Festive outfit for New Year's Eve of the Goat. We buy decorations and think about where to hang them

2015? Any person can think about this question, since it is absolutely clear that “how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” What’s interesting is that millions of people think about this saying and no less follow it “from start to finish.” Today we will talk about what exactly is worth considering when celebrating the New Year in 2015.

  1. We'll talk about how to present the holiday at home
  2. We will tell you how to properly prepare yourself and your family for this holiday.
  3. We'll tell you exactly what you should buy for the new year.
  4. Let us explain where you can go and with whom to do it.
  5. Finally, let's figure out what exactly you should pay attention to when completing the celebration of the date

Wondering how to spend the New Year 2015? – Today we will all try to understand this issue completely and thoroughly, so each person is invited to listen carefully to our advice and recommendations, since a lot may depend on this. For example, someone doesn’t know what to wear for the New Year, someone can’t figure out what to cook. And some people, for example, men, don’t know what to give their wife for such a special occasion. important holiday. In general, we will cover such issues in the work below, so we suggest that you carefully focus on the article and make it correct conclusions.

Why with the Goat? – Because 2015 is the year of the Goat! Everything is simple here. And it is for this reason that it is necessary to remember that clothes and outfits in a house or apartment need to be selected to match this beauty. That's why:

  1. The color of the fringe or garlands should be done in tones of a green or light green background
  2. The colors of clothes should not be bright, but not dull either. It is best to choose a white or green uniform
  3. Finally, the tree should definitely be green, not blue. Worth buying artificial variant, not alive

Why is it so important to guess the color? – Our goat is a bright, calm and leisurely animal. tree and green color- these are the symbols of this holiday in 2015. It is for this reason that the tones must fully comply with the declared characteristics!

Readers of the material are invited to choose unique outfits for themselves, buy or make shirts or blouses (men and women, respectively) in the colors of this new year, since many guests who come to the holiday will be pleasantly surprised that the host and hostess pay tribute to the Goat - the symbol new Year.

Cover the table with a white or, again, green tablecloth, and then start cooking. Best to endure following conditions while creating festive table:

  1. No use of highly alcoholic drinks
  2. Should separate from meat products this New Year, since the Goat is a herbivore and a symbol of the holiday at the same time
  3. Finally, gifts and home decorations should be in an appropriate format

How to spend the New Year 2015 with friends and family? - Put beautiful table, turn on soft, beautiful music, turn on the TV and listen to the New Year’s speech of your country’s president, then clink glasses to the chimes and, which will definitely come true!

We buy decorations and think about where to hang them

To decorate own house, you need to purchase a lot of green garlands, a lot of fringe and snowflakes. On top of everything else, very interesting option will be with the purchase of luminous diodes. Today there are options on sale that can be hung on a window, and they will burn in the shape of a goat. In general, here you need to use logic and ingenuity, and then go to the store and purchase the desired option.

It is also necessary to hang decorations around the apartment or house carefully and carefully. You should not overdo it, since this may determine how the New Year 2015 date will be celebrated. It is best to make small corridors from garlands or fringes. You can also buy fur and add it as a symbol of these 365 days.

It is worth noting that you need to purchase only high-quality and beautiful jewelry. It is best to buy them in specialized markets or in the right pavilions that have a full license for their goods: this will eliminate the risk of fire or burnout.

How to celebrate the New Year?

In order to properly celebrate this date, you need to resort to extraordinary moments:

And it's all? - Far from it! There are other options that will help every person celebrate this holiday with dignity. For example, you can rent a cottage or villa for the New Year, go to a tourist center or rent a restaurant. Finally, someone enjoys skiing at a mountain resort. And someone wants to go to Egypt or another for the New Year warm country to make it too extravagant! There are a lot of options, so it’s up to each person to try to find exactly the option that will be very, very useful for him.

Why should you celebrate the New Year as brightly as possible?

The New Year holiday itself is always fun, celebration, laughter and making wishes. If a person believes that his requests do not go unheeded, on the night from December 31 to January 1, it’s time to make a wish! Remember that all our wishes come true, so you can start using your capabilities to achieve them right on New Year’s Eve. How? - Just make a wish right moment and continue the holiday!

Do not forget that it is best to celebrate the holiday with relatives and family. This is what allows a person to understand in time what kindness, love and happiness are.

