Where to go on a date - ideal places for romance and intimacy. Where to go with a girl in the evening

It just so happens by tradition that organizing dates falls more on the shoulders of male representatives. It is the guy who most often has to decide where to go with the girl, choose places that will appeal to his chosen one. This is a big responsibility: after all, the girl may not like the place where she was invited, or she may be put off by the behavior of the gentleman himself. What you need to consider when going to a meeting, and where you can go with a girl, is what this article will tell you.

Basically, most couples go out together in the evening. This is due to the fact that in the evening most of us are free: students come home from study (institute or university), working people finish their activities and return home. It is at this time that you can see young people on the streets walking with each other arm in arm or in an embrace. Looking at them lifts the mood; older people want to feel younger.

First date

This is a very important moment, sometimes of decisive importance. The further development of your relationship will depend on how successful the first meeting is. That is why it often makes both boys and girls nervous. Both sides strive to be in the best light, hiding pride and shortcomings away. Overall, you get the impression that you are meeting someone close to you in many ways. The girl just thinks about something, and the young man already voices her thought and brings it to life through another cute gift or tasty treat.

Where is the best place to go with a girl on a first date is not an easy question. It is better to prepare in advance for this important event. For the first meeting, a cozy, quiet place where there is no extraneous noise, such as a restaurant or cafe, is ideal. Why is this so? You need to get to know each other better and talk. And noisy large companies will distract you and destroy the atmosphere of romance. In a secluded place, both a young man and a girl will be able to relax, be themselves, and show their best character qualities.

To impress

If you want the date to be memorable for both of you for a long time, to evoke positive emotions, then you need to somehow surprise the girl, amaze her with something unusual. Where to go with a girl in the evening? Invite your companion to take a walk around the evening city, go to the shooting range together to shoot a little (at the same time demonstrate your abilities), show a couple of original tricks. It’s worth thinking about in advance what you will do on a date. When the crucial moment comes, not everyone is able to improvise, so just in case, prepare a few fresh jokes and interesting stories so that the girl does not get bored. In addition to the surprises themselves, the element of surprise must work. For example, rent a horse and surprise a girl, dance together on the street, and don’t let the puzzled looks of passersby bother you. There are a lot of interesting options for where to go with a girl. Turn on your imagination, discard negative attitudes, and finally relax!

Surprises and surprises

When going on a date with a girl, you should know that the fair sex simply loves various surprises, and you need to make every effort to include them in your wonderful outing. Moreover, your organizational skills should remain “behind the scenes”: you don’t need to tell how difficult it was for you to negotiate with someone in order to please the girl. All surprises should look like a miracle, as if they arose by themselves, grew out of the ground or accidentally fell from the sky. In this case, the gentleman should modestly observe the effect of his efforts and smile sweetly, as if miracles were the most common thing for him.

If you are very worried about where to go with a girl, and you have no idea what unusual things you can come up with, then the simplest thing is to ask her: “What would you like now?” Let your chosen one come up with some pleasant entertainment for herself, however, in this case the surprise effect will completely disappear. An absolutely win-win option is to pull out an ice cream bar from behind your back exactly at the moment when she says: “I want something sweet,” or give her flowers right after you pass by a flower shop and she dreamily exclaims: “ What an incredible aroma!”

Is a gift always needed?

Etiquette obliges a young man to always have a small present ready for his lady. You never know what situation might happen, and you will brighten the situation with your gift. Every girl enjoys sincere attention. It is believed that going on a date with a girl without flowers is bad manners. At the same time, not everyone can afford to spend money on a bouquet every time, which will cost no less than five hundred to thousand rubles. After all, besides flowers, you want to please your beloved with something else: a trip to the cinema, a cafe, etc.

So, the question of where to go with a girl in the evening may seem simple compared to whether you should always give gifts. Imagine you have dates three to four times a week. And every time, in the most modest scenario, you need to spend 1500-2000 thousand rubles. But with great demands, they need to be taken to expensive restaurants and given luxurious gifts: gold jewelry, diamonds. It’s good if you are a high-class specialist and earn at least 60 thousand rubles a month. What if you are a poor student who, in addition to feeding himself, also needs to pay for his studies? The matter is complicated by the fact that sometimes girls do not want to date those who do not have money. This circumstance does not characterize the lady from the best side, but nevertheless, in our society it is believed that it is a shame for a guy not to have money for his girlfriend.

