Toast non-standard birthday wishes to the boss. Toasts for the anniversary of the chief

Bosses are not made, bosses are born! Let's drink for the long-term management of the team and the company, for quick financing and, of course, for the boss himself and his health!

The boss is like a dad. Ordered - must be carried out. Well, if someone did not obey - punished. Let's drink to the fact that our boss does not punish severely! For you!

Without good boss there would be no good wards. Thank you for your cooperation, for understanding, for giving days off and letting you have lunch at the most inopportune time. Work has not broken anyone yet, so we are ready to work and work for you. Happy birthday!

Let's drink for the birthday of the one who invited us here, gathered us, seated us. For our beloved boss. Thanks to you, we reach peaks and achieve goals. May your wish, made on your birthday, come true.

short with humor

Who does not work shall not eat. Wisely said! But our boss eats a lot. I wonder who works for him?

When such a kind and sympathetic person is in the bosses, his birthday is celebrated brighter and more significant than his own. Let's drink to the successes and victories of _name of the birthday man_, which the whole team will happily share.

Our beloved boss, today we raise full glasses of wine to your health! We wish that the organization will continue to flourish under your strict guidance, life will not be overshadowed by work problems and family troubles.

I want to drink for you today
You are the best boss with us,
I wish you great health,
So that your fuse does not go out!

To carry out the plans
So that only things go uphill,
To regret nothing
And they were always in good shape!

We will drink for you today
And we wish you well
Live your life in abundance
And so that everything is with a bang!

So that your plans come to life,
And you did not know grief, evil,
You are the best boss in the world
The years are coming to you!

Our boss, we drink for you,
And with you in the world we live,
We wish you all the best
And you should always be in good shape!

We wish you money and warmth,
And let your soul sing
We wish you years,
And we wish you not to grow old!

The boss's birthday is a holiday for the whole team. On such a memorable day, you need to congratulate your boss in an original and colorful way. Find your boss's birthday toast in our selection! We, saving your time, have collected in this article only the best and most interesting congratulations!

Toasts in verse

Come to work with a smile
And "Narru birthdaw...!" drunkenly,
All day long we have one concern;
Today we drink to the chef!
Let's mark this day on the calendar
The boss has a particularly bright look ...
And forget about taxes
Let's raise our glasses together
For the company to prosper
For all our glorious team!

"Happy birthday, boss!" -
Let's shout loudly, without fuss.
We communicate like brothers -
Let's fill it up!
We drink to your sincerity
For honest leadership
We respect you
You answer the same!
We wish you
Another career takeoff
To joy over the edge -
And to the Canary Islands, on the plane!

We are a friendly team

Happy birthday

And we want to be happy

Longevity to you, fun.

Good luck in business

Harvest at a personal dacha,

So that income does not fall down,

And the computer didn't freeze.

To coffee in the morning

Served delicious.

In a word, let you live

It doesn't get sad!

We want to make one statement,
You are the most best boss in the world without a doubt.
And with this toast we congratulate you on your birthday.
We wish you a lot of strength and sincere laughter,
After all good mood- recipe for success.

Congratulations and wish
happy to be,
Live in health
Love your team
And do not judge him strictly.
Happy birthday to you, dear,
Success and good luck.
Always be yourself.

We hurry congratulate the boss,
You have nobility and talent,
You know how to rule people
You are a great Atlantean at work!

And we hasten to wish cordially
Good luck, righteous victories,
Health, happiness to you forever
And long, bright life years!

Toasts in prose

Genius is an extraordinary gift of endurance, which is trained in us by our boss. For our endurance, reaching the genius!

Dear s__! I want to tell you thank you so much for the opportunity for development that you give us. For your undeniable ability to lead and support! Thank you for being who you are! It is for such a leader that you want to go forward no matter what!

I would like to raise a glass to the inexhaustible flow of creativity and ideas, to the incredible charisma and perpetual motion machine! for our director, who will always figure out what to do!

Dear s__! I want to raise a glass to you, because your team is now only thanks to you! And looking at you, we have something to strive for, and thanks to you, we do not dare to be lazy to do it!

Dear our leader, we congratulate you on your birthday! We want you to appreciate once again how much you have already achieved! We wish you just as hard and fast to move towards new goals and we want you to know that you can always count on our help!

Congratulating such big man, you are lost what to wish for. But, as you know, there are no limits to perfection, so I wish your home to become more comfortable, your career more successful, your personal life happier. Respect to you, health and success.

