Scenario June 1st in a dhow on the street. Scenario for the holiday "June 1 - Children's Day" in kindergarten

Target: Involve children for national holidays.


Create at children joyful, fun mood, improve motor skills, consolidate friendly relations between children.

Give children basic knowledge and ideas about international holiday "Day child protection» .

Foster a desire to be creative.

Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you again.

Hello, Hello, Hello!

We are happy to greet you!

So many bright smiles

We see it on their faces now.

Today is our holiday collected:

Not a fair, not a carnival!

First summer day of the year

Won't give it back children in trouble.

Today is June 1, the first day of the warmest, brightest, most colorful time of the year - summer. And this day was declared all over the world - Day child protection. It's big, very joyful and at the same time, serious holiday. The holiday is held when the green forests are rustling, the birds are singing in every possible way, the sun is shining brightly in the bright blue sky, bumblebees and bees are circling merrily, the transparent wings of dragonflies sparkle over crystal streams.

The children of our kindergarten prepared poems.

1. We meet summer holiday

Sun Festival holiday of light

Sun, sun, brighter gray

The holiday will be more fun.

2. The first day of colorful summer

He brought us together, friends.

Festival of the sun, festival of light,

A holiday of happiness and goodness!

3. On this day the birds chirp,

And the sky brightens,

And daisies with cornflowers

They lead a round dance in the field.

4. Dragonflies will buzz around,

Smile poppies, roses.

And a tulip will dress

In the brightest sundress.

5. Birds will fly to the holiday

Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.

They will click and whistle

Sing songs with us.

In summer many beautiful flowers grow, but there is one that is magical, it fulfills all wishes, this one flower: "flower-seed flower".But misfortune happened strong wind and the petals scattered throughout the kindergarten. It’s not just to collect petals, you need to be friendly, attentive, cheerful, participate in competitions, sing songs and dance. I think for poetry we can attach one petal to our flower, petals different color, colors rainbows: Red Yellow. green, orange, blue, cyan, purple.

We'll start with a warm-up and play a game.

The game "How are you living?"

Children use their movements to show what the text says.

How are you? - Like this! (expose thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other).

(Children are looking for 2 petals).

The next competition is for those who know and love fairy tales. I will tell you words from fairy tales, you must continue the word.

A game "Continue the word"

Fox....sister. Pull...pull.

Baba...Yaga. Hen…. pockmarked

Horse... Little Hunchback. Swan geese.

Once upon a time there lived...there was a Mouse...norushka.

Ivan Tsarevich. Sword... treasure trove.

Carpet plane. Frog…. wah.

Dragon. Koschei the Deathless.

Princess... frog. Cockerel….Golden comb

Well done guys, you know all the fairy tales and answer correctly, we must find another petal for our flower. Let's make a big circle and learn the movements for our joint dance. 3 petals.

Dance "Little Ducklings".

Children repeat the movements of the leader to the music.

The most artistic dancer can take the petal. It will be 4 petals in total 7.

A game "Pass the ball".

Children stand in a circle to the music, pass the ball, when the music ends, the one left with the ball guesses the riddle.

1. In the thicket, with its head raised, the giraffe howls with hunger. (Wolf)

2. Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown... wolf (Bear)

3. Daughters and sons are taught to grunt... by an ant (Pig)

4. The fastest person to run from fear is... the turtle (hare)

5. In his warm puddle, Barmaley croaked loudly (Frog)

6. From the palm tree - down, onto the palm tree again... a cow deftly jumps (monkey)

We will offer the most attentive person to find a petal, and the guys will help him. 5 petal.

You guys are great at solving riddles, but do you know what summer is rich in and why it’s good?

Lots of berries in the garden

Everyone is red, as if by choice

Collect them all quickly

And they put them in a box. (strawberry).

Yes, and we will pick strawberries, but only with eyes closed. (children are blindfolded and spun around). 6 petal. Almost our flower has been collected, thanks to your diligence, friendliness and good knowledge. And the last game. Let's see who is the fastest?

