Male hairy legs. Secrets of beautiful male legs

In most cases, increased hairiness on the body of a man is the norm. Some people like it, and some don't. In the modern world, even men take care of their beauty and get rid of excess hair. In the summer, men try to look especially good, as their hairiness is visible to everyone, not just their loved ones. Hairy male legs are the pride of a man. However, many are wondering why males have more body hair than females.

The answer is simple, men have much more testosterone in their blood than women. This hormone is responsible for hair growth. The amount of vegetation on the human body depends on the amount of testosterone in the blood. Hair on the body of a man becomes more after puberty. This is due to the fact that in adolescence, the hairs differ in their structure from the hairs of an adult. In adulthood, the hair becomes stiff and acquires a darkish tint. Vegetation appears on the legs, chest and back.

Is there a connection between sexual attraction and the amount of hair on the male body - some believe that the sexiest men are those who have a big nose, others find vegetation attractive. Sexologists believe that in the modern world there is a direct connection between hairiness and sexuality. Hairy legs in men excite many women. Scientists have proven that the more vegetation on the body of a gentleman, the more testosterone in the body, respectively, the higher the attraction to this male representative.

However, if a man is sexy on the outside, this does not mean that he will be a good lover in bed. The amount and color of hair depends on many factors, such as heredity and nationality. Vegetation begins to appear at the moment when the child is still inside the mother. Almost the entire body of the baby is completely covered with lanugo - the so-called small hairs. After the birth of the child, lanugo fall out, and in their place a kind of fluff appears, which is hardly noticeable on the body.

At a certain period, vegetation begins to form on the boy's body, which is related to the sebaceous glands and exudes a certain smell. Most often, this smell attracts the opposite sex, rather than repels.

The science

From the scientific point of view, body hair is needed for two purposes:

  • In order to keep warm during the cold season;
  • To prevent overheating and retain moisture in summer;

If there is more hair on the body than before, the reason for this may be hormonal changes that require the attention of specialists.


It is unlikely that anyone would think that body hair can somehow interfere with an athlete. However, if you pay attention to professional athletes, you will notice that many of them remove body hair. This applies to both women and men. Vegetation is removed from the body for several reasons.

Comfort. It is the main reason for depilation for athletes. Most often, suits for athletes are made from materials that fit snugly enough to the body. Hair creates an extra layer between the suit and the body, which contributes to irritation, discomfort or blistering.

Saving from injury. Experts say that the absence of hair on the athlete's body contributes to the healing of wounds. For example, if an athlete is injured, it will heal faster if there is no body hair, since vegetation contributes to the accumulation of dirt, and therefore the reproduction of microbes. If tissues or muscles are damaged, the hair prevents the massage therapist from doing the massage. Hands glide more easily over skin without vegetation.

Aerodynamics. Hair on the body creates additional resistance, so many athletes remove it to improve their performance in competitions. This is especially important for swimmers.


These days, hair removal in men, especially athletes, is the norm. For example, a swimmer with a shaved head will move faster than an unshaven one. This is due to the fact that together with the vegetation, the upper layer of the epidermis, that is, the keratinized layer of the skin, is removed. Thus, the skin becomes more sensitive to various touches, including the touch of water. The swimmer feels the ease of movement, thanks to which he can glide better on the water.

Renowned swimming coach James Councilman noted that in terms of physics, hair removal does not play a strong role. However, from a psychological point of view, the procedure is of great importance. Most swimmers are forced to shave, however, many do this procedure only before the competition. Studies have shown that a shaved swimmer swims 100 meters faster than an unshaven one by 1.7 seconds.


Despite the fact that hair on the legs of men is a normal phenomenon, someone is trying in every possible way to get rid of them. Today, beauty salons offer many ways to help permanently get rid of unwanted vegetation, among them:

  • Photoepilation;
  • Electrolysis.

The most popular of these three methods is laser hair removal. The laser destroys the bulb itself, in connection with which hair growth stops for several years. If you need to clean a large enough area of ​​​​the body, the procedure will take about half an hour. The number of sessions is determined individually, as a rule, it is from 6 to 12 procedures. Thus, any part of the body on which vegetation is present can be processed.

This method is most often used to remove dark hair from fair skin. If the vegetation is devoid of pigment, that is, it is light in color, the effect of laser hair removal, unfortunately, will not be. And if you use this method on dark skin, you can earn a burn.