How to be? Look at the situation. If you currently have the financial opportunity, then please the lady from the bottom of your heart. And if you yourself are barely forced to save on everything, then it is unlikely that you will have the pleasure of buying her expensive gifts, and a decent girl will be embarrassed to accept them if she knows about the unstable situation of her chosen one. Don’t be embarrassed and blush if you are a poor student and cannot afford to buy a girl a bouquet of flowers once again. Just give her, for example, one rose. This is so touching and romantic! Any person appreciates attention, sincerity, and not the number of gifts and how much money is paid for them. No matter what anyone says, sincere feelings and manifestations of love are valued more than anything in the world.

If there is no financial opportunity

If it so happens that you don’t have any money at all for tonight, then you should limit yourself to a walk in beautiful places. It would be a big mistake to think that only money can give joy. Don't be upset! Be cheerful and spontaneous no matter what: laugh, joke and tell your lady funny stories. Watch the sunset together, admire the moon. Sometimes true feelings are more captivating than

Cafes and restaurants

In the process of courting a girl. Going to a cafe will help you better concentrate on a conversation with your chosen one.

You will no longer be distracted by extraneous sounds and noise. You will be able to tune in to a pleasant and long conversation. In addition, restaurants create a cozy atmosphere and allow a person to relax. A cafe is the best option where you can go with a girl.

Cinema and theater

This is the most suitable option when the weather outside is bad and you won’t be able to go out much. Cinema is a type of entertainment where going with a girl during the day is considered a decent and normal thing. If you invite your companion to the theater, then it is better to discuss in advance what production you will watch: unfortunately, people’s tastes in performances may not coincide, and if you are delighted with the play by Federico Garcia Lorca, then your friend may be frankly bored. To prevent this from happening, you will have to take into account its taste.

Walk in the park

An ideal option when the gentleman does not have enough money for a cafe, cinema or the weather is wonderful outside. If you don’t want to miss the wonderful warm days, then you shouldn’t even have a thought about where to go with a girl in the summer. Take a leisurely stroll through the park, holding hands, admire the fountain up close and from afar, and take some beautiful photos. The evening will be remembered for a long time by both of you.

Art exhibitions and museums

If you consider yourself an aesthete, then you will certainly enjoy visiting vernissages. Go together to look at rare museum exhibits, it will give you pleasure. To make it interesting not only for you, you need to agree on this issue with your friend in advance. Who knows, maybe she will not be inspired by your proposal, and she will want to spend the evening differently.

Ask your date a question

It is worth finding out from the girl in advance what type of recreation she prefers. Otherwise, you can find yourself in a very awkward situation when you buy theater tickets, but your friend prefers cinema and doesn’t understand anything about art. Moreover, she is not interested in it. Since you are going for a walk together, it means you need to take into account your common tastes and hobbies.

Clubs and parties

Suitable for thrill seekers. If you like noisy companies and your friend is not averse to having fun, then you can invite her to a nightclub or organize your own party. And the highlight of the program should certainly be a young man who wants to prove to his chosen one that he is a cheerful and cool guy. You won’t even notice how the time you planned to spend together will fly by. Sometimes it's much more fun in company. If you both belong to the type of people who love festivities and all kinds of holidays, then feel free to invite the girl to a fashionable social party. So the question of where to go with a girl will be definitely resolved.


What could be better than a walk in the fresh air? Especially when the weather is favorable and you are in a great mood. Active recreation means that you and your girlfriend will not just wander around the city enjoying the scenery, but take some active actions: climb mountains, play badminton, or engage in some kind of sport together.

Imagine how great it will be when you and your partner share these wonderful moments together. Can you imagine racing bikes down a mountain or skating? If it’s not so important to you where to go for a walk, you can also consult with a girl. What if she offers you an option that you can’t refuse?


Do you want your evening spent in the company of a girl to be bright and eventful, memorable for both of you forever? Think over a cultural program so that later you don’t have to blush in front of your friend for poor organization. You are lucky if you live in large cities where there are theaters, art galleries, and museums dedicated to various historical events. In this case, you have significantly more places to go with your girlfriend. St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) offers many wonderful places: the Hermitage, the Peter and Paul Fortress, theaters, museums, etc. You will get tremendous pleasure walking along the streets of this amazing city. Moscow is also a stunning city. Where to go with a girl there - decide for yourself, because the choice is practically unlimited: art galleries, theaters, exhibitions, museums. Wherever you go, the main thing is to be polite, friendly, and show the lady your interest in her in everything.

There are many decent options for where to go with your girlfriend. A young man is required to have a respectful attitude towards his companion, the ability to take into account her interests, and to be a gallant and attentive gentleman. If you seriously like a girl, you should look for many additional ways to truly please her. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, just be sincere: give the warmth of your heart, share your happiness!

