Dishes for a children's birthday table. Organizing a children's birthday table: how to decorate and what to serve? Fruit jelly eggs

Soon the most important and important thing will happen in your family. long-awaited holiday every year is the birthday of your beloved child. You will have pleasant chores, meeting noisy little guests, funny photos- in general, all the attributes of a children's party. And of course, you are already thinking about how to set the table for your child’s birthday so that all participants in the celebration are full and satisfied.

What parents should think about

Remember your childhood: how you waited with trepidation and impatience for every birthday, counted the days on the calendar, tried to guess what gift they had prepared for you, and waited with anticipation for a fabulous miracle! Now, as an adult, you have the power to create this miracle for your own child.

Why children love this holiday so much:

  • on this day they are the most exceptional and important;
  • family cooks for them joyful holiday with all care and love;
  • best friends come to visit;
  • a mountain of gifts awaits them, candles on a birthday cake and sweet table;
  • on this day you can do a lot of things that are not allowed on weekdays.

You simply must prepare this day so that warm memories of it will warm your child all next year. But it’s easy to say, but how to actually do it small miracle? You will have to do a lot of preparatory work:

  • count how many guests will come;
  • choose a theme and come up with a celebration scenario;
  • determine how important the meal is in the future celebration - whether a full children’s table will be set or you can get by with a light snack “a la buffet”;
  • Will little guests be able to cope without the help of adults?

Having outlined the entire to-do list, you can proceed directly to preparation.

Create a festive atmosphere

Preparations for the celebration children's day Birthday celebrations need to start not from the table, but from choosing the theme of the party. Here you are allowed to give free rein to your limitless imagination, and if flights of fancy are difficult, you can look for ideas on the Internet. But it’s better to take as a basis what your child likes: cartoon, film or comic book characters, pirate voyages, battles of cowboys or knights, fairy tales about princesses, fairies and little mermaids.

Whatever theme you choose for your children's party, be sure to buy plenty of balloons, garlands, squeaks and rattles. The holiday should be loud and bright!

Dress up the room according to the intended theme, prepare symbolic costumes for your little guests, or at least caps. Kids pay attention to every little detail and love everything unusual.

Table, tablecloth and napkins

If we are talking specifically about a children's birthday party, we need to take into account that the children will come to have fun and be mischievous - they are unlikely to be able to sit quietly. Therefore, you need to take a table that is stable and reliable with safe round corners. He will have to withstand the noisy bustle and running of kids. And, of course, the height of the table should correspond to the height of the children.

As for the tablecloth, a holiday for kids is incompatible with white starched linen. A great idea for a children's table would be a tablecloth with images that match the theme of your feast. And it’s easier for you if all this turns out to be drawn on disposable oilcloth. If you want something more beautiful, then you can decorate the edges with ribbons, bows or original clips.

Napkins will complete the children's table setting. You can make a fancy face out of them cartoon character and arrange beautifully on a wide plate. It is not advisable to put paper napkins into a glass unless it is a plastic container. Believe me, he will have to fall more than once.

Festive dishes

The most convenient and safe tableware for an active children's birthday party will be plastic. Nowadays in stores you can buy a variety of bright sets - plain or with pictures. Your baby will be happy to help you set the table with cups that depict his favorite fairy-tale heroes. And from beautiful multi-colored plates it will be more interesting to eat not only a birthday cake, but even the most banal cutlet. You won’t have to worry about the integrity of your expensive set, and little guests won’t worry about a glass accidentally falling on the table - it won’t break!

Drink glasses can be decorated with sugar rims. To do this, moisten the edges and dip them into a saucer with tinted food coloring sugar or confectionery sprinkles. Drinking from them will be even tastier, and drinks and desserts will look simply amazing. Paper umbrellas will also be a good decor for a children's table.

Organization of a gala dinner

Children's holiday lunch has its own rules. Children are unlikely to sit in one place for a long time, so it’s better to arrange a beautiful Buffet. Then the exhausting feast can be replaced with short snacks between competitions and games.

Don't prepare anything extravagant for the guys. They always eat familiar dishes with great pleasure, but treat culinary experiments with caution. It's better to be banal mashed potatoes, cutlets and meatballs served to the table will be decorated in an original and imaginative way.

The perfect recipe for holiday children's dishes: familiar, tasty and beautiful.

Don’t try to persuade your kids to eat – this rule alone will be a holiday for them. Let them eat, let them want, let them have fun. The main thing is to make the treat so bright and attractive that the children themselves will stop their running and rush to the table.

