Wishes to a colleague for promotion. Congratulations on your new position at work

With promotion to you, friend!
Good luck, progress!
To be respected by everyone around!
And creative solutions!

So that, moving only up
On the service ladder
You could answer for everything
Making no mistakes.

So that with subordinates always
You were extremely polite.
And, being in business, in labor,
To be cheerful and fresh!


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Congratulations on the promotion
And I wish you success:
May the hard way of labor
Always reimbursed
Let the bosses not scream
Let luck fly
Let career growth continue
It will be easy, fast and simple!


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Side by side working with you.
We are proud of you - colleague!
With your good deeds
You, on the shoulder, the position of a strategist!

We are ready to rise
All under your guidance!
We congratulate you, with excitement,
With another promotion!

Congratulations on your promotion

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Well, you waited, my friend,
You took your star.
And even though you are not a general,
But now the boss is full of energy.
I congratulate you on this
I wish to conquer further.
Business areas are large
And walk up the stairs!


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Congratulations on your GROWTH!
With a wonderful, joyful moment.

Not every weekday it is -
Therefore - from you, today, it is due!

We are glad that your talent is noticed,
Good luck, good luck and success, dear!

After all, at least something will be added to the salary -
But work, as always, will increase!


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With promotion!

Congratulations on your GROWTH! Takeoff only!
The career ladder is very steep and goes up.

Who works tirelessly, and sparing no effort,
He achieves success, no matter what he says.

When everyone, with excitement, is waiting for rest on Saturday,
The worker thinks only about business, chooses work.

Such a feat is appreciated, and we are very happy for you,
Patience and hard work are rewarded!


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Congratulations, from the bottom of our hearts, on your GROWTH!
Work with more diligence, inspiration!

Now you have subordinates - a friendly row,
They are waiting for commands - they are ready to do everything in a row.

Under your strict guidance of affairs,
Success in work and good luck will always be with us.

We trust you! your talents are undeniable,
With such a boss - we are strong and invincible!

Congratulations on your promotion

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Manage the firm impeccably

I'm raising you
I want to congratulate my son sincerely.
You just take care of yourself
Run the firm impeccably.

For extra income
Focus your efforts.
Don't hurt the common people
Do not allow violence in labor.


Finally, the management appreciated you. We sincerely congratulate you on your promotion and wish that your career did not stop at this stage. With the rise of you, our fairest and good boss!

Dear our boss,
Congratulations on your promotion.
Only up and only forward
We wish you to go to your goal.

You are a fair leader
Here comes your holiday season.
Accept congratulations soon
Sincerely happy for you each of us!

Congratulations on your promotion, our glorious boss. We wish you never to stand still and constantly move only forward. Let every step career ladder leader will be confident and successful, let every new day give you a lot of ideas and opportunities for improvement and self-realization.

Our leader is reliable,
We congratulate you on your promotion!
Your career path was very difficult,
And you have reached the peak now!

You are sensitive, moderately severe,
But it all makes you better.
You are a worthy leader in life!
The best boss for us.

Thank you for your hard work and respect!
We wish you many years of life.
We wish you a little more patience
And let's all say together: Hurray!

Our chief dear,
We want to congratulate you.
With a worthy promotion
You are an example for all of us.

To be honest, we got it
And stubbornly went to the goal.
We wish you that at work,
Only the best found!

Chef, congratulations
With your new appointment.
So that on the career ladder
There were many promotions.
Motivation always
To be true.
May good luck always come
Accompanies you along the way.
Love, enthusiasm, spark,
And your life will be easy!

Only through hard work and perseverance
You got your way
So, congratulations on the promotion,
We wish you everything, boss:

So that the chair is new - cozy,
No one was distracted from work.
So that the leadership is sensitive,
After all, change it soon.

Chief, with promotion -
You deserve it
Accept congratulations,
Won't be restless
Let things get better
Let luck come
Let everything be easily solved
And better every year
We are your well-being
And we wish you joy
Without reason or chance
All dreams come true
Fate, easy measured
Let the sky be clear
We want to be sure
You have a wonderful future!

