Applique vase: with fruits in different groups of kindergarten. Application classes in the middle group of kindergarten on the topic “Home”

Toddlers are natural explorers, exploring the world around them through sensory, emotional perception and practical experience. It is extremely important to support the child’s natural curiosity and cognitive activity with new and exciting types of visual activities. The application will introduce the child to the world of color and shape, introduce him to geometric shapes, give him primary modeling skills, and develop an understanding of the rules of composition among middle school students.

Applique is the creation of subject or subject compositions from shaped elements or patterns cut out of paper, dry leaves, fabric, leather attached to a base (cardboard, wood, fabric). The multi-colored composition can be attached by gluing or sewing. This type of creative modeling has a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills, figurative and spatial thinking, sensory perception and the child’s intellectual abilities for synthesis and analysis.

Features of classes on the topic “Large multi-story building” using application in the middle group

Types of applications:

  • subject - a monoimage of an object, for example, a house, a tree, a car, a fairy-tale character, etc.
  • plot and landscape application - a composition depicting the interaction of several objects or characters;
  • decorative - stylized processing according to the laws of proportional placement of parts, decorative transformation of real objects in the form of an ornament using bright color decorations of geometric, plant shapes, abstract figures of animals, birds, humans.

Large-scale compositions, which are based on a detailed plot and include many different details, are usually created collectively. The preparatory stage, during which individual details are prepared, for example, cutting squares from strips, tearing off and rolling into balls from pieces of napkins, is carried out in small subgroups of 2-3 people, and then the children together make up a plot picture on whatman paper, gluing the elements they have prepared, simultaneously developing spatial thinking abilities, as well as coordinated action skills.

When creating an application, children rely on both a given scheme and a pre-agreed condition or plan, and the process of collective modeling itself reinforces the desire for solidarity and mutual assistance. It is important that children learn to follow the correct sequence of work to create a multi-layer composition, i.e. the teacher must explain that first they need to prepare a background picture, then place the background details (houses, pedestrian crossing, clouds, etc.) and only then glue the foreground figures (trees, cars, snow).

Photo: Collective works on the theme “Home”

“Colored houses” “Streets of the native city” “Evening city” “Fairytale city” “Snowy city” “Our city” Capital city

The meaning of the application

  • Intellectual development - enrichment of cognitive baggage with concepts about the properties and patterns of the surrounding world, expansion of knowledge about the variety of shapes, sizes and color shades of objects, the spatial arrangement of objects according to the laws of proportionality. In addition, mental operations of comparison and generalization are formed, abstract and logical thinking are developed, and figurative, coherent speech is improved.
  • Moral education - classes awaken a sense of camaraderie, contribute to the development of such strong-willed qualities of character as initiative, self-organization, concentration, determination, and the ability to overcome difficulties.
  • Sensory development - the application is based on sensory perception and stimulates knowledge of the properties and qualities of objects.
  • Artistic and aesthetic development is the formation of a sense of taste for visual activity, due to which the perception of the rhythmic harmony of color and form, constructive integrity and beauty of the surrounding world develops.
  • Labor education - technical skills of manual skills are developed, hard work and everyday independence are formed.

A software innovation in the middle group is the task of mastering the skill of cutting with scissors, which requires developed coordination of movements and good motor skills of the hand to perform the correct rhythmic actions with a new tool (scissors should cut paper, not crumple). The first three months of the school year are devoted to learning the skills of straight cutting strips up to 5 centimeters; the cut squares and rectangles are subsequently used for games (tickets in a role-playing game) or for constructing more complex applications (house windows, flags, etc.). When performing decorative work, attention is paid, first of all, to filling the center of the form.

Design from ready-made geometric shapes

To perform work in applique classes, both ready-made silhouettes and shapes and those cut out by children themselves are used. The scope of children’s independent actions increases, for example, you can offer to choose a color and a suitable shape to complete a task.

Main tasks for application in the middle group:

  • improve combinatorial abilities to compose an object from several parts;
  • teach the ability to operate with several geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle) in the amount of ten to twelve parts to compose objects or composition a decorative pattern;
  • study the shape of an oval and a triangle;
  • develop the ability to use shapes of different sizes and colors;
  • master and consolidate the skills of straight (in different directions) and round cutting.

Application techniques used in the middle group

  • Breakaway technique. This technique is excellent for conveying the illusion of volume, the mosaic decorative texture of an image, adding visual impact and brightness to it (houses, smoke from a chimney, clouds, fluffy snow, brickwork, pavement, etc.).

    "Autumn City"

  • Applications from napkins - children are happy to use them as a bright and colorful decorative decoration or as an independent material for creating applications. When working with it, you can do without scissors, tearing off and rolling up the lumps from which the composition is constructed. This technique perfectly develops fine motor skills.

