How to congratulate the Blessed Virgin Mary on the feast of the Nativity. Congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in prose

Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Let joy come into your life
Let your heart be filled with love
And the dreams all rise up.
Let peace and happiness settle in the house,
Understanding will be in the family.
Let the family share a smile.
We wish you all the best on earth!

We are happy to congratulate all Christians
Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin.
On this joyful day we will praise
Those who pray so sincerely in the Church.
May faith live in your hearts
Illuminating your glorious path of life.
May the doors of happiness open for you,
For your glorious impeccable path!

Once upon a time, many years ago
The girl Mary appeared to the world.
Everyone was so happy with her birth,
Especially, of course, all relatives.
On that day, by her coming into the world, she
Illuminated everything around me.
Passed all the tests in full,
And gave people faith in happiness.

On the birthday of the Virgin Mary,
So I want to wish everyone
For any wishes to come true
As long as you don't get tired of dreaming.
May goodness fill your soul
To avoid pain and trouble.
Let the house always be a full bowl,
And there will be sunshine in the soul!

Grace descended on earth
On the glorious birthday of Mary.
The whole world congratulated father and mother,
That gave everyone great hopes.
Maria grew up and good,
She rewarded everyone so generously.
Joy, care and warmth
All those who were in such need were bestowed.

Great feast of Christmas
At the Virgin Mary.
Let the words come true
All those who pray for happiness.
Let the thoughts be pure
For every one who asks.
I wish you all the best
And real happiness!

If you sincerely pray
Then your dream will come true.
And such days will come in life,
Like the Virgin Mary.
Let goodness only illuminate the soul,
The heart continues to rejoice
Let the soul work tirelessly
To be happy all the time!

Once there were Anna and Joachim,
Lovers are so young.
They used to come to church all the time
And they asked the Lord for a child.
Prayers that went to him day and night,
The Creator heard, gave them a daughter.
A miracle happened to Mary at Christmas.
Pray, ask. And you will have everything!

In September, the Day of the Holy Mother of God
All of you are happy to celebrate together.
May your homes be filled with happiness
May love and joy live in them.
May all days be peaceful, clear,
Your souls are filled with warmth.
Let the children grow up beautiful
And don't forget your parents!

May grace fill your soul
Let evil and grief not destroy the heart,
May the feast of the Mother of God be beautiful,
Your home shines with pure, bright happiness!
I wish you success and health,
Share sincere love with people,
And wish your neighbors only health,
Create a beautiful world around you!

Sometimes miracles happen
When heaven gives us happiness.
And it already happened once
When Mary the Virgin was born.
She came to warm us with warmth,
And she rewarded everyone with her goodness.
May you have her birthday
Any dreams come true now!

You are on the feast of the Holy Mother of God,
For great joy, open yourself!
Let love reign in your soul
So that all dreams come true again and again.
I wish you all the blessings of the earth,
And live not for yourself, but for others.
And bring goodness and light into this world,
So that every moment brings happiness!

Celebrated on September 21st. Be sure to send congratulatory SMS to family and friends or congratulate them personally. In this article, you can find congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in prose, which you can send to all your friends via SMS.

Beautiful congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On September 21, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated. I wish that on this holiday your heart is filled with joy, and your soul with peace. I wish you family well-being, happiness and success in all our affairs.

I congratulate you on the great Orthodox holiday. Let the greatness and purity of this holiday give you joy and happiness, and let faith only become sincere and stronger. I wish that in life there is always a place for big and small miracles.

Congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary! For every orthodox Christian, this is a bright, joyful and great holiday. I wish you that on this bright holiday your heart overflows with happiness and faith.

Today, every Orthodox person celebrates the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. Let children's laughter, festive toasts, congratulations to relatives and friends sound in every home today. Good luck and only joyful and happy moments.

I congratulate you on a wonderful Orthodox holiday. Let there always be peace and faith in the soul, and there will be no place for anger and disappointment in the heart. After all, the Mother of God patronizes those who bring kindness, love and joy.

Today we celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this holiday, it is customary to attend church, pray, rejoice and gather with relatives and family. I wish you that only your loved ones and relatives will gather at today's festive table. Let it be as fun and sincere as today's holiday will be held every evening in your home.

