products that interfere with the abundant production of milk - they should be completely abandoned. Prohibited foods include canned food, smoked meats, spicy dishes and spices, parsley, mint and sage.

breast massage

A gentle massage of the glands before the next feeding or pumping into a bottle will help improve the production and outflow of milk from the breast. It should be done gently and carefully, 5-10 minutes twice a day.

  • Moving from above, make circular movements with your fingers with moderate pressure. In one zone, fix for a few seconds, then move lower to the nipple. It is important to carefully work out each zone.
  • Stroke the breast from top to bottom, towards the nipple.
  • Leaning forward slightly, gently shake your chest.
  • Pinch the nipple between the thumb and forefinger and stimulate it with light movements.

After the massage, a warm shower is useful with the direction of a jet of water in turn on each of the mammary glands.

Massage should not tire or bring discomfort.

Video: how to establish breastfeeding after cesarean section

The formation of lactation after caesarean section has certain difficulties. But it is possible to overcome them. Believe in yourself, put the baby to the breast more often, follow the recommendations of the doctors, and everything will definitely work out.

Many women expecting a caesarean section (CS) worry about breastfeeding. There is a misconception that breastfeeding after a caesarean section is very difficult, if not impossible. But not everything is as bad as it seems. A woman can breastfeed after any childbirth, and even if the woman did not give birth (“nurses” were women not necessarily after childbirth). You just need to put in more effort and you'll be fine! Read about it in the article. And one more thing: after a difficult birth or CS, women often experience a sense of guilt, some alienation in relation to the baby. Breastfeeding will help you overcome these feelings and understand that you are giving your baby the very best. In order to successfully establish breastfeeding after a caesarean section, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

1. Timely attachment to the breast If the baby is born naturally, then it is usually applied to the breast 20 to 30 minutes after birth. Early attachment to the breast is the key to a successful start of breastfeeding. Sucking activity in a newborn begins to appear approximately 30 minutes after birth. During the first application, he sucks on each breast for half an hour. In children born with the help of CS, sucking activity is very low, or completely absent. In this case, it is necessary to apply the child only an hour after the birth. If the baby refuses, then offer the breast later and so on until the baby begins to suckle the breast fully. If it is not possible to put the baby to the breast immediately when he shows sucking activity, then it is important to remember that the baby's sucking activity persists for 6 hours after birth. Therefore, you should try to breastfeed your baby during these 6 hours. This statement is proved by world practice. Important rule! The first thing that should be in the baby's mouth after birth is the mother's breast! It doesn’t matter when the application occurred - immediately after childbirth or after a few hours. The baby must suck on the mother's breast for one hour. Only after that, if necessary, it is possible to supplement, feed the child with a mixture. In order not to violate this condition and so that the contact between the child and mother is comfortable, you need to agree on this in advance with the doctors, or ask your relatives to take care of this. Thus, all fears are exaggerated. If you correctly approach this issue, success is guaranteed.

2. The intensive care unit? How to be? After a caesarean section, the woman is transferred to the intensive care unit and left there for up to 1-3 days. In Russian maternity hospitals, unfortunately, the joint stay of the baby and mother in intensive care is not allowed. In other countries, cohabitation is prohibited only if the mother or baby is on artificial respiration. Therefore, for women giving birth in Russia, it is necessary to agree in advance with doctors about feeding the child. Remember, dear women, it is your right to breastfeed your child. If the woman in labor is in intensive care, and there is no way to feed the baby, then you must ask not to feed the baby these days. On the first day, the child sucks out only 10 ml of colostrum, on the second day after birth - 30 ml. These volumes are insignificant, and the baby will not feel hungry. If a woman was transferred to a regular ward, then you need to take into account the fact that one of the relatives should always be there and take care of the baby. If the doctor recommends supplementing the baby, relatives will be able to supplement the baby from a spoon. If the mother is still separated from the child for a long time, there is no need to be upset. You need to use this time for a good rest. And the next day after giving birth, start pumping. A midwife can teach you how to express properly, as it is not easy to do it on your own for the first time. With proper pumping and the readiness of the mother to retrain the child to suckle, success is guaranteed!