    "House in the village"

  • Quilling literally means bird feather. A planar or volumetric composition is folded or supplemented with decorative spiral-shaped parts twisted from colored paper, which perfectly convey the volumetric texture of the object. One of the varieties of quilling is the cutting technique, which allows you to achieve the “fluffy” effect of paper parts in a rather simple and easy-to-execute way, when using a stick, paper squares are given the shape of a funnel.

    “My City” (tree crowns made by trimming)

  • Mosaic application. The main details are geometric shapes (circle, rectangle, square, triangle) of various sizes, which are laid out inside the drawn image diagram.
  • Geometric - it is easier for four-year-old children to master the design of simple geometric shapes and learn to fold figures of objects from a combination of triangles, squares, rectangles and circles.

  • Fabric applique. A special feature of working with fabric is the difficulty of cutting, since it is much more difficult to cut out appliqué elements from fabric than from paper. In addition, the material may fray along the edges, which will cause additional problems. Therefore, this type of appliqué can be worked on with children who have developed the skills to use scissors fluently.

    "Summer City"

  • Palm - the basis of such an application is the silhouette of the baby’s palm outlined in pencil. A little effort and additional decorative elements decorating the applique will turn such a simple blank, for example, into a fabulous, fancy bird. A creative approach and joint imagination of the teacher and children will help to arrange the multi-colored handprints of all children into an original background for a collective composition.
  • Non-traditional - uses unusual materials, for example, plasticine, cotton wool, cereals, pasta, foam rubber, fabric, eggshells, threads, etc. Designing original compositions from unusual materials expands the boundaries of creative imagination, awakens a taste for artistic improvisation, develops and trains manual skills, shows a sense of shape and color.

    “Sunny City” - applique from cereals

    Thread applique

  • Inclusion of dry plants or leaves into the composition (floristry). Excellent material to complement the background. This type of work requires a preliminary stage of preparation, when during a walk with the children the teacher collects the necessary natural material.

    "House in the Forest"

Stages and methodological techniques for conducting a lesson

In the middle group, standard long-term planning provides for two application classes per month. The total duration of continuous activity should not exceed 20 minutes; methodological manuals recommend performing physical exercises (finger, breathing, motor exercises) for 2–3 minutes for relaxation and prevention of mental and physical fatigue in children.

Lesson outline

1. Organizational part (3–5 minutes).

The information and familiarization stage involves awakening children's interest in the depicted object, studying its shape, color and components. It is necessary to include game moments that stimulate curiosity, cause a positive emotional reaction and activity. Motivating techniques can be the appearance of a toy character, reliance on a well-known fairy-tale plot, demonstration of pictures, a musical break, a surprise moment, introduction to new knowledge, or the personal artistry of the teacher. It is important to develop the ability to concentrate attention and see an object, to perform its sensory (touch and vision) analysis.

Conversation with children during an application lesson on the topic “We are builders” (author of the summary: Dinara Kireeva)

Surprise moment.
There's a knock on the door.
-Oh, guys, someone is knocking on the door. Who is this?
D: Pinocchio
B: Hello guys! I brought you a riddle, are you ready to guess it?
B: Among the clouds on high,
Together we are building a new house,
To be warm and beautiful
People lived happily in it. (Builder)
On the easel, the teacher shows an illustration of a builder.
Q: Buratino, our guys know a lot about builders. Sit with us and listen.
Conversation about builders
Q: What do builders do?
D: They build houses, hospitals, kindergartens, shops.
Show illustrations.
Q: Guys, what professions do you think people build houses?
D: Painters, masons, crane operators, carpenters.
Show illustrations.

Construction professions

Q: Correct. Painters paint houses, masons make windows, floors, window sills, crane operators work on a crane, lifting loads.
- What equipment helps them in building houses?
D: Excavator, crane, trucks, roller, bulldozer.
Show illustrations.

Construction equipment

Q: All people who build houses are called builders. Do you want to become a builder (Children's answers)
Q: Let's go to the tables, guys, and Pinocchio will come with us and watch us.
Physical education break (audio recording)
All day long, knock and knock, fist on fist
There is a loud knock. Hands to the side
We are building a house, a big house. Hands up.
And with a porch and a window. Hands in front of chest
We will decorate the house, we paint with our hands
We'll put a flag on the top. Finger flag
They will live in the house. Show Bunny with a teddy bear and a cat.
Knock, knock with a hammer. (Knock fists)
We are building, building a new house. (We're sawing)
You drank, drank faster.
We are building a house for friends.

Educational conversation with children

It makes sense to start a conversation of a developing and educational nature with questions about street names, transport, you can take a short interesting excursion into the historical past of the city, remember the sights and monuments that are the calling card, the symbol of your hometown. The lesson will be interesting if the teacher thinks through the game line of the scenario, taking as a basis one of the popular fairy tale plots: the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, the poetic fairy tale “Cat’s House”, the adventures of the three little pigs, Uncle Pumpkin’s dream of a house from Gianni Rodari’s literary fairy tale about Cippolino and etc.

