Plasticineography "Snowman at the New Year's tree." Master Class

Simple, but interesting craft A “Christmas tree” made from plasticine is suitable for children over two years old. From personal experience I'll say it's beauty New Year's tree directly depends on how good your plasticine is. It is very difficult to work with ordinary hard plasticine. If you keep it on the battery for ten minutes, it becomes much easier, but it won’t add much to its beauty. When rubbed, it still “tears” in places. Very good craft comes out of wax plasticine. But we had to travel a long way to get something like this, so they made it out of solid material. One way or another, the technique is the same and will be visible in the step-by-step photos.

For the winter Christmas tree craft you will need the following materials:

  • blue cardboard, saucer, pencil and scissors;
  • ruler;
  • green, light green or blue-green plasticine;
  • small multi-colored pieces of plasticine, mixed;
  • white paper and a figured hole punch are optional.

First of all, we outline the saucer and cut out a circle from blue cardboard. This will be the basis of the plasticine painting.

Then we mark a triangle on it. The child does what he can do: cuts, uses a ruler, etc.

We lay out a semicircle of balls - the bottom of the Christmas tree. The balls should be crushed with your finger, and then smeared towards the top.

We alternate the colors of plasticine. The first Christmas tree that we made according to this principle came out very elegant: each level was different from the others in color, there was even silver and gold.

We make cuts in a stack. You can do it without them - as you like.

Decorate with small balls - Christmas tree decorations different colors. All the remaining plasticine, tiny pieces, will be used for this decor.

We complete the craft with snowflakes made from office paper using a figured hole punch. You can make snowflakes - balls from white plasticine. They also look very nice on a blue background.

Another option for the base is paper or plastic plate. Its bottom becomes blue using cardboard or thinly rolled plasticine.

We wish you a pleasant New Year's creativity. It’s not convenient for everyone to store plasticine crafts, but you can take a photo as a keepsake.

Ekaterina Sapozhnikova

Christmas tree

On New Year decorate the Christmas tree. Let's make a Christmas tree! Look what beautiful branches it has.

Purpose: This Christmas tree can be used to decorate the interior and as a gift.

Target: creating conditions for making “Winter Beauty” using technology plasticineography.


Generate interest in working with plasticine;

Develop fine motor skills hands;

Foster independence and accuracy in work.

Develop the ability to complete work and be happy with the result.

You will need:

Sheet of white cardboard



From green plasticine make balls and use the spreading method to make a Christmas tree.

Paint the background with blue paint.

Now let's dress up our e lock: hang colorful balls on it

Let's decorate the Christmas tree

Beautiful balls.

Let the Christmas tree sparkle

Cheerful lights.

We paint snow with white paint.

Our New Year card ready!

I wish you creative success!

Publications on the topic:

[Description: this master class is intended for educators, teachers additional education And creative people who love.

Description of material: this master class shows the manufacturing process didactic game on sensory development children 2-3 years old with their own hands.

IN early age The baby intensively gets acquainted with the world around him: various items, their characteristics and properties. When organizing.

Description of the material: this master class shows the process of making a didactic game for the sensory development of children 2-3 years old.

Description: this master class is intended for older children before school age, primary school age. Purpose: a souvenir can.

DIY autumn landscape made of plasticine for children. Master class with step by step photos Educator: Sorokina Zh. V. MBDOU “Polyansky Children's.

Fluffy snowflake made from colored napkins. Master class with step-by-step photos

Description: this master class is intended for educators, additional education teachers and creative people. Purpose: work.

Purpose of the lesson:formation of creativity, development of independent skills creative activity during the creation of a Christmas tree in a non-traditional artistic technique"Plasticineography".


continue to introduce children to unconventional technology modeling - plasticineography;

improve children's ability to work with plasticine;

develop children’s ability to work using plasticine printing techniques - pinching, rolling sausages and balls with their fingers, smearing on a template, smoothing the finished surface;

develop speech through artistic expression, enrich vocabulary, creative imagination;

promote cognitive, creative and sensorimotor development, socialization of children;

develop fine motor skills of the hands;

create favorable emotional background in a group, support Christmas mood in children.