Congratulations on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: SMS

Congratulations on the great Orthodox holiday. May all your most cherished dreams and desires come true on this day. I wish you creative success, good luck in your work and personal life, peace and kindness.

I congratulate you on the day when the Most Holy Theotokos appeared in the world, who is our heavenly protector. Let her always protect you and your family from evil, adversity and misunderstanding.

Please accept my congratulations on this wonderful holiday! May there be peace, love and understanding in your home. I wish that adversity bypassed, and in life there was always time for small joys.

I congratulate you on this great Orthodox holiday. Let luck always accompany love, let it bring good income and moral satisfaction to work. I wish you that life brings only pleasant and joyful moments.

For every believer, the Nativity of the Virgin is a bright holiday. I wish you on this day to feel the kindness and love of others. May success and good fortune always accompany you, and may life bring real miracles.

A bright holiday is approaching - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Congratulations in prose for relatives, parents and friends is a great opportunity to say warm and kind words to all your friends. Therefore, be sure to send congratulatory words via SMS, e-mail or just in a telephone conversation.

I congratulate you today.
May there be health and strength
May the family be happy.

Let the Queen of Heaven keep
From troubles and despondency, from quarrels.
Let it be filled with light
Beautiful, worthy of your home.

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Nativity of the Blessed Virgin,
I congratulate you on the holiday
May Mary always keep you
Let it save you in adversity more than once.

Let him hide from pain and sorrow
Maternal, cozy warmth,
May it fill you with love and joy
Your soul, heart and home.

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Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin,
May she be with you forever
Let sorrows and sorrows disappear
And love will reign in the soul.

May the Mother of God keep you
And always gives health
Let it cover with the warmth of grace,
Giving life without worries and hassles!

4 sms - 248 characters

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on this wonderful holy holiday! I wish you peace of mind, family harmony, strong love and good intentions! May the Blessed Virgin Mary protect you and your loved ones!

3 sms - 193 characters

Today is a bright holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you lightness and a holiday in your soul, family happiness, love and trust, right life decisions, honesty, good nature and mercy.

4 sms - 218 characters

Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary! I wish that prayers to God be heard, that a miracle happens every day, that the Lord extends a helping hand in a moment of hardship, and an angel stands behind your shoulder in moments of joy.

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Merry Christmas
I congratulate you with all my heart!
Let her take care of you
So that troubles pass by!

Only peace, health, good luck
I wish you at this hour
And great prosperity in addition,
And happy, shining eyes!

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Merry Christmas
I congratulate you today
May Mary keep you from sorrows,
May the family be happy.

I wish you peace and joy
Mercy, warmth in the heart,
The Mother of God surrounds with joy
And will give you a lot of good.

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The sky lit up with radiance -
On this day, the Mother of God was born!
Happy holiday to everyone,
Peace, good health.
We live with her image
We carry faith in our hearts.
Take care of our souls
Save and save us!

3 sms - 193 characters

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
May our hearts be filled with happiness
May grace come down to us from heaven,
Faith will save sinful souls.

To the Mother of God Virgin Mary
We turn our prayers
We ask that her kindness, strength
Saved us, saved and forgave us.

4 sms - 249 characters

The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated annually by Orthodox Christians. September 21, and Catholics - 8 September. This is a bright holiday that tells about the amazing birth of the Mother of Jesus Christ. Is it possible to call the birth of the Virgin Mary an accidental event and attribute it to a simple coincidence? After all, so little is known about the earthly life of the Virgin Mary before the birth of Jesus Christ. There is also practically no information about her parents Anna and Joseph.
The family of the righteous from Jerusalem could not conceive a child and suffered greatly from the lack of children. In complete despair, the father of the family, Joseph, went to the desert, where, in complete solitude, he prayed to the Almighty with a request to give him a child. Anna stayed at home, also completely devoting herself to reading prayers. At the same time, angels descended to them and brought good news. The messengers of Heaven foreshadowed the birth of a child who would have to fulfill a special mission. Having reunited, loving hearts knew no bounds to their happiness, and soon an amazing girl was born, who was to become the earthly mother of the Savior. The parents made a vow before the Almighty that the girl's life would be completely devoted to serving God. This event was predetermined in Heaven, and the pious couple was not chosen by chance.
The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary has a special meaning in the history of Christianity, and this must be remembered. On this day, all believers pay tribute to the human Intercessor. Congratulate your loved ones and friends on this bright holiday. Here you can choose wonderful congratulations with beautiful postcards and good wishes in verse and prose.