In order to make up your mind, you need a lot of courage. Our worries and nerves immediately go away when we hear the long-awaited agreement. But we rarely think about what to do next. Where to invite a girl on a date so that she remembers it for the rest of her life and becomes the beginning of a long, happy relationship? A place for a date should combine several factors:

  1. Firstly, it should interest the girl, leave a pleasant imprint of memories and a desire to go with you to further meetings.
  2. Secondly, the meeting place should show you from the good side, the girl should see only the good traits of your character, you should be able to show care and initiative.
  3. Thirdly, the terms of the date will reveal the girl’s character and help you understand whether you want to build a relationship with her or not.

So, where does a man invite a girl on a first date? Let's look at several options that may be useful to you.

Restaurant, nightclub or cafe, no matter how romantic this idea may seem to you. Music and a large number of people around will definitely not be able to help you win the heart of a girl. Therefore, choose places where you can clearly hear each other, you can sit comfortably, relax and easy snack! Ideal: a hookah bar, a cozy cafe, a good restaurant - for those who want to impress with their capabilities. Book tables in advance, or keep the numbers of the selected establishments handy

A park

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This option is suitable exclusively for warm and sunny weather. This way of spending time will give you the opportunity to talk enough and breathe healthy fresh air. You can impress a girl in the park by buying her cotton candy or a balloon. This idea may seem childish to you, but believe me, many girls really love it when they are taken care of and shown care like a child. If a girl refuses you such a walk, you can immediately draw a conclusion about the commercialism of her plans towards you.

Another way to get some fresh air and have fun is the amusement park. Such a date will help you show that you care, because many girls are afraid of a panic room or a Ferris wheel. This will give you a reason to hold the hand or even hug your companion.

It has long been no secret that 90% of girls love animals. At a zoo or dolphinarium, you can give your girl positive emotions and memories of your meeting for life. Give her a pony ride or swim with dolphins and she will definitely want to go meet you again.

This option is suitable if your chosen one is interested in sports. In this case, after going to the game of her favorite team, you will clearly receive mutual sympathy. Despite the game, you will have enough time to chat and get to know each other better.

Unlike a noisy restaurant in the evening, with obligatory evening dresses and adherence to etiquette, a street cafe is perfect for a first date. You can relax and chat during breakfast, and then go to some establishment. You just need to take into account that the weather outside is sunny and warm.

You should not set a meeting time for early in the morning, because your girlfriend may turn out to be a “night owl” and getting up early will discourage her from wanting to be with you.

This is a place for a lively and exciting pastime, it will help you see your girl with all the vivid emotions that are inherent in her. In order to win her over, you can sometimes give in to her, but only so that she does not notice this, because she may be offended by the fact that you consider her weak. Also, it is important to take into account one nuance: if your companion has very long fingernails, then bowling is definitely not an option. Because you risk ruining the meeting.

A great option for a warm day. You can go outdoors with your girlfriend, taking with you fruit, a light snack and champagne. There you will be able to chat to your heart’s content and get to know your chosen one from the hostess. If she helps you get fruit or helps you get glasses, then you have made a good choice.

Unlike cinemas, theaters and restaurants, a museum is a very quiet place where there is a lot to discuss. You will immediately understand how serious and educated your girlfriend is. When you say “let’s go to the museum,” your girlfriend will immediately let you know how serious she is about you. If she just wants to get bright emotions or “cheat” you out of money, she will immediately refuse, this is a kind of test. If she is interested in you, then going to the museum once will not be difficult for her, but, on the contrary, will become an interesting excursion into history.

If your chosen one is too deeply in your soul, you can spend money and give her a hot air balloon flight. Believe me, she will definitely never forget this. During the flight, you will have the opportunity to hug her and show your care, because almost every girl is afraid of heights, and you, at this moment, seem to her just like a superhero. Just don’t tell the girl about your destination before arriving at the place; let the balloon become a real surprise for her and give her genuine emotions.

If the date takes place in winter, then the zoo and the balloon are no longer needed, you don’t want to freeze your beloved. An excellent alternative would be a skating rink. It will also give you an opportunity to bond, especially if both of you, or at least one of you, can't ride. You will be able to hold hands, hug and talk all the time. This will also help you see all the facets of a girl’s character, for example, if she teaches you to ride, you will be able to see what kind of mother she will be for your possible children, whether she will be able to teach them correctly in the future.

If your girlfriend is an active lady and loves bright emotions, then you can’t think of a better option than karting. It will give you an adrenaline rush and a great start to the evening. If after karting you went for a walk along the embankment, for example, you could discuss all the emotions received during the racing and get to know your beloved better.

Something that can definitely drive any representative of the fair sex crazy is a spa salon. There the girl will receive all the procedures she needs and will be able to unwind and relax. Just be careful, if you are too persistent, the girl may think that you only want sex from her. Therefore, do not be too active and act only after certain hints from the girl.

