Blood type 1 is the rarest. The rarest blood group


The defining component of blood is the Rh factor (another name is antigen). It is located on the surface of red blood cells (erythrocytes). More than 85 percent of the human population have this Rh factor, and they are considered Rh positive. People who do not have it are Rh negative.


The present, as well as the future of a person, depends on what blood type he has. Each has its own type of immunity, thanks to which a person’s vital resources are determined.


The most rare group blood is negative fourth. I would like to note that positive is more common - and this does not depend on blood type. This blood type is a mystery. It appeared as a result of the merger of two absolutely different types- B and A. This is a young group, people who have it have a flexible immune system. It is unique in that it arose not due to the influence of the external environment, but as a result mixed marriages. I would like to note that this is the most biologically complex group. Antigens sometimes make it similar to the second, sometimes to the third. There are even cases where this rarest blood type is something like a combination of both of these groups. It should be noted that such individuals are very multifaceted and spiritual. They often rush from one extreme to another, and can be both indecisive and harsh. These people can often be seen on lists of the most remarkable and talented individuals.


It is worth noting that to positive blood You can transfuse a negative one, but vice versa - under no circumstances. The first is subject to transfusion to any group. But we must remember that it, in turn, is contraindicated to pour any other into it - only the first. The second is suitable for the second and fourth, and for her - only the second or first. The third is subject to transfusion to the same or to the fourth. The third or first is suitable for her. And the last, fourth, rarest blood group: it is allowed to be transfused only to people with a similar one. And any blood type is suitable for her.

Types, types, groups

So, there are four blood groups. Each of them has different biochemical characteristics. Science established this fact a long time ago - back at the beginning of the twentieth century. In the whole world, these groups are designated by the following symbols: IV (AB), III (B), II (A), I (0). The latter is the most common throughout the world, possessing about 45 percent of humanity. The penultimate one belongs mainly to Europeans - almost 35 percent of the population “wear” it. B (III) - not a very numerous group, found in only 13% of all people. And the rarest blood group is AB (IV), found in only seven percent of all humanity.

The first group is the most common

This is the most senior group- one that appeared a very long time ago. Blood type 1 (Rh positive) - individuals who have it are, as a rule, predisposed to arthritis, allergies, blood clotting disorders, as well as decreased thyroid function. In addition, such people often suffer from stomach ulcers and other diseases that are directly related to the gastrointestinal tract. Blood type 1, Rh negative - individuals who possess it are leaders in life. They are very successful in sports, can stay late at work, and fulfill their entire schedule. They are very purposeful, and if they set a goal, they achieve it by any means necessary.

The rarest blood group

The defining component of blood is the Rh factor or antigen. It is located on the surface of red blood cells (erythrocytes). More than 85 percent of the population have this Rh factor and are classified as Rh positive.

Those people who do not have it are considered Rh negative. The present and future of a person depends on his blood type. Each group has its own type of immunity, which to a certain extent determines a person’s life resource.

How to find out your blood type

So, there are four blood groups in total, each of which differs in certain biochemical characteristics. This fact has been established by science a long time ago - around the beginning of the twentieth century.

Throughout the world, these groups are designated by the following symbols: I(0), II(A), III(B), IV(AB). The first is the most common throughout the world, since approximately 45 percent of the inhabitants of our planet have it.

The blood of the second group belongs to the majority of European residents, and almost 35 percent of the population have it. The third group is not very numerous, since it is found in only 13 percent of the world's population.

Well, the fourth blood group is the rarest, because only 7 percent of the planet’s population are its carriers. And if the owners of the first blood group with negative Rh factor are quite common, then Rh-negative owners of the fourth blood group are very rare.

Donate blood for donation

How to find out your blood type

It is worth saying that positive blood can be transfused with negative blood, but the opposite should not be done under any circumstances.

The first blood group can be transfused to any group, but it is important to remember that under no circumstances should blood of another group be transfused to it - only the first.

Blood of the second group is suitable for the second and fourth, but for her only the first or second.

The third blood group can be transfused to the third or fourth, but the first or third is suitable for it.