Also, some males use a procedure such as electrolysis. The destruction of the follicle occurs by means of an electric current that penetrates through a needle inserted under the skin. Using this method, you can permanently get rid of unwanted vegetation, as this procedure completely destroys the cells associated with the hair roots.

It should be noted that this method involves the removal of each hair separately. Therefore, if you need to remove a large amount of hair, you will need to be patient. In some cases, the procedure is performed throughout the year once a week.

Photoepilation is very similar to laser hair removal. Only instead of a laser, a flash is used here. Today, more and more men visit beauty salons. After all, everyone wants to be beautiful, and cosmetologists help in this.

Photoepilation (video)

Secrets of beautiful male legs

Inflated legs are a headache and a secret dream of many men. Sometimes, under the loose trousers of a broad-shouldered guy, legs with weak and ugly calves are hidden. The reason for this discrepancy is on the surface - devoting a lot of time to training the press and arms, men forget about the muscles of the legs.

Features of male leg training

Men's leg training consists of three main stages: an increase in muscle mass, an increase in strength indicators and a study of muscle quality. To build muscle mass, you will need to perform exercises that involve as many muscle groups as possible in the process. Beautiful embossed legs are easy to get with the help of hard, but non-volume training. To achieve proportions, you will have to train not only pronounced, but also passive muscles.

Of course, the gyms have everything to get out of the sports club on strong and sculpted legs, but you can achieve good results at home. The main thing is not to be lazy and give intensive training at least three days a week.

Squats for beautiful thighs

For those who do not know how to pump up their legs, it is recommended to start with squats. Squats give the greatest increase in muscle mass and strength, and also put a load on various muscle groups. It is important to consider that doing exercises with feet shoulder-width apart strengthens the outer side of the thigh, and the normal position of the legs involves the muscles of the inner side.

To effectively build muscle mass, it is not enough to perform regular squats. Squats with a leg extended forward are more effective, as well as in sumo and plie techniques. You can complicate the task with the help of a barbell or dumbbells. In this case, the bar must be held on the shoulders, and the dumbbells must be held in evenly lowered hands. Exercises with weights pump well the muscles of the front and back of the thigh, as well as the buttocks.

Relief Calf Exercises

Before pumping up the calves, it will not be superfluous to know that the muscles of the lower leg include three main groups: anterior tibial, soleus and gastrocnemius. A beautiful relief can be achieved if you pay attention to all three muscles.

Raising on toes is a simple but quite effective exercise for the calves. To perform it, you need to stand on a step (or any small elevation) so that the socks are on the surface and the heels hang down. Lifts should be performed as slowly as possible, concentrating the load in the calf muscles. The effect will be noticeably enhanced if you do the exercise on one leg. Later, to increase the load, you can take dumbbells in your hands.

Lifting on toes is performed not only while standing, but also in a sitting position. To do this, they sit on the edge of the chair, and put their socks on a stand about 10 cm high. Next, the heels are lowered as close to the floor as possible, and then very slowly rise to the toes. To increase the load and increase efficiency, it is recommended to clamp an object between the knees.

In addition to regular exercise, you need to walk more, climb stairs more often, run and ride a bike. In addition, we must not forget about stretching the muscles - this will help restore their length and reduce the risk of injury.

Researchers have spent much less time studying the reason for the attraction of men to the legs of women than the average representative of the stronger sex, while on the street, devotes his gaze to slender limbs. Perhaps the man is simply fascinated by the legs and cannot tear himself away, but, in any case, this only applies to heterosexuals. So what's so special about girls' legs?

Principal Investigator

Before reaching a final verdict, psychologist Leon W. Seltzer conducted his own research, during which he studied all the work of biologists involved in human evolution. But the specialist came to the conclusion that all theories are unconvincing, limited and unexplored. That is why Dr. L. V. Seltzer decided to find the true answer on his own.

First experience

The scientist during his work made two unexpected discoveries that fully answer the question of why men prefer women with long legs. The findings confirm that most men act intuitively. Studies have shown: the first half of men who prefer women with longer legs than are observed in the fair sex, whose height reaches 160-165 centimeters; the second half of men prefer those ladies who have a higher leg length in relation to their body.

