Wishes to graduates from the class teacher in prose. A gift to the class teacher for graduation Unusual musical congratulations to graduates from the class teacher

You suffered with us for a long time,
Strength, nerves - everything for us.
And believe me, he loves
Our friendly class appreciates you.

On the big graduation day
We all shed tears together.
And thank you for your help
Our wonderful teacher.

Tomorrow new guys
They will enter your heart again.
May life be rich for happiness
Yours will be here and there.

Mom, dad replaced
All details explained
What you need - taught
Appropriately rated.

We say thank you
And thank you for everything
You take care of your health
Teach new kids.

Congratulations on the Graduation of our class teacher! We wish you good memories of the years spent with us. Now our paths diverge, but you will always remain in our hearts. Be happy, healthy, necessary and valuable. We sincerely wish you good and prosperity!

On our long-awaited graduation, we would like to say “thank you very much” to our best and most excellent class teacher. We are immensely grateful to you for your invaluable work and significant contribution to our education, for the constant support of faith in each of us. We wish you bright rays of happiness and success, incredible strength, health and good miracles of life.

Our class teacher
We want to congratulate you now
With a wonderful and important event,
Farewell and graduation.

We are grateful to you for everything
Became a parent for us
Goodness, health and happiness
Wants your favorite class.

Our wonderful class teacher, today we will say goodbye to the school, today we will dance our farewell waltz. On graduation day, we sincerely thank you for the wonderful school years, for guardianship and support, for the sensitivity of the heart and the generosity of the soul. We wish you a long and successful work, making educated and well-mannered students out of ordinary children, we wish you not to lose optimism in your outlook on life and constantly follow your dreams.

At the graduation words of recognition
We want to say from the bottom of our hearts:
You are our great leader.
And you can not be disrespected
You are our mentor and adviser,
You stood up for us
The time has come for us to part
Don't forget you are our class
And we will remember you too
We will come to you more than once,
We wish you great happiness
We thank you for everything!

The years have flown by, the children have grown up,
Little flimsy boys have matured,
Built buttons - cute girls,
They - fly away, we - stand on the sidelines.

You did a great job, got attached to your heart,
What they could, they gave, something - they did not have time ...
Don't worry - they'll handle it, if anything - we'll help,
You are closer and dearer to them today.

Do not be sad, everything will pass, there will be a new holiday
In September, first-graders will sit at their desks.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your patience,
May your hopes and dreams come true!

Happy graduation we are cool
Congratulations beloved,
Thanks for all the years
You were next to us.

Raised us
Notations were read
Scolded for leprosy
And every time they forgave.

spent on us
Time you and nerves
Taught that everyone
Aspired to be the first.

Today, leaving
Our native school house,
We promise, great
We won't let you down.

You are the best teacher in the world
Thank you for your efforts!
Children are always drawn to you
After all, you know how to give knowledge!

We wish you strength and health,
To strive for new victories!
And we respectfully, with love
We will always treat you!

Today, just like decades ago, students plan their prom program in advance. A variety of scenes, original greetings and entertaining numbers make the festive evening fun and memorable. Graduates share their memories of their school years, and also express their sincere gratitude to teachers in poems, songs, and pleasant words.

When preparing the holiday, it becomes necessary to come up with an original congratulation on graduation for the class teacher. If, when organizing other numbers and skits, the class teacher helps the students, then in this case, graduates will need to come up with an original number on their own or with the help of their parents.

Sing songs or recite poetry?

There are cases when, with a lack of time for preparation, students download beautiful poems from the Internet in order to recite them to the class teacher at the holiday. Teachers annually participate in graduation parties and probably know by heart all the popular poems on the topic.

  • To really surprise the class teacher and creatively approach the solution of the issue, you can compose poems on your own. Talented graduates can do this with the help of their parents. Sometimes literature teachers are involved in the process if there are problems with rhyme and sound.
  • In the poem, you can add not only words of gratitude to the class teacher, memories from school life with his participation, kind and funny moments, interesting statements are great.

    Perhaps, in order to collect useful information for a verse, all students will have to try, but the result is worth it.

  • The poem can be replaced by a song performed by several or all graduates. In this case, you should worry about the sound quality: in order for the song to produce the desired effect, all words must be clearly and legibly audible.

To make the song beautiful and harmonious, most likely, you will need the help of a music teacher. The specialist will help you choose the right melody, tell you how best to combine it with words and correct possible mistakes during rehearsals.