The fourth blood group, the rarest, is allowed to be transfused only to people who have a similar blood type, but for the fourth, any blood type is suitable.

Most common blood type

The most common first blood group

This group is the oldest, which appeared a long time ago. Those with the first blood group usually have a predisposition to allergies, arthritis, decreased thyroid function, and also a tendency to blood clotting disorders. In addition, such people often suffer from stomach ulcers and other diseases directly related to the gastrointestinal tract.

Concerning personal characteristics, then the owners of the first blood group are, as a rule, leaders in life. They are quite successful in sports and are often workaholics. These are very purposeful people who always try to achieve their goals.
The rarest blood type

Which blood type is rare?

The rarest blood type is fourth negative. The fourth positive is much more common. The fourth group is generally a mystery, because it appeared as a result of the merger of two completely different types - A and B.

This is a young group, and people who have it have a flexible immune system. This group is unique in that it appeared not due to the influence of the external environment, but as a result of mixed marriages. It is worth saying that this group is the most biologically complex.

Antigens sometimes make it similar to the second, and sometimes even to the third. Sometimes it also happens that this rare group is something of a combination of both of these groups.

It is believed that the fourth blood group appeared later than all the others - about a thousand years ago as a result of the mixing of Mongoloids and Indo-Europeans. There is also another version of the so-called “bohemian” blood group, which says that after a person was able to simply provide shelter and food for himself, he was “drawn to the beautiful” and he had a desire to express himself in creativity.

Indeed, representatives of the fourth blood group are considered the most creative personalities. The lives of such people are dominated by fantasies, emotions, love of beauty and intuition. They have a rich mental organization, a subtle perception of reality and impeccable taste.

The positive qualities of such people are kindness, compassion, selflessness and altruism. Such a person will always listen, reassure and sympathize. But at the same time, the sensitivity of such people can be considered their disadvantage.

Due to the fact that those with the fourth blood group take everything too seriously, they sometimes get carried away. These people often go to extremes. They, as a rule, act under the influence of feelings that are so intense that the mind is simply unable to curb them.

By the way, there are many fanatics among such people. But even if it doesn’t come to the point of fanaticism, the owners of the fourth group most often look like people slightly “not of this world.” They are impractical, absent-minded, often completely unsuited to solving everyday problems, and they are also very touchy about all this.

The craving for beauty in those with the fourth blood group can also manifest itself in different ways: from the creation of works of art among the most developed representatives, right up to psychological dependence from romance, sex and pleasure among the more primitive, which sometimes leads them to a vicious lifestyle.

What is the child's blood type?
It cannot be said that those with the 4th blood group are quite multifaceted and spiritual. They often rush from one extreme to another, and can be both harsh and indecisive. Such people can often be seen in lists of the most talented and remarkable personalities.
In general, despite many advantages, owners of the fourth blood group would still benefit from some qualities that are characteristic of people with the first blood group - discipline and fortitude, for example. But even if the named character traits were not inherited by a person from birth, he may well develop them throughout his life, because habit, as they say, is a second character.

A little over a hundred years ago, Karl Landsteiner, while studying red blood cells in different groups people, saw differences in the set of antigens.

As a result of my experiments he classified human blood into 3 groups, and a little later, his colleague, Decastello, discovered the fourth group, and the world became acquainted with the famous ABO system: 0 (), A (II), B (III), AB (IV). 30 years later, the Austrian scientist was even awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery.

However, the classification that we use was actually invented by the Czech scientist Jan Jansky, but his research, unfortunately, did not receive wide publicity around the world. However, this particular classifier is used in the post-Soviet space. Blood research continues to gain momentum. Modern science, for example, more than 30 systems of its qualification are already known.

What blood types are found in the human body?

Blood is the liquid internal medium of the body, and it is responsible for ensuring its vital functions, for example, oxygen logistics. She is a kind of Robin Hood human body: takes this “life-giving gas” from the lungs and distributes it to all organs in need.

Also blood is a reflection physiological state our body and the history of human development as a whole. Liquid in nature is the main carrier of information. Water, as a component of blood, carries an encrypted message - a characteristic, a kind of biological code that contains the course of development of a person’s life program. The keeper of these ciphers or genetic codes is the blood group.