3. Lack of milk There are studies suggesting that an emergency caesarean section may delay the start of lactation (Dewey et al. 2003; Grajeda and Perez-Escamilla 2002; Rowe-Murray Fisher 2002; Hartmann 1987). Many women produce less milk after a caesarean section than the baby needs. The situation improves somewhere on the 9th day after birth. In this case, the child must be supplemented, weighing all the “pros” and “cons” of supplementary feeding: firstly, different women produce colostrum in different quantities, and secondly, the baby experiences physiological weight loss in the first days. The test to see if supplementation is needed is the "wet diaper" test. Normally, in the first three days after birth, the baby usually stains only 2 diapers per day, in the next three days (from 3 to 6 days) - 4, then (from the 6th day) - at least 6 diapers per day. These are the lower limits of the norm, there may be more dirty diapers. If the baby was born weak and cannot fully suckle the mother’s breast, it is necessary to supplement it with expressed mother’s milk. Due to supplementary feeding, the baby will become stronger and will quickly gain weight and height. In the future, he will be able to suck on his own breast. It must be remembered that if there is a shortage of breast milk, normal lactation helps to establish breast stimulation by the child - frequent attachment of the child to the breast after the COP is necessary as soon as possible. Bottles and pacifiers are the enemy of breastfeeding. It is necessary to supplement the baby either from a spoon, pipette, or from a syringe. The breast should be offered to the baby before and after complementary foods and supplementation should be monitored using the “wet diaper” test. Remember that a lot of women successfully breastfeed after CS.

4. Relearning If the baby was bottle-fed, the attachment to the breast is broken, the baby does not grasp the nipple correctly. You can achieve proper attachment to the breast in a few days. To do this, call a breastfeeding specialist. All difficulties are surmountable. If necessary, you can always seek help from specialists. The sooner you solve problems, the better for mom and her baby.

5. Support group It would be good to create a support group of close people who are determined to establish breastfeeding. To do this, the child's father and relatives, who will be next to the woman in labor for the first time, explain the importance of breastfeeding. And, of course, you need to find the phone number of a breastfeeding specialist in advance. And if necessary, invite him immediately to the hospital. Sometimes a woman may be faced with the fact that she cannot breastfeed her baby, or the baby does not suckle her well. In this case, be sure to invite a breastfeeding consultant: the sooner you start correcting this, the faster the baby will learn to properly latch on and suckle. Sometimes, under pressure from others, it is easier to give up and switch to artificial feeding. Therefore, it is important that you have a support group, which may also include a friend or acquaintance who has a positive experience with breastfeeding.

Women should not worry if attachment to the breast did not take place within an hour after the birth of the baby. Breastfeeding after cesarean is quite possible to establish. Of course, it will be a little more difficult. But if you wish, everything will work out. So, let's learn about it in detail.

What day does milk appear after a caesarean section?

Breastfeeding experts advise ensuring that a newborn is fed for the first time within 6 hours of birth. Indeed, at this time, the baby has a high sucking activity.

Applying to the mammary glands stimulates the process of milk secretion. But with caesareans, the circumstances are a little different, natural breast stimulation does not occur immediately.

When does milk arrive after a caesarean section?

There is no single answer to this question. Approximately 5-10 days. Yes, at first there will be little milk. In order for colostrum to turn into milk, and lactation does not fade away at the beginning, it is very important for a woman to periodically express. This must be done while she is in the intensive care unit, and does not have the opportunity to feed the child. Expression of colostrum is a signal to the body that milk is in demand, it needs to be produced more. Breast stimulation in the early days will ensure its production in the future.

So, on the first day after the operation, you need to rest. But for the second pumping, it is desirable to carry out with an interval of 2 hours. Each breast should be given 4-5 minutes.

What could be the problems

They can be caused by several factors. The first is the impossibility of early attachment to the breast and, accordingly, the lack of its natural stimulation, the late arrival of milk. Problems with breastfeeding after CS can be caused by medications used, including antibiotics.