This is an indisputable fact and has long been known to all. Let's talk about male sexuality. First of all, according to absolutely all surveys conducted, when meeting a man, a woman evaluates his ass and hands. And, as always, there is an animal rationale underneath. If a man has strong hands, then the subconscious mind tells us that he is a good earner and a real protector, behind such a man a woman feels like behind a stone wall. A strong ass and legs of a man say that he can run fast and overtake prey.

Strong legs and character of a man

From the point of view of a man's character, strong legs speak of his strong leadership qualities, and that a man stands firmly on his feet. Such a person is always self-confident, enterprising, strong, active, punchy in life.

But, perhaps, perhaps the most important thing for a modern woman, what the legs of a man say is about his endurance. This is about the sexual aspect.

Man with strong legs in bed

A man with strong legs in bed is like God. He can deliver a woman simply not earthly bliss, skillfully wielding strong legs non-stop. With such a man, a woman will forget everything in the world and hours will turn into minutes.

Why are strong legs so important for a man?

Because women appreciate it.

How important are strong legs for a man

Not long ago, questions of the intimate sphere were something shameful and vulgar. It was more of a masculine theme, and rather men stared at women intently and without shame, flipped through men's magazines with naked beauties, retired to bathrooms. Previously, sexy bodies were only exhibited by women, and only men's magazines existed. Now there was a mass of naked men with naked priests and languid eyes.

The value of male legs for a woman

Emancipation in the modern world has progressed so much that women are now carefully examining and studying men. They want sex and think about intimacy, no less than the men themselves. Although, as is still commonly believed, thanks to various surveys, men think about sex more often.

And so, if earlier only women cared about appearance and figure, now men also have to pay due attention to this. For hours they disappear in the hall, playing football, martial arts, whatever, just to build the perfect manly body: strong legs, abs and huge biceps.

As we have said before, it is strong legs that are sexually attractive to a woman on a subconscious level. When meeting such a man, a woman expects a lot from such a relationship. And, I must say, not unreasonably. Since the strong legs of a man are not only an aesthetic pleasure, but also a worthy application in practice. You can compare such a man with a thoroughbred stallion that warms the soul and pleases the eye. In bed, he masterfully wields the pelvis and strains the biceps of the thigh no worse than professional horses at the races.
Of course, in today's world, a male to succeed no longer needs muscles, but brains.

But, tell yourself honestly: what kind of man will a woman go to the ends of the earth for: a dumb jock or a smart nerd?

The instinct of a woman will push her into the hands of a jock.

Of course, we exaggerate the situation a bit in order to understand it as clearly as possible. In life, strong legs alone are not enough, everything is more than individual. There is compatibility or incompatibility of temperaments, characters and life priorities.


From all that has been said, we will draw the following conclusion. Strong male legs can tell us a lot, but in pursuit of an ideal image that pleases the eye, do not forget about the soul and the development of your inner world.

And remember that strong legs do not happen without a good buttocks. You can find everything about pumping up the priests on the site

27/11/03, lacosta007
I love it when guys wear shorts in the summer if they have nice legs! Well, just ready to follow them and admire! And if these legs are still shod in stylish sneakers, then I don’t become my own at all. Even in my company, in the summer, when we go somewhere, I deliberately stay two steps behind the others in order to admire this beauty :)

10/12/03, Lento4ka
according to statistics, women first of all, looking at a man, pay attention to the ass, and I pay attention to the legs. Long, slender, slightly wheeled (or maybe not slightly) - this is a very pleasant sight.

20/02/04, Fraudroge
Accidentally stumbled upon .. an interesting topic .. I probably love it, but in my opinion there are no such things .. Usually they are thin and hairy, or sinewy and not very hairy (but then the knees are knotted, very ugly), or thick (like the owner himself) . Then it's generally .. I ran away

14/03/04, Bastinda
And why should only a girl have beautiful legs? After all, both men and women have eyes. This means that it is pleasant to look at beauty both. At least I'm pleased. So it turns out that when a beautiful, smart, charming, tall, slender brunette with brown eyes suddenly has beautiful legs, I start staring at him without interruption :-) And is it because brunettes with brown eyes are my weakness, then whether because the legs are beautiful, you can’t make out ...