Game with chairs.

(To music.) 7 petal.

Collected, well done, this flower will now fulfill all your wishes, and I wish you to grow up happy, healthy, smile often, enjoy summer, be friendly and responsive to each other, and now each of you will draw summer, friendship, sun on the asphalt with chalk and happiness.

Now take the crayons

And draw, write on the asphalt,

What do you need to be happy?

Let your drawings contain

Happiness, sun, friendship. (children draw).

Target: Create joyful festive atmosphere. Create a desire to acceptactive participation in the holiday.

Tasks: Stimulate joint musical and play activities, emotional responsiveness of children. Develop friendly relations between children.

The holiday is held at the kindergarten site.

In riding:

Hello Hello!

We are happy to greet you!

So many bright smiles

We see it on their faces now.

Today the holiday brought us together:

Not a fair, not a carnival!

First summer day of the year

He won't let his children get into trouble!


June has come, June, June -

Birds are chirping in the garden,

Just blow on a dandelion -

And it will all fly apart!


Sun Festival! How many of you,

Dandelions in summer!

Childhood is a gold reserve

For our big planet!

Children singing the song " solar circle»

Presenter:Dear friends, it has come for us long-awaited holiday sunny summer! Every day of this summer will open up like a new page of an interesting, bright, colorful book. This is a book that will contain games, songs, dances, fairy tales, and adventures! And the most important thing is peaceful sky over your head!

This day is dedicated International Day child protection.Hurray! (all together Hurray!!!)

Now you and I will play a game - I ask, and if you agree with me, say “Yes”

What's your mood, huh?

Is everyone of this opinion?

Have we grown up?

Have we done everything yet?

One for all?

And all for one?

Is your health okay?

Is your life fun?

Children read poetry:

1. We celebrate the holiday of summer,

Come visit us

We are always glad to have guests!

2. We celebrate the summer holiday

Festival of the sun, festival of light,

Sun, sun, brighter gray

The holiday will be more fun!

3. First day of colorful summer

He brought us together, friends!

Sun Festival holiday of light,

A holiday of happiness and goodness!

4. First day of summer, become even brighter!

Celebrate the first of June everywhere!

After all, this is All Children's Day,

It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!

Presenter:Today we have a fun holiday. We will sing, play and dance! Oh guys, someone is coming towards us...

Rubbing his palms, with his back to the children, the Bully Liar enters. He speaks in a sarcastic voice.

Lying Bully:Well, I did one more nasty thing: I poured salt into the compote. Now let him drink some salty compote! Ha ha ha!

He turns and sees the children.

Lying Bully:Yeah! This is where I need it!

Presenter: Where does this “here” go?

Lying Bully:Where, where.. Yes here,where there are a lot of children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Presenter:Who are you?

Lying Bully:I am Vrakochka - Zabiyakochka. You can simply - Liar the Bully. I heard you are having some kind of holiday here?

Leading:Not some kind, but a holiday of all children who during the time school year matured, wiser, became big. We came to have fun.

Lying Bully:Are these short little kids big?! Oh, they made me laugh! (Laughs). I just want to give them a pacifier to suck. (Gives the children a pacifier.)

Leading:Wait, wait, Lying Bully, to find out whether our guys have really matured, we need to test them in games, in dances, in songs.

Lying Bully:Check it out, right? Please! (Takes out the ball). Here's the ball. Who doesn'tcatches it, he has not grown up, but remains a short little baby. (He begins to randomly, deceiving the children, throw the ball to them).

In riding:Oh no! This will not work! If you're going to play, then for real.

Lying Bully:How is this for real?

Presenter:This means according to the rules. Look, we’ll show you the game “How are you living?” If you want, we will teach you.

Lying Bully:Well, we’ll see who will teach whom. What, I don’t know such a game or something.

Game "How are you living?" (Children show what is said in the text).

