Pelageya: “I go to the dacha by regular train. On the day of remembrance of the Venerable Martyr Catherine, Metropolitan Anastassy celebrated the Liturgy at the Ascension Cathedral

We met Pelageya early in the morning at Domodedovo airport. To tell the truth, I did not immediately recognize the famous singer in this fragile girl.

- Good morning, Pelageya! Did you manage to get some sleep?

Unfortunately, no, I didn’t even go to bed. We worked until late in the evening, and still had to get ready. It's okay - I'll sleep on the plane. I love early flights, because, as a rule, you only have three or four days to spare, and, of course, you don’t want to lose half a day due to a late departure. Moreover, here, in the SWISS airline business lounge, there is a very tasty breakfast: juices, yogurt, fruits, buns, coffee...

- Something on strict diet does not look like it. I read that you eat buckwheat and some exotic berries...

- God, what they don’t write about me. All this complete nonsense!

- But you have lost noticeably weight. Why, by the way, did you decide to lose weight - after all, according to many, you already had a wonderful figure?

- Believe me, I didn’t plan to lose weight at all, it’s just by-effect detox course - procedures for cleansing the body. But, if you don’t mind, we’ll talk about this tomorrow - today I want to relax and be alone.

We continued our conversation the next day - over lunch at the popular restaurant Les Armures, which is famous for its fondue and the fact that former US President Bill Clinton played the saxophone here.

— Pelageya, did you have time to walk around Geneva? How do you like her?

- This is not my first time in this city - I came on business. But this is the first time for three whole days. It turned out to be a real tourist trip.

For me, it is also cleansing, but not physically, but psychologically. I like to give myself a reboot - otherwise you stop noticing some things. When it accumulates emotional fatigue, this affects the perception of what is happening around you, your reaction. That's why I prefer to rest

alone. And if I have the opportunity to go somewhere, wander around an unfamiliar city, look into shops, I, of course, will not miss it. That's how it is now. I live in the beautiful Le Richemond hotel, in a room overlooking the main attraction - a fountain gushing straight from the middle of Lake Geneva. By the way, the proximity of water has a very positive effect on a person - it gives the right energy. In addition, the hotel has a wonderful spa area. I arrived with a little cold, but yesterday I slept, went to the sauna, had a massage - and here you are, I’m as good as new.

- What's true is true. Yesterday, to be honest, I was upset: I thought bad feeling will ruin your already short vacation...

— We, artists, know how to quickly get into shape. Moreover, after the detox course, I really rebooted. For example, I started eating differently. Before that, I was an amazing theorist - I knew everything: what to combine with what, what was harmful, what was useful. However, like many people, there was no time, and I was too lazy to really take care of myself. But in July I turned 28, and I realized what I would like to change about myself. And I firmly decided: now everything will work for me!

— Until now, I was a theorist - I knew everything, how to do it, what to eat, what to combine with what. But there was no time, and I was too lazy to really take care of myself. And then in July I turned 28, and I realized exactly what I would like to change about myself.

— Tell us about your diet?

- This is not a diet. I eat five times a day, or at least I try to. I used to think that if I snacked all the time, I would quickly gain weight. But in fact it’s the other way around. As a result, you eat much less at your main meals. In the morning I eat dishes containing carbohydrates: either buckwheat with vegetables, or couscous, or bulgur - any healthy grain. Then lunch - an apple or a handful of nuts. For lunch, usually steamed fish (or baked) or a piece of meat and a green salad, lightly dressed olive oil, lemon, balsamic vinegar. Then another snack: some dried fruit or protein bars. And finally,

dinner: it could be a bottle of kefir with bran, low-fat cottage cheese, a piece of steamed fish - in general, something very light. There are no fried or sweet foods in my diet at all.

Yes, I forgot to add: I drink at least one and a half liters of water a day, and that’s not counting coffee, tea and other drinks. I don’t drink any lemonade or Coca-Cola at all. I use salt to a minimum and practically eliminated flour. I was surprised to discover that my taste preferences had changed and I began to relate to food differently. If earlier for me it was one of the most important pleasures in life, now there is no cult of food.

- But still, there is something that you cannot refuse? Right now, for example, you are eating fondue with excellent appetite - a rather high-calorie dish...

— Well, being in Switzerland and not trying this country’s signature dish would be strange, to say the least.

I supported the idea of ​​ordering two types of fondue for the table: one with herbs, and the other with tomatoes and mushrooms. Enjoying dipping bread and potatoes into melted cheese, we continued the conversation about tasty and healthy food.

“Don’t think that I have become such an ascetic and don’t allow myself anything unnecessary.” There are also “zigzags”. (Laughs.) For example, I adore grandma’s cabbage soup! I can eat a large plate and even ask for more, but I know for sure that I won’t have anything extra left anywhere. After all, cabbage soup prepared by grandmother with love cannot be harmful by definition.

But the next day I make sure to unload myself. Once a week I have so-called monodays: I sit either on baked apples, or on cucumbers, or on kefir or low-fat cottage cheese. That is, I eat one product all day.

— I am very lucky: I have an adequate mother, strong, energetic. She competently guided me through life. I think I’ll finally understand what my mother did for me when she has children herself.

— Do you arrange fasting days?

- No, one is enough for me fasting day in Week. I really feel great. Everyone notices how I have lost weight and looked younger. But again, losing weight was not my goal. There are no particularly thin people in my family, and I never wanted to be skinny. And now I’m not skinny. All my forms remained with me. (Laughs.) Thanks proper nutrition Only what was superfluous was gone - mostly liquid that stagnated in the body, and toxins, of course. During the detox course, I lost only 2 kg, and in the month that passed after cleansing, I lost another five.

— Many are afraid to subject themselves to such procedures for fear that they will worsen chronic diseases, for example gastritis. Don't you have such problems?

- Who doesn’t have them! Especially when it comes to artists or musicians. Irregular working hours, a hellish schedule of performances and filming, constant travel, irregular meals - all this does not have the best effect on your health. And this despite the fact that, unlike many rock musicians, I practically do not drink alcohol or smoke. That is why I want to emphasize: under no circumstances should such procedures be done at home. So you read on the Internet how this or that artist lost weight, and you decided to yourself: I’ll do the same, fast for a week, and everything will be fine. Don't believe this nonsense - it won't be good! I myself am shocked by what they write about me. My only secret, no matter how boring it may sound, is proper nutrition.

- Pelageya, but your image as a whole has changed. You have a different hairstyle, instead of long dresses, a stylish jumpsuit. What do you want to convey to the public with your new image?

- Nothing special. Why did you decide that this was some kind of sign? I cut my hair back in January, after a big concert in Moscow. I walked around with long hair for 28 years - I was just tired of it. I don’t want to grow it yet: now I feel younger and lighter. True, at first I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror - I shook my hair and waited for a wave, but it didn’t come. (Laughs.) But you can’t imagine how many compliments I received. But the hairstyle is the tenth thing, the main thing is that I haven’t changed internally!

— And yet... You yourself noticed in one of the programs that it was no coincidence that you changed your style.

- Well, okay, I admit: there was a certain message in this. I tried once again, on a personal, so to speak, level, to emphasize that I was recruiting a team not only of populists. I'm interested in different styles, and people who have not been to the concerts of the Pelageya group do not know about this. Yes, of course, I adore the Russian song tradition - it’s

special sound production. It makes me feel different on stage and experience amazing emotions. This is real, and I am real in it.

But I listen a lot different music. And I wanted my headband, like in the first season, not to scare anyone away. I'm a girl and I like to change. I like to be in both skirts and sneakers. Right now I’m comfortable like this, then I’ll want to emphasize my waist, spin around, stand on my heels. I think this makes sense. As long as you can afford it and it doesn't look stupid, you should enjoy it women's game. Today I am Marilyn Monroe, and tomorrow I am Marilyn Manson. This is how we live different lives - why not?

