What to take on a short hike. Summer Hiking Weekend: What to Pack

Summer is the time for trips to nature, and the opportunity to spend the night on the banks of rivers or lakes with a good company of friends and relatives. For such cases, you need to take a number of things with you, without which it is difficult to do on a hike. For yourself, you need to make a list of mandatory things, so as not to overshadow your outdoor recreation.

The most basic food

In order not to stay hungry until the morning, it is necessary to calculate the amount of drinking water with a reserve for each person. Calculations can be made on the basis of three liters of water per person for one day, this amount of water should be enough even in very hot weather.
Be sure to take something already cooked with you, and not just raw (meat, etc.), because. in case of rain, it will be problematic to build and maintain a fire.
Take food with you with a margin, it is better not to eat something than to sit hungry until the morning.
I will not talk about meat for barbecues, etc. this is what everyone knows. I advise you to buy yourself a thermal bag or a cooler bag, especially if you are going for several nights, because. the day is hot and most of the food can go bad in one such hot day. You can also store water in it in small quantities to quench your thirst.

For cooking

Be sure to bring matches or a lighter and some paper for better ignition. Paper may be needed to better kindle firewood, especially if a race has fallen out during the night.
Gather with you all the necessary utensils for cooking: a skewer or a grill for meat, a container for water. A knife that is almost indispensable.
And most importantly, it's an axe. Maybe not big. Without an ax, preparing a fire will become more complicated at times.
I will give advice, take with you in addition to matches or a lighter a gas burner. This is such a balloon filled with gas with a small nozzle - a piezo. Such a burner does not take up much space, weigh a little, but one bottle is usually enough for the whole season. With it, you can even ignite not dry branches, and you will not be afraid of either the wind or the lack of air draft.

For an overnight stay

One of the most necessary things in an overnight camping trip is a tent. It must also be chosen wisely, the cost of tents depends not only on its size, but also on water resistance. There are tents that will not get wet even in the downpour, but there are those that are already starting to get wet from the drops.

Warm clothes will also be needed, because. night temperatures can drop significantly from daytime temperatures, and a tent, especially a large one, will not help keep the heat inside.
In the evening, insects begin to appear on the banks of the reservoirs, and often there are so many of them that it is even impossible to leave the tent. Here you will find insect repellents in the form of a spray for people and in the form of spirals for tents.
Do not forget a flashlight, without it in the evening it will be difficult to find all your things.
You also need to take sleeping bags or an air mattress with blankets with you. It is warmer to sleep on a mattress than in a sleeping bag on the ground.

Means of self-defense

Any outdoor recreation can be overshadowed by stray animals, as well as other vacationers under a degree that do not differ in behavior from the same animals, so for such cases it is better to take pepper spray with you. It is better to let it not be useful than not to have it at the right time. If you don’t have a thermal bag, but you want cold water, you can dig a small hole in the ground and bury a bottle of water for a while, the temperature there will be an order of magnitude lower than on the surface and you can easily get chilled water.

How to choose a place for a tent

Try to choose a place to set up your tent away from the trees, and if this is not possible, then check the condition of the nearest trees, because. the wind can pick up and knock down old trees right on your tent.
Do not forget to fasten the tent well on the guy wires.

Choosing a place to stay

The less people there are in the vicinity, the less you will interfere with others, and they will disturb you, but the absence of other vacationers for the night is also a danger, especially if there are not many people in your company.


Be sure to check the weather forecast. if prolonged rains are promised, then it makes no sense to stay with tents for the night, it will be cold, damp, and you can’t really burn a fire.


Let's not forget that you need to fill the fire behind you, pick up all the garbage and behave appropriately so as not to disturb the rest of those around you.
Now you know the basics of what to take with you on an overnight camping trip.

Each individual tourist has his own understanding of camping.

For some, this is a weekend trip to nature, not far from the city, with an overnight stay in a tent. For others, it is active autotourism, which involves spending the night in a tent.

For others, this is a many-day and many-kilometer hike, often on the verge of endurance of the body, which involves not only spending the night in a tent, cooking on a fire, but also the need to carry all the necessary things in a backpack, that is, on your own shoulders.

Accordingly, the list of necessary things that you can and even need to take with you on a camping trip varies significantly depending on the intended type of camping holiday. Of course, for a more comfortable stay and trips by car, the number of things will be much more than for long and multi-day trips with a backpack.

Types of camping

I repeat a little, to understand the types of camping, and specify the list of necessary things.