Quest room

Nowadays, various quest rooms are becoming increasingly popular. And for good reason, because the themes of the rooms are different and will be able to show exactly those human traits that you want to know. In various labyrinths and riddles, you will have enough opportunities to communicate, embrace, and act as a hero for your companion. Just find out in detail about the room in advance and think through a plan, you don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of the girl and not prove yourself in any way.

If your lady is a refined person who needs to be constantly pleased, then give her a trip around the city at night with a bottle of champagne and fruit. Yes, it will cost you a pretty penny, but she will remember this date for a long time. Languid muted music, alcohol and the two of you. What could be better? This option is more suitable for those who are determined to move on to intimacy as quickly as possible.

If your lady love prefers an active lifestyle and extreme sports, then a parachute jump will be an unforgettable gift for her. Only you should, first, find out from mutual friends whether she has jumped before. After all, if this becomes her hundredth anniversary jump, she will definitely not have any memories of your date.

We’ve figured out where to invite a girl on a date, now we’ll look at where your date will turn out to be boring and uninteresting:

This is a very bad idea, because all the time that you have to communicate, you will sit in complete darkness and will not be able to talk because of the noisy movie. Moreover, you don’t know what genre of films your lover prefers. As a result: you will see each other without knowing anything about each other.

But some cinemas have days where they show horror all night long and if you find one, you can grab your friends and have a great time.

Perhaps you have fallen head over heels in love and are ready to introduce the girl to all your relatives. That's great, but put yourself in her shoes. There are many strangers who strive to find out everything and even more about her, constant questions and examinations. Any woman would feel awkward in such an environment. Moreover, it is too early for such a moment, you know very little about each other and your decision can change a hundred times.

This idea is not suitable for a first date. Your companion has not really had time to find out how old you are, and she will already have to be practically naked in front of you. She will be shy the entire time you meet and you won’t be able to find out anything about each other normally.

Before the meeting, you will naturally feel nervous, and the idea of ​​inviting friends with you may seem successful, because in their company your worries will disappear. But such a date is doomed to failure. Firstly, you won’t be able to find out anything about the girl, and she won’t be able to find out anything about you either, because all that your friends can remember are some ridiculous incidents in which you looked funny, this obviously won’t present you in a good light. Secondly, in the company of unfamiliar people, the girl will obviously become embarrassed and want to leave as quickly as possible, no matter how pleasant your friends are.

In any case, wherever you invite a girl, try to be yourself and show only positive aspects and do not forget to think about what your beloved wants at the moment.

And in the video you will see the right places for a first date. The girl fires chips:

Interviews with passers-by, ladies reveal pressing questions about dating:

If you have to think about where to take a girl for a walk in the fall in bad weather, you should opt for a warm room. Wandering around the back streets of the park is a bad idea. The classic option would be gatherings in a cafe. In warm weather there is more choice. You can invite your girlfriend to a zoo or dolphinarium or amusement park. It is worth taking into account the preferences and hobbies of the chosen one so that everyone feels comfortable on the date.

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    Popular places to date a girl

    If a guy has serious intentions towards a girl, he has to muster up the courage to invite his chosen one for the first time. You need to choose a place for the meeting so that the girl likes it, and the evening will be remembered for a long time. To select a location, you should adhere to several criteria:

    • You need to think about what the chosen one prefers.
    • Choose a place that will characterize the young man on the positive side and show the seriousness of his intentions.

    How to invite a guy out

    Walks in the park

    If the weather allows for outdoor walks, then meeting in the park will be one of the best options. During such a date, you have the opportunity to talk about any topic and get to know your interlocutor. In order to make a positive impression on your companion, you can treat her to delicious ice cream or cotton candy.

    Initially, this option seems frivolous and teenage, but in reality it is not so. Girls are romantic natures. They like to feel attention and care.

    What is a friend zone

    Visiting attractions

    By visiting an amusement park, you can not only take a walk in the fresh air, but also make your date fun. By choosing this option, the guy will show the girl that he cares about her. In a panic room or on a Ferris wheel, many people feel unprotected. At such moments, it would be appropriate to lightly hug the girl or take her hand.

    A trip to a dolphinarium or zoo

    Many girls adore animals. You can take advantage of this and invite your chosen one to a dolphinarium or zoo. Having experienced positive emotions, your date will remember the date for a long time. In addition, if you give her the opportunity to swim with dolphins or ride a horse, she will gladly agree to repeat the walk.

    Football or basketball matches

    You can go to the stadium with your girlfriend. This place for a date may be appropriate if your date loves sports. It's always a pleasure for fans to root for their favorite team. Plus, it brings people closer together. Although sports competitions are quite noisy, this will not interfere with communication. The chosen one will happily remember the unusual date.