— I have matured a lot over these three years, largely thanks to the “Voice” project. I grew professionally and became more psychologically stable. On the one hand, I shook myself nervous system, on the other hand, I learned to say no with reason

- Yes, that’s how I felt then. I was asked about this immediately after filming the finale, on December 29th, when I didn’t even have the strength to think about the next show. You want only one thing - to close yourself off from everyone, so that no one touches you. After all, everything you see on the screen is not false, and after the project there comes a strong emotional exhaustion, namely emotional. In addition, this work actually takes a lot of time physically.

We start at the end of August and finish at the end of December. But there is only one head. Oh no, still my mother's head. We put all our energy into coming up with something interesting and new for other people, we invest in them. Of course, there is a huge creative message from the team, because many of the participants are quite accomplished artists. But I am responsible for them, and I have a certain vision of how everything should be. But in principle there cannot be too many good ideas, so there aren’t enough of them to go around.

So the desire to say goodbye to the project was no coincidence. But time passed, I took a break from “The Voice” and thought that, perhaps, I wanted to go through this test again. I got new ideas, the animal fear that I couldn’t cope disappeared. In a word, a purely professional interest awoke.

— I like to give myself a reboot. When emotional fatigue accumulates, it affects the perception of what is happening around. That's why I prefer to relax alone. On the longest (126 m) bench in Europe

“I know from myself: there is something akin to a drug in teaching. Did you feel it?

- But the stage is also a drug. I’m not ready to fully devote myself to teaching yet—I still have a lot to learn on my own. Although I have matured a lot over these two years, and largely thanks to the project. I have grown professionally and become more psychologically stable. On the one hand, I shook my nervous system, on the other, I learned to say no with reason.

— This is probably the most difficult thing on the project?

“Of course, because at this moment you want to shout: “Come here, let’s hug and work together for the rest of our lives.” But I have to say "Goodbye!" a person whom she herself persuaded to come to me and not to another mentor. You see, he believes me, believes that I see talent in him, and I really see it in him. It doesn’t happen that you recruited 13 random people and one finalist. All 14 people made me turn around, I am in love with them all. Therefore, every time it seems to me that I am committing a small betrayal, although I understand: these are the rules of the game. And the contestants understand this too, although not all of them.

— Is anyone still angry with you?

- Unfortunately yes. This was in the first season and it was very difficult for me. After all, everything happened for the first time; then I didn’t know what to expect. It was the first love, and every betrayal was also the first. But I steeled myself. I was able to forget, forgive, let go. I don’t hold a grudge, but this person will never be close to me again. However, that doesn't mean I didn't fall in love with people the same way next season. And I also went to the new team with with open eyes and with open arms: “Let’s rehearse at my house, I’ll cook you borscht...”

— It turned out that you choose with your heart, and then it turns out that this is not your person?

- It’s not that it’s not yours... It happened that a person perfectly learned the song that he sang at the “blind” auditions, you assumed that there was still an inexhaustible well of talent, but he... was quite exhaustible, and the bottom was visible. But there are people much stronger, and you have to give them the opportunity to prove themselves.

There were others too. They looked at me and seemed to say: “Who are you to evaluate me?!” This is what I don’t understand: we are doing creative work here and we must treat each other with respect. I'm not trying to suppress anyone on my team. I see very well that among my students there are people more talented than me,

and I admit it. But unlike them, I have vast experience - after all, I have been on stage since I was four years old. During this time I visited the most different situations. In addition, I know many of the nuances of this project better than them.

Sometimes I deliberately make the person leaving look stronger than his competitor, because I understand that this is his last broadcast. It is important for me that the participant leaves at his highest point. It would be better if people left with the feeling that “Pelageya doesn’t understand anything, she chose the wrong one.” But, unfortunately, it can be difficult for an artist to accept this: he also feels that he is being kicked out of the project unfairly. Be that as it may, every time I try to explain my choice, set people up, and when something works out, I am happy.

— Do you always know in advance who you will leave in the project and who you will part with?

- No, what are you talking about! This is the extreme nature of the situation. For example, I had cases when during rehearsals one of the partners pulled out the other’s “tricks,” which I praised. And then there’s a performance, and a person sings this particular trick a second before his partner. I see everything and don’t miss it.

Or, say, in a duet one contestant suddenly suddenly begins to draw attention to himself: he sings louder or performs some kind of routine. Well, it looks stupid, of course. He seems to shout: “I-I-I-I... I’m louder, I’m bigger, I’m brighter!” And a lot is decided at that moment.

— In my opinion, music, creativity and competition, competition are incompatible concepts. Therefore, no matter how we are pitted against each other - mentors, teams, competitors - I always repeat one thing: “Guys, let’s live together!” In a suite at Le Richemond Hotel

— In these cases, does the teacher in you awaken?

- Well, I’m raising, but what about? (Laughs.) I then explain my decision. I also had some very unpleasant stories. Suddenly some people started calling, asking for the team members. Afterwards I kicked this person out. Naturally, at first I warned him, saying that such techniques do not work on me, they produce exactly the opposite effect. If a person does not listen, then in this way I try to teach him so that next time I achieved everything myself. Maybe because I did everything honestly myself.

— Do you maintain relationships with your former wards?

— Among the contestants of both the first and second seasons there are people who come to my birthday parties, with whom we correspond and call each other. These are really my friends, although they dropped out of the competition for different stages. The musicians of the Pelageya group and I invited some of them to our program. These are Artsvik Harutyunyan, Nani Eva, Nodar Reviya, Georgiy Melikishvili. Tina Kuznetsova also sang with us at first, but then became busy with her solo career.

I see what a leap these musicians made after “The Voice”. All the time I convinced them that the project was just an adventure lasting several months. And then real life begins. And it doesn’t matter at all how many broadcasts you received. The experience of two seasons has shown that some artists who were eliminated earlier than the finalists gather huge audiences and people are interested in them. That is, the important thing is not whether you reached the final, but what you can do later without shifting the blame or, on the contrary, success to the show’s mentor, to the light, sound, and so on.

It seems to me that music, creativity and competition, competition are incompatible concepts. In my opinion, being creative and thinking that you are cooler than someone is disgusting. Therefore, no matter how we are pitted against each other - mentors, teams, competitors - I always repeat one thing: “Guys, let’s live together.” Remember the cartoon about Leopold the cat?

— I like to be in skirts and sneakers. Now this is how I feel comfortable. As long as you can afford it and it doesn’t look stupid, you should enjoy this kind of women’s game. Today I'm Marilyn Monroe, tomorrow I'm Marilyn Manson

— In the “The Voice” project in other countries, the relationship between mentors and participants is tougher, and competition between teams is stronger. We have a very friendly atmosphere in our studio. I think the show's writers didn't expect this...

“We have a unique situation, and I’m proud of it.” I heard that the organizers planned to change the mentors, I even know the people who they wanted to put in these places. I suppose everyone was afraid that some kind of repetition would appear on the screens - after all, we are the same, we have the same reactions. But for some reason they decided to leave everything as it is, which I am very happy about.

I love each of my partners on “The Voice” - these are three amazing people, artists, different in everything: in creativity, and in personality, and in reactions. I am happy that I have the opportunity to experience the brightest

emotions next to them, watching how they experience. Each of them deals with pain differently, but everyone has the same pain.

We don’t play anything, everything that happens in the studio is really real life, a drama that unfolds before our eyes. And this concentrated clot of emotions hangs in the air, you can almost touch it.

Do you know what else makes our project exclusive? Everything is here, from the cleaners to Konstantin Lvovich Ernst ( CEO Channel One. — Approx. "TN"), believe that we are doing something important, bright and real. Is it true! Everyone who comes into this atmosphere is immediately imbued with it. There are no random people there!

