The most passionate women in the world. Sexuality of men of different nationalities

We argued here in the editorial office, representatives of which nation are the hottest men? And it's interesting - our opinions strongly diverged! Someone defended the position of domestic men, someone voted with both hands and feet for the Italians, and someone referred to the data of Durex, which recognized Greece as the most sexually active country in the world, where men resort to the joys of the flesh an average of 138 times a year. And we decided to radically deal with this issue.

Something Durex wised up in their research. If we take as a standard the average Greek who makes love at best every other day, then trouble awaits us girls if such a rhythm is considered a sign of ardor! And here's another interesting statistic on men, just ... well, some:

  • The Japanese rarely have sex, only 45 times a year, due to their excessive workload.
  • Half of the respondents are satisfied with their sex life, although men would not refuse to make love more often, but so far on average they do it 104 times a year.
  • Most often - 112 times a year - people aged 35 to 44 surrender to passion.
  • Every fifth respondent makes love 3-4 times a week, 5% of them daily.
  • The first time the inhabitants of the planet decide to go to bed with a member of the opposite sex at about 17 years old.
  • Icelanders are the first to part with innocence: they start having sex as early as 15.5 years old. The Germans, Swedes and Danes follow the Icelanders on their heels.
  • The most fickle are the Turks, who have 14-15 partners; followed by Australians, New Zealanders and Icelanders.
  • Only 12% of Scandinavians have had only one sexual partner during their lifetime.
  • The most chaste are the descendants of the creators of the Kamasutra. Indians are the last to lose their innocence (at the age of 20) and change partners less often than others - no more than two times.

In general, there is a complete confusion in my head, and we decided to explore the experience of not some company there, but the unique individual experience of many women around the world.

Macho Turkish bottling

Looking at any women's forum, where ladies share their joys and sorrows, you can immediately hear the groan of hundreds of girlish hearts broken in Turkish resorts. Like it or not, the palm in the hotness rating belongs to the people of Turkey. These guys are ahead of the rest thanks to many factors, the main of which is hypersexuality, consisting of a violent mixture of Eastern mentality, natural temperament and European women's greed for this very temperament. And first of all, women in Turkish guys are not captivated by their sexual strength, but by their innate and, most importantly, sincere ability to put a lady on a pedestal. Simply put, the Turks, ideally, know the science of hanging noodles on the ladies' ears. Turkish men are programmed to be male by nature in such a way that few people can resist their charm and male habits.

The victims of such machos more than once fell women of the highest flight. Suffice it to recall the romance of the actress Meryem Uzerli, who played the role of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska in the TV series "The Magnificent Century", with the Turkish businessman Can Ates, which ended with the birth of a child and the departure of the macho who had lost interest in new horizons. Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak a few years ago also fell in love with a Turkish citizen to death and even married him.

Well, the broken hearts of young ladies and ladies already mentioned by thousands in resorts (and not only girls from our latitudes sin this, a sea of ​​​​tears is also shed on German, Swedish and Polish forums for Turkish love that died untimely in Bose) make us conclude that the Turks are exceptional in the science of sexual love. And here's what's interesting: despite the outstanding ability to have sex literally for days on end, the fantasy and range of erotic acceptability among the Turks are very meager, in terms of technology, these machos are very primitive and straightforward. Eastern mentality, however...

Italian passions

And again southern blood. Apparently, the sun in its active phase somehow changes the structure of brain impulses, and the Italians, like the Turks, are just as temperamental and tireless as lovers. Their physiological potential is easy to read in appearance: dark-haired, thickset, with an abundance of vegetation on the head, face and body (which is evidence of a high content of testosterone).

The auditory-emotional culture of Italians also speaks about temperament - they are cheerful, sociable, talkative and necessarily add gestures to the vocabulary, which is inherent in this nation, apparently at the genetic level. Admiring the woman, the Italian will violently wave his arms, smack his lips, send air kisses and will not fail to touch her arm, waist, and if you're lucky - to other parts of the body.

In sex, these men, in addition to a long erection, can also show the highest class regarding erotic aerobatics. It is not surprising, because the main "Kama Sutra" of Italian literature - a collection of short stories "The Decameron" - was written back in 1352, and no other man in the world has yet outdone the glory of Casanova.

