How to organize any holiday yourself. How to have a fun birthday at home

It happens that we want a special celebration, but how can we organize a celebration ourselves? After all, you need to think through a lot of little things, it is clear that a lot of nuances arise. And you need to somehow fit all this into your head. The most important thing is to start everything in order.

First you need to think about what day to gather the invited guests. Most likely it should be Friday or Saturday. This is necessary because the next day you will have time to clean the apartment/house, and your guests can get a good night's sleep. If you live in an apartment, then before the celebration, warn your neighbors about your holiday so that problems do not arise later. unpleasant questions, as well as a disgruntled knock on the wall. Invite your friends and acquaintances in advance. You can send a written invitation or send a newsletter via Internet mail. But, nevertheless, it is better to talk in person by phone and clarify the time and date of the event. Also let your guests know exactly what the treat will be.

Celebration organization

The most important thing is to come up with a name for the holiday. If you need to know how to throw a birthday party, then you can simply come up with a dress code for the party. For example, you will have a “pirate” birthday, all guests must come with any pirate attribute. The menu should also contain a certain marine touch, for example, you can present to guests in advance the names of dishes, such as “pirate’s kiss” or “pirate cocktail.” Also think about how to decorate the room in which the holiday will take place. It could be a flag, a prop ship in the middle of the table. Plus you yourself must be the main “pirate of the evening”. Also at your service is on-site costume photography, believe me, it will be remembered for a long time. Each guest will take with them a piece of the holiday that will stay with them for many years.

Nowadays, the pace of life is very fast and you may not have enough time to think through the holiday program yourself, then you can invite professionals or perhaps yourself cheerful friend to help. The assistant will help organize the program, script and active entertainment.

It is also worth calculating how many seats you have in the room; this determines how many guests you can invite. Start preparing for the holiday in advance to meet the deadlines. Also think about how best to seat the guests so that there is no discussion or possible quarrel when discussing any topic.

When you are thinking about the answer to the question of how to organize a holiday at home, then know what is considered a sign bad taste, if you only pay attention to one of the guests, it is also unacceptable for the host of the evening to ignore any of the guests. It is very important to introduce guests to the location of the apartment and show where the toilet and bathroom are.

The lighting also plays a role big role in holding the celebration. You should not brightly illuminate your apartment/house, as this will irritate your eyes. Lighting should be pleasant and comfortable for visitors.

How to organize a children's party?

If you have family celebration, for example, a holiday for a child. It’s worth relieving the owner of the house. If she manages to cope with everything planned on time, then good mood guests are guaranteed. The child should get a good night's sleep before the holiday. In the decor of the room, use more balloons and bright accessories. You can invite a clown. It will also be interesting for the child to spend the holiday away from home. Perhaps you can organize it in children's cafe or in nature.

If you want to know how to organize a party at home. Just a holiday, a party on Friday, you can just upload good music, and be sure to invite each guest with their own dish, and at the end of the evening give ratings to all the cooks and give comic gifts.

Holiday for your loved one

If you want to know how to arrange a holiday for your loved one. First of all, you need to understand what your significant other likes and what she doesn’t like. If, for example, he does not like a noisy party, arrange romantic evening at the cinema. You can simply have an evening with candles and romantic music, but be sure to do something original, this could be the menu, your outfit or even your talent that you can demonstrate to him.

How to arrange a holiday for mom?

A pastel-colored tablecloth will help create a gentle mood. Color may vary. And of course flowers. Field flowers will look better; it is possible to use crocuses, lilies of the valley, daffodils, and tulips. The most important thing is that mom doesn’t guess that a celebration will soon be arranged for her. Therefore, if you want to please your mother, arrange a holiday out of turn, that is, not on a holiday, but just like that. This is what mom will appreciate most. Can buy beautiful bouquet, which your husband or your child can give. Then cook only those dishes that mom likes or even avoid home cooking and order something unusual in a cafe. You can also order a signature cake with beautiful inscription"Mommy" Choose the music well, mom should like it, and not you at all, remove the drums from the player so that it sounds even softer and more gentle.

We hope that our article will be useful to you in creating an unforgettable evening.

They say that if you eat halva every day, the halva will quickly become tasteless. But how I want to eat halva more often! I said this in a figurative sense. Halva is like a holiday, I want it more often. But if you organize a holiday often, you will lose the feeling of the holiday.

So what should we do? When does everyday routine and everyday life drag you into a whirlpool from which it is difficult to escape?

