Useful properties of mango butter and the secrets of its use in cosmetology for the face, hair and body. The healing properties of the oil

If you have tried mango, then you know how tasty and juicy this one is. exotic fruit. And the seeds of the fruit that you throw away are used to make oil. It turns out a soft, creamy texture with a very slight smell. And how much useful is fraught with mango butter. Today I will tell you the useful properties and application of this product in cosmetology.

This product is extracted from ground mango seeds. The mixture is heated and boiled to achieve a uniform consistency. The resulting product resembles cocoa or shea butter. In its consistency in the solid state, it has a more granular structure. Therefore, do not be afraid that there will be small crumbs when applied. It melts quickly on contact with the skin. The color is thick, creamy white, the aroma is slightly sweet.

In cosmetology, mango is very popular. Because it is rich in oleic and stearic acids

These fatty acids act as emollients that soften and soothe the skin and hair. The product has a high oxidative capacity, wound healing and regenerative effect. Plus contains a large number of antioxidants and vitamins, and.

The main fatty acids present in this oil are:

  • oleic 46%;
  • stearic 44%;
  • palmitic 5.5%;
  • linoleic 6%;
  • arachidonic 3%.

Such a rich composition makes this product very valuable in hair and skin care.

Beneficial features

Mango butter in cosmetology is often found in soaps and goes as a moisturizing ingredient. In INCI products, you will find this ingredient under the following name: Mangifera indica Seed Oil. But often they write briefly Mango Butter or Mango Seed Butter.

Here are the main benefits of using for care.

  • restores and maintains skin moisture, stimulates cell regeneration;
  • reduces the appearance fine lines and wrinkles;
  • nourishes hair;
  • helps protect against UV radiation;
  • treats rashes, dermatitis and eczema;
  • relieves itching from insect bites;
  • helps to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy.

Which is better - refined or unrefined?

When Mango Butter is refined, it is passed through a filtration system and treated with chemical solvents. This changes the color, texture and aroma. This product is odorless and colorless. After processing, the content of vitamins and useful properties also changes.

A large number of unsaponifiables give the product conditioning and moisturizing properties. Therefore, it is better to buy unrefined if you want to get more useful properties. Look for a product that has not been hydrogenated or mixed with preservatives or flavors.

Recipes for home use

This product is easy to use when mixed with carrier oils or essential oils. It is extremely similar in application to shea butter. However, its content fatty acids slightly different. Plus high levels of vitamins and antioxidants.

That's why it's so effective for healing and improving appearance hair and skin. So, I will share recipes on how to use Mango Butter.

To reduce wrinkles

Thanks to the natural high concentration of vitamin A, the butter stimulates healthy cell production and circulation. These abilities keep the skin firmer while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Cells that are important for maintaining the overall tone of the epidermis are also stimulated. Mango deeply hydrates pores without being greasy, helping to maintain shine and beauty. Use it as a facial moisturizer as part of your skincare routine. Just pre-moisturize the skin with thermal water or a simple cleansed

For acne prone skin

Mango Butter is easily absorbed, effectively providing moisture to the skin without clogging pores. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Many people ask about its comedogenicity.

Mango butter is non-comedogenic. This means it won't clog pores or aggravate acne.

It is important to use a pure, unprocessed product. Chemical additives (aromas, dyes) can irritate already irritated problem skin.

First, wash your face with a cleanser, removing dirt. Then lightly moisturize your face with thermal water or clean. And apply the product with a small makeup sponge. Not fingers! Otherwise, it will lead to the appearance of more bacteria.

After applying a thin layer, it is important not to touch your face. Therefore, it is better to use it 2 hours before bedtime. Let the product soak in to keep your pillowcase clean.

If you have a severe rash, make this special cream:

  • 60 grams of mango butter;
  • ½ teaspoon rosehip oil
  • ¼ teaspoon of vitamin E (in oil);
  • 3 drops of essential lavender and immortelle.

Place mango, rosehip and vitamin E oils in a jar. Mix well using a stick. After add essential lavender and immortelle, which also have healing abilities. Apply ready mix to treat stains. Apply the product pointwise, leaving it overnight.

