Paint for leather jackets. How to paint a leather jacket with special paint

You can add color to a leather product in different ways. We use the most effective one, which allows us to achieve long-term results. To do this, we analyze the damage and select the appropriate method to eliminate defects from the surface of the leather product. Our specialist has extensive experience and unique skills in clothing repair, so you can be sure that your item will be repaired to the highest standard.

Today, the technological capabilities of coloring reagents make it possible to achieve unsurpassed results and give a new look to a leather jacket that has been around for decades. To do this, you need to know the principle of action of the dye and accurately select the color. The capabilities of computer equipment allow us to create a paint color completely identical to the original one. Choosing color accuracy in this way is similar to choosing paint for a car.

What effect do we achieve?

  • persistent and bright color - fatliquoring technology is used for this;
  • long-term result - the use of high-quality dyes allows you to achieve high durability of the coating;
  • elimination of minor and global defects - a set of preparatory measures and precise selection of a method for neutralizing the defect ensures the best result.

We always have excellent results, so our clients know what to answer to their friends when they ask: where to dye a leather jacket in Moscow.

Leather items are elegant, comfortable and always in fashion, it’s not for nothing that many people wear them for more than one year. However, leather clothing has a drawback - even with very careful handling, the paint will rub off over time, especially on the folds, sleeves and collar. This is a completely solvable problem - suitable paint for leather jackets can always be found in specialized stores. And the painting process at home is simple.

Paint for leather jackets gives things a second life.

What paint to paint a leather jacket

Before deciding on the choice of paint, you need to consider that you can only completely change the color to black. Otherwise, the areas of wear will be slightly different in tone. It is better to choose a color as close as possible to your native color.

There are several ways to dye leather, but three are most often used at home.

1. Using liquid dye. It is sold in stores and is intended mainly for restoring leather shoes, but it is also suitable for jackets.

Before applying liquid paint, the jacket must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and wiped with a swab moistened with alcohol to remove grease stains. Lay the jacket on a flat surface so that there are no wrinkles, and apply the paint with a soft sponge. It is important to ensure that the dye is applied evenly and in a thin layer, and in the most damaged areas it can be rubbed in a little.

2. Use of powder dye. Before processing the jacket, dissolve the powder in warm water, pour into a large basin, add a few more liters of water and heat almost to a boil. After the composition has cooled to 40-45°, immerse the jacket in it.

In order for a leather product to stain well, it must be turned over several times. Then remove from the solution, squeeze and rinse in warm and cold water.

This method, on the one hand, ensures more uniform staining. On the other hand, powder dye is usually less durable. But the best paint for a leather jacket is a special aerosol in cans.

How to spray paint a leather jacket

An aerosol is more convenient than liquid or powder dye, and it will be faster to treat your jacket with. In addition, it covers the item with a thin, even layer. However, precautions should be taken when using it.

In addition to gloves, which are also needed for other painting methods, a respirator or gauze bandage is required to prevent the smallest particles of paint from getting into the lungs. You need to be prepared for splashes to fall not only on your jacket, but also on surrounding objects. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out restoration outdoors.

For maximum convenience, it is better to hang the leather product on hangers so that it can be approached from all sides.

After the paint is applied, you need to let it soak into the material for half an hour, and then wipe the jacket with a soft cloth or suede, then the thing will look like new.

There is one more important point. Don't try to paint only damaged areas. It is difficult to select a dye that is completely identical in tone, and the newly painted areas will be noticeable.

These types of ways to update an old leather item seem easy. But if you do not rely on your own accuracy, it is better to take the jacket to a dry cleaner or workshop, where specialists will do the painting.

Leather is a very durable material. But without proper care, and sometimes simply over time, it becomes necessary to renew and paint a leather jacket. Let's find out together how to do this at home with your own hands.


It's quite easy to dye a jacket at home. But before proceeding directly to the dyeing process itself, the product must be properly prepared. Empty all pockets, remove fur parts - then we will clean the skin.

