Nutrition during pregnancy. Proper nutrition during pregnancy

What and how should a future mother eat? There is too much information to immediately make the right decision. We are afraid of allergies, problems in the development of the unborn baby, various threats to our appearance.

And trying to prevent the coming diathesis, lack of growth or weight of the child and hair loss, pregnant women begin to invent all kinds of diets. Or they completely wave their hand at everything and continue to eat as they did before pregnancy. How to do the right thing?

The nutrition of the expectant mother is, first of all, healthy, varied, complete food. When compiling our menu, we must be guided by the following principles.

First principle

The faster the product came from nature to our table, the more “alive” it is, the better for a woman. This applies to absolutely everything: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

It is quite obvious that milk that is stored for six months, yoghurts that do not spoil for several months, canned food, sausages, it is not known how long frozen fish that has lain in the store are far from the concept of “live food”.

Second principle

During pregnancy, as well as in any other period of life, food should be enjoyable. It is important that this or that food wanted . It is necessary to be guided by desire (“I want to eat this”), and not by some settings (“It is useful” or “I can’t do this”).

We often eat from the principle that comes from the head, and not from the need of the body - and then such food is not very well absorbed just because the body does not need it. The clearest example is consumption of cottage cheese by pregnant women. It is eaten regardless of desire, because it is believed that this is the best source of calcium that expectant mothers need.

Meanwhile, firstly, cottage cheese is primarily a protein, and secondly, if you eat it through force, then it is not a fact that nutrients will be absorbed from it.

.ANDThere is no hard and fast rule for everyone! Each woman has her own metabolism, and during pregnancy, these differences increase even more. Therefore, it is impossible to focus on the average consumption of a particular product.

Many will probably have a question: what if you want frankly harmful products? Chips, Coca-Cola, chocolate in large quantities are not useful in the normal state, not to mention pregnancy.

Such addictions can be seen as a certain diagnostic feature- this means that the woman has already violated the diet, and she is not able to correctly feel the needs of her body, but at the same time she feels the pleasure received from these products well. Oddly enough, but in the state of pregnancy, the joy of eating a certain type of food prevails over its usefulness.

What can this or that predilection say? For example, if a woman has an irresistible desire for chocolate, then perhaps she does not allow herself to receive joy from life, lives in the power of prohibitions and obeys everything. The second, more important reason may be that a woman systematically denies herself fat - and the body seeks to make up for their deficiency at least in this way.

Another common food craving is cravings for salt- may be due to the fact that a woman drinks little, and the body thus takes care of retaining the right amount of fluid in the tissues. This is also signaled by an irresistible desire for carbonated drinks.

In any case, the child will receive everything necessary from the mother's body, especially if this is the first pregnancy. This is how our body works. The only question is what will remain for the woman and what will be her condition after childbirth with a diet that does not provide enough nutrients.

Third principle

Omandatory inclusion in the diet of essential food components . Pregnant women often set themselves the most important task: to eat as many vitamins as possible. Meanwhile, a woman in position needs, first of all, not vitamins, but proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Your daily menu should certainly include products containing these three components. source squirrel are dairy products, fish, meat, legumes, eggs, cereals - and all this must be consumed, because protein is a building material for the growth and development of a child.

Carbohydrates are also necessary - they provide the body of a woman and the body of a growing child with the necessary amount of energy. Bread, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, cereals must be in the diet of pregnant women. How much carbohydrates you need depends on the woman's lifestyle - the more active it is, the more carbohydrate foods you need to eat.

Use fat during pregnancy, it acquires a particularly important role, because they are involved in the construction of the nervous system and the membranes of the growing body of the baby. It is impossible to reduce them to a minimum and even more so to exclude fatty foods.

In the diet of a pregnant woman, there must be fatty fish, fatty meat, lard, long-cooked broths, jelly, butter and vegetable oil, nuts, and dairy products. Fatty fish is especially useful, because it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids in an active form, which are very well absorbed and immediately integrated into the body.

Yulia Gusakovskaya - Starovoitova, director family center

Dear readers! In your opinion, what should be the diet of a pregnant woman? Should the expectant mother adhere to strict healthy limits or can she afford sweets and saltiness?