21/03/04, skycloud
Yeah, guys need to watch their hands too. They shouldn't have nails like Frodo in the movie VK-)). In addition, I remembered one idiotic case when I saw this topic. I remember (and my nails are not ideally shaped), as a child I chose a boy for myself so that he would have beautiful nails, and that our future child would have nails in him, and not in me-))). Yes, then I was still quite naive, but I remembered it with a smile when I saw this topic ...

11/02/06, _MURKA_
Yeah... you rarely see this :) So I saw it, only at first I paid attention to a pretty muzzle and brains (political convictions, interests are the same as mine - a complete set). The most interesting thing is that, with relative thinness, unlike most guys, his legs are not skinny (oh yes, there are such instances - broad shoulders, pumped up arms, and at the same time such legs that are sooooooo short, sometimes also short, boouuee!), Well, in view of the physique certain they are like that, of course. Long, legs of normal proportional to the body thickness, with weak vegetation, just ideal :)

10/10/06, Mouse
I've never paid attention to men's legs before. For me, it would be better if they were always hidden under the pants. I don't like shorts on men. But recently I had to get used to the sight of bare male legs. In training, almost everyone is in shorts. Here it became clear what beautiful legs are and what ugly legs are. Skinny sparrow legs look ugly, but pumped ones also look oh, how ugly!

12/10/06, Mika
Are you sure that supposedly "skinny" male legs suck? Everything in nature is reasonable - that's how they should be. And bodybuilders, of course, can swing monstrous legs - but this is unnatural. He will throw the rocking chair - and the legs will quickly become "skinny" again - the body, resisting unnaturalness, will quickly "eat" the excess meat not provided for by nature. You still ask - why do men have such narrow, skinny hips - it would be necessary to swing ... For a woman, nature, due to thicker legs, shifted the center of gravity down - so that it would be more convenient to carry a baby and at the same time there would be stability. That's all! And in women, the lower part of the body will always be fuller than in men. You can't go against nature! And where did you get the idea that thin legs in men are ugly ?! It's all about aesthetics, not thickness... ! :-) My legs are rather thin, but I like to wear shorts in summer. So women immediately shoot with their eyes! ... ;-) When wearing trousers - not so ... ;-)

13/10/06, Monopsyhe
Me and the guys like the asthenic physique - thin and tall, and on the "base" of this physique they can have muscles - it's very beautiful and sexy, such a guy will never be a "bullish" jock, he will remain beautifully "fragile". But the main thing is the legs ... This is beauty ... And indeed, the guys are much less likely than the girls to have aesthetic legs ... But I was lucky in this regard :) Or are my legs the main selection criterion? .. By at least, long trained legs with iron-tight muscles, flexible like a panther ready to jump ... Mmm ... pussy:)

19/02/07, girl
First of all, guys MUST have straight legs!!! proportional to their height. Not very hairy. I LOVE)) Aesthetics - the most important thing.

19/02/07, XversaDiFerro
I'm just a fetishist for beautiful legs)) of course, the legs should be slender and straight, the ankle should be thin, the calf line is smooth, and the shape of the knees is beautiful) the fingers should be well-groomed, and the heels should be pink, besides, if the foot is narrow, then even a large foot looks attractive) MODERATE hairiness is tolerable.

04/10/07, girl
Love! According to statistics (or so it is more common for me), beautiful straight legs are usually found in tall guys. Therefore, if a guy is tall, and even with such legs ... then vapsche))) Legs are the most awesome thing that a person has, that of girls, that of guys, then, probably, everything else.))

16/01/08, Avdotya
Hmm ... Beautiful in my understanding - so that they are proportional, and not overgrown with hair, such a miracle is extremely rare, but if it occurs, then it’s just a feast for the eyes. In addition, often even the owners of beautiful legs manage to spoil them with stupidly selected clothes. The only normal place where you can more or less see and appreciate them is sambo competitions.

16/01/08, girl
I have a great friend, almost a brother, so he has such legs!!! When I spend the night at his place, I often see him in shorts and a T-shirt in the morning, for example, and these legs..... ohh... finally, there are no words... Just perfect. So I would love it. It's beautiful! Divine! Everything in a person should be BEAUTIFUL!!!

