White things are dyed pink like bleaching. How to wash a dyed white or colored item

Reading time: 4 minutes

Often housewives are faced with the fact that some things “shed” after washing, while others absorb this paint and sometimes acquire a completely incomprehensible shade, or stains appear on them. Thus, they are faced with the fact that things became colored during washing. What to do in such cases?


  • If clothes or linen were not carefully sorted by fiber composition and color before washing, then even one colored sock that accidentally got into a washing machine with white items can ruin everything. That is, in fact, the clothes became colored when washed against another.
  • There are certain colors that are more likely to leach from the fibers of one fabric and be absorbed into another. These are red, orange, blue. But yellow and blue almost never “shed”.
  • Not only white things can become stained, but also any light and even bright ones: blue can become dirty purple, pink - gray, etc. Particular attention should be paid to how long you have been using the product: for example, a recently purchased bright T-shirt in During the first two or three washes it will “fade”, but those that have been used for more than one month are unlikely to do so.
  • It happens that simple sorting does not help. This applies to multi-colored linen or clothes with decorative elements (embroidery). You need to be especially careful with them.

What to do

As soon as you see stains or a new shade on the items, try washing them again, only this time separately. If it is white cotton, you can immediately add bleach.

If a lot of time has passed after washing and the items have dried, it will be much more difficult to save them.


It's easiest with white items made from natural fabrics - you can simply soak them in bleach for an hour or two and wash them as usual.

It is best to use optical brighteners: they contain special substances that are not washed off from the surface of the fabric, creating an invisible film. It reflects the incident light in such a way that the fabric appears snow-white.

What to do , if the white part of multi-colored clothing (for example, a collar) is stained? In this case, the bleach should be applied only to this area, without getting on the colored parts. Leave for half an hour, then carefully rinse and wash entirely.

Chlorine bleach will also help restore the product to its original appearance, but over time it can weaken the material and give it a gray or yellow tint.

Special means

On the market you can find many products specifically designed for restoring accidentally stained items. They promise to completely restore the original color without destroying the fibers and structure of the material. For example, the popular “Antilin” or “Dr.Beckmann”.

There is a mark on such products that is worth paying attention to: they can only be used for white or colored, but non-fading fabrics.

They can be used when washing clothes in a machine or by hand. In the first case, use one of the modes with maximum temperature. In this case, no other detergents are used. If products require delicate care, they are soaked in a solution of this product at the maximum permissible water temperature and left for several hours or even overnight, and then washed by hand.

Traditional methods

If you don’t have special means at hand, you can use traditional methods. At the same time, also take into account the composition of the fabric.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can use peroxide to restore accidentally stained white cotton. To do this, the product is immersed in an enamel bowl with water, two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide are added there and put on fire. The water should boil, after which the fire turns off. When the water has cooled completely, the products should be removed, rinsed and dried.

White items made from other more delicate materials are soaked in a warm (not hot!) solution of soda and peroxide. For 3 liters of water, take two teaspoons of baking soda and the same amount of peroxide, stir and put things in there for an hour. After this, rinse and dry.


Do not use salt and vinegar when trying to restore stained fabric. These products, on the contrary, fix the dye in the fibers, and they are usually used when rinsing so that the item does not “fad.”


It can also be used for color. Add ammonia to warm water (a tablespoon per liter of water) and leave colored laundry in this solution for 2 hours. After that they wash it.

In addition to the fact that you should never forget about pre-sorting and not washing white with color, there are a few more recommendations, following which you will preserve the original appearance of the products:

  • Never wash a new bright item together with other items (even colored ones). This also applies to new jeans - in the first few washes they stain a lot in the water. To ensure that new bright clothes retain their rich colors and do not fade, add a little (2 tablespoons per 5 liters of water) table vinegar to the rinse water. It will fix the dye;
  • If you notice that a white item has accidentally become colored during washing, what should you do? First of all, do not dry or iron it. Try washing again immediately before the dye sets in the fibers. Apply bleach if necessary; if the item is stained what to do
  • study the information provided by the manufacturer on the clothing label: it always contains fiber composition and care recommendations. Failure to comply with the temperature regime can lead to the fact that even a stable dye will “leave” from the fibers into the water;
  • If the product itself is multi-colored, there is also a chance that the lighter areas will become stained. It should be washed by hand in cool water or using special cloths that prevent staining. One such napkin is placed in the drum of the washing machine, and during the cycle it will absorb all the paint that gets into the water from the colored areas, preventing the lighter areas from being painted.