How to clean a leather coat or jacket:

Image Recommendations

Recipe 1. Lemon juice

Dark leather can be wiped with a solution of the juice of half a lemon and water. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting liquid and wipe the entire surface.

Recipe 2. Soap + glycerin
  1. Make a weak soap solution (20 g of soap per 200 ml of water) and add 3 tbsp to it. l. glycerin.
  2. Soak a foam sponge in the solution and wipe the product thoroughly.

Instead of dry soap, you can use liquid soap. In this case, add 3 tablespoons.

Recipe 3. Egg white

Beat one egg white into a stiff foam and rub it over the entire surface of the jacket.

After cleaning, you need to dry your leather jacket at home: carefully hang it on hangers and leave it to dry completely at room temperature.

Coloring methods

Now I’ll tell you how to dye a black leather jacket and brightly colored items. Manufacturers produce a variety of coloring agents. Most convenient for home use:

  • liquid dyes;
  • aerosol dyes;
  • dry dyes.

Price, complexity of the procedure and amount of time are the main differences between the methods. But regardless of the type, the paint must be water-based and not contain toxic ingredients.

How to properly dye a jacket at home using each of the proposed methods?

Method 1. Liquid paint

Using liquid dye makes painting leather jackets very easy. How?

Image Instructions

Step 1

Purchase the necessary paint at the store. A variety of shades of compositions allow you to choose the closest possible color.

To paint a product black or any other color, one bottle may not be enough. Therefore, I recommend taking the product with a reserve.

Step 2

Shake the bottle and pour the liquid into a glass or ceramic container.

Step 3

Lay out the jacket on a flat surface. Place an unnecessary sheet underneath to avoid staining the surface.

The photo shows the appearance of the jacket before dyeing.

Step 4

Soak a foam sponge or brush in the dye and rub it into the material with progressive movements. Try to apply the paint evenly to achieve a uniform tone.

Step 5

Leave the jacket to dry for several hours.

Step 6

Finally, treat the product with a mild soap solution to remove any remaining product.

Painting a leather jacket with liquid dye is considered the easiest to do.

Method 2: Spray paint

Aerosols are, in principle, also easy to use. The only caveat: it’s difficult to update a jacket at home, as you can stain pieces of furniture in the process. Therefore, it is advisable to do coloring outdoors. By the way, this method can be used to paint leather gloves, as well as bags and shoes.

Image Instructions

Step 1

Hang the product on hangers or lay it out on a horizontal surface to avoid wrinkles.

Step 2

Spray the product onto the material from a distance of 15-20 cm.

Step 3

Once the process is complete, leave the jacket on a hanger until the paint is completely dry.

Method 3: Dry paint

Using dry paint you can achieve the longest lasting coloring effect. What do we have to do:

  1. Purchase powder dye in the desired shade.

  1. Soak the leather item in water for 3 hours to soften the leather and soak it in moisture.
  2. Dissolve the powder in warm water, stirring thoroughly so that no lumps remain.
  3. Boil 2 liters. water and pour in the previously prepared coloring mixture.
  4. When the water has cooled to 40 °C, immerse the product in it for 2-3 hours. Turn the jacket over periodically to ensure even dyeing.
  5. Remove the product from the solution and rinse several times in clean water.

  1. Record the result:
  • mix 200 ml of vinegar with 1 tbsp. l. table salt and 1 l. water;
  • Immerse the product in the solution for 30 minutes.
  1. Dry the jacket by hanging it on hangers in a well-ventilated place.


As we found out, there are several ways to dye leather products at home. All of them refresh the color and add shine to leather products. The video in this article will clearly show you how to paint leather products yourself. If you have any questions, I will answer them in the comments.

They simply forget that such products lose their appearance over time. Scuff marks appear and the gloss gradually fades. In any case, deterioration in the appearance of the product cannot be avoided. And this will happen in just a couple of years. After all, the factory paint gradually peels off. So how to make a jacket at home?