A dummy and bottle feeding is an equally significant factor that interferes with feeding. After all, this attribute makes the baby lazy, it is difficult for him to adapt to grab his mother's nipple. But the child can be taught the correct grip, you need to take the chest with your hand closer to the areola, place it in the crumbs' mouth as deep as possible.

As for laziness, unwillingness to suck on the breast, it is much more difficult to deal with this. If the baby was fed from a bottle for several days, got used to the “easy life” and did not put much effort into sucking, then the mother will need a lot of patience and perseverance.

How to breastfeed after a caesarean section

So, pumping colostrum, breast stimulation in the first days after the operation will help to establish the production of breast milk. To facilitate the process, a woman can use a breast pump. The main thing is not to worry that there is not enough milk in the breast.

If the baby is in the ward with his mother, then he needs to be fed on demand. Yes, perhaps the milk will drop by drop, and the child will get tired of sucking it. This is a variant of the norm. We need to transfer the baby to the other breast. Some mothers recall that at first they kept their babies for a long time, thus stimulating the natural mechanism for the arrival of milk and forcing the baby to work, suck. It is difficult for a woman herself, because a long stay in one position leads to the fact that her back and muscles become numb. Still, patience and perseverance in the first week after CS will pay off later. Milk will begin to arrive in sufficient quantities, and the feeding situation will normalize.

Often this delivery option requires antibiotics to prevent possible complications. Naturally, women are worried about how these drugs, getting into the blood, will be displayed on feeding, how they will affect the baby. There is no unequivocal opinion on this matter, and in any case, a woman in labor should consult a doctor, ask in advance to choose the safest medicine for her so that it does not interfere with breastfeeding.

She needs to know what she can eat and what is strictly forbidden. Sour-milk products, cottage cheese, cereals, vegetables, consumed in small portions and often, help to establish lactation and restore strength.

In the early days, the baby does not have enough mother's milk, so you need to know how to breastfeed after a cesarean section. If supplementary feeding is needed, then his newborn should be given from a spoon, and not from a bottle. One serving is 30 ml. If the baby is premature, then it should be at the mother's breast at will, it must be fed on demand. Mommy needs to take more fluids to stimulate milk production. For feeding, she needs to choose comfortable positions. And, of course, the most important thing is patience and a positive psychological attitude, the ability to fully relax. Then the female body will soon return to normal and regulate the mechanisms inherent in it by nature.

Specially for -Diana Rudenko

There is a widespread belief that breastfeeding after a caesarean section is difficult to establish, as a woman faces many problems. However, any woman in labor finds herself in a similar situation, problems can arise even with traditional childbirth. The main difficulty in this situation is the presence of complications, difficult childbirth, stay in intensive care - a huge stress for the body.

With a planned caesarean section, the possibility of artificial feeding is doubled, and with a natural birth, women are less likely to switch to formula feeding. In any case, it is necessary to develop an optimal regimen for mother and child.

It is very important to attach the baby to the breast immediately after his birth.

How does lactation develop?

Scientists have long proven that the amount of breast milk directly depends on the frequency of applying crumbs to the breast. It is better to do this immediately after birth - so lactation normalizes faster.

International experience shows that breastfeeding after cesarean occurs almost immediately after the baby is born (see also:). Sucking activity may be low, then you need to wait. At each urge of the newborn, he is given a breast until he begins to actively suck.

There are nuances of feeding a child:

  • Time depends on anesthesia. If sparing preparations were used, you can let it go to the chest right away. When using general anesthesia, it is worth waiting for the withdrawal of all harmful substances - it is better to discuss the timing with your doctor.
  • Sucking activity appears within six hours. When the baby begins to suck, the mother's body will be able to establish lactation, to establish the optimal production of the milk necessary for feeding (we recommend reading:).
  • Attach the baby to the chest (we recommend reading:). You can not use substitutes, pacifiers, nipples, bottles, the newborn should try the natural taste (we recommend reading:). If this point is not followed, the chance of breastfeeding will decrease.
  • Use comfortable postures. It is optimal to feed the baby from under the arm so that there is no pressure on the stomach. In the chosen position, it should be comfortable for both you and the child.