    Breakfast in a street cafe

    Have a nice time having breakfast in the cafe. It is important to check the weather forecast in advance so that you do not have to change plans in a hurry.

    A joint breakfast should not be organized early in the morning. Some girls get up late or are in a bad mood in the morning.


    Bowling will help both participants in the meeting to relax and enjoy fun moments. To ensure that the evening goes well, the young man does not need to always try to win. If a girl is weaker in the game, sometimes you should give in to her. You just need to do this discreetly so that she doesn’t suspect you of dishonesty. After all, girls don’t like to lose just as much as guys.

    It is very important to pay attention to the girl’s nails before choosing a place. If she has a long manicure, the date may be ruined.

    Outdoor picnic

    On warm summer days, a picnic is a great option for a date. When inviting a companion to such a meeting, you need to bring fruit, light food and a bottle of champagne.

    Visiting of museum

    If you consider going to the cinema and visiting the theater for a first date, then it is worth remembering that this will not work, since in such noisy, crowded places there will be no opportunity to chat peacefully. But the museum is a place to obtain useful information, which can then be discussed. A date like this will show the girl’s intellectual level.

    Hot Air Balloon Flight

    If you really like the girl and the guy has the opportunity to spend a considerable amount, you can go on a hot air balloon flight with her. This will be an exciting date. Many girls have a fear of heights, so this will be a wonderful reason to hug your companion.

    Going to the skating rink

    If the date falls in the winter, a hot air balloon and an amusement park will not be suitable. But going to the skating rink can be a fun and exciting adventure. It doesn’t matter if the girl knows how to skate: it will still be very romantic. Support at the skating rink will help you get closer to your chosen one.


    If your chosen one is a thrill-seeker, you can safely invite her to go kart racing. Increased adrenaline levels will cause unforgettable emotions. After the ride, you can take a walk in the park or sit near a pond. Discussing shared impressions and expressing emotions brings people closer together.


    Recently, the quest room has not lost popularity. They come in different themes, so when choosing, you need to proceed from the preferences of the guy and the girl. If the room is chosen correctly, it will provide an opportunity to understand those qualities of the chosen one that will be most interesting to the young man.

    Before going to the quest room, you need to find out more information about this place.

    Limousine ride

    If the lady of your heart is a sophisticated romantic, she needs to be pleasantly surprised and given moments of joy regularly. For a first date, you can take advantage of a limousine ride through the city at night. A romantic atmosphere, quiet music and light snacks will help you get closer to your chosen one and have a wonderful evening. The pleasure is not cheap, but it is worth it.


    For active girls who love extreme sports, you can safely offer a parachute jump as a first date. This will leave her with an incredible impression of the meeting.

    Inappropriate places

    There are also places that are least suitable for a first date. They do not predispose to comfortable communication and rapprochement.

    Noise, large crowds of people, increased attention from strangers - all this leads to constraint. The chance of finding a common language and building relationships in such conditions is minimal.

    Going to the cinema

    The noise in the cinema hall will not allow you to communicate calmly. But if lovers have been in a relationship for a long time, they can go to the cinema, having previously chosen a film to watch together. They will be comfortable with each other, even if they barely manage to talk during the session.

    Dinner at the restaurant

    To create ease on the first date, you should not invite your chosen one to a restaurant. It's noisy there in the evening. In addition, to visit such an establishment, the girl will need to take care of a suitable dress. Maintaining etiquette on a first date will also constrain young people and make communication difficult.

    But if the restaurant is not crowded, and the music is quiet and unobtrusive, nothing can overshadow such a date. The main thing is to book a table in advance.

If you are going to organize your first meeting with a nice young lady or just decided to spend this day with your beloved, for some reason the most banal and common places for dates come to mind. Of course, you can take a walk in the park, go to a cafe or cinema.

However, not all representatives of the fairer sex like this kind of pastime. But where to go with a girl if you are limited by time, finances or, most difficult, imagination?

The answer will largely depend on the availability of free time, on your and the girl’s tastes, season and place of residence.

Before you think about where you can go for a walk with your chosen one, make a list of places you want to visit. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, try to find out from the young lady where she would prefer to go today or tomorrow. To do this you will need:

  • find out how she likes to spend her free time, where she prefers to go with company, where she feels most comfortable;
  • Having determined your general wishes, choose something new, for example, a new film if you are going to the cinema, or a new cafe, so as not to go to the establishment where they often hung out with their ex-boyfriend;
  • determine the specifics of the meeting - whether it will be a romantic date, or whether you want to arrange an entertainment program for the girl to have a lot of fun together;
  • choose a fairly modest and cozy place, if, of course, you want to develop a serious relationship (expensive restaurants are suitable for girls you are already dating).