Predicted results:

knowledge of the properties of plasticine, mastery of the basic techniques of working with it;

mastering the basic techniques of working in plasticineography technique (pinching, rolling sausages and balls with your fingers, smearing on a template, smoothing the finished surface);

self-production crafts based on the model;

development of labor skills, creative initiative, and hard work.

Materials required for work:

methodological paintings, illustrations and photographs Christmas tree;

sample made by the teacher;

cardboard templates, sheets of colored paper, glitter, snowflakes made with a hole punch);

glue stick, plasticine, modeling board, stacks, hand napkins.

Preliminary work:

Guys, what time of year are we in now? (Winter).

And to what main thing winter holiday we are preparing (for the New Year).

And without what is there no New Year? (Without Santa Claus, without snow, without a Christmas tree).

That's right, guys, the main guest is New Year's holiday- this is a Christmas tree. Let's look at pictures of how people decorate Christmas trees for the holiday (view didactic pictures and illustrations, draw children's attention to decorating Christmas trees - toys, garlands, tinsel, etc.).

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, soon there will be a elegant Christmas tree. And in our music hall They will also decorate the Christmas tree. We will dance around her, sing songs, read poems. Do you want to listen to a poem about our New Year's beauty? (Children answer).

Reading the poem by A. Barto “The girls stood in a circle.”

The girls stood in a circle.

They stood up and fell silent.

Santa Claus lit the lights on the tall tree.

At the top there is a star, beads in two rows.

Let the tree not go out,

Let it always burn!

2. Main part.

Guys, let’s decorate our New Year trees and light the lights on them. But to make our Christmas trees beautiful and elegant, let’s first stretch our hands and fingers.

Finger gymnastics"Christmas tree"

In the morning, the children were surprised (spread their arms to the sides, raising their shoulders)

What miracles happened

This New Year's night?

We expected anything (they clench and unclench their fingers)

And we saw the parade:

Snowmen stand in a row (they draw three circles in the air with their hands)

The eyes are shining merrily, (close and open the eyes with the palms)

And in front of them is a Christmas tree (clap their hands)

Fluffy, covered in needles.

Step-by-step production crafts.

Guys, what color is the tree? That's right, green, so for our Christmas trees we will take green plasticine.

First, you need to prepare the plasticine - warm it up in your palms, soften it thoroughly, knead it. Now we pinch off a small piece of plasticine, roll it into a ball, flatten it and spread it on cardboard template. We try to smear the plasticine as thinly as possible so that the Christmas tree is as neat and beautiful as possible. Next we take the next one small piece plasticine, roll it into a ball, flatten it and smear it. And so on until the entire template turns green.

Now let's start smoothing. We smooth out the plasticine with our fingers so that the Christmas tree is even and the decorations lie neatly.

It's time to decorate our Christmas trees. We place decorations on plasticine - snowflakes, stars, gifts.

In conclusion, we glue our Christmas tree on colored paper and decorate our card with snowflakes.

Master Class " New Year's paintings»

Description: The master class is intended for teachers of kindergartens and schools. Represents the sequential process of making a painting using plasticineography technique. Children 4-5 years old can handle this craft under the guidance of an adult.

Purpose: New Year's decoration groups, crafts for a competition, exhibition.

Target: making a painting using plasticineography technique New Year theme.


Introduce children to the plasticine technique and the stages of working on a plasticine picture;

Develop the ability to work with various instruments in the manufacturing process: stack, garlic press; exercise caution;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Foster hard work and a desire to make New Year-themed crafts.

Materials: printout with New Year's picture A4 format, plasticine, board, stack, garlic press, sets decorative ornaments(sequins in the form of stars, snowflakes different color and size), polymer glue “Athlete”, frame.

Preparing for the New Year is a joyful and bright time. Especially for children. They are happy to help adults prepare decorations and crafts for the wonderful holiday per year. I suggest making plasticine paintings with children depicting Santa Claus and the New Year tree.

Manufacturing process:

We find it on the Internet and print out the New Year-themed picture we like. I have a Christmas tree and Santa Claus.