How are you? - Like this! (thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How do you swim? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

How are you being naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

- How are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

The Lying Bully plays incorrectly, the presenter shows how to play.

Lying Bully:It’s you who are so grown up in kindergarten, but in the summer you can’t do without me, what will you do without me, so pretty and mean?

Presenter:And how many impressions await everyone in the summer! Many of you will travel, swim, walk in the forest, sunbathe on the beach...

Instructor (physical training):

There are many games in the world,

But I can’t tell you everything.

Loved by adults and children

Play different games.

We are starting relay games.

Relay Games

Lying Bully:Eh, you! It was not possible to turn you into my assistants. Why am I so unlucky?! Why doesn't anyone want to be my friend? (cries).

Presenter:And you still ask? Look at yourself: is it really possible with something like that? harmful person who never smiles, find friends? Only for the good cheerful person other people are reaching out. Watch the beautiful and gentle dance “Small Country”,let a spark of warmth and kindness light up in you.

Children perform the "Small Country" dance

Lying Bully:What a wonderful dance! (claps his hands)

Presenter:Friends, a miracle happened! The bully liar told the truth for the first time!

Lying Bully:How? This can't be true! What is this withme? Who will I be now if I forget how to be mischievous? (whines)

Presenter:With us you will become good, kind and cheerful. We'll give you a new name, too, do you want it?

Lying Bully (embarrassed): Well, I don't know...Will I be able to?..

Presenter:You can do it, you can! And the guys and I will help you. The guys and I consulted and decidedgive you the name Veselushka-Laughter. We think you will like it and from now on you should do good deeds and always smile. Agree?

IN Yeselushka-Laughter: How to do these good deeds? I don't know.

Presenter:I will give you unusual flower- a flower with riddles,and tell the children a wish. Agreed?

IN Yeselushka-Laughter: I will try.


Presenter:Well done boys! And you said (addressing the Bully Liar) that our children are short babies. How could kids solve such difficult riddles?

IN Yeselushka-Laughter: Now I really see that the guys are so big and smart. Now I feel that I have really turned into a Merry Laughing Girl and I want to cheer you all up and invite you to the “Little Ducklings” dance

Children, together with Veselushka-Laughter, perform the dance “Little Ducklings”

Presenter:Well, Veselushka-Laughter, did you like our holiday?

Veselushka-Laughter: Still would! After all, I have become completely different!

Presenter:And our guys helped you with this.

Veselushka-Laughter: I want to thank them for this. I'll treat them to a fly agaric!

Presenter: Here's your time! You go again? Can you eat fly agarics?

Veselushka-Laughter: Have you forgotten? I have become good. And this fly agaric is not simple, but sweet, sweet!

Veselushka-Laughter brings in a large fly agaric with candy inside. Distributes to children.

Presenter:Guys, let's tell Veselushka-laughing Thanks a lot for a treat.

Veselushka-Laughter: And it's time for me to go fairyland. Goodbye, see you again! Bye!

Veselushka-Laughter leaves to the cheerful music.


We draw on the asphalt

Multi-colored crayons

I am Malvina in a long dress,

With lace sleeves.

Olya - king on the throne

In a scarlet robe, wearing a crown.

Dima - sea, steamship

And Seryozha is a helicopter.

Whose drawing will come out better?

The asphalt was dull and boring

It will be festive and cheerful

Quiet courtyard in the kindergarten.

Presenter:Do you guys want to make our yard cheerful, festive, colorful?

Now take the crayons

Draw, write on the asphalt,

What is needed for happiness.

Let your drawings contain:

Happiness, sun, friendship.

The song “Sunny Circle” plays. Children draw pictures on the asphalt.

Presenter:Our holiday has come to an end, see you again!

Children line up around the perimeter of the playground.

Presenter: Oh, how many of us have gathered here. Why, do you know? The guys will tell us now!

Children read:

1. We celebrate the summer holiday,

Festival of the sun, festival of light.

Come visit us.

We are always glad to have guests.