I, Mother of God, pray to you:
keep the people I love!

The Blessed Virgin was born
Mercy to pour out on us,
To give the world a Son
And show salvation to the suffering!
She became a mother to the world,
To expel adversity and sorrow.
Pray in gratitude to Her,
Mother protector!
May she heal the hearts of wounds,
Souls will become the main guard
From sinful and unkind thoughts!
May She cleanse us of filth!

I pray to You, Holy Mother of God!
Send love and grace to your friends!
Let the house be filled with comfort and prosperity,
So that you don’t know illnesses, troubles and bitterness!
Take care of the family with divine caress
And surround all loved ones with attention,
So that their life was a beautiful fairy tale,
Where there is no pain, trouble and lies!
May it be covered with hope and faith
Their path to happiness, prosperity, goodness!
May cherished dreams always come true
To make life like magic!

Let the soul be filled with bright faith!
You - love, kindness and patience!
So that all doubts are gone!
So that beautiful happiness shines on you,
It would not be a bad time!
And healthy so that all loved ones are
The sun would warm!

This feast of the beginning has begun!
The people believe sacredly, pray quietly,
So that the Lord sends to everyone on this day:
And patience, and goodness, and joy,
And the great secret of love...
The devil himself - a prankster and a dirty trick -
Runs away, than the demon angers.
The darkness will dissipate, the pain will go away -
The Mother of God is coming to the people!

We generously send you all congratulations!
Beautiful wishes, as usual,
Let's make a colorful wreath!
Let the good wondrous come true!
Let dreams rise with the dawn!
Daily hard work
Let the soul for your beauty!
More light, love, adoration
And the heavenly miracle of radiance!

Today is a bright holiday - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you lightness and a holiday in your soul, family happiness, love and trust, right life decisions, honesty, good nature and mercy! May the Most Holy Theotokos keep you under her roof and protect you from all sorrows and illnesses!

Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
May she be with you forever!
Let sorrows and sorrows disappear
And peace will reign in the soul!
May the Mother of God keep you
Spiritual strength always gives!
Let it cover with the warmth of grace,
Protecting from storms and adversity!

In the heart so warm and wonderful,
Like soft two wings
Embrace, protect
Goddess of work.
Holy Mother of Light
Let love reward
On this New Year's holiday
The soul will be illuminated with happiness!

Merry Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
How beautiful life theory!
We are happy for Anna and Joseph -
There is a place in history for miracles!
May goodness live in your heart
And love will never leave!
The one who believes and sincerely waits,
He will find his Happiness in the desert!

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary -
This holiday is filled with love!
I congratulate you on him and wish
So that the Angel clings to the headboard!

Merry Christmas
Congratulations to the Orthodox people!
I wish you patience and joy,
So that everything turns out nicely in life!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos! I wish you a bright and kind path through life, on which you will meet only good people! May every day bring grace and peace! I wish you pure and good thoughts, with which you will make your life happier and more joyful! May the Most Holy Theotokos protect from hardship and trouble!

Yes, it's Christmas
But not in January...
Virgin Mary
Day today in the yard!
The hour will be grateful
What brought her into this world!
Let's sing it all together
Let's have a great feast!

Christmas today is unusual -
Feast of the Holy Mother of God!
May your luck be personal
Joy does not pass by!
May all prayers be answered
Let love fill your heart suddenly!
Believe in a miracle, believe in higher powers
And in the warmth of holy magical hands!

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.
Warm, sunny September day.
In the temples of the Lord, the motherland prays,
And all hearts burn with love.
You, Mary, are like a radiant morning,
And quiet, and clear, and pure!
And the path lay golden
For the birth of Jesus Christ...

We are the birth of the Virgin Mary
Today we celebrate not in vain,
You accept, my dear,
Congratulations on that from me!
I wish you great health
And from the heart - all the best to you,
So that nothing bad happens,
You didn't have to worry!

On a clear day autumn leaves
The wind will lift up in an instant,
Virgin Mary
Folding the face in the sky.
Hail, Holy Virgin!
Hail, Joyful Mother!
In Your honor, as in spring May,
The sun will shine!

On the beautiful Day of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, I want to congratulate all true Christians! May the fire of hope for a bright and righteous future always burn in your souls! May your homes be illuminated with light, and the Mother of God always helps you find the right path to your happiness!

On this day a miracle happened
In Nazareth, with the family:
Incarnation appeared
Faith, Light and Love!
The one who became holy
In the sinful world then came
And with a beautiful soul
She brought the world with her.
Nativity of Saint Mary ‒
That is the beginning of all beginnings,
So that everyone sacredly believes
The voice of the heart was not silent!

Holy Mother of God
On this day, she came into our world.
We know how difficult
She has walked a path in her life.
Be just as patient
And bring joy to the house!
Mary the Virgin was born
We repay her for the Son!
So that your families also
That grace has descended!
Let us now humbly
Waiting for Christmas!

Congratulations on the bright holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary! May the purity and light of this holiday fill your soul with grace, and may your faith be sincere and strong, and then real miracles will certainly happen in your life!

The holiday is coming - Christmas
Mother of God Great, Most Holy!
So celebrate this celebration
So that happiness is only with you!
And I also want to wish
On a special day of fabulous miracles:
Do not be sad forever, do not lose heart,
Reason for sadness to disappear!

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary -
The holiday is bright, great and joyful!
In honor of the most worthy birthday girl
Bell ringing is heard blissful!
Congratulations on this holiday!
Let faith live in your soul!
I wish you great happiness!
May you always be lucky in everything!

On the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
We would like to wish you
So that, like Anna and Joseph,
God could hear you.
Giving them a sweet daughter
the twenty-first,
Provided a happy life
And added good to everyone.
May the Mother of God keep
To all who honor this holy day!
May her blessing
Will be with you forever!

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin on September 21, 2017: beautiful animations, poems with the holiday.- a great and bright holiday.

On this day, the Orthodox uplift the Mother of God, who gave the world the Savior. Don't forget to pray to the Virgin Mary.

And you can congratulate your loved ones, read holiday poems. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin on September 21, 2017:, poems with the holiday.

Merry Christmas
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
May all hopes, plans come true,
Live a century without sorrow, need.
On the day of world happiness and joy,
Pray to the Most Holy Heavens.
Rejoice and create without fatigue
The bright world of beauty and kindness.

Congratulations on the Nativity of the Virgin,
Rejoice children, mothers, fathers,
Happy birthday to the great mistress,
The chains of sin at least for a while slept.
This event is not random at all.
After all, she was assigned a very important role,
And let despair come for a moment,
And a terrible pain will seize the heart,
Pray to heaven, crying out with all your soul,
And the Virgin Mary will help us all,
She will not betray, Holy Mary,
You are and you will be, thank heavens.

Congratulations on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary,
Christians celebrate the holiday all over the world,
The temple is open and waiting for the arrival, go with the whole family,
And say a prayer for health out loud.
Mother of God Mary, mother of Jesus,
I pray for you and for your family on this day,
Congratulations to all friends and enemies of the innocent,
So that we always communicate without reproaches and resentment.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin -
This feast of the beginning has begun!
The people believe sacredly, pray quietly,
So that the Lord sends everyone this day
And patience, and goodness, and joy,
And the great secret of love...
The devil himself is a prankster and a dirty trick -
Runs away, than the demon angers.
The darkness will dissipate, the pain will depart,
The Mother of God is coming to the people.

Merry Christmas to the Mother of God!
May wonderful wishes
Bring to your happy home
Understanding and recognition.
I congratulate you sincerely,
And I wish you earthly blessings,
Happiness eternal and magical,
Lots of joy every moment!

Holy Mother of God
Gives people shelter
Protecting from loneliness
The birds are singing again.

Under your cover, keeping us
We would have a refuge from troubles.
We ask every day as we live
Send us light, please!