Having clarified each moment, you will understand where you can take your chosen one so that both she and you receive the maximum of positive emotions.

It is also worth considering the fact that it is the first meeting that gives impetus to a new relationship or, on the contrary, destroys a connection that has not yet begun.

If you want to enjoy each other's company, avoid crowded places. It’s better to choose something quiet and cozy, not necessarily luxurious, to create a romantic mood for the young lady. So, where to spend the day with your chosen one?

  1. A sparsely populated cafe is the first thing that comes to mind. A standard and in many cases a win-win idea, however, this option also has its own nuances. It is important to choose a really decent establishment with good cuisine (even music). In addition, it is important to accurately calculate your finances in order to be prepared for any development of the situation.
  2. The hookah bar is another good place for a pleasant pastime. Judge for yourself: a cozy booth, soft music and close communication are simply the ideal conditions for a romantic date. It is only important to choose a hookah that you both will like.
  3. Taking a walk along the paths of the park is a good option, but it is important to warn the girl in advance about walking, since a cute young lady may come to a meeting in a light jacket and heels. In general, you can have a fun time in a beautiful park: scatter leaves in the fall, build a snowman in the winter season, and just walk and watch the magnificent sunset in the summer.
  4. A walk on the river trams is a very romantic event, but, of course, if there are any in your city. A more expensive variation is sailing on a yacht, complete with strawberries and a glass of champagne. The only thing that can mar a great day is seasickness in your companion. That is why you need to clarify whether the girl has noticed symptoms of this disease.
  5. You can also have a romantic meeting on the roof of your house. You will need, of course, access to this place, light furniture (chair, chairs), serving items, sweets and wine. Before your date, make sure the roof is clean, check the weather forecast, and bring a blanket. But at night you can not only walk at altitude, but also admire the stars.

If you know each other well and plan to continue dating a girl, you can invite her to your home. Whether this meeting will have far-reaching plans depends only on the level of your relationship. If your chosen one is embarrassed, just introduce her to your household.

It’s a completely different matter if the purpose of your meeting is to actively spend time, to enjoy each other’s company not in a calm atmosphere, but in action.

In this case, you can show your best, athletic side and take your girlfriend, for example, to a skating rink or dance floor. But first things first.

  1. You can spend your day profitably and have a wonderful date by inviting your beloved on a horseback ride. The young lady will like such a pastime, but it is important to choose a calm horse for her. It is better to go horseback riding outside the city, in nature.
  2. A water park is another good place for a date with an active girl. Awesome slides, splashes, and water attractions await you there, but first you need to make sure that your chosen one can swim. Another plus is that you will be able to appreciate the beauty of her figure.
  3. Taking a girl to the race track? If she loves adrenaline and risky fun, this will be an ideal option. Here you can drive cars, arrange races, if you are both good drivers. A calmer variation is karting, where you can go without much worry or worry.
  4. Another “adrenaline” entertainment is to spend time in an amusement park. Ride a roller coaster with an active young lady, climb a free fall tower to get a lot of rave reviews from the girl. A calmer option is to ride together with a young lady on a Ferris wheel.
  5. Why not take a walk with your beloved in a recreation park and play various slot machines (for children). An element of competition will bring some spice to your relationship and will definitely bring you closer. And, of course, any girl will remember such a date for a long time.
  6. In winter, you can invite your beloved to an outdoor city skating rink, and in summer - to an indoor ice facility. Firstly, you will be able to have a great time there, and secondly, you, like a real guy, will be able to support the girl, especially if she is bad at skating.
  7. Is there dancing at the club today? Why not. Pay for a one-time lesson in a dance studio, for example, for Latin American dancing, and get a boost of energy and good mood for the whole day. Young men rarely invite girls here on dates, so you will clearly stand out from your potential rivals.

Both an active pastime and a romantic date will be remembered by your chosen one for a long time if you carefully think through the plan of the event.

However, it is important to understand that a meeting is not always ideal, so don’t “bother yourself” and enjoy communicating with a beautiful girl.

Both residents of provincial towns and residents of big cities are thinking about where to take their girlfriends. Moscow has a huge selection of potential venues for holding a meeting, so we will list only the most interesting ones in this article.