Thanks to our selection of toasts for the anniversary of the boss, you will unusually and interestingly congratulate your boss! In addition, on our website you will find thematic congratulations and SMS messages for all occasions: anniversaries, weddings, anniversaries, etc.

At boss's birthday today
Looking forward to great fun!
To drink us quickly to the bottom,
Vodka, or even cognac!
Our boss, in general, well done,
The team is a real example!
In general, what a cat by the tail to pull,
It's time for us to wave a glass!

At one person was a cat. A cat is like a cat, the most ordinary. And as it should be for cats, every month of March the cat spent no one knows where, and returned home dirty, skinny, shabby! This man was tired of the cat's adventures, and he performed a well-known operation on him. But then March comes, and the cat again disappears from the house, and returns only a month later - dirty, hungry and skinned! The owner asks him:
"But now, now, what were you doing there?"
- I was in charge! - proudly answered the cat.
So let's drink to our mentors, leaders and teachers!

T active task.
- Cadets, imagine: you are moving in the desert, suddenly you notice an enemy who is aiming at you from behind a stone. What are your actions in this situation?
- shoot first.
- you have a misfire.
- Throw a grenade.
- All ammo ran out.
- I will strike the enemy with a bayonet.
- Missed.
- Listen, instructor, who do you work for?
So let's drink to the fact that our bosses are not very carried away when they give us instructions!

And It is known that ninety percent of all issues are resolved by themselves, and the rest are simply impossible to solve.
Let's drink, colleagues, not to worry about trifles and not to irritate our leaders - bosses!

L fly across the sky big bird majestically and smoothly flapping huge wings. And nearby, fussing and chirping, a small bird flies:
- Where are we going, huh? Where, huh?
But the big bird doesn't answer...
- Where are we flying, well, where, huh?
The big bird slowly turns its head:
- I do not know...
So let's drink to our scientific leaders!

P go to work with a smile
And "Narru birthdaw...!" drunkenly,
All day long we have one concern;
Today we drink to the CHEF!
Let's mark this day on the calendar
The CHEF has a particularly bright look ...
And forget about taxes
Let's raise our glasses together
For the company to prosper
For all our glorious team!

O Dean student wrote in school essay: "The milkmaid did not have time to leave the podium, as the chairman of the collective farm immediately perched on her!"
I want to raise a toast to the leaders. Not all of them are as lucky as that chairman of the collective farm, but .. So, for our leaders!

E If at work you get both a tail and a mane, then they take you for a horse. So let's drink to our sensitive leader!

B being the boss of a company is not easy,

He would use milk for harm,

Overcoming all obstacles
Without resting legs and arms,
Well, everything that is needed in business!

He can profit
And speak with an aphorism,
He looks like an oligarch -
He has such charisma!

But do not consider it a gesheft,
After all, everything is democratic here:
We raise for you, chief,
All together and each individually!

And in the year of the wise monkeys,
We, as is done with primates,
Take a peeled banana...
We drink to the bottom for the boss, guys!

O The letter firm sent two sales agents to Central Africa to conduct market research.
A few days later two telegrams arrived.
“Things are bad,” said the first agent, “everyone walks around barefoot.”
“We are waiting for big profits,” writes the second, “here everyone walks barefoot.”
Let's raise our glasses to the leaders of the optimists!

AND Residents of the Bulgarian village of Gabrovo long years working on a major problem. They crossed a cow with a giraffe to get a new animal that would give milk and feed ... in the neighboring area!
Their colleagues from Russia crossed a cow with a bear in order to breed a cow that could only be fed in summer, and in winter she ... sucked her paw!
But our leader every day decides such challenging tasks! For our head!

P let's share glasses for the fact that our capabilities coincide with the desires of our boss

To an conservative is a person who has no ideas. A reactionary is a person who has no ideas and is furious about it.
So let's drink to our liberal bosses!

At our boss's birthday,
Everyone is in a great mood!
I’ll say a wonderful toast about the chef,
May profit and happiness always come to you,
For this, and now everyone drinks vodka!

G genius is an extraordinary gift of endurance, which is trained in us by our boss. For our endurance, reaching the genius!

B being the boss of a company is not easy,
He pulls a cart, of which there are not many.
He would use milk for harm,
But he is not harmful, thank God!

He plows, plows like a plow
Overcoming all obstacles
Without resting legs and arms,
Well, everything that is needed in business!

He can profit
And speak with an aphorism,
He looks like an oligarch -
He has such charisma!

But do not consider it a gesheft,
After all, everything is democratic here:
We raise for you, chief,
All together and each individually!

I I treat business people with respect
to their inexhaustible energy, efficiency, creative streak, courage, ability to take risks and overcome all difficulties on the way. Everything I have said applies to the hero of today's celebration. So let's raise our glasses to him, to his success in the whirlpool of life!

And Det somehow through the forest Fox. He looks - a Hare is sitting in a clearing and writing something.
- Hare, and Hare, what are you writing?
- Thesis. "How the Hare Ate the Fox" is called.

We went together, and one Hare returned. And again for my dissertation. After a while, the Wolf enters the clearing:
- Hello, Oblique, what are you writing?
- Thesis. "How the hare ate the wolf" is called.
- What are you, Hare, weaving, this cannot be!
- Well, it can’t, it can’t be like that, only now, let’s go behind these bushes!
We went together, and one Hare returned. And again for my dissertation. After a while, the Bear enters the clearing:
- Hello, Bunny. What are you writing?
- Thesis. "How the Hare Ate the Bear" is called.
- What are you, Hare, weaving, this cannot be!
- Well, it can’t, it can’t be like that, only now, let’s go behind these bushes!
......... And a hefty Lion sits behind the bushes, and a pile of bones is piled next to him. And it doesn’t matter what your topic is - it’s important that you get a good leader.
So let's drink to a good leader!

FROM tell me, hardworking silent people,
Say, all-knowing scientists:
Who would be our bosses
When would not we - subordinates?
Yes, if they had no one
Load with useless work -
They would all be crippled
Maybe even orphans.
No one would put the kettle on
Wouldn't follow orders...
So let's drink to our bosses
And those who are under their control!

To everyone who is deprived of something in life,
Doesn't notice these properties in others:
It seems to the blind that only he
Invisible to the eyes of others.
Who does not want to hear, notices
That everyone is deaf to the meaning of his speeches.
Who hides the heart and does not open it,
He does not believe in the lover, in the heat of his passions.
So let's drink this bitter honey in glasses
The whole team, in one gulp, in spirit,
For our boss who always lives
In our hearts, eyes and ears!

- AND Van, can you work after half a liter?
- I can.
- And after a liter?
- I can.
- And after two?
- I can't work, but I'll manage!
For our dear leaders we'll drink!

Birthday toast to a male boss. If you are invited to your own boss's birthday party, then try to be smart in moderation, be extremely polite and not interfere in those conversations that you are not directly involved in. Kindly and warmly congratulate the leader on his personal holiday.

In verse

  • Nature has given you talent
  • Confidence and strength instilled in you.
  • You, like no one else, know how to lead,
  • It's nice to be your subordinate.
  • Let it be pleasant for you to lead.
  • We congratulate you many times
  • We raise our glasses in honor of you,
  • We heartily congratulate you!
  • We wish you a big salary,
  • But be not only rich in money.
  • May it be in abundance: health, luck,
  • And so we wish you inspiration,
  • Let it be smaller serious problems,
  • We wish you only good changes.
  • For your luck raise a glass,
  • We congratulate you, our boss!
  • For your success, I raise a glass,
  • Happy life and wish you many more years.
  • Let everything turn out the way you want
  • Be more courageous in life.
  • You are the best boss, it's easy for me with you,
  • By career ladder so that you go high.
  • Let there be no obstacles on your way.
  • And let life, every day, be more beautiful!
  • We are pleased to congratulate the boss,
  • After all, he can give out an award suddenly.
  • We promise to work hard.
  • We sincerely congratulate you!
  • Let your business be argued
  • Walk through life with ease and courage.
  • For health, we will pour more glasses.
  • Congratulations, and then we will start working!
  • Our boss is smart and gallant,
  • He is responsible and imposing,
  • Smart, attentive and inquisitive.
  • We cannot imagine the department without him,
  • We want to lead as long as possible.
  • Let everything be easy for you,
  • Good in life people meet,
  • May luck always accompany
  • Let health not leave you.
  • We raise our glasses to your success.
  • We want you to be the happiest of all!
  • Our boss, we congratulate you,
  • We love you, we honor you.
  • Let everything in life be wonderful
  • May good luck accompany you.
  • You don't sit still for a long time
  • Go further up the career ladder.
  • Your mind allows the firm to lead.
  • You shouldn't miss such a chance.
  • We'll drink to make our wishes come true
  • And to have good memories.
  • We want everyone to respect you.
  • To dream and dreams come true!
  • It is a pleasure for all of us to work with you,
  • With you, our department was able to excel.
  • You are in charge with sense and intelligence,
  • Go straight ahead towards your goal.
  • We raise our glasses to your happiness.
  • We wish you to easily achieve what you want,
  • We express our gratitude to you,
  • We wish you endless success!

In prose

Sent the boss of a subordinate on a business trip. The next day at a banquet, he invited his wife to dance so that she would not be bored. The woman began to flirt and build eyes. - I will be so lonely tomorrow at home alone all day. The husband left, the apartment is now so quiet and empty ... - So, this is just what you need! How are you planning to spend the day? - Do you want to offer something? - the businessman's wife was delighted. - Oh yeah! My wife glues wallpaper at home, and I heard you have a construction education. Could you come and supervise the process while I quietly work in your quiet empty apartment? My toast to sensitive and diplomatic bosses!

I often have the same dream and wake up terrified. I don't even want to talk about him, okay. I dream that our boss is getting promoted and leaving us, and someone new and unfamiliar comes in his place, his facial features are blurred, but I know for sure - he is a stranger and evil! In the morning I eagerly run to work to find out that everything is the same there. But for the sake of the well-being and career of my boss, I am ready to go through this and sincerely wish that my dream will come true in the near future! For the boss!

In history, cases of impostors and deceivers in high positions are not uncommon. Popular wisdom says that a real boss can be identified by just two signs: The first point is clear and categorical - the boss is always right! The second point - when it seems to you that the boss is wrong, see the first point. I propose to drink for our dear (I. O), because on all counts, whatever one may say, the most one hundred percent boss!

In your own words

The team is the mirror of the boss. He will look, there are gloomy tired faces around and his mood will become bad, which will not be slow to affect all his decisions and signatures during the day. And he will come to work in the morning, look: everyone is friendly, they greet him joyfully, smile and want to do something nice too! For example, he will write out some unscheduled bonus or let him go home early! Our boss is the master of his word, therefore his mirror reflects only positive. May it always remain for everyone good example common truth: "How you yourself treat people - so they will treat you"!

Toasts to the boss should say that your team is very lucky: you got a talented leader, an excellent organizer and generator of ideas. Let him continue to work further in the same spirit, and you will help him with the whole friendly team.

In verse

In prose

The foreman in the army built a company: - Private Chizhikov! - I! - Listen to the task: you fired the last cartridge from the machine gun and missed, and the enemy is advancing. Your actions? - I'll stab him with a bayonet! - He dodged and knocked out the machine gun with his foot. - I'm going to hand-to-hand combat! - A broken arm! - Comrade foreman, you, of course, excuse me, but I didn’t understand something: you yourself are on whose side? My toast is to our boss, who does not give employees impossible tasks!

To find out how employees actually relate to their boss, he needs to come up with good reason set the table and give everyone a good drink! And as they say, what a sober man has in his mind, then he will speak out when he is drunk. So I urge everyone at this table not to be recruited today more than normal so as not to spoil the holiday for yourself, and even more so for a respected leader! For him!

A subordinate comes to the boss and asks to raise his salary, after which he hears that in this moment He has no prospects for a promotion. - Well, how! I have already received the third category and no changes! Our cleaning lady gets half as much! - She has seven children. - And the new admin? He's only been working for two months! - He recently had an accident. You understand how much they charge in car services. - What about an intern? What is she for? - Have you heard how she sings at banquets? Vocal lessons are expensive these days. This toast is to our impartial chief, who never confuse personal relationships with production and evaluating employees on professional qualities rather than personal interests!

In one company, the boss was oblique and one of his legs was shorter than the other, besides, he was very stooped and grew a small hump at his desk. The employees decided to make him memorable gift and invited a talented artist to paint a portrait of him. He sighed and got to work. But they didn’t pay him anything and drove him away, because the chef turned out to be alive in the image. This went on several times until a thin boy came and drew him sleeping under a thick duvet, In The Lodge After Winter Fishing. I raise a glass to all the ideal and realistic chefs whom the team loves and appreciates and people who are capable of presenting even the shortcomings of leaders as a virtue. Moreover, our boss does not have them at all!