Spanish bullfighter

Spaniards close the top three of the most temperamental men, possessing all the qualities listed above: here you will have a long time, and passionately, and romantically, and brutally. And here is an interesting observation: the closer the country is to the West, the higher the erotic and cultural characteristics of the representatives of the nation. And the Spaniards, in comparison with the Italians, significantly benefit from the principles of fidelity to a partner.

A married Italian will rarely leave his family, but rarely will he not start a shura-mura on the side. For a Spaniard, getting married once and for all is akin to an oath on the Bible, so adultery is quite rare here. The only but - with erotic delights, the Spaniards are mostly on "you", and in the arena with bulls, bullfighters sometimes demonstrate much more poses than in bed.

German pedant

From land to land, representatives of the Aryan race differ significantly, and the Bavarian, the Berliner and the Saxon are not similar to each other, like the Lvov, Kiev and Odessa. But still, a common feature for German Herrs can be easily identified - these men are very thorough, scrupulous and pedantic in everything, including the art of love.

In sex, German lovers are tireless and will never disregard a single detail of your body, but at the same time of your brain - he will constantly ask you if you feel good, do you like it, that you feel what you want, and so on, in general, with your the brain will do the same thing as the body. And this, I must say, is spicy! A German man is always ready for any experiments. Even if you have never had an affair with a German, you definitely watched German films of the XXX category, and this “Ya, ya, das ist fantastic” is absolutely not from the realm of legends. Who cares if you are satisfied is the true Aryan, and he will always be extremely grateful to you for your emotions.

swedish viking

The term "Swedish family" came from the times of the former USSR, in which, as you know, there was no sex, and communist morality harshly condemned all deviations from the norm. In the late 60s, the world's first popular science film about intimate relationships was shot in Sweden, in which representatives of such a "shameful" profession as sexologists spoke with comments. True, this film is just a cartoon "Well, you wait!" in comparison with the same first Soviet erotic film "Little Vera". Perhaps it was from here that the legs of the "Swedish family" grew.

In fact, in Swedish couples everything is more than conservative - in terms of morality, I mean. A morally mature nation does not need external stimulation in all respects, even in such a delicate area as love relationships. Maybe that's why the divorce rate here is extremely low. But, if it so happens that a Swedish man is single and looking for a mate, be sure that the concepts of "Nordic temperament" and "cold temperament" have nothing in common. An adult, well-mannered, intelligent, restrained Swede turns into a brutal Viking next to the woman he wants. In terms of bed delights, you will not only not be disappointed, but you will also beg for mercy. Well, as far as fantasies are concerned, the Vikings, they are pagans ... Wow!

French Kiss

Oh Pari, Pari! Great city, great country, you have given the world the greatest number of legendary lovers. Voluptuous Louis: XV, XIV and the Sun, Cardinal Richelieu (for nothing he wore a cassock), D'Artagnan and his friends, the Marquis de Sade, Geoffrey de Peyrac, Dear Friend, Alain Delon and presidents - from Valerie Zhistin to Francois Hollande. And even though some of the names are only from literary works, something inspired the authors to create them!

The Frenchman, as a representative of a nation that has become quite skilled in the art of love, seemed to have to demonstrate all sorts of miracles of erotic technology, raising a lady to heaven. In reality, everything is much sadder. Most ladies do not consider the French to be sophisticated lovers. In principle, if we turn to the same literary sources, we can draw a very discouraging conclusion: was there, or, more precisely, could the boy? D’Artagnan was more and more on swords, ran to Constance only for an hour, and the Dear Friend had a mustache in general, if you carefully read Maupassant ...

But here's what the French have more than enough - it's emotions and romance, that is, the same noodles that we mentioned at the beginning of our rating in connection with the Turks. And in this way, the Parisians and others like them closed the top six lovers with only noodles. Oh, sorry, romance!

Of course, we had a great irony. But something is taken from my own life, something - from the experience of my friends, and something - from the Internet. Whether there is a grain of truth in all this, one can only find out by having an independent experience. In general, adding up ratings, and at the same time myths, is a thankless task. It is better to go and raise the rating of your loved one.

What do you think about that?

There are a lot of legends about sex with representatives of different nations. Allegedly, the inhabitants of the African continent have the most “weighty” virtues, the Swedes live exclusively in “families”, practicing swinging, and the liberated Dutch have tried everything that has been invented in sex - both for taste and color. Let's see what the statistics say.