— This is probably why the number of people wishing to take part in the competition is growing, and their professional level is getting higher every year?

“I think everyone has finally realized that “The Voice” is not a shameful project at all and that it is a truly powerful platform. The most watched different people, even those who are generally against TV. I believe that this, of course, is the merit of the mentors. We are not against each other, but with each other, we are also a team.

— Did your ambitions really not rise even after Gradsky’s team won for two seasons in a row?

- Believe me, they didn’t jump. Moreover, it seems to me that I can speak not only for myself, but for the guys too. Of course, if, for example, my girl took first place, I would be very pleased, but globally this is completely unimportant. Again, we are creative. When I’m setting up the guys before the stage of duels, in which they sing in duets, I keep explaining: “Friends, it’s impossible to sing with a person in a duet and at the same time compete with him, so let’s make a product, trying not to think about the competition. It will pass, and people will listen to the song on the Internet for a long time.”

— During this time, you and the other mentors have studied each other’s preferences well - you probably know which of the participants will go to whom, who to turn to, and who is definitely not yours?

— In general, of course, we know, but there are also surprises. When I sit in the red chair at a “blind” audition, I don’t arrange the chess pieces in my head: they say, I need to recruit so-and-so, so-and-so, and so-and-so for the team. I react to emotions, to energy.

But there is one more point. In addition to the fact that you like the way the participant sings, you must understand how you can be useful to him. For example, I realize that there are things that Lenya knows one hundred percent, but I don’t understand anything about them. So I don’t turn around, although the contestant sings beautifully.

But there is something that I understand better. If a person and I are on the same wavelength and I have ideas, I am ready to help him. Although in the case of the adult “Voice” the benefit from me is not as obvious as on the children’s project. (Laughs.)

— I see very well that among my students there are people more talented than me,

And I admit it. But unlike them, I have vast experience - after all, I’ve been on stage since I was four years old.

— They usually say that working with children is much more difficult than working with adults. And for you?

— It’s difficult to answer this question. Children's "Voice" was a very serious experience that I was afraid of. I refused to participate in the project for a long time, but Yuri Viktorovich Aksyuta (producer of the program - TN note) convinced me. He said: “I promise, we won’t make a show out of this, we’re not monsters and we understand that these are children.”

I believed it and did not regret it, because I was convinced that children do not take the project as seriously as adults. They have less ambition, this “I” that comes out of all the holes. Although there are such things. But I was lucky: my team included bright, absolutely brilliant guys, without any quirks. I simply didn’t turn to others - I probably intuitively sensed the falseness. I have seen many children's groups that terrified me: children aged 5-9 years old are wearing makeup with empty eyes, cliched gestures, etc. I was afraid to encounter this on the project. But, fortunately, we have a completely different story.

I myself started performing as a child, and there were many talented children around me. I admit, sometimes it was scary to watch what parents do, listen to what they say to their children, and watch what then happens to these children. After all, only a few manage to develop their talent, carry it through life, without ruining it, without splashing it out.

— Is it worth taking a child on stage so early, when his psyche has not yet strengthened?

- Why not? Of course, you can't make money from this. But it is necessary to give the opportunity to express artistic abilities. After all, any creativity develops a person.

Competitions are another matter. For example, I have always refused to participate in various singing competitions: it destroys me. In my life there was only one competition, and that was in absentia: they sent a cassette with my performance - and that’s it, I won.

For me, creative competition is stressful. I'm not one of those people who jumps out. On the contrary, I want as little attention as possible to be shown to me. It’s just my nature, but I admit that there are people who need to prove something. For them, any competition is a joy.

- So how should parents behave if their children have obvious talent?

— First of all, stop satisfying your unrealized ambitions: “I didn’t manage to become a singer as a child, but you will definitely succeed, I see, I know how to do it...” It’s terrible when a mother or father wants to see a small child myself.

But, on the other hand, it is no less a sin to stifle a child’s talent, to say: “Shut up, stop singing! Do something useful!” By the way, when I weighed all the pros and cons before agreeing to participate in the project, one of the arguments was precisely that I was lucky. I have an adequate mother, strong, energetic. She was a jazz singer, then a theater director, and very competently guided me through life. Not everyone has such parents. Most people don't understand anything about this. They work in a factory or in an office, it doesn’t matter, and suddenly a little genius is born into the family. What to do with him? They would be happy to help the child realize himself, but they don’t know how. So I thought I could somehow guide these children. And their parents too.

— After “The Voice” they began to recognize me on the street, in in public places, which doesn't give me pleasure. I don’t like attention to my person, to my personal life. When you talk about some subtle matters, even with friends, you attract unnecessary alien energy. There are just things that don't need to be told. I can feel it

— You work together with your mother. Ever wanted more independence?

— I’ve been living alone since I was 18. It was my wish, but it was my mother’s decision. I know few mothers who, with the level of intimacy that we have with her, could just let their daughter go. It was serious decision, and I am grateful to her for it. The fact that we still work together is a great happiness for me. I admire my mother’s talent, I want to grow up with her in order to be worthy of her. The older I get, the more clearly I realize the scale of her personality. I think I will finally understand what my mother did for me when I have my own children.

— It seems that you are already ready for this role, because you treated the little singers from your team in a completely maternal way. Was it hard to part with them?

- And we continue to communicate. For example, with Ragda Khanieva. This is a man of peace, absolutely space child with an adult soul. And Nastya Titova is amazing. And others too... In short, the whole team. I am happy that they entrusted me with a piece of their little life, and I dream of seeing their future path. With them I completely let myself go. I treat adults with some caution - I think: oh, he might offend me. And a child is a flower, a pure soul. With them I open up, although by nature I am a closed person.

— The spotlight was always directed at Dima Bilan, but I, although my concerts attract full houses, was still not visible. But you must admit, who would have invited me to the project if by this time I had not gained some respect in the music world and a reputation honest man doing his job well with his team.

But I admit: it was after “The Voice” that they began to recognize me on the street, in public places, which does not give me pleasure. I have no public page on Instagram and Facebook, I don’t like attention to my person, to my personal life. And in general, I think that when you talk about some subtle matters, even with friends, you attract unnecessary, alien energy. I'm not talking about envy - there are just things that don't need to be told. I can feel it.

“Then thank you all the more for agreeing to talk with us.”

- This is all Geneva. (Laughs.) She is so cozy, calm... Here you switch to another wave. There is time to think and talk. I will definitely come here again.

Family: mother - Svetlana Khanova, producer and director of the Pelageya group

Education: in 2005 she graduated from RATI-GITIS (Variety Faculty) with honors

Career: She started performing at the age of 4. At the age of 10 she signed a contract with Feelee Records and moved to Moscow. Founder and soloist of the group "Pelageya". Performed by Russians folk songs, romances and original works. She has released the discs “Lyubo!”, “Pelageya”, “Girls’ Songs”, “Siberian Drive”, “Paths”. Since 2012, she has been a coach-mentor in the TV shows “The Voice” and “The Voice.” Children" on Channel One