Children's menu

The prepared and decorated dishes must correspond to the age of the celebrating children. Sandwiches in the shape of cars and boats will delight five-year-old kids, and older kids will at least be surprised by such inventions on your table. In any case, exclude from children's menu spicy, fatty and smoked dishes. And be sure to ask the parents of your guests if any of them have food allergies. Otherwise, give preference to simple and healthy dishes that you can take with your hands.

Here are some ideas for what to serve at the children's table.


Fresh vegetables are very useful for children, although many eat them without much enthusiasm. This can be corrected by offering children a beautifully decorated salad of cucumbers, bright juicy tomatoes, colorful bell peppers and herbs in waffle baskets. Don't go overboard with fancy creations for your young guests. Cut the vegetables into small pieces so that they can be easily eaten with a skewer or fork, and serve.

Sandwiches, canapés and tartlets

Most children's party dishes should be easy to eat on the run. Allow the kids to “slice” at least at the celebration, because they love it very much!

Use cookie cutters to turn bread slices into cars, stars, bunnies and bears. Mix boiled eggs, fresh vegetables, sausage, pate or butter in a bowl and spread it all on your canapés. Everyone will like this unusual delicacy. If you can’t cut out figures, buy a baguette, which will make cute children’s sandwiches for the holiday table. You can also simply prick pieces of cheese, sausage, bread and cucumbers onto plastic skewers - you will get an original and bright snack that will go into your mouth in one fell swoop.

You can either buy tartlet molds in the store or make your own. Stuff them with any salads – kids simply adore unusually decorated baskets and instantly sweep them off the table.

Hot dishes

It’s better not to be too original here. Ordinary mashed potatoes will become fabulous if you “color” them with natural beetroot, spinach or carrot juice. And banal cutlets and chops will turn into funny animals if you put vegetable faces on them. Surely chicken skewers would also go well at a children's party.

You can also make pizza non-standard shape– a favorite delicacy for children, which always goes down well.


This is a must for anyone holiday menu, and especially a children's feast. You can decorate this dish very effectively with a little practice. Create entire landscapes and paintings from pieces of fruit. Kids simply love sweet canapés and salads, and they are easy and quick to prepare. Just don’t forget to dip the apples and bananas in honey and lemon water to prevent them from turning black.

Sweet table

Desserts, ice cream, sweets and cakes are a long-awaited dish for children's parties. However, you shouldn’t put them on the table right away - let the kids fill their bellies with healthy food first. The highlight of the birthday will undoubtedly be a cake with candles. The little hero of the occasion is waiting for him whole year, so it must be the most beautiful and delicious. Ask your child what kind of cake he dreams of.

If you do not have outstanding abilities in this area, order it from a pastry shop. Modern craftsmen will bring your child’s every fantasy to life.


You need to stock up on various drinks in plenty, because during fun and active games you are so thirsty. Place juices, children's drinks, water, fruit and milkshakes, poured into beautiful glasses, on the table for kids.

One year old menu

Almost all parents consider the first birthday of their beloved child important event for the whole family. What menu can you come up with for this exciting “anniversary”?

For a birthday boy of tender age, a suitable treat would be baby food, such as fruit puree and curds that will appeal to very young guests. You can diversify the festive table with cookies, sweet fruits, and natural juices with straws. Instead of a birthday cake, it is better to bake sponge cakes soaked in airy curd.

So, now you know all the secrets of how to set a children's table for a child's birthday and have fun celebrating important date. Give him the best day of the year, make all his dreams come true - let the baby feel how much you love him.

Children are very special people. They:

  • they want to communicate and play more than they want to eat
  • they won't pretend if they don't like it
  • they like sweets more
  • they like food that looks like a fairy tale.

Based on these criteria, we will create a menu for the child’s birthday.

Well, of course, no adult would feed his child sweets first. Of course, the first thing should be something satisfying and healthy. But there are also requirements here:

  1. minimum fried
  2. minimum spices and heat
  3. only quality products.

Children will not sit at the table for a long time and serve themselves and their neighbor-friend salads. Therefore, the main food that will be served to children before their fun games and activities must be PORTIONED!

Pizza for kids

The very first and most win-win option is pizza. Large and colorful pizza can be cut into a variety of slices. You need to place it in the center of the table and give each of the children the piece that he likes the most. Most best recipe– vegetarian pizza:

  1. with quality cheese;
  2. without mayonnaise;
  3. bright vegetables.

Plus, if you have the talent of a mass entertainer, you can spend part of the holiday making pizza TOGETHER with your children. It’s okay that they might get dirty.... Warn in advance the parents of children who will come to visit your child. This will be an unforgettable master class.