Musical congratulations to the class teacher for graduation - video

Clips and videos

To make the graduation congratulations to the class teacher unforgettable, you can take a large-scale approach to preparing a surprise. Modern technologies make it possible to create entire clips and short films without the use of specialized expensive equipment. If the budget for preparing for the holiday allows, then you can use the services of specialists. In any case, the demonstration of a film or clip dedicated to the class teacher during the prom will have the desired effect.

If one of the graduates or their parents has experience in video filming or editing, then this will also help create an excellent creative congratulation for the class teacher. You can use the recommendations of specialists from the Internet, special programs for video editing, or, if possible, turn to professionals.

The main thing when creating such a gift is not the high quality of the video recording or the presence of special effects, but a creative approach to business and the desire to please your beloved teacher from the bottom of your heart.

When editing a video, you should take into account the environment in which the audience will see it. For demonstration, you can use a projector or a plasma screen, if its dimensions allow all viewers to comfortably perceive the information.

You also need to provide for the availability of the necessary equipment and equipment, it can be rented if the school does not have one.

Original scenes and miniatures

Congratulations for the class teacher on the graduation party can be in the form of a whole performance. Small skits and miniatures performed by graduates will cheer up those present and allow them to laugh heartily.

to think over and rehearse interesting numbers, graduates will need to remember interesting moments from school life related to the class teacher. These do not have to be fragments of lessons: you can play a scene from a parent meeting, an olympiad or a school disco. In this case, the main thing is that those present understand what the miniature is about, and the class teacher remembers exactly what moment is being discussed.

For such a performance to be successful, it is necessary to devote time to preparation, script writing and rehearsals. You also need to carefully select the participants who will play certain roles. Perhaps, when preparing such a congratulation, you will have to additionally study the interests and tastes of the class teacher. For example, a loser Sidorov in the costume of Marya Ivanovna, who embroiders with a cross, will be able to amuse the audience.

Graduation scene for the class teacher - video

How to competently organize congratulations for the class teacher

If you approach the organization of congratulations for the class teacher with love, then you will definitely get an interesting, impressive and memorable number.

Experienced teachers also note that the most interesting congratulations are always received from those students who are developing the program together with the participation of all graduates of the class.

On the last bell and graduation day, they always prepare an extensive holiday program. In the solemn-official part, congratulations from graduates to the class teacher, teachers, head teacher, principal, school and parents are heard. Then the teaching staff honors the students, says warm parting words to them and wishes them every success in entering the university, building a career and personal life. The evening continues with a beautiful thematic concert, smoothly turning into a cheerful disco and a traditional walk around the city at night. And the holiday ends with the meeting of the morning dawn, symbolizing the beginning of a completely new "adult" life.

Congratulations from grade 4 graduates to the first teacher

The first teacher ... Not just a teacher, but a second mother, who once greeted timid first-graders on the threshold of the school, who came to the solemn line with their parents. Then the kids still did not know how and were very shy to raise their hands, ask questions and answer at the blackboard. For four years, the guys have grown up and matured. Now they look self-confident, smile and boldly read beautiful poems and congratulations on graduation to their beloved first teacher from the stage. And she, furtively wiping a mean tear, looks at her pupils with delight and gladly accepts words of gratitude, warm wishes and promises never to forget about elementary school.

You most importantly wake up in the souls of children,

Courageously the road of discoveries torya

From the first sound and the first luck

Beginning with the alphabetic words of the primer.

You are a good fairy leading to knowledge,

Giving joy, bringing light.

Hope you happy, big recognition

And new discoveries, and new victories!

Where the dragonfly hibernates

Where are the eyes of the hedgehog

How to write the letter A

How to sign a notebook

Who didn't just teach us?

Has he invested his soul in us?

Who worried about us

First to fourth grade?

Who laid the foundations?

How did he love his children?

Feel free to speak

This is... our first teacher!

We are still very small

We went to school a little timidly,

You were so sensitive to us

We were taught so well.

You are small flaws to us

Easily forgiven

Inspire us to succeed

Develop a thirst for knowledge.

Touching congratulations from graduates to the class teacher

On the day of the last call, the class teacher worries and worries more than all the other teachers. Yes, this is not surprising, because he does not just say goodbye to his students, but escorts girls and boys into the big, adult world, who have become almost family over many years of communication. Before his eyes, from mischievous and reckless junior schoolchildren, they turned into serious and strict guys. They will never come to his class again, ask for help and talk about their problems. They have grown up and look to the future with hope. Only uninvited tears shine on the eyelashes of graduates when they read congratulations to their class teacher and thank him for his great patience, touching care and constant attention. In every poem, in every song and in every line of prose, the leitmotif is the words: "We will never forget about you and keep this love forever in our hearts."