2. Birds will fly to the holiday

Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.

They will click and whistle

Sing songs with us.

3. Dragonflies will buzz around,

Smile poppies, roses.

And a tulip will dress

In the brightest sundress.

4. We celebrate the summer holiday

Festival of the sun, festival of light

Sun, sun, brighter gray

The holiday will be more fun.

5. C good mood

We're going to kindergarten

And we congratulate everyone

With wonderful summer day!

6. First day of summer, become even brighter!

Celebrate the first of June everywhere!

After all, this is All Children's Day,

It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!

7. The sun warmed us with a ray,

We will invite all our friends to visit.

Let's dance merrily

Welcome red summer!

8. Summer has come to us again

This is very good!

Hello, sunny summer,

How much sky, how much light!

Summer, warm the earth,

Don't spare your rays!

9. First day of colorful summer

He brought us together, friends.

Festival of the sun, festival of light,

A holiday of happiness and goodness!

10. On this day the birds chirp,

And the sky brightens,

And daisies with cornflowers

They lead a round dance in the field.

Presenter: And so that we can create a cheerful mood, I invite everyone to join in a big round dance.

Dance "Big Round Dance"

Presenter: Guys, I am glad to welcome you to the holiday of sunshine, holidays and summer.

Ruffnut Appears

Bully: Hello, I greet you too!

Presenter: And who are you?

Bully: I, Petrushka, a bully, have come to the party! I will disturb you, muddy the waters.

Presenter: Today we don’t need to muddy the waters, but we need to celebrate the summer, celebrate the sun, because today is June 1st - and this is a holiday.

Ruffnut: I’ve never heard of such a holiday: New Year I know, I know the birthday, but I don’t know anything about June 1st.

Bully: (interrupts) Ah, now it’s clear, so get ready, everyone, now we’ll defend ourselves! Take sticks, bricks, bring everything here.

Presenter: You bully are confusing everything for us. On this day, the guys can talk about their dreams and desires, how they can be friends, how friendly they all play together.

Bully: Can you tell me about your desires?

Presenter: Tell me!

Bully: I love to fight and call names. What about you guys? It seems to me that the guys here are fighters and bullies and all the beeches are bullies. (Shows faces)

Presenter: It’s a shame you think so poorly of us. Now the guys will tell you how friendly they are and sing the song “True Friendship.”

Song “True Friendship” (senior group).

Bully: Yes, you are really good and kind. But you are very small and don’t know how to do anything. For example, I can sing, listen to me.

Performs the song: “A grasshopper sat in the grass” (screams terribly while singing)

Presenter: Well, is that really how they sing? You scream and don’t sing, listen to how you should sing.

The song “Kindergarten - a magical country” is performed (preparatory group).

Bully: Just think, but you definitely don’t know how to dance. I know such a wonderful dance. You definitely won't be able to dance it.

Presenter: Let's check it out. Guys, all stand up together and repeat all the movements after Ruffnut!

Dance “Radiant Sun”

Presenter: Yes, your dance is good, very cheerful and lively. But the guys danced it too. Now, bully, look at what the children have learned and how wonderful they dance.

The dance “Butterflies” is performed (II junior group)

"Flowers" ( middle group)

“We became friends” (I junior group)

The bully sits in the corner and starts crying:“Now you definitely won’t be friends with me, you know how to do everything and you’re friendly, but I have no friends.”

Presenter: Well, why don't we be friends? Only you have to become kind and friendly, and the guys will help you with this.

Bully: Well, I'll try. I even know a lot of games and fun that help you become friendly and strong. Will you play them with me? Well then let's start, first game “If you feel like having fun, do it”

Bully: And I also have riddles for you guys, but they are not simple, but with answers. You need to listen to the answers carefully, because there may be mistakes in them.

