The most important rules of etiquette for a girl. Bad manners girl

Etiquette - a set of rules good manners. There are a lot of them. But those who make a career, want to succeed, and who have to deal with elites, need to study them especially carefully.

Fundamentals of etiquette

Etiquette helps people behave correctly in any situation and society, without causing other people any inconvenience. refined manners, correct speech, stylish look- all this plays an important role.

There are several types of etiquette:

  • the ability to present oneself: a properly selected wardrobe, well-groomed appearance, elegant gestures, posture, posture;
  • speech form: manners and culture of speech and communication;
  • table etiquette: table manners, knowledge of serving rules, the ability to eat;
  • behavior in any public place;
  • business etiquette: negotiations and relationships with superiors and colleagues.

Good manners for women

First of all, a girl or woman should look good. She must have a neat and well-groomed appearance, clean clothes and shoes, a well-chosen bag and accessories.

Of the basic rules, you need to highlight the following:

  • Spirits must be used wisely. Strong smell deodorant or even elite perfume is considered mauvais ton.
  • In choosing jewelry and accessories, it is better to show moderation. A large number of jewelry or jewelry looks too catchy.
  • You can preen only at home or in a specially designated room for this, but in no case in in public places. In society, you can only quickly look at your reflection in a small mirror and tint your lips.
  • A lap bag is not the best the best choice. So they sit at the station. It is better to put a purse or a small handbag on the table.

A woman should always act like real lady, avoiding offensive language, inappropriate flirting and other liberties.

List of etiquette rules for men

A man should also look elegant, be neatly combed and adhere to the following rules:

  • Skip the companion forward when entering the room.
  • Don't put your elbows on the table.
  • Sitting down at a table, first move the chair to the lady, and then to yourself.
  • Do not leave your companion alone.
  • Do not smoke in front of a girl without her permission.
  • In the room, in the presence of a girl, take off your hat.
  • When exiting the bus or car, give the lady a hand.

A gentleman must not wear women's bag, and female outerwear he can only carry to the locker room. On the street, a man should walk to the left of his companion.

The girl at all times was supposed to be an example of modesty and mystery in her behavior. Let's talk like modern society should behave as a representative of the fair sex.

What knowledge should modern girl, whose plans include "going out"? First of all, you need to pay attention to the hairstyle, makeup. Every social gathering has its own hairstyle requirements. So, a business lunch does not allow loose hair, careless curls causing bright make-up. Hair is put in a bun, or I braid a braid, only natural shades are selected for makeup.

She should also pay attention to the decorations used for such an event. No bright, large jewelry is used, only small earrings, beads, rings.

For an evening date, you can choose more bright makeup, use large elements of jewelry. The choice of hairstyle depends on the evening dress, for each case it is selected individually. The girl who dreams of making positive impression on his interlocutor (or gentleman), will not forget about shoes, and will pick up a handbag for his outfit.

Etiquette for girls in a restaurant, at the table

If a girl is invited on a date in a cafe or restaurant, she simply must understand all the intricacies of table setting.

  1. From meat, fish, you need to cut off small pieces, then chew them thoroughly.
  2. A lady should not immediately drink all the wine, it is only allowed to sip a little, thereby showing her correct manners and good breeding.
  3. In order to prevent greasy food from getting on your clothes, a napkin is laid out on your knees.

Modern young ladies often prefer the "European" option: they share the costs in half with their man. Such actions have nothing to do with etiquette, the decision to pay the bill is the girl’s desire to show the man her independence, including financial. According to restaurant etiquette, it is forbidden to call the waiter with a finger, shout. The lady just has to nod her head slightly, thus attracting the attention of the attendants. You can not champ, use toothpicks, drink tea from a saucer.

Basic rules of dress etiquette

For each specific situation, it is important to choose the “appropriate outfit” so as not to look vulgar, not to get into an unpleasant situation.

  1. Business lunch means business clothes: dress, skirts, trousers of strict colors, no additional glitter. Shoes are selected for comfortable heel, "hairpin" is not suitable for business lunches.
  2. A party - perfect way demonstrate to others Cocktail Dress, bright makeup, high heels, beautiful hairstyle.
  3. Walking outside the city sportswear, it is unlikely that a girl will be able to walk through the forest in high heels.

During a party, it is important for a girl to show her good mood the joy of interacting with guests. You need to be able to “defuse” the situation in a timely manner, for example, to tell funny story. Don't forget about posture beautiful walk, if you want to become a "center of gravity", to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

The correct etiquette of a girl in relation to a guy

Modern young people begin their acquaintance mainly through social networks. It would seem that everything is in order, but as soon as communication goes beyond the virtual, and a first date is appointed, the young men are disappointed in their chosen ones. Why it happens?

  1. The girl has too bright "frightening" makeup. She seems to be telling the young man that she has entered the "path of a real hunt."
  2. The girl came on a date in shabby jeans, no makeup, no hair, showing her indifference to appearance. Men are accustomed to love with "eyes", and when they see such a "teenager" instead of charming girl, whose photographs he looked at social networks, his interest will be lost.