You are mother and father rolled into one
You are our spiritual and physical guardian -
And comforter of fiery hearts,
And our ideological super-inspirer.

We wish you hundreds of thousands of years
Good health, so that the nerves are not naughty,
So that you also sincerely love life
And to keep the class a good light.

For several years you have invested your endless knowledge and soul in our class and in each of us! Today, with gratitude and love, we congratulate you and wish that your pupils never disappoint and bring only satisfaction from the years that you will spend together!

Class lined up today
To go on a long journey.
Snow melts last year
Looking forward to new days ahead.

Our class leader
Congratulations today.
Let the faces be kinder
There will be more good words.

Let them stay in the days of the past
Failures, a load of problems.
We've grown older too
Choosing a path among dilemmas.

Hearty congratulations from graduates to subject teachers

Subject teachers will be immensely pleased on the day of the holiday to hear inspired, joyful and cheerful congratulations from graduates and words of sincere gratitude for the knowledge, care and patience gained. You can express all your feelings in prose or clothe emotions in short and rhythmic poems dedicated to all teachers in general and to each subject teacher separately. Each of the graduates can learn one rhyming verse and perform with it on stage during the official part of the event. Such a number will allow the whole class to participate in the act of congratulations and will be remembered by all those present for a long time. And if you illustrate the poetic lines with small thematic performances, the performance will certainly become the brightest and most colorful event of the prom and even go down in the history of the school.

Teachers, teachers!
After all, the earth rests on you!
Let's say "thank you" for your hard work!
You were there if needed!
Taught us to be kinder
We will never forget you!
We want to confess our love!
For everything, thank you for everything!
You will remain in our heart!
You picked up the key to the door,
We were able to understand, love,
For us to be a support in life!

In our Russian and mighty language.

We have always appreciated and loved you,

And you taught and loved us in return.

On our graduation, we wish you happiness,

Good health and long life.

Let sorrows and bad weather pass by,

And only the light of the sun shines through the windows!

You taught us not only physics,

But they also taught us life lessons.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,

Who taught us everything they could.

You were kind and strict with us,

Sometimes they were even angry at us,

We were amazed at how much patience you have,

And we respect you for it.

Thank you physics teacher

For being patient and helping us

Step over the school threshold, dear,

And proudly enter adult life.

Congratulations from the graduates of the native school

For each student, a school is not just a building with classrooms, spacious classrooms and large bright windows. This is the second home where children spend most of their childhood and youth. The first hopes are associated with the school, they cry over bad grades and brightly rejoice at the praise of teachers and the high scores obtained on tests and exams. In the school corridors, children not only receive specialized knowledge and master all kinds of sciences, but also comprehend the basic principles of life, learn kindness, honesty, sincerity and mutual understanding, find true friends and fall in love for the first time in their lives. At the celebration on the occasion of the end of the eleventh year, graduates dedicate the most sublime and warm words to their native school in poetry and prose, read out congratulations and promise never to forget the wonderful years spent at the school desk.

Saying goodbye to our sweet school,
We will be sincerely simple:
Teachers - bow to the floor,
Poems and the best flowers.
The dawn will come - and we will disperse,
To start a new life...
We will definitely be back
You try not to get bored!

Here is the school year
Lots of fuss and hassle
He will take it with him.
What lies ahead for us?
On the threshold of adulthood
Remember one thing, friends
That our native school
You can't forget!
Here they were sad and laughing,
Sang, cried, fell in love!
Met your friends
And native teachers!
Let's say thank you to the school
Low bow to her from us!
We say goodbye beautifully!
Happy new life! Good time!

Today is a solemn day -
The certificate is given.
Today we are from childhood
The whole school is escorted
In adult life, serious,
We look into it boldly
And difficult roads
They don't dare to scare us.
Universities are ahead of us,
Deans, faculties,
But we are still a little
Let's stay at this school.
Thank you teachers!
We will say in the end
For multifaceted knowledge,
For wise advice.
Beloved parents
Let's say thank you for everything.
Thank you director!
Thanks to our school!

Congratulations from graduates to parents on video

At a school graduation party, you need to thank the subject teachers, the head teacher, the director and the class teacher. But especially tender and reverent congratulations from graduates should be addressed to their beloved parents. After all, moms and dads supported their children every day for all 11 years, helped in everything and delved into every minimal problem. It was they who controlled the completion of homework, scolded for inattention and frivolity, and joyfully praised for success, achievements and high marks. Parents will be very pleased to hear words of gratitude from the festive stage from the lips of elegant and beautiful graduates. These simple, sincere phrases will dispel a cloud of slight sadness that blurs the eyes of adults due to the fact that their children have grown up so quickly and turned into serious, independent people.