In the thicket, he raises his head and howls with hunger... giraffe (wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown... wolf (Bear)

Daughters and sons are taught to grunt... by an ant (Pig)

The fastest person to run from fear is... the tortoise (hare)

In his warm puddle, Barmaley (Frog) croaked loudly

From the palm tree - down, onto the palm tree again deftly jumps... a cow (monkey)

Presenter: And now I will tell you a riddle.

The forest is full of songs and screams,

Strawberries splash with juice,

Children splash in the river

Bees dance on a flower.

What is this time called?

It's not hard to guess - (Summer).

Presenter: And now, guys with senior group They will sing us the song “Good Summer.”

Song “Good Summer” (senior group).

Presenter: Well done, you answered all the riddles correctly, sang, danced, and now it’s time to test your dexterity.

Together: Attention, attention, we are starting a competition!!!

Relay races: “Pass the ball over your head”

"Roll the ball between your legs"

"Bring it balloon on a racket"

Bully: A little tired, I suggest we dance a little

Dance-game “We turned left...”

Bully: These are the interesting games I know, will you be my friends now?

Children: Yes!

Bully: And we will never - never quarrel?

Children: No!

Presenter: Well done, bully! We wish you, dear guys, all the best. Be healthy, grow up quickly and make our world beautiful. Live in peace and friendship!

Presenter: Our holiday is over, how are you feeling? Do you want to dance?

Disco .

Bully: I know what you can still do

Great to draw.

You can use your talents

Are you showing now?

But the pencil won't do the job

I work with this...

And I'm colored crayons

I brought it with you!

Presenter: And now, guys, you will all go to your areas and draw what you think the word “FRIENDSHIP” means!

Competition: “Drawing on asphalt”

The children go off to draw.

Summing up the results of the competition.

Presenter: And so that we can end the holiday joyfully,

I want to treat the guys with sweets!

Hands out refreshments.

teacher MBDOU No. 149 Kindergarten "Ryabinka"

Kemerovo, Russia

Children Protection Day. Scenario for kindergarten

Author: Markova Olga Valerievna - music director of MBDOU No. 57, Nizhny Novgorod.
Description: This material created for music directors, teachers of preschool children's institutions to conduct summer holidays outdoors for seniors and preparatory groups kindergartens.
Create festive mood.
- Develop musical Creative skills,
- develop social and communication skills,
- cultivate a sense of friendship.
Concert program, dedicated to the Day child protection
Children dance the dance "Childhood"
In the middle of the dance Toffee appears and blows bubble
Toffee: Good afternoon everyone! I am a cheerful girl, my name is Butterscotch!
(gets to know the children)
I'm glad to see you today, let's greet each other?
– When we meet the dawn, We tell it... (Hello!)
- With a smile, the sun gives light, sends us its... (Hello!)
– When you meet after many years, you will shout to your friends... (Hello!)
- And they will smile back at you From a kind word... (Hello!)
– And you will remember the advice: Give to all your friends... (Hello!)
- Let's all answer each other together... We will say... (Hello!)

Guys, do you know what holiday is today? (Children answer). That's right, today is Children's Day!

1. We celebrate the holiday of childhood, the holiday of the sun, the holiday of light.
Come visit us, we are always glad to have guests.
2. Birds like woodpeckers, swallows, and tits will fly to the holiday.
They will click and whistle and sing songs with us.
3. Dragonflies will fly around, poppies and roses will smile.
And the tulip will dress in the brightest sundress.
4. We celebrate the holiday of summer, the holiday of the sun, the holiday of light
Sun, sun, shine brighter, the holiday will be more fun.
Everyone sings the song "Summer"
Toffee: Guys, what is the name of the country in which you and I were born and live? (answers) What is Russia like?
Child: Look how good it is - the region in which you live.
Everything that is dear to the heart begs to be included in song.
And the crimson dawn, and a grove under the sky
If you look from the hillock, you can see the blue river,
You can see the endless distance that is called Russia!