For myself, I share three types of tent rest:

  1. A weekend trip, usually by car, not very far from home, with one or two nights in a tent.
  2. Active autotourism for several days, with overnight stays in a tent.
  3. Multi-day hike, without using a car.

Let us dwell in detail on each of the types of tent rest and a possible list of things necessary for rest.

List of necessary things for a weekend trip with tents

Considering that a weekend camping holiday is usually carried out by car - this is either a trip in your own car, or a car - transfer to a place of rest, the presence of a car makes it possible, on the one hand, to take more things that you may need, and with the other, taking into account the short duration of the trip, limit yourself to the minimum set.

1. Actually, the tent itself

If you are already planning a tent vacation, then without it, nowhere. Currently, the choice of tents is simply huge - from small single tents to multi-room tents, in which you can not only accommodate a large company, but also arrange a common kitchen - dining room.
If you need a tent once or twice a year, don't buy an expensive tent. The only requirement that you must consider when buying a tent is that it must be waterproof, both from above, for example, in case it rains, and from below, in general, also in case it rains and water flows under the bottom tents.

For more frequent trips to nature, it is worth choosing a better quality tent, both in terms of the materials used for its manufacture, and in terms of its stability and ease of installation.

I think that any professional seller of a tourist shop will be happy to not only advise you, but also help you decide on the choice of a tent in the ratio of the desired price / quality.

2. Travel mats and sleeping bags

In addition to the tent itself, you need to take care of the bed.

Self-inflating mats, which take up little more space and weight than travel mats, have become a good replacement for the usual tourist rug (“foams”).

Some tourists buy a large rubber mattress, inflate it right in the tent, and sleep peacefully on it, not only without experiencing the cold from the ground, but also on a completely soft and comfortable surface. For the mattress, do not forget to buy the appropriate pump (as a rule, the pump is included).

Even with a large mattress, sleeping bags are still needed. And, if one large mattress is enough for a tent, then every tourist, including children, needs sleeping bags.

3. Warm clothes and shoes

If you travel not very far from home, and the weather promises to be hot and not rainy, you can not take a large number of warm clothes. At the same time, do not forget that evenings and nights, especially near the water, are cool, so a warm jumper and trousers (even sports ones) can come in handy.

Yes, and weather forecasts often do not come true, and instead of a beautiful tan from nature, you can bring pronounced signs of a cold. That is, even if you expect heat, you need to take warm clothes. Especially if you are traveling with children.

Also, do not forget that for outdoor recreation it is necessary to take comfortable clothes with you, preferably one that does not wrinkle too much when worn actively.

4. Camping - tourist furniture: folding table, chairs

The items are very comfortable. But their availability depends not only on your financial capabilities, but also on the volume of the trunk of the car. Although, some tourists - tenters feel quite well while sitting on stumps or on tourist rugs - seats.

5. Camping utensils

Depending on what and how much you plan to cook. And if you can use ordinary disposable plastic utensils and plastic appliances for eating, then for cooking you need at least one pot, frying pan, or a pot, if you prefer to cook on a fire, a ladle, etc. I wrote more about what dishes can be useful on a trip, as well as what products to take to nature, in one of my previous articles: what products to take to nature (follow the link).

Also, it will not be superfluous to have a gas stove and a small supply of gas cylinders on a hike or a trip with tents - not everyone knows how to cook on a fire.

6. Other little things

For example, toilet paper, ointments and liquids from ticks and mosquitoes.

A brazier and skewers or a grill for cooking meat or fish, ready-made charcoal, in order not to wait until enough coal burns in a fire, will not be superfluous. You can also take a bundle of firewood with you, especially if you plan to camp with tents in a place where, by definition, there is not only dead wood, but also, in principle, a forest.

7. First aid kit and medicines

Resting in nature, there is always a risk of injury. Therefore, a tourist first aid kit should always be at hand. There should also be a small supply of medicines in case you have to take them on a regular basis.

The list of necessary things for active autotourism

Active autotourism, with its longer pastime far from home, implies a more expanded set of necessary things. Although, in fact, the list of necessary things that you need to take with you is almost the same as the previous one.

Perhaps the main difference is a much larger amount of clothing, in which it is necessary to take into account both the likely heat and the possibility of a sharp cold snap. Of course, it makes no sense to take the entire wardrobe from home, but spare trousers and jackets obviously do not hurt. Boots with warm socks will not be superfluous.

Food supplies are collected depending on the direction and place where you plan to go. Even in the village shop you can buy the most necessary products. But, if you plan to go, for example, far into the mountains, and the nearest village is located hundreds of kilometers away, then you should take care of the supply of food and water.