Pregnancy is a happy time of waiting for the birth of a baby. Proper nutrition future mother is a guarantee not only of her health and successful pregnancy, but also the proper development of her unborn child.

The main rules of the diet of a pregnant woman

When compiling your daily routine and menu, it is very important for a pregnant woman to observe basic rules of nutrition during pregnancy.

  • Diet, which a doctor who monitors the course of pregnancy and your health will help you compile.
  • Control the amount of food eaten per day. The generally accepted statement “eat for two” is fundamentally wrong: of course, you will have to eat more, but in no case do not overeat and do not force yourself to eat more than you want.
  • Eat often, but little by little- this principle will allow your body to better absorb all the necessary nutrients and help you control the process of weight gain.
  • Don't limit yourself in the water. Noticing swelling, many expectant mothers begin to set themselves restrictions on water consumption. This is not true: the less you drink, the less excess fluid is excreted from the body, thereby puffiness only intensifies. So drink to your heart's content.
  • Don't Forget Micronutrients: during pregnancy, it is very important for a woman to get enough iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium.
  • : extra pounds will not have a positive effect on either your condition or the condition of the unborn child. Normal weight gain during pregnancy is about 12 kilograms. Everything else is fat.

Thanks to properly formulated meal plan, as well as a properly selected menu, a woman will not only keep her body in good shape, but also provide the unborn child with all the necessary substances for its intrauterine development.

If you are confident in your abilities, then you can make a menu yourself, without going to a specialist.

Sample menu for a pregnant woman for one day:

  • Breakfast: a glass of skim milk with a biscuit, a cup of coffee. Biscuit can be replaced with a couple of glasses of yogurt, and instead of coffee, drink a cup of tea.
  • Dinner: durum wheat pasta with cheese or unpolished rice with 1 teaspoon oil, tomato. Lean meat (beef, chicken) - about 150 gr., 1 slice of bread with bran, fruit. You can drink everything with a glass of berry juice. Meat products can be replaced with legumes. These dishes can be replaced with stewed vegetables (about 100 gr.), served with fish (200 gr.).
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat kefir or half a glass of milk and a sponge cake, yogurt or an apple. From drinks you can drink orange juice, tea.
  • Dinner: cook vegetable soup, eat 200 grams of fish for the second, eat fruit. As an alternative, you can eat a piece of boiled beef with cheese, a boiled egg or cottage cheese. Wash it all down with natural juice.

During snacks between main meals, eat fruits or vegetables, nuts in small quantities, drink natural (not packaged) juices and water.

The nuances of nutrition of a pregnant woman in trimesters

Pregnancy is that period in a woman's life when she has to change her eating habits.

If you disassemble trimester menu then follow these rules:

  • do not drastically change your eating habits so as not to create unnecessary stress for the body in the early stages. If you don't want to eat something, don't force yourself. Eat more vegetables and fruits. The essential vitamin during this period is. The total calorie intake per day should be in the region of 2400-2700.
  • In the second trimester of pregnancy You will have to control your menu more strictly to avoid digestive problems. Eat steamed food, avoid fried and highly salted foods. Eat more protein foods: cottage cheese, milk, eggs, cheese, lean meats. More vegetables to avoid digestive problems and constipation. The total caloric content of the daily diet should be no more than 3000 kcal.
  • In the third trimester do not salt food, do not arrange fasting days for yourself - you will have time after childbirth, now the main thing is to prepare the body for the upcoming birth. No matter how much you want to eat a lot of flour and fat - keep yourself further away from such food. Forget sugar and grapes. But grapefruit and pomegranate will not be superfluous.

Prohibited Products

During pregnancy, you need to avoid certain foods that can cause food poisoning or harm the baby.

Prohibited Products:

  • Cheese with any kind of mold. May contain listeria bacteria, which can cause listeriosis. This infection can lead to or cause serious illness in the baby.
  • Raw chicken eggs and homemade mayonnaise. May lead to salmonella poisoning.
  • Raw milk.
  • Raw, undercooked meat and pâté. They may also contain Listeria.
  • Tuna and other fish that may contain mercury.
  • Raw shellfish. May cause food poisoning.
  • Alcohol. Alcohol is dangerous for the physical and mental health of the child, and can also cause miscarriage.