Dance "My Russia"
Bully: Hello, hello, everyone, everyone is welcome....!
Toffee: And who are you?
Bully: I am a bully, I came to the party! I will disturb you, muddy the waters.
Toffee: Today we don’t need to muddy the waters, but we need to celebrate the holiday of summer, to celebrate the sun, because today is Children’s Day!
Bully: I’ve never heard of such a holiday: I know New Year’s, I know birthdays, but I don’t know anything about Children’s Day.
Child: Childhood is a golden time and magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me, Childhood is me and you!
Bully: (interrupts) Ah, now it’s clear, so get ready, everyone, now we’ll defend ourselves! Take sticks, bricks, bring everything here.
Toffee: You're confusing everything for us, bully. On this day, the guys can talk about their dreams and desires, how they can be friends, how friendly they all play together.
Bully: Can you tell me about your desires?
Toffee: Tell me!
Bully: I like to fight and call names. What about you guys? It seems to me that the guys here are fighters and bullies and all the beeches are bullies. (Shows faces)
Toffee: It’s a shame, you think so badly of us. Now the guys will tell you how friendly they are!
1: We really need a friend in life, life is more fun for us with a friend!
Next to him, in any cold weather, we feel warmer!
2: A good friend will comfort us, calm us down in difficult times.
Good joke will amuse, will be able to make us laugh.
3: We all need to cherish sincere and honest friendship,
Because, as you know, we cannot live without friends!
Children sing "Song of Friends"
Bully: Yes, you really are good and kind. But you are very small and don’t know how to do anything. For example, I can dance, look how!
The bully makes faces to the music
Toffee: Something isn’t working out very well for you, but now look at our guys...
Children perform Boogie-Woogie Dance
Bully: Well, you guys are great... You won’t be able to keep up...

Ruffnut starts crying:
Bully: Now you definitely won’t be friends with me, you know how to do everything and you are so friendly, but I have no friends!
Toffee: Well, why don't we be friends? Only you have to become kind and friendly, and the guys will help you with this.
Ruffnut: Well, I'll try. I even know one interesting game. Will you guys play with me? Well, let's begin then!
Game "How are you living?"

Ruffnut: How are you living?
Children: That's it! (Show thumb)
Ruffnut: How are you going?
Children: That's it! (They walk in place)
Ruffnut: How are you running?
Children: That's it! (Run in place)
Summer: How do you sleep at night?
Children: That's it! (put palms together and apply to cheek)
Ruffnut: How are you swimming?
Children: That's it! (They imitate a swimming person with their hands)
Ruffnut: How do you give it?
Children: That's it! (Stretch hands forward)
Ruffnut: How do you take it?
Children: That's it! (Imitate raking movements)
Ruffnut: How are you living?
Children: That's it! (Children scream loudly)
Ruffnut: It's a fun game, guys!
Let's say to each other: Hurray!!!

Toffee: And I also have riddles for you guys, but they are not simple, but with answers. You need to listen to the answers carefully, because there may be mistakes in them.
In the thicket he raises his head and howls with hunger... giraffe (wolf)
Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown... wolf (Bear)
Daughters and sons are taught to grunt... by an ant (Pig)
The fastest person to run from fear is... the tortoise (hare)
In his warm puddle, Barmaley (Frog) croaked loudly
From the palm tree - down, onto the palm tree again deftly jumps... a cow (monkey)
Toffee: And now I will tell you a riddle. The forest is full of songs and screams,
Strawberries splash with juice, Children splash in the river,
Bees dance on a flower. What is this time called?
It’s not difficult to guess - (Summer).
Do you know the song about good summer?

Song "Good Summer"
Dance "Chamomile"
Bully: Because you are so friendly and cheerful, I will give you small gifts...
Hands out candy to teachers
Bully: I also know that you can draw very well.
Can you show off your talents now?
But the pencil can’t cope with this type of work...
And I brought some colored crayons with me!
Toffee: And now, guys, you will all draw what you think the word “FRIENDSHIP” means!
Competition: “Drawing on asphalt”
Candies, crayons, soap bubbles
Artificial flowers, hoops