In medical institutions of a high level of service, the child and mother are allowed to stay in the same room even after a cesarean. This increases the chances of normal feeding, so it is worth discussing the possibility of leaving the child with you during elective surgery.

What to do if early feeding is not possible?

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World practice is disappointing: early attachment of babies is extremely rare, so breastfeeding a child after a cesarean section is difficult. Women with their baby are often in different rooms, mom can be prescribed antibiotics. What to do in such a situation? Is there an optimal solution for this situation?

Being in intensive care

Usually, after the operation, the woman is placed in the intensive care unit for a couple of days. Breastfeeding a child is impossible - he is simply not around. The behavior of a woman in labor in such a situation should be as follows:

  • Demand that the child be brought to you immediately. There is an international convention, according to which the staff is obliged to organize the stay of the mother and child in the same room, even if this applies to the intensive care unit. There is only one exception to this rule - the child needs an artificial respiration apparatus.
  • The child needs to be fed with a spoon (we recommend reading:). If you are in the hospital for a long time, you cannot participate in feeding, ask close relatives to feed the baby with a spoon, a special drinker, a syringe without a needle. It is important that he develops a sucking reflex - breastfeeding even after a cesarean can be adjusted faster.
  • . As a standard, milk arrives on the third day, during operations this period increases to 5 or 10 (we recommend reading:). It is necessary to organize pumping, doing them as early as possible. The optimal time is 10 minutes every 2 hours, at night you need to take a break, sleep well. It does not matter that at this time there will be little milk, your goal is not to express a large amount, but to send a signal to the body that it is already necessary to feed the baby. The procedure can be carried out by hand or.

This tactic leads to the fact that lactation is quickly improving. Food appears, the baby gets used to the breast.

In order to start lactation faster, express milk with your hands or with a breast pump.

Taking antibiotics

To avoid complications after surgery, a woman is always prescribed antibiotics. If the caesarean section occurs without complications, it is possible to use sparing drugs, such that are compatible with lactation.

You can check with your doctor about how safe the drugs are. If these funds are acceptable, do not be afraid to feed the baby. Through the chest, harmful substances will not be transmitted to the baby, they simply are not absorbed by the body, they cannot be harmful.

If antibiotics prevent feeding, you should act as if the baby is separate:

  • Spoon feed him. The drugs will have to be taken for 3-7 days, at which time the baby will have to be fed with mixtures. If he is in your room, self-feed with a spoon.
  • Express yourself. Do it with your hands or with suction. So the fluid will come faster, lactation after a complex caesarean section is normalized. By the time the medication is stopped, you will be able to breastfeed your baby without any problems.

Actions for lack of milk

Often, even after resuscitation was in the past, and you put the baby to the chest, there was no milk coming. The situation is standard, even if you followed all the requirements and pumped regularly. Why is this happening? There are several reasons:

  • Pumping is not effective enough, unlike sucking. However, it is this procedure that allows you to ensure a minimum when there is no milk at all.
  • Milk comes within 9 days after the operation. If you don't have much natural food for your baby, you don't need to introduce formula feeding. A small volume is enough for a baby, especially in the first days of life.

If breastfeeding is not possible, try feeding your baby with a spoon or syringe

Does the child need supplementary feeding?

The WHO wet diaper test helps determine if a baby is getting enough nutrition. What activities does it include? You must watch how often the child urinates. In the first two days of life, the amount should be two times daily, from the third day it increases to four, from the sixth to six. If "going to the toilet" occurs at this level, additional complementary foods are not needed. The minimum amount will be enough for 10 days of life.

When is supplementation needed? Its introduction is necessary in the following cases:

  • The baby is premature. In such small crumbs, the sucking reflex is impaired, they cannot suck out enough milk on their own, so pumping and regular feeding are required.
  • Your milk is not enough. If the wet diaper test fails, supplementation should be given immediately. The child does not receive the right food, he is weak, nervous, cannot stimulate lactation. This leads to inferior development, deviations, diseases, the baby does not sleep, constantly wants to eat.