During pregnancy costs yourself limit in:

  • Caffeine. Excessive consumption of caffeine can lead to miscarriage or low birth weight infants.
  • Salinity and smoked meats. Cause thirst, and excessive drinking leads to swelling.
  • Fried or spicy food. It also causes thirst.
  • Soda, chips, crackers from the store. They contain a lot of harmful components and empty carbohydrates.
  • Also try to limit your intake. sweets.

Nutrition for toxicosis, anemia and obesity

The above nutritional recommendations are given to those women who do not have such problems as toxicosis, anemia or obesity. Now let's find out how to eat women with these problems.

Try to eat fewer foods that cause nausea. These are dairy products, salty, fatty, fried, canned, tea and coffee. Eat and drink something that will soothe nausea: green tea, mineral water without gas, sour juice, vegetable soup. Eat well-mashed boiled food, little by little and very often, and do not drink liquids before and after meals.

Pregnant women, then maximize the amount of foods rich in iron: apricots, peas, pomegranate, buckwheat, mushrooms, oatmeal, dried apricots. At the same time, pay attention to those foods that affect the absorption of iron, such as dairy.

If you faced with obesity, then you will need a special diet, but without consulting a doctor, you should not choose it in order to avoid the development of pathologies in the body of a future baby or mother. In no case do not starve - this method of losing weight leads to beriberi and depletion of the body.

Do I need to take vitamins during pregnancy is a moot point, but if the doctor has prescribed them to you, then it is better to drink the course. With a varied and balanced diet, especially in the summer, vitamins can not be used, but if a woman suffers from beriberi, and it is winter or spring outside, then it is better not to give up the opportunity in the body.

Vitamin complexes are prescribed by a doctor in the following cases:

  • avitaminosis;
  • poor nutrition;
  • pregnant women who have previously experienced anemia or other diseases associated with a lack of vitamins and trace elements;
  • women who could not bear the first pregnancy;
  • expectant mothers over 30.

Video about nutrition during pregnancy

We offer you to watch a video about the nutrition of pregnant women, where you will find out what vitamins are needed during pregnancy, what foods you need to eat for this.

During pregnancy, a woman should be especially attentive to her diet, because the vitamins that are absorbed by the body contribute to the full development of the fetus.

Very often, women, thinking through their diet, use the well-known method of compiling a menu - nutrition during pregnancy by week. Table such a diet contains all the important data on the diet of the necessary products.

Compiling a table clearly simplifies the process of distributing products and maintaining the desired diet. You need to understand that nutrition should be balanced, saturated with a full range of nutrients that will enable the body to receive the necessary energy boost.

It is important to plan the most balanced diet, containing those components that will be most beneficial for mom and her unborn child. Before planning a diet, you should be aware of the universal mandatory rules:

  • fractional five meals a day;
  • exclude fried foods and smoked foods from the menu;
  • avoid overeating;
  • eat fruit or dairy products before bed;
  • include stewed vegetables, steamed dishes in the diet.

Girls should be attentive to the use of products, because they can both give the child a maximum of vitamins and harm him with the harmful substances or allergens contained in them.

Therefore, before thinking about nutrition during pregnancy by weeks in the form of a table, you need to understand the features of eating in the first, second and third trimesters. After familiarization, you can begin planning a harmless diet for the gestation period.

During pregnancy, you need to exclude fried and smoked foods, but eat fruits, vegetables (stewed or steamed), dairy products

Nutrition during pregnancy by week. Table


Development Features


1-3 weeks

At the first stages, the health of the baby begins to take shape. Gynecologists say that sufficient folic acid content is of great importance. Folic acid is found in a variety of foods: salads, greens, and grains. You also need to eat vegetables, yellow fruits.

3-4 weeks

The development of the placenta, the natural membrane, is observed. For development, you should use foods that are rich in minerals, in particular calcium. Vegetables, dairy products, broccoli, and fruit juices contain a lot of calcium. To get manganese, women need to include pork, eggs, oatmeal and bananas in the menu.

5 week

Manifestation of morning toxicosis. The menu should be changed: replace meat with beans, eat more nuts, as well as apricots, carrots.