The same applies to other related items: dishes, washing accessories, towels, etc.

When we are going on a long trip, we have a large number of bags that need to be somehow distributed around the car ... Therefore, when packing things, you need to take into account the trunk volume of your iron friend. And the principle "I'll take it just in case" does not always justify itself.

On the other hand, when traveling by car, you can take with you an almost unlimited number of necessary things, which cannot be said about long trips on foot, when everything you might need on a camping trip must not only be compactly packed into a backpack, but also carried this backpack on your back...

List of necessary things for a camping trip

In this case, I will limit myself to a universal list, since each hiker has his own individual capabilities and needs.

  1. Backpack. The backpack should be comfortable, light and roomy, with a large number of pockets and compartments.
  2. Tent. For hiking, they select the most light, but at the same time, waterproof tent. It will no longer be possible to take tents and camping furniture with you. Tourist seat mat.
  3. Sleeping bag and travel mat. Without it, nowhere. Sleeping on bare ground is not only unpleasant, but also fraught with hypothermia with all associated diseases.
  4. A set of warm clothes: thick jacket, jumper, trousers, socks, hat, gloves. Especially if you go to the mountains. Sunglasses for the mountain route also do not hurt. With bright sun and snow lying in the mountains, the eyes will not be comfortable.
  5. A set of ordinary hiking clothes. As a rule, this is a sports suit. Waterproof raincoat - in case of heavy rain. Ideally, the raincoat should be large enough that you can fit into it with your backpack.
  6. Several sets of underwear, including underwear, t-shirts, socks. It is better to take from soft natural fabrics. Cap or head scarf.
  7. Shoes. As a rule, on a long trip with tents, they take with them thick waterproof boots and lighter shoes, for example, ordinary sneakers.
  8. Phones, watches, navigator, camera. If you take electronic devices on a hike, do not forget to take spare batteries.
  9. Washing supplies, towels, soap/shampoo, tissues, toilet paper…
  10. Set of dishes. Depending on the number of people going on a hike. If there is a large group, then the dishes used for cooking are distributed among the tourists, and each tourist also takes an individual set of dishes (plate, mug, fork, spoon, knife). If a small team goes on a hike, or an individual hike is planned, then you yourself will have to carry both a primus stove with a supply of gas, and a saucepan.
  11. Products. Probably the hardest part of the list. You can’t carry a large amount of canned food and potatoes with cereals on yourself. Therefore, many experienced tourists are content with little: they take with them a limited set of fast-cooking cereals, nuts, dried fruits, dried meat, spices, etc.
  12. Other little things. Matches or a lighter, a flashlight (preferably a headlamp), a small coil of a regular clothesline (for example, hang clothes to dry), a few plastic bags, thread and a needle, scissors. Don't forget to bring some cash and your passport with you. No matter where it will take you.

In our time, when many people cannot imagine life without a car, subway and many hours of sitting at a computer, more and more people prefer to spend their holidays away from the city and closer to nature.

Recreation in nature is always good and useful. In warm weather, such a rest is an excellent psychological and mental relaxation.

Someone leaves for the whole vacation to foreign beauties, and someone prefers to wander through Russian forests, enjoy the riot of colors, dream along the river with a fishing rod.

If you want to have a good time, then go hiking in the forest. There you will find many impressions, fun adventures, as well as difficulties that will help us to test our own character and possibilities.

What to take with you on a hike in the forest? This question arises for every person who does not have much experience in field affairs. Therefore, let's find the answer to it together and get together on a forest trip in accordance with all the rules:

Backpack. This is the very first thing you need for a hike. The backpack should be roomy enough and suitable in size for the one who will carry it. Therefore, refuse the huge tourist backpack with a metal base carefully offered by a neighbor.

If you don’t have a backpack, then running to the store and buying the first tourist backpack that comes across is not necessary at all. You need to think carefully about this serious purchase, because you buy a backpack for more than one outing into the forest.

Tent, sleeping bag and mat. If the hike is without an overnight stay, then a tent and a bag may not be needed. But if you are going on a hike with a large company, then a tent or awning will come in handy.

Tents are different in size (number of beds), so you need to agree with friends who takes and carries the tent.

Waterproof bag. Be sure to bring a waterproof bag with you. Regardless of the weather or your balance (when crossing streams and rivers), all your things and products will remain dry.

Axe, saw. They are needed for preparing firewood, logs for sitting, tent pegs (if you are using old canvas tents). For the whole group, 1 copy of both is enough. Put them in a bag or wrap them in a tarp.