On this holiday, it is best to make peace with all your enemies and those to whom you were told unkind words. You should not enter the New Year with hidden grievances or other troubles:

  1. Forgive the one who offended you
  2. Forgive all those who were not with you in difficult times
  3. Forgive yourself

In 2015, we go hand in hand with the Goat - a symbol of purity and honesty. Make the most of this moment as this is how you can celebrate this occasion to the fullest.

How to end the holiday?

In order to finally be able to end the New Year's celebration on a positive note, you should not drink a lot of alcoholic beverages, especially strong ones. The goat doesn’t like highly fortified alcohol, so don’t upset it: it’s best to get by with standard champagne or regular juice.

After the guests leave in the morning, it’s worth taking a look around the apartment or house to estimate how much time it will take to clean everything tomorrow.

  1. However, you should not start cleaning in New Year's Eve. Let everything remain as it is until the morning.
  2. In the morning, when the whole family is still asleep, it is best to quietly clear the table and wait until everyone wakes up. Then eat a light breakfast, and let whatever is left wait until lunch.

Even at night, after dinner, you can go to the Christmas tree with friends or children. Exploding crackers or fireworks, for example. Make the time pass productively and well.

In general, the New Year 2015 promises to be very interesting and an unusual holiday, therefore, each reader of this material is invited to choose for himself:

  1. Outfits
  2. Variants of dishes for the table
  3. List of friends and family to celebrate in a circle
  4. Table, apartment and home decorations

All this undoubtedly plays a very important role, so you need to choose the right options for yourself as easily as possible and do them on time.

Remember that in 2015, on the eve of this holiday, you should not give preference to colorful outfits or decorations. The reason is that the symbol simply won’t understand.

We congratulate all readers on the upcoming New Year and wish each of them health, happiness and family well-being.

The year 2015 will be symbolized by the Blue Wooden Goat. Astrologers advise celebrating the New Year's celebration in big company friends or relatives. Regardless of where the feast will take place, there should be a lot of greens, salads, vegetables, and fruits on the table.

And, it is important what to choose as an outfit for the holiday, because you not only want to stand out and be the most beautiful at the celebration, but also a little bit to help happiness and well-being find the way to your home.

Current flowers and fabrics in clothing

The Goat loves everything expensive, refined and natural. Therefore, clothes made from natural fabrics are recommended. Current colors for the holiday– yellow, green, blue and their shades, as well as those natural colors that are characteristic of an animal in nature. It can be white, gray, black, shades of beige. Dress models laconic, classic, shades are bright, but not acidic. Sparkling synthetic outfits are not exactly what the wooden Goat likes.

The Goat, also known as the Sheep, is considered charming and frivolous, and does not take the choice of outfit seriously, the main thing is to be comfortable. In contrast to this opinion, other astrologers call the mistress of the year 2015 extravagant and capricious, but creative nature, it is recommended to wear bright dresses. Therefore, choose an outfit that you like, likes and creates festive mood. By the way, brightness should also be present in New Year's gifts.

Decorations for outfits

Jewelry for outfits - with emeralds, amber. Such stones will be an exquisite addition to wool or silk outfits. Pearls are also among the favorites for the meeting. Decorations imitated from wood or from natural material, also matches the Goat. Accessories for festive clothing can be silk scarves, brooches in the form of a symbolic animal or bells. Gold and silver also remain in trend; moreover, movement is expected throughout the coming year high fashion towards luxury and chic, which symbolize jewels like nothing else.

Festive New Year's image must be perfectly thought out. The Goat is also characterized by being hardworking, graceful and well-groomed. Hairstyle, manicure, makeup and outfit need to harmoniously complement each other. For hairstyles, stylists recommend something with elements of braided braids, ponytails, dragons, and you can weave flower hairpins into them. Smoothly combed hairstyles and straight hair are excluded for the 2015 New Year celebrations. Makeup, despite the fact that New Year's parties are enchanting and are considered the main holidays of the year, should be quite restrained, natural, or - in an art style - bohemian. A fashionable perfume to match your look - with a floral aroma.