  • Prepare the dough in advance and place it on a baking sheet, divide it into sectors (or squares) according to the number of children;
  • Place different fillings in containers. The filling should be universal. For example: sliced ​​tomatoes, canned corn, thinly sliced ​​bell peppers, white cheese slices, cubes boiled potatoes, pieces of sausage…..There should be at least 7-8 types so that the child has plenty to choose from;
  • invite each child to fill their piece with a filling of their choice;
  • bake in the oven and serve.

Children will eat something made with their own hands with great pleasure!

Or you can make mini pizza in the shape of flowers. Very beautiful and due to the fact that they are small - just for kids. The recipe is here at the link ().

“Pizza” from pasta

What else do children love? Pasta. You can make a mini-pizza from pasta. Of course, this is just a name, but in reality the dish is similar to pizza due to the cheese and vegetables. How to cook:

You need to do this quickly so that you place it on the hot pasta so that the cheese can melt and combine the dish into one.

What ingredients can be used:

  • cherry tomatoes and sweet peppers
  • sausage circles
  • boiled or fried mushrooms
  • corn and pickled cucumbers….

Sandwiches - boats

Just a great idea for kids. Cucumbers are cut into 2 halves. Using a teaspoon, scoop out the pulp from the half and fill it with any salad. We cut another cucumber with a special knife into thin slices. Having pricked them onto a skewer or toothpick, we insert our cucumber sail into the “hold” filled with lettuce. Not only very tasty, but also very beautiful and very childish.

2nd version of boats: bread (dense) + butter + cheese + red fish (not salted) and sails made of cheese again!

You can also make a children's cheese and sausage plate. I would just take the choice of sausage and cheese for children more seriously, in terms of quality and naturalness. And this is definitely for not very young children.

Sausages with garnish

It’s better to put not the usual side dish, but either:

  • loved by children;
  • boiled corn and canned green peas;
  • french fries.
  • colored spaghetti.

But the sausages need to be presented in an interesting and original way. After all, it's a holiday. You can do this just like in the photo! It is important to buy the freshest and highest quality sausages.

Children's sandwiches

There are very, very many variations here. The main thing is to show your imagination and put your hands into it, because everything beautiful requires time and careful execution. I offer you sandwiches that will definitely attract the attention of kids. – a buffet so that children can freely run up and take the food they like when they get hungry fun competitions and games.

Sandwich " ladybug”: hdeb, cherry tomatoes, olives, lettuce and delicious pasta filling spread on bread. The cow's eyes are carved from black olives.

Fresh mini-sandwiches on a cucumber slice are very good. Although such canapes are more likely to be suitable for teenagers, and not for very small children (they will drop)))

But these little ones would be more suitable for a girl’s birthday – hearts are their theme!

Vegetables - paravozki for a buffet table

A very original idea for slicing vegetables into sweet pepper trains. It's easy to prepare. Children, of course, will not eat the paravozki themselves, but they can then be safely used for cooking or.

Stuffed quail eggs - fly agarics

Another dish made from tomatoes and quail eggs. If “fly agarics” can be made from ordinary eggs on a regular table, children should be served quail eggs. Firstly, it is healthier, it is a dietary product and it is the right size.

Hedgehog-shaped puree

This is not to say very tasty - cooked well with milk and good butter - it is always tasty. Presentation is important here. It's interesting, it's funny and of course you want to eat it!

Layered salad with mice

But very good idea for decorating puff salad. A puff salad is a salad that is laid out in layers)))) You can also lay out the Mimosa salad and the popular Herring under a fur coat (if small children do not have herring and with sour cream). But if you put such beautiful mice in a salad, children will definitely love it!

Vegetables baked in a pot

It's easy to prepare. You can cook it with pieces of chicken, or you can make this dish a dietary one. But again, you can design it in an original way. Form an octopus from the dough and cover the baking trays in the oven. It is better to buy small pot molds, because... Children usually don’t eat a lot (at least not one thing). This design will be a godsend if your holiday is based on the theme of “Pirates” and “Sea”.

And here are the same vegetables baked with cream cheese sauce, but already decorated fresh vegetables. Here, of course, you need at least a little bit of artistic talent. The ready-made hot dish is decorated with fresh vegetables and herbs.

“Original cheese plate”

You can make several of these Christmas trees using different cheeses. But since small children do not like to cook cheese very much, it is necessary either on small saucers or for already teenage children.

Tartlets with filling

There are so many delicious fillings for tartlets. You can make sweet and non-sweet ones. The main thing is that the dough in the tartlets is tender and soft, so that it simply melts in your mouth.

