A rendezvous for two at home: dinner, creating an atmosphere, music for a romantic evening. Practical advice for use

How to please your chosen one? Arrange a romantic evening for your loved one at home. This can be done inexpensively and even without money. There is nothing easier and more interesting than preparing a romantic dinner for two by candlelight or in the bathroom. You can surprise and intrigue him, and intrigue is what many men like so much in a relationship with a woman.

And it does not matter how long you are with your soul mate - a week, a month or several years, it is always nice to pamper your loved one, and it may not take long to wait for a response from him. The first thing you need to do is decide. If you are ready, then read on this article and follow the instructions step by step.

The first preparations for a romantic evening for your beloved.

First you need to choose a favorable evening. Take care in advance so that your friends or relatives do not suddenly come to visit you and thereby violate the idyll of a romantic relationship. If you already have kids or pets, it's worth it to get the two of you to stay. Send the children to their grandmother for a couple of days, and take the animals to friends or acquaintances. The best day to have a romantic candlelit dinner is a weekend, so your partner will not feel tired and can fully enjoy the evening even at home.

The next step is to think about the decoration of the room, and maybe the whole apartment or house. Be sure to put things in order so that things do not lie around the room, their place is in the closet, the man is not excited by the mess. When everything is clean and put in its place, it's time to take care of the romance. Dim the lights, light candles, you can decorate the room with balloons or flower petals. Candles can be purchased scented, and do not forget about lyrical music. However, do not be too zealous with jewelry, as not all men like it.

We lay the festive table.

It is better to think about preparing a delicious dinner in advance. For serving, choose dishes that you do well so that there are no unexpected incidents. If you are unsure of your culinary skills, you can order take-out from a restaurant. It can even be Japanese or any other cuisine. Include in the menu dishes from products containing an aphrodisiac. It can be oysters, strawberries, eggs, bananas, greens and others. Beautifully set the table, as if in a restaurant. Feed your man hearty, because we all know the simple truth that the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach. To relax, you can drink some wine or champagne. If your chosen one is against alcohol or for some reason does not use it, you can limit yourself to juice.

Preparing yourself for a romantic evening at home.

On this solemn day, you better look unusual. It is not necessary to wear an expensive evening outfit; a short dress or sundress will have a greater effect. The main goal is to awaken spicy thoughts in your partner's head. If you don't have anything suitable, go shopping and buy a new outfit. Worry about underwear - it can be tender or passionate to excite your young man. Think over everything to the smallest detail: make a fresh manicure, a beautiful hairstyle and so on. Makeup must also be flawless.

Take care of all the nuances.

So that nothing distracts you during the evening, put everything you need nearby. Dishes, food or drinks can be identified on the serving table. This will save you from having to run to the kitchen every time. Make your chosen one a surprise - blindfold him with a scarf. Let him be surprised by your abilities. At dinner, it is advisable to sit opposite each other in order to have eye contact. Turn off your mobile phone in advance, remove all gadgets and do not turn on the TV, let it be only your evening with him and nothing more. Close the curtains on the windows more tightly to hide from prying eyes.

After dinner.

At the end of a romantic evening, dance to a beautiful romantic tune or arrange a striptease evening to surprise him and set him up for sex. You can play strip with your loved one, this should excite him. For shy girls, you can come up with other entertainment, watch a movie or have a heart-to-heart talk on the most intimate topics. Tell him a spicy story, imagine that you are left alone on a desert island.

Beautifully decorate the table with heart-shaped candles:

Prepare sushi and rolls with your own hands to surprise your loved one:

If both of you are not gourmets, then it is better to cook a familiar and favorite dish for the two of you.

It doesn't matter how long you've been together - two months or two years, it's important how you've been together so far. Of course, time plays a big role in the development of relationships, very often it also destroys them. And if you just want to, and even time will play into your hands - the relationship will move into a new stage, grow up, get stronger ... But in order to build a solid home in the future, today you need to pour a quality foundation ...

How satisfied are you with the level of your relationship today? Just be honest? How do you spend your total time? Standard scheme: dinner - computer - bye? Is it like Groundhog Day? What about for entertainment? Joint grocery shopping at the hypermarket and visiting parents? I propose to remember how everything happened at the beginning of your relationship and ... come up with something new! Don't let your feelings get stagnant and moldy! Make time for just the two of you. Remember? "And let the whole world wait!".