  1. You can spend the day with a girl in Tsaritsynsky Park, which is located half an hour by metro from the center of the capital. Here you will be able to walk along the paths that Catherine II walked along. The young lady will like the luminous musical fountain, which amazes the imagination at night with its unusual illumination. In addition, there are ponds with swans and various gazebos in the park.
  2. Not all couples in love like to go to museums; a more interesting option is to visit a lecture hall, for example at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. No boredom! You will be able to see a real show, enjoy the story, accompanied by a video sequence and a music track. Agree that such an event is sometimes much more interesting than just walking down the street. Of course, you first need to go to the institution’s website and see what lectures are expected today.
  3. Perhaps the most romantic activity is watching the celestial bodies. Today you won’t surprise young people with technical innovations, but stars never go out of fashion. Try going with your beloved to the Big Planetarium in Moscow to learn about distant worlds in the Great Hall, see fragments of meteorites in the Urania Museum and touch the exhibits in the Lunarium.
  4. For a romantic meeting, the Alley of Lovers, which is located next to Red Square in Moscow, is suitable. Numerous wedding processions come here, so this place is a good option for declaring your love or proposing to be your girlfriend.
  5. Moscow has many places for evening walks. One of them is Pushkinskaya Embankment, starting at the Novoandreevsky Bridge. Here you can take a walk, watch the ships passing by and listen to the sound of the waves. This will undoubtedly make the meeting even more romantic.

Of course, listing all the places to meet your significant other in Moscow is a truly thankless task. A wide variety of clubs, cafes and restaurants are at your service today.

You can have a cultural time in numerous theaters, museums and art galleries. You can take a walk with your beloved in various parks - Kuzminki, Kolomenskoye. All that remains is to choose the most suitable place.

So, there are an incredible number of options for how to spend the day with your girlfriend. You are required to treat your chosen one with respect, take into account her interests and behave as naturally as possible. The most important thing is not the amount of money spent on a date, but your sincere attitude towards the cute young lady.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Where is the best place to meet a girl for the first time or where to invite a girl on a first date? What original place can you go to to make your date memorable and look forward to a future relationship? Where does a man or guy usually invite the girl he likes on a date?

You may find it difficult to organize things out of the blue, especially if you don't know where to start. Can't come up with something amazing by pulling ideas out of thin air? For those who need help, we've put together a list of date night ideas. If you're looking for something fresh, fun, adventure and romance, then just use these ideas to find out where a guy can take his girl on a date.

Standard meeting places are various cafes, restaurants or similar establishments. Second place is shared by picnics and parks, and third place is shared by theaters, cinemas, and museums. But if you don’t want to take a girl to classic places, then you need to improvise. As an option, go a little extreme or create romance. Here are some ideas.

Adrenaline rush.
Karting, amusement park, water skiing, hot air balloon - an exciting adrenaline rush + a feeling of euphoria in each other's presence. You can also invite a girl to ride ATVs, kayaking, or go horseback riding. It is truly romantic and leaves a lasting impression on the young lady.

Why it's a good idea: There's scientific evidence that couples are more likely to develop a mutual attraction to each other when their first day is pumped with adrenaline. It can also be more fun than a walk in the park.

Date on a boat.
Boating, even around a lake in a park, is a romantic, classic summer date pastime. For more adventurous couples, you might want to consider something more energetic - canoeing or kayaking. (In this article, in the section, you can consider how to make classic date places interesting and memorable for a girl).

Parks, ponds.
A leafy park, a manicured lawn on the banks of a river or lake, is a place where you can fly a kite or ride a swing. Near the sea, release your “inner child” by building sand castles, playing beach volleyball or simply sitting on the pier and eating ice cream. This type of date allows each other to show off their playful sides with lots of laughter.

At the end of the day, you can dream and enjoy a walk along the embankment, as well as the view of the sunset. In addition, small restaurants and cafes with an open terrace near water bodies are good for romantic feelings.

Where to go on a first date with a girl when your budget is limited

A similar thought is probably drilling into your head, because you met a charming lady, but you don’t have a lot of money in your pockets, so you doubt whether you should make a date. It seems to you that in order to win the heart of such a beauty you need to feel the heaviness in your pocket from a tightly stuffed wallet. Shower her with your generosity. Believe me, this is self-deception, everything is much simpler.

Cooking date.
They say the way to any man's heart, we add many women, is through their stomach, so this is an ideal opportunity to explore food or chocolate festivals, excursions or tasting shows, where many producers offer free tastings.

Check local listings for foodie events in your area or search online for dates of similar food festivals. You will definitely be surprised by the selection of these activities. The best thing about this type of date is that it gives you the opportunity to enjoy fun communication, try something new + a little adventure.

Organize an interesting hike.
Invite her to take a friend with her and you can go on a morning fishing trip, go mushroom picking in the forest, or take an interesting excursion. Sports, as well as overcoming obstacles together, are not only cool, but also bring us together. For a girl, experiencing pleasant emotions in nature means agreeing to continue the relationship.

By the way, in nature you can impress her with your abilities, skills and knowledge, without even showing off in front of her. Everything happens naturally: make a fire, cook food, navigate the area.

