Tattoo of ancient Slavic symbols. Slavic runes tattoo

If previously everyone wanted to decorate their body with overseas logos, exotic patterns of various tribes or sacred symbols carrying deep symbolism, today tattoo artists note an incredible surge of interest in Russian symbols.

Archangel on the guy's back

History of development

We can say with confidence that only in recent years have truly Russian motifs become firmly entrenched in the art of tattooing. Moreover, their popularity has overtaken them not only in our country, but also abroad, where stylized Russian nesting dolls and balalaikas are popular as newfangled kitsch.

The manifesto that drew the attention of many tattoo artists to Russian themes was a book with the Russian folk tale “Ryaba Hen”, equipped with illustrations by Mikhail Buster. Grandfather, woman, mouse and the chicken itself appear in it stylized as American old school. After the success of the book, many similar sketches appeared, and the logo of the Moscow Tattoo Convention 2014 was an image of a samovar entwined with a snake.

Russian tattoo of a hare with a heart

This is interesting . A Tyumen radio host staged a live competition with radio listeners and, based on the voting results, was forced to get a tattoo of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on his shoulder. The politician in sunglasses with a courageous expression eventually caught the taste of both the radio host and his large audience.

Pattern on a girl's hand

Artists believe that the interest in sketches with Russian overtones is quite organic and understandable: the tattoo community is too fed up with hieroglyphs, dragons and American eagles. In addition, a Russian samovar, in which there is no obvious subtext (except for a kind, light smile at one’s own, dear one), looks more appropriate on the body than oriental animals, applied with a pretense of taste and having an incredible number of very different meanings.

No matter how diverse Russian tattoos are, their meaning always lies on the surface: it is an indication of a connection with native history, no matter how funny or sad it may be at the time.

Cobra in old school style, Russian tattoo

Image options

Russian tattoos, sketches of which are presented below, today gravitate toward the following areas:

  • Russian national ornaments: Gzhel, Khokhloma, Mezen, Gorodets, Zhostovo paintings. These patterns, which everyone associates with Russian folk crafts, are often used in tattoos not as the main subject, but as a background in the composition. Moreover, the central figure in the tattoo does not necessarily have to have a Russian flavor, because the American eagle against the background of Khokhloma plays with completely different colors. However, a Gzhel sleeve, if executed correctly, will not be inferior to a Polynesian or Japanese abstract tattoo.
  • Traditional folk motifs: nesting dolls, felt boots, samovars, bears in checkers with earflaps, Ivan the Terrible, Cheburashka, paintings by Vasnetsov and heroes. Often people fill themselves with the image of a Russian peasant, and the image is accompanied by some kind of inscription-slogan.
  • Soviet symbols. The most popular are the famous hammer and sickle, coat of arms, Olympic bear, prominent figures (politicians, leaders, Gagarin), a hedgehog in the fog, the Soviet flag and allusions to its theme, the inscription “made in the USSR,” as well as many recognizable attributes of this period. This also includes stories with street hooligans, the Soviet navy and echoes of repression.
  • Post-Soviet symbols. Often customers ask to make sketches on the theme of the nineties and our modern times. Stylized images of Putin and other politicians, the realities of Russian life and picturesque places (cathedrals, temples, the Kremlin, Neva, etc.) are in demand.
  • Stories depicting the uneasy relationship between Russia and the West. Very often there are characters from Soviet cartoons who have come into conflict with their American counterparts, for example, the cat Leopold and Tom, the Russian and American Winnie the Pooh.
  • Slavic tattoos. They are often classified as Russians, but now there is some demarcation of these concepts.

Russian bear with raspberries

Matryoshka - a symbol of Russia

I put an Olympic bear on my shoulder and am very pleased. It seems to me that in this image pride in one’s native country is combined with the insane tenderness and kindness of this character. Therefore, my tattoo is not only a tribute to tradition, but also an aesthetically attractive design.