Poems and riddles that can be used in lessons about home or city topics.

Cities are big and small.
There are young and old cities.
But they move, they rush, they live
And they are certainly growing wider and wider.
Tell me, who is trying so hard?
Why are cities growing so fast?
And the tall and huge one tries
The crane is lifting!
A crane is building a big city,
He places the slab on the slab.
This city will be his hometown,
When it's in full bloom! (T. Saxon)

The city is not only the streets
And the sky, which is very frowning.
The city is also about walking,
Houses, squares and alleys.
In the city, courtyard decoration -
Loud noisy kids!
There will always be something for children to do,
After all, cities hide a lot in themselves!
Who's going to ride a scooter for a bit?
And someone will look at the sand.
The city is fun for everyone,
One walk is already an adventure! (T. Saxon)

My house.
Look: this is a house-
With a roof, a door and a window,
And with a porch and a chimney,
The color of the house is blue.
Feel free to come into the house!
- Do you invite? Let's go in! (N. Gol)

The movie goes on day after day
On this screen.
Sunshine, full of greenery
On the screen in summer.
And in winter the ice turns blue,
Snow flies while playing.
The movie goes on and on and on
Without end and edge. (A. Shibaev)

Once - a step,
Two is a step
Three - bruised knee.
On the fourth
On the step
I get down on all fours.
May the steps be high
There are bruises on the knees,
I climbed the stairs
The rest is nothing! (A. Akhundova)

If there is a roof
And there is a staircase
Possible on the roof
Climb the floor of the ladder.
Possible on the roof
Run later
And you can lie down and fall apart.
Everything is possible.
We must not forget only that
What can you do from the roof?
Fall down! (V. Danko)

My relatives live there,
I can't live a day without her.
I strive for it always and everywhere,
I won’t forget the way to him.
I can hardly breathe without him,
My home, dear, warm... (Home)

They didn't sleep all day
We played tag with the sun,
Sunny bunnies
They were bouncing like balls.
And when night came
They went to bed tired
And covered ourselves with a blanket. (Windows with curtains)

He stands, simple and strict,
In a plain jacket
He has a lot of pockets
Wires in his hand
And his eyes are like saucers
They either go out or blink.
And reach the sky
He tries with his hands. (House with balconies)

Mushrooms are born
One sprout
Standing along the path
Smooth backs,
The old mushroom breaks down
A new one is growing. (Street with houses)

The houses stand in two rows -
Ten, twenty, hundred in a row,
And they look at each other with square eyes. (Street)

2. The practical stage includes an explanation and demonstration by the teacher of a step-by-step algorithm for laying out and gluing elements (2-3 minutes).

The level of development of children's spatial thinking does not yet allow them to independently determine the location of a part in the composition of a pattern or the correct location of the component part of an object, so the teacher needs to clearly demonstrate and explain the sequence of completing the task. Unfamiliar operations require additional explanation and demonstration, for example, cutting off the corners of a rectangle to obtain a trapezoidal roof shape; children cut out familiar shapes (rectangle and square) on their own. Increased attention is paid to work culture, careful and safe handling of scissors, for which it is advisable to divide children into subgroups of up to seven people while learning how to properly work with a new tool. Children must learn to confidently hold scissors and make movements with them that will not wrinkle the paper.

The teacher works with the children

3. Independent work of children (15 minutes).

After carefully listening to the teacher’s explanations, the children cut out the parts and glue them to the base in accordance with the assignment. The teacher monitors the correctness of the task; it is advisable to prepare all the necessary equipment and preparations on the work tables in advance.

4. Analysis and summing up (2–3 minutes).

The final stage of the lesson takes place in the form of an exhibition of children's works, the teacher teaches them to joyfully perceive their own and other people's successes, conducts an analysis, accompanying it with praise for their efforts and hard work, discusses with the children the degree of accuracy of the work (clear and even edges, absence of traces of glue), and also the correspondence of the image created by the child to the original or sample, marks successful creative ideas and original experiments.

Lesson notes

In the lesson scenario, the teacher indicates goals and objectives. In the process of planning, organizing and conducting applique classes in the middle group, they usually focus on solving the following problems:

  • Mastering the skills of working with scissors, glue and colored paper, learning to design from pieces of cotton wool, fabric, leaves on a cardboard or paper base, using plasticine.
  • Development of independence and creative initiative in determining the plot or genre (object painting, landscape) of the application.
  • Developing the ability to hear and understand musical or poetic accompaniment that sounds during the performance of a creative task. Such an interesting combination of various methods of emotional and artistic instruments of influence is aimed at achieving the comprehensive aesthetic development of children, the formation of artistic taste and a sense of beauty.