You can use the wet diaper test to determine if your baby is full.

Supplementation rules

In order to stabilize feeding after caesarean section, introduce supplementary feeding correctly. To do this, follow a few rules:

  • Choose the right way. In the maternity hospital, bottles with nipples are usually used, but you should refuse them, use a spoon, pipette, syringe if the child is in the same room with you.
  • Act consistently. At the beginning of the procedure, apply the baby to the breast, then feed him with a spoon or pipette, complete the process with the same application.
  • Volume is also important. Regardless of how much milk is produced, in the first 10 days of life, you should not give more than 30 mg at a time. Exceeding volumes is also harmful, digestion and general well-being of the crumbs may be disturbed.
  • Switch to natural feeding. The diaper test should be done every three days, as soon as the number of urination returns to normal, reduce the amount of supplementary feeding. If your milk is enough, you need to completely abandon the mixture.

Normalization of lactation after cesarean is a hot topic for mothers who have given birth in this way (for more details, see the article:). If you believe the reviews and recommendations of doctors, the problem is easy to solve. Just follow the established procedure, which will allow you to stabilize the situation within a week. With early supplementation, it is possible to bring the problem under control within two weeks.

Operation by caesarean section is performed frequently today. The weighty indications existing in medicine for this operation (severe preeclampsia, an absolutely narrow pelvis, etc.) are often accompanied by somewhat different reasons. The financial side of the issue is often interpreted ambiguously. Also, delivery in this way is more difficult when the mother’s body is restored, a longer period of adaptation is observed in the baby.

It can be difficult to establish breastfeeding in such a situation, because mother and baby are often separated or excessively weakened for comfortable breastfeeding. At the same time, it is important for a newborn at these moments to feel maternal warmth nearby and receive the most valuable colostrum - an indispensable component for successful postpartum adaptation. It is important for mom to understand that a caesarean section is not a reason to deprive the baby of miracle milk, breastfeeding in this situation must be organized in a timely and competent manner.

Feeding a baby with breast milk is a harmonious process that responds subtly to the needs of the child. As the liquid is removed from the mother's breast, milk again arrives in the required amount. If the gland is not emptied in a timely manner, its amount may decrease or the milk may disappear altogether.

Birth is the first important event in a baby's life. When the process proceeds naturally, the baby is prepared for the surrounding changes and overcoming the difficult path by interacting with the mother emotionally (hormonally). In the case of a caesarean section, the baby simply does not know that he was born. A baby born naturally gets acquainted with the necessary bacteria, its sterile organism is populated by the maternal microflora, passing through the birth canal. From this moment on, the child lives in a new environment, the formation of his own bacterial environment, which is important for the development of the baby's immunity, starts.

Children born through surgery enter the pathogenic microflora of the hospital ward. At the same time, many "local" pathogenic bacteria are immune to the effects of antibiotics. Such an unfavorable environment awaits the baby immediately after birth. Therefore, lactation after caesarean section is so important for the newborn. After all, the first breast milk (colostrum), in addition to nutrients, water and vitamins, also contains the antibodies and probiotics necessary for the baby, which provide the most valuable immune defense to the child's body, form the microflora in the intestines. In addition, colostrum does not overload the gastrointestinal tract of children. Small, but nutritious doses of this valuable fluid are able to fully saturate the baby, weakened after exposure to anesthesia.

Sometimes you can hear claims that breastfeeding after a caesarean section is impossible or often ineffective. Such arguments are erroneous and are more likely associated with some features of the stay of the mother and baby after the operation.