6 week

At aggravation of toxicosis. In the morning it is better to eat crackers or crackers. Increase the amount of liquid (at least 8 glasses).

7-10 weeks

There is a violation of the intestines. Toxicosis. Exclude carbonated drinks, include kefir, prunes in the menu. Eat foods with fiber - brown rice, whole grain cereals.

11-12 weeks

End of the first trimester. During this period, you should listen to the needs of your body and eat the food that you want, because it is what the future baby needs.

13-16 weeks

Beginning of the second semester. Increase protein food and daily calorie intake of no more than 3000 kcal.

16-24 weeks

The hearing and vision of the baby develops. Eating foods with beta-carotene (vitamin A). It is better to include cabbage and carrots in the menu.

24-28 weeks

Growth of the uterus, the appearance of heartburn. Pregnant women should eat fractionally, avoid soda and caffeinated drinks. You need to eat in small portions.

29-34 weeks

Growth and strengthening of bones. For better growth of the skeletal system, as well as proper brain function, the baby needs a lot of calcium and iron. The menu for this period should include nuts, fish (should be fatty), meat.

35-40 weeks

Preparing for childbirth. For successful childbirth, you need to supply the body with the necessary energy, for this you need carbohydrates. Kashi is the basis of the menu.

Nutrition during pregnancy should be fractional, five times a day

Nutrition during pregnancy by week (Table) will help you make the best diet, contributing to the proper development and prepare the body of the expectant mother for the stresses of childbirth and the first time after them.

The expectant mother must remember that everything that she eats, her child also “eats”. Therefore, pregnancy is an occasion to announce a 9-month "fight for the quality" of nutrition.

1st month

Strong alcohol from now on is banned. It is better to limit caffeine consumption (no more than 2 cups of coffee or 4 cups of tea per day). In the 1st trimester, when the central nervous system is laid down, folic acid (vitamin B9) is very important. The lack of folic acid provokes various pathologies of the neural tube of the fetus and contributes to the development of iron deficiency anemia in the mother.

You need to get at least 600 mg of folic acid per day: it is found in the liver, legumes, beets, avocados, celery, fish, nuts, asparagus, spinach.

2nd month

30% of expectant mothers suffer from morning sickness. The mechanism of toxicosis has not yet been sufficiently studied, but it has been noticed that it is more often observed in women whose diet lacks proteins. Do not provoke nausea with rich and fatty foods. Eat every 2 hours, but in small portions. Have breakfast in bed, keep an apple or a cookie nearby. Avoid unpleasant kitchen odors. Do not drink food and give up soups for a while, but in general try to drink more: fruit juice or compote are easily digested and make up for the lack of carbohydrates in the body.

If early toxicosis is accompanied by vomiting, this is not a reason to sound the alarm (an exception is indomitable vomiting more often than 6 times a day). The child will still take all the substances necessary for growth from the mother's body. True, it will be hard for mom. But, according to some studies, morning sickness is a guarantee of a favorable outcome of pregnancy.

3rd month

If you really want to, you can occasionally treat yourself to a herring or a pickle. Other taste "oddities" (chalk, lime) are usually associated with a deficiency of iron, calcium and phosphorus. A pregnant woman needs 1200 mg of calcium - this is the amount contained in a liter of milk. It is better not to drink whole cow's milk: it contains a lot of protein that can cause allergies. Switch to sour-milk cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir.

An excellent source of calcium - greens, almonds, white cabbage, broccoli, cheeses. Between the 10th and 13th weeks of development, the fetus grows very quickly and needs more calories. Do not be surprised at the gluttony that has awakened at this time, but keep yourself in control.

4th month

The daily diet of a woman in the 1st half of pregnancy should contain 110 g of protein, 75 g of fat and 350 g of carbohydrates. Proteins are necessary for the creation of the placenta and the growth of uterine tissues, they are part of the amniotic fluid. For the normal development of the fetus, animal proteins (eggs, fish, meat, cheese) and vegetable proteins (cereals, nuts, broccoli) are important.