Never bored under your wing
You led the whole department forward without a doubt,
Worked great, not knowing laziness
And you got a promotion...

We wish you a loud and glorious career,
And meet a lot of luck along the way.
And even if you are not the main one yet,
But surely success awaits you ahead!

Your team is like a family.
Everything works reliably
Nice, accurate, careful.
And we, on this bright day,
Congratulations on the promotion
We wish you happiness, joy
Always be strong and brave
And, of course, skillful.
Nothing to retreat from
And solve all the problems!

Congratulations on your promotion! It's always nice to know that bosses are people too and can get promoted too. Let it not be the last and our modest boss will become the Biggest Boss. Good luck moving forward and, of course, don't forget about us mere mortals.

Taking off a career - isn't it a miracle?
How nice to know everything!
So people really appreciate you
Everything is great. What more could you want?

Congratulations on your promotion today
We hug very warmly.
We wish new promotions.
Remember, we are a reliable shoulder!

Let the work move as it should,
And the authorities highly appreciate
There will be a bonus with a salary on time,
And it works simply and easily!

Today important holiday, without a doubt,
There is no place or reason for sadness here.
I hasten to congratulate you on the promotion,
It deserves such a big feast!

Another star plus for shoulder straps.
In honor of exploits and wisdom, of course.
I wish that today and in the future
Everything in life was just perfect!

I also wish you health, patience,
Good luck, happiness and forward movement,
So that the mood does not leave the house.
Let luck accompany everything!

My sincere congratulations our friend! Made new step up the career ladder, and now we can only wish that the future path was not difficult and thorny. With a promotion, and let it be just the beginning. Good luck and all the best in your new role. And with a new salary!

We congratulate you on your promotion
And a fair appointment.
Let luck await in business,
Let the task always be on the shoulder.

Your work will be a joy
And burden will not touch the heart.
Let peace and comfort surround.
And may you always be welcome at home!

Congratulations on your appointment
With a long-awaited promotion,
And we wish that a career
Served as an example for everyone!

For employees to love
Everyone praised for the work,
So that there is order in the family,
You lived in love, contentment!

Subordinates - only obedient,
And you are not indifferent!
Toast like brandy
And you - our congratulations!

Congratulations on your promotion
This can, of course, be considered
A real cool achievement!
You're a big lad! Keep it up!

Let success await you at work,
Do your duty well!
Raise yours on income
Let it reflect well!

Waiting for a raise
This is better than a birthday!
Higher and the salary became,
So she missed you.

May every day bring joy
The disgust will leave you in tears,
Friends so that the house is full nearby,
The smile is bright.

Your career is growing rapidly
And there is nothing surprising in this.
Your charisma, intelligence, talent
It will make its way everywhere!
The blind will just not notice the gift -
Solve cases confidently and quickly!
It will take quite a few years -
Get your Master's degree!
People like you can be counted on fingers -
You do not know the word flattery!

Let this day shine with mood
You can boldly be proud of him,
We congratulate you on your career advancement,
May the new rank bring joy and honor!

Let the subordinates bow obediently,
In a new position, everything will turn out easily,
And let the bright memory remain in the soul,
That moment when you ascended high!

Career growth is important for life
And so today we
Congratulating you on your promotion,
We wish you a new height!

Achieve in the shortest time
And do not lower the bar in life,
On this our congratulations to you
We'll read early.

We also remind you, our friend,
So that friends are not forgotten
Let a lot of people around
Only with them is not afraid of sadness.

What happened in heaven
In an inaccessible height it happened,
What took, finally, and rightfully
This post, (which is doubly nice!),
Our erudite, silent workaholic,
And not someone's brother, godfather and not a matchmaker?!
Eco, guys, is this going to happen?!
So let's shout: "Vivat!"
And let our friendly congratulations
Rushing above the rooftops
And let everyone know in advance
How strong you stand!