Braids for long hair

Braids for short hair

Pigtails - dragon

Unusual braids - dragon

Dress for New Year 2015

A rational and economical solution for an outfit for the New Year's holiday is to make it unique Evening Dress. It can be supplemented spectacular accessories in Goat style. It can be pebbles, rhinestones, an airy scarf or a stole fashionable colors. The Mistress of the Year is also credited with the quality of unpredictability. And this can be fully expressed in the selection of an outfit for the New Year's holiday. To surprise everyone, the lover of dressing strictly and concisely, on New Year may appear in a breathtakingly bright dress. And a woman who prefers bright and rich colors in Everyday life, dressed in something sophisticated, noble pastel colors, will also make a splash at a corporate event or among friends and family.

No matter what color of outfit you choose, it should look elegant. How to achieve this: use parts in the form lace inserts, satin bows or belts, combine fabrics of contrasting or one tone, but different textures. Holiday dress– this is definitely a spectacular highlight, which can be a neckline or elegant Open back, unusual neckline, special cut or unusual beautiful colour. Surprise and delight everyone, please yourself with new vivid sensations and the mood of the holiday can be achieved by choosing an original, not typical for a New Year’s event, outfit in ethnic or rustic style, this winter it will be a special feature. Style characterize light shades, small floral ornament, natural color - just what a Sheep or Goat needs. A dress in this style can be tight-fitting, with original inserts made of translucent fabric - an absolutely spectacular, sexy option.

You can dress elegantly for the New Year, but the outfit does not have to be a dress. A woman in a classic or extravagant cut looks modern, stylish, and festive. dark trousers and a white blouse (shirt). Complemented with eye-catching accessories, this outfit will allow you to remain yourself and fit harmoniously into the holiday atmosphere. It will look great in the atmosphere New Year's event an outfit made from a spectacular loose-fitting blouse and tight tights and leggings.

Clothes for celebrating the Year of the Goat can be in any style. You don't have to choose a luxurious outfit evening option, the dress can be simple and concise, but the main thing is to embody an example good taste. A win-win- an outfit in monocolor, festiveness is achieved with jewelry and accessories. Traditional New Year's shiny fabrics, an abundance of sparkles, sequins and stones in excessive quantities will lose their positions a little on the eve of 2015.

They are replaced softly and obtrusively by velvet, cashmere, suede, fine wool - materials that are pleasant to the touch and to the body. Another epithet to describe the hostess of the year 2015 : it is contradictory, and therefore qualities can be attributed to it real woman

who loves to be bright, artistic, a little proud, but also sweet, natural, modest. In this regard, dear women, dress so that the New Year holiday brings you maximum pleasure, have fun from the heart and be fashionable and spectacular. When, if not on the New Year, can you experiment and allow yourself something that is not appropriate at any other time. The opinions of astrologers are divided; in addition to blue-green-turquoise and pastel colors, they advise choosing clothes red, orange, yellow and even a combination of these colors, the main thing is that it is fun, defiant, daring and bold. And don't forget about required condition For festive attire – it must be made of material High Quality

, only natural. We do not look forward to any of the holidays as much as the New Year. This is a time of new hopes and aspirations, everyone around is in anticipation of a miracle. I really want to feel like a child again and receive a priceless gift from Santa Claus. requires careful advance preparation. On the last day of December 2014, we will celebrate 2015, the Year of the Goat (Sheep) according to the Chinese calendar.

Officially, by lunar calendar, Blue Wood Goat will come on February 19 next year. It will bring positive changes for all zodiac signs, especially creative individuals. Since this is a pet, it is advisable to celebrate the New Year at the family hearth.

The main colors are green and blue. Green is associated with luxury and youth. Blue tones pacify, personify fidelity, constancy, and well-being. Symbols of 2015 are wood and fire. This time we can’t do without a fragrant green Christmas tree. The tree is associated with talents, prosperity and abilities. Amulets made from this material will help in business and increase social status . With their help it is possible to win the favor of other people. As an animal, the sheep is protected by fire. Therefore, candles, a fireplace, fireworks and sparklers are suitable. Set a varied holiday table. Fresh vegetable salads, fruits on wooden dishes, cheese or feta cheese would be appropriate. In order not to offend the mistress of the year, give up lamb and excessive drinking of strong alcohol. Select meat dishes, which include pork or poultry, and place wine or champagne at the head of the table. A goat is a very energetic and cheerful animal. So choose an elegant outfit from natural fabric . Its color should not be too bright and provocative. As for the hairstyle, curls and curls look very cute. An integral part of any holiday is gifts, and not necessarily expensive ones. The goat loves everything unusual. It's funny if