That’s right, don’t let yourself be pulled into this pool. We need to organize a holiday for the soul, perk up, spread our wings like a bird, and fly away. Fly high to look at that pool from a height of flight, at your daily life and enjoy the flight. Fly and fly, and then back to earth, into everyday life. Alas, it doesn’t work out any other way.

But this flight, this holiday must be made bright, unlike the other, memorable. In the photo I show how we once organized a holiday in our family. We didn't have to do anything special: we rented a whole bag of wigs and staged something like a wig show at home. They began to pretend to be clowns, try on wigs and see who looked like whom?

Daughter Vika in a blue wig with a big white bow looks like Malvina from the fairy tale about Pinocchio. What my husband and I are like is a question. But it doesn't matter who we all look like. The main thing is that we had a lot of fun, there were songs and music with a guitar, and the holiday left vivid memories and beautiful photos graphies

Let me note that this holiday of ours with wigs turned out somehow spontaneously, it was not planned. We rented wigs for a completely different reason; I needed them for work. And the result was a great holiday at home!

Another photo of me, where my daughter and I try on masks. My husband took pictures. And the masks are simple, but we had so much joy when we brought them to our faces, combined them, and changed them with our daughter. Look at our happy faces - this joy in the eyes cannot be faked! And it seems like complete nonsense, a trifle, simple and inexpensive masks, my husband bought them. And how much joy, how many emotions, an unforgettable day and bright photos as a keepsake! There was no reason either; it happened completely spontaneously. Which once again confirms that planned happiness does not exist.

Let's look at the third photo, where my husband and daughter are in apples. I took a photo. The author of the idea and the production director is my husband. The idea of ​​the holiday was this: “Cheburashka was found in oranges, and we found our daughter Vika in apples.”

How do you like the photo? In my opinion, just wonderful! My husband is a great inventor for such ideas. All we had to do was buy more apples, which we later successfully ate, find an empty cardboard box and skillfully take beautiful shots.

And how much joy my daughter had when her husband prepared the photo and covered his daughter with apples. Here's a holiday for you! Spontaneous and beautiful holiday, vivid memories and beautiful photos for memory.

Banal and boring feasts with excessive food consumption - we don’t have that at home. All of us in our family are extremely careful about food. Look, we're all doing great physical fitness, there is no fat on us. And we don’t feel deprived because we didn’t eat an extra piece and then we didn’t suffer with our stomachs. On the contrary, everyone is healthy and cheerful. And ours spontaneous holidays remain in our memories and in beautiful photographs.

Comment on the article "How to arrange a holiday without preparation and feasting?"

Birthday and children's party: how to take a photo. How to arrange a holiday without preparation and feast? family photo for kindergarten. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Single-parent family.


You are the hard workers. Very beautifully rebuilt, the pool is a dream. The children were lucky to see how much they can do with their own hands if they have golden hands.
May God give you health and strength for further prosperity. Thanks for showing up.

08/26/2018 12:11:48, O-k-s-a-n-a

What a beauty!!! And the kids are great! Smart girls!

I usually arrange themed days birth, from those that were. The invitation indicates the format and what kind of clothing 1) Beachwear. How to arrange a holiday without preparation and feast? Accordingly, there are no obligations regarding New Year's entertainment at the school in front...


My fathers-in-law practiced dressing up for friendly gatherings. On the topic of gypsies, transsexuals or something else. Like, each group prepares a performance, dressing up from what they have at hand. To be honest, it makes me sick. And the participants find it funny. Especially when drunk. And especially look at the photos later... You might like it)

Let each invited guest come with one idea for entertainment.

06/16/2018 21:06:05, Here

Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift. New Year's quest Houses. Last New Year, I myself wrote a quest for the whole family and we were friendly and having fun...

If the feast is intimate, such as 2-3-5 guests, then fine, but if it’s more, then it’s not worth it. But I'm all more holidays like a buffet I mean. If everyone is sitting decorously at the table, then my experience of holidays on the street says that first they serve appetizers, which...


Great! Thank you for the article.. . With coming!

I would definitely make hotdogs for the kids. Well, fruits, interesting cookies, now there’s no problem with that (I mean, it’s quite possible to buy decent ones)

As for salads, just vegetable ones (cucumber - tomato - pepper) actually go well.
By the way, I categorically disagree that vegetable salad “dissolves.” Of course yes, but not in to a greater extent than other salads.
Vegetable cutting is more spectacular, but a salad is still more convenient - either from a plate or on toasted bread. But this implies that someone will be constantly “at work” - frying bread (this is a minute), placing “stuffing” on it, passing it from hand to hand.
The variety here is fantastic, from the same vegetable salad to something similar to shawarma.