Lesson summary on application on the topic “City of Friendship” (based on N. Parsova’s notes)


  • teach students to cut out several identical parts from a strip (windows of a house, roofs of houses, strips for a pedestrian crossing);
  • place windows at one line level;
  • develop composition skills;
  • awaken cognitive interest in the world around us, love for our small homeland;
  • develop the ability to work cooperatively in a team.

1. An introductory conversation that is woven into the game situation. You can use visual material, for example, photographs or pictures depicting streets, architectural landmarks of your hometown, which will be easily recognized by children and will evoke a positive emotional mood.

Introduction to the game situation.
Educator: Guys, today a letter arrived in our kindergarten. Let's see who wrote it to us: “Hello, dear children of the middle group.” I need your help. Our friends' house became very small and the roof was leaky, there was not enough space for our friends. Help us please, we don't know what to do? My friends Crocodile Gena, old woman Shapoklyak, Giraffe, Leo will be very grateful to you.” Guys, who do you think the letter is from? That's right from Cheburashka.
(Cartoon picture). Well, guys, how can we help? What to do? (Conversation with children) Children: “We will help build new houses.”
Updating knowledge.
- What do you think should be done before starting to build a house?
- How should the house cost, what is it made of? (conversation)
- From what building materials? How many materials are needed for a home? (Children's expected answers).
- What do you guys think, what should be at home? (Strong, warm, single-story, multi-story, high, low)
- What should the roof be like? (Waterproof, durable)
Difficulty in a game situation.
- Well, how do we decide what kind of houses we need?
- Who can help us, do you think? (Children's answers)
- Where can I find out? (Children's answers). First you need to choose a place to build a house. Okay, what next (conversation).
Discovery of new knowledge.
- Guys, who do you think comes up with what a house should be like? (Architect). Look, the architect has a special table with many different rulers, and with their help he draws a drawing of the house.
-Who do you think will help build the house next? (Engineer)
- What does an Engineer do? The engineer calculates how much building material needs to be brought to the construction site to build a durable house. And then (who?) the builders work on the drawings.
- What construction professions do you know? (masons, carpenters, painters, crane operator).
- Guys, see how many professions are involved in building a house.

2. Practical part. The teacher draws the children's attention to a sheet of Whatman paper prepared in advance with some glued and drawn elements of the future composition, for example, a road, one house, a tree. Then the teacher invites the children to complete the picture, completing it with the missing figures and silhouettes, and to complete the details of houses and cars with pencils.

The teacher explains and shows techniques and methods for making appliqué parts.

We take a strip of paper, fold it several times, then lay it out and cut along the fold lines, so we get windows. If the sheet is folded in half and then cut, you will get the walls of houses. Rectangles, the corners of which are cut off at the top, turn into roofs.

You must “build” new beautiful and cozy houses for Crocodile Gena’s friends, “plant” trees. Cars and trucks will drive along the roads of our city (the teacher prepares the silhouettes of trees and cars in advance).

3. Children work independently. The teacher helps and prompts as necessary, controls the work with scissors and glue.

Teamwork of children

4. Summing up.

There are so many beautiful houses on our street, happy, friendly families, adults and children will live in them. All our houses are cozy, warm and welcoming. You guys are great!

Ready composition

Schemes and step-by-step description of application implementation

“Our group is a friendly home” - collective work to create a group symbol

Materials: a blank of Whatman paper in the shape of a house, colored paper, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens.


“Winter City” - a collective application with elements of non-traditional techniques

Materials: whatman paper, gouache, blanks in the form of cut large rectangles for silhouettes of houses and strips for windows and roofs, glue, brush.

Preliminary work: the teacher tints the background with blue gouache, then invites the children to build a city from blanks.

Tint background


  1. Each child chooses a large colored rectangle for their home, cuts small rectangles from the yellow strips, cuts off the corners on the strips for the roofs, and begins gluing on the windows. The teacher reminds the students that they must try to carefully build their house, without leaving traces of glue.

    Glue small rectangles (windows) onto a large rectangle

  2. When the houses are ready, the children glue them to the base and attach the roofs.

    Glue finished houses onto whatman paper

  3. The guys cut cotton pads in half, then add them to the composition to depict snowdrifts.

    Glue halves of cotton pads (drifts)

  4. Then apply dabs of glue to the base and sprinkle them with semolina (snow).

    Using semolina to depict snow

  5. Ready composition.

    Finished work

“Houses on our street” - collective work

Children do the work independently.


“My hometown” - collective application

Materials: large rectangles, strips for roofs and windows.

Software tasks:

- to form in children of middle preschool age ideas about various techniques and methods of cutting, the relationship of the rhythmic construction of the ornament depending on the plastic form;

— develop the ability to create decorative appliqué;

— to cultivate a value attitude towards works of decorative and applied art through decorative appliqué, .