Can it be painted?

Every housewife can restore its attractiveness by painting it. There are a lot of options. But there are only two ways. Currently this is done using aerosol or liquid paint.

However, you should not try to change the color of the product. If the jacket is black or gray, then the aerosol should be used in the same tone. Otherwise, the product will be completely damaged. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Special aerosol

So, how to paint a leather jacket at home using spray paint. This method is considered the simplest. To paint, you will need at least several cans of paint of the same shade. According to the instructions, the composition should be applied to the product in the fresh air, and not indoors. Despite this, it is worth wearing protective equipment, for example, a simple mask or a respirator. This will eliminate the possibility of paint getting into the respiratory tract. In addition, it should be remembered that when sprayed, the composition in the can will get on not only the jacket, but also everything that is located nearby. Therefore, surrounding objects can be covered with film or covered with paper. Ordinary cotton gloves will also come in handy. They will protect the skin of your hands.

What to do with the product

Before you start painting, you should prepare the area. Holding the product in your hands and applying the composition to problem areas will not be entirely convenient. If you lay the jacket horizontally, the paint will be distributed unevenly and dry with clearly visible flaws. Therefore, the best option is to hang the product on ordinary hangers.

But that's not all. The product must be hung so that folds do not interfere, and the bottom should not come into contact with the floor. Otherwise the paint will rub off.

How to apply the composition?

Since dyeing a leather jacket at home is not so easy, you should follow some rules. First of all, the product must be cleaned of dirt and, of course, dust. To do this, the surface should be wiped only with a slightly moistened sponge, but not wet. After this, you can spray the contents of the can. This should be done at some distance from the jacket, about 20 centimeters.

Painting leather jackets should be done with extreme care. The composition should be applied evenly over the entire surface. In this case, you need to make sure that no smudges appear. If you cannot avoid them, then you should remove excess paint by lightly touching it with a sponge. When spraying, do not forget about the collar and armpits.

After painting, the product should be left for an hour. During this short period of time, the composition will dry completely. That's it, the jacket is ready for use.

How to use the powder

So, how to dye a leather jacket at home using powder? In addition to the aerosol, any specialized store sells powder. To use it, you must perform a number of steps.

Pour some warm water into the container and add dye powder. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly mixed and strained without fail. This will remove all lumps from the coloring composition. Otherwise, dark spots will appear on the painted trigger, which cannot be removed in the future.

Leather paint - black, brown or white - is easy to prepare. After mixing, you need to pour a few more liters of water into the container. The container with the solution should be boiled and cooled to a temperature of 45 °C. If the solution is hot, the leather product will shrink and then lose its strength and elasticity.

How to prepare a jacket?

The product should be placed in water for several hours before painting. The skin should be well soaked. Otherwise, in those places where the product is poorly moistened, there may be practically unpainted areas. If bubbles appear from the pores of the skin, then the product must still be kept in water.

How to paint?

So, we figured out how to paint a leather jacket. It remains to understand the process of applying the composition. The dye should be poured into a sufficiently large container. The leather jacket should be removed from the water and wrung out, and then placed in the solution. When painting, the product must be turned over regularly. This way the composition will be distributed more evenly.

At the end of the procedure, the product must be removed from the solution and squeezed out, and then rinsed thoroughly. First in warm water, and then in cold water. To help the paint adhere better, you should treat the jacket with a vinegar solution. It is very easy to prepare. You need to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a liter of water and add a glass of vinegar. The product must be placed in the resulting solution, then squeezed out and laid out, skin side up, on a wooden surface to allow the product to dry.

A leather jacket lasts for more than one season. During this time, changes involuntarily occur to it: abrasions appear, a layer of paint is erased in places.
To extend its service life, any leather item, especially a jacket, requires special treatment and care. Systematic cleaning is not always enough; sometimes a more radical action is required - painting.