The most important source of energy for the expectant mother and her baby is carbohydrates contained in raw vegetables and fruits, cereals, and raisins. During pregnancy, the so-called reduced diets are strictly prohibited, in which one of the components - proteins, fats or carbohydrates - is completely excluded from the diet.

5th month

To avoid anemia, be sure to include iron-rich foods in the menu: prunes, liver, turkey, legumes. Vitamin C helps the absorption of iron, so sweet peppers, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, rose hips, cherries, citrus fruits should be present in the diet.

6th month

Pregnancy hormones relax the smooth muscles of the intestine, disrupting its peristalsis. Expectant mothers often suffer from constipation and bloating. Black bread, legumes, grapes and sauerkraut aggravate the situation. Prunes, beets and plum juice have natural laxative properties.

7th month

The higher the bottom of the uterus rises, the more the digestive organs are displaced. In addition, large amounts of progesterone and estrogen help relax the muscular valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach. The result is heartburn. This one is normal (by the 38th week, 99% of pregnant women complain of heartburn), but unpleasant.

Treatment with antacids should be agreed with the doctor. To prevent heartburn, eat 5-7 times a day in small portions. Eliminate sour juices, cabbage, radish, radish, onion, garlic from the diet. Products with an alkaline reaction (sour cream, milk, cream, cottage cheese, omelettes, butter and vegetable oil, white bread), on the contrary, are useful. You can not eat immediately after sleep and have a siesta immediately after eating.

8th month

Many pregnant women go on maternity leave. The energy consumption of the body is reduced, and it is better to reduce the calorie content of food. “Eat for two” is not necessary: ​​the need for calories in a woman carrying a child increases only by 300-500 kcal. This is an extra bowl of soup or a serving of meat.

In the 3rd semester, there are often unpleasant sensations in the muscles of the legs. This is due to a deficiency of potassium, calcium and magnesium. Bananas, dairy products and dried apricots will help with cramps.

9th month

The baby is already fully formed, and now the main task of the mother is to prevent him from “corroding” inside the tummy. Cakes, french fries, gingerbread, fatty sauces and other “whims” of a pregnant woman who has reached the finish line can backfire with problems in childbirth.

Myths about nutrition during pregnancy

  • To avoid excessive weight gain, sugar can be replaced with sweeteners. Not true. In large quantities, artificial sweeteners can be toxic, while the effect of small doses on the fetus has not yet been studied.
  • Canned food is prohibited for expectant mothers. Truth. Preservatives and artificial additives found in canned meats and fish, carbonated drinks, and smoked sausages can accumulate in the placenta and affect fetal development. The exception is baby food, which does not contain preservatives.
  • The main thing is that the expectant mother likes what she eats. True/false. A good mood is the key to a successful pregnancy. However, there are strict restrictions: for all 9 months, give up soft cheeses with mold, sushi and sashimi, mushrooms.

Eating exclusively healthy foods during pregnancy, the expectant mother makes a huge contribution to improving the immunity of her baby. During this period, it is important not to overeat and not to eat hypoallergenic food. If pregnancy is complicated by toxicosis, nutrition must be adjusted. What can you eat during pregnancy, and what supplements are recommended?

Balanced nutrition menu in the first half of pregnancy

Sometimes in the first months of pregnancy, women's appetite decreases, sometimes there is even an aversion to some, even previously beloved foods. The Balanced Pregnancy Menu below is designed to accommodate certain food intolerances and includes only those foods that are easy to digest.

Breakfast (7.00-8.00):

Lunch (12.00-13.00): Raw vegetable salad, vegetarian borscht or vegetable soup with sour cream, stew or boiled fish with vegetable garnish, fruit juice.

Afternoon snack (16.30-17.00): Kefir, bun, fruit.

Dinner (20.00): Cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes with sour cream, kefir or milk.

Eating like this in the first half of your pregnancy will help you feel good and make it easier to endure discomfort, if any.

But even knowing what pregnant women can and should eat, remember that not only the mother's nutrition affects the unborn child. Categorically give up bad habits. Alcohol has an extremely adverse effect on the development of the central nervous system of the fetus and can lead to a delay in the mental development of the child.