Material and equipment: large envelope, silhouettes of elements of geometric (rhombuses, squares, circles, rectangles) and plant (flowers, petals, leaves) ornaments, according to the number of children:

2 cards each with images of jugs, decorated with floral and geometric patterns, silhouette of a jug made of yellow A5 cardboard - base, silhouettes of a flower in blue, red, green, light blue and violet, cut from a 6x6 cm square, 2.5x2.5 cm square from yellow paper - for the center of the flower, 2 rectangles 9x2 cm and 3 squares 1x1 cm from paper in blue, red, green, light blue and violet, scissors, glue, tassels, oilcloth, napkins.

Preliminary work: conversation with children about pottery, watching a video about the work of a master at a potter's wheel, looking at jugs decorated with floral and geometric patterns, getting to know the parts of a jug (neck, base, spout, handle, body).

Progress of the lessonby application

Introductory part.

Educator (V.). Guys, please listen to the poem:

I'll give you the sun

To my grandmother,

So that in the eyes of sadness

She didn't have it.

Lit up with joy

On this clear day

Every wrinkle

On a native face.

I'm a scarlet flower

I gladly give

And I’ll tell her: “Grandma,

I love you!"

A. Metzger

Guys, tell us about your grandmothers, what are they like? (Kind, affectionate, caring.) What are their names? (Children's answers.) How do you help your grandmothers? (Children's answers.) Guys, I know a boy, his name is Antoshka. He also loves his grandmother Arina very much. We received a letter from him (shows a large envelope). Now we find out what he writes (reads):

“One day, my grandmother Arina’s jug broke. I made her a new one out of clay. Now all that remains is to decorate it. I also made some jugs for you and I want to give them to you.”

The teacher takes out the silhouettes of jugs from the envelope.

IN. Guys, let's decorate the jugs together with ornaments and give them to our grandmothers!

Didactic game “Circles and Flowers”

Target: strengthening the ability to distinguish between floral and geometric patterns.

The teacher has silhouettes of elements of geometric (rhombuses, squares, circles, rectangles) and plant (flowers, petals, leaves) ornaments. Children have two cards with images of jugs decorated with floral and geometric patterns. The teacher shows the elements, the children need to pick up a card with the image of the corresponding jug.

Main part.

The teacher invites the children to: choose the silhouette of a flower of the color they like, name it; show which part of the jug is more suitable for placing the flower (“body”); attach and see if the color of the flower matches (looks bright, elegant, contrasting) with the color of the jug; choose 2 rectangles and 3 squares according to the principle: one rectangle and two squares of the same color as the color of the flower silhouette, the second rectangle and one square - the color you like.

IN. Guys, tell me what the flower doesn’t have? (Middles.) We will cut it out of a square, cutting off its corners. (Demonstrates the cutting technique, children repeat.) We will also need narrow strips to decorate the jug. To do this, we will fold the rectangles in half lengthwise, then unfold and cut them along the fold. (Demonstrates the cutting technique, children repeat.)

The sequence of decorating the jug:

  1. A yellow center is laid out in the center of the flower.
  2. Two narrow strips are located horizontally on the neck and at the base of the jug.
  3. Squares are laid out between the stripes on the neck of the jug using the alternation technique.

Practicing the skill of gluing parts.

The teacher voices the sequence of gluing the parts, while working, observes the children’s actions and guides them. Since the neck is trapezoidal, children are asked to bend the ends of the strips protruding beyond the silhouette and glue them on the back side. The teacher shows how to do this.

Final part.

The teacher gives a positive assessment to the work in which the means of expression are most clearly and competently used - the contrast of the color of the jug and the flower, the rhythmic arrangement of squares in a row, the location of the silhouette of the flower exactly in the center of the body of the jug, the clear orientation of the stripes horizontally on the neck and base, the accuracy of gluing the parts .

IN. Guys, tell us how you made the patterned stripes? (Fold the rectangles in half and cut them into strips.) Now Antoshka’s jugs look very elegant! Let's make an exhibition and invite him and your parents to admire them! Then you will give the jugs to your beloved grandmothers!

A summary of a lesson on appliqué for children aged 4-5 years was prepared by E. Kaloshkina

Educational field: Artistic and aesthetic development

Lesson notes on application

for middle group children (4-5 years old)


"My friend the bear"

Target: Teach children to assemble a bear toy from parts, gluing them in a certain sequence.


    To consolidate the idea of ​​geometric shapes (oval, circle), their sizes.

    Teach children to understand and convey spatial relationships (above, left, right, side).

    Develop an eye, a sense of shape and proportions, and creative imagination.

    Cultivate interest in understanding the world around us, a culture of activity, and develop cooperation skills.