But with canapés in large quantities. guests - why bother? If the feast is intimate, such as 2-3-5 guests, then fine, but if it’s more, then it’s not worth it. There is a lot of fuss, but there is little saturation from them, i.e. You need a lot of canapés themselves. If it is possible to have hired staff, then of course, but if not, then...

Meat slices - why? IMHO, this is what “goes” the worst. Perhaps a cheese plate (but this may be due to my tender affection for him).

But the baked goods are different, IMHO, they are usually eaten vigorously. And you don’t have to tinker with it yourself, you can buy it. This is where the tiny pies come in handy.

Photos of family and loved ones in the house.. Serious question. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with men.


In the work room there are photographs of those close and loved ones who are no longer on the cabinet. Kind of like a “gallery of ancestors”. Here I am at the computer now - and they are smiling at me :-)
Now I’m thinking - it was about the same in my parents’ apartment, only adjusted for the lack of a separate work room. Photo or painting portraits of dear departed people, and also sort of like in the “office” - in the book “wall”, in which there was a secretary often used for its intended purpose. And my son, it seems, has absorbed precisely this feature - photographs of “great” and my parents stand behind the glass of the bookcase.
And the fathers-in-law have photographs of their “grandparents,” that is, the mother-in-law’s parents and photographs of all their grandchildren - since the grandchildren are not all around :-) In the “living and dining room”.

I’m fine, there’s a photo of me and the children in the living room, but I needed to somehow liven up the empty walls, the photo turned out to be the most budget-friendly way

Festive table without cooking. Ideas, advice. Cooking. What can you advise a person who wants to celebrate a holiday? snack table, but do not cook or fry?


And roll it into pita bread with cream cheese, or cottage cheese and all the vegetable or herb additives - is that cooking?

Your source data is unclear
If we are talking about live food, then canned food is poison, pickled vegetables can also be forgotten, cheese goes there too. Do not cook seafood and shrimp.
If a person with this topic does not familiar - better do not mess with or put everything raw. Sea salt, only real vinegar, no store-bought sauces, etc.
According to the rules, you can prepare many dishes - main dishes, salads, and desserts, and it will all be very tasty, but if you don’t know how, it’s better not to try it
Do I understand correctly that the owner wants to make a certain table for a guest whose diet he knows about the data given in the topic?
If so, it is better to ask the guest. Because a normal guest will either tell him how to please him or will happily chew a meat cutlet in order to please the hosts

Family is a holiday family dates, Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending. Family is work, taking care of each other, Family is a lot of homework.

First Birthday Recipes. At the same time, I didn’t want to turn my birthday into a banal feast for relatives. 6) should you organize a feast at home or in a cafe and how does it go, like a birthday? We made a table for relatives (grandmothers, aunts, uncles...


It’s so good that I can simply tell my relatives “I have other plans, sorry,” and my husband “dear, go to your relatives yourself, I don’t like long feasts with them.” It's nice to be an adult.

If the child is under one year old, this is an excellent excuse not to go on any visits. His teeth are being cut and “in general, he was being capricious about something.”
A mother-in-law who is offended by her daughter-in-law for not coming to visit with the baby, IMHO, should generally be ignored as much as possible.

How to celebrate: ideas, tips.. Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift. At the age of 18, I lived alone, studied, worked and did not organize such global parties, or rather, yes, I organized the celebration of my birthday in a rented apartment, but we were filming...


all my son’s friends, who had already celebrated their 18th birthday a long time ago, did it in the forest - barbecue, a ball, a guitar with them. He was very happy to come :) He plans to celebrate the same way. On New Year's Eve we were going to rent an apartment to celebrate with company. I gave mine up to be torn to pieces - because in soya, after all, when - I feel calmer, absolutely dead, filthy huts are rented out for rent for a day. She set a condition - so that as much as possible of the apartment’s contents would survive, so... everything was OK, even the dishes were washed, dried, and put in their places. And I didn’t worry about where, what with whom and who else would come with the keys

A friend of mine took the campaign somewhere for paintball, somewhere in the Moscow region, like a holiday home, but they had a “tour” for one day with lunch and even access to the pool. True, these are 16 year olds, everyone was delighted. Yours is older.
APD, I already saw below that he doesn’t want)))

Scenario for a family New Year. How to spend a home New Year's holiday for children and adults with family. I'm looking for ideas for New Year's holiday in the family.