It is quite possible to restore the shine or refresh the color at home.

We'll tell you how to dye a leather jacket yourself.

Before starting work, assess its scale. This way you will understand exactly what actions you will need.

Types of staining

  • If necessary to eliminate defects in the form of small abrasions, cracks and stains, then you need to apply local painting.
  • Minor scratches you can camouflage with a targeted technique.
  • Complete color change or update necessary, if the skin is burnt and in the sun.

Important! To dye your jacket yourself, purchase a special dye.

Tools for work

Depending on the problem encountered, the following paints are used:

  • liquid;
  • aerosol;
  • powder

The painting procedure is quite complicated. Site preparation and care are required when using chemicals.

At home, it won't take long to restore your favorite clothes to their original appearance. But restoration work can be carried out from time to time. Such dyes are sold in shoe or household chemical stores.
When purchasing a product, you must carefully read the instructions. This way you can determine what type of skin this dye is intended for.

ATTENTION! There are special dyes for nubuck, suede and smooth leather.

Preparing for work

How to prepare an item for painting

Before dyeing, the item must be cleaned of external contaminants..
Keep in mind that once the leather is completely wet, it may shrink in size, become rough, or become deformed. That's why It is advisable to exclude washing, and get by with dry surface cleaning.

  • Wonderful suitable for cleaning shoes or leather furniture.
  • Follow the instructions from the manufacturer on the use of these drugs
  • WITH try to handle the material delicately, since the skin also requires careful treatment.
  • You can wipe the item with soft foam. Rinse the sponge in running water and carefully squeeze out excess moisture.
  • After wet cleaning or chemical treatment be sure to dry the item! Then air the jacket outdoors. Avoid direct sunlight.

Cleaning products

You can also use improvised means for cleaning.

1. Lemon juice.

Dilute lemon juice with water. Soak a cotton pad in an acidic solution. And wipe the entire surface of the thing with it. Such processing suitable for dark skin colors.

2. Soap solution + glycerin.

Prepare a soap solution in a separate container (10 g of soap per 100 ml of water). Add 2 tbsp there. l. glycerin. Rub the product thoroughly with this mixture.
Or use liquid soap. The proportion is as follows: 2 tbsp. l. each ingredient.

3. Egg white.

Take the egg. Separate the white from the yolk. Rub the beaten egg white onto the front side of the jacket..

Preparation of the workplace

Restoration work is underway in a ventilated area. The lighting should be bright.

For work you will need the following materials and tools.

  • Gloves;
  • medical respirator;
  • hangers;
  • newspapers or film;
  • dye.

Protect all areas where paint could accidentally get in. Cover them with newspapers or film.

Hang your jacket on your hangers, button it up, this way you will protect the lining of the item from contamination.

Put on gloves. Don't forget, all dyes are chemical, protect your hands from getting the product.

A medical respirator will protect you from unpleasant odors and possible allergic reactions.

Painting a leather jacket

Work execution algorithm

Start painting from areas that are very worn. Check all parts of the jacket that are most susceptible to this. These include:

  • collar, its outer and inner sides;
  • all external stitching and seams;
  • cuffs;
  • front slats;
  • belt;
  • back.

Then look closely in good lighting at the entire tone of the jacket. For a better visual result, process the product again.

How to use aerosols

The advantage of these dyes is their high covering power. In a short time you can paint a large area of ​​the jacket.

A the downside is that they are quite easily soiled. To prevent aerosol spray from staining surrounding objects, do not forget to protect them and cover them with cellophane. We put gloves on our hands.

Aerosol cans are very easy to use.

  • Place the item on a flat surface, protected with film.
  • Another option: hang on a hanger. This way you can also paint outdoors.
  • Apply spray on the front, then the back surface of the product from a distance of 15–20 centimeters.
  • Be sure to let the dye dry.

How to use powder dyes

The principle of powder dye - radical coloring. It gives a lasting long-lasting effect.
Powder diluted according to instructions, as a result we get paint in a liquid state.