Anesthesia and taking analgesics

When milk comes in after childbirth, the mother feels its rush in the glands and is ready to feed, new worries arise. Unrest is connected with the fact that the drugs used for treatment, getting into milk, negatively affect the condition of the newborn. As a rule, the means used for caesarean section are compatible with breastfeeding. If the nursing mother has the choice of anesthesia, epidural anesthesia is preferable in this case. Her choice will allow the child to recover faster from the effects of the drug and begin to get acquainted with his mother's breasts. By prior arrangement and subject to local anesthesia, it is possible to attach the baby to the breast even in the operating room, even after a caesarean section. In the case of general anesthesia, the first application will have to be delayed. This also applies to situations where the baby needs medical care.

As a rule, after a caesarean section, antibiotics are used. Drugs with a short half-life are preferred when breastfeeding. Talk to your doctor about medications you are taking. Sometimes a woman has to stop lactation due to taking medications that are not recommended for lactation. Try to clarify with the medical staff the duration of the course of treatment with drugs and the period for which you want to stop guards.

Features of separation and first application

The operation of caesarean section often involves a separate stay of mother and baby for an average of 1 to 3 days, depending on the circumstances. This time mommy is in the intensive care unit. The danger of such separation from the baby lies not only in the lack of close interaction with the mother necessary for the baby, but also in actions that are unfavorable for future lactation (the use of nipples, mixtures, etc.).

Mommy should start as soon as her condition allows. A woman can start breastfeeding after a caesarean section as soon as she comes out of anesthesia. Breast sucking is necessary both for the formation of lactation and for the restoration of the mother's body. Drugs that are used during surgery usually do not prevent the start of full feeding.

It is extremely necessary in the postoperative period for a nursing mother and baby to support loved ones and medical workers. It is great if the staff will assist the woman in her efforts to establish breastfeeding, help to choose a comfortable position for feeding, and control the baby's breast capture. The existing recommendations for the organization of feeding after surgery will help the development of processes faster:

  • Try to feed your baby when he is calm. If the baby increases the likelihood of improper capture of the nipple and, as a result, damage to it.
  • Whenever possible, the head of the mother's hospital bed is raised at an angle of 30°. The naked baby is laid on the naked torso of the mother, covered with a flannel diaper. Such skin-to-skin contact triggers reflexes in the baby's body (search, sucking), the baby is self-attached to the breast. This position is considered optimal for breastfeeding after surgery.
  • It is easier to establish lactation if you can attach the baby to the breast in the first six hours after the operation. This is the period of the highest sucking activity of the baby. Mommy's breast should be the first thing the baby is offered for feeding.
  • If the baby is weakened, you need to orient him, stimulate the sucking reflex, irritating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nasolabial triangle. At this stage, it is important to provide the baby with the opportunity for unlimited sucking and being near the mother. Let the baby suckle as much as necessary - this is how the need for nutrition is satisfied, establishes close contact with the mother, the newborn calms down.
  • Try to make attachments to both breasts in one feeding. This will help speed up the processes of milk production, increase the amount.
  • At each feeding, it is important to control the correct sucking technique and the position of the baby at the breast.
  • If the baby sucks sluggishly, express milk after feeding. If the baby suckles the breast for a long time and actively, correctly grasping the nipple, this is evidence of full feeding.

Why nipples, pacifiers and pads should not be used

In the case of natural childbirth, when born, the baby immediately gets acquainted with the mother's breast. After a planned operation, in separation from the mother, the child often first gets acquainted with the mixture and the nipple, and later breastfeeding is practiced. The technique for obtaining food from the female breast and its artificial counterpart are fundamentally different. Consultants for HS call the process of acquiring the skills of suckling the breast or nipple, remembering the object of sucking - imprinting. Sucking on a pacifier does not require the baby to exert the effort that he needs to make when receiving food from his mother's breast. As a result, when alternating such different means of obtaining food, the baby chooses a simple and easy way familiar to him initially - by obtaining food from the nipple, refusing his mother's breast. Therefore, it is important, if the separation from the child is long, to choose other ways of feeding the baby:

  • spoon feeding;
  • supplementary feeding from a syringe on the finger;
  • supplementary feeding from a pipette and other methods.

Such feeding is carried out by medical workers or close people after a preliminary agreement. It’s great if mommy can express valuable colostrum and pass it on to the baby. This will help the baby to get stronger faster, and in this way the mother will be able, by supporting lactation, to prevent the problem of milk insufficiency.