From sunburn

Sunburn is not fun at all. Mango Butter will heal sun burns. You can use it by melting between the palms and applying to damaged areas. You can use the following recipe for a cooling lotion.

  • 60 grams of mango butter;
  • 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel;
  • 3 drops each of sea buckthorn oil and peppermint.

Melt the main component in a pot. Then add aloe vera gel. Mix well, add remaining ingredients. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then take it out, beat with a mixer until creamy. Lubricate tanned, damaged skin with a ready-made lotion. Shelf life - 18 months. Keep the burn medication in a cool, dry, dark place.

To reduce stretch marks after pregnancy

Stretch marks are a common thing during pregnancy. the best way To create a super powerful stretch mark "preventer" is to combine it with a coconut butter that repairs damaged skin.

When used together, the results are amazing! Combine equal parts mango + coconut oil, spread on areas prone to stretch marks (abdomen, thighs, chest).

Treatment of scars and cuts

Make a wonderful cream with a combination of three oils known for their healing properties.

  • 60 grams of mango butter;
  • 2 tbsp. shea spoons + cocoa butter;
  • 7 drops of lavender oil + immortelle;
  • 4 drops of carrot seed oil.

Melt the first three components. Once melted, pour in and stir in said essential oils, which are known for their scar-fighting abilities. Place the finished mixture in a jar or glass. Use it to apply on scars at least once a day.

Also you can protect, moisturize, heal minor wounds, cuts with this product. You can use only it, or you can make your own healing balm.

To do this, melt 2 tablespoons of mango with equal portions beeswax And coconut oil. Add 5 drops of oil last tea tree. Pour the mixture into a small glass jar. Allow the balm to cool completely before use.

For eczema and psoriasis

Mango oil is incredibly soothing and has anti-inflammatory properties. It can treat inflamed, dry, itchy skin caused by eczema or psoriasis.

Making your own healing balm at home is extremely easy. Combine 1/4 cup mango butter and 1/2 cup soft (not runny) coconut oil. Blend with a blender until a creamy, white mixture forms. Use the balm after a shower and whenever you want to moisturize or heal your skin.

For moisturizing hair

Do you have dry curls and thick and/or curly hair? Then this product will be an excellent moisturizer! It is best to use the following mask recipe:

  • 60 ml mango butter;
  • 1 teaspoon avocado oil;
  • 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel;
  • 10 drops of essential lavender.

Melt the main component, then add the remaining three. Pour the mixture into the blender, but do not turn it on. Place the container in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Beat the hardened mixture with a blender until a creamy consistency is formed. Use as a conditioner on wet hair. Apply it to the ends of your hair, avoiding the scalp.

Which mango butter to choose

This product may be a little more expensive than shea butter, but they have very similar properties and benefits. If you're making your own masks, look for 100% pure, no additives. Picked up the positions of products for face and hair care.

Fatty oil Botanica - In a package of 50 ml. In fact, this is a lot, because it is quite fatty. It will take a small amount to apply, for example, on the hands. The smell is rather weak, pleasant. Color Ivory, the consistency is a bit like wax. The price is quite acceptable.

Shampooklorane for hair – You can buy this product both in a pharmacy or an online store. Volume 400 ml. Quite dense, rich substance orange color. The smell is pleasant, slightly sweet. The fragrance after washing the hair then remains for some time. Reviews about Kloran shampoo are mixed, so you have to try.

Shampoo should perform the main function - to remove dirt and oil from the hair and scalp. And the main nutrition and smoothing is carried out with the help of balms and conditioners. Cloran in this series has mango balm. It is better to try these 2 remedies in tandem.

Puremango for body It is an unrefined cold pressed product. Butter is firm, slightly grainy. Feels greasy on application and absorbs gradually. But it softens the skin very well. It melts into a liquid state with a bang. For hair, melt one tablespoon to a liquid state and apply to before washing for 1-2 hours. Write your feedback about the result in the comments 🙂

Nubian heritage with vitamin C and shea butter - the consistency is also grainy. There's nowhere to go, you have to melt. As noted by those who have tried the smell of this product is awesome. It is lighter in fat content than shea butter. Easily absorbed, non-greasy and non-shiny. Volume 114 grams, enough for a long time.