The same applies to smoking. It is important to remember about passive smoking when a woman is in a room where someone smokes. And of course, under no circumstances should you take drugs. Nicotine and drugs, like alcohol, easily cross the placental barrier, extremely adversely affecting the development of the fetal brain.

Any medication during pregnancy is taken only on prescription.

What can and should be eaten by pregnant women in the second half of pregnancy

In the second half of pregnancy, the fetus becomes larger, and for its normal development additional energy is needed, the need for it increases by 350 kcal.

Nutrition in the second half of pregnancy should be organized taking into account the fact that the body of the expectant mother needs more nutrients, primarily protein. Protein is necessary for the formation of organs and tissues of the fetus, as well as the placenta, uterus and mammary glands. Indeed, out of every 3 g of protein received by a pregnant woman, approximately 1 g is consumed by a growing fetus.

When compiling a proper nutrition menu during pregnancy, the amount of milk and dairy products as the main sources of protein should be increased in the diet. The total amount of milk can be 500 ml per day, mainly in the form of fermented milk drinks (kefir, biokefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt).

As a complete source of animal protein, in addition to dairy products, it is recommended to use meat and poultry (up to 200 g), fish (70-80 g per day), and eggs (1 pc per day). Meat can be partially replaced by offal (liver, tongue, lungs, kidneys, heart). They also contain a lot of iron, which is also essential for a pregnant woman, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

The correct menu during pregnancy requires much more (almost 2 times) minerals, primarily calcium, which is involved in building the fetal skeleton

Calcium during this period needs 300 mg more, that is, an average of 1000-1100 mg per day. With insufficient intake of calcium from food, it begins to be consumed from the mother's body.

At the same time, many pregnant women often lose their teeth and even soften their bones. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to include a sufficient amount of dairy products in the diet, especially cottage cheese and cheese - the main suppliers of calcium salts. What foods should be eaten during pregnancy to make up for the loss of calcium in the body? Eggs are rich in calcium, especially the yolk, as well as legumes and fish.

A rich source of calcium is cottage cheese, the amount of which per day in the second half of pregnancy should be 50-100 g, as well as cheese (15-20 g per day). From dairy products, sour cream is also recommended - about 20 g per day.

What other foods to eat during pregnancy

What other products are useful during pregnancy for the expectant mother and child? During this period, the need for fat increases.

On average, during this period, fat is required 100 g per day, of which 20-25 g are vegetable oils. The nutrition menu during pregnancy should include butter, richer in vitamins than other animal fats, as well as vegetable (sunflower, corn, olive, etc.). The amount of butter should be 25-30 g per day, vegetable - 15-20 g.

The diet should contain foods rich in iron. What can pregnant women eat, given this need?

This is primarily meat and meat products (beef, tongue, liver), eggs, cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), fish and seafood (cod, perch, shrimp), as well as apples, figs, pears, pomegranates, blueberries, rose hips, beets , spinach, tomatoes, garden greens. One of the recommendations for nutrition during pregnancy is to use specialized products enriched with minerals and vitamins, which are useful for both pregnant women and nursing mothers. These are drinks such as Femilak (Nutritek, Russia), Milky Way (Vitaprom, Russia), Madonna (Valetek Prodimpeks, Russia), Enfa Mama (USA), Dumil mom plus” (Denmark).

Given the recommendations on how to eat right during pregnancy, it is better to limit carbohydrates in recent months. They enter the body with bread, cereals, pasta, sugar, pastries, as well as vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to consume no more than 350-400 g of carbohydrates per day, since their excess contributes to fluid retention in the body of a woman, and sometimes leads to the development of obesity. An excess of carbohydrates can also lead to the formation of a large fetus, which, as we have already said, creates a certain risk of injury during childbirth.

Bread is best used from wholemeal flour. It contains more B vitamins, in addition, it is rich in plant fibers that have a beneficial effect on the intestines, which is very important, since women often experience constipation during this period. The total daily amount of bread should be about 220-250 g.

When compiling an approximate menu during pregnancy, it is necessary to limit the total amount of cereals, pasta (up to 50-60 g per day), as well as sugar (no more than 60 g per day) and confectionery (up to 20 g per day).