Olesya, Nakhodka

The universal image can be played with in a variety of ways. In addition, its meaning can be very easily interpreted precisely thanks to the principle of these dolls: one thing is hidden in another.

Often some incredible image is hidden inside the nesting doll: , or a naked girl. And the nesting dolls themselves can be stylized either like anime or like Russian politicians. This sketch option is a win-win for both boys and girls. And they are most often stuffed on the back, arm or shoulder blade. If you are interested in Russian tattoos, you will find photos of a wide variety of nesting dolls in our article.

Flowers on a girl's shoulder

Bogatyr - defender of the Russian land

The interest of young people in this collective image of a real hero could not but please the older generation. The epic character, symbolizing strength and honesty, power and a kind heart, is increasingly becoming a prototype for sketches. Such a tattoo is the prerogative of men who want to emphasize their own courage and fearlessness. The color scheme of the picture can be as follows:

The Slavs are our heritage, and Slavic tattoos are rooted in paganism. In this article we tell you what tattoos meant for the Slavs, what this style means now, and show sketches and works by the studio’s masters.

History of Slavic tattoos

The ancient Slavs did not make tattoos “for beauty” - creating a design on the body was a magical rite and each had its own meaning. It was believed that a tattoo changes a person’s energy. Some symbols improve it, but incorrectly selected images can harm it.

There were certain tattoos for men, women and even children. These signs were applied only by the Magi and only for a specific purpose - for example, to cure an illness or help a warrior in battle.

There were certain tattoos for men, women and even children. Signs were applied only by the wise men and only for some purpose - to support a warrior in battle, to cure an illness, to protect him from the evil eye.


Christianity, which came to Rus' in the 20th century, completely banned tattoos as a sign of paganism. Religion eradicated all rituals, religious events and holidays of the pagans, priests protected parishioners from mythical forces, spirits and other “heresies”. The meaning of Slavic tattoos was gradually forgotten, and the view of body designs changed sharply from positive to negative. Culture has been irretrievably lost, and therefore...

Stylized Slavic tattoos: sketches

It is difficult to reconstruct the history of tattoos, so stylization now dominates. Characteristic features are pagan crosses, an abundance of colors and high-quality elaboration, subjects in black and white colors. Slavic tattoos sometimes include tattoos with Russian symbols, we will also show them.


The Slavic runic alphabet is a cultural layer of mythology, magic, fortune telling and pagan religion. There is even such a belief: if you want to see a certain dream, draw certain runes on your hand in the evening. Leads to unexpected consequences :)




Slavic swastika

There is nothing bad or prohibited about the swastika - it was originally a symbol of the sun. Nowadays it is actively used by Buddhists and Hindus, and in the past it was also loved by the Slavs. It differs from the usual swastika with a negative connotation and has several meanings.





In Slavic ornamentation, the cyclicality and squareness of symbols stand out. It resembles embroidery typical of the Slavs and most often combines red and white colors.




Slavic gods

Perun, Dazhbog, Stribog, Veles - we hear their names even in school lessons, when we get acquainted with the culture of Ancient Rus'. Tattoos with pagan gods look large-scale and especially unusual.

Epics, fairy tales, heroes

There’s nothing to say here – our culture, ours, our native one. Brownies or goblins are not often tattooed, but famous heroes, beautiful maidens and mysterious heroes occupy a worthy place in the culture of Slavic tattooing.

Recently, many people have been getting tattoos on their bodies. Slavic tattoos are becoming increasingly popular among those who like to apply ethnic motifs to the body. There are no traditional Slavic tattoos. For the drawings, motifs of Scythian patterns, Russian ornaments from ancient books, elements of embroidery on ancient clothing, fairy-tale and mythological characters, etc. are used. Did our ancestors give themselves tattoos? It’s an interesting question, isn’t it...


Slavic tattoos have a very long history - it originates from the ancient Slavs, who perceived body designs exclusively as amulets and symbols that determined the path of life.

Little is known for certain about the tattoos of the Slavic people; scientists can only guess how it really was. But according to general stories from various sources, we can say that various drawings, runes, patterns and painted signs were applied to the skin. This was facilitated by:

  • belief in pagan gods, goblin, mermaids, sorcerers;
  • occult knowledge;
  • veneration of ancestors.

Thus, by applying several runes to the body, one could become much stronger and more resilient. To protect against evil spirits, various amulets were depicted on the skin in the form of patterns. Nowadays people (usually men) get tattoos in the form of one or another pagan god, animals and mythical creatures. Chinese characters were replaced by Slavic themes, with all its symbolism and culture.

Interesting to know! In ancient Rus', it was believed that tattoos with Slavic symbols, like any other tattoos, in principle cannot be applied to the bodies of people whose age does not exceed thirty-three years. The fact is that it is at this age that the basic, formative processes in the physical body are completed, and even then amulets can be applied to the body.

Only magicians who possessed secret esoteric knowledge and magical skills had the right to get a tattoo. They applied the pattern not only to the skin, but also to the human energy field (aura). This is the only way the tattoo will take effect and help its owner.

Christianity, which came to Rus' in the 20th century, was completely banned tattoos as a sign of paganism. Religion eradicated all rituals, religious events and holidays of the pagans, priests protected parishioners from mythical forces, spirits and other “heresies”. The meaning of Slavic tattoos was gradually forgotten, and the view of body designs changed sharply from positive to negative. Culture is irretrievably lost.

Nowadays there is no such sacred meaning anymore - With the help of a Slavic tattoo you can decorate your body with beautiful images of runes, swastikas and animals, and also show your reverent attitude towards ancient history and your ancestors. Such drawings often have a personal, individual meaning - sometimes they depict the entire philosophy of life of their bearer and his guidelines.

The meaning of Slavic tattoos

The tattoos of the ancient Slavs and their meanings are historically very rich: images of gods such as Perun, Yarilo or Veles helped to win the favor of heaven and achieve harmony in different areas of life. Drawings of animals were earthly incarnations of deities; they endowed a person with their own qualities - the wolf gave its wearer courage and strength, birds symbolized the connection with the sky. Now the sacredness of Slavic tattoos does not have such interaction with everyday life, but for many it is important - you can not only decorate your body with a pattern in an ancient style, but also immortalize on it symbols and amulets that characterize your life principles and help spiritually in difficult moments.

What do tattoos of Slavic Runes mean?

Slavic runes are an ancient manifestation of the Slavic writing of schismatics. Runic signs are similar to Asian hieroglyphs, which have a deep historical meaning. To understand the runes, an interpretation of each of the runes is required. Slavic symbolism and ornaments are a gradually developing area that has great advantages for development in the future.

Each rune symbol has a mysterious image. The meanings of the symbols contain the words: peace, rainbow, strength, wind, rock, support, Perun, source, etc. Old Believer runic writing appeared long before the 10th century, which was marked by the adoption of a new faith. This fact is evidenced by archaeological excavations with writing on household appliances.

The meaning of Slavic amulets

Speaking about Slavic amulets, we can highlight the most popular: Burdock, Valkyrie, Symbol of the Family, Svetoch, Molvinets, etc. In fact, there are many such symbols, and they all give a powerful energy request into the Universe.

Svetoch- a symbol of memory of ancestors. This amulet helps you achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. Patron of the entire Slavic people, personified the light thanks to which people live on the planet

The Slavic amulet Burdock is a catcher of luck. He is able to attract everything a person desires. In the center there is an empty square where you can write an additional symbol, for example, a rune.

Amulet Burdock attracts good luck

Valkyrie is the most common amulet. Most often it was applied to the armor of warriors. It is a symbol of wisdom, honor, nobility and justice. Such a tattoo will protect, bring peace and tranquility. “The best battle is the one that never happened” - this is a reflection of the essence of the amulet. By providing protection, Valkyrie also puts a person’s thoughts in order and pacifies his anger and anger.

The Valkyrie amulet protects and puts thoughts in order

Symbol of the Family is the most universal amulet. It operates in various directions:

  • helps patients recover faster;
  • improves health;
  • drives away evil spirits;
  • gives a charge of positive energy.

This tattoo helps connect the mind, soul and body with the gods of the family. Initially, the Symbol of the Family was depicted as a filled circle, and later became a smoothed four-ray swastika with circles at the ends of the rays

Molvinets protects from the evil eye and negativity, but has a powerful force that nourishes a person. This amulet is similar in its energy to the Family Symbol; it is also universal. But the main range of its actions is the dispersal of evil directed at a person (the bearer of the amulet).

The name of the amulet comes from the word “to speak”, its main purpose is to protect a person from the negativity of other people (curses, evil words)

Kolyadnik- one of the most common solar religious symbols of the ancient Slavs. It is known that all men wore a carol since childhood, since this sign bestowed wisdom in everyday life and ingenuity in battle.

Wedding party- a Slavic protective symbol, which in the broadest sense symbolizes the unification of two Clans.

Slavic tattoo designs

The Slavs loved to decorate their bodies with various ornaments, which, in turn, symbolized fertility. These patterns consisted of dots, diamonds, triangles and squares, spirals and crosses.

Women applied tattoos with images of crosses, foliage and floral patterns, as well as chain plexuses of flowers, leaves, branches and greenery.

For men, tattoos were depicted primarily to show strength and power. Such subjects include the image of a crown, a heart, inside of which there is an inscription of a person who honors the noble origin of the tattoo bearer.

Ancient Slavic swastika

Tattoos with Slavic swastikas carry a huge meaning. Often the word “swastika” brings to mind fascist tricks, but this is not at all true. Hitler also borrowed this symbol from the ancient Slavs.

The Slavic swastika is depicted in the form of a cross with ends bent clockwise, which symbolizes the cycle of things in nature, changes: the change of day and night, the alternation of seasons. The Slavic swastika can contain at least three bends, the number of which can even reach 10.

And so, the Slavic swastika symbolized the correct order of things in nature, or rather health, strength, joy, sun and light.

Animal and plant tattoos among the Slavs

Do not forget about the drawings that depict animals, warriors, wise men, plants or mythical creatures. The Slavs were pagans; in addition to worshiping deities, they had cults of animals and trees.

The meaning of tattoos with real and mythical creatures:

  • bear was considered the incarnation of the god Veles, the animal was revered as the owner of the forest, protecting the wealth of nature, he was associated with victory and power; this symbol meant fertility, health and strength;
  • wolf personified the guide of souls to the afterlife, symbolized loneliness, courage, cunning and justice; if you choose such an image for a tattoo, it is important to convey the right message so that the amulet does not harm its owner;
  • fox- a symbol of fertility and family hearth.
  • boar- a furious and indomitable beast, but at the same time strong and invincible
  • crow associated with dark forces, but at the same time he was considered wise and a bird of things;
  • the Dragon symbolized the unity of good and evil, life and death, overcoming internal disagreements; a talisman with such an image helped to reveal spiritual powers and the divine principle

Slavic pagans deified and endlessly revered nature and treated the natural elements with trepidation. The worship of trees as a symbol of fertility, life and connection between worlds is reflected in tattoos. The barrel was always powerful, which was considered the key to a long and happy life. Tattoos with color fern or grass were supposed to protect against disease and damage.

Women's Slavic tattoos

Slavic tattoos for girls depicted various animals, such as a fallow deer or a moose - they were inhabited by Dazhdbog, who was responsible for seed well-being. Such tattoos are inked in combination with various ornaments and patterns, which makes the design look sophisticated and emphasize femininity, making the body even more attractive. Women's ancient Slavic tattoos, photos and sketches of which you will find on our website, also included various runes and inscriptions on ancient symbols - you can put your own meaning into them and perpetuate an entire philosophy of life on your body.

Other tattoo options for girls, for example.

Slavic tattoos with their meanings are a rich world of body designs, which have a unique history and are endowed with diverse meanings. Such a tattoo can create a unique image for its wearer, combining the heritage of our ancestors and the modern appearance of archaic symbols and elements.

Slavic tattoos are amulets and carry a very deep meaning. They can be visible or hidden. Today, Slavic tattoos are most often applied to the hands, but images can also be found on the neck and even on the face. Their main purpose in the modern world is to focus the attention of others on a person’s belonging to the Slavic culture.

Slavic amulets in the form of tattoos

Slavic tattoos originated as amulets. The ancient Slavs were pagans and believed that in certain life situations they could be protected by a specific deity. With the help of images on the body, people sought to protect themselves from evil spirits and sorcerers. Usually, animals were depicted on the skin for protection, symbolizing the gods. Sometimes trees were depicted on the body, thereby the ancient Slavs sang the fertility of the earth. This was the main factor on which the well-being of the entire family depended.

Men and women who had reached 33 years of age had the right to apply tattoos. It was believed that they were mature individuals who had learned the meaning of life. Only Magi who possessed magical knowledge had the right to get Slavic tattoos.

Main theme and style of performance

Very often the gods of the pagan world were depicted on the bodies of Slavic warriors. People thus expressed their love for the gods. Thus, Perun was depicted as a glorification of his power. Tattoos of Svarog were often found as an admiration for his strength and justice. The black sun is a common Slavic tattoo. It meant life itself. Ancient people believed that everything on earth existed thanks to the sun. The sun as a tattoo was supposed to attract wisdom and power into a person’s life. Sometimes there is an image of the sun and moon at the same time. The meaning of such a Slavic tattoo lies in the understanding that the impossible is possible.

The meaning and symbolism of Slavic tattoos

Slavic tattoos were also performed using various symbols. Ornaments were often stuffed. Today, Slavic tattoos are often embossed in color. These are mainly ornaments consisting of rhombuses and other geometric shapes. Runes are applied in a monochrome image.

Slavic runes stamped on the body can become a powerful amulet. That is why you should first become familiar with the semantic load of each rune, this will allow you to correctly compose the formula. In addition, after the formula is ready, you need to listen to your own inner feelings. It is very important not to feel internal rejection. The most powerful are the following runic signs:
    Peace - provides protection for higher powers. Chernobog, symbolizing destructive forces, helps a person get rid of everything unnecessary in life that hinders progress towards the goal. Alatyr - helps get rid of complexes and phobias, gives confidence in one’s own abilities. Stealing allows you to get rid of negative attitudes and attracts good luck. Strength reveals the natural hidden abilities of a person. The wind has an inspiring power and allows you to reveal creative possibilities. Lelya strengthens the feminine principle and develops intuition. Dazhdbog protects from various everyday troubles. Perun protects from various ailments.

Ornaments and patterns on bracelets

Very often, Slavic tattoos were made in the form of ornaments that decorated the wrist and looked like a bracelet. If they were applied as a talisman, then the following symbols were required:
    Wavy lines, which were a sign of water, without which life cannot exist. Six-pointed crosses, enclosed in a circle or hexagon, which were considered a strong amulet. Squares or diamonds, symbolizing a plowed field. Dots, symbolizing the fertility of Mother Earth.

Slavic amulets - tattoos for men

Slavic tattoos for men can provide strong protection. But you should choose them by listening to your own intuition. At the same time, it is very important not to question the fact that images on the body have sacred meaning.