Here it turns out how many usefulness of this product. And how do you use mango butter for your skin? Share your recipes in the comments and subscribe to updates. I will continue to study the benefits of oils for the skin.

This tropical fruit is loved by many because of its great taste. Its pulp is very fragrant and contains many vitamins. But for the face, the bones are considered the most useful. Mango butter is obtained from them, the use of which in cosmetology is very common. It is added to creams, masks and a variety of products to nourish and protect the skin.

Product benefits

Mango butter in large quantities contains acids: stearic, oleic, palmitic, linoleic, folic. Their properties help to prevent and eliminate the signs of aging of the epidermis. In addition, it contains retinol, tocopherol, choline and carotene, which significantly increase the effectiveness of the product when used.
The product is rich in vitamins:

  • All B vitamins.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E.

It is also rich in minerals such as iron, magnesium and calcium.
Mango butter has a neutral taste and smell, and a thick consistency and yellowish color make it look like butter, however, at temperatures above room temperature it melts. Because of this feature, and also due to the high concentration useful substances, the agent is equated to the group vegetable oils, which in cosmetology are called butters.

The effect of the product on the skin

In cosmetology, it is possible to use this natural product for any type of facial skin. Its moisturizing properties help to restore the balance of the skin, get rid of peeling, so it is great for dry and sensitive dermis. A soft and gentle effect allows you to apply mango butter even for infants. In addition, the use of the product restores the skin's ability to retain moisture, so it is recommended to use it after such irritating procedures as a bath, pool and sea water.
By the way:

This tool is suitable for application both before tanning to prevent exposure to destructive ultraviolet radiation, and after it.
Batter in short time renews cells, nourishes and smoothes the dermis, gives it a healthy and even color. The skin of the face becomes soft, elastic and velvety. The product is able to strengthen blood vessels, stimulates the production of collagen and prevents the appearance of acne and pimples.

The healing properties of the oil

The tool is very often added to anti-aging creams, since its use not only significantly improves general state epidermis, but also gives it firmness, elasticity and softness.
Indications for use:

  • Prevention and smoothing of wrinkles.
    Mango oil accelerates cell regeneration processes and helps restore metabolic processes. In this regard, the appearance of new wrinkles is prevented and existing ones are smoothed out, and not only mimic ones, but also age-related ones. Its use is very useful to prevent aging of dry facial skin, which is known to be more prone to early fading, and the properties of the oil help to quickly eliminate problems such as lethargy and sagging.
  • Healing of wounds and elimination of skin defects.
    Thanks to its regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, mango butter is an excellent healing agent. It is indispensable for the treatment of cracks on the lips. Its use helps to heal scars, and its brightening properties help to eliminate pigmentation and relieve uneven color face after acne removal.
  • Treatment of dermatological diseases.
    The product is often used to treat skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, rashes and other types of dermatitis, as well as to eliminate their consequences. Mango butter is also used to relieve the effects of burns and frostbite.

The most effective recipes

Mango butter is pre-melted and mixed with suitable ingredients. All creams are stored in the refrigerator only in glassware, and masks are prepared before use.

  1. For the treatment of scars, cracks, dermatitis, mango butter is used in pure form. They need to lubricate problem areas several times a day.
  2. Cream for sensitive and aging skin is prepared by mixing 1 tbsp. l. butter with the same avocado and jojoba products, which will need 1 tsp each. Add 2 drops of rose essential oil to the mixture.
  3. The use of a mask for which mango butter and aloe juice are taken will prevent the aging of normal and combined dermis - 1 tsp each. They pour 1 tbsp. l. melted concentrate from grape seeds and let cool. The mask is applied for 20 minutes.
  4. For very dry epidermis, you can cook nourishing mask or cream.
    For the cream, you need to mix the oils:
    Mango - 1 tbsp. l., almond - 2 tbsp. l., lavender and jasmine - 2 drops each.