The main source of carbohydrates in the second half of pregnancy should be vegetables and fruits, as well as various berries and, to a lesser extent, fruit or berry juices. The total number of vegetables per day is 500-600 g, and potatoes - 150-200 g. From vegetables, it is advisable to use zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, beets, cucumbers, as well as greens - dill, parsley, celery, etc.

  • You need to drink less liquid - no more than 4-5 glasses per day.
  • Try to avoid foods that are highly allergenic in your diet.

These include chocolate, cocoa, natural coffee, mushrooms, nuts, citrus fruits.

  • Do not forget about the correct diet.

In the second half of pregnancy, when the growing uterus squeezes the stomach, it is recommended to eat often, but in small portions. The daily calorie content of food should be distributed evenly. Usually a six-time diet is set. The last meal should be no later than 2-2.5 hours before bedtime.

Approximate nutrition menu in the second half of pregnancy

A sample menu during pregnancy in the second half of the term may look like this.

First breakfast (7.00-8.00): Egg or scrambled eggs, kefir (any fermented milk drink), fresh fruit (berries).

Second breakfast (9.00-10.00): Raw vegetable salad, sausage, milk (milk tea), bread with butter and cheese.

Lunch (12.00-13.00): Vegetarian vegetable soup with sour cream, boiled meat (chicken, fish, offal) with vegetables, fruit juice.

Afternoon snack (15.00-15.00): Cottage cheese, kefir (any fermented milk drink), fresh fruits (berries).

Dinner (18.00): Milk porridge, fresh fruits (berries), bun, vitamin drink.

Second dinner (20.30): Vinaigrette, kefir (any fermented milk drink), baked apple, rosehip broth.

Nutrition for toxicosis during pregnancy: what you can eat

Sometimes pregnant women experience nausea, vomiting, which is a sign of early toxicosis. And late toxicosis is accompanied by a violation of metabolic processes, the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and the cardiovascular system.

What should be the nutrition of pregnant women with toxicosis?

  • For some time, you need to exclude from the diet those dishes that are poorly tolerated. But at the same time, it is undesirable to limit the amount of nutrients needed by the body, especially proteins.
  • Nausea and vomiting can be prevented by eating small, frequent meals.

For example: in the morning, without getting out of bed, you can eat any well-tolerated dish (or product). After that, you need to lie down a bit. After 1.5-2 hours, you need to organize a second breakfast. In the future, you should adhere to the same principle, eating fractionally, in small portions. And try to get enough protein in the diet, as well as vegetables and fruits. We advise you to diversify the food as much as possible.

  • In severe cases, when nausea and vomiting recur very often and the pregnant woman cannot tolerate many types of food, begins to lose weight, inpatient treatment is necessary.
  • With late toxicosis, rational nutrition is especially important.

At the same time, it is very important that the body receives the right amount of proteins containing essential amino acids that are not produced in the body. Poor protein nutrition leads to a weakened immune system, frequent diseases. What can you eat with toxicosis during pregnancy to replenish the protein content? There is a lot of protein in dairy products (especially in cottage cheese), as well as in meat and fish.

With toxicosis in the blood, the content of fats and fat-like substances increases. Therefore, the amount of fat in the diet should be reduced (up to 40-60 g per day). From fats, butter and vegetable oils are better absorbed. Refractory fats (pork, lamb, etc.) should not be consumed.

What is better for pregnant women to eat with toxicosis?

Be sure to include enough fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet (pumpkin is especially helpful).

  • If late toxicosis is accompanied by edema and overweight, it is necessary to sharply limit the amount of fluid (up to 600-800 ml per day) and table salt (up to 2-3 g per day).

What is better to eat with toxicosis for pregnant women in the later stages? Apricots, dried apricots, baked potatoes, oatmeal contribute to the improvement of urination and the removal of excess salt from the body. As we have already said, you can use a special salt, where part of the sodium salt that can hold water is replaced with potassium-magnesium salt (Valetek, Russia).

The diet of pregnant women with a tendency to hypertension should include foods that help remove fluid from the body - dried apricots, prunes, cucumbers, watermelons!

Cabbage, beets, black currants, apricots, rosehip broth are also useful. The total amount of liquid must be limited to 0.8 liters per day (3-4 glasses), and the amount of sodium chloride to 3-4 g per day.