07/05/09, Too lazy to invent a nickname
Oh yeah, this is a topic)) In fact, guys have very sexy beautiful legs, though it doesn’t happen that often, especially if the guy doesn’t play sports - either fat, or skinny, or some kind of womanish configuration, in general, garbage some. I generally like short and crooked ones. Or let the usual size, but fleshy and embossed.

07/05/09, Come On
I'm a guy and I have hairy legs, perhaps even too much for 17 years old. It’s unpleasant for yourself, it seems you don’t want to shave (and not for anyone), but it seems you can’t even cut your hair. So it goes. So I would like to wear shorts in the summer.

07/05/09, Fea
Beautiful legs are primarily long, or at least not short, and always straight legs. The male figure in proportion to the addition and forms, for me personally, is much more beautiful than the female. I don’t accept crooked legs, it’s better to have a crooked face, but not legs. In general, everything below the navel on both sides is the sexiest part of the male figure and therefore should be in perfect order. And yet, I do not like skinny men, thin legs and no ass, do not arouse sexual desires at all and are not attractive in the highest degree.

20/11/10, Viktor9
I heard from women that I have a good figure, beautiful legs, that shorts suit me. However, as a child, I did not hear anything like that, and therefore did not go in shorts - it seemed to me that they were decent only for small children. It seems that only adult women like beautiful male legs, and girls sometimes don’t even like them.

23/11/10, Viktor9
it's a pity that our boys don't know that women like their legs. if they knew this, they would not be embarrassed to wear shorts. in ancient Greece, strong people were depicted with bare legs and even naked, and old people were depicted packed in clothes. So it turns out that our schoolchildren look like old people. In England, shorts are the school uniform.

07/02/11, Gumagia
Guys in shorts, mm, I definitely like it when they go in shorts, especially knee-high. really like the legs))

05/04/11, Mur4aschiyKote
I love beautiful legs on boys. Slender, not fat, not muscular. If tanned and completely without vegetation, just super. The main thing is that the boy does not hide them under the pantaloons (which are called breeches and "shorts" - knee-length). If you wear shorts, then the shorts should be shorts - at least 20 centimeters above the knee, and not "short pants", as is the case in most cases. I have not thick legs (48 cm at the thickest point), I run, walk a lot and ride a bike. I remove the fur above the knee, because it is ugly and does not suit me (especially when I go in short shorts). The longest shorts I have are 25 cm above the knee. And, I can say, the girls only do what they shoot with their eyes (and sometimes with cameras - it happened 2 times! Honestly!) Conclusion: boys, if you want the girls to get to know you themselves, wear shorter shorts (above the knee) in the summer, do not hesitate. It's very sexy :)

19/08/17, lavender rose
I am 54 years old, (not GAY!). Because of my completely healthy lifestyle, I feel like a guy in my 20s! I bought at a second-hand store: -A few shorts with tassels on the bottom. Shorts are about 25cm long. Some are white, others are denim blue. - Several pairs of multi-colored ballet shoes (usually young girls wear them) - Several T-shirts - sleeveless jackets. When I tried it all on myself, there was something unusual. I decided to walk around the city at night. That's what happened. Girls and women gave me pleasant and gentle smiles. I went to visit my friends and everyone expressed admiration for my slender legs (albeit a little light hairy). In the evenings I went to shops where the saleswomen gave me pleasant smiles and compliments. And at the bus stop, one girl came up and looked at my legs like that when I threw one after the other and talked to my girlfriend on the mobile phone - I thought she would choke on her saliva. But her boyfriend came and she left with him. Like this! Draw your own conclusions!

19/08/17, lavender rose
Here I want to clarify the length of my smart shorts, which I really like to dress and wear: from the very top of the belt to the very bottom of the shorts (where the brushes are) - about 25 centimeters. I will also tell you what ballet flats I like to wear under my smart shorts (I have a size of 40-41 legs). 1. Cloth with painted bright flowers (look very nice on my legs). 2.Cherry color with pointed toes and black bows. 3. Lilac color, barely covering my toes. 4.Very bright red ballet shoes, giving my legs beauty and sexuality (they look very nice). And when I walk around the city on a warm summer evening, smartly dressed in such shorts and ballet shoes, it is an inexplicably sweet and pleasant feeling. Warm summer air gently caresses my slender legs and at this time you feel like a young 20-year-old boy. Like this!!!