Late Friday evening, most of the country had already begun to relax - as you like and know how. And I’m just driving up to the building of a famous publishing house to interview the owner of one of the most recognizable voices of Russian music - Pelagia. Now she is in full view of the whole country, being one of the central participants in the top-rated TV show “The Voice”. Naturally, her work schedule is also irregular - her interview following “Zvukovsky” is scheduled for midnight. But the singer does not look tired at all, but on the contrary, she is awake and willingly answers all the questions posed. Let's move on to the answers - fortunately, the interview turned out to be rather long. The last interview with Sounds ended with you saying that you want to record an album of romances. New program "The Cherry Orchard", as far as I understand, partly consists of romances?
Pelagia: Partly. Actually, we had an interview 2 years ago, right? The concept of the new program was born back then, I wanted to sing romances for a long time, they were presented in our concert program, but literally 2-3 pieces. I wanted something lyrical, about love. Dramatic, sentimental. And even the name was invented immediately after recording the album "Paths", after which we last talked. But over these two years the concept has undergone transformations. We understood that if we just took and recorded 10-15 academic romances, either with just a guitar, or with piano and guitar, or with our usual rock composition, then it would not be interesting. We, in the end, decided to take the liberty of elevating beautiful, lyrical, fairly popular music written over the past century in general to the rank of “romance”. Well, for example, you recently started performing a song Yulia Kima
Pelagia: I started singing it a long time ago, it was my lullaby. And it’s not really a romance. The program will include both academic romances and songs from films, excellent representatives of bard songs. I immediately remember how Regina Spektor (Regina Spektor) recently sang Okudzhava
Pelagia: Yes, Okudzhava’s songs will also be there, as well as a Cossack romance, a naive Russian romance... In general, everything that we call romances - people aged 20 to 35 years. Why, exactly? "The Cherry Orchard"?
Pelagia: In general, we initially turned to the Silver Age, immersed ourselves in the atmosphere, read the poets of that time... And this despite the fact that they were always the most interesting to me. Gippius, Block, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva...Modern. In sounds and not only - in costumes, for example. For us, turning to the Silver Age is not a step back into the past, but vice versa. How to watch a beautiful sunset, knowing that behind it there will be an equally beautiful sunrise. Like in the same “Cherry Orchard”. We will under no circumstances interpret Chekhov in our own way, or try to illustrate the play in any way, God forbid. We are not Chekhov, we are adequate (smiles). For us it's like the sound of a broken string. Or the sound of an ax... That is, both beautiful and scary. And these are the very questions raised by Chekhov that definitely require answers... If the current generation does not have these questions in its head, then it is simply lost. We want to shake people up a little, show that a hundred years have passed... For human life This is a huge period of time, but for the life of the country it is absolutely insignificant. Look how subtle and aristocratic we were just so recently! We have remained the same, we have simply forgotten our culture and roots. And if we delve a little into ourselves, we will all find the same thing, and we will treat our country like this cherry orchard. Or we come to this land and grow beautiful gardens on it, which give us aesthetic pleasure and dividend fruits, in the form of cherries, which need to be looked after... And cherry jam is the most delicious, but also the most painstaking to prepare, because pulling out the bones is a very troublesome task... Or we’ll just talk and talk. And behind these conversations we will lose the moment when our country will turn into a bunch of isolated territories - “dachas”. Decultured pieces without past and future. And who or what, in connection with this, is Lopakhin, who cut down the garden?
Pelagia: I just don’t want specific allusions to the characters Well, it’s not entirely necessary that they be people. Maybe lack of culture?
Pelagia: In each of us there are Lopakhins and Ranevskys... Well, “The Cherry Orchard” is not so much a play that inspired us, but, in fact, Chekhov himself with his attitude to Russian life and the people in it. On the one hand, he feels sorry for him, but on the other, he is surprised how one can be such a useless parasite. After all, each of us has incompatible qualities. Like great compassion and great selfishness, for example. Slight laziness.
Pelagia: Light. The most specific parallel of the characters is, mmm, not Lopakhin, and not Sophia, but women in general in this play. Beautiful, charming, gentle, but some kind of unlucky creatures who just want to write songs, romances that should inspire... At the same time, they want to add a little wisdom and brain, so as not to miss the Cherry Orchard, like the same Ranevskaya. It seems to me that now is such a time, again, similar to Chekhov’s. Because we are also so scattered, we gather in groups, we all argue about something with each other, we quarrel with friends because of some ideological maxims... But how can we systematize this and somehow translate it into reality in order to really help? to each other and to the country in general – we can’t solve it. I don’t want to find any Gaevs or Firsov specifically in this situation. In our program, the romances represent the intelligentsia, which, of course, is in each of us. But then there is folklore. With a large geography - from the Urals to the Kuban. I would like folklore to be the background, a kind of nature against which the dramaturgy of the new program will take place. Landing factor?
Pelagia: Well, yes, but, on the other hand, it triggers that very national memory that we are carefully trying to drown out in ourselves, borrowing, spying, trying to repeat everything “like they do” in the West. Like Ranevskaya and Yasha, who are all "to Fgancia, yes to Fgancia"(smiles) This is a downright Slavophile position.
Pelagia: By no means, I am not a Slavophile at all. Well, I meant Slavophiles as participants in the dispute between “Slavophilism and Westernism” from the mid-19th century. The latter argued that when developing a country one should look back at Europe; the Slavophiles were for Russia’s special, own path.
Pelagia: They still exist. In general, I don't like extremes. Everything that leads to fanaticism is bad. I am interested in Russian culture, I love and feel it, but this does not mean that the cultures of other countries are alien and uninteresting to me. In past programs, with the example of compilations of completely different song traditions, we proved that it is possible for this to exist together. It’s just that now is such a time for us and our country that we need to wake up a little and understand what we are doing, what we have done with our past and where we should move next. That you need to stick to your roots, not be ashamed of them, remember. But at the same time try to introduce them into modern culture. I want the world to be united, you know? But we can do it reverse story. People believe that everything that is ours is somehow crap, defective, unfinished. So this is a direct relic of the Soviet Union.
Pelagia: But the Union is over. We, my generation, have grown up without him. I was born in 86, I didn’t know either pioneering or the Komsomol. Nevertheless, this story is still alive in us - “come on, Russian producers, Russian music is not very good.” So one follows from the other. You and I grew up in the nineties, when everyone, having gotten rid of the Iron Curtain, began feverishly consuming everything that came to us from abroad.
Pelagia: Well, I also love Western music, I listen to a limited number of Russian performers, but I still talk about the roots, you know? That I know that I was born on this earth. You can scold anything you want, but when I read my Facebook feed, there is a stream of hellish negativity about everything that is happening here in general, indicating the guilt of only a few people... This trait of Russian people is also not very attractive to me - we want nothing not to do, but at the same time we expect that everything is owed to us just like that. Simply because we are so beautiful and delicate. I think we have to work hard. First of all, on yourself. In order for someone to give us something. Here, too, I adhere to a compromise and cannot find my place in this story - I am not close to those who praise Russia too much, that everything is bad with us, everything is cool with us... Not everything with us is cool! But you can’t even scold your country, they say, you can’t live here because it’s cold, dirty, people are rude here... So don’t be rude yourself, start with yourself! That's all! Until we ask ourselves these questions that the same Anton Pavlovich forces us to raise, until we begin to think about what I would do for my country, the Motherland... The concept of the Motherland for most young people is completely leveled! I think this is unfair - we have a great country, it has always been like this, nothing has changed in it. Because power changes - a state of love inner love to the Motherland should not disappear anywhere. Homeland and state are two different things. A group comes to mind Lumen: "I love my country, but I hate the state".
Pelagia: Again, can't subscribe to this. Because I hate it when people blame someone and don’t see the beam in their own eye. We must not spoil it, but do it in such a way that everyone can say: “I am the state.” Does the new concert program imply an early release of the album?
Pelagia: Yes, sure. There will be an album with the same name, but this time we decided to try out the concert program first. Understand what needs to be changed where, what won’t work at all - and go to the studio to record. The cherry orchard is an interesting phrase for us. Again abstracting from the play, trees and roots are folklore, the garden itself, like cultivated sinewy growth, is romances. This is a combination of two equal halves of the Russian cultural life. We will intersperse them in a dramatically harmonious program; there will not be two sections of “romances” and “folk”. We are thinking about how to throw the viewer from hot to cold and back, in order to ultimately bring them to catharsis (smiles). Such is the deep background of the lyrical program of romances.
Pelagia: Yes, it is like that - ideological. Despite the fact that I am a completely apolitical person, I have never participated in any stories related to any parties or the like. But I can't help but think about what's going on around me. With me and with all of us. Well, in general, except for concerts and creative stories hardly visible anywhere.
Pelagia: Well, now every Friday I’m like a trained monkey on Channel One (laughs). It’s only recently.
Pelagia: Recently and until the end of the year. Then I'll disappear again (laughs). There were, as far as I understand, some problems with Channel One when participating in the “Two Stars” project.
Pelagia: Yes, but I wouldn't like to talk about it Contractual obligations?
Pelagia: No, I’m generally that kind of person... I draw conclusions from the situation, of course, since I’m homo sapiens. But at the same time, I don’t like to keep some kind of negativity in myself. I understand that this is contrary to my nature. When he called me in September Yuri Viktorovich Aksyuta and offered to take part in the Russian-language version of this project, after watching the foreign versions, I took a day to “think about it.” And, having thought it over and realizing that, yes, of course, this participation would interfere with my main professional activity, I decided to agree. Although there are many filming days, there will be live broadcasts in December. Straight straight?
Pelagia: Yes. This project is completely different from everything that happened on our television. I understood that it would take away not only a lot of my personal time, but also my emotional strength. That’s why it’s interesting - both mentors and competitors are placed in very tough emotional conditions. Tears, taking out the soul... These are really talented people, everything is performed live from beginning to end, everything is very cool. So for now, for me in this story there are only positive sides. I am glad that these mentors are next to me, I am glad to get to know each of them. There is a lot to learn from both mentors and each of the competitors. This is very cool. The project involves very different performers, many presented themselves in a musical profile that is not at all popular in our show business. There are many accomplished artists, adults, who may not be easy to retrain in any way.
Pelagia: This is the trick, that everyone is mixed there - and people with vocational education and without it. Singing classics, pop, Soviet music, Western, black and so on. In the case of my team, I have such different people in it... I want each of them to be a universal vocalist, capable of singing opera, romances, ethnic music, jazz, rock, and even pop, only with high quality! Therefore, I will give many numbers “from the opposite direction”. Here is a person who has been singing one thing all his life, but on our show he will have to strain himself and find his ability for another genre. This will be interesting at the very least. And very useful for the profession. Bilan also, it seems to me, aimed at creating a universal artist, and Agutin And Gradsky- some aspects are being studied more deeply.