Mask preparation:

  1. Avocado pulp - 2 tbsp. l., mango butter - 1 tbsp. l. and jojoba - 1 teaspoon. Sparse honey is added to them - 1 tsp.
    The mixture is applied for 20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.
  2. For normal skin you can prepare a mask from one yolk, an equal amount of mango and olive concentrates - 1 tbsp each. l. The mixture is left for 15 minutes.
  3. Normalizing mask for oily skin prepared with equal parts of honey, mango butters and chamomile.
  4. Intensively nourishes the oily dermis tonic, for which they mix habitual remedy and mango in equal proportions.
  5. In equal amounts, mango butter can also be mixed with a cream for dry skin, which will acquire even greater moisturizing properties.
  6. Gel for the face and lips from cuts and cracks is prepared from the same amount of mango and chamomile concentrates.
  7. Anti-inflammatory properties of this gel are given by a few drops of lemon or echinacea esters.


Mango oil is used in cosmetology without restrictions, with the exception of individual intolerance. It can be safely used during pregnancy and lactation.

Mango is a fragrant and exotic fruit, which is probably familiar to each of us. However, it is valued not only for its taste, but also for the fact that it is widely known in the field of cosmetology.

An interesting fact: in their homeland, mango is considered a sacred fruit. At first it was grown only in India, but then it became common on all warm continents of our planet.

Health benefits of mango butter

Vegetable oils are classified according to their consistency into: solid and liquid. Mango butter refers to solid, or as they are also called - Butter.

Who has even the slightest relation to English language, knows that butter is butter. All because at normal temperature it reminds butter. It even looks similar in color. Color can vary from cream to light yellow. This oil is soft and delicate aroma. It is often used to create aroma candles.

It has great amount vitamins and nutrients. In its composition, scientists found all the B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D, E, as well as magnesium, calcium and potassium.

All these elements are an integral part of human health, namely its skin. It is worth noting that the oil is also rich in folic, palmitic, arachidic, oleic and stearic acids.

It is especially important that it contains tocopherols and phytosterols (components for the restoration and nutrition of the epidermis).

Mango butter is extracted from its seeds. This happens by cold pressing or extraction.

Mango cosmetic oil is widely used because:

  1. If such a problem as stretch marks and cellulite is familiar, mango will do an excellent job with this, as it perfectly smoothes the skin.
  2. Doctors often recommend this oil to those who are prone to skin burns in the sun. This substance has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.
  3. Also, this tool is effective for frostbitten, wind-chewed and rough skin. And it is also advised to use it for insect bites and allergic reactions.
  4. Excellent skin regeneration: supported lipid barrier, the oil does not allow it to dry out, that is, it retains water for a certain time. Then the skin becomes soft and smooth. Dermatologists advise moisturizing the skin in this way before visiting the pool or sauna.
  5. Mango can serve as a scrub to some extent: dead and dry particles are removed, the skin becomes natural tone, pores are cleared and age spots disappear.
  6. Also, the stimulating effect of the oil is manifested in hair growth and strengthening of nails.
  7. Mango is actively used for massage: it relieves fatigue and swelling, helps muscles relax and tone up.

Mango is sometimes called the "elixir of youth". This is because the sterols that are part of it support normal condition cell membrane of the epidermis, thereby moisturizing it and giving the skin a tightened and fresh look, and also protects the skin from drying out and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

How to apply fruit oil for face?

Important: this substance is suitable for both oily and normal and dry skin.

If you use it regularly, over time you will notice that the skin has acquired a completely different look: it is sebum soft, moisturized and radiant, in a word - it has acquired healthy look.

Mango butter in cosmetology is an integral part. On the shelves you can see a lot of shampoos, creams, balms, the main component of which is this oil. Why? Because a good consistency, a large number of useful substances allows you to combine it with other substances that will later serve a good remedy cleaning and care.

Interesting fact: mango is added to cosmetical tools in an amount not exceeding 6%.

Mango butter for the skin around the eyes is also used. As you know, such a part of the face is very "dangerous", that is, extremely sensitive and vulnerable. However, this tool is not something that can be, but must be used! It will effectively cope with the so-called "bags" under the eyes, as well as dark circles and blue discolorations.

Mango oil for the face is also known for being advised to be used to treat various types of dermatitis, as well as eczema, psoriasis, rashes and hives.