As a result of human development, the blood began to be modified along with him and was divided into groups. On chromosome 9 there is a gene whose area of ​​responsibility is the formation of these same blood groups. The main indicator that divides blood into groups is the antigen type.

In non-medical terms, the appearance of an antigen in the body is a signal for the immune system to produce antibodies as a response.

They neutralize, or rather bind, antigens and remove them from the body.

Each antigen has its own antibody. Antigens are internal and external, but to characterize the blood group, only the internal ones, which are attached to the membrane of red blood cells, are taken into account.

According to the formula, blood is divided into four variants. Second group- the carrier of antigen A, the third - B, the fourth includes both antigens, the first - is the owner of neither A nor B, but it has antigen H, which serves as the foundation for the formation of all other antigens.

About 70 years ago, in the Indian city of Bombay, a rare blood group was discovered that does not contain any of the three antigens, although it is defined as the first and is present in the blood of only 0.0001% of the world's population. Animals, unlike humans, are carriers of more than ten types of blood groups.

Recently, scientists added using mass spectrometry to the already existing four groups two new ones. Previously, 30 proteins were known to determine blood group. With the discovery of two more, the number of blood groups increased accordingly.

They were named Junion and Langereis. According to forecasts, about 15 more new blood groups will be discovered in the near future.

In second place after the ABO system is systemRh, which is used in conjunction with the world's leading classifier. It is based mainly on the presence or absence of antigen D in the blood and, accordingly, is determined by the signs “+” and “-”. The positive or negative direction of the Rh factor depends on a special type of protein on the surface of red blood cells. This protein is present in 80% of the world's population.

Blood type and temperament

In some Asian countries, especially Japan and Korea, the characteristics of blood groups are given even more importance than the astrological horoscope.

When applying for a job, before the first date, people always ask about the blood type of their partner or potential employee. If suddenly you do not know your blood type, you always have the opportunity to take a test at a train station, restaurant or large market that has testing machines.

Some scientists believe that the racial basis of the division of humanity into groups is not comprehensive.

They believe that it would be more logical to divide by blood type.

The imprint of our ancestors is present in every blood cell, and the very concept of blood type is much older and more fundamental than ethnic characteristics.

Each group is an evolutionary response to climate change and changes in food preferences associated with biological conditions environment and stages of development of human society. It all started with the first group, and subsequent ones appeared as a response of the immune system to human life. Taking into account the step-by-step specificity of blood development, they were deduced psychological characteristics one group or another.

For example, the owners of the most ancient, first group blood from 40 thousand years of history- This hunters. They were little concerned about the spiritual component of existence; all their actions were aimed at obtaining a source of food. In that era, in the struggle for survival, all means were good. It is logical to assume that the main character qualities of people with the first blood group are determination and unshakable confidence. They are characterized by manifestations of dictatorship in relation to other people.

They do not accept any, even the most constructive, criticism and often flare up with the fire of irritability and capriciousness, recklessly reacting to words spoken to them.

The second group refers to landowners, it is 15 thousand years younger than the first and arose during the migration period of human development, when people switched to eating foods grown in the soil. Such characters are very adaptive and sociable, they will easily find mutual language in the most diverse company.

Third group characterizes nomads, arose 10 thousand years ago as a reaction to changing climatic conditions, the unification of populations and the introduction of milk into the daily diet in connection with the advent of cattle breeding. These people are open to everything new, quite adventurous, independent and do not tolerate inappropriate treatment of themselves. The last group fourth, rarest, its history goes back only 2 thousand years and its appearance is due not to another adaptation to new products, but to the mixing of the Mongoloid and Indo-European races.

Some researchers believe that Jesus Christ had this blood type, but this fact is not supported by any significant evidence. People with the fourth group are distinguished by a soft, meek disposition, hover in the sphere of high matters and are always ready to help.

From the story of blood groups

Blood is an inexhaustible storehouse of information. The formula of our blood has undergone changes in parallel with the development of humanity.

Changing food preferences over a long period of time affected the contents of the solution flowing through the vessels and entailed the emergence of new blood groups.

Neanderthals had the first blood group. It already contained special antibodies to fight infections. Then she moved on to the Cro-Magnons, who gradually settled throughout European territory in search of meat.

The second group arose in Asia as a reaction to the cultivation of cereals.

As a result of the transition from meat to agricultural products, the digestive tract And the immune system body, which could not but provoke changes in the blood formula.

Sometimes the second blood group is called vegetarian. The third group appeared what is called with milk. Dairy products have begun another evolution of the digestive system. The last, fourth group stood out not because of human food preferences, but as the assimilation of the population. It is unique in its immunological characteristics, manifested in its special resistance to autoimmune and allergic diseases.


Almost half of the world's population is holders of the first blood group: 45% of “hunters” live on Earth. The second group is found predominantly among Europeans and, with its 35%, is in second place. Then the third group – 13% and the fourth – 7% – distributed the prizes accordingly.

Most common group

Blood type does not change throughout a person's life. Although there are cases where pregnancy or infectious diseases led to the production of a small amount of antigens and as a result laboratory research determination of blood group became more complicated and gave distorting results. But still, science still knows only one case of a change in the Rh factor from negative to positive, which occurred as a result of a liver transplant.

So, the first (primitive), most common blood type flows in the veins of hunters - meat lovers. Digestive system was designed in such a way as to process meat food as efficiently as possible.

This explains increased acidity in people with the first blood group, even in modern conditions. People in this group more often than others suffer from diseases such as ulcers and gastritis.

Their esophagus and immune system are quite strong, their metabolism is also fine, but they do not respond well to changing climatic conditions. Sometimes their overactive immune system misfires in the form of an allergy, directing its action to harm. They are also susceptible to arthritis, poor blood clotting, ARVI and urolithiasis.

First group and nutrition

Pioneers should pay attention food with high content squirrel and burn it off with lots of exercise.

It is undesirable to become a vegetarian; such a decision can lead to an energy decline.

Red meat will be beneficial, especially veal, lamb and beef. It is recommended to eat meat with spinach, broccoli and artichokes to improve metabolism.

Our ancestors also loved to eat fish, so seafood is also included in the list approved by nutritionists. Oysters, mussels, anchovies, shrimp, salmon, perch, pike, cod - here there is room for the imagination of a “primitive predator” to run wild. In addition, it will be useful to introduce into your diet walnuts, prunes and figs.

The best blood type

By what criteria can you determine the best group blood? Perhaps the blood type that will win this competition will be the one whose owner can find a donor as quickly as possible in case of heavy blood loss. Considering that the first group is the most common, A positive Rh factor occurs in 80% of the world's population, it is logical to assume that the most universal is the first positive group. This blood type will always be available for transfusions, unlike, for example, the fourth negative.

In addition, the first blood group can be used in as a donor to owners of any other groups. It does not contain antigens A and B, therefore, the blood of a person in need of transfusion will not begin to produce antibodies to these antigens. However modern medicine adheres to this rule very conditionally. As a rule, transfusion is carried out only if both the blood group and the Rh factor are the same.

  1. First. Tendency to diseases of the digestive system.
  2. Second. Lack of stress tolerance, illness thyroid gland, not too much good teeth, tendency to hypertension and heart attack.
  3. Third. Susceptibility to psychosis, tendency to pancreatitis and Parkinson's disease, diseases of the genitourinary system.
  4. Fourth. Tendency to anemia, obesity and thrombosis.

In fact, for the development of these diseases, it is not enough just to have certain group blood. There are many factors that can prevent or worsen the disease. Therefore, with one hundred percent certainty Only the blood group that is universal in donor terms can be considered the best. And this, again, is the first blood group.

The main characteristics of human blood are its group and Rh factor. Each group has a positive and Rh negative, which brings the amount possible options up to 16. This fact greatly complicates the work of doctors when it comes to transfusions. It is believed that main characteristic When selecting a donor, it is Rhesus that is considered. Blood with a different Rh factor will kill the patient instantly, but the wrong blood type with the correct Rh factor will do the job, albeit not always perfectly. But in extreme situations, when seconds count, this is an acceptable option.

In fact, a person’s fate depends on their blood type. First of all, it’s health, then character and lifestyle. The fact is that each blood group has its own immunity. People who are far from medicine rarely think about why they are predisposed to the diseases that they most often suffer from. The “set” of sores will show you what type of plasma your plasma is.

Today it is known for sure that almost 80% of the world's population have the first or second blood group. They are, accordingly, the most common. The remaining 20% ​​is divided between the third and fourth groups. Even before 2013, it became known that the rarest blood group is the fourth negative.

Actually, the names of the groups came precisely from their prevalence among the population. Why exactly this combination is the rarest is not clear. The latest research in 2013 showed that the ratio between all 16 blood type variants remains unchanged. It is also assumed that in the case of a long life of humanity as a species, a fifth blood group with a positive and then a negative Rh factor may appear.

The rarest group for 2013

As mentioned above, the rarest blood type for 2013 is the fourth negative. This blood type is the youngest. Presumably, it appeared about a thousand years ago from the merger of Indo-Europeans with the Mongoloids. More often it appears in children whose parents had the first and second blood groups. Finding a donor for a person with fourth negative is almost impossible, so doctors have to look for other solutions to the problem. Not all of them are successful. It’s good that today medical technology makes this task much easier. Now imagine how the doctors felt when they first encountered such a blood mutation.

The rarest group is human character

People with fourth negative group blood are very individual, each of them has its own character, health and other characteristics. Such people are not recommended to seriously engage in sports; they are vulnerable to physical stress.

Character by blood type

Yoga is perfect for them. As for character itself, people with the fourth negative blood type often become writers or artists. They are characterized by kindness and nobility. Unfortunately, people with this blood type are very susceptible to depression; they rarely manage to cope with the problems themselves.

This is the fourth blood group IV. It is the fourth blood group that is least common among people.

When can a child with fourth blood type IV be born? A child with the fourth blood group, or the rarest blood group, can be born in the following cases:

1. If one of the parents was a carrier of the second group II, and the other of the third III, then the chance that a child will be born with the fourth blood group IV is 25%.

2. If one of the parents is a carrier of the fourth blood group IV, and the second parent is with the second II or with the third blood group III, then the chance that a child will be born with the fourth blood group IV is 50%.

3. And the most rare option, this is when both parents are happy owners of the fourth blood group, which is incredibly rare.

Carriers of the fourth blood group are considered universal recipients. Surprisingly, the rarest blood type is unique and convenient in its own way - it is the ideal blood type. People who are carriers of the fourth group can be transfused with blood of any other group, from the first to the fourth. That is, if the owner of the fourth blood group needs a transfusion, he does not need to look for a donor of the rare, fourth group - any blood will do, but doctors will have to deal with the Rh factor.

But blood of the fourth group can only be transfused to people with the fourth group; this blood is not suitable for people with the first blood group, or the second, or the third blood group.

Rh factor of the rarest blood group

But everything is not so simple, the rarest blood group is divided into Rh positive and Rh negative. A Rh negative blood group can be transfused into a Rh positive blood group, but a Rh positive blood group cannot be transfused into a Rh negative group.

The most common type of blood among people is Rh positive blood group. The rarest blood type is Rh positive fourth, most often found in Turkey - in 7% of the population, followed by countries such as China, Israel, Poland and Finland - 7%, and in the world about 5% of the population can boast of the rarest blood type with positive Rhesus

The fourth blood group with negative Rh is even less common, in the world it is 0.40% of the population, while in China it is the least common - 0.05%. In other countries it does not exceed 1%.

And most often on our planet there are carriers of the first positive group blood - almost 37%.

Determination of blood groups using the avo system, and if avo is correct.

This is when the analyzed blood is added to special sera of the four blood groups, and they look at the glass where coagulation occurs. Coagulation occurs with incompatible blood groups, which is how the blood type is determined. Blood type should only be determined by a doctor. It happens that blood group and Rh factor are determined incorrectly. It is very important to know not only your blood type, but also your Rh factor, since in an emergency this can save your life. Of course, you need to know your children's blood type.