Important! The color of the dye must be close in shade to your jacket.

He It may be darker, but by no means lighter!

Operating procedure

  • Dip the item in warm water in advance. This will help distribute the paint evenly on the skin.
  • Dilute the powder according to the instructions. Stir thoroughly until the powder dissolves without forming lumps.
  • Boil water, pour diluted powder into it.
  • Stir until completely dissolved powder. After this, the coloring composition is ready.
  • Dip the jacket into the solution that has cooled to 40 degrees..
  • The item must be turned over periodically. This is necessary for uniform distribution of the coloring composition.
  • Soak the item in the solution for 2–3 hours.
  • Rinse thoroughly until clean.

The next stage is fixing the paint. To fix the coloring pigment, you need to prepare a special solution. Mix 200 ml of vinegar with 1 tbsp. l. table salt and 1 liter of water. Place the product in the solution. Exposure time 30 minutes.
Then all that remains is to dry the jacket. It is recommended to do this outdoors.

How to use liquid dye

This method is considered the easiest for durable painting.

Buy a special coloring agent. Check (be sure!) the expiration date. Follow the instructions so as not to spoil either the item or your mood.

The choice of shades will allow you to choose the dye of a suitable shade.

Advice! One bottle may not be enough for you, purchase the dye with a reserve.

Be sure to follow the instructions.


  • Shake the mixture. Pour it into a container that can be easily washed from the dye.
  • Place the jacket on a flat surface. Cover the table with film beforehand to prevent it from getting dirty.
  • Dip the brush, foam rubber, or napkin into the color mixture and squeeze out a little.
  • Apply the composition with soft, smooth movements, as if rubbing in the color pigment.
  • For a uniform shade, you can apply a second layer.
  • Let the skin dry.
  • Afterwards, wipe the item with a napkin to remove excess dye.

Repainting a leather jacket

We have offered several options for partially dyeing a leather jacket. These methods will refresh the color and add shine to your favorite item.
Is it possible to completely repaint a jacket at home? Let's look into this issue too.

Possibility to change color at home

Do you want to repaint a leather item and at the same time save your budget? And do this using only your own strength, without resorting to the help of professionals?

You're lucky if your item is black or brown. These are common shades and can easily update this color scheme. Scuffs and burnt areas can also be easily painted over.
If your jacket is light, then dyeing it a darker color can get a good result.
The main thing is to adhere to the following rules.

  • Choose a color shade in increasing order.
  • Combine warm colors with warm colors, and cold colors with cold ones..

Remember! Properly selected dye is a condition for the success of your work.

How to dye a jacket

To achieve a good result, do not rush, act carefully, follow the sequence of actions.

  1. Lay out the jacket on a flat surface, which can be protected from paint drops with a sheet.
  2. We clean from dust and various contaminants, if any, with soap and water. Then wipe the product with a simple damp cloth.
  3. We remove marks from a ballpoint pen or oil stains using solvents.
  4. Straightening out all the creases and folds on the jacket.
  5. For repainting we take nitro paint, it has a wide color spectrum. 100 g of dye is enough for one product.
  6. Add 5 drops of castor oil, which is a fixative for the color shade. And it will subsequently give gloss and shine to the painted product.
  7. Shake the bottle and pour the solution into a glass or ceramic container.
  8. We apply the dye with a brush, it will be much more convenient than foam rubber.
  9. Apply paint in two or three, and if desired, more layers.
  10. Let the applied layers dry overnight. The item should dry naturally. In no case do not use artificial heaters, to avoid cracks in the leather product.

Of course, you can entrust your clothes to professionals and they will be dyed with high quality in a dry cleaner. However, this “pleasure” is not cheap and will cost you a pretty penny.

We offered several options, gave tips and recommendations on how to extend the period of use and give your favorite item a second, or even a third life. And do it yourself, at home, without the help of others.