There are several mango butter masks for facial skin that you can make yourself:

  • Most easy way- Add 2-3 drops to your usual facial balm or cream. Apply to the skin and wait until the mixture is absorbed.
  • An effective mask is essential applications. To do this, moisten a napkin with oil and apply to your face. After 10-15 minutes, let the skin rest. This mask should be used once a week. IN extreme cases(as recommended by a physician) apply the application twice a day.
  • Mango butter can be combined with others (essential). Proportions - 3-4 drops of essential oil and a tablespoon of mango butter.

Important: solid mango butter needs to be heated a little before use, then the effectiveness will increase.

Don't forget to test on your wrist. Remember, if redness appears within 10 minutes, wash it off and do not use it.

Mango oil for hair has long been used and recommended by dermatologists and cosmetologists. Usually it is used as a balm - conditioner. For good example There are recipes for masks:

  • Mix mango butter and hair balm in a ratio of 2:10. Massage movements Apply along the entire length of the hair and rinse after 10-15 minutes. After the first use, obedient and shiny hair will already become noticeable.
  • Mix mango seed oil with jojoba oil in a 1:1 ratio. Rub into the roots for 7 minutes and rinse.
  • Take two chicken yolks, 1 tablespoon of oil and honey, a few drops of cognac. So you need to rinse your head for 2-4 minutes, then rinse with water and rinse with a decoction of mint.

A positive effect is felt after the first use, because mango hair oil has a laminating effect, that is, it envelops each hair, so the hair becomes obedient, healthy and alive. Also, useful substances nourish the hair follicle and restore it at the cellular level.

The homeland of mango growth is the tropics, the fruits of the plant are fragrant and sweet, have a monophonic (yellow, red, green) or multi-colored color. The oil is extracted from the seeds of Mangifera indica. Currently, mango grows in the countries of Central, South, North America, in Asian countries, in the tropics of Africa, Australia. There are also plantations of this tree in Europe (Spain, Canary Islands).

Mango butter is categorized hard oils having vegetable origin - butter. This group of oils is characterized by a semi-solid consistency. At a temperature of 20-29°C, the oil looks like softened butter, and at 40°C it begins to melt. Despite the aroma of the fruit, the oil has a neutral aroma, the color ranging from white to light yellow.

The content of mango butter contains monosaturated fatty acids such as: linoleic, arachidic, linolenic, stearic, palmitic, oleic. With the exception of the above, the oil contains many vitamins A, C, D, E, as well as B group vitamins, magnesium, calcium, potassium, folic acid, iron. The content contains components responsible for the renewal of the epidermis (such as tocopherols, phytosterols).

Beneficial features

We will describe the beneficial properties of mango butter and its use. This oil has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, moisturizing, softening, as well as photoprotective effect. It helps well in the treatment of many skin diseases, for example, dermatitis, psoriasis, skin rashes, eczema. It also helps in eliminating muscle pain, spasms, relieves fatigue, tension. Valuable properties mango butter allows you to actively use it in the content of all kinds cosmetic products which are intended for massage. In addition, the oil is used to relieve itching from the bite of blood-sucking insects.

It appears in the following. Mango seed oil helps to restore the lipid barrier of the skin, and therefore the skin regains its ability to retain moisture. Due given property oil is appropriate to use after the implementation of bath and water procedures, and also to eliminate the consequences of the impact on skin desiccating factors (for example, sunburn, weathering, frostbite and much more).

Despite the many abilities, the main purpose of this oil is everyday skin care, nails, hair. This oil is suitable for all skin types: normal, combination, oily, sensitive, and dry. With the systematic use of oil, the skin of the face, as well as the body, becomes moisturized, soft, velvety, and given state stored throughout the day. Oil returns healthy color, as well as able to eliminate age spots. Rough skin coverings located on the heels, elbows, knees can be softened by applying it. Effective this oil and in the prevention of stretch marks. The beneficial properties of mango butter are innumerable and the scope of its application is wide.

Due to its properties such as oxidation resistance, rich composition, high viscosity, it is often used in the formulation of many cosmetic products. The vast majority of manufacturers add it to many products (lotions, shampoos, creams, balms, and more) in 5% volume.

Quite often, oil obtained from mango seeds is also used in sunscreens and tanning products. The oil has many unsaponifiable fractions that help protect the skin from the sun's rays.