Among the most popular Slavic tattoos are the following images:
    Kolyadnik. Many men have worn this amulet since childhood. It was believed that such an image on the body bestows good luck in battle. In addition, the tattoo monitors all changes in the world and guides you to the true path. Svarog Square. It is believed that this image patronizes men whose activities involve physical labor. This sign also develops ingenuity. Valkyrie. In ancient times, the image was applied to the warrior’s armor and helped to preserve nobility, wisdom and honor in battle. A tattoo on the body has the same meaning. The solar cross. This is a symbol of protection of life. He helped the ancient Slavs survive the most terrible battle. It is believed that this tattoo makes a man more courageous and allows him to gain true faith.

Where was it depicted?

The Slavic tattoos described above are applied, most often on the chest or upper back. However, there are no strict requirements for their location. For example, the Svarog square can often be found on the wrist, and images of gods on the shoulder. Sometimes Slavic-style ornaments are made in various colors and cover the entire upper part of the body. For men with a medium build, you can use ornaments to visually increase the volume of your arms.

Slavic tattoos for girls and women

Slavic tattoos for women and girls were not only supposed to protect beauties, but also serve as decoration. Today they are very often done in color.

Top most popular tattoos

The most popular women's Slavic tattoos are as follows:
    Ladinets. This image symbolized love and happiness. The amulet allowed one to successfully protect oneself from various adversities in life. In addition, such a tattoo enhances the attractiveness of a woman and preserves her natural beauty for a long time. It is believed that if a tattoo is applied immediately after marriage, the image will contribute to the development of feminine softness and understanding, which is very important for ensuring a comfortable atmosphere in the family. Lada Star. A tattoo strengthens women's health, it contributes to a successful pregnancy and childbirth, and also has a positive effect on the development of the newborn baby. If a girl begins to wear this amulet from a young age, then she is guaranteed longevity. After applying a tattoo, a woman’s character becomes more balanced. The beauty's soul is filled with kindness and tranquility. Bereginya. This is a talisman with strong positive feminine energy. It is believed that a tattoo with a righteous life can attract a huge number of different benefits. This is a symbol of prosperity and fertility.Svitovit. This amulet guarantees the harmonious development of the individual and is able to protect against the forces of darkness. The tattoo is especially suitable for women who are engaged in creative activities.

On what part of the body was the tattoo drawn?

Women's Slavic tattoos are usually applied in places where they can highlight the beauty of the female body and become a decoration. These are usually the shoulders, ankles, wrists and lower back area. The thin ornament with Slavic symbols on the neck looks great.

Sketches of Slavic tattoos and inscriptions

As a rule, Slavic tattoos are applied according to existing working sketches. Therefore, all you need to do is come to the workshop and choose the appropriate option. If you like the drawing, then you need to ask about its meaning. Only after a person understands the scope of his power can he become a reliable defense. It is allowed to mix Slavic symbols. But they need to be carefully studied and their meaning deeply understood in order to eliminate possible contradictions. Conflicts between individual images can cause unpredictable consequences and simply undermine a person’s life. Sometimes masters embody on the human body the whole story of a separate ancient Slavic legend, but it is important to remember that with such creativity, in order to form a talisman, there must be a key symbol in the image.

Slavic themes for tattoos are considered the most popular of ethnic trends.

The history of tattoo art goes back thousands of years. Even in ancient myths and manuscripts of the peoples of the world, there are references to the traditions of applying drawings, images of animals, deities, patterns, and symbols to the body. Tattoos were considered a powerful amulet, especially in Slavic culture. Pagan gods, unique ornaments, Scythian patterns, mysterious symbols of the Old Believers - all these are Slavic tattoos.

Ethnic style tattoo

Ethnic tattoos do not lose their peak popularity among those who want to decorate their body with a design.

Ethnic style includes several areas:

  • Slavic style in tattoos. Slavic style tattoos are often done in color
    The theme of a Slavic tattoo can be mythical characters, ancient symbols, legendary figures
    According to the prevailing stereotype, the owner of Slavic tattoos must be physically well developed
  • Polynesian or Indian tattoos.
    This direction also involves the depiction of legendary creatures and various deities, but in a slightly different style
    Polynesian pattern on the back
    This type of tattoo often covers a significant part of the body.