Remember to sort your laundry before washing and always follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Then your favorite things will remain attractive and tidy for a long time. In case of coloring, use one of the special household chemicals (remembering to follow the instructions) or a folk method of restoring color.

What should I do when my clothes get stained during washing? It is necessary to lighten the item that the machine washed with one of the bright blouses. Such situations most often occur when they try to wash an item in a washing machine. Light-colored clothes in hot water turn into “varenka”, like jeans from the 90s. How to bleach things that have been dyed during washing?

How to bleach things?

Don't waste time until the paint is so ingrained that nothing can be done.

If it is a white T-shirt, you will need peroxide, laundry soap, and a little ammonia.
You should soak the T-shirt for a couple of hours in water to which the above ingredients have been added. Light-colored fabrics that have been dyed during washing can be bleached by holding them in a solution of bleach, bleach, and hydrogen peroxide. The paint will come off faster.

When the tulle has become colored during washing in the machine, it can be saved. Emergency measures involve restarting the cycle in the washing machine in hot water. If the tulle is woven from synthetic fabric, it will withstand high temperatures in the “synthetic” mode. This way you can wash the fabric and bleach it if necessary. If that doesn't work, you can use peroxide.

You will need to do everything manually, remembering to wear household gloves.
Dissolve peroxide in water so that the amount covers the tulle. If you add ammonia, the matter can be helped faster. Of the entire list of products, it is the combination that contains peroxide that helps make tulle and other things light again.

Colored items that have become stained during washing can also be washed using peroxide, but in water at a lower temperature. You will have to wash it by hand to preserve the colors. In this case, you need to add peroxide. It will require 50-70 ml. Dissolve in water at room temperature.

If colored items, when washed in the machine, turn into clothes of an incomprehensible appearance, laundry soap will also help. Washing should be done in the standard way, by hand, without the use of brushes or cleaning agents.

If your bed linen is dirty, you can bleach it!

Linen comes in different colors and types of fabric. Bedding that is stained can be washed again in the machine. It is possible to bleach laundry that has been dyed during washing. Duvet covers and pillowcases can be washed by boiling. This method is used when using different whitening agents:

  • Chlorine;
  • A mixture of ammonia and soda;
  • Peroxide;
  • Lemon acid.

When the laundry is colored during washing, boil it for a couple of hours. When the fabrics are white and heavily colored, boiling should be done for 5-6 hours; in this way, the dyed fabric can be bleached during washing. There may be sediment in the water. Then you need to change the water, again adding the required amount of bleaching products, including peroxide. Bed linen that has been stained when washed during bleaching can become significantly thinner, but if you carry out the procedure once, or at most twice, you will be able to wash it.

The same applies to the option when the tulle is stained with paint. You can wash this item by boiling it, just like laundry, but everything must be done with the utmost precision and care.

Applying bleach to items that have been dyed after washing

If an item is stained during washing, be it tulle or linen, you can wash the item using improvised means. Will help:

  • Starch;
  • Salt;
  • Citric acid;
  • Soda.

You can do everything in an automatic car. To do this, add soda, finely ground salt, starch, citric acid, and peroxide to the powder cuvette. You can add a little vinegar, which will help wash linen and tulle even better.

You can mix all this in water and leave the laundry to soak for 12-15 hours.
It is better to leave the tulle or other dyed item overnight. Repeat the procedure infrequently, since the item can become very thin from such exposure.

Afterwards, you need to wash the tulle or other item in an automatic machine. This way you will be able to wash off the main paint that has soaked into the item during an unsuccessful wash. It is important to wash white items that have become colored during washing in water at high temperatures, up to 90°C.

To be sure to remove dirt and paint from white items, you need to wash the tulle in clean water with the addition of bleach. This will especially help when your underwear, socks or T-shirts are white.

Ammonia and peroxide must be dissolved in warm water. Bleach will help wash tulle or other items. Among them: laundry soap, citric acid. Everything needs to be done wearing rubber gloves. Don't forget to wear rubber gloves when working with chemicals!

How to bleach things that have become colored during washing?