Homemade ice cream for a child's birthday

Fruits for the children's table

Well, and of course fruit. I think this is the most main part table. After all, children love sweets, but a fresh pear or banana is much healthier than even the most skillfully prepared cake. Fruits are designed for children and will be eaten with great appetite.

Decorated in the form of little pirates.

A red scarf is thin pieces of fabric or paper napkin with the corresponding picture.

All other pirate attributes are drawn with a regular marker. There is no need to be afraid - after all, children do not eat the peel, but you can definitely put on a whole performance.

The “Pirate” theme is usually the easiest to design and different ideas. Here you can also hold competitions for picking a banana from a rope, imagining that there has been a shipwreck and you need to get food on an island where palm trees grow.

You can also organize a competition:

  • look for treasures in a bowl of flour;
  • write a message of salvation on scattered semolina with your fingers (children really like this)…

Another gorgeous sweet for children: in the shape of a butterfly. A butterfly is cut out from any sponge cake (you can even buy it), cream is applied on top and a wide variety of fruits are laid out. It looks very bright and attractive!

Menu for holding a children's birthday party at home.

Many parents strive to make their child's birthday unforgettable. That is why they look for interesting dishes and decoration methods. Organizing a children's party is fundamentally different from an adult birthday. After all, there will be a lot of children at the party who need to be entertained.

In general, the menu for celebrating a child’s birthday differs from that of an adult in minimal content harmful products. Therefore, it is better to season all mayonnaise salads with fresh yogurt, and smoked meats with boiled meat. IN summer time The easiest way to organize a sweet table is with a lot of fruit. This can be a variety of salads, slices, baked goods with berries and fruits.

List of sweet dishes:

  • Watermelon salad
  • Pineapple baskets
  • Open pie with apricots and jelly
  • Strawberry soufflé
  • Natural compotes
  • Ice cream with fruits

List of salads and main dishes:

  • Caesar salad"
  • Vegetable salads with boiled meat
  • Mashed potatoes with baked cutlets
  • Sandwiches with red fish
  • Gefilte fish

IN winter time not a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Basically everything is imported and quite expensive. That is why in winter, potatoes and meat, as well as pickles, become the basis of any table.

Sweet options:

  • Milk jelly or soufflé
  • Cottage cheese casseroles or cheesecakes
  • Ice cream
  • Cakes with protein cream or condensed milk
  • Cupcakes with jam or jam

Main course and appetizer options:

  • Potatoes with mushrooms and baked meat
  • Chicken chops with cheese
  • Beet salad with beef
  • Cabbage salad with corn
  • Seafood salad

It is quite difficult to prepare dishes for such young children. The thing is that many people are allergic to citrus fruits and honey. Such children should not be given food from common table. That is why you will have to cook separately for adults and children.

Sample menu:

  • Mashed Potatoes with Chicken Meatballs
  • Chicken chops stewed in sour cream
  • Pumpkin puree
  • Liver pate
  • Curd soufflé
  • Baked apples with cottage cheese

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls aged 1 - 2 years: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls aged 1 - 2 years: ideas, menus, tips

At this age, children can already eat food from the common table. But still, you shouldn’t put a lot of junk food on the table. Try to replace mayonnaise salads with some kind of dressings. It could be butter or homemade yogurt, sour cream. The main task of parents is to make the holiday fun. Children of this age are very active, so if possible, use the services of animators. It is best to take a group of children to a children's entertainment complex, where they can jump on trampolines, run in mazes and take part in interesting competitions.

Sample menu:

  • Cupcakes with cartoon characters
  • Cheesecake
  • Cupcakes with cream
  • Ice cream
  • Assorted cakes

Although at this age you can please children with French fries from McDonald's and delicious McFlurry. In any case, the main task of parents is to make the holiday fun or active. Children this age love themed birthday parties. That is, you can arrange a day with fixies. In this case, all the kids put on caps with fixatives, and on the cups, balls and plates there are also images corresponding to the theme. You can complement the holiday with a penata with sweets and surprises.

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls aged 3 to 6 years: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls aged 3 to 6 years: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls aged 3 to 6 years: ideas, menus, tips

This is enough difficult age, since the child has a certain circle of friends and hobbies. When organizing a holiday, you should pay attention to the child’s preferences. For boys, you can take the idea of ​​Ninja Turtles, Minions, Madagascar. Girls will appreciate the princess theme or May Little Pony. Be sure to ask your child how to organize the holiday. Unlike children younger age, students can sit for a while. Accordingly, the holiday itself may be half in motion. The rest can be spent at the table and be intellectual. These can be games of erudition or desires.