Pelagia: Watch the broadcasts, when battles and duets begin, everything will become clearer there. Here we are yesterday ( interview was conducted on November 2– editor’s note) they have been recorded and will be shown in 2 weeks. The final is December 29. The interest that blind auditions generate and what will happen next is heaven and earth. It will just be a bomb. Are the competitors making noticeable progress?
Pelagia: Yes, everything, absolutely. How does this all happen? They didn’t quite understand what needed to be done, but you directed them “on the right path”?
Pelagia: I don’t know how the rehearsal process goes for other mentors. And I, after all, am not a teacher. I have an official advisor in this project and in life in general - my mother. We do numbers together. Our task is not to bring a person to the final stage so that he wins this contract with Universal. Our task is to present each contestant in such a light that he will be remembered. We went online and typed the name into a search engine. And many people there already actually have creative projects, which they were doing before “The Voice”. They are all really very talented. There are no mediocrities in the project, and that’s already cool. Two or more broadcasts on Channel One, and all over the country - that’s great amount people, many of them hardly watch TV, except for “The Voice”. So our task is to ensure that these people receive their well-deserved share of audience attention and love. Well, the winners of television projects don’t always have an enviable fate either. For example, I don’t even remember who won in all the “Factory” and other “Become a Star”, only a few remained afloat. Of course, some special artist can win, but what if he, with his originality, does not fit into the foundations of local show business?
Pelagia: Despite everything, the entire “Factory” remains in the clip. In general, all four of us now think that this show is changing the situation in show business. Unfortunately, nothing will depend on us whether there will be real changes. Here, on this project, we decide a lot. But further... I don’t have either financial or information resources so that I can take a person and lead him by the hand where he needs to go... I can’t write him songs, because this requires a team of other people. I am a trainer. Coach before the Olympics, let's call it that. Moreover, the Olympiad will begin after the project. So far this is the Russian championship.
Pelagia: That's right, the best voice in Russia (smiles). Colleague Pavel Surkov saw you on Red Hot Chili Peppers, I read an interview where you talked about visiting a gig Skunk Anansie... What impressed you from the last concerts?
Pelagia: Yes, but I wasn't impressed with RHCP. I wasn’t in the fan zone, I didn’t drink any strong drinks, so it seemed somehow, hmm... A little bland, or something. The people who organized the concert said that it was much cooler in St. Petersburg. I was at the Erykah Badu concert ( Erykah Badu) last year - it was super cool. A brilliant person who made the lighting score. She - magical woman what is she doing with her voice? Every movement of the hand is accompanied, again, by this ingenious light fixture, incredible musicians. I've been waiting for Skunk Anansie since the seventh grade, because it's a long-time love of mine. And I was very upset by the sound in MILK - Skin wasn’t enough for me ( Skin), and there was a lot of "ji-ji-ji". I saw that she was tense, but for me she was still the main one there, naturally. But, nevertheless, I got incredible pleasure, jumping on this VIP sofa, almost breaking it, because I was farting like a seventh grader (laughs). Sade Concert ( Sade) I was a little disappointed. Apparently she was sick or didn’t feel very well, but she sang, forgive me, sometimes out of tune, which you wouldn’t expect from her. However, my friends are delighted and think it was the best show in the world Maybe you assessed it with a professional eye, and they were less picky about what was happening?
Pelagia: Well, they didn’t fall off the shelf either. But nevertheless, it was beautiful. Brilliant video, interesting scenography with moving stage elements... But this is the perfect concert - of course, Dead Can Dance. When I was at Lisa's solo concert ( Lisa Gerrard) several years ago, a complete aghtung happened to me, I roared through the entire concert, thinking about why I even call myself a singer if I don’t have even a fraction of what this woman easily does. And this had a very strong influence on me since the time when we worked with Igor Tonkikh, and he slipped my mother and me their disc, which turned us around forever. At the concert, a friend sat next to me who had no idea who DCD were. And it seems that he was the only one in the hall who did not know what to expect from this concert. He looked at me in horror: I swayed back and forth, started crying from the very first song, and my head, in general, immediately went a little crazy. (laughs). Again the same thoughts about “what am I doing here”, singing is not my profession, I have to be a hairdresser, anyone, but not a singer. But then I managed to somehow sublimate the feelings, and in the middle I experienced that same catharsis, enlightenment. I still continued to behave inappropriately, as they say (laughs). She sat with one hand on her throat and the other hand directed at Lisa. (shows) and I tried... Like the Baptists, “take the light.”
Pelagia: Yes, to catch the light, the channel was set up, one might say, as a result, I came out completely... I don’t know what people experience when they consume consciousness-expanding drugs, but it seems to me that this is about it... Well, who else among the world’s singers impresses you besides Erykah Badu, Skin and Lisa Gerrard?
Pelagia: Björk ( Bjork). Zemfira. I think that she is a world-class singer. Olga Fedoseevna Sergeeva- a grandmother who lived in the Pskov province, about whom I talk at every concert, this is truly one of my teachers. Unfortunately, I didn’t know her, she had already died when I heard her for the first time, but there were a huge number of recordings on the Internet. Inna Zhelannaya– an amazing woman... In general, I admire a lot of people. Oh, I just remembered Dulce Pontes (Dulce Pontes) is an amazing singer. Do you draw any conclusions for yourself when you attend concerts? Are you looking for any methods or tricks?
Pelagia: You understand, life still hasn’t brought me together with such a cool light fixture as Erykah Badu, for example. And I won’t steal any ideas about video art from Sade. And I already knew that the video sequence would greatly complement the performance. When I listen to Lisa, I certainly learn from her in terms of vocal freedom. That's what attracts me to all these cool singers? When you listen to them, you don’t have the feeling that they have any physical limit. They sing so freely... So I want to ensure that this pioneer syndrome disappears, and in my head, at least, this ceiling did not exist. It is very important. Well, we’re all talking about women, but what about men’s voices?
Pelagia: Yes, sure. For example, Vakarchuk. How can it not be quoted? He is wonderful with his range, his talent as a poet, his compositional skill, and even the way he puts his foot on the monitor. Then there is an absolutely amazing vocalist who has always been cool. And during the time that he left, to my great regret, the disbanded group, during which he developed his solo project, he has come a long way and grown into a Western-level star. I'm talking about Andrey Zaporozhets and project Sunsay. I’ve known him for a long time, I know what he could do, and when I go to his concerts now, I see that he has already reached a different level. He is a workaholic, this is his job, well done. Well, alas, neither Babkin, nor Zaporozhets popularity Fridays never repeated.
Pelagia: However, Andrey is an excellent artist. Like Sergei, of course, too. Well, for example, he has recorded songs with John Forte ( John Forte) from a wonderful group The Fugees. Also, you know, a significant addition to your creative baggage. Judging by your creativity, you are quite polygamous in music. Are there styles that you cannot digest at all?
Pelagia: I don’t like dance music, our pop music... I can’t stand Chanson. I don’t really like it when jazz is mixed with folk. I also don’t like it when people who can’t sing at all sing for some reason. Even a tuner can’t get them into recording. For example, I am not given the opportunity to be a mathematician - I do not give reports at specialized forums. And, for some reason, it is believed that everyone can sing - this is not so. If people treated all their professions with more responsibility, doing their job 100%, it would be cool. Are there so-called exceptions in pop music and even in “pop”?
Pelagia: Here you go, Vanya Dorn- great dude, let's see what he does next. Because making yourself known is cool, but a competent continuation of the story is almost more important than the start. This is the kind of pop music that doesn't annoy me. Firstly, this is a Ukrainian artist, and Ukrainians are very responsible for the products... of musical life (laughs). Secondly, he is ironic, including at himself. And this is brains and taste. Dorn completely blew up music world, Well done. There is a wonderful group Luk, which unfortunately broke up, was also a very high-quality pop project. I’m not at all against light music, where everyone has their own tasks. In terms of background - why not. To dance, to have sex... But my music is for something else. What do you think caused the emergence of folk revival in Russian music in the 2000s? The wave on which your conditional repositioning as an artist took place? With broadcasts on Our radio and so on?
Pelagia: Unfortunately, at the moment when folk music appeared on Our radio, the Pelageya group completely disappeared from it. I can't explain this phenomenon in any way. Representatives of the radio station more often see me as an artist who can represent them, that is, a living head. But for some reason we are not in the rotation. However, you performed at the Invasion more than once
Pelagia: Yes, they see him as an artist who works energetically live, sounds cool, is appropriate in the context of festivals... But, for some reason, not a single song from the album "Trails" Didn't get into constant rotation on air. Although the same "Mom's Bossa Nova", I think, is a completely radio song. "Birdie" too... In short, I think that many songs could have been broadcast. Naturally, the radio station is talking about a certain focus group that didn’t like it. And I, in general, can believe in it. For some reason I thought that Pelageya was still playing on Our Radio
Pelagia: Occasionally "Nyurka's song" spinning. Album "The Cherry Orchard", I hope it will somehow change the situation. How are you? free time relax if you have it? Maybe you have some kind of hobby?
Pelagia: I do yoga. Both myself and I go to the centers. There is even a favorite direction, in addition to the usual Ashtanga yoga, hatha yoga... Yoga nidra. It is the closest to me, because you lie there for an hour, don’t move, completely relax, enter a state between sleep and wakefulness... In which Mendeleev his table arrived, in which creative people generate ideas. Equivalent to the state right before waking up or when you fall asleep, it is borderline. So you enter it, formulating a firm intention of what you would like to achieve. Either get rid of some internal psychological cliches that are bothering you, or fulfill specific desire. When I first came from this practice, everyone started asking - why did you start using drugs? I had such bright eyes, I understood so many things, and this had nothing to do with religious practices. This is pure self-awareness. I am against any doping, drugs destroy us, giving only some fleeting positive. And such practices, on the contrary, enrich us. For me, this is generally the coolest trip. Traveling deep into yourself - what could be more interesting? This is generally the coolest thing that can happen to a person - self-improvement, becoming better. Traditionally, a question that you are mortally tired of, but everyone asks?
Pelagia: Is my real name? And am I familiar with all the presidents for whom I sang? A question that no one asks, but you would ask yourself?
Pelagia: I like it, especially since it happens quite rarely, when journalists come, having read something about me, and don’t start asking me questions about my biography, how old I was on stage... Everything that can be found in Wikipedia, they themselves can write in the first paragraph without forcing me to repeat the same thing. Recently I was surprised by one guy who read the technical rider of the Pelageya group before asking for an interview. This really surprised and pleased me, I told him - thank you very much. In general, when they try to ask something not related to my personal life, namely my professional activity, or questions that arise from our creativity, I feel that the person was preparing for the interview and understands what he is talking about. And when they ask: "Tell us about yourself"...Well, tell us about yourself.