An item that has lost color can be partially restored. This must be done in a washing machine. Try adding peroxide and another chlorine-based bleach to the powder. Everything needs to be done with gloves. If T-shirts or sweaters are white, they should be washed in very warm water.

You can apply this procedure to your favorite jeans. If they or the jacket cannot be placed in the machine, wash it by hand with the addition of bleach. But soak things first. It is not recommended to wash jeans by hand. You can safely wash them in the machine, but do not put colored pants or leggings with them.

It is also important to pay attention to white T-shirts, which should be washed in a weak solution of soda and vinegar. These are, of course, not jeans, which cannot be ruined in the machine with additional washing. Therefore, you need to wash them in very warm water with the addition of special products so that the colored spots come off the first time.

If bleach contains a large amount of chlorine, it should not be used to remove color stains on T-shirts and tank tops that must retain their colors. It is important to use gentle bleaches that will not spoil them even in very cold water.

You can also wash especially delicate T-shirts and pants in a soda solution. But jeans are machine washed only on a very intense cycle, in warm water.

Damaged jeans can be washed by hand, but this should be done with rubber gloves. The colors will not disappear, but the stains should go away with the use of peroxide and other bleaches.

When purchasing a new item, find out whether it is subject to shedding or not. Dark-colored jeans will fade and should not be washed with light-colored T-shirts and pants.

So, it is possible to wash jeans that have become stained due to improper washing. You can add bleach or other chemicals. Among them are citric acid, soda, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide. After the jeans have been soaked and washed by hand, you can put them in the washing machine and spin them on a gentle cycle.

We often become attached to items of clothing and try to do everything we can to make them last as long as possible. But what to do if the thing starts to shed? A number of other questions arise:

  1. How to keep the original color longer?
  2. How to wash things without fading?
  3. What to do if clothes are dyed?
  4. How to wash a heavily shedding item?
  5. What to do to prevent clothes from being dyed?

Let's try to figure out how to wash things correctly so that they remain of high quality.

How to wash so that the fabric does not dye

You can understand whether a material is painted or not already during the first treatment. The fact is that fabric can share its color every time it comes into contact with water.

To prevent items of clothing from shedding so much and their color from changing, you can use the following means:

  • Washing powder for hand washing;
  • Vinegar;
  • Salt.

In addition, you will need a washing machine and any suitable container for soaking.

How to wash without dyeing things

Experienced housewives say that it is necessary to wash things that are dyed only separately. If you are very attached to your favorite item, you need to do everything to preserve its shade for as long as possible. Let's look at the most popular washing methods using the products listed above.

How to wash things so they don't fade. First method

If you know that the fabric does not dye very much, try to remove the excess dye. The procedure is as follows:

  • Soak the item in warm water;
  • Rinse under running water;
  • Soak again for about 40 minutes;
  • Rinse the fabric under the tap.

The procedure should be repeated until the excess paint is completely washed off. At the last stage, it is recommended to wash the item in a machine with washing powder.

What to do to prevent the item from fading. Second method

If after the manipulations described above nothing has changed, you need to use a more radical method. A natural material such as salt will help remove dirt and at the same time retain color.

The step-by-step instructions for this method are as follows:

  • Pour warm water into the container (the temperature should be slightly higher than room temperature);
  • Add a handful of powder and one glass of salt;
  • Soak the item for half an hour;
  • Hand wash the item;
  • Rinse in running water.

Note that this method is effective only in relation to plain colored products.

What to do if the item is painted. Third method

This method uses vinegar. The dye can be fixed to the fabric using acetic acid.
To implement this, do the following:

  • Take the container deeper;
  • Pour hot water (up to 40 degrees), add powder;
  • Soak the item for twenty minutes;
  • Wash by hand;
  • Prepare a vinegar solution (5 tablespoons of vinegar per bucket of water);
  • Rinse the item of clothing in the prepared solution;
  • Without twisting, hang to dry.

What to do to prevent things from being painted. Fourth method

Vinegar is also used for this method. The difference from the previous option is that the item is washed with a vinegar solution, rather than rinsed.

The work stages look like this:

  • Pour 4 liters of warm water into a deep container;
  • Add 2 tablespoons of powder;
  • Add 3 tablespoons of vinegar to the container;
  • Immerse the clothes in the container, rub lightly;
  • Rinse in running, warm water;
  • Hang to dry, no need to twist.