  • Fruit pizza
  • Yogurt ice cream
  • Dessert with fruits and jelly
  • No bake cakes
  • Candies homemade
  • Cupcakes
  • B-B-Q
  • Grilled vegetables
  • Vegetable salads

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls aged 7 to 11: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls aged 7 to 11: ideas, menus, tips

What to cook for a children's birthday for boys and girls aged 7 to 11: ideas, menus, tips

A buffet table implies a huge variety of food and a large quantity of it. However, most often children are not provided with chairs. Usually buffet table combined with active games and competitions. Therefore, dishes should be as varied and interesting as possible.

Sample menu:

  • Homemade sweets on sticks
  • Cupcakes
  • Cakes
  • Marshmallow
  • Lemonade
  • Smoothie
  • Variety of drinks
  • Cheesecake

Most often, a sweet table is organized for children. These can be a variety of lemonades and drinks. In addition, sweets are welcome. This could be a homemade cake or jelly. Homemade sweets would also be appropriate.


  • Fruit jelly
  • No bake cake
  • Cupcakes
  • Fruit skewers
  • Fruit salads

If you plan to entertain children for a long time, then you should feed them thoroughly. A hot dish is suitable for these purposes. It could be potatoes with a meat dish. It all depends on the time of year. Older children will appreciate the barbecue. If your birthday is in winter, then prepare a roast.

Roast in pots

Ingredients for 8 people:

  • 2 kg potatoes
  • 1 kg meat
  • 0.5 kg mushrooms
  • 100 g cheese
  • 150 ml sour cream
  • Spices
  • Bouillon
  • 3 onions


  • Cut the meat into strips and fry them in a hot frying pan
  • Add the onion and fry a little more
  • Add mushrooms and simmer for 3 minutes
  • Divide the meat mixture among the ramekins and place the potatoes on top.
  • Pour in the broth and place in the oven for 40 minutes
  • Remove from the oven, add salt, spices, sour cream and sprinkle with cheese.
  • Keep in the oven for another 5-7 minutes

Children's hot dish for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's hot dish for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

It is best to prepare salads that are dressed with oil. Ideal if it is a mix of vegetables and meat.

Summer salad


  • 2 tomatoes
  • 3 cucumbers
  • 2 bell peppers
  • 1 pickled onion
  • 100 g boiled chicken meat
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • Mustard
  • Oil


  • Cut the vegetables into pieces and place them in a large bowl
  • Cut chicken fillet and cheese into cubes
  • Mix mustard with oil and salt
  • Season the salad with the mixture and add greens

Children's salads for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's salads for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's salads for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

The ideal option for snacks is dishes in tartlets or pita bread. Canape sandwiches are also suitable.

Snacks in lavash


  • Grated carrots
  • Canned fish
  • Yogurt
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 pita breads
  • Greenery


  • Crush the sardines in the oil with a fork and stir in the greens.
  • Place the pita bread on the table and add the fish puree.
  • Cover with another sheet of pita bread and top with grated carrots, eggs and yogurt.
  • Roll everything up and leave it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • Cut into thin pieces

Children's snacks for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's snacks for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's snacks for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Children's pizza: ideas, recipes

It is best to prepare children's pizza with fruit. The basis can be purchased shortbread dough. For more information on how to make pizza for children, watch the video.

VIDEO: Children's pizza

A great idea for serving salad is tartlets. They can be fruit or vegetable with meat.

Tartlets with meat


  • 10 tartlets
  • 300 g boiled chicken meat
  • Can of corn
  • 3 cucumbers
  • Yogurt


  • Boil the breast until soft and cut into cubes
  • Wash and peel the cucumbers, cut into cubes
  • Mix chicken with vegetables and corn, top with yogurt
  • Place the salad in tartlets and garnish with herbs

Tartlets for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

Sweet tartlets


  • 10 shortcrust pastry tartlets
  • Whipped cream
  • 300 g seedless grapes
  • Handful of strawberries
  • 3 peaches


  • Cut the peaches into cubes and separate the grapes into berries
  • Mix peaches, strawberries and grapes
  • Fill tartlets with assorted fruits and decorate with whipped cream

Tartlets for children's birthday: ideas, recipes

You can prepare both fruit and meat canapés.