Before the New Year, the number of optimists increases significantly. The most interesting thing is that performing simple rituals really gives results and attracts happiness and good luck to your home. Maybe this is simple proof that a thought materializes, but it is better not to delve into the jungle of mysticism and not interfere with the work of higher powers. However, according to eastern horoscope The coming 2015 year of the sheep or goat will come into its own only on February 19th. And in order not to finally get a hoof in the ass from the blue horse of 2014 who is about to leave, but is still legally sitting on the throne, you need to respect both of them, fortunately, in their tastes and preferences they do not contradict each other. Both ladies are ready to serve a person, help and save him, but in return they will require care.

What does the year of the goat have in store for us?

Everyone is wondering what the temperament of the year of the sheep is, the characteristics of 2015 with all its cockroaches in the head and whims. But if we trace the chronology of events that occurred earlier, during the reign of this zodiac sign, then what awaits us is the cessation of conflicts, the emergence of new partnerships and prosperity in the economy. But this period is not for the lazy; nothing will materialize on its own.

Simply, efforts to achieve goals will not be in vain, but will be rewarded with results that were not even hoped for. But you shouldn’t surround yourself with continuous worries, this year there should be a place for pranks, and fun with the accordion (although why does a sheep (goat) need it - it’s already cheerful), and, of course, love. By the way, love this year will be very fruitful and its consequence may be the birth of twins.

How to celebrate 2015 year of the sheep (goat)

Many people are wondering: how to celebrate the Year of the Sheep 2015, among family members or to go to friends? In this case, it is useful to compromise and listen to the chimes with your family, and then, if your soul asks for the banquet to continue, rush off to play tricks.

Design approach in sheep style 2015

In order for next year's hostess to like your home, you should decorate it in accordance with her concept of beauty and comfort. It in no way follows from this that you will have to celebrate the New Year in a barn, but some elements in the decor will be very symbolic and original. Both the goat and the sheep love straw bedding - please, all to their hooves: lay a mat at the entrance, and put straw napkins on the seats of the chairs. Since 2015 is the year of the goat, hang it around the house, on the doors favorite decoration- bells, and especially brave and not complex ladies can afford this vintage decoration on the neck. Moreover, the clear ringing bell ringing(you can listen to the ringing and learn about its power here) is capable of clearing space of negative energy.

Another task for creative personalities, thinking through all the little things in the celebration scenario: when entering 2015 as the year of the sheep, what color should you prefer in clothes? In addition to the blue-green color scheme stated in the horoscope, pastel beige, chocolate and pearl shades, as well as natural fabrics, are welcome. One prerequisite is the absence of any fur; it is better to get by with an elegant stole. On new year party It will become bad manners for the appearance of acidic, flashy shades in clothes, although this can be forgiven if plant motifs are executed in this color.

Simple, tasty, healthy, and most importantly brings good luck to the year

To attract money to the house, the New Year's table for 2015 can be decorated with a very specific bouquet. Choose a loose small head of cabbage, Peking cabbage will do, place it in a low, stable vase with water, and place it between the leaves banknotes Green colour. The future housewife of the year is tolerant, and as you celebrate 2015, the Year of the Sheep, don’t bother cooking, just refuse to create dishes that are unimaginably complex. Today, simple and satisfying food will be in favor. Preference is given to greens, fruits and vegetables. It is better if served on wooden dishes. There must be cheese on your plates this season. different varieties, especially, sheep and goat will be in place.

Anyone who does not share the beliefs of vegetarians will not go hungry. Fish, poultry and pork dishes should be prepared for them. If you carry out some kind of systematization, then most of the recipes can be found in Mediterranean cuisine. The only thing that you should not cook for the holiday is goat meat, horse meat, lamb and, at the same time, beef. Dairy drinks for New Year's table somewhat unusual, but this can be more than compensated for by all kinds of desserts, cakes, creams and cocktails based on these products. By the way, if this is possible, then among alcoholic drinks it is better to choose wines, tinctures and liqueurs (the author of the blog It’s easy to be healthy, he does not recommend taking alcoholic drinks. Here is a video that made us think about the dangers of alcohol for the nation).