How to properly rinse faded items

We all know that the quality and safety of clothes depend on proper rinsing. This step-by-step instruction will help you do everything correctly:

  • Place the item of clothing after washing on the bottom of the bathtub;
  • Turn on the shower and spray with strong pressure of hot water;
  • Repeat the procedure, turning the item over to the other side;
  • Turn the clothes inside out and do the same manipulations using water at room temperature.

After this, it is advisable to repeat the procedure at a lower water temperature.

How to wash faded clothes in a washing machine?

You can’t put everything in the washing machine without going through it. With the right approach, you should separate colored and plain items.

  1. Before using the machine, soak the product in a vinegar solution:
    • 3 tablespoons of acetic acid;
    • 2 tablespoons of powder;
    • 4 liters of warm water.
  2. The temperature in the machine should not exceed 40 degrees;
  3. Turn the item inside out before washing it;
  4. Turn on “No Spin Mode” on your device;
  5. After washing in the machine, clothes must be hung up, gently smoothed with your hands, without twisting;
  6. It is necessary to hang the laundry from the wrong side; a bowl is placed under the bottom to collect excess liquid.

  • Never treat dyeing materials with soda;
  • Some clothing items cannot be washed in a washing machine;
  • If you are washing an item for the first time, study the label carefully. All tips for caring for the fabric are usually written directly on it;
  • When choosing items of clothing, you need to clarify whether the item changes color or not. To do this, just carefully rub a piece of the selected product with a damp cloth. If the material becomes colored, everything will become obvious.

As you can see, there are many tips that will help you maintain the original color of your favorite clothes. The main thing is to follow the instructions and carefully study the information on the label before putting it in the washing machine.

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In order for clothes to retain their color brightness for as long as possible, it is necessary to wash them correctly. However, sometimes embarrassments still occur, and we sigh heavily - the item faded during washing. What to do? In this article, I will give effective tips for removing faded stains at home.

Save or recycle

Clothes are made from a variety of materials and have a certain structure and texture. This affects the nature and method of their cleaning.

Product color may vary:

  • during ;
  • due to improper drying;
  • from being in the rain;
  • when being in the vicinity of wet things of a different color.

What to do if clothes are dyed: throw them away or try to “reanimate” them?

If the natural color of the item has become paler or completely faded, then, unfortunately, it will not be possible to help in this situation.

But! If an item is stained after washing, it can be saved in various ways. To do this, you need to use household products that are found in every home.

Now I’ll tell you how to correct annoying mistakes when washing.

How to save white clothes

Light-colored clothes are dyed most often. Stains and annoying colored stains are clearly visible on white linen.

So that you don’t have any questions about how to save a white thing, I will tell you about proven methods.

Method 1: Using bleach

There are many fabric whiteners available today. On store shelves you will find products from domestic and foreign manufacturers.

These products are equally effective in combating stains on light-colored items. Choose products from a brand that suits you in terms of quality and price.

If red, black, blue, green or other colored laundry has faded onto the white, you need to get rid of the stains using the following instructions:

  1. Pour cool water into a basin.
  2. Add two servings of whitening product.
  3. Fold faded things into the basin.
  4. Leave them in a basin for 6 hours.
  5. Take out clothes from bleach water and rinse thoroughly under cold water.

After rinsing it will become clear whether there are stains or not. If contaminants remain, try boiling. I talk about it below.

Method 2. Boiling clothes

This is an old and proven method. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used it when there were no effective stain removers in stores.

If the red has faded onto the white, or there are colored stains on the light-colored linen, you need to:

  1. Separate colored items from plain whites, on which stains remain.
  2. Load into washing machine faded clothes.
  3. Add bleach and laundry detergent.
  4. Set the intensive wash mode at the highest temperature (usually 90 °C).
  5. Start the washing machine.

It is better to wash white items immediately this way. Attempts to get rid of old divorces, unfortunately, will not be successful.

Only natural fabrics can be boiled. Synthetics and other artificial materials will deteriorate in too hot water.

Method 3. Using a soap-salt solution

You can make an effective remedy against color stains with your own hands.

The whiteness of products can be restored using ordinary table salt and laundry soap.

To make homemade bleach, you need:

  1. Half a glass of table salt(preferably large) pour into a bowl.
  2. Add Add laundry soap, crushed to shavings, to the salt.
  3. pour In a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of potato or corn starch.
  4. Mix already existing ingredients with lemon juice.

  1. The resulting slurry is laid out on the places where there are colored stains. The stains should take several hours to fade. You can treat the fabric before going to bed, and in the morning rinse the clothes in the machine without spinning.

As personal experience shows, this product works best with faded white items. The stains disappear completely and the material remains safe and sound.

How to remove stains from colored clothes

If a colored item has faded, it is a little easier to return it to its original color than a white one. After all, on bright and colorful products, spots do not catch the eye.

To restore and refresh color, use one of three methods:

If jeans or colored items made from dense materials have faded, it will not be possible to remove the stains. In this case, you can completely repaint the item and thus give it “new life”.

Method 1. Professional remedy

As in the case of white things, you can resort to the help of a professional product. Special stain removers for faded colored items are sold with the mark “Color».

Instructions for using the chemical:

  1. Pour warm water into a bowl.
  2. Add Add the required amount of stain remover to the water (3-4 caps).
  3. Immerse in a basin colored linen that has faded.
  4. Leave the laundry soaked for several hours.
  5. Rinse clothes and hang out to dry.

The price of a professional chemical stain remover or rinse aid depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the product. If you are looking for a more economical option, then try the home remedies that I will discuss below.

Method 2. Using peroxide and ammonia

How to wash items that have faded during washing using available products? To do this you will need ordinary ammonia and hydrogen peroxide.

The alcohol must be pure, otherwise there will be no effect.

To make a homemade stain remover, you need:

  1. Draw water. To do this, we use a 4-liter metal basin or bucket.
  2. Add alcohol. Measure out 1 teaspoon.
  3. Add hydrogen peroxide. Quantity - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Place spoiled items in the solution.
  5. Place a basin or bucket with clothes on the stove.
  6. Boil.
  7. In one hour boiling, turn off the heat and take things out.
  8. Rinse items cool water and hang to dry.

The secret of this method is that when boiling, the excess paint evaporates along with the alcohol. As a result, things will be returned to their former purity.

Method 3. Restoring color with green tea

The most unusual method for cleaning faded items is using green tea. I recommend using good quality strong tea in bags.

Using this method is easy and convenient. To do this you need:

  1. Cool the tea. Place the tea bag in the freezer overnight.
  2. Boil the water. In the morning, put 4 liters of water on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Place frozen tea bag in boiling water.
  4. Turn off the fire.
  5. Place the “affected” clothing in a tea solution for 3-4 hours.
  6. Rinse things.
  7. Wash clothes in the machine with the addition of powder.

If none of the 3 proposed methods helped solve the problem, take the items to the dry cleaner.

How to save light-colored items with colored designs?

Many people do not know how to restore the color of clothing if the base of the product is white and the design is colored. In such cases, I combine means to save faded items.

The instructions for getting rid of stains on white items with designs will be as follows:

  1. First you need to process the color drawing with "Color». In this case, you should not go beyond the edges of the print, so as not to stain the light fabric.
  2. Leave the thing with the processed pattern for 2 hours.
  3. Rinse the product in cold water.
  4. After this, you can begin processing the white material.. Choose any method of cleaning light-colored fabric, except boiling. Do not touch the colored part.
  5. Rinse the item cold water and hang to dry.

White items with colored prints need to be rinsed very quickly and only in cold water, so that they do not fade on themselves again.

You will not encounter the problem of faded items if you follow the recommendations for proper washing.

The rules are simple and achievable:

  1. Study the label. It says at what temperature the product should be washed.
  2. Sort your laundry. Black, white and colored items must be washed strictly separately.
  3. Prevent new clothes from shedding. To do this, wash the new product by hand for the first time with a small addition of salt. This will set the color.
  4. Buy quality clothes. Cheap products are impregnated with unstable bright colors that come off during the first wash.

An alternative way out of the situation with faded things that cannot be “reanimated” may be:

  • painting in a different color;
  • sewing decorative elements onto spots;
  • increasing the number of stains using artistic textile paints;
  • adding embroidery or appliqués, etc.

The solution to the problem is an application

A creative approach has an unlimited number of incarnations. The main tool is your own imagination.


I talked about simple and affordable ways to remove colored stains from white and colored things. You also learned the rules for washing light-colored items with bright patterns. Next - it's up to you!

I look forward to your advice and questions in the comments – I’ll be happy to help!

The appearance of unsightly colored stains and a change in the shade of the product after washing leads to the fact that your favorite clothes go into the home category. It’s especially sad when white things are dyed. After all, the stains on them are very visible.

However, at home it is possible to save a damaged wardrobe item. For this purpose, you can use both improvised means and products purchased at household chemical stores. The key to success in the fight for clean clothes lies in lightning-fast actions to clean the item.

So that you don’t have to rack your brains over what to do if things get dyed during washing, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  1. You should always sort your clothes before washing them. Colored items cannot be added to white items.
  2. When washing an item, it is important to consider the recommendations for its care. This information can be found on the product tag. Sometimes clothes fade because the water temperature is too high or the wrong washing mode is selected. Some white items with colored elements can also become stained if not washed correctly.
  3. Do not wash natural and synthetic clothes at the same time. Often it is synthetics that shed.
  4. If you suspect that a particular item is shedding, you can take a piece of the same fabric and moisten it with hot water or boiling water. Then rinse and see if the color has faded.
  5. It is advisable to wash new items separately by hand. You can also soak them in saline solution for 30-40 minutes. This will prevent the color from fading in the future.

If clothes still become stained after washing, you should immediately begin to solve this problem. Particular attention should be paid to white stained items.

Folk recipes

Having taken the item out of the machine and discovered that it has been dyed, you need to immediately wash it again. In this case, you should add a large amount of washing powder or a special product to the machine. If these are white clothes, then you can pour bleach.

The temperature is set to at least 60 degrees, if the fabric of the product allows.

If it was not possible to remove colored stains, you will have to use additional products.

Hydrogen peroxide

A good way to save stained items is hydrogen peroxide.

Instructions for use:

  • immediately after unsuccessful washing, you should put the clothes in the pan;
  • pour 4 liters of water there;
  • add 20 g of peroxide to the container with the product;
  • turn on the fire;
  • boil the item for 30 minutes;
  • After the allotted time has passed, carefully remove the clothes and rinse in warm water.

This method is suitable for cleaning both white and colored items.

Starch, salt and citric acid

A mixture of starch, salt and citric acid can also restore clothes after a failed wash.


  • mix 1 tablespoon each of laundry soap shavings, citric acid, table salt and starch;
  • dilute the mixture with water to a paste;
  • apply stains from the wrong side;
  • leave for 12 hours;
  • Rinse the area thoroughly with running water and wash the product with powder.

It is important to start cleaning while the stains are fresh.


You can remove stains using ammonia.


  • pour 4 liters of water into the pan;
  • add 1 teaspoon of ammonia;
  • stir and dip the soiled product into the resulting solution;
  • boil the item for 1 hour;
  • then rinse the clothes in clean water and wash as usual.

Instead of ammonia, you can add 20 g of pure ammonia.

Potassium permangantsovka

Another remedy for eliminating the consequences of unsuccessful washing is potassium permanganate. You will need:

  • dissolve 2-4 granules of potassium permanganate in warm water;
  • soak the damaged product in the resulting solution;
  • leave for 1.5 hours;
  • wash the item with powder.

Potassium permanganate can only be used to clean colored clothes. Do not use this product on light-colored fabrics.


Regular baking soda can also help if things are stained. To do this you need:

  • mix 2 tablespoons of soda and water until the consistency of a thick paste;
  • apply to contaminated areas;
  • wait 3-5 hours;
  • rinse and wash the item by hand.

This method will help if the products have partially changed color.


You can also revive the product using vinegar.

Procedure steps:

  • mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar with 3 liters of cold water;
  • rinse clothes in the resulting solution;
  • wash the item with powder.

By repeating this procedure after each wash, you can return the product to its original appearance.

Special means

If desired, you can purchase special cleaning compounds at household chemical stores.

How to choose the right product:

  1. To restore white items, you can use solvents marked “White” or bleaches with oxygen. In addition, light-colored clothes can be bleached using the usual Whiteness.
  2. Colored clothes are cleaned with stain removers marked “Color”. You can also purchase special color restorers. Their disadvantage is toxicity. Therefore, when using such products, you should use gloves, safety glasses and a respirator.

It is worth considering that the chances of saving the item are much greater if you start cleaning immediately after discovering the problem.