Canapes with shrimps


  • A handful of large peeled shrimp
  • 0.5 kg cherry tomatoes
  • 200 g cheese
  • Skewers
  • Sour cream


  • Cut the tomatoes into two halves
  • Cut the cheese into thick slices
  • Brush each tomato half with yogurt
  • Place cheese and shrimp on top of one half
  • Cover with the other half and secure with a skewer

In terms of their composition, sandwiches can be very ordinary. You'll have to mess with the presentation. It's best if you make decorations in the shape of birds or hedgehogs. Below are interesting option s of sandwiches for the children's table.

It is best to initially choose a holiday concept and stick to it. Often used are purchased children's glasses and plates with images cartoon characters. This will help save time on decorating dishes. If you are preparing salads, take the time to put them in tartlets or decorate them to make it interesting and fun for the children. Below are some interesting design options for children's dishes.

To do children's party unforgettable, don’t be lazy, spend a little time organizing the fun. Invite animators or prepare several competitions.

VIDEO: Children's birthday party at home

A serious event for every housewife is to receive guests, fully provide a gala meal, a cozy atmosphere and an entertainment program. And the most important thing is to celebrate children’s birthdays at home, and today we offer a sweet table as a simplified solution for all mothers and grandmothers. After all, desserts are the most anticipated dish for young guests, and a meal entirely dedicated to sweets will not leave any child behind.

Another review article for celebrating a children's birthday includes not the most traditional sweets and portioned baking options.

Of course, no one can deny the unique charm of the classic sweet table favorites. “Potato” and custard cakes, waffle rolls, “Grated” and apple pies, “Napoleon” and “Kyiv” cakes. Glorious age-old recipes will delight many generations of children.

However, today we are focusing on simple sweet recipes with convenient buffet serving.

Fruits: simple techniques for beautiful presentation

How to Serve Desserts That Don't Require Cutlery

The subtleties of serving for serving Cake Pops and sweet fruit canapés are described in the section of the same name.

Ingredients for sweet and fruit canapés

All types of seasonal fruits, hard cheese, nuts, marmalade, marshmallows. And don’t forget about shaped cutting, including cookie cutters and a teaspoon of apple, pear, watermelon and melon pulp.

Win-win options for fruit canapés:

  • A cube of hard cheese, pears, berry marmalade, a small slice of orange.
  • Cubes of fruit wrapped as if in a sail with a thin slice of Dutch cheese and a mint leaf.
  • Different varieties of marmalade, alternating with slices of lemon or orange.
  • Berry canapes: one whole raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, strawberry. You can thread it alternating with squares of cheese or into a long strip of hard cheese, like beads in a ribbon.

  • A cube of cheese, a cube of boiled carrots, greased with sugar syrup or honey, half a walnut and a grape.
  • A circle of sweet and sour apple, a cube of cheese, a slice of lemon and an olive.
  • Marshmallows, berries, half a walnut.

Any of the fruit pieces can be dipped in melted chocolate - white or black. And in what combination to string your chocolate neighbor is a matter of personal taste.

Fruit slices in a watermelon or citrus bowl

Canapes are convenient and beautiful. But you can do it differently and no less effectively. Offer children forks and the freedom to choose from a large selection of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

When serving, use natural containers - a bowl made from watermelon and melon peels, bowls made from grapefruit halves and large oranges, from which the pulp has been extracted.

Fruit and milk jelly

Multilayer rainbow jelly, transparent jelly with whole berries and pieces of fruit, jelly cakes, often with a curd layer - all this pleases children much more than adults. Especially if the beauty is served in portions.

To do this, you need to freeze the jelly in separate molds or regular bowls.

Or enclose the jelly in a slice of citrus fruit. The second idea will definitely captivate children at their birthday party and make your sweet table unforgettable!

Currant jelly in lemon peel

We will need

  • 3 medium sized lemons
  • 200 grams of red currants,
  • 20 g edible gelatin,
  • 100 ml water,
  • 60 grams of sugar,
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar.


  1. Soak the gelatin.
  2. Cut the lemons in half, using a spoon to remove all the pulp without breaking the peel. Squeeze the juice from the pulp of 2 lemons.
  3. Rub the currants through a sieve, squeezing out the juice.
  4. Combine water, currant and lemon juice.
  5. Add regular and vanilla sugar and bring the liquid to a boil.
  6. Completely dissolve the gelatin and add it to the currant liquid.

Pour hot into bowls of lemon halves and let cool, then put in the refrigerator. When the jelly has completely set, cut the lemon halves into 2 parts. Amazing “currant lemon” - ready to serve!

Other colorful combinations for baby jelly: lime peel with milk or raspberry jelly. Orange - with kiwi jelly. Grapefruit - with blueberry or blackcurrant jelly.