If a young beauty wants to "win" a man's heart, she must show sincere interest in his stories, listen to him, give him the opportunity to demonstrate all his positive qualities.

What is the difference between etiquette for women and girls?

Girls can show their romance, show defenselessness in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Young beauties are allowed shoes on high heels for country walks, bright make-up for parties.

Youth passes quickly adult woman can no longer afford any violations of etiquette. For example, until a man invites his chosen one to sit down at a table, pulls up a chair, she will wait patiently. A woman who knows all the subtleties of restaurant etiquette will gratefully accept the “courtship” of her man, will not interrupt him and argue with him.

At the mention of the word "etiquette" most people come to mind complex table setting options using dozens of appliances, prim ladies and coldness. official events aristocratic houses. Meanwhile, etiquette is just a set of rules that regulate the behavior of people in a given situation. And even if you consider yourself a rebel, going against all the norms and rules of society, it never hurts to know the main rules of women's etiquette. This is especially important when traveling, because very often the rules of conduct in different countries differ significantly, and what is accepted in your homeland may surprise or even shock foreigners.

In that article, we will talk about modern European etiquette rules for women.

The etiquette of the modern girl

Everyday etiquette for girls includes the following basic rules:

  1. Any communication begins with a greeting. Its purpose is to express the joy and pleasure of meeting. During the greeting, the degree of friendliness of the relationship should be taken into account. For distant acquaintances, a verbal greeting will suffice, close friend or a relative can be kissed on the cheek or lightly hugged. However, a balance should be maintained between a sluggish and overly boisterous greeting. Remember that those with whom you greet should hear you, and not everyone around you within a radius of several meters. Avoid loud exclamations, violent hugs and noisy long kisses.
  2. AT rainy weather the guy holds an umbrella over the girl (if he is taller or the same height as her). With a significant difference in height, each carries his own umbrella. When entering a room, remember to protect others from water dripping from your umbrella. To do this, use a cover or leave an umbrella in a special stand at the entrance.
  3. Eating on the street, especially while walking, is indecent. Of course, no one will forbid you to eat ice cream in the park on a bench, but you should not enter public transport, shop or museum with bitten hamburger or sandwich.
  4. You must arrive exactly at the appointed time. Contrary to popular belief, guests should not be late. If you fail to arrive at the appointed time, be sure to notify the hosts about this. In the event that you need to leave before other guests, do not involve extra attention. Leave quietly, without fuss, and of course, do not forget to say goodbye to the hosts and thank them for the welcome.
  5. Control your movements. Too active gesticulation not only interferes with others, but also does not look too beautiful.

Etiquette in a restaurant for a girl

If you go to a restaurant with a gentleman, then, according to the rules, the guy enters the room first. Taking the menu, he must give it to the girl, inviting her to choose first. Then he takes the menu himself, makes his choice and orders dishes for both.

You should not start eating before the order is brought to everyone present. The only exceptions are cases when other people themselves will offer you to start the meal without waiting for them.

At the end of the meal, the cutlery is placed on the plate in parallel. If they pause while eating, the devices should be placed crosswise.

While eating, you should not slurp, sniff food noisily or defiantly pick at it. Eating with a knife or, sitting at the table, picking out food particles stuck in the teeth are the rudest of possible violations etiquette.

If you accidentally dropped, spilled or spilled something - do not panic and do not rush headlong to correct your oversight. Spilled liquid should be wiped only with a napkin, and crumbled crumbs should not be brushed onto the floor.

Business etiquette for women

clothing etiquette for business women provides for the observance of the classic official style in appearance. The ideal option clothes will business suit(jacket and trousers or skirt) restrained tones. At the same time, the absolute coincidence of the “top” and “bottom” of the suit is not necessary - you have the right to combine, for example, sand jacket and a blue skirt.

The main requirement for any clothing is cleanliness and neatness. Make sure that your suit is always washed and ironed, there are no stains or holes on it. Similarly, your hair and makeup should be neat. Follow your appearance It means showing respect for others. But you should not clean up (pull up your stockings, clean your shoes, straighten your hair, powder your nose, tint your lips or wipe off leaking mascara) in public. It is better to do this at home or in the "ladies' room".

As you can see, modern etiquette for women does not provide for overly complex rules or exhausting duties. It is enough just to be friendly, to behave with restraint, but not constrained, and to treat others with respect.

AT modern world there are certain things that girls should do not because they want to, but because it is included in the rules of etiquette for normal decent girls.

Probably, men also have to adhere to some patterns in behavior. However, they have more to do with their profession and status. Especially since we are not talking about men at all.

So let's take a look at the most important norms and standards, one might even say the dogmas of modern etiquette rules for girls .

Almost always, any decent girl is late for a date with a man. For what? Rather, for prevention, so that the same man does not relax. Indeed, in moments of waiting, a man can be alone with himself, think, reconsider his attitude towards a girl. But long reflections can lead a man to the conclusion that by being late, the girl demonstrates her obvious neglect and disrespect. So you have to be a little late.

On the first date, a decent girl stubbornly refuses to kiss. More precisely, he wants, but in no case does he kiss. After all, everyone knows men's thoughts and words about decent girl. This is where you have to wait. But everyone is happy: girls flirt, men win.