Text: Ksenia Milevich

1 place. Turkey

For many, this came as a surprise, but the Turks have earned the reputation of the main womanizers of the world. According to statistics, each Turk had at least 14 sexual partners, and this is an absolute world record! I don’t know if tourism and the love of Russian women for Turks influenced this, but it is known that more than half of the surveyed “Turkish subjects” cheated on their spouse at least once in their lives, and the same number of respondents had a relationship for one night. As for the variety in sex, most Turks preach traditional (sometimes anal) sex, so if you like something more interesting, you are definitely not in Turkey.

2nd place. USA

The Americans took second place not only because of the earliest onset of sexual activity (14-15 years), but also because of their omnivorous nature. Residents of the United States are not shy about changing their orientation, letting a third person into bed, exchanging partners and using all kinds of toys. And, attention, every fifth respondent (!) turns on the camera, filming his pleasures on video. They love to have sex out of bed: the toilet, the elevator and of course the car! The fact that most Americans are deprived of their virginity in cars is known to the whole world, films are even made about it. Surprisingly, the US still ranks first in sexual harassment lawsuits.

3rd place. Greece

This news is from the category “in a still pool”: it would seem, how did the modest Greeks end up in third place in the ranking? It turns out that this is the most sexually active nation! They have sex about 138 times a year, almost every other day, the highest in the world. The only negative: the Greeks are not very concerned about safety: 70% of the population do not use condoms. Perhaps because they have sex with their spouses, and not on the side.

4th place. Latin America

Latin American beauties and machos are ready to have sex anywhere and anytime - sex is in their blood, their dances alone (salsa and mamba) are worth something! They manage to do it even in public transport! At the same time, they do not use any stimulants and toys, why, if you can twist your hips like that in a dance - what can you do in bed? Unfortunately, for economic reasons, prostitution flourishes in many Latin American countries. Given this fact, we put this nation only in 4th place.

5th place. Italy

The most narcissistic nation loves and knows how to have sex: the average Italian does it 106 times a year, and this, by the way, is the second figure in Europe (after Greece). Perhaps they lost to the Greeks only because of the preference for quality over quantity. Italians are used to doing everything "perfecto". Including having sex.

6th place. Africa

And now we come to our favorite topic - about the size. In fact, this fact is only partially confirmed. Yes, the physiology of some African nations (for example, Nigerians) is really outstanding. Yes, they really hold the record for the duration of sexual intercourse (again, Nigerians set a record: at least 24 minutes of continuous intercourse). But such marathon races happen quite rarely: half of the inhabitants of the black continent have sex only 2 times a week, the rest - even less often.

7th place. England

The English are not as prudish as their literature portrays us. According to statistics, more than half of the inhabitants of Foggy Albion use sex toys with pleasure, have sex in public places, and every second at least once in his life had sex for one night. But there are also “eternal values”: the British still take marriage seriously, only 14% of respondents cheated on their spouse.

8th place. France

Romance and charm of the French only work at the stage of courtship. Further - everything is ordinary and even boring. The French are terribly conservative in sex. And the famous "French kiss", and "love in French", invented by them, all this remained only in the Museum of Glory. Modern residents of France do not like experiments and toys, they are faithful to their other halves (only 25% of respondents admitted this).

9th place. Germany

Contrary to popular German porn, contrary to the earliest sex education in schools, Germans have sex as traditionally and thoroughly as they make their cars. It seems that they do it purely physiologically, fulfilling an urgent need, similar to daily cleaning of the teeth.

10th place. India and Asia

At the international tournament on sex, where you need to serve as many men as possible, an American is leading - 10 people. The next speaker is a Frenchwoman: 12 people. It's the turn of the Russian: 10 people, 15, 20... The rivals are indignant, arguing, and then the Russian comes up to the scoreboard, resets the score and says: "I'm starting over!"

It is hardly possible to make any objective rating of the best and worst lovers in the world - it all ultimately comes down to luck and the personal qualities of a particular man. However, the national temperament is a real thing and we can talk about trends.

A few years ago, according to surveys of women from around the world, a guide was compiled on good and bad lovers of different nationalities.