Pelagia, program presentation "The Cherry Orchard"
Crocus City Hall, Moscow

Generous with emotions like a woman. Her hypnotic charm has an irresistible effect on men and children. But to those who count on her professional advice, don’t push for pity.

– Pelageya, what do you think is the reason for the phenomenal success of the show “The Voice”?

– To be honest, I was not ready for such a resonance. But each of us did not even work to the limit of our capabilities, but often exceeded them... And most importantly, on the site we were overwhelmed by sincere, genuine emotions, which we were sometimes unable to cope with. When you put your soul into your work - it doesn’t matter whether you’re building a bathhouse or participating in a show - both will turn out at the same level. So this is the secret.

– What is the point of this show? After all, as I understand it, the winners have no special prospects.

- I do not agree! The guys travel around the country, some of them pack decent halls. In the concert dedicated to Victory Day, out of ten participants, four were from “Voice”. In the end, put in a certain amount of work and taste - and please, there are plenty of platforms for self-affirmation. Another thing is that blaming someone for your failures is more common. Once Mikhail Boyarsky said about the children's “Voice”: “I don’t understand this. You cannot offend children. But what won’t you do for the sake of rating.”

And the children, by the way, for the most part were not offended. For them it's just some kind of game. At one time, for me, singing was rather a pleasure. I admit, I stubbornly refused to participate in the children's project. But when Yuri Aksyuta cited as an argument the situation with children's public creativity, in which we have a complete hole, I agreed. Indeed, after all " morning star“The children had nowhere to go. And our competition pushed many, if not to take up music, then to choose the “right” music...

– Would you send your child to such a competition?

“First we need to give birth to him, and then see what his soul is about.” Maybe he'll want to take part in math competitions.

– Have you made decisions on the show that you later regretted?

– There were no completely unforgivable mistakes, although at first I may have shown short-sightedness. But there is no point in looking back, the present moment is important to me.

– The rules of this show were strict, especially for our country, where they love to sympathize. By the way, even the curator from Holland admitted that we made a dramatic “Voice”. I didn't follow any strategy and was myself. For me, in general, such calculations are akin to fears that I won’t wrinkle my forehead, otherwise wrinkles will suddenly appear. Living life to the fullest.

– Nevertheless, you were accused of artificiality, of working for the public...

- I'm not such a good actress! I remember when I looked at the first sources, I was upset: “Lord, well, here we could have reacted more calmly there too.” But the trick is that often I completely forgot about shooting. For example, “blind” auditions lasted for three days from morning to evening; we screened 150 people. You'll forget about anything!