Cottage cheese and pineapple dessert

The beauty of this dessert is the ease of preparation and the availability of ingredients at any time of the year. Children will like it due to the possibility of serving it in portions and its resemblance to jelly.


  • 400 g of cottage cheese,
  • 200 grams of sour cream,
  • Canned pineapples (about 1 can 600-800 ml),
  • 500 ml pineapple juice,
  • 25 g gelatin,
  • ½ can of condensed milk,
  • Vanillin and crushed seedless dried fruits - to taste.

The preparation is incredibly simple!

  1. Soak the gelatin in pineapple juice for 1 hour, and then, as usual, dissolve it over low heat, without bringing it to a boil.
  2. Beat cottage cheese, sour cream, condensed milk and vanillin in a blender.
  3. Combine with cooled gelatin and add chopped pineapple cubes.

Pour into bowls and let harden completely in the refrigerator. We take the dessert out of the bowls before serving and serve in the form of hemispheres on contrasting saucers.

Curd "Stripe"

With this light dessert a little more fuss than with the previous one, however, it looks more impressive. At the same time, all the advantages of portioned jelly dishes for the sweet table are preserved. children's day birth.


  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g,
  • Yogurt – 250 ml,
  • Gelatin – 25 g,
  • Cocoa powder – 4 tbsp.,
  • Vanillin – ½ tsp,
  • Milk – 50 ml,
  • Honey or sugar - to taste.


  1. Soak gelatin in milk.
  2. Mix it with cottage cheese, yogurt and honey and mix thoroughly (mixer, blender).
  3. Divide the mixture in half and add cocoa powder to one part.
  4. We place the mixture one by one in jelly molds or bowls so that alternating white and chocolate layers forms a striped dessert after hardening.

Cool in the refrigerator for 1 hour. We take the finished dessert out of the bowls and serve it in the form of hemispheres, which can be lightly sprinkled with grated dark chocolate or cut into portions.

Candies made from a mixture of dried fruits

Take walnuts and 2-3 types of dried fruits, soaked in water at room temperature and washed well. For example, prunes and dried apricots. Place the ingredients in a blender and grind to a viscous mass, to which you can add honey or sugar if desired.

To improve the consistency, you can add a spoonful of sour cream or soaked powdered milk(1 tbsp milk is poured with 2-3 tbsp water).

After wetting our hands with water, form balls from the mass and roll them in the simplest powders - milk powder, cocoa, coconut flakes, chopped nuts. Cool the sweets.

Serve on a tray with skewers or cocktail tubes inserted.

You can also use raisins and dates. It’s also convenient that the candies can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, which means they can be made in advance.

Buckwheat candies “Baked truffle”

For tasty and healthy candies, where rare person can guess the leading component, we need the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of buckwheat flour,
  • 200 ml yogurt,
  • 1 tbsp sugar,
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder,
  • 5 tbsp. prune puree,
  • 3-5 whole prunes,
  • 0.5 tsp soda,
  • 5 tbsp. honey,
  • Sesame – 2 tbsp.,
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.


  1. Sifting buckwheat flour and combine dry ingredients.
  2. Prune puree, sunflower oil and blend the yogurt in a blender until smooth.
  3. Gradually add a mixture of dry ingredients to the twisted mass, 1-2 spoons at a time.
  4. From the resulting dough we make flat cakes, in the middle of which we place some very finely chopped prunes.
  5. Close the cakes and form into balls.
  6. Bake the candies for 7-10 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Decorate the finished candies with honey and sesame seeds. To do this, dip the candy in honey until half is immersed, take it out, turn it and again dip it halfway into the container with sesame seeds.

Sweet sausage

A long-known, but not the most common recipe will allow us to diversify the list of convenient sweets. We will also be able to include slices of sweet sausage in fruit canapés.


  • Cookies “Jubilee” 500 gr.,
  • Butter 200 gr.,
  • Cocoa powder 2 tbsp,
  • Sugar – 100 gr.,
  • Milk 1 glass.


  1. Beat half the cookies into flour in a blender, and break half into pieces with your hands small size. To do this, it is convenient to use a careful breaking technique “in a plastic bag”.
  2. Melt the butter in a saucepan, then pour in the milk and add sugar and cocoa powder.
  3. Stirring constantly, continue heating until almost boiling.
  4. Add the ground cookies, mix and remove from heat.
  5. In a large bowl, add the cookie pieces to the hot mixture.

From the resulting mass we form sausages using cling film or parchment paper. Place the formed sausages in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. To serve, cut the chilled sausages into slices.