What will the Snow Maiden-Sheep-Goat give you?

And now on the list last question: Year of the Sheep 2015 - what to give? The best surprise Items of clothing will go under the Christmas tree, even mittens or a scarf, it will look luxurious wool blanket. This will emphasize the warmth of the relationship and individual approach. Further, household items and Appliances. And you shouldn’t skimp on surprises for your little ones. The star mistress adores children and will be supportive of those who share her love. If you need to choose one word that can most accurately characterize how to celebrate the 2015 year of the sheep, then the most capacious definition will be “mentally.” Therefore, in this period of loyal and kind attitude towards the sweet weaknesses of friends and household members in 2015, what to give as a gift is not so important, the main thing is that it comes from the heart and is not a random and routine gift.

Video about the symbol of 2015, about the sheep (goat)

And finally, a video about what the year of the sheep brings, a general video and about what the new year 2015 brings to each zodiac sign:

Blog administration It's easy to be healthy, wishes you good health, mental well-being and lots of love in 2015, the year of the good wooden sheep. Happy New Year, friends!

New Year has been our favorite holiday since childhood; the atmosphere of magic and expectation of a miracle remains with us for the rest of our lives. As adults, we still look forward to the New Year. And not only because everyone gives each other gifts, but also because the New Year is a time of hopes and fulfillment of desires, this is the best moment to try to realize your dreams with the help of simple rituals, which Eastern cultures are so rich in. That is why we turn our gaze to the East again and again with the hope of receiving advice on how to celebrate the New Year 2015 so that the coming year will be accompanied by peace, prosperity and good luck.

According to the eastern horoscope, 2015 is the year of the blue Wood Goat, therefore, when decorating a house or thinking over a menu for New Year's feast, you should definitely take into account the character and habits of this cute animal.

Hot color of 2015

Eastern astrologers recommend celebrating the New Year 2015 in green in combination with blue and yellow. Natural colors will help you attract the favor of the mistress of the coming year. Stock up on green candles, and for the first month and a half of 2015 (after all, according to the eastern horoscope, the Year of the Goat will begin only in February), light them for the growing month - this will attract you financial luck in the coming year.

How to decorate a house

Be sure to take care of the comfort of your home. In terms of decorating the festive table, the coming Year of the Goat, according to Feng Shui, is beneficial in many ways. The abundance of greenery on the table will not only appease the hostess of the coming year, but will also indicate to the universe specific goal growth. Green is the color of wealth and power not only in Eastern culture. If you were unable to stock up on fresh herbs in time, a green tablecloth, green dishes or green napkins will help you.

When decorating the house and the New Year tree, we give preference to soft, kind toys made of natural fabric, felt and wool, which you can buy or make yourself. Their discreet beauty will certainly add soulfulness, comfort and warmth to your home.

Festive table

Where and how to celebrate New Year 2015

The goat does not like officialdom, moreover, it is a pet, so it is advisable to celebrate the New Year in an elegant, but not pretentious place. Of course, celebrating the New Year with your family will appeal most to the symbol of the year. Obviously, green should dominate the New Year's party decor.

The Year of the Wooden Goat dictates fashion for naturalness and authenticity. For the next three hundred and sixty-five days, decorate your home with interior items made from plant materials. Traditional amulets, designer wooden figurines, all kinds of works applied arts- all this will help you become successful in the Year of the Goat. Turn to nature, honor all living things, and the coming year will definitely bring you good luck.

Few people know, but the Goat loves performances. The characteristics of people born in the year of the Goat ambiguously hint that in the coming year you will have to intensify your creative potential. Availability in your New Year's holiday elements theatrical production will increase your chances of becoming the housewife's favorite in the coming year.

Pronouncing New Year's toasts, be eloquent and calm - the Goat cannot tolerate raised voices and tongue-tiedness. This year, luck will be on the side of spiritual, creative and inventive people. Start earning the Goat's favor on New Year's Eve - be charming, witty and sweet. This year, dividends are paid to interesting, creative people who know how to compassion, innovate, inspire and change. In general, if you have always suspected that you carry creative potential within yourself - next year will be the most the right time to open it. Catch a fair wind and be productive, and the coming year will definitely help you with this.

Happy holidays to everyone and Happy New Year 2015!
Alena Khokhlova