And here are a couple of tips on where to start and how to arrange the perfect evening for two. But first, understand that you are not the director of the play, and your loved one is not one of the members of the theater corps. He also has his own plans and, in the end, his own ideas about the “perfect evening”. Don't put him before the fact. To avoid embarrassing moments, warn your man in advance about the upcoming celebration. You do not need to lay out all the cards, just ask him to be at home on time and free this evening from any plans.

1.Foam party

Do you think that in the bathroom you can only wash your hands and brush your teeth? As practice shows, this is a wonderful place for a romantic evening. But in order for it to take place in accordance with all the rules, you need to work a little: first, remove all dirty linen from the bathroom, pieces of unlathered soap, toothpaste packages, and so on. Then place candles all over the room, light a bergamot and sandalwood aroma lamp, fill the bathroom with water, throw some sea salt into it, add a cup of honey and milk. Bring a small chair and put a tray and a bowl of fruit on it. Do not forget about a bottle of champagne, two glasses and pleasant music. And then - it's just your own business.

2.Body art

How do you like the idea of ​​having a painting evening? Only instead of canvases there will be both of you. To get started, purchase special paints for body art. Don't worry, they are hypoallergenic and wash off with warm water without any problems. Choose the theme yourself - it will be exotic plants or leopard-like coloring. Pay attention to every part of your beloved body and believe me, you will have unforgettable impressions and pleasant memories.

3. Evening in a cabaret

Weak to master the dance in the style of a cabaret? Not? Then buy an entourage: a fan with feathers, a pink top hat, a boa, lace ... Watch Dita Von Teese's performances and you will have a lot of your own ideas. The main thing is not to overact, to be as natural as possible and you are guaranteed applause. And most importantly - your man will be very, very surprised!

4.Pajama party

We were all small. Why not give each other another pleasant evening of serene childhood? Dress up in funny pajamas, buy sweets (ideally a big delicious cake), make two large cups of cocoa, get under the covers, turn on your favorite cartoons. You can arrange pillow fights, read fairy tales to each other. Try to solve a puzzle, play monopoly or chess.

5.Competition for the best chef

Any joint activity brings together, and cooking dinner or lunch is no exception. Does your man enjoy eating everything you cook? Have you ever tried what he can cook? Not? But in Europe, only men are considered the best chefs! Arrange a cooking competition, for example ... scrambled eggs! And if you want to fool around, try making sushi rolls or a cake together. And then - a bottle of wine, heart-to-heart conversations while waiting for the “dough to rise”, memories ...

6. Theme party

Why can a birthday or New Year be once a year? What is today's date? Doesn't matter! It's time to celebrate, for example, Halloween. Or arrange a Brazilian carnival. Or Valentine's Day. There are no restrictions. Did you not like how you celebrated your 14th birthday? It can be fixed today! And even if someone considers you crazy, know that happiness has always been close to madness!

7.Show of intellectuals

A small competition always excites and warms up. Especially if it's a competition between two lovers. Chess or checkers? Wish cards? Scrabble or monopoly? Sea battle? Tic-tac-toe? Come up with prizes for the winner, take all sorts of goodies with you, laugh a lot and the evening will be guaranteed to be unforgettable.

8. Dance

How long have you been dancing? No, not at a disco, not at Aunt Shura's birthday party, but when you were alone? Never? Have yourself a dance party. Topics can be very different - from jazz to Argentine tango. Don't forget about costumes - for once you get the opportunity to appear before your beloved man in your most unusual evening dress! When was the last time you saw him in a suit? Or at least pants and a shirt? Fill your playlist with beautiful music, look up a couple of tango or samba lessons on the Internet, put on something very seductive and go!

9. Foray into nature

If you have the opportunity to go somewhere for the whole weekend - and do not think, go. Dig around on the Internet - there are a lot of historical places around your city. And besides the historical ones, there are just an uncountable number of beautiful landscapes, lakes, parks, reserves. Near big cities there is always some kind of ostrich farm or banana plantation. If you can't set aside an entire weekend for yourself, set aside at least one evening. Take blankets, a picnic basket, find a beautiful and quiet place, build a fire, make grilled vegetables, a traditional barbecue. Indeed, in order to have a good time, it is not necessary to gather a large company, just the two of you are enough! Alternatively, after work, wrap up in the nearest park. Turn off your phones, forget about all the problems that are bothering you at the moment, buy a huge bun and go feed the ducks or pigeons. Buy some souvenir for your loved one for no reason, or present him with a hand-made postcard ... Surprise him, make him happy, show that despite the time you spent together and the dreary life, you love him madly! Take an album with your photos with you. Remember the most pleasant moments - your joint attacks, your victories, your anniversaries, your happy life. And laugh more!

10. Message in a bottle

Write yourself a letter to the future. Arrange an impromptu evening: a delicious dinner, candles and an empty bottle in which you will then put your secret message. What are you dreaming about? What would you like to get in five years? What are you striving for? What would you like to lose and what would you like to gain? Maybe you put in some small souvenir, a photograph (taken today), a puzzle, a newspaper clipping - it will only be your secret. You can write not a general letter, but two messages addressed to each other. Dream up! And then hide the bottle with the letter in the house, bury it in the forest, park or take it to your friends in the country. Most importantly, do not forget to dig it out after a year or two or three!

11. In search of treasure

Hide a surprise for your soulmate somewhere in ... a park, in a garden, at home, in a forest. And give him a map with a detailed route. Let him come across all sorts of surprises on the way, hidden somewhere in the grass, mailboxes, under rugs ... Be creative!

12. Romantic evening and football

This option is ideal for those whose men are crazy about football. Serve a table near the TV in black and white (it’s good if you find “football” dishes and napkins). As snacks, you can cook something that imitates football accessories: balls, flags of playing teams, a football field ... Make cheese balls and decorate them with black olive stripes - there you have the balls. Pizza is also very good, especially if your man is a Milan fan.

Of great importance is the form in which you meet your fan. For a real fan, a scarf and a T-shirt of your favorite team, a puffy skirt of a girl from a cheerleading group, will do. I don’t know if you will watch the match to the end, but the impressions from it will still be the same!

Finally, I will say that the list of such evenings can go on and on - everything is in your hands!

One day, after spending ordinary family gatherings at the TV, having swallowed an ordinary dinner, you begin to think that it would be nice to diversify your life and at least for one evening immerse yourself in the atmosphere of something unusual, wonderful, surrounded. And so that all this routine of family or office fuss does not allow you to forget about the main thing, that you are a woman, you have the idea to arrange a surprise for your loved one - an unforgettable romantic evening for two.

Evening without a reason, just like that - you and he, "and let the whole world wait"! An evening that will allow you to take a fresh look at each other, stir up all the charm of the old relationship and will remain in your memory for many years.
Of course, there are many ideas for, tried and tested and original, unexpected and absolutely crazy. But now our goal is to come up with and organize a rendezvous that would become a real love adventure at home, so to speak, turn life into a fairy tale. The idea was born, we proceed to the implementation. Let's start with thorough preparation.

How to have a romantic evening for two

1. Choose a topic;

Candles on the table and a more or less non-everyday dinner will not suit us, will we? Or a beat-up spa party in a rose petal bath? Not! We need a holiday concept that can amaze our soul mate, lead to joyful amazement and return to the world of children's fantasies;

2. Choose an entourage that matches the theme;

3. Draw up a dinner menu, on the same terms;

4. Come up with a "highlight" of the evening - an unusual performance.

So, topic.

The theme of the evening depends, first of all, on the preferences of your boyfriend / husband. Who, if not you, knows what interests him, why he "fans", what he dreams about.

Likes to relax in nature? Here's the first topic for you:

Romantic Picnic Party

(Especially true in rainy weather or winter cold).


  • a green soft blanket on the floor, and ideally a rug that imitates a lawn;
  • two camping sun loungers (if it is difficult to sit on the floor);
  • candles with the scent of forest herbs and flowers;
  • indoor plants decorated with garlands of green bulbs or floor lamps with a green filter;
  • sounds of wildlife or thematic video (forest, sea, mountains);
  • picnic basket.


Fill a picnic basket with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Don't forget dry wine. For hot - grilled meat or fish will be an ideal choice, and if it is possible to place an electric grill or barbecue on the balcony and cook meals in the evening, the imitation of a trip to the forest / to the seashore will be perfect.

What to wear:


  • flying carpet bright carpet or a few colorful rugs;
  • many bright pillows;
  • imitation of a canopy from tulle;
  • oriental candlesticks or lamps;
  • aroma candles with incense;
  • hookah.

Arrange a tent from an oriental fairy tale at home, comfortably scattering pillows and placing dishes and sweets on trays. Turn on intoxicating oriental music. Light candles and incense by dimming the lights. Let your loved one feel like a sultan for a while, like this:


Exotic fruits, oriental sweets (sorbet, Turkish delight, baklava, etc.) You can cook hot pasties or pasties. From drinks - white grape wine or, universal for such evenings, champagne, as well as oriental tea, served in a special service.
The highlight of the evening can be a fruit hookah.

What to wear:

Here you have to try with a suit. Dress up like a Shemakhan queen, do not neglect jewelry and make-up. Dress the man in a silk oriental robe.

How to spend time:

The traditional belly dance that you will learn and perform personally for him will be an unforgettable gift.

In addition to the Eastern, a romantic evening of an ethnic direction can be in the Japanese or Spanish style with all the ensuing attributes.

Is your husband/boyfriend a science fiction fan? How do you like this:

Romantic evening for two "fantastic starship"


  • mirror ball;
  • a spinning projector of the starry sky;
  • silver fabric;
  • foil;
  • various electronic gadgets;
  • garlands of light bulbs.

Create a spaceship cockpit at home by making portholes out of cardboard and decorating them with foil. You can also cut out stars from it to decorate walls and ceilings. Drape the furniture and table with a silver fabric. Choose soundtracks from your favorite science fiction films. Hang out the garlands and disco balls, turn on the projector, and let the lighting in the room be limited to this. Scatter gadgets, simulate a "remote control" using a keyboard, etc.


Prepare a "cosmic" buffet - sandwiches and cookies in the shape of stars, bright unusual packaging. And if you come up with the option of "food from tubes" - the imitation will be perfect. From drinks - cocktails of the most unusual "bubbling" combinations. Molecular cuisine works well, if possible.

What to wear:

An alien costume designed by your imagination (the options are endless - from a T-shirt with fluorescent paint to a spacesuit).

How to spend time:

You can arrange a space photo session using all the scenery, come up with a quiz on the theme of space, arrange a retrospective of your favorite science fiction films. And if you are lucky enough to get a telescope (!) - give him an unforgettable tour of the starry sky from the balcony.

And another interesting topic dedicated to detective fans:

Romantic evening for two in the style of spies


  • spy tools - a magnifying glass, master keys/keys, a miniature camera, a cipher, black glasses, dossiers, false documents, etc.;
  • spy movie posters;
  • fireplace or fireplace video screensaver

Draw a mysterious, mysterious atmosphere in the room, such as shadows on the walls, using a flashlight or spotlight. A good addition would be a fireplace with fire or its imitation video screensaver. Come up with a quest in the style of "12 notes",

Create a special cipher stencil (Cardano lattice) and encrypt the main message-invitation to dinner with it. Then hide the cipher, and indicate the path to it with hint notes, each of which leads to the next one, and so on until the cipher stencil

using a magnifying glass (small print), master keys (a box with a lock), negatives, and the like. Use music from spy pictures as background music.
When your "detective" finally finds and deciphers the message, you can start the "spy dinner".


Dishes can be anything, but let the cimus be in the name - the Mission Impossible salad, the Motley Ribbon roast, the Main Evidence dessert, etc. Drinks also need to be beaten thematically.

What to wear:

An evening dress in the style of "Bond girls", as an option, and a tuxedo for the husband. However, the choice is yours.

How to spend time:

Play one more quest, this time with erotic overtones, for example - we are adults and we perfectly understand what kind of ending awaits the couple after this kind of evenings.

Treasure the romance of relationships, treat yourself to joint themed dinners, romantic evenings for two, where there will be no limit to fantasy and love. Conduct them in an original and inventive way, using respect for the interests of your chosen one, do not hesitate to experiment with the implementation of ideas.

There is so much unnecessary fuss, stress and constant intense “races” in the life of a modern person that there is absolutely no free time left to communicate with loved ones. However, no matter how much life “drives” us, and no matter how responsible the work is, it is imperative to find time to communicate with your loved ones.

In order to have a good time, you don’t need much, you can just arrange a pleasant evening for two.

To do this, you do not need to come up with any special occasion, wait for a holiday, weekend or anniversary of an important event, because you can please your loved one at any time.

How to make a romantic evening for a loved one? The most important thing is that the preparation was carried out in secret, and as a result, a very pleasant surprise was obtained, which the partner will remember for a long time.

Periodic holding of romantic evenings together will bring partners even closer, allow you to experience a vivid feeling of love again, as at the very beginning of a relationship, and bring a spark to the relationship.

How to make a beautiful romantic evening: preparation

Don't know how to make a romantic evening for a guy or a girl?

It is recommended to start preparing a romantic evening for two with the preliminary planning of this important event.

So, planning should happen in this order:

We choose the time and day, and at the same time decide what kind of event it will be - a full dinner, a light dinner before bedtime, or maybe just a dessert.

Of course, it is best to plan a romantic dinner on Friday or Saturday evening, so that, in addition to the question of how to make a romantic evening at home, you don’t have to puzzle over how to survive the next working day in a state of lack of sleep.

Next, you should decide on the main concept of the event, choose a theme and present the desired atmosphere in all colors and details. At the same time, it is important whether there is any reason for the evening of the chosen theme, and whether it will be appropriate at this particular moment in the life of your loved one.

In accordance with the chosen concept of the event, we determine exactly where everything will take place.

You can make a romantic evening, both at home and outside its walls.

For example, it can be a romantic meeting in the courtyard of the house, on the roof of a high-rise building, in a clearing in the forest, or in a hotel suite.

However, the easiest way, of course, is to organize everything at home: in the living room, bathroom, bedroom or kitchen.

We are preparing an entourage corresponding to the theme of the evening.

How to make a beautiful romantic evening that will be remembered for a lifetime? Pick the right environment!

Decor, lighting, candles, table setting, your outfit - everything should be thought out to the smallest detail.

Let's move on to compiling a romantic menu. It is important to consider that those chosen for a romantic pastime should be light, so the menu should contain as little fat and flour as possible.

When preparing dishes yourself, you need to give preference to those that are prepared as easily and quickly as possible.

If your plans include an intimate continuation of the evening, which can smoothly turn into breakfast, include aphrodisiac products in the menu - strawberries, spices, shrimp, asparagus, anise, oysters, dates, vanilla, etc.

How to make a romantic evening unforgettable and as relaxed as possible? After preparing the menu, you need to start choosing the right drinks. Drinking strong drinks is highly undesirable.

A delicious liquor is acceptable, but wines, including champagnes, are most preferred. If desired, you can make your own low-alcohol cocktails.

We choose music for a romantic evening in accordance with what kind of atmosphere you need to create. It is recommended to prepare two sets of music at once, i.e. create two different playlists - one for dinner itself, and the second for its intimate continuation.

How to make a romantic evening is shown in the photo below:

Guided by such tips, everyone can make a pleasant surprise for a loved one.

In addition, in the process of carefully considering how to make a romantic evening for your loved one at home, you must definitely remember to prepare your outfit. So that later at the last minute, when the table is already set, the room is decorated accordingly, so as not to rush around the house in search of suitable clothes.

By sticking to this standard plan, anyone can make a nice romantic surprise for their loved one. Bringing something new, individual and original to this plan, you can make every romantic date unforgettable and bright.

To better understand how to make a romantic evening, the video below will help:

How to make a romantic evening for a boyfriend or husband at home: ideas

How to make a guy a romantic evening, which you will remember for a very long time? There are many ideas for a romantic getaway at home.

Here are the most popular ones:

It can be a so-called classic romantic dinner, with a beautifully romantic table set in the living room (bedroom, kitchen), traditional light snacks, a hot dish and dessert.

Among drinks, preference is given to wine and champagne. The room should be twilight and pleasant and relaxing music should sound, which at the right time can become exciting.

Outfits for such an evening must certainly be classic, for a woman a dress, and for a man a shirt and trousers.

If your life is full of stress, relaxing in the bathroom is a great option for a romantic evening.

How to make your husband a romantic evening at home in the bathroom? To do this, you need to create perfect cleanliness in the bathroom, stock up on floating candles in glassware (they need to be placed on the floor), small flower bouquets that adorn all kinds of shelves.

To add to the water, you will need rose petals and aromatic oils (aphrodisiacs can be used). Directly near the bathroom you need to put thick candles. In addition, not far from the bathroom, you need to place a small table with snacks on skewers and drinks, preferably champagne.

If you want to diversify your usual diet, you can arrange an ethnic romantic evening, for example, a Japanese romantic dinner.

The photos below will help you better understand how to make an ethnic romantic evening for your loved one:

You need to pick up beautiful Japanese music, decorate the room with Japanese fans or sakura branches, light incense sticks. Sushi and light sandwiches with caviar are an ideal option for snacks; baked fish can be used as a hot dish.

Such ethnic evenings can be done in any style - Indian, Arabic, Spanish or even Mexican.

Have you thought about how you can make a romantic evening for a guy and are worried that nothing will work out for you?

The tips below will help you get it right:

  • If you doubt your culinary skills or simply do not like to cook, it is better to order food in a restaurant. It will be much safer than serving your loved one with incomprehensibly twisted rolls or a raw chop cooked on your own;
  • In order to cover the whole apartment with rose petals, it is not at all necessary to buy a large bouquet and gut it into petals. Flower shops sell rose petals that have already begun to wither;
  • Of course, you can simply invite your loved one to your home at the appointed time, but if this is a girl, then it is best to send a taxi for her;
  • If you decide to arrange a theme night and do not want to show all the cards, just tell your loved one that today you wanted to see him in one or another clothes.

Important point! If a man arranges a romantic dinner, then at the end of it or in the process, he simply obliges him to give the girl at least a small and not particularly expensive present.

How to make a pleasant romantic evening for your loved one at home, you can see in the photo below:

In the daily hustle and bustle, often the feelings between lovers begin to fade. More recently, you were the most in love and happy couple, kissing on every corner, and now your relationship has become more like a habit.

Previously, you walked in pairs, went to restaurants, movies, and now your trips are limited to the local supermarket. Any couple dreams of bringing back the old feelings. Currently, it is mostly men who arrange romantic evenings for their halves. But many girls would also like to know how to create an evening for their man, which he will not forget for a very long time.

A properly organized romantic evening is a great way to bring back the former strength of a fading passion.

I think we need to start with the differences in the understanding of a romantic dinner by a man and a woman. For girls, the opportunity to show off in their formal attire is of great importance, while men, on the contrary, are not always happy when they are forced to wear strict tailcoats and tuxedos. They prefer cozy home clothes. The girl dreams of cooking and tasting more exotic dishes with intriguing names at dinner, but for the guy, it’s enough to eat hearty and delicious. You like to dance to light pleasant music, while the majority of the male population just wants to relax after dinner, get away from everyday worries while watching TV with a bottle of beer.

It is important that your efforts match his expectations.

Girls, pronouncing "romantic evening", mean by these words pleasant conversations over a glass of wine, champagne or other light drink, slow dancing and light flirting. For a guy, this concept means more hope for a stormy night than heart-to-heart talk and exotic food.

Here are some tips on how to arrange a romantic dinner for a guy, and not for yourself.

First, you should not wear a dress that reaches straight to the heels. You can wear beautiful underwear that will hint to the guy on a stormy continuation of the evening. Your relaxed look will help the guy feel more confident and not look ridiculous in home clothes, instead of a classic tuxedo.

Beautiful underwear on you will allow him to relax faster than an expensive evening dress.

Secondly, the food on the table should be hearty and tasty, and most importantly, familiar to your loved one. Even if your boyfriend's choice is something as heavy as hamburgers, french fries, fried chicken, or Olivier salad. By the way, meat must be present on the menu, unless, of course, you and your young man are not vegetarians.

Remember, food on the table should not be in excess. Excessive saturation can relax your man too much, and he will simply fall asleep on the couch. And that's not really what you're after, is it?

Choose the food he likes. Leave the frills for another occasion.

Thirdly, you need to choose the right alcoholic beverages, but always with acceptable quantities. Red wine is more suitable for meat dishes, and fish products are more combined with white. You should give up beer so as not to spoil a romantic evening.

Fourthly, if you and your boyfriend do not yet live together, and you do not have a free apartment for your dinner, then you can rent a room or apartment.

If you follow the tips described above, then your man will forgive you even candles, flowers and romantic music, but still you should not count on dancing. After dinner, you can move on to watching romantic movies together.

The final part of the evening takes you from the dining area to the bedroom. There you can take with you not only passion, but also small snacks and drinks, suddenly come in handy. For "dessert" girls are encouraged to dance an erotic dance for their man. Seductive movements in subdued light your loved one will remember for a long time. Oriental dances are more suitable for such a case. In it you will demonstrate all your flexibility, plasticity and ability to transform.

Remember that the external environment is more likely to excite you. For him, the essence of the event is important.

A romantic evening is best scheduled for days after which none of you will need to get up for work or school. Fridays and Saturdays are the most suitable for this. The next morning, after a wonderful dinner, you can relax a little in bed, without hurrying anywhere and without jumping up. And let him open his eyes and find out in which you write a tender declaration of love. And it doesn’t matter if you are at that moment sweetly napping nearby or already conjuring over breakfast. Your care will certainly cause a surge of positive emotions in him. In general, go for it, dear ladies!