Cake Pops - America's mega-popular dessert

Small sponge cakes that are completely covered with a hard icing.

The most curious thing about this sensational dessert is that, in fact, Cake Pops are a small “Potato” cake on a stick. A convenient buffet recipe for almost the most famous delicacy of our latitudes is returning to us from America.

How to make Cake Pops? You can tinker with homemade sponge cake. Or you can save on effort by trusting a reputable trademark and buying ready-made biscuits in the supermarket.

The process of forming balls is elementary: the biscuit is broken into pieces and combined with plastic mixtures of chocolate, fruit, and condensed milk. Roll the resulting slightly sticky dough into balls... And this is where the fun begins!

Subtleties of making Cake Pops

    1. Be sure to dip the skewers (or banal cocktail straws!) into the ganache, we stick them into balls and put the blanks in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
    2. Dip the cooled pieces into melted chocolate or glaze and decorate with suitable sprinkles. Among the delicious bulk decorations are not only confectionery sugar trifles, but also natural ingredients– chopped nuts or sesame seeds.
    3. Simple techniques for decorating Cake Pops can be seen here - from 11:00:

Recipes for viscous mixtures for combining with biscuit dough are numerous. These can be ganaches made from all types of chocolate, jams, honey and preserves, as well as sweet mixtures specially prepared for Cake Pops.

We offer you 2 popular recipes that can be prepared all year round:

Cherry milk mixture

Mix frozen cherries (500 g) with condensed milk (80 g) in a blender until smooth.

Chocolate ganache

Melt chocolate (500 g), add where butter(50 g), cream (100 g) and powdered sugar to taste.

Chocolate cookies without flour

The cookies look like gingerbread. They are dry on top, but in the middle they are like soft caramel. It tastes like chocolate toffee. It is convenient for children to take and carry them, which allows them not to turn their birthday into sitting at the dessert table.

We will need

  • 2 cups powdered sugar,
  • 1.5 cups chocolate chips,
  • ½ cup cocoa powder
  • 3 pcs. egg whites,
  • 1 tbsp. starch,
  • ¼ tsp. salt.


  1. Melt the chocolate chips in a water bath.
  2. Whisk egg whites with a pinch of salt - until stiff foam.
  3. Gradually add 1 cup of powdered sugar to the whites, continuing to stir.
  4. Add the resulting mixture to cocoa powder. Add melted chocolate, starch and salt there and knead the dough.

Using a tablespoon, roll the sticky dough balls in powdered sugar and place on a greased baking sheet. vegetable oil. Place in the oven preheated to 175 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Curd juicer

Everything new is well forgotten old! This happens often in cooking, and a striking example of this was the “potato” composition of the mega-popular Cake Pops, described above.

And now we’ll tell you how to quickly and easily feed your child’s young guests open pies with curd filling. Note that here we are again dealing with ingredients that are available year-round.

Dough ingredients

Flour – 200 g, egg – 1 pc., egg yolk– 1 piece, powdered sugar – 50 g, butter – 100 g, baking powder – 1/3 tsp, salt – 1 pinch.

Filling ingredients

Cottage cheese (9%) – 200 g, sugar – 40 g, flour – 30 g, sour cream – 20 g, egg yolk – ½ pc. (filling) + ½ pcs. (for lubrication), water – 1 tbsp. (for lubrication).

Making the filling

  • Combine and thoroughly beat cottage cheese, sugar, sour cream, flour and ½ yolk in a blender.
  • Let the filling rest in the refrigerator.

Let's start the test

  1. Beat butter with powdered sugar, eggs, yolk and salt in a mixer.
  2. Grind the flour through a sieve, add baking powder, and, after mixing, add to the butter mixture.
  3. We continue to beat the dough with a mixer until it forms dense lumps. We collect the lumps and knead the dough with our hands.

We roll the sausage, which we divide with a knife into 5-6 equal parts. We flatten each piece with our hands or roll it out with a rolling pin into a circle or oval.

Let's start with Sochniki

  • Place about 1 tablespoon of filling on half the circle and cover with the other half of the dough - so that the filling is slightly visible around the perimeter.
  • Place the juices on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and brush with yolk to beautiful color. Grease = ½ yolk + water.
  • Bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.

A birthday menu for children, and especially a sweet table, is a great opportunity to return to the world of childhood. We can recall classic recipes in our memory, or arm ourselves with modern variations on the theme of the classics, in the preparation of which we would like to involve the child himself.

Don't hesitate - get involved! After all, this is a useful educational experience so that our child realizes how much work and imagination is spent on his interesting growing up.