Vocabulary work: geometric shapes, oval, circle, size, above, below, left, right, side, torso, paws, tail, ears, details, postcard, polar bears, brown bears, image, relatives.

Materials for classes:

    Sample - postcard,

    Bear toy,

    Thick sheets of green paper,

    Glue sticks,

    Napkins, markers,

    Ready-made paper forms: head, torso, paws, ears.

Preliminary work:

    Conversation about forest animals,

    Getting to know the appearance and lifestyle of a bear,

    Reading literary works,

    Looking at illustrations for fairy tales,

    Modeling and drawing a bear based on folk tales,

    Games with a toy bear.

Methods and techniques:

    Riddle, poem;

    Surprise moment

    Examination and analysis of the object to be created - an example of a teacher

    Teacher's explanation

    Questions for children

    Analysis of children's works

    Encouraging independence

Progress of the lesson:

Part 1. Surprise moment. Reading a letter.

A toy brown bear cub appears with an envelope in its paws, greets you and asks for help reading the letter. Having opened the envelope, the teacher and the children see a postcard on which there is an applique image of a polar bear cub on an ice floe.

Guys, the polar bears wrote a letter.

The teacher reads out the message: We polar bears live in the north. We learned that bears also live in forests far from us. Are they really our relatives? We really want to meet our relatives, so we ask you, Mishutka, to send us a photo of brown bears.

Mishka asks him to help, because our hero himself cannot cope with making a photograph (postcard) of a brown bear. Are you ready to show off your skills?

The teacher invites the children to make a postcard with an image of a brown bear.

Part 2. Examination of the postcard (sample of the teacher).

Look at the postcard. Did you find out who it is? How did you guess?

(polar bear, an animal, has 4 oval paws, an oval body, a round head, small round ears, and is covered with fur.)

Who can say why the bear is white? ( he lives in the north, among ice and snow).

Look at our bear. Does it look like polar bears or are there differences? ( bears are different colors, but similar in structure: body, head, paws, ears).

Part 3. Dynamic pause: Charging game

Every day in the morning we do exercises.

We really like to do it in order:

It's fun to walk, it's fun to walk;

Hands up, hands down,

Raise your hands, lower your hands;

Squat and stand, jump and gallop.

Part 4. Making an image of a bear from ready-made molds.

The children have parts of a bear in front of them. You need to put together a craft from parts in such a way that the image is in the middle of the card and does not “rest” against its edges. You should start gluing from the animal's head (large circle), under it - the body (large oval), on top of the oval on the left and right - the paws, below - on the left and right, the other two paws, on the head on the top left and right - the ears. Eyes, nose, mouth, fur - complete with felt-tip pens.

At the end of the lesson, invite the children to draw gifts for polar bears (candy, toy, etc.).

Part 5. Analysis of children's works.

The teacher and the children lay out the work on the table and examine it ( little bear takes part in the discussion):

What bears did we depict on the postcard? ( brown ones that live in the forest).

What parts were used to make up the image of the bear, and where are these parts located? (head - a circle - on top of the body; paws - small ovals - two, right and left, at the top of the body on the left and right;....).

Are polar and brown bears relatives, what do they have in common, how are they similar? ( they are animals, the same appearance, structure).

Did you enjoy working together?

The bear thanks the guys and leaves a large envelope in which they should put postcards and send them to the polar bears north.

Lesson notes on application

in a compensatory preparatory group for children with speech disorders.

Prepared by:

Platonova S.V.

MBDOU – d/s No. 63 “Vesnushki”

Software tasks:

  • continue to teach children using a stencil, create a large image;
  • consolidate cutting techniques: in a circle, along an oblique, in a straight line, use felt-tip pens to create expressiveness of the image;
  • practice beautifully arranging the image on a sheet of paper and carefully gluing it;
  • develop smoothness and coordination of movements of both hands, fine motor skills;
  • fix the names of the tracks in children’s speech: wavy, zigzag;
  • form emotional responsiveness;
  • cultivate accuracy in working with scissors, brushes and glue.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Org. moment:

Children stand around the teacher.

Guys, I want to tell you an interesting story about little kittens.

One day the kittens were walking and frolicking. And unnoticed they got lost. They scattered along the paths. How can a mother cat find them?

Guys, let's show them the right path. We will help the cat return her kittens.

Look, I have two paths drawn, let's look at them.

What kind of track is this?

And what kind of track is this?

Guys, get yourself a kitten. The kittens will get home only when you guide them without going beyond the lines of the paths.

Look how I do it.

The boys will lead their kittens along a zigzag path.

And the girls will lead their kittens along the wavy path. Whoever led the kitten along the path sits down.