The danger also lies in the fact that the baby, using the technique of grabbing the nipple to the mother's breast, may incorrectly take the breast, injuring her. As a result, the mother experiences discomfort when feeding, and the baby may not receive the necessary amount of valuable milk. The use of pads for cracked breasts can also disorientate the child.

The baby, who initially received a bottle with the mixture, gets used to feeding according to the regimen, sleeps longer, takes the breast in his usual position. However, restoring full breastfeeding after caesarean section is also possible. In the heredity of the child lies the method of obtaining food from the mother's breast. As soon as the mother begins to establish the feeding given by nature, the program laid down by genetics for the baby turns on.

In the baby's body, endorphins (happiness hormones) begin to be produced only with close contact with the mother, with the correct position of the child and under the condition of feeding on demand (you can get more information). Compliance with these principles will also help to establish lactation faster: the gland will produce the amount of valuable product necessary for the crumbs.

Do not overly insist on offering breasts. It is important to act gently, gradually reducing supplementary feeding and the time the baby is on breast substitutes. You can offer a breast to a child in a sleepy state after 1–1.5 hours from the start of sleep, immediately after it. Be sure to practice co-sleeping, arrange night feedings. At the same time, do not forget about the correct sucking technique and the location of the crumbs.

On what day after the operation milk will come depends on the time interval between childbirth and the first attachment of the baby to the breast, on how actively the baby empties the breast, on the mother’s readiness to breastfeed on demand, etc.

About milk deficiency after caesarean section and the rules for maintaining lactation

Sometimes a young mother, starting to express breast milk, in the first days after childbirth, can make erroneous conclusions that the nutrient fluid is disappearing. A woman often does not feel the rush of fluid to the glands - she does not notice the moment when milk comes.

The first portions of colostrum, which may appear in the form of just a few drops, are very high in calories and may well meet the needs of the baby in the substances he needs.

Of course, the very process of unnatural childbirth, a long separation from the baby, a delay in early attachment to the breast can lead to the fact that milk can only come on the ninth day after birth, already outside the maternity hospital. Throughout this period of lack of milk, the baby receives supplementary feeding, and the mother must make efforts to stimulate lactation. When milk appears, the most regulator of its quantity is the frequent and prolonged sucking of the breast by the baby. But, due to circumstances, the mother and the baby are separated, and it is necessary to organize an alternative method of stimulation by decanting or. These actions should be carried out no later than 2-3 hours after childbirth, repeating them regularly every 2-3 hours for 20-30 minutes on each breast. At the same time, the volumes of expressed milk are of secondary importance - the very fact of breast stimulation is important. The milk production mechanism thus developed will make it somewhat easier for the weakened baby to suckle and receive food.

Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that the mechanisms of lactation in the case of unnatural childbirth proceed more slowly. Timely contact and stimulation of the nipple will help both mother and baby to fully experience harmonious breastfeeding.

It is useful for a woman to drink more warm liquids, apply compresses, which can also stimulate the appearance of milk, facilitate its outflow, and increase the amount. It is also useful soft, cervical-collar zone, upper back.

For more effective lactation, a young mother should try to take the baby to her ward as soon as possible, gradually reduce the amount of supplementary feeding, replacing it with breast milk.

If a mother does not know what to do in order to develop breast milk, she can always contact a breastfeeding consultant, call a specialist at home.

Problems with lactation can periodically appear along the way of all breastfeeding. At the same time, the main thing for a woman is not to lose faith that she is the best mother in the world and her boundless love for the baby will help her overcome all the upcoming difficulties. After all, milk is the best food that every mother can bestow on her baby.

If a mother does not know how to establish breastfeeding, then she can always contact a breastfeeding consultant. Problems with lactation can periodically appear along the way of all breastfeeding. At the same time, the main thing is not to lose faith that she is the best mother in the world and her boundless love for the baby will help her overcome all the upcoming difficulties. After all, milk is the best thing that every mother can give to her baby.