Worst lovers in the world

Germans who smell bad

In the first place in the anti-rating of lovers, the respondents put the Germans. Their main negative quality, according to women, is insufficiently good personal hygiene. Without a doubt, smell is one of the most important criteria for attractiveness. The editors of find out.rf advises: if you have a heightened sense of smell, do not mess with the natives of Germany.

Englishmen who don't try at all

The inhabitants of cold England, according to the women interviewed, are lazy and incurious creatures. In bed, they will have to do all the work for them. This has some advantages: for example, you can realize all your fantasies without meeting much resistance. But it should be borne in mind that you will not wait for great enthusiasm.

Swedes who are missing for a long time

The women interviewed spoke very disapprovingly of the inhabitants of Sweden: in their opinion, the descendants of the Vikings complete the process too quickly. Fortunately, this is the 21st century, which means that there are many devices and “magic pills” that can help. And if the partner is ready for dialogue, you can tell him a well-known anecdote about impotence, ten fingers and tongue.

Dutch people who are too bossy

Contrary to the common stereotype of reserved and pragmatic Dutch people, these pioneers of European democracy are too bossy in bed - at least according to the women interviewed. If you find yourself in a romantic situation with a resident of the Netherlands, try to remind him of equality and freedom.

Americans who are too rude

It is not for nothing that in the United States in recent years there have been so many scandals about sexual harassment and rape at university parties (The editors know everything.rf notes that Lady Gaga was nominated for an Oscar in 2016 precisely for the music for the film about violence in colleges. ).

The women's community is no longer afraid to say that their compatriots are too rude and forget about what voluntariness and informed consent are.

Greeks who are too sentimental

It is said that gentle and sensitive men are rare, as mostly boys are taught to restrain their emotions. Greek lovers fall into this rare category of emotional partners. True, this is considered a disadvantage, not a virtue: according to the women interviewed, in bed with a Greek, you risk drowning in his tears.

Scots you can go deaf

The descendants of the warlike Picts were not accustomed to holding back. This is probably why Scottish men express their feelings in bed so violently, as if they were uttering battle cries during battle, and not expressing tender confessions of their beloved. Well, some people like it.

Turks who are too emotional

It seems that life in the mild climate of the Mediterranean leaves a certain imprint on men. Like the Greeks, their Turkish neighbors are overly emotional with their partner; however, unlike them, they do not differ in increased tenderness.

Russians who are too... hairy

The female part of the editors of the site does not know where the interviewed foreign women saw Russian men with increased hairiness (are ours hairier than the Greeks and Turks?). Perhaps some specific parts of the body were meant. Here we agree: intimate haircuts are not preached among brutal Russians.

The best lovers in the world: top 5


Irish men are often reproached for their modesty. Like, the Russians are much more decisive. But those who managed to melt the ice and get close to the Irishman say that it is difficult to meet more attentive men who respect their partner.


Sex with the inhabitants of Norway is exciting, but very dangerous, as they do not like condoms. At the same time, men from this country know how to make a woman feel like a queen. The editorial office of find out.rf nevertheless advises to insist on the use of contraceptives - and enjoy.


In addition to the ability to dance, sing bossanova and play football, Brazilians are naturally famous for their sophistication in love. 82% of Brazilians say they make love on average three times a week - you can learn something with this practice. It is in Brazil that people lose their innocence before anyone else - but this is a dubious argument. It's not the quantity that matters, but the quality.

If you are a single and relationship-free man, then when choosing a place for a future vacation trip or an excursion, you can, as an option, focus not on climate conditions or sights, but even gastronomic delights. You can define the vector of travel by the beauty and sexuality of local women. After all, they will delight the eye, and also excite the mind. Definitely, while on vacation, a man with absolutely no obstacles will be able to turn his head around and aesthetically enjoy seeing the fair sex.


It makes no sense to choose a woman based on her affiliation to a particular place of residence. All people are different. Such a comparison and comparison, as mentioned above, gives only a general characteristic, which it makes sense to take into account.

List of cities where passionate beauties live

Amsterdam in Holland

Slender and athletic, mostly tall, very fashionably dressed blondes are everywhere, literally on all the streets of this city. The main bonus can be considered that most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity do not drive cars at all, but bicycles. They are very feminine, gracefully pedaling. Local ladies are quite liberated, therefore they are always open to dating.