None decent girl , it is never recognized by what efforts they get beauty. Admitting that she wears contact lenses and dyes her hair is like death.

The rules of etiquette forbid a decent girl to enter into intimate relationship with a man even on a second date, not to mention the first.

After a date, decent girls will never be the first to call, earlier than 72 hours later. And this is logical, because for all existing rules, the man calls first, and already an hour after the breakup, but for some reason he did not call.

In this case, there is an option further development events: he got hit by a car, he didn’t like the girl (in this case, it would be better if he got hit by a car), he is overly shy.

It is precisely the third option that provides a decent girl with an excuse and the opportunity to make a call, however, after 72 hours. Moreover, having decided to call, the girl should conduct such a casual conversation, as if she had the wrong number, but since a friend turned up, then you can chat ...

Not one sane modern girl , under no pretext is recognized in real reason refusing to go home after work to a man to watch an incredibly exciting movie. After all, most often the reason is that she simply did not expect that such an intimate situation could develop tonight. And of course, not prepared properly. It happens like this. But a man can hear a wonderful story on the topic “I won’t go because I want to better understand my feelings.”

And if a man is smart, he will definitely understand everything from the expression of the girl’s eyes, who actually does not mind watching the movie and even more. close communication. Therefore, henceforth, he will try to warn slightly in advance about his plans.
In turn, the girl should show respect for the man. After all, in your relationship you are equal partners.

No need to humiliate and “poke” a man with his nose, like a guilty kitten. This will only lower his self-esteem or provoke a breakup. Unflattering statements about his relatives or friends are also not allowed.

Men like to be admired. Try to make sure that he is sure that he is the best and the only one in your life. He just needs to feel that you love him. However, don't let him relax.

Etiquette must be observed even in friendship
(Japanese proverb)

For some reason, many teenagers, and even adults, believe that the rules of etiquette are for bores and highbrow aesthetes.

But none of them think that etiquette makes you well-mannered, nice person and rewards you with characteristics that sometimes we all lack.

In order for you to feel confident and appropriate for the situation, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with a few rules that you can use every day and at the same time not stand out as a "black sheep" at all.

Just by starting to follow these rules, you have unique opportunity to be not only sweet and beautiful, but also well-mannered!

1. Do not put the phone on the table at a party, restaurant, cafe and at a meeting with friends. you came to talk to certain people, forget about the VKontakt feed, Instagram and the thirteenth level of your favorite game for these few hours.

Enjoy live communication with those with whom you came. Forget about the means of communication and try to ignore the desire to fiddle with the phone. Thus, you can offend friends or interlocutor.

2. Don't give your bag to a young man. A man can carry a heavy backpack or package, shopping bags or in extreme cases - you yourself :). Don't let him carry handbag, even if her hands come off.

3. Keep your shoes clean. Get the package in your bag wet wipes and wipe down your shoes if they get dirty. Whenever leaving the house, make sure your shoes, boots or boots are clean.

4. Late to the cinema or theater? Make your way to your seats in the center of the hall only facing those who are sitting.

5. Never use a lot of perfume. It may seem to you that the smell of your favorite perfume does not come from you, but believe me - the crowd around you can simply suffocate if you go too far with the dose :).

6. Greet your elders first. When entering a room, always greet older people first. If you meet a man, he should say hello first. Are you going with your boyfriend, and your girlfriend with hers - to a meeting? Then girls greet each other first, boys second, and only after that, you greet your friend's boyfriend.

7. Don't eat on public transport. Of course, we are not talking about stealthily bitten chocolate or candy. Hot dogs, sandwiches, glasses of water or bottles of beer are all prohibited, as you can stain others or irritate them with the smell.
8. Correcting makeup, hair, manicure is possible only in the ladies' room. No nail filing at the table, much less wiping mascara with a napkin. To do this, toilets were invented in all places.

9. A man enters a cafe or restaurant first. The only exception is the situation when the doorman meets you and opens the door. Then the first lady enters.
10. Get in the car right. We open the door, sit down on the seat and pull both legs simultaneously into the salon. We also leave - standing with both feet on the asphalt.

11. Always say "thank you" and "sorry".

12. Eat carefully, do not champ, do not pick your teeth.

13. Do not sniff your nose and do not wipe it with your sleeve. Use a napkin or handkerchief for this and do it better in the toilet.

14. DO NOT be late. In the very last resort- for 15 minutes. And don't forget to warn your friends about the delay.

15. Cover your mouth when you sneeze, yawn and cough. No one cares what's inside you!

16. Do not dry the umbrella open.

17. The bag cannot be placed on the table..You can put a small clutch on a table in a cafe, but a large bag can only be hung on the back of a chair or attached to the floor.

18. A man enters the elevator first, and then he comes out- who is closest to the doors from it.

19. Sit behind the driver in a taxi.

20. Do not use jargon in your speech. Also - it would be ideal not to use a mat, foreign words like "OK" and other "incomprehensibility".

I hope my little tips will help you become a little better!! Have an etiquette question? Ask it on the site