Equipment for fishing. In general, if you have laid a route past a river or lake, a float, fishing line, sinker and fishing hook will not be superfluous. They do not take up much space in the backpack, but with their help you can arrange a wonderful lunch. By the way, a fishing line with a hook can come in handy when hunting small animals and birds.

Clothes for the trip and things to take with you. Comfortable clothes and loose shoes. Clothing for the hike should be selected according to the weather. You should not go into the forest in shorts and sandals. A light jacket with a hood, socks, a T-shirt, a hat, comfortable worn-in sneakers (never wear new shoes on a hike).

Matches and everything you need to set up a campfire. Matches, a hatchet, paper for lighting a fire.

and mosquitoes. These insects can ruin your vacation, so take action in time and take repellent sprays or creams on your hike.

Food. The list of products that will be needed on the hike should be discussed in advance with everyone who is going to hike with you.

But you can take with you to chew: crackers, cookies, lollipops. be sure to take a bottle of mineral or plain water.

Tableware. A metal mug, a spoon, a bowl, a regular and canning knife, a bowler hat, a ladle, camping pots, a frying pan. Enough 1-2 for the whole group. Of course, you don't need a frying pan. But if you take a small one with you for frying, you can improve the quality of camping food by frying fish on a fire or mushrooms, for example.

First aid kit and personal hygiene products. Be sure to take soap, toothpaste and a brush with you on an overnight camping trip.

If you are going camping for one day, then wet wipes or paper towels, toilet paper will come in handy.

You also need to take a first aid kit on a hike: a bandage, a bactericidal plaster, iodine or brilliant green, painkillers, insect bites, antihistamines.

Be sure to carefully consider the preparation for outdoor recreation and then your trip will not be able to overshadow any unexpected and unforeseen situations.

If someone thinks that going camping with a child is a bad idea, I can assure you that this is absolutely not the case! Even before the baby appeared in our family, my husband and I loved going out into nature for several days with tents, a fire and other camping attributes. In the first two years after the birth of our daughter, we, unfortunately, had to give up this pleasure. But this year, as we've grown a bit, the idea came up that we'd go camping together. I want to tell you the main points of preparation for the trip and the nuances that need to be taken into account in connection with the participation of a child in the campaign.

Necessary clothes for a hike - dress for the weather!

The most important thing is comfortable shoes . It is best to wear comfortable, proven shoes on a hike, otherwise you will not go far. H take socks from natural materials The legs must breathe. Give in clothes preference for sporty style - A pair of cotton T-shirts and light shorts. Don't forget to take sweater and warm pants , which will be needed in case of a cold snap and protect against insects. Be sure to take headdress - cap, panama or bandana.

If the weather forecast is not very rosy for the child, take waterproof pants and a waterproof jacket on a fabric basis or, as an option, a children's raincoat made of polyethylene or PVC and rubber boots.

The child should take a pair of changeable shoes and rubber boots , as well as 2-3 spare sets of clothes.

What will help on the road - equipment for a hike

The most important thing is the backpack , capacious and suitable in size for the one who will carry it, in addition, it should sit comfortably on the shoulders. You need to lay it down, starting with the heaviest things, and put more fragile and light ones on top. After you have completely assembled backpack, be sure to wear and check if you are comfortable. Jump. A properly assembled backpack should fit well to the back, it should not rattle or ring.

Comfortable sleep will help ensure sleeping bags and polyurethane foam mats , which will remove the irregularities on the ground and will serve as an additional heat insulator.

To make a fire, take hatchet and matches .

And in order not to make a fire every time you want to drink tea, you can take burner: gas or running on liquid fuel, such as gasoline.

Be sure to take lamp or flashlight for lighting.

Such indispensable attributes of tourists as compass and map , you will need it if you are only going on a hike over a long distance.

Can't go on a trip without mosquito repellent and other insects. Now they produce repellents that can be used for children from the age of one. But if you are afraid to use purchased funds, you can use folk recipes : mosquitoes are repelled by the smell of cloves (cologne, perfume, oil) and vanillin (you can simply dilute it in water and pour it into a spray bottle).

We go on a camping trip with an overnight stay - choose a tent wisely!

on a hike, this is your home, so its choice must be approached very carefully.

Let's start with the tent . One of its most important characteristics is water resistance. Modern awnings are made mainly of polyester or nylon. I advise you to choose polyester . It is more resistant to mechanical damage and ultraviolet, in addition, when wet, it stretches less, which means it will keep its shape better.