To prevent this pathology, you need to use various fermented milk products. It is desirable that these products are included in the diet daily in sufficient quantities (3-4 cups).

Nutrition menu for pregnant women with toxicosis

With late toxicosis, accompanied by edema, a salt-free diet can be recommended. The menu for pregnant women with toxicosis may look like this.

Breakfast (7.00-6.00): Cottage cheese (egg), salt-free bread, unsalted butter, baked apple, milk (tea with milk) - no more than 100-150 ml.

Lunch (12.00-13.00): Vegetable salad without salt, boiled meat (fish) without salt, baked potatoes without salt, unsalted bread with unsalted butter, 1 glass of dried fruit compote (dried apricots).

Afternoon snack (16.30-17.00): A glass of kefir with 40 g of honey, unsalted cookies.

Dinner (20.00): Cottage cheese, unsalted bread with unsalted butter, a glass of tea with lemon (in the absence of lemon - with ascorbic acid).

How to eat during pregnancy so as not to get better: diet food for pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman needs to constantly weigh herself. This helps to timely identify a possible pathology: latent edema, obesity, etc.

If a woman's weight increases by more than 200-300 g weekly, it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. In this case, first of all, you need to eat less bread, cereals, potatoes and liquids (up to 0.7-0.8 liters per day).

With insufficient weight gain, and even more so with its loss, it is necessary to strengthen nutrition. Deficiency of essential nutrients in the diet of a pregnant woman adversely affects the development of the fetus. Serious correction requires the nutrition of pregnant women who suffer from decreased appetite for a long time, weakened, emaciated. With prolonged malnutrition, a child may be born with symptoms of intrauterine malnutrition, that is, with low body weight and growth retardation. Such children have reduced immunity, anemia, rickets, and intestinal diseases often develop.

How to eat during pregnancy, so as not to get much better, but at the same time provide the unborn child with all the useful substances? For the correction of nutrition, specialized dietary products can be recommended. These include: fortified milk powder, Femilak (Nutritek, Russia), Madonna (Valetek, Russia), Enfa Mama (Mead Johnson, USA) mixtures, etc. These mixtures contain high-grade Easily digestible proteins, enriched with a wide range of vitamins and minerals, they can be used as concentrated drinks or added to various dishes (cereals, vegetable purees, soups, casseroles, etc.). The advantage of dry mixes is that when using them, you can easily calculate the amount of protein and fat needed to correct the nutrition of a pregnant woman and give it in a small amount of liquid. In the absence of the above specialized products for nutritional correction, fortified milk powder or milk-based infant formula can be used.

In dietary nutrition for pregnant women who are prone to cow's milk protein allergy, you can use a special product - the Madonna protein shake. It is produced in the form of a dry drink containing vegetable protein, dietary fiber and enriched with thirteen vitamins and ten trace elements.

In the diet of a pregnant woman, therapeutic nutritional supplements can also be used. These are various vitamin, protein-mineral, fat supplements, supplements based on beneficial microflora. Vitamin supplements include "Beta-carotene" (indicated for vitamin A deficiency), "Golden Ball on Fructose", "Golden Ball with Calcium and Magnesium", "Golden Ball with Iron" (sources of vitamins, carotene, minerals). Of the fat supplements, "Polnen", "Linseed oil", "Omega-3" are used. With intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, long-term use of antibiotics, additives such as "Bifiliz" (a mixture of live bifidobacteria with lysozyme), "Biobacton" (a pure culture of acidophilus bacillus), "Acipol" (a mixture of acidophilus bacteria and kefir fungi) are shown.

Dietary nutrition during pregnancy, accompanied by constipation, should include more vegetables and fruits with coarse fiber (cabbage, beets, cucumbers, raspberries, strawberries, currants, mountain ash, etc.).

Wholemeal bread and wheat bran have a good effect. These products are rich in dietary fiber, which normalizes intestinal motility and helps to remove harmful substances from the digestive tract. Wheat bran is especially useful for women prone to overweight, fat metabolism disorders, as well as women with unfavorable heredity for diseases of the cardiovascular system. Special studies show that regular consumption of bran lowers cholesterol in the blood serum and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

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