I hate family holidays. Over the 12 years of marriage, I hated almost all holidays: birthday, New Year, March 8, February 23. The only exceptions are birthdays...


I would have gone the other way around earlier. I don't like to upset my husband.

Anyone who wants to stay on the sidelines stays there. This means that somewhere deep down in your soul you like all these “related” games. For example, it wouldn’t even occur to me to drag myself to “set tables” (uh, I hate home gatherings from the times of developed socialism), all my relatives know this. It is enough to voice this once at the beginning family life. Fortunately, my husband is the same person who doesn’t like get-togethers with drinks. Congratulations over the phone - and everyone is happy.

I ask for advice and help. The child (that is, already a girl!!) has a birthday in 10 days, but I still Since there are no friends now, because it’s summer, we need to make a family holiday, and with...


I’ll just go to a cafe, invite my friends, we’ll walk around the city and go to my house for the night, this is my best friend

02.12.2018 19:04:04, Tanya Katya

In one day I will be fourteen, I am going to watch a movie and drink cocoa with pancakes and chocolate. Here he is, my ideal friend)

10/15/2018 10:48:25, Katty Timkina

And the next day, the 26th, at 12 noon a solemn holiday dinner. GLASS MARITES with candles Simply irreplaceable thing on the festive table: the hot dish is beautifully served and not Prices are indicated with 10% discount, if you pay in advance!


so to speak I report:
Made from one (large) chicken
quiche (everyone liked it, super recipe, Thanks for the offer)!!!
Caesar (my mother and I really liked it, my husband doesn’t like greens other than onions in salad, so he didn’t try it)
chicken in the oven (even left for tomorrow)
a fresh vegetable salad
stuffed eggs, sliced, rice on the side (there was a pack with wild rice), eclairs (for my husband to take to work instead of sweets for the table, he bought the rest, that’s how it’s done, in general, for the first time, someone brought home-made baked goods...)

in general, thanks for the advice, the table was a success, tomorrow my husband will (probably) thank you... fell asleep today...

I don't recommend baking chicken. The people will remain hungry - four adults and a child - one chicken will definitely not be enough.
It’s better to fry the breasts and make Caesar, and make pilaf or chakhokhbili from the rest.
Honey mushrooms can be stewed with onions and sour cream. You can also make pies or spring rolls - it's inexpensive.
You can still cook borscht by buying some brisket. Also an inexpensive dish.
I wouldn’t cut them - they are of no use, but they are expensive.

Ideas for family photo session. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development.


Why do you need a studio? In general, children in the studio are not very happy; they usually run out of steam after 40 minutes. In general, I prefer shooting outdoors: family picnic, badminton, swimming, lying on the grass. In a studio more toys and accessories, in general, the most important thing is the interaction between the child and parents.

Try entering the names of photo sites into a search engine, am good ideas there is one for all occasions.

Holidays family traditions. How to celebrate: ideas, tips.. Holiday family traditions... Do you have them? Or maybe it’s time in the new year 2007 to create them for the long haul...