Application of mango oil

You can use it in its pure form, and in combination with other oils, preferably essential. With the exception of this oil, cosmetic products can be enriched. Just add it to a cream or balm for face or body.

A good effect is given by masks and applications in which this oil is present. Lubricate with mango butter areas of the body that require additional care or put napkins pre-soaked in oil on these places. If necessary, carry out this procedure twice a day, and for preventive purposes, once a week is enough. With the exception of this, you can alternate the use of mango oil in its pure form with its combination with other oils. Just add 5 drops of any oil of your choice to ten milliliters of mango butter.

It will also be useful to take baths with the addition of mango seed oil. These baths make the water soft and well moisturize the skin of the body. Should just quit small piece oil in warm water and soak in it for 10-15 minutes.

To strengthen your nails, systematically rub mango butter into nail plates. This procedure is carried out at night.

Useful properties of mango butter for hair care

For shiny, manageable and healthy-looking hair, enrich your conditioner with this oil. Add mango seed oil to it in a ratio of 1: 10. And then apply and distribute the balm through the hair, rub it into the roots. Leave the mixture for 7 minutes. After the time has elapsed, simply rinse with water.

You can also massage the hair roots using a mixture of mango and jojoba oils, mixed in a ratio of one to one.

The ingredients contained in the content of mango butter completely envelop each hair, nourishing, smoothing and restoring the structure. After regular use of cosmetic products with the addition of mango butter, the hair will become shiny and easy to comb.

Before use, the oil should be slightly warmed up, as it is hard and will not spread well, and when heated, it is easily absorbed by the skin, nails and hair.

In our time of discovery, when Her August Majesty Chemistry pushes and replaces everything natural from different industries, mango butter has found application in cosmetology and has taken its strong position. Let's take a look at how it's useful and how to use it.

Briefly about the plant

The above oil is extracted from the fruit of the Indian mangifera. It is a tropical evergreen mango tree with broad leaves and small flowers.

The tree bears yellow, red and green fruits. Their mass reaches 1 and even 2 kg. The fruits have an unusual aroma and rich taste.

In search of a mango tree, you can go to South, Central America or Mexico: the boundaries of its habitat have expanded so far. The tree is native to India. The tropical belt of Africa and even Australia considered it an honor to host this wonderful plant.

Getting oil

Mango butter is extracted from the seeds of Mangifera indica fruit by extraction or cold pressing. The properties and use of this substance were very useful and spread for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

Physical properties

The oil is characterized by a semi-solid consistency. The smell is neutral, the color is cream, light yellow or white. The product can be in solid, liquid and semi-solid state. Observant people have noticed that already at 40 degrees mango butter melts. Properties and application it found in creams homemade, lipsticks, body lotions. It is not forbidden to simply apply it on the face.

Chemical composition

Group of vegetable butters T-1. Sounds like the code name for a saboteur team. In fact, it is a vegetable group of solid oils. They give fat content and protection, as well as increase viscosity, emollients. The product we describe can be an alternative to other substances. He has big pluses, because it contains high level fatty acids:

  • Oleinova - 43.
  • Arakhinova - 2.
  • Linoleic - 5.
  • Stearic - 39.
  • Palmitic - 9.
  • Linolenic -1 and unsaponifiable fraction (sterol, tocopherol, carotenoids).

It has excellent emulsion qualities, it is stable to oxidation - this is all mango butter. Its composition and properties are simply unique. It boasts vitamins A, C, E. It has a high content of antioxidants.

Effects on the skin

Every woman wants to be irresistible. To maintain your beauty, you should try mango butter. Properties and application in cosmetology led to the fact that the product found a quick response. The composition of the butter includes vitamins that contribute to skin and hair care. Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, as well as promoting rapid cell regeneration. With constant use, you can observe how the skin softens, moisturizes and becomes tender. Unnecessary peeling disappears.

How protective agent from ultraviolet rays apply mango butter. The properties and uses don't stop there. For eliminating wrinkles, the above product is very effective. If you use it every day for a month or one and a half, then the result will be obvious. The aging process of the skin slows down, fine mimic and deep age wrinkles decrease. The dermis changes with age better side, and to prevent such changes, you should use mango oil. It will help eliminate age spots, dryness and flabbiness of the skin. The oil will rush to the rescue with insect bites in order to relieve itching.