The frame of the tent should be light, flexible and durable. . All these requirements are perfectly met by aluminum supports. The tent itself is better to choose from nylon . It is breathable and dries quickly, which is very important, since the air we exhale contains a lot of moisture, and condensation forms on the walls from the temperature difference between the outside and inside the tent.

Please note that the assembled tent “sits” well on the frame, and the awning completely covers it and does not sag.

An important point is the presence of a headset : pockets for things, fastenings for a lantern, hinges, hanging shelves. There must be a mosquito net at the entrance. Check the serviceability and reliability of the zippers or the tube.

Don't rush to buy the first tent you see, you may need to visit several stores before you choose the right one. But I tell you it's worth it a good tent will serve you and your family for many years .

What utensils are useful on a hike?

The list of the most necessary utensils in the campaign itself is small. Is it a kettle or pot for cooking food, container for making tea or coffee and standard personal lunch set for each participant of the campaign - KLMN (Mug, Spoon, Bowl, Knife).

You can also take frying pan - it was very useful to us.

It is important that the dishes meet the following requirements:

  • compactness , because even an extra centimeter in a backpack will be very useful;
  • Ease , extra weight to drag on yourself is completely useless;
  • Strength because you will be cooking on an open fire, and the plates and mugs need to be unbreakable and keep their shape.

The ideal option would be stainless steel cookware , but since this is a rather expensive pleasure, a budget aluminum option is quite suitable.

Very useful on a hike thermo mug , which keeps the temperature, and a couple of large bowls are also useful, in which it is convenient to cook a salad for everyone or wash vegetables and fruits.

What foods should be taken on a camping trip?

Food on a hike should be satisfying, stored for a long time, be compact, light and easy to move.

All products can be conditionally divided into three groups: long-term storage, perishable and drinks.

Long shelf life products - these are cereals, pasta, instant soups, canned fish and meat, condensed milk, chocolate, biscuits, spices, sugar, salt and butter.

perishable - bread, sausage, cheese, bacon, vegetables, nuts and dried fruits.

Basic drinks It's tea and coffee.

Cereals and pasta in order to avoid dampness, it is better to put in plastic containers or just bottles.

Drinking water is very important . If there is a source nearby, this is very good, but if not, you will have to carry it with you too.

Even if your baby is already eating from the common table, take some prepared baby food (meat, fruit purees, instant porridge) to provide some independence from the common boiler, as children may want to eat and drink at inopportune times.

Features of making a fire on a camping trip - what can be cooked on fire?

For me personally, making a fire is a whole science. There are a huge number of types of fires alone. I mastered two - "hut" and "well".

"Hut" in my opinion, the easiest is when firewood is placed in a house, and kindling is placed under them.

From the name itself "well" the principle of stacking firewood is already clear - one log square on another.

Choose only dry firewood for a fire, otherwise you will get only a cloud of smoke instead of heat.

Becomes a lifesaver porridge cooked in diluted condensed milk . During cooking, do not forget to salt it to get a balanced taste. Gourmets can add raisins or candied fruits to it.

From canned meat can cook delicious soups , only it is better to add canned food last, having previously boiled potatoes, cereals and roots.

As a second course, the leader is potatoes with stew .

For dinner, a great option can be pasta with cheese and herb sauce .

What to take for children on a hike - games and entertainment for big and small

Of course, children on a hike can not do without. The best outdoor toys include: soap bubbles, whistle, LED flashlights, children's camera, binoculars.

Grab sand set if there is sand near the parking lot.

And of course sports toys : ball, badminton cymbals. For the little ones, you can grab a favorite toy to make it easier to adapt to a new environment.

Medical and personal care products

The standard first aid kit includes : remedies for insect bites, remedy for burns, medicines for the treatment of wounds and abrasions (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, bandage, plaster), gastrointestinal remedies (smecta, activated charcoal), painkillers and antipyretics.

Be sure to bring sunscreen or lotion and sunscreen.

Can't go on a trip without personal hygiene products : toilet paper, soap, wet wipes, toothbrush and paste, comb, hygienic lipstick.

Other useful items for the trip

In addition to all of the above, here is what else was very useful to us:

  • Garbage bags.
  • Sponge and dishwashing detergent .
  • Towels two or three large ones and several small ones.
  • Very handy turned out to be an inflatable basin which took almost no space. It was possible to wash and bathe the child in it.
  • As it turned out, on a trip with a child, one of the most important items turned out to be a pot. . It is almost impossible for children of a certain age to do without it. You can take a simple round pot or purchase a special folding travel or inflatable one.
  • portable radio , despite the fact that almost all phones have built-in radios, