High salt content in the urine. Reasons for the formation of salts in the urine

The appearance of salt in the urine of an adult does not always indicate that there are any pathological processes. They are constantly present in urine, however, their rate is only 5 percent of the total volume of excreted fluid. An increase in their number indicates that not everything is in order with the body.

Salt in the urine what does it mean in an adult? A similar question is often asked by people who have found an increased concentration of salt deposits in urine. Normal adult urine is not too acidic. Violation acid-base balance guaranteed to lead to the fact that there will be much more salt than allowed. Moreover, some types of salt compounds react to an increase in the acid level, while others react to an alkaline one.

The problem is predominantly proper nutrition. Many foods contain the element purine. It is he who is responsible for the increased production. Urea reacts with salts, regardless of their origin. Outwardly, this will manifest itself in the appearance of a characteristic sediment in the urine.

It is important to understand that it is categorically not recommended to ignore this problem. Further development process will lead to the fact that small salt crystals will begin to combine into a single whole, forming the so-called calculi or, more understandable to the average layman, stones.

Stones, localized in the kidneys, can gradually be washed away. Particles of deposits enter the urine and are excreted. This type of sediment is called urates or oxalates, depending on what substance they are composed of.

To date, a significant number of reasons are known for which an excessive amount of salt deposits may appear in urine. All of them can be conditionally divided into several groups. It must be understood that the causes are not symptoms, therefore, it is very difficult for a person to determine the presence of oxalates, phosphates, urates and other salt compounds in his body himself - this is done on the basis of carrying out appropriate diagnostic measures and analyses.

Why is there a lot of salt in urine:

  • The person is not eating well

Perhaps the most common and main cause of pathology. If there is an increase in the concentration of salts in urine, first of all in without fail should be excluded from the diet all foods that contain oxalic acid - the main "culprit" of the violation of the acid-base balance. Such food includes sorrel itself, as well as tomatoes, any sour berries and chocolate. Instead of the above products, you can start eating prunes, watermelons, cauliflower as well as any fresh fruit.

Not recommended and long time eat the same food. This very often leads to the fact that the level of salts in the body will gradually increase. Over time, they will also enter the urinary system, with all the ensuing consequences. This is especially true for products such as cheese, smoked meats, canned food, meat broths, mushrooms and, not surprisingly, alcohol.

It is strongly not recommended to abuse diets and, especially, starvation. In general, this has an extremely negative impact on human health, and in the case of the urinary system, it can lead to the fact that the body will try to replace the lack of useful compounds and biologically active substances with salts.

  • Urinary tract infections

Infection refers to penetration into urinary tract or genital organs of third-party pathogens, such as a virus, bacteria, or fungus. Starting to actively multiply, they provoke the occurrence inflammatory process. If there is a lot of salt in your urine, it is likely that you have some kind of infection. The pathogen disrupts the set physiological processes in the genitourinary system, one of which may be the regulation of acid-base balance.

On the this moment infections such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis and common thrush pose the greatest threat. Contrary to popular belief, candidiasis can affect both women and male body, respectively, the representatives of the stronger sex are not protected from problems of this nature.

  • Circulatory disorders

The kidneys are a very sensitive paired organ. It is especially dependent on a proper blood supply. The minimum lack of useful trace elements or oxygen that are transported with the blood leads to significant disruption of their functionality, and this is a direct path to the appearance of an impressive amount of salts in urine.

Problems with blood supply traditionally occur against the background of vascular pathologies. The kidneys may not receive enough blood if there is a narrowing or, even worse, a blockage of the feeding artery, the omission of one or two kidneys at once, the development of nephrosis, and many other common diseases of the urinary system.

  • Lack of liquid

A urine salt test may be needed if the body is dehydrated. How less water in it, the higher the chance of formation additional amount salt deposits, which can be localized not only in urine, but also in tissues.

The reasons for the appearance of a lack of water in the body are associated with increased physical activity, which leads to increased sweating, overheating in the sun, vomiting and diarrhea, high temperature bodies, etc. It is very important to drink plenty of fluids immediately after all of the above cases - this will help restore water balance in the body and avoid the formation of salt compounds.

  • Medical therapy

Some types of drugs have not only positive, but also negative impact on the body. Many of them are excreted through the kidneys. Such strong drugs as antibiotics, painkillers, anti-inflammatory, etc., can provoke the formation of urates in this paired organ.

You can not eat a significant amount of food at the same time - it is better to eat more often, but at the same time in small portions.

Despite the fact that meat is a provoking factor in the appearance of salts in the urine, it is, of course, not necessary to completely exclude it from the diet. But everything should be in moderation, including meat, so it is allowed to consume no more than 100-150 grams of this product in its pure form per week.

It is very important to resort to separate nutrition. This term refers to the consumption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates separately. Due to this, the assimilation of food and the normalization of the functionality of the digestive tract will occur in a normal mode, and without the help of appropriate medications.

A quality diet, however, can not always cope with the presence of salts in urine. If a positive effect from proper nutrition is not observed, it is necessary to resort to the help of appropriate pharmacological agents, for example, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Their task is to save the patient from a disease that leads to increased formation of salt deposits.

Oxalates and urates in urine what does it mean? Their presence indicates that pathological processes are taking place in the body. In advanced cases, their salt compounds begin to form stones. If this happened, the diet and even drug therapy won't help anymore. Formed stones can either be broken or removed. In most cases, resort to modern techniques such as laser therapy or ultrasound. However, if the calculi have reached a significant size or there are a lot of them, then there is only one way out - an operation.

Treatment of this pathology will be much more successful if you pay attention to the type of salts found in urine:

  • oxalates - getting rid of them is easier than in all other cases. The essence of treatment lies in proper nutrition. First of all, products containing oxalic acid are completely excluded from the diet. There is no need to worry about its deficiency in the body, since it is produced in sufficient quantities by the kidneys. Instead of such products, it is necessary to start eating potatoes, milk, lard, vegetables and fruits, boiled meat of birds and fish;
  • urates - you need to reduce the consumption of foods containing purine. It is very important to drink a lot (no less than 1.5-2 liters pure water per day), as well as take appropriate drugs, the action of which is aimed at improving salt metabolism;
  • phosphates - you need to reduce consumption or eliminate foods containing phosphorus from the diet. These include buckwheat, cheese, eggs, fatty fish, caviar, fish liver and much more. As a result, the level of vitamin D in the body will fall, the concentration of salt phosphate deposits will decrease significantly.

Important - in all of the above cases, we are talking specifically about the treatment of salts in urine. Accompanying illnesses, which provoked this phenomenon, should be treated separately. Therapy is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water, exercise, correct image life, eat quality food - and all this will help to avoid such a problem as the appearance of salts in the urine.

Each of us often faced the need to pass a urine test. This kind diagnostic study extremely common due to its simplicity and informativeness. Different kinds urine tests are aimed at identifying a whole range of diseases: from disorders of the urinary system to oncology. In addition, depending on the composition of the urine, the doctor assesses the patient's condition in the acute phase or during the recovery period (for example, during the course of viral and infectious diseases), and also conducts preventive studies (medical examination, pregnancy management).

There are a lot of urine tests: these are tests to check the functioning of the kidneys, and biochemical research, and analysis according to Nechiporenko or Zimnitsky, and the so-called two- or three-glass samples. The subject of our review in this article will be a urine salt test.

General analysis of urine for salt

A general urinalysis for salt is prescribed as a means of diagnosing disorders of the kidneys. Identification is not a large number salts in isolated cases should not be considered as alarm symptom. However, the first bell in case of problems with the kidneys is the atypical composition of salt deposits in the urine, which are present in it in the form of crystals. One or another composition of salts is determined by the acidity of urine. If the urine is acidic (its acidity is less than 5 units), then urates and oxalates are present in its sediment. With an alkaline reaction of urine (the acidity index is less than 7 units), oxalates are also determined in the sediment, but phosphates are the most characteristic. For a more detailed study, if there is a suspicion of a violation of the urinary system, it is prescribed daily analysis urine for salt.

How to take a daily urine test for salt

Material for urine analysis is usually collected at home. The reliability of the results obtained depends on the correct implementation of this procedure, therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended rules.

A few days before collecting urine for a daily analysis of salts, you should abandon physical activity, do not eat spicy and smoked foods, sweets and alcoholic drinks, refrain from smoking.

Immediately before collecting urine, it is necessary to conduct a thorough toilet of the genitals. Hygiene procedures should be carried out using ordinary soap. Watch out for traces detergents did not enter the urine.

Urine collection for 24-hour salt analysis should begin at 6 am. The portion of urine received immediately after waking up is not needed. Starting from 9 o'clock in the morning (mandatory after performing hygiene procedures), all urination should be performed in a sterile container with a volume of about 3 liters. For these purposes, an ordinary glass jar. Urine container should be kept cool. dark place but not in the refrigerator. The frequency of urine sampling does not matter, but the last portion should be collected at 6 am the next day.

When all the material for performing a daily urine analysis for salt has been collected, a portion of about 100 ml should be isolated from it. It should be separated after thorough mixing of the accumulated material.

The resulting portion, which will be transferred to the laboratory for research, should be placed in a clean, previously unused container, since traces of detergents and other substances can significantly distort the result. Do not leave the container of urine open to prevent it from evaporating and oxidizing in the air. Do not forget to sign the container with the material and put on it the current date.

What can be seen in the daily analysis of urine for salt

Let's consider the most typical results. Do not forget: the transcript below is for reference only and in no case replaces the advice of a doctor.


Urate is a precipitate of salts uric acid. If urates are detected in the general analysis of urine for salt, then one of the diagnoses is most likely: fever, uric acid diathesis, gout or leukemia. The presence of urates may also indicate poor nutrition, in which protein foods and strong tea are consumed in excess. Besides, similar result characteristic of people who experience excessive physical activity as well as dehydration or fever.

If there are no significant diseases, a diet consisting of fruits and vegetables, eggs, dairy products and cereals will help reduce a large number of urates. It is very important to drink at least two and a half liters of fluid. Especially healthy drinks will be alkaline mineral water(for example, "Essentuki" or "Borjomi"). The body's need for calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A and B is increasing.


The appearance of phosphates in the results of analyzes may indicate cystitis, Fanconi syndrome or hyperparathyroidism, but in some cases it manifests itself with a decrease in urine acidity after a heavy meal in healthy people. In the presence of phosphates, it is recommended to exclude or at least limit the intake of foods rich in calcium and vitamin D: oily fish and fish liver, eggs, high-fat dairy products.


Oxalates in the analysis of urine for salt can signal serious disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and the genitourinary system. The presence of oxalates is the most common manifestation urolithiasis. In addition, sedimentation in the urine of oxalates is characteristic of ulcerative colitis, inflammatory diseases intestines, diabetes and Crohn's disease.

Excessive consumption of foods containing oxalic acid can lead to the appearance of oxalates. These include eggplant, rhubarb, beets and spinach, strawberries and gooseberries, wheat bran, chocolate and tea.

The detection of oxalates in the urine during pregnancy indicates a temporary malfunction of the kidneys. In this state, the amount of salts in the general urine test may decrease due to their consumption for the formation of fetal bone tissues.

In fact, oxalates are the most well-known manifestations of "stones" or "sand" in the kidneys. In the case of advanced disease, the symptoms of oxalates are sharp pains in the abdomen, repeated urge to urinate in large quantities and general weakness. In some cases, even renal colic occurs. From the point of view of diagnostics, the occurrence of oxalates in the analysis of urine for salt is accompanied by an increase in the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, proteins and cylinders. The beginning of the development of urolithiasis is sometimes mistakenly interpreted as intestinal dysbacteriosis or even helminthiasis.

Revealing increased amount oxalate in the urine requires immediate treatment, as it threatens the development of urolithiasis. The main method of treatment is a diet, the essence of which is to minimize the intake of oxalic acid. It is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible per day. Particularly useful in this case will be decoctions of pear leaves, blackcurrant and grapes, as well as compotes and fruit drinks. However, such a diet can cause a deficiency of potassium and magnesium in the body, so dried fruits are introduced into the diet and sometimes even dosage forms. It is highly undesirable to use table salt and calcium-containing products (including milk and its derivatives). We should not forget about folk remedies. Freshly squeezed juices from parsley, carrots, mountain ash, as well as decoctions of corn stigmas, strawberry leaves, dill seeds and other herbs that help remove salts from the body work very effectively.

If the level of salt in the urine is constantly elevated, this means that not everything is in order with the body, because in healthy body substances necessary for normal functioning are completely absorbed, and the excess is excreted. Normal when general analysis urine shows the absence of salts or a small proportion, but if the concentration is increased, then it's time to visit a urologist.

The presence of salt in the urine alarm signal from the kidneys.

Symptoms and causes of the appearance of salts in the urine

The reasons for the appearance of salts in the urine are divided into those that are interconnected with diseases that increase their concentration, and those that are not associated with diseases.

Sometimes, even in a healthy person, crystals are detected in the urine, because the parameters change from the foods used, climate, and activity. But, most likely, the increased salt content in the urine and kidneys is a consequence malnutrition, lifestyle, serious illness or infection requiring medical attention:

  • salt precipitation is present when a person drinks little liquid or with severe dehydration associated with illness, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • violation of blood supply after nephrosis, prolapse of the kidney, infections, blockage of blood vessels.
  • an irrational menu in which too monotonous food favors the deposition of salts, as well as salty foods, or, conversely, fasting, dieting, fasting;
  • drug therapy, when salt in the urine is detected after potent antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs, which is often accompanied by the accumulation of urates;
  • heavy physical labor in men.

Taking pills, a poor menu, a violation of water metabolism lead to "salinization" of urine.

Usually, with salts in the urine, the symptoms are not pronounced, however, it is important to pay attention to the signs by which the disease can be recognized. If at least one symptom appears, then there is cause for alarm:

  • cloudy sediment in the urine;
  • change in the color of urine;
  • weakness and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • hourly emptying;
  • burning sensation in the genitals when the salt corrodes the mucous membrane urinary tract, and the secreted crystals enter the urethra.
  • dysuria (difficulty urinating).

Types and norms

Urine consists of water - about 95%, proteins and salts - 5%. The presence of salts in the urine test is compared with a special scale with 4 pluses. In healthy people, salts are not detected, but a one-time increase to 2 pluses is acceptable. When the salt concentration is high (3-4 plus), then it is required to pass a daily urine test for salts for a more accurate check. If bacteria were detected in the analyzes, it speaks of dangerous infection in the urinary tract. Additionally, the indicators are evaluated:

  • the content of white blood particles, when the norm of leukocytes in the field of view for a man is 0–3, and for a woman it is 0–5;
  • epithelium, erythrocytes, cylinders in the urine.

Normal urine is neutral or slightly acidic. Jumps indicators of the balance of alkalis and acids (pH) favor precipitation. Alkaline or acidic environment is determined by laboratory study analyses. In acidic urine, there are crystals and salts of uric acid - urates. AT alkaline urine crystals of ammonium uric acid, calcium carbonate, phosphates and tripelphosphates can be found. Oxalates appear in both acidic and alkaline urine. Calcium carbonate and ammonium urate appear rarely. Urates, oxalates and phosphates in the urine come across more often.

stress, diabetes, bad habits can be provocateurs of the formation of salts in the urine.

What triggers education?

Possible causes of increased salts in the urine
Type of The reasons
  • impaired renal function;
  • gout;
  • hepatitis;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • frequent presence in the menu of dishes from mushrooms, fish, spicy cheese, meat, spinach and tomatoes;
  • abuse of cocoa, coffee, strong tea, alcohol;
  • stress;
  • heredity;
  • antibiotics.
  • inflammation in the kidneys, stones;
  • congenital deviation in the exchange of oxalic acid;
  • diabetes;
  • poisoning;
  • products with oxalic acid;
  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • colitis.
  • food that contains a lot of phosphorus, or vegetarianism;
  • infection in the genitourinary system;
  • kidney problems;
  • diabetes.

How to remove salt from the body

Only after finding out the reasons for the appearance of salt in the urine, are accepted specific steps for its removal.

If the level is elevated due to a serious illness, then the doctor prescribes the necessary medical preparations and procedures. When oxalates and urates are elevated in the urine, the doctor may prescribe Blemaren, Allopurinol, Asparkam. With oxalates, magnesium oxide, "Pyridoxine", vitamins E and A in the complex are prescribed. With phosphates, drugs are prescribed that slow down the secretion of gastric juice. If the reasons indicate an improper diet, then it must be corrected, if there is a lack of water, the consumption of drinking should be increased. In any case, a medical consultation is necessary.

Nutrition and diets

The appearance of urates, oxalates and phosphates directly depends on food. Having found out which species are found in the urine, and what they mean, some products should be added and others excluded. Therefore, first of all, diet therapy is prescribed before treatment. Increasing urates involves a special menu of products, with the presence of vitamins A and B, zinc, magnesium and potassium. It is recommended to supplement the diet with alkaline mineral water, vegetables and dairy foods. In the presence of oxalates in the urine, compotes, tea with lemon, dishes from oats, wheat, seaweed and other products that contain vitamin B6 are very useful. To get rid of phosphates, you need to reduce the amount of salt to a minimum and eat more eggs, liver, dairy products, fish, i.e. foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D.

Fresh vegetable juices effectively and painlessly remove excess salt from the body.

Urine is a natural product of the vital activity of the human body, excreted by the kidneys, one of the varieties of excrement. This is a physiological liquid substance in the form of a weak solution of various substances (including salt), the process of precipitation of which into a crystalline precipitate determines changes in urine reactions (pH) to the acidic or alkaline side.

It is for this reason that in cases where salts are found in the sediment once, these analyzes are not considered indicative and indicate the presence of any pathological phenomena in the patient's body. But, in the case of an impressive salt sediment, which appears in the urine with some regularity, we can talk about the first symptoms of the disease. gastrointestinal tract or a malfunction of the kidneys. In addition, an excessive concentration of salts in the urine can provoke the occurrence and development of urolithiasis.

Causes of salt formations in the urine

Very often, a crystalline salt precipitate is found in the urine of children in preschool age. This is due to the peculiarities of their diet, insufficient renal ability to break down a large amount chemical elements and fluctuating pH levels. The level of concentration of salts that are found in the urine during analyzes are indicated in the form with a “+” sign in an amount from one to four. The presence in such a medical format of one or two pluses is allowed and is considered the norm.

Usually, the sediment in the urine is found with the content of urates in it. acid reaction, oxalates in alkaline and acidic reactions, phosphates - in most cases in alkaline.

Urats are precipitates of uric acid and its salts. The reasons for the formation of salts of this type in the urine in children include:

  1. The use of products containing purine compounds. These include: meat, meat broths, sprats, sardines, mushrooms. From drinks - strong tea, cocoa.
  2. Excessive physical loads.
  3. The state of the body, accompanied by fever.
  4. Loss of body fluid in large quantities - with diarrhea, vomiting, excessive sweating.
  5. Uric acid diathesis.
  6. Leukemias.
  7. Gout.
Oxalates- salts, which are most often found in the urine. The reasons for their formation:
  1. Eating foods and dishes with great content vitamin C and oxalic acid. These are: parsley, spinach, sorrel, beets, celery, citrus fruits, radishes, currants.
  2. Congenital failure in the process of oxalic acid metabolism, manifested by urolithiasis or inflammatory kidney damage.
  3. Pyelonephritis.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Ulcerative colitis.
  6. Inflammatory bowel disease.
  7. Ethylene glycol poisoning caused by inhalation of antifreeze or brake fluid vapors.
Phosphates- salts found in the urine in some cases even in completely healthy child. Often, this occurs in the urine due to overeating, low acidity. Causes of phosphate in the urine:
  1. The use of foods and dishes rich in phosphorus. These products include: fish, caviar, oatmeal, milk, buckwheat, dairy and sour-milk products.
  2. Alkaline reaction of urine.
  3. Gastric lavage.
  4. Cystitis.
  5. Vomit.
  6. Fanconi syndrome.
  7. Fever
  8. Hyperparathyroidism.
In addition to the above salts, other types of it can be found in children's urine:

Calcium sulfate in case of diabetes mellitus, frequent use of lingonberries, when taking salicylic or benzoic acid;
salts of hippuric acid in case of liver diseases, diabetes mellitus, excessive consumption of food of plant origin and antipyretic drugs, in the presence of kidney stones;
salts of ammonium uric acid in case of uric acid infarction.


When detected during laboratory research in the sediment of children's urine of any kind of salt, first of all, products that favor the formation of salts should be completely excluded from the child's diet and allowed to drink at least one liter of non-carbonated filtered water daily. After normalizing the level of salts in the urine, it is necessary to accustom the child to a healthy, balanced diet.


  • one - one and a half liters of water;
  • foods that do not contain purines (dairy dishes, eggs, fruits);
  • mineral alkaline waters "Essentuki" and "Borjomi";
  • products containing magnesium, zinc, calcium, vitamin B and A.
If a significant amount is detected in the urine of a child oxlatov, then you should include in his daily menu:
  • at least one liter of water;
  • food containing magnesium - squid, millet, herring, seaweed, oats;
  • vitamin B6.
When detected in children's urine phosphates, you need to exclude from his menu products containing vitamin D and calcium - dairy products with a high percentage of fat content, fatty fish, fish caviar and liver, eggs.

When a person takes a urine test, laboratory assistants check it for the presence or absence of several indicators characterizing diseases of systems and organs. One of these indicators is the salts in the urine, which, when the urine settles, begin to precipitate. When the salt concentration is high, a precipitate forms anyway.

The urine may be either acidic or alkaline environment. If the urine is acidic, then salts such as uric acid crystals, oxalates and urates can be found in it. When urine has an alkaline base, tripelphosphate salts, amorphous phosphates, and phosphaturia precipitate. The presence of alkaline salts in the sediment indicates the development of urolithiasis.

It should not be ruled out that salts in the urine, the causes of which many see only in diseases, may appear as a result of eating certain foods. So, may be the result of eating a large amount meat products, as well as at heavy sweating and low fluid intake.

When a person has urates in their urine, they can be seen with the naked eye. Salts in the urine of this kind appear with fever, leukemia, and also with a huge loss of fluid, which happens with diarrhea, vomiting and profuse sweating.

  1. Exclusion from the diet of chocolate products, sorrel, citrus fruits, any currant, wild rose, as well as ascorbic acid and meat broths.
  2. It is allowed to eat fruits, dairy products, sour cream, vegetable and butter, wheat bread.
  3. Of the medications, magnesium and vitamin B6 are prescribed.

Tripelphosphates can appear as a result of eating exclusively plant foods, as well as with cystitis. Amorphous salts in the urine are also the result of a constant plant-based diet. It can also serve as a reason for the diagnosis of kidney stones and cystitis.

It should be remembered that urine itself is a solution of salts. When some salts, this indicates their excess content. If the salts in the urine exceed a specific norm, this may indicate a violation of the work of some organs.

As a rule, before taking a urine test, some preparation is required. First of all, the day before the test, it is strictly forbidden to eat vegetables and fruits that can change the color of urine. And you can not take diuretic medications. Before taking the analysis, you need to hygiene procedures for cleaning the genitals. This is due to the fact that microorganisms can get into the urine. sweat glands. Women should not take a urine test during menstruation. You need to pass the morning urine.

You can try to diagnose salts in the urine, the symptoms of which appear as pain or blood impurities, using the so-called quantitative urinary samples (additional urine tests, for example, according to Nechiporenko). However, their results can only indicate problems with the kidneys. And the rest of the reasons, as a result of which salts appear in the urine, they do not cover.

The main criterion for determining salts in urine, their concentration and types is only a clinical analysis.