Congratulations on your promotion
The most correct decision.
Let things go great
And success will become a habit.
Let there be no place for sadness
Happiness, joy will be together.
Let your career continue to grow
Bring prosperity to your home!

Congratulations on your promotion
With you Cola and cookies.
Just don't turn up your nose
And help your colleagues.
Be persistent, be careful
Pleasant in heart and face,
And then, not even the hour,
You will become the main one with us!

With promotion, colleague!
Don't let this happen often.
For you, this post is like a reward,
After all, he did not work in vain.
Everyone congratulates you today
From the bottom of my heart I wish you good luck
Earn the respect of your superiors
And a big salary to boot.

Congratulations on the promotion
Fair appointment.
Let luck await in business
And the task is always on the shoulder.
Your work will be a joy
And burden will not touch the heart.
May peace and comfort surround you.
And may you always be welcome at home!

From the bottom of my heart, friend, congratulations,
With a promotion in your service!
And I wish you success in your work,
To make a career soon!
May your health be strong
Let ideas be bold
And the business approach will be tenacious,
Come true so that your plans!

Your work is appreciated -
Congratulations on your promotion!
So that you do not know problems at work
And in everything to succeed!
To further appreciate you
For your work and success in work,
And so that this step is yours
Was not the last in your rise!

The title is given only to the best.
You are already among the lucky ones.
Congratulations on this! Improve your life
Got a chance. We are happy for you in our hearts!
With elevation comes seriousness
And responsibility for their actions.
Let a colleague not miss happiness
Let him work in a team in love.

You've been promoted, congratulations!
May your career take off.
And we wish to rise to the top
Not for ten years, but for a maximum of a year.
Today is a holiday, that's for sure!
Colleagues at work congratulate and friends.
Manners have become somewhat sedate,
And many things are no longer possible.
The path to prosperity will be easy.
We wish you to pass freely
Be wise, charming and persistent,
Finding a place under the sun is a must.

Let's congratulate today
Who gets the title
Who became a lieutenant colonel, and because
Today the sun is shining.
Now young, that young major
Became a position higher, larger.

Our dear mother!
You are very stubborn with us.
If you decide something
Always stand on your own.
Congratulations on your promotion!
Strength to you! Sea of ​​patience!
Do not scold subordinates
Don't forget about family.
Well, we always, than we can,
We will help you, Mom.
In general, always be stubborn,
Our dear mother!

What happened was the purpose of life
You are leaving us for a promotion
And we wish you all the best
So that the fire of aspiration does not go out.

Did you get a promotion for great merit?
For a simple attitude, for love for a great cause,
For the greatness of nature, and simple respect,
For aspiration and honesty, beauty and meekness of disposition, -
That's why you got this super promotion!

We are glad to congratulate you
With a big rise
All deserve awards
We are only in a hurry to wish
To continue to be so strong,
Grow above yourself in everything,
Don't be embarrassed by success
And always go forward!
So that successful moments
Were good at work
To upset competitors!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

We hasten to congratulate our colleague,
With your promotion!
We wish you great work
We will support you, of course, at the beginning!
And peace bright colors let it play
Let the soul sing with happiness.
And we wish you further increases,
Grow in your career every year!

We congratulate you on your promotion
Today we were in a hurry.
With this kind of attitude
You definitely got yours!
You worked hard and honestly,
And forgot the restful sleep.
But life is interesting
That you deserve an award.
And here we are with career growth
Congratulations today.
Heights to you new with a new toast
With all our hearts, we wish!

Career growth is important for life
And so today we
Congratulating you on your promotion,
We wish you a new height!
We also remind you, our friend,
So that friends are not forgotten
Let a lot of people around
Only with them is not afraid of sadness.

Our military - support, protection!
And your ranks are formidable to the enemy.
To you - the unyielding parts of the monolith
Let's trust Russia and life always!

Congratulations to the one who, having passed the test,
He showed himself to be an excellent soldier.
Let's congratulate him on his title!
He best example for the green guys.