  • Celtic tattoos are often done by men
    Intricate Celtic patterns form the basis of original compositions
    Sometimes Celtic motifs are reflected in color
  • Japanese motives.
    Rich colors and traditional motifs are what distinguishes this style
    A Japanese tattoo can cover almost the entire body
    Mythical characters and warriors of ancient times are often depicted

If you create a kind of TOP rating, then Slavic tattoos confidently hold the palm! This is, in a way, a tribute to the rich Slavic history. Pagan tattoos reveal Slavic stylistics to the fullest and are particularly symbolic, mysterious and picturesque.

Pagan tattoos always carry a certain meaning

Many fans of tattoos believe that such body designs have magical powers and can protect against the evil eye, envy and bring good luck. The specificity of tattoos in the ethnic direction, like any artistic art, tattoos have their own specifics. This characteristic is especially relevant for ethno-stylistics.

The distinctive features of ethnic tattoos are as follows:

  • Using folk painting motifs (Gzhel, Palekh signs) as design elements.
    Elements of folk painting on the body look impressive and very original
  • Drawing images of pagan gods, heroes of epics and myths.
  • National ornament (Belarusian pattern, elements of Ukrainian embroidered shirt, image of Slavic runes).
    The ornament can be either independent...

    All tattoos in ethnic or folk styles are unusual, colorful and original, especially if a national ornament is used.

    Meanings of tattoos in ethno style

    All ethnic tattoos, including Slavic tattoos, are designed not only to decorate the body, but also to emphasize the basic character traits of a person, masculinity in men, fragility and elegance in women. Not only the visual impression, but also the internal harmony completely depends on the correctly chosen design.

    A proper Slavic tattoo is not just a body decoration

    If the ento-theme is a priority when choosing a particular tattoo, then before applying the design you should know what it means.

    • Slavic runes. One of the most symbolic and magical tattoos. Runes are ancient writings, each of them carries its own historical meaning. They are not only elegant and filigree, but also ideally emphasize the ethnic style of the tattoo. Each can symbolize luck, health, love, wisdom, knowledge of truths and unity of souls.
    • Pagan gods. The beliefs of the Old Believers belonged to a whole pantheon of deities. Today, the image of pagan gods is the most popular in men's tattoos. Perun (or the Thunderer), symbolizes strength, masculinity and power. Veles - health and fertility, Yarilo - sunlight (sun), luck and prosperity, Ladinets - family happiness, love and harmony. But the image of Chernobog, the keeper of misfortunes and worldly troubles, was categorically not applied to the body. It is believed that Slavic tattoos are designed to protect a person from the evil thoughts of envious people, filth and the evil eye, failures in business and love.
    • Variations of the sun. The image of the sun is of great importance for every nation. Both the Slavs and Indians believed that such a sign symbolized the eternal cycle of life and would bring light to life, give happiness, relieve poverty and give a bountiful harvest. And today the sun sign is especially popular among tattoo fans.
    • Symbols of fertility. The main occupations of ancient peoples were hunting and farming. Therefore, a folk pattern or ornament was applied to the body, symbolizing fertility and a rich harvest.
    • Animal images. The image of a wolf is especially popular in the art of ethnic tattooing. According to ancient beliefs, fierce wolves were the forefathers of living people. Therefore, the Slavic people called themselves Lyutichs. The wolf in ethno-style today symbolizes victory and success, the willingness to overcome all obstacles.

    The cultures of different nations are an inexhaustible source of motives for tattoo art. The popularity of the application lies in its diversity and enormous semantic meaning. In order for a tattoo to “work” as a talisman and protect against filth, poverty and failure, you should be reasonable in choosing a design.

    Slavic tattoos