Safety precautions: introducing children to safe use materials and tools: do not put plasticine in your mouth, do not wave the stick, be careful when using a garlic press or glue. If glue gets on your hands, wipe with a cloth and wash with soap when finished. All work is performed under the guidance of a teacher.

New Year tree.

Glue a printout with a picture of a Christmas tree onto thick cardboard. We begin to form needles. We need dark green plasticine. To make the Christmas tree textured and voluminous, we will make its needles using a garlic press. We put a piece of plasticine, squeeze it out, and we get this result - an imitation of small needles.

Carefully cut it off with a stack and attach it to our Christmas tree.

In this way we gradually fill the entire space.

Let's start production Christmas tree toys. Together with your child, we select the colors you like that match each other. Roll the sausages and roll them into spirals.

We fix it on the Christmas tree. We also make several spiral lollipops.

Apply plasticine yellow color for a star and multi-colored for fireworks (we roll small sausages and attach them to the right places).

All that remains is to decorate the picture with star sequins. We glue it with polymer adhesive for ceiling tiles.

At the bottom of the Christmas tree we work out one of the gifts with plasticine blue color, add a yellow bow. The picture is ready. We insert it into the frame.

Painting "Santa Claus"

The manufacturing process is similar to the previous one.

We are preparing a printout.

We begin to apply red plasticine to Santa Claus's fur coat, hat and mittens and distribute it evenly in a thin layer, without going beyond the boundaries.

Then we roll sausages out of white plasticine, twist them into spirals and decorate them fur trim Santa Claus's fur coats.

We also decorate Santa Claus' boots. This is the result we get.

We get Grandfather’s beard in the same way as the needles on a Christmas tree. We use a garlic press.

Postcard “Christmas tree” using the plasticine technique for children 6-8 years old. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Li Valentina, 6 years old, studying at the Children's and Youth Creativity Center, Tsivilsk, Chuvash Republic.
Teacher: Andreeva Lidiya Fedorovna, teacher of additional education MBOU DOD "Center for Children and Youth Creativity", Tsivilsk, Chuvash Republic.
Description: The master class is useful for additional education teachers, teachers primary classes, kindergarten teachers, parents and children. Designed for children of preschool and primary school age
Target: Making a “Herringbone” postcard using plasticineography technique.
introduce children to the technique of plasticineography;
teach children to draw with plasticine;
develop imagination and creative initiative in children;
generate interest in various types arts and crafts;
cultivate a love for beauty, ecological culture;
develop independence and accuracy when performing work

Safety regulations:
1.Prepare workplace to work, there should be only tools and materials for work on the table.
2.Cut the plasticine into stacks on a special board.
3.Put excess plasticine back into the box.
4.Be attentive and not distracted while working.
5.After finishing work, remove tools and materials to storage.
6. Tidy up the workplace. Wash your hands with soap.

Materials and tools:
Colored cardboard, plasticine, pencil, stack, board or thick cardboard for modeling.


Candles are burning and toys are sparkling,
The Christmas tree has a star shining on top of its head,
We held hands in a round dance,
The New Year has arrived - miracles have begun!
We will all make wishes now,
To your home fairy tale let us in,
The holiday is in full swing, the fun is on,
The New Year brings happiness and joy!

All children and adults are looking forward to New Year and Christmas. Everyone loves to receive gifts and congratulations. You can make not only a gift, but also a postcard with your own hands, and then give it to friends or family. For example, you can make a postcard with a picture of a Christmas tree using plasticineography technique. Of course, any person should like a handmade postcard.


Draw a Christmas tree on cardboard using a template.

Using a stack, cut off pieces of plasticine and knead warm hands until softened.

Apply green plasticine to bottom part Christmas trees, smear with your finger.

Then we also apply and smear plasticine in the middle part of the tree.

And now we apply plasticine on the top of the tree.

We make a barrel from brown plasticine.

Using a stack, we draw branches on the Christmas tree.

We make a star from red plasticine and attach it to the top of the tree.

We make toys in the form of balls from plasticine of different colors.

Then we glue the multi-colored balls onto the Christmas tree, pressing lightly to keep them in place. correct form.

It turned out cute christmas tree with a star and toys!
Thank you for your attention!