Let's have a happy holiday.
Be "At ease!" command is more audible.
And the insignia so we "wash",
That our native country will not forget us.

Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
With a raise - you deserve it!
You have worked very hard
And put in a lot of effort!
You are an example for all of us,
Here - accept the gift,
Let there be more bright days
And luck will be near!

You diligently worked hard.
We missed this time
After all, you did not often walk with friends.
Bottom line: he deserves a raise.
We want to gain momentum
Climb even higher in your career.
And enthusiasm at work
Yours is getting stronger!

Congratulations on your appointment
With a long-awaited promotion,
And we wish that a career
Served as an example for everyone!
For employees to love
Everyone praised for the work,
So that there is order in the family,
You lived in love, contentment!

You have become a little more important
One iota more serious, maybe,
A little more experienced means smarter,
We wish you continue to grow!

Let your successes repeat
With triple strength many, many times,
Envious people let them get angry in vain,
Let others rejoice now!

We wish your basket
Did not become undeservedly empty,
Let your role be irreplaceable,
And the porridge on your table is thick!

We want to deal with everything with ease,
The same as now, and continue to be,
Well, that is, we want not to be arrogant,
When you start to walk in the chiefs!

Our colleague, we are all very happy
What promoted you.
You deserve this award
We would like to congratulate you now!
Good luck to you in the new field,
And there are fewer obstacles along the way.
Always be exemplary
There is no one better than you!

You are my dear colleague,
With your promotion!
Even though sometimes we fought
Know that I am loving.

Congratulations, may victory
It won't be the last one here.
Let those close to you be proud
Let comfort reign in the house.

You are an ace, everyone knows it
Easy way for you.
May all troubles and hardships
You can easily pass.

It's always nice to be promoted
Although it adds responsibility.
Dealing with urgent matters
The bosses misses, notices mistakes.
We wish you to move up the hill in your career.
Let it not be difficult for you at all.
Do not climb out of your skin and strain,
Even if it's impossible.

You are now a step up
You have achieved what you were going for.
Don't rush, walk a little slower
Enjoy success to the fullest!
You've already reached the top
Not everyone can achieve it
Leave the rest for the man
You're a woman! This must be preserved!

Chef, congratulations
With your new appointment.
So that on the career ladder
There were many promotions.
Motivation always
To be true.
May good luck always come
Accompanies you along the way.
Love, enthusiasm, spark,
And your life will be easy!

Day and night you're in business
For just one lofty goal:
Take your career up...
And finally came the success!
Titanic labor noticed
Support guaranteed!
Please accept our congratulations
And also a warning:
Career is a curved ladder
You get up without yawning.
Don't turn up your nose in front of us
And then you stumble, so you know!

I am happy and glad with your promotion,
I wish you success, recognition, awards.
I wish you a career almost to heaven,
So that you carry with dignity, this difficult cross!

I wish you health, good luck, good,
Let this mountain also submit,
So that you always reach new heights,
O former colleagues you didn't forget!

And we love you, you come to us,
Let our paths not diverge
And if trouble happens to you,
Know that we will help you anywhere and anytime!

Well, my friend, let me congratulate
Me with the promotion of you.
Now you have become a big boss.
Accept a gift from me:
I wish you don't relax
And he was always himself
Stayed the same kind
Let happiness shine over fate.
So that the career ladder is straight
Led you up and up.
Hope, faith, definitely
And to expect success in everything.

Career growth is important
In life and work.
Therefore we will say
On a high note

What we are very proud of
We are your merit.
Your calculation was correct
You took the right angle.

Get honest
Goals and dreams.
Follow, don't give up.
You can! We believe.

Dear, diligent colleague!
We all appreciate your great work.
Congratulations on your promotion! Victory
Let your long journey illuminate.

There are failures in life
But you can easily deal with them.
On a different career ladder
Earn money, get points.

Let everything turn out in the best possible way,
And the new work brings success!
Will you be in the position of that leader
No drop and no big hitches.