The skin all over your body will thank you for a mango butter bath. To do this, melt it in water, immerse your body in a bath and enjoy for about 20 minutes. After the procedure, there will be an excellent feeling of softness of the skin, on the surface of which a protective breathable film is formed.

Except beautiful skin want to be healthy and silky hair. How can this oil be used for them?

Help for hair

The ideal hair care product is mango butter. Properties and application allow to improve the structure and appearance of the hair. The tool consists of almost 90% of essential fatty acids, beneficial for the health of curls. In addition, the composition includes other necessary components:

  • B group vitamins.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Potassium.
  • Copper.
  • Magnesium.
  • Lupeol (a component that actively prevents inflammatory processes).
  • Vitamin C.

Thanks to this supply of nutrients, the hair will become more luxurious. What does a person who wants to use this hair butter acquire?

  1. Saturation of curls with the necessary moisture.
  2. Each hair will be protected from UV exposure and covered with a film.
  3. Abundant nutrition for split ends will be provided.
  4. Withdrawal inflammatory processes that originated on the dermis of the head.
  5. Strengthening hair.
  6. regenerating effect.

If you apply mango butter, the hair will be easy to comb, become alive and fluffy.

An elementary recipe for hair care: mix hair balm with oil (10 to 1), apply to hair and rinse with water after about 10-15 minutes. The result is a stunning effect:

  1. Oil ingredients envelop the hair shaft and protect it from injury.
  2. Hair scales are smoothed out.
  3. The strands become not so brittle, they become elastic, obedient, strong.

The benefits don't end there. Beautiful and well-groomed hands are business card any woman.

Nail care

Regular use of the oil will strengthen brittle nails. They will become stronger and noticeably harder, and the nail fold and cuticle will be abundantly moisturized. To do this, rub the oil into the nail plate at night.

Beauty and health go hand in hand, so mango butter has also found application in medicine.


Mango butter is used to remove rashes, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema. The composition, properties, application and treatment of this product is simply priceless. Possessing an analgesic effect, with muscle pain or spasms, it relieves tension very well, eliminates itching and irritation. Cuts and cracks, thanks to its characteristics, heal faster.

The oil has an excellent property to retain moisture in the skin and restore its lipid barrier. Startling healing effect observed with weathered skin, burns and frostbite.

To get rid of a purulent rash, mango oil should be mixed with essential oils of lemon, echinacea, tea tree or rosemary and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. In India, it is used for stopping bleeding, activating the activity of the brain and heart muscle.


Mango essential oil, whose properties and application are beyond praise, is firmly established in different types cosmetology, namely:

  • Anti-cellulite creams, etc. are great for stretch marks, for smoothing the skin.
  • Anti-stress cosmetics - rapid resuscitation damaged tissues.
  • Anti-aging preparations - improvement of a condition of a skin.
  • Regenerating cosmetics - restoration work in the epidermis.
  • Cleansers - color enhancement, elimination age spots, exfoliating unwanted particles.
  • Stimulating cosmetics - positive influence on the structure and growth of hair, strengthening nails.

Many people have discovered the wonderful mango butter, properties and uses. Reviews on the Web from consumers are the best. It is worth taking the advice of experienced people and adding oil to all your cosmetics: soap, shampoo, balm, lotion, cream and even shaving foam.

Individual notes

Mango butter is a butter, and if it is in a solid state, it does not spread well on the skin. It should be heated a little - after that it will easily be absorbed into the part on which it is applied, whether it be skin, hair or nails. At the same time, the absence of discomfort oiliness.

The use of oil should be excluded if there is an individual intolerance (allergy, rash, discomfort). This is rare, as the substance is hypoallergenic.

Proper storage conditions are simple. Be sure to have a dark and well-closed container. Best stored in the refrigerator or room temperature. If you follow all the above conditions, the oil will be stored and retain its properties for up to two years. This is explained by the fact that the product is resistant to oxidation. If stored incorrectly, the oil deteriorates and can be harmful, so be careful and take care of yourself.