In every family, the New Year is special. My husband and I know one large family that keeps its annual chronicle. And this is a whole ritual that takes up several hours of the passing year. First, everyone remembers what good and bad happened in the old year. Mom diligently writes down everyone’s impressions, together they analyze whether their dreams and desires came true, and if not, then why it happened. After the chimes strike 12, everyone exchanges gifts, and mom she again picks up the chronicle. She invites everyone to express what they want their new year to be like; dreams and even children’s requests for purchases are written down. The eldest son is already writing his wishes on his own, and the younger children help decorate the chronicle with drawings and applications. Like this unusual way celebrate the New Year. But imagine how touching it will be to read this chronicle 20 years from now and find out that the dream of your entire childhood was to buy a radio-controlled car, and the bruise received from your neighbor Vova was a great disappointment to your mother. I assure you, in years to come this chronicle will give anyone from these children a sense of family and togetherness.
In another family, mother, father and daughter were zealously passionate about the eastern teachings of Feng Shui, and now they are celebrating the New Year in a special way for the third time. Mom finds material in advance about what clothes to wear to celebrate this holiday, what should be on the table, how to decorate house. The symbol of the year is placed under the Christmas tree, and to attract good luck, each family member makes his own treasure map, where he writes down his wishes, sticks or draws what he dreams of. And at 12 o’clock after the traditional champagne, talismans are put into each of the cards, which everyone exchange.
One more unusual tradition Our relatives came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year. They celebrate the New Year and change the calendar on the wall. It’s always a whole action, because this calendar is made to order in a photo studio. Only dad knows what’s on it. Photo montage (from photos of the past year) always turns out to be very funny , and each month marks significant dates for the family.
After the New Year comes Christmas and family traditions are still appropriate and useful. Therefore, if you did not have time to acquire traditions for the New Year, then feel free to create them on Christmas. This is no less magical and important holiday. In our family at Christmas everyone gathers with the eldest in the family - great-grandmother Anya. She, like usually with the help daughters-in-law and granddaughters set the table. The table is traditionally decorated with church candles. Christmas is the most important holiday for great-grandmother. Therefore, I, my husband and son decided that the Christmas card and gift for grandma (as we all call her) should be the same every year. I’m good at making trees and flowers from beads. That’s why every year we give grandma something made from beaded flowers and trees; on her windowsill a whole garden has already grown from my crafts. Ilyusha draws a postcard or glues it, and my husband signs. And I also Every Christmas I bake a cake with a winter snow-covered house.
I heard that one family celebrates Christmas only in new clothes, they believe that this will bring them not only good luck, but also allow them to become new people: part with past mistakes and become purer spiritually.
When I was studying at the institute, our journalism teacher told me that one Christmas his wife read the children a story about a boy without parents, and the children began to ask whether it was possible to help such children and where they lived. At first. adult woman was a little embarrassed, and then she said that you can bring toys and books to the orphanage. And imagine her surprise when her two children collected in a bag many of their toys and some children's books that they had not read for a long time, and firmly asked their mother to take them them to the orphanages. Since then, visiting orphanage Christmas has become a tradition in this family. Now our teacher’s children are adults and have children of their own, and the tradition is to visit Orphanage alive at Christmas. Probably this is not only good tradition, but also a useful life lesson. We must learn to make those who need it so much happy at least a little. What is it worth buying candy for us? And for children who have no one to do this for them, this is such happiness - chocolates.

And so in one or two days everyone cried, left the family alone, licked their emotional wounds in silence and did not flinch when the doorbell rang, and in fact, no one is FORBIDDEN from organizing a wake (with the funeral itself, however, it is more difficult, although I think , which is quite...


I’ve read almost the entire thread, but no one sees the only rational reason for this custom. -at the wake ALL RELATIVES AND FRIENDS gather at the same time! (for what reasons, sincere or hypocritical, they share their grief, etc., it doesn’t matter anymore) Imagine that this whole company will come with a personal expression of sympathy for another month and a half, on any day and time of day!! - this is where the real horror is - forcing relatives to re-introduce this sad event every time with everyone (not to mention setting the table 20 times)! And so in one or two days everyone cried, left the family alone, licked their emotional wounds in silence and did not flinch when the doorbell or telephone rang.
In general, every custom is historically established BEST way coverage of this or that event, it’s like folk wisdom-everything is noted and displayed perfect formula! You can, of course, argue, but forcing the whole society to react to individual outbursts against the collective mind is overkill. IMHO

10/25/2005 15:04:45, arinna

Well, people are alive at the wake :)) And the wake, as a rule, is held after the funeral service in the church, cemetery and the funeral itself. And these actions take a lot of time, it can all start at 9 am, and the wake will only be at 4-5 pm.
As for drinking, a good friend of mine was buried in winter, at -25. We spent about 2 hours at the cemetery. If we hadn’t taken some vodka afterwards, everyone would definitely have gotten sick.
And in general, my opinion is that a wake, 9 days, 40 days, is needed by the relatives and friends of the deceased in order to fill the void that is created after the death of a loved one through these rituals. To at least somehow realize that that’s it, there is no person... And so that, sad as it may be, start living again :))

25.10.2005 13:56:02, I will answer

guests for a couple of days? Only over my corpse (that is, at my funeral). Here you get so wrapped up in a day and even if there is no peace at home. Although I love guests, but not for the whole day, and not even every day. And especially when they are dragged in without warning and sit...


I'm the same...

08/26/2018 22:39:13, Elena

I don’t like guests even for long periods of time, even when someone just comes and needs to be invited to the table. Or on some holiday, set the table and arrange a gathering. For me this is catarrh! And my husband loves it. I’m trying to justify that I don’t want to cook for them, it’s troublesome, and cleaning up later, and in general I had plans, and it’s better to sit in a restaurant, and you don’t help... But in reality, I just don’t want someone came to my house, walked around it, looked with envious eyes, sat on my chair and drank from my cup))) And if this is relatives, and even for a week, I will be constantly on edge, I will run away from home no matter where and return like going to prison. Can't breathe honestly

But we spent the birthday according to the scenario with the following composition: parents, birthday girl, her cousin and her mother. To celebrate children's birthdays, New Years and anniversaries, weddings and christenings with friends! © 2 Happy birthday, I hug you tightly...

5. “The Lozhkin Family” One fewer spoons are placed on the floor than there are participants. Then the presenter tells the story Sunday in the Lozhkin family. Every time they hear the word “spoon” the players...

IN modern world This kind of celebration has almost lost its popularity. Nowadays, rarely does anyone organize a feast at home, since it is more convenient and much easier to order an organization festive table in a restaurant or cafe. However, I know several families who, as before, organize fun parties at home.

My mother has always been a very good housewife, she was the one responsible for the table and its setting, I learned a lot from her, and she, I think, in turn, learned everything from my grandmother.

1. Menu

My mother always starts planning the menu as early as possible; it also happens that the list of dishes is ready a month before the event itself. In general, such a trait as taking care of everything in advance helps greatly in the fight against stress; you will have enough time to take into account all the features of the holiday, adjust the menu for all guests, think through dishes before the smallest details and so on.

Write down all your favorite recipes and think over a plan for serving the dishes. Most often, our menu includes several salads, main dishes, meat and vegetable appetizers and, of course, dessert. Try not to repeat yourself, for example, do not allow salads, hot dishes, and snacks to be made from the same type of meat or fish. Then guests will not be able to really appreciate the taste of the dishes, since they will all merge together. so that the table is varied, interesting and memorable.

Each family, of course, cooks differently, but in Lately We try to prepare as few dishes as possible with mayonnaise and other fatty ingredients. It's summer, the shops are already gradually filling up fresh vegetables and fruits, do not load yourself with heavy high-calorie dishes. If you just can’t live without mayonnaise or dressing, make it yourself. On the advice of my friend, my husband and I now always add low-fat yogurt, seasoned with vinegar, spices, olive oil and mustard or garlic. The taste is almost identical, and the calories are minimal.

2. Buying groceries

After you write out the menu in detail, also carefully consider how many ingredients, and therefore food products, will be needed to prepare it all. Usually mom buys food with a small surplus, so as not to have to run to the store again and save money when preparing dishes.

My mom has a thing for making lists of groceries to buy; she affectionately calls them estimates. In them she describes what needs to be bought, the quantity and the approximate cost of everything. This really helps to get an overall idea of ​​how much the holiday will cost financially.

Purchase necessary products We also always start in advance, to the extent possible, storing them. You can buy canned food even a month in advance, nothing will be done to it, they will just sit on the shelves in the store. As for vegetables, fruits and some meat delicacies, of course, it is better to buy them last, but not so much that on Friday evening you sadly wander between the display cases and realize that everything has already been sorted out. Freezing can also be purchased in advance; it does not matter in which refrigerator it is stored.

3. Evening preparations

I don’t have many holidays that I organized on my own together with my husband, and all the ones that happened weren’t very crowded. That's why I always start cooking on the day of the holiday itself. But in the family where I grew up, there were always a lot of guests, so preparations began in advance, an evening earlier. Usually at this time all the vegetables and other ingredients that would be used for salads were cooked.

Of course, you can cook them on the day of cooking, but, you must admit, this way you will avoid much more stress, and you will also be a little less tired before the feast itself. Peel the vegetables (here, of course, they also do everything the way they’re used to) and cook everything you need, cut it if possible. This is useful because everything will definitely have cooled down by morning, and salads that should be cold will not be uncomfortably warm.

4. Help

Never refuse help! My mother, basically, likes to do everything herself, and she does everything, of course, perfectly, but usually because of this she is very driven and tired. But the mother-in-law, on the contrary, always gladly accepts help. Of course, it’s up to you, but you must admit that the second approach has its advantages if you distribute responsibilities correctly. Involve even your smallest helpers, they can lay out napkins or make sure that everyone gets their dishes.