– If you suddenly decided to take part in such a show, what would you choose?

- A folk song.

– What if they didn’t take you, as happened with Gleb Matveychuk?

– I wouldn’t have gone there in the first place! The very situation in which I have to prove something to someone is destructive for me. I need to be praised, loved and told nice things - then I blossom. And these sports races unsettle me, I immediately want to step aside.

– Due to a lack of competitive spirit, have you never wanted to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest?

– When I wanted – and this was even before Ruslana’s performance with her ethnic music – no one took me. And when people finally realized that there was a trick to this, I was no longer interested. This year I was worried about my close friend Paul Gagarin. She, unlike me, really wants to conquer the world.

-Are you not an ambitious person?

– I have enough emotions in Russia. It is much more important for me to travel around my country, proving that our culture is worth being proud of. So the saying “Where you were born, you fit in” is about me.

I take care of my reputation

– There is not a single photograph on the Internet that reveals the secrets of your personal life. How do you avoid close attention paparazzi?

– I guess I chose the right genre, which attracts people who are interested not in form, but in content. In addition, I am a boring character: I never fan the flames of information and do not participate in political battles. I am not on social networks, except for Instagram, but even there only my close friends. This is a way for me to keep up with their lives. I will not use this resource as a platform to receive money for advertising.

– Offers come in regularly, but I reject them. And not because I think advertising is a humiliating way to make money - I just need confidence in the effectiveness of the advertised product. The name is what I earned for many years.

– Does money matter to you?

– Of course, you can’t do without money, but I’m not so dependent on the standard of living that I’ve achieved over the past few years. My mother takes care of the finances; I myself am not good at counting, much less saving money. Since I don’t have my own family yet, I happily spend money on travel, health and my friends.

– Do you have your own ritual before going on stage?

– I always pray. The guys and I stand in a circle, hum something, and during this time I manage to say a prayer. In addition, on the day of the concert, I try to minimize any communication so as not to waste energy.

– Do you know what failure is?

– One day, right during the performance of a song, my voice disappeared. It seemed to me that the world had collapsed! I apologized and left the stage. From my point of view, it was a failure, I still remember this moment.

– How did Moscow receive you?

- With open arms! Mom became the bumper against which all the intrigues of ill-wishers and troubles were broken. She is my protector, thanks to her I grew up in greenhouse conditions. I don't mean the financial component, but love.

– But you must have had to deal with envy?

- Well, there is no escape from betrayal to this day. Even loved ones betray. As they say, every family has its black sheep. But I have a grandmother, grandfather, and mother who are beloved to heaven and back, and I still find friends for myself. Real ones.

– Do you know how to forgive?

- I don’t forgive lies. Maybe because I myself get very upset when I try to deceive. So I don’t know how to lie and I don’t allow others to lie. I recently read: “Betrayal is akin to having your hands cut off: you can forgive, but never hug.” I know how to forgive and say goodbye forever.

- What about standing up for yourself?

– Over the past few years, I have learned to defend my opinion. Previously, when faced with disdain: they say, who are you? – she immediately resigned herself and left.

– You give the impression of being a clear extrovert. Are you familiar with depression?

- But of course! True, I try not to let depression take over me entirely, but sometimes it does. Then you can cry, but it’s better to just get some sleep.

“Before, when faced with disdain (saying who you are), I immediately resigned myself and left.”

It's fashionable to be yourself

– How do you feel about the craze? plastic surgery?

– I recently met a girl who corrected the shape of her ears. All her life she suffered from protruding ears: “I never lived before, but now I’m so happy! I can do it high ponytail or a sleek hairstyle..." What's wrong with that? But when everyone starts to look like biorobots with huge lips and the same facial expression, as if someone hit them with rebar from behind, it’s strange. At some point, I even thanked fate for the fact that my lips were thinner, my nose was shorter, and my breasts were smaller. But I stand out! In general, I appreciate female beauty. But not standard, as if tailored according to a single pattern. Individuality is the most valuable thing in a person.

And they deprived themselves of it!

– I like the way I look now. I have gained a little weight, but I don’t see this as a disaster. I did this solely for myself, and not at all because of the current fashion for skinny people.

“I like the way I look now. I’ve recovered a little, but I don’t see it as a disaster.”

– Does fashion matter to you?

– Nowadays everything is fashionable: hippie chic, classic, sixties – please! The main thing is to arrange things correctly. So for me style is more important than fashion. For example, I love both dresses and trousers. And thank God, by the age of 30 I already understand what suits me and what will only highlight my shortcomings.

– You were on the show cool decorations for hair!

- Mom made them with her own hands. She sews all the costumes for the group herself. By the way, I wear them in everyday life, but on stage they look more appropriate.

– I know that you are a big fan of bags and shoes. Have you accumulated a lot?

– There are many, and each has its own path. But I don’t get attached to things, I part easily. I will give away something I like to someone without regret.

– You once said that you are unlikely to sing ditties because they contain swear words. In life, do you also avoid taboo vocabulary or can you just type it out?

– I can, and I scold myself for it, and in the same words. But I try to restrain myself.

– Do you go in for sports?

– Yoga used to help me a lot. But now I want to try Pilates. This gymnastics is more suitable for my back. It's time to do some corrective exercises.

– When you are busy, a telephone is a necessary thing. But do you at least turn it off at night?

– For several years now, my phone has been in silent mode. But sometimes it seems like they can get me anywhere. The computer is also not my thing, watch a movie at most.

– You said that you don’t spare money on travel. In which country did you feel most comfortable?

– Israel made a huge impression on me and became my love forever. I would really like to see Japan - a country with strong traditions. From my point of view, London is a cool city... But, no matter how pretentious it may sound, I feel best in my native land.

Interviewed by Anna Abakumova

Pelageya (Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova). Born on July 14, 1986 in Novosibirsk. At the age of eight, she entered the Novosibirsk Special Music School at the Conservatory without exams and became the first student vocalist in the 25-year history of the school. In 2005 she graduated from RATI with honors. In the same year she founded the group “Pelageya”. She was married to Comedy Woman director Dmitry Efimovich.

The legendary director Emir Kusturica told her when he met her personally: “I have heard everything in the world. But there is nothing like this anywhere. You are the most incredible thing that exists in music now”... Margaret Teicher called her the Russian Edith Piaf, and Boris Yeltsin called her a symbol of the renaissance Russia. Recognized all over the world, the Russian singer with a unique voice gives an interview for the first time in which she talks about her spiritual life and her path to God... Bright on stage, so sincere and modest in personal communication, the incomparable Pelageya is a guest of “Orthodox Simbirsk”.


Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova is a Russian folk rock singer, founder and soloist of the group “Pelageya”. Performs Russian folk songs, romances and original compositions. Pelageya was born on July 14, 1986 in Novosibirsk into a creative family. Mother Svetlana Khanova (directing and acting teacher, former jazz singer) is a producer and director of the Pelageya group.

From an early age, Pelageya showed herself to be an extraordinary vocalist - excellent hearing, clear intonations, individual timbre, the ability to easily reproduce various vocal styles, a wide range and subtle insight into musical material- the data she received from God always delighted not only the inexperienced public, but also all specialists. Very quickly, the media spread the news throughout the country that there was a girl living in Siberia who had the rare gift of a “vocal prodigy,” and then they dubbed her the “National Treasure of Russia.”

In 2009 she participated in the TV show “Two Stars”, and in 2012 and 2013. participates as a coach-mentor in the vocal television show “The Voice” on Channel One. She graduated with honors from the variety department of the RATI Institute (GITiS). Lives in Moscow.