Graduation ball for schoolchildren is the first responsible and truly adult event. This is a symbolic line, crossing which children will leave behind a carefree childhood. Many of them are looking forward to their graduation with trepidation, watching older students say goodbye to school. Everything on this long-awaited day should be special - the design, the atmosphere, the script and, of course, the class teacher's wishes to the graduates.

Wish to schoolchildren: how to choose a good format?

Writing a brilliant speech is sometimes not as easy as it seems at first glance. Listeners will remember the performance, filled with kindness and warmth.

Important nuances in compiling parting words to graduates from the class teacher:

  • Decide on the form of presentation. You can make a choice in favor of prose or rhyme.
  • The poetic wish is interesting and very popular.
  • During a prose speech, you can show a presentation, a video, and even use certain objects.
  • A speech that mentions special, funny moments in the life of graduates will be remembered for a long time.
  • A good option is prose, built on real facts. A classy mom needs to mention various pleasant details and cute little things from school everyday life of graduates.
  • Aphorisms can be added to the pictures and photographs used in parting words. The voiced thought should not have too deep hidden meaning.
  • The main thing for a poetic wish is lightness and harmony. Use swear words carefully.
  • Graduates will be very happy if the class teacher himself tries on the role of a poet. Nobody expects a perfect rhyme. For the guys, attention to them, sincerity and warmth of the congratulator are much more important.

What is it to wish for?

Having decided on the form of speech, you should think about its content. It would be reasonable to mention the years spent at the desks. However, we must not forget about the wish for the future.

Small symbolic gifts will remain in the memory of children for a long time. A cool mother can give all graduates a blank notebook, wishing to start life from scratch and paint it only with bright shades of happiness.

An interesting idea is to invite each hero of the occasion to systematically write down the most significant events in his life in his notebook. At a meeting in 5 years, these "masterpieces" will be of interest to others, diversify the atmosphere.

A wonderful parting word to graduates of grade 11 from the class teacher - a wish for an easy life path and upward career growth. It would be appropriate to give everyone a balloon - a symbol of life and career flying up.

Another option is to give yesterday's schoolchildren hearts cut out of red cardboard with personal wishes. This is a piece of the heart of a class teacher who will always remember his students.

Wishes of the class teacher: examples

Text #1

My dear children! How quickly the years have flown by. Eleven years ago you joined our school family. You declared yourself as new students who came to the school with serious intentions. With a mixed feeling of fear and curiosity, they entered the classroom.

But 4 years flew by quickly. The students have moved on to high school. She greeted you with equations with many unknowns that you worked hard to solve. It seems like just yesterday you were standing here - confused, fifth-graders, waiting for something new. They timidly looked at me - their new cool mom.

Since then, multi-colored asters have bowed to the school threshold seven times, seven winter blizzards have rustled. During the training, the teachers became like family to you, they left an indelible mark on your hearts.

What just was not in our school life: lessons, competitions, holidays, evenings, educational hours. Of course, not without broken glass, paper airplanes in the classroom, painted diaries, lost portfolios. All these are valuable drops of the big ocean of school life.

Until recently, graduates tremblingly held hands with their parents. Today the threshold of our school is still the same, but you have become different. Curious children have turned into adult boys and girls who have a new, but such an interesting life ahead.

Today you solemnly celebrate the completion of the first stage on your life path. All this time you were supported by teachers, parents and I, your class teacher. And today the doors to a big world with a lot of opportunities have opened before you.

Together we conquered new heights in the land of knowledge, learned to understand ourselves and each other, to defend our point of view and principles. These are the knowledge and skills that will help you emerge victorious from difficult everyday trials.

Believe in yourself. You are unique individuals who are sure to succeed. Be worthy of the respect of others and please me, the class teacher, with your achievements.

Bon Voyage!

A class teacher is not a position, but a state of mind. Heartfelt wishes to graduates will leave an indelible mark on the souls of students who leave the country of childhood.

Leaving school is a major event for every student. After all, the completion of lessons within the walls of a familiar institution is filled with emotions, experiences and the expectation of the unknown. Wishes to graduates from the class teacher at such an event is very important. That is why the teacher, who stood up for the protection of students throughout their studies, should thoroughly prepare for this event.

How to fill congratulations with emotions

Wishes to graduates from the class teacher, whether in prose or in verse, must be charged with the appropriate mood and feelings. It's easy to do. When wishes are made to graduates of the 11th grade from the class teacher, one should:

  • Turn on slow, pleasant background music.
  • Connect other teachers who will come up with a dance or skit, which will be accompanied by a pronounced congratulation.
  • After the wishes to present awards to each student for the merits that have been realized during their studies at school.
  • After the speeches, you can start showing a video about the events in the institution that filled the days of each student.
  • Also, in order for the wishes to be filled with experiences, one should include in their essence those events that excited and inspired the heroes of the occasion throughout their studies.

Beautiful 11th grade from the class teacher

Eleventh grade students leave school forever. This information must be included in the prose congratulations from the teacher. It was then that the wishes of the 11th grade graduates from the class teacher will be filled with the necessary meaning.

Most recently, you crossed the threshold of the school. And I can't believe that today you are leaving its walls forever. Over the years of study, I have become very accustomed to each of you. You are like my own children, my daughters and sons for me. I hope you will not forget me and will come to visit.

And now I want to wish you a bright road that lies ahead. Lay out your life path bit by bit so that the path is strong and durable. May all your ideas and dreams come true. And the school will forever be remembered as a wonderful time filled with interesting events.

Today the last bell rang for you in the walls of your beloved school. Over the years, I have gotten to know each of you very well. That is why I can say with confidence that all of you are worthy birds that you are not afraid to let out from under your wing.

Let our emotionally filled competitions with other schools, joint trips and travels, performances and concerts forever remain in your memory. All this will help the most wonderful period in life.

I wish every day to be filled with light and pleasant events. Strengthen your wings and fly towards your dream without seeing any obstacles. Be free, independent, confident. I really hope that after some time you will bring your children to me to study, and we will continue our communication again. Good luck to you!

Every day I ran to work, like home. And all because I knew that my children were waiting for me. I have become very attached to each of you during my studies. Each of my students, who today sat down for the last time at a desk in our school, deserves the highest awards.

Let everything turn out in the best way, all dreams come true and the plan becomes a reality. Congratulations on your graduation, my best students! On the bright path!

Such wishes to graduates from the class teacher will help to feel affection, joy and sadness at the same time. The whole hall will be filled with emotions.

Prose congratulations on graduation

It is possible to express a wish to graduates from the class teacher in prose in the following version:

First of all, I want to thank you for the emotions, experiences, excitement and joy that you gave me every day. For me, you are like my own children, everyone has something to say and give out individual recommendations.

Today we have a holiday about which we want to shout to the whole world. You, my literate, worthy of praise and honors, students, receive a diploma of graduation.

Let not tomorrow, but right from today your life be filled with new emotions, fulfillment of expectations, ideas. A new step in life will be easily conquered, because you are the best of the best. Congratulations, my beloved, worthy and most beautiful class.

I taught you a lot. How to behave, how to act in difficult life situations. I hope that my lessons will help you in life. Today is our last meeting with you, when you are my class, and I am your class teacher. This holiday is very joyful, although there is sadness in it. A new page of life is opening before you, and this cannot be avoided. Each of you will have your own road filled with new emotions and events.

I want to wish you that everything in life comes easy, all ideas turn into your reality, and plans are implemented without obstacles and difficulties. And if suddenly it will not be easy, you remember my advice.

Let the last call be a signal to an adult, bright and full of interesting life. I will never forget you! Congratulations guys!

Emotional wishes to graduates of the 9th grade from the class teacher

Ninth grade is also an important stage in life. After him, some leave the walls of the school and enter educational institutions where they will receive a secondary specialized education. Therefore, wishes to graduates of the 9th grade from the class teacher should also carry experiences and emotions.

Nine years of study behind. Some of you will have to study at our school for several years, and some of you will leave the class today forever. I wish each of you to be able to conquer obstacles. And I am sure that you will be able to fulfill this wish, because you have already jumped over one obstacle that has stood in your way and thanks to this you have completed nine classes.

For those who remain, I wish to be as swift and persevering. And whoever leaves, let him achieve his goal. I congratulate you on the completion of the ninth grade, may your path be bright and the road good.

An important event must be recorded in memory. It is the emotional, filled with truth and experience congratulations from the class teacher leading the class that will help you remember this holiday for a long time.

How else to express emotions

  • You can charge the atmosphere by preparing a dance of teachers.
  • Compose a song based on a well-known tune.
  • Write a story about school life.
  • Write a poem about your class.

All this will also help charge everyone with positive emotions.