  1. Main part:
  • Guys, would you like to have the same kitten as mine? (Showing a sample)
  • Let's make a kitten out of colored paper together, guys, and each of you will have such a cheerful friend.
  • A stencil will help us make such a friend.
  • Guys, in order for the kitten to turn out beautiful, you need to hold the stencil with your left hand so that it does not slip, and with your right hand we will trace it with a simple pencil. Felt pens will help us draw the kitten's face. And we will cut the grass along the edge. (Teacher demonstration).

Before starting work, let's warm up our fingers. Let's play "friendly family".

Finger gymnastics “Friendship”

Guys, what do we do first?

We trace the stencil, cut out the grass, glue the kitten and the grass, and draw the kitten’s face.

That's right guys, let's get to work.

Guys, what beautiful, funny kittens you have.

I want to give each of your kittens a bow. (Bow made from... foil)

Oh, guys, the bows are wrinkled. Before gluing them, you need to smooth it out, carefully so that it does not tear - with your finger. You can stick a bow on your neck or ponytail. (Children smooth out the bows and stick them on).

  1. Lesson summary:

Children take out their work and lay it out on the table.

Look, guys, how many kittens we have.

You worked carefully with the stencil, so your kittens turned out beautiful.

Dasha's kitten is playful and important.

Well done!

You know that kittens are cheerful, mischievous and love to play.

What's their favorite game?

Let's give them colorful balls.


Consultation for educators

on the topic: “By developing fingers, we develop speech”

Prepared by:

Platonova S.V.

MBDOU – d/s No. 63 “Vesnushki”

Scientists have proven that the development of fine motor skills of the hand is closely related to the development of a child’s speech and thinking. The level of development of fine motor skills of the hand is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for school education. A child who has a high level of development of fine motor skills of the hand is able to reason logically, his memory, attention, and coherent speech are sufficiently developed. Teachers note that first-graders often experience serious difficulties in mastering writing skills.

Writing is a complex skill that involves making fine, coordinated movements of the hand. The writing technique requires coordinated work of the small muscles of the hand and the entire arm, as well as well-developed visual perception and voluntary attention.

Insufficient development of fine motor skills of the hand and attention can lead to a negative attitude towards learning and an anxious state of the child at school. Therefore, work on developing fine motor skills of the hand should begin long before entering school. Parents and teachers who pay due attention to exercises, games, and various tasks for the development of fine motor skills and hand coordination solve two problems at once:

Firstly, they indirectly affect the overall intellectual development of the child;

Secondly, they prepare to master writing skills, which in the future will help to avoid many problems of school learning.

You need to start working on developing fine motor skills from a very early age. Already in infancy, you can massage your fingers, thereby influencing active points associated with the cerebral cortex. Don’t forget about developing basic self-care skills: buttoning and unbuttoning buttons, tying shoelaces, etc.

Children's ability to understand surrounding objects is largely related to the development of hand actions.

Many scientists believe that the development of the speech center in the left hemisphere is due to the leading role of the hand in work activity. It is no coincidence that in the history of human development the role of hands is especially emphasized.

Educational areas: “Creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”.

Sections : "Applique".

Subject: "Spring flowers".

Program content:

1. To develop fine motor skills in children in the process of creative activity of children.

2. Reinforce the techniques of applique from napkins - trimming, twisting, rolling, tearing, skills in using scissors and glue.

3. Develop creative imagination, a sense of color, and the ability to complete a task.

Bilingual component: gүl, gulder, bәisheshek, қyzғaldak, zұpargul.

Equipment: pictures of spring flowers, Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, glue, napkins of different colors, oilcloth, scissors, cardboard, pencils, butterfly, surprise flower, phonogram by P.I. Tchaikovsky. “Waltz of Flowers”, songs “Magic Flower”.

Preliminary work: observing spring phenomena in nature, looking at flowers, reading poems, fiction, legends about spring flowers, asking riddles, making flowers - mimosa, sakura, bells, hyacinths (o voluminous).

Progress of the lesson

1. Motivational and incentive stage of activity.

Circle of Joy:

All the people are smiling (Walk in a circle).

Spring, spring, spring!

She's everywhere, she's everywhere

Red, red, red!

(Raise their arms above their heads and clap their hands rhythmically)

Through the meadow, forest and clearing (They walk rhythmically in place.)

It goes, it goes, it goes!

Quickly bask in the sun (They wave both hands towards themselves.)

Calling, calling, calling!

And in the forest stream it’s cheerful (They snap their fingers rhythmically.)

It rings, rings, rings!

Over pebbles in a wide river (Rub their palms.)

Murmurs, murmurs, murmurs!

Smells everywhere (They make a “bud” from their fingers.)

Flowers, flowers, flowers!

And everything living immediately hears (Place hand to ear.)

Spring ringing! (Clap their hands.)

2. Organizational and search stage of activity.

Educator: I invite you to go to a wonderful country,

We, guys, cannot find more interesting adventures,

There is no snow, no cold,

Everyone there woke up from sleep,

We'll leave the city

To a wonderful land - Spring!