Awards and titles:
1994 - Scholarship recipient of the “Young Talents of Siberia” and “New Names of the Planet” foundation at UNESCO.
1996 - Winner of the Morning Star competition, title of “Best folk song performer in Russia.”
2007 - Award “Best Rock Album of the Year” for the album “Girl Songs”.
2007 - Nomination “Discovery of the Year” on MuzTV (in the absence of broadcasts - the group still does not have a single video).
2008 - Triumph Award for contribution to Russian culture.
2009 - Rock and Roll Award “Soloist of the Year” (“Our Radio”).

Official website of the group "PELAGEA"

— Pelageya, is it true that your work was blessed by Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'? Where did your meeting take place?
— It was in 1995, when I was a nine-year-old girl and was invited to Moscow. At the invitation of the Moscow Patriarchate, I performed in the Kremlin as a presenter and singer. There my probably fateful meeting with the Patriarch took place. I can say that he amazing person! I am grateful to God that His Holiness gave a blessing to my creative path and I was able to communicate with him personally several times in my life. That day he told me very important words and blessed me.

— The blessing of the Patriarch is a great honor, but at the same time a huge responsibility... How did this event influence your work?
“The fact is that I always take very seriously what I do on stage, what I say and how I behave. Public people in this sense should be especially responsible! I see a big problem when people are not responsible for their actions and do many things carelessly. And it doesn’t matter what exactly you do. If you build a house, you must build it well. Well, if you are engaged in some kind of creativity, you should not be ashamed, and even more than that, you should be good and help people. As for my creativity, I am not at all ashamed of what I do. We really do it from pure heart. Everything is for real! I am sincerely glad if people need our creativity and it brings joy and some benefit - this is what I, as a singer, see as my mission.

- Without a doubt, you are a unique artist, you have an unusually beautiful voice... But how can you not become proud, knowing that you have special talents and gifts?
— On the contrary, I have a problem that I often have to convince myself that everything is fine with me, that I am a strong, talented person, etc. I always take myself extremely seriously and adequately. And I know perfectly well that I can, that I can do it, and at the same time I understand all my shortcomings, my shortcomings. My main problem is laziness. I could have spent a lot of time more usefully and achieved something more. After all, it is necessary to develop qualities and abilities to a greater extent than they are currently developed. In general, I have never had problems with star fever or arrogance. Moreover, I was always surrounded the right people who did not let me become arrogant. And then I always have my mother next to me, with whom, let’s just say, you can’t spoil her!

“I think you, in turn, will also raise good children!”
- I really hope for it! You see, my mother initially had the right position - to protect me from evil, to develop noble qualities. It is very important to teach a child to distinguish between good and evil, bad and beautiful. And I will raise my children the same way. Now I have two godchildren and I try to spend as much time as possible with them, be an example for them, and raise them in the faith. It is important not to pollute the soul with anything, not to be an omnivore. I think that this largely destroys our inner world. You must always force your soul to work. There is a phrase that experience steals emotions. And we need to make sure that our emotions, our heartfelt feelings are not stolen. So that we react even to some little things and joys, as sincerely as in childhood, so that we do not become callous, do not become rude. This is especially important in modern conditions. In general, every person should have a spiritual compass inside that helps them navigate in life and not go astray. The commandments of God will always show us the right guideline.

— People who have come to faith often talk about events that changed their consciousness, aspirations and, in general, the meaning of life... Have such events happened in your life?
- Yes, sure. I always feel that the Lord is near me. Every day I thank God for my happiest life! I am a very lucky person - and this is precisely the hand of God. I understand that I didn’t deserve this much... It’s just that from early childhood I was like a lucky star. I have a Guardian Angel with me, whose help I feel. I don’t understand people at all who consider themselves fatalists. I am convinced every day that miracles exist. And there have been many of them in my life. Miracles happen every day! Therefore, it is difficult to name something specific...

— You have been to the Holy Land. Was it a tour or a pilgrimage?
— The need of the soul is more urgent. You know, I love Jerusalem very much... I’ve been there twice and both times alone. I bowed to the great shrines of Christianity. Visited the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. On my last trip I spent all 10 days completely alone. I thought and worried a lot. I prayed. It so happened that both times she left for Jerusalem during rather difficult periods of her life. I needed to reconsider a lot. AND best place than the Holy Land, I couldn't find it! Visiting this meta was a special event in my life, something turned upside down inside me, I realized a lot. I honestly say - I have never experienced anything like this in my life...

— Pelageya, when were you baptized?
— I was baptized as a child in Novosibirsk, I was only 3 years old. Reverend Pelageya is my heavenly patroness. And they named me in honor of my great-grandmother Pelageya Kirillovna. Since childhood, I knew that God exists and that He is always next to me. My mother raised me in the faith and took me to church. And as I grew older, I began to study theology, read spiritual literature, and the history of religions. I compared other religions, trying to understand and understand for myself: “Why am I Orthodox?” And gradually I came to the firm realization that this particular religion is close and understandable to me. I understand with all my soul, mind and heart that Orthodoxy is my faith! And I treasure this shrine! Of course, I cannot say that I am a churchgoer. By the way, I have a church next to my house. I try to go to confession and receive communion, but unfortunately, I have not yet found a confessor. I read a lot. I love the books of Father Alexander Men. There I find answers to questions that particularly concern me. When things get difficult for me, my soul is heavy, I go to church, and it becomes much easier for me.

—Did any surprising events happen during your everyday touring routine?
- Yes, sure! Once we were at a concert in Ussuriysk. And there was just a belt there Holy Mother of God. Knowing what huge queues there were throughout the country and, especially in Moscow, we simply miraculously managed to venerate this great shrine. And when the next morning, when we were flying to Moscow, I was sitting in the business lounge, waiting for the plane, the priests brought this belt in again. This is the grace of God, undoubtedly...

- Pelageya, but faith leaves some imprint on creative activity?
- Undoubtedly. For example, we do not give concerts in Holy Week, we always carefully think through the content of our solo albums. TO Orthodox holidays We are preparing special performances, for Christmas, for example. I always pray before a concert. A lot has changed in my soul since I started fasting, the last 4 years. Holy Easter has become the most joyful and favorite holiday for me! Fasting gives me so much strength and energy, it has a beneficial effect on my creative life. In our repertoire, songs with spiritual themes occupy a special place - these are “Evening Sacrifice”, “I have outlived my time”, “Rozhdestvenskaya”, “Christ is Risen” and others. God gave me talent, and I must multiply His gifts.

—Have you ever had a desire to sing in a church choir?
“You won’t believe it, but when I was little, my favorite hobby was playing in the church choir!” Temple services with their beautiful prayers made such a great impression on me that I even hummed chants at home! Of course, at that time I didn’t know the words of the services, but I imitated the priest and the church choir with my voice - exactly as they sang in church. I remember that I locked myself in a room and could sing, sing, sing for hours! Then I had not yet performed on stage; we lived in St. Petersburg. And one day we had a professor from the St. Petersburg Conservatory visiting us. And imagine, he watched me through the keyhole for quite a long time, then he came up to my mother and said that I definitely needed to study music. She has serious abilities for this. This is symbolic, but it was then that we decided to take vocals seriously.

— You are an Orthodox person, but you rarely talk about this topic in interviews. Does this have something to do with it?
— You know, for me, in general, religious issues are very personal. And I really almost never talk about this topic with journalists, because... for me these are more intimate things than even personal life. But your publication was an exception. I often sing folk songs, and there are a lot of appeals to God... We have a great, unique Russian culture, rich traditions. All this needs to be protected and appreciated. We must know our roots, our history. I am convinced that we need to look for support in the Orthodox faith, this is very important. I myself cannot imagine my life without God... Does it even make sense then?

— Your wishes to the readers!
- I wish you to love life, appreciate every moment of it. After all, the most important thing in life is Love. Love in the highest sense - for life, for neighbors, for God...

Nadezhda ZEMSKOVA.
(Newspaper "Orthodox Simbirsk" No. 14 (334), 07/25/12)

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