Rio de Janeiro in Brazil

As soon as you go down to the beach, you simply won’t believe the happiness that has come. Still - to be among the abundance of beauties. Undoubtedly, here are the hottest and most passionate ladies in the world. Brazilian young ladies are good, because in them nature in the form of parents mixed representatives of different races, and it turned out, I must say, the best. This is chocolate skin, and excellent hair, and also mouth-watering, rounded shapes.

Kyiv in Ukraine

It's hard to believe that such beauty even exists. There are beauties for every taste. There are very sultry, there are women with rather magnificent forms, there are enough fragile slim women. There are many blondes with sky-blue eyes and burning brunettes with gooseberry or cornflower eyes. Almost all women have very beautiful and thick hair, as well as long eyelashes and very beautiful, well-groomed skin. Ukrainian women are sociable, cheerful, seductive and alluring. It's hard to even believe that such beauty even exists. There are beauties for every taste. There are very sultry, there are women with rather magnificent forms, there are enough fragile slim women. There are many blondes with sky-blue eyes and burning brunettes with gooseberry or cornflower eyes. Almost all women have very beautiful and thick hair, as well as long eyelashes and very beautiful, well-groomed skin. Ukrainian women are sociable, cheerful, seductive and alluring.

Caracas in Venezuela

Venezuela is the country that has given the world the most winners in the Miss Universe pageant. This fact speaks in favor of the fact that there are more than enough beautiful ladies here. Women, originally from Venezuela, are also good because they are extremely easy to communicate with, they definitely know a lot about how you can have fun. These are temperamental and passionate ladies, if they really love, then with all their hearts, but they hate, they hate so much.

Los Angeles and California in the USA

Such women will differ from American women in other cities even in the way they look outwardly. And I must say that they look stunning. Not having a slender figure, perfect hairstyle and manicure for locals is bad manners. Therefore, in Los Angeles, beauties, if not every first, then certainly every second. This is the reason why all Americans are trying to move to California, and all Californians want to live in Los Angeles. This is done either by the handsome or the rich.

Varna in Bulgaria

True Slavs, they are well-mannered, polite, very scrupulously watching their face and body. Beauty combined with charm is a hallmark of all grinders. You need to look at this at least once.

How to choose the most suitable woman in terms of temperament?

Having become acquainted with the characteristics of the character and sexual behavior of the fair sex from different parts of the world, you need to decide which characteristics are important to you in the first place.

Buenos Aires in Argentina

There are just so many beautiful women here. All of them are beautiful, not far always natural. This is the fashion and popularity of plastic surgery and the increase in everything that can be increased. True, they are still very harmonious and active, and also charismatic. This is what makes them desirable. These women are busy constantly looking for the right man. For this purpose, even a lot of city clubs are open, where you can easily get to know each other.

Copenhagen in Denmark

The place of residence of the vast majority of blue-eyed blondes. By the way, Copenhagen is the city in which, in comparison with other world cities, there is the largest number of sexually liberated women. There are many of them and they are literally everywhere. Why, they are always ready to go to a bar with you and have a cocktail or two, and then continue to get to know each other more intimately in a quiet environment. It is pleasant to be in Copenhagen, because you will almost always catch the admiring glances of several women at once. And free behavior here will be received with a bang.

Stockholm in Sweden

It seems that it is in Stockholm that literally every woman is a written beauty. You can go to any local store or cafe and you will see almost a top model behind the counter, as if from the cover of a fashionable, glossy magazine. Moreover, this state of affairs will be everywhere. In addition, such women definitely know a lot about various parties and how to simultaneously receive and give pleasure to their partner. They are very educated and sociable, and also friendly. It is convenient that they speak English, having no taboos on the part of sex. These women are literally created to give a man intimate pleasure. Tall and blond, mostly blue-eyed - they are just goddesses.


No, and there is no exact guarantee in nature that if a woman comes from a certain region, she will necessarily have certain qualities. In this case, it is rather a characteristic that is present to one degree or another in the vast majority.

The most beautiful and sexy girls - video

So, Javier Bardem from Spain and Vincent Cassel from France, and also Til Schweiger from Germany and Jake Gyllenhaal from the USA - they are all the best lovers in the world. But, here are lovers, what nationality will be the best in bed - that's another question.

In which state do the most active and temperamental of men live?

It goes without saying that it is worth missing the Thais and Egyptians with the Turks, because they are literally soaked through with a sugary, erotic spirit, they now and then flicker in various tops.