Educator: Do you agree to go on a trip?

Children: I agree.

Educator: I suggest listening to the play by P.I. Tchaikovsky, and you will immediately understand what we will talk about today.

Listening to "Waltz of the Flowers".

Educator: Guys, have you guessed what we will talk about today?

Children: Today we will talk about flowers.

Educator: Today, guys, we have an unusual meeting. Meeting with spring flowers. What are the names of the flowers that bloom first?

Children: Primroses.

Educator: Guys, listen to riddles about flowers:

The first to get out of the earth

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it's small. (Snowdrop)

White peas

On a green leg.

I met in the spring

On the forest path (Lily of the valley)

Wonderful flower

Like a bright light.

Magnificent, important, like a gentleman.

Delicate, velvety... (Tulip)

The spring flower has signs,

To avoid mistakes:

The leaf is like garlic,

And the crown is like that of a prince! (Narcissus)

I'm not famous for flowers

A unusual sheets:

Then hard, cold,

It's soft and warm. (Coltsfoot)

Here I put on my sundress

Bright yellow... (Dandelion)

Educator: What other spring flowers do you know?

Children: Lilac, mimosa, crocus, forget-me-not, poppy, bell, hyacinth.

Educator: You and I named spring flowers. Try to tell something interesting about spring flowers.

(Children tell legends about flowers, about the beneficial and harmful properties of flowers.)

Didactic game “What does color mean in the language of flowers.”

Educator: Guys, what would have happened if we didn’t have flowers?

Children: There would be no beauty, no insects, there would be less oxygen, etc.

Educator: What is necessary so that the flowers do not die?

Children: Sun, water, warmth, earth, care, oxygen.

Educator: We know these plants,

We take care and protect

They are in the Red Book,

They've been listed a long time ago.

— What flowers are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan?

Children: forget-me-not, lily of the valley, snowdrop, hyacinth.

Educator: If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both you and me,

If we pick flowers,

All the meadows will be empty and there will be no beauty!

Trees, flowers, grass and birds do not always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet!

There is a knock on the window. A butterfly flies in.

Educator: Guys, look, a butterfly has flown to us. She is so scared and frozen. “Dear butterfly, what happened to you?”

Butterfly: I was born and lived in a wonderful magical garden, where the gentle sun always shone and many beautiful flowers bloomed. But suddenly an evil sorceress flew in, blew an icy wind, and the elegant flowers drooped, all the butterflies scattered throughout the world, hoping to find a blooming garden again. And a gust of wind lifted me high up, then threw me down, and I found myself near your window, looked into it, and it seemed to me that I again found myself in my magical garden. Only there were many more flowers in my magical garden, and they grew in flower beds. I feel so sad and sad without flowers.

Educator: Come on, guys, you and I will help the butterfly. You, too, can be little wizards. Don't be upset, butterfly. Now our little wizards will assemble a flowerbed from the parts on which magical flowers will bloom. Let's stretch our fingers.

Flowers (finger gymnastics)

(The children sat down, imitating unopened flower buds).

One, two, three, the flowers have grown

(slowly rise, raise their arms up and open their palms with fingers spread, imitating flowers).

We reached for the sun -

High: (stretch on tiptoes, look up).

They felt nice and warm!

The breeze flew by, the stem swayed

(run on tiptoes in a circle, smoothly wave their arms).

Swung to the left, bent low

(lean to the left, lean forward).

Swung to the right, bent low

(lean to the right, lean forward).

Breeze, run away, don’t break the flowers

(they shake a finger with their right hand, then with their left hand),

Let them bloom, grow, (clap hands)

They bring joy to children! (nod their head, smile).

Educator: To get started, let's remember the techniques for applique from napkins.

Children: Trimming, twisting, rolling and tearing.

Educator: Tell us about each of the methods. (Children talk about methods of working with napkins).

Educator: Now let's start making spring flowers. (Children choose to make spring flowers: hyacinths, poppies, dandelions, lilies of the valley, lilacs).

3. Reflexive-corrective stage of activity.

Educator: This is a wonderful flowerbed for a butterfly!

Butterfly: Thanks, guys! I also have a gift for you - a magic tulip that will give you a piece of happiness if you smile cheerfully.

The song “Magic Flower” plays and the butterfly gives the children a magic flower (with a candy medal inside).

Educator: What new did you learn? What did you like?

Children talk about what they liked.

Expected Result:

  • know about the first spring flowers, rules for using scissors and glue;
  • have skills in napkin applique techniques - twisting, trimming, rolling, tearing, a sense of composition, courage, confidence, initiative in the experimental development of new materials and ways of working with them;
  • be able to see the beauty of flowering plants, treat the creations of nature with care, and work carefully.