6. Babysitting

It so happened in our family that I always looked after the children of the guests. In fact, it is very important to assign someone to them responsible person who will not drink throughout the evening. This is important not only for children; in fact, it doesn’t matter to them who they play with. The most important thing is that guests who come with children can really relax and enjoy the evening, without worrying that their little hooligans will break something somewhere if they just turn away.

7. Smoking guests

Even if you are against smoking and have never even put a cigarette in your mouth, you will have to come to terms with the fact that some of the guests will at one point stand up and ask: “Where can I smoke here?” They cannot smoke on the porch and in the entrance of your house (unless, of course, the house is completely yours), so you should make sure that they have the opportunity to do this somewhere else, for example, in the kitchen. You can be completely and completely against smoking, then at least provide guests with information about where they can smoke without harming the surrounding guests, for example, in a designated place on the street.

Alcohol, like all products, is best purchased in advance, since usually spending on it significantly affects the overall budget of the event. In addition, it can be easily stored at home; almost all drinks have long term suitability.

According to etiquette, it is necessary to offer guests to place napkins or towels on their laps so as not to get dirty. This fact is also very important to take into account so that later there is no awkward moments or upset guests. Wash all the towels in advance, iron them and place them on the backs or next to the guests' plates so that they have a choice. Most likely, not all of them will be needed, but you, as the hostess, should offer them.

10. Musical accompaniment

This is also worth thinking about, since the overall mood of the holiday very much depends on what will happen when the conversations at the table die down. You can simply turn on music or the same TV on some neutral channel so that it works simply as a background, but does not attract general attention.


Set the table or place a buffet table. Lay out the napkins, prepare the drinks, and freeze the ice. Make room for dances and competitions, install audio equipment. When guests get together, they will find something to talk about and discuss. In the first hour or two of the celebration, the participants have fun and without games - they devote their attention to food and strong drinks. Then they will warm up on the dance floor.

After the dances, invite the guests to play forfeits. Hand out two or three pieces of paper and ask them to write what everyone would like to do now. Participants write: “Kiss your neighbor on the right on the knee”, “Dance on the table”, “Drink a glass of champagne”, “Tell a joke” and their other desires. Fold the leaves into quarters and put them in a hat, mix. All guests take turns pulling out pieces of paper and doing what is suggested there. Very fun and a game that will liven up your party.

Then offer the following entertainment-competition, where two teams of participants will be needed. Guests stand one after another in two rows according to teams; at the other end of the room, place two stools with props: a bottle of alcohol, a glass, . At your command, the first participants run up to the bottle and unscrew the cap, placing it next to it. They run back and stand at the end of their team. The second run next and pour vodka into a glass, the third drinks it, and the fourth has a snack and closes the bottle. Everything is repeated until one of the participants drinks the entire drink. It turns out funny if the same people drink.

Suggest that you take a break and start drawing. Give each guest a marker and album sheet. Ask to draw the head of a person, a fairy-tale creature or any animal and fold it over so that it is not visible to others. Change sheets and have participants continue drawing, depicting the body of the creature. The third stage is the legs. Lay out the images to see what kind of fantastic creatures the artists created.

Now divide the participants into opposite-sex pairs. Male players wear thick mittens and button-down robes. The men's task is to fasten all the buttons on their partner's clothes.

If there are not enough mittens and robes for all couples, blindfold the remaining ones and pin five pins on their clothes. Invite partners to collect pins from each other's clothes. Turn on slow romantic music. But this is a competition with, it consists in the fact that not five, but four pins are pinned onto the clothes of one of the couple. Participants spend a long time feeling the body of their significant other in search of a lost needle. Those participants who realize that they have been deceived win.

Tip 2: How to use pink in clothes for adult women

Many people believe that pink blouses, dresses and coats look beautiful exclusively on young representatives of the fairer sex. However, this is not quite true. Undoubtedly, young girls they look very cute and gentle in clothes pink shades, but also the ladies mature age can afford to show off in elegant products romantic color. The main thing is to choose the right things to make the image attractive and not funny.


If you don't risk putting on clothes yet Pink colour, then you probably shouldn't do this, because you should feel confident in the outfit and wear it with pride. However, it’s very easy to add freshness to your look; just pick up a handbag in a delicate shade or put on neat shoes. pink shoes with low heels. This way your clothes will correspond to your age, while your appearance will become light and sophisticated.