Years flew by, the work was not in vain,
And I would like to congratulate you on your promotion.
Now you are our boss
Serious, fair,
The whole team is our chosen one,
Courteous, sweet and obstinate.
I congratulate you with all my heart,
And I want to wish
Be happy, we respect you
Try to act according to your conscience in business.

We hasten to congratulate
With a new upgrade
We will praise you
Let's continue drinking.

There is a difficult
Men rule
The thing here is
What a rank - rank.

Career growth is important
Everyone wants it
Otherwise, how can we prove
That the years don't fly.

Wasted and aimless
Like a storehouse for losses.
And here everything is so extreme -
You are the boss now.

Let everything be nice
Quiet, no problem.
Remember the main thing
There are no replacements for you!

You worked hard day and night!
Overtime work you took endlessly!
And now, now, a well-deserved result!
In honor of raising you our rhyme!
Colleagues die of envy
Congratulations true friends
Finally, for once
Your boss appreciated you!

Today is a new star
Your shoulder straps are added,
And we wish that always
Such updates were pouring in.

Our congratulations are the sweetest of all,
He gives happiness and good luck.
And gives joy, and success,
And maybe a general's dacha!

For the fact that he was given to work entirely,
For the fact that he worked for a common cause,
Found, finally, the hero's reward,
And we are all overjoyed for this!

Colleague, please accept congratulations
With your well-deserved promotion.
To be a “fish in the water” in a new position,
I got used to it quickly and was “on horseback”!

Finally, the management appreciated you. We sincerely congratulate you on your promotion and wish that your career growth does not stop at this stage. With the promotion of you, our most fair and good boss!

The title is given only to the best.
You are already among the lucky ones.
Congratulations on this! Improve your life
Got a chance. We are happy for you in our hearts!

With elevation comes seriousness
And responsibility for their actions.
Let a colleague not miss happiness
Let him work in a team in love.

When our boss goes on promotion,
The whole team cries and sings.
We will love you, and without a doubt,
Someday a day will come for us.

You will take us higher with you,
And we will be together in the same ranks,
And the work will move again.
It's like being in paradise under your guidance!

Let them love you there and respect you
And they give huge prizes.
In a career, let them continue to increase
And odes to you, like us, sing!


There are many military ranks
But for you the most important day
When the rank of officer
Like the first premiere.

You have been given a superior.
And there is no bragging.
You honestly deserve it
And he put in a lot of effort.

Now you are a second lieutenant,
And a debutant in officers.
Accept congratulations from us
And this one little rhyme.

Lieutenant colonel

Let's congratulate today
Who gets the title
Who became a lieutenant colonel, and because
Today the sun is shining.
Now young, that young major
Became a position higher, larger,
And our congratulations call this position
Go higher faster.

Congratulations on your promotion
Chief the right decision.
Let things go great
And success will become a habit.

Let there be no place for sadness.
Happiness, joy - with you together.
Let your career grow
It will bring you prosperity!


From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
Lieutenant, we know it
Will never let you down!

He is now an example for many,
Not afraid of anything!
And in business he is very strict,
Everyone respects him.

Let the road go forward
There will be many tests.
You have enough strength for this
After all, you are the face of Russia!

Stars on shoulder straps shine
And let them shine in the sky.
Congratulations on this title.
This is up a serious way!

I am happy and glad with your promotion,
I wish you success, recognition, awards.
I wish you a career almost to heaven,
So that you carry with dignity, this difficult cross!

I wish you health, good luck, good,
Let this mountain also submit,
So that you always reach new heights,
Don't forget about your former colleagues!

And we love you, you come to us,
Let our paths not diverge
And if trouble happens to you,
Know that we will help you anywhere and anytime!

You are a master of difficult professions,
Alas, this is how you were born
And according to the laws of all the universe
Your work has been well rewarded.

Resolve issues competently
Your skill, a bright gift.
High let there be career growth
And your fee is fair!