The Spaniards are actually considered tireless lovers. And they really are one of the most beautiful men in the modern world. Hot machos are excellent at national techniques for disarming girls with just a glance. If you do not have sex with a Spaniard, then you should not tease him, that is, provoke or flirt. The peculiarity of their nationality is that they are sure that if a girl has already begun to show them signs of attention, or even simply responds to people she meets, this means that she already agrees to a very stormy, intimate continuation of their communication and acquaintance. As for the Spanish ingenuity in poses, in fact, despite the stormy temperament, local men are reluctant to experiment in this way. For them, visual contact with a woman plays a key role. Then they can understand her desires.


The French at all times knew how to hint beautifully about their expectation of the intimate side of a date. And this, I must say, turns out more than delicately. The French representatives of the stronger sex can easily turn their heads with just words. They can say so much and sweetly that not a single woman can resist, but only stammers "yes." True, unfortunately, this is where all the beauty and charm ends. Sex with them is the most mediocre. Those who say that the French are very attentive and try, first of all, for the sake of a partner, are lying. They are selfish, trying to take care of their own feelings more. By the way, champagne with strawberries and cream for many of them may even seem like excessive waste. By the way, such stinginess takes place not only in terms of finances, but feelings. One can only regret that the current generation of French men enjoys the undeserved fame of hero-lovers. This is nothing more than the legacy of their famous ancestors, famous for their hypersexuality throughout the world.


If not all, then almost all German men are more or less handsome. In addition, at least the Germans are extremely masculine and this is where all their sexuality lies. Sexologists recently conducted a study, as a result of which it turned out that the most sexually active Germans are representatives of the stronger sex aged 30 to 45 years. Basically, these are seemingly harsh uncles with a courageous figure. Under this shell is hidden a powerful temperament. The saying about a still pool with devils is just about them. They just love intimate toys. The downside is that it is almost impossible to accustom such a lover to the rules of hygiene. Since the Germans are very pedantic, many are sure that they do not leave this quality in bed. Simply there it is interpreted in coldness. There's something about it.


Many men who come from the USA are really quite handsome. For the most part, Americans are liberated, always ready for bold sexual experiments. Sex on the first date and a joint selection of toys in a sex shop is the norm for them. American men love everything unknown and new. Their sexual interest is much more important than temperament. Therefore, the first intimate date is likely to be the last. Looking at them, it is very difficult to imagine that they can be faithful husbands and boyfriends. By and large, there are very, very few honest representatives of the stronger sex in the States. Mistresses are their norm of life.


Of course, there are beautiful men in the Russian Federation, but more often you can meet the unpredictable. Our compatriots with you simply amaze with the inconsistency of actions and temperament. For the sake of their loved ones, they can literally move mountains. They can also exchange a date for a football match with a crowd of friends. It is the same with sexual temperament. At times, such a man is a macho in the Russian version of performance, and sometimes vice versa - a lazy body that is not capable of feats. The vast majority of Russian men perceive erotic fantasies well in bed. Sometimes, however, they are even too spoiled by female attention.


It is impossible only by the nationality of a man to judge his temperament. Everything is very individual. It is necessary to take into account at least the fact that at different periods of his life the same man can manifest himself as a macho and as a piece of ice.

What will sexual temperament depend on? Why are the inhabitants of some states tireless lovers, while others, on the contrary, are sluggish, insipid?

The sexual temperament of men depends on a number of factors.

Factors affecting the temperament of a man

These include the level of his sex hormones and the degree of activity of some parts of the brain, as well as his sexual development and the realization of intimate needs, the degree of sexual attraction to a particular female representative. Also, the cultural conditions in which a man is located and his mentality have a huge impact.

For example, in Western states, the emphasis is on sexual activity, mainly leading to direct sexual intercourse and, as a result, getting an orgasm. In contrast to this state of affairs, in some Asian societies, sexual practice has become intertwined with spiritual traditions. For example, it is in Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. There, the main goal will not be the achievement of orgasm in itself, but the retention and expansion of the degree of sexual arousal over long periods of time. There are all sorts of techniques to help you do this.


It turns out that the sexual temperament is determined by the place of residence and the environment that develops or suppresses it. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether this or that man is outwardly handsome or not.

Top sexiest men - video