Feeding the birds.
If all your ideas have been exhausted on where to invite a girl on a date, then invite her to feed the pigeons or ducks in the nearest pond. Just find such a place in advance: a pond or a park. You don’t think this will impress the lady, but believe me, feeding birds or animals is very cool. For a girl, such a guy is a mystery. On the one hand, he is simple, but on the other hand, there is a certain core in him that distinguishes him from all other representatives of the male world.

Board games, tennis.
Invite them to play some board or sports game. For example, in many cities there are free tennis tables or tennis courts in parks where you can have fun. When talking to a girl, you can ask “do you know how to play tennis, then say that you can teach her or accompany her for a few games. Sport charges you with positive energy.

Walk around the city.
Go wander around the city or local attractions. At the same time, try to be cheerful, fool around a little, joke, encouraging the girl to laugh. Laughter, humor - this is remembered for a long time.

Summer is the ideal season for organizing active dates. A great way for such a date is a leisurely bike ride along a river or embankment, or in a park. If you don't have your own bicycles, you can rent them in many parks. While riding, you can always stop at a beautiful place, saying that the girl looks especially attractive against its background. She will like such a subtle compliment. A date like this will allow you both to see picturesque landscapes while enjoying each other's company. (In this article ).

In that video in two minutes you'll learn a few more ideas.

Where not to go with a girl on your first date

Who came up with such stupidity as going on a date with a girl to the cinema? Imagine, a girl gets ready and prepares for her date for several hours. I curled my hair, pulled it up, straightened it, did my hair - I didn’t like it. She does her hair, styling, and makeup again, trying on one dress and another in front of the mirror, wondering what she will look like on a date. Then she rushes to a meeting and only then for the guy to take her to a movie?

The lady wants to talk, show her, get to know her, perhaps future, gentleman better. And as a result, she sits on the first date in the dark, watching a movie that is of little interest to her, without being able to communicate. Do you think that after such a date she will agree to a second one? Agree, it’s unlikely, and besides, the cinema is not going anywhere. So drop the movie theater idea. When you're already dating, you're in a relationship, then you'll go to the movies.

Music festivals, band concerts, provided that it is not her favorite performer or group. In an environment of noise and loud music, it is difficult to talk and pay attention to each other.

9 winter date ideas in this video.

What to talk about with a girl on the first date

Communication should be easy and relaxed, so the topics of conversation should be the same: cinema, music, hobbies, nature. In general, there are no rules here; you can talk about anything if the girl is interested in it. Otherwise, change the topic of conversation.

You should avoid any personal or unpleasant topics for the girl: past relationships, whether she was married, whether she has children, conversations about family. Refrain from controversial topics: religion, politics, tolerance towards various minorities. These are questions that can immediately lead to misunderstandings. (You can read in more detail in the article of the same name).

Never talk about your complaints or grievances on dates. Telling heartbreaking stories that as a child you had to eat only mivina because of poverty, so you have to study (work) in a bad institution where the boss is a redneck withholding your salary.

Remember, you are a confident, purposeful man/guy who takes any difficulties as a challenge with a smile on his lips. People who are doing poorly are unattractive to others. We are designed in such a way that we want to be where the level of comfort for us is higher. Therefore, first think about what to talk about with a girl on the first date. After all, talking about how bad your boss, teacher, professor is, as well as negative news are bad topics for conversation.

Another taboo is finances.
The words “expensive, cheap, credit, mortgage, debt” should not come out of your mouth on a date. It doesn’t matter here whether you need money or you have your own profitable business. Talking about money destroys the entire idyll of romanticism on the first date with a girl.

Talking about your ex.
It doesn't matter why you broke up, but refrain from dragging her into a new relationship. Talking about your “ex” is unlikely to increase your chances of success. The new lady will think that you are in an ongoing relationship or that there is some kind of emotional connection between you. And the current date is an attempt to make the “former” passion jealous. It’s better to let the lady’s past relationships be an intrigue, but try not to overact.

This the video will tell you how to get out of an awkward situation when you run out of topics to talk about.


If you want to maintain a further harmonious relationship with a girl, never stop there. You need to act and always come up with new ideas. Remember two main things: 1) Monotony quickly ruins the romanticism of dates. 2) Don’t let everything develop into a routine. Do you want high-quality, cool relationships filled with feelings and reciprocity? Then be sure to use the tips from this article.

Try to choose original ideas and places where to invite a girl on a first date. However, you should not think that this requires a lot of money. After all, the main thing is to show yourself from an unusual side, that you are different from thousands of other guys. The girl will quickly understand how lucky she is, because she sees you as a romantic, mysterious guy.

Best regards, Andronik Oleg/Anna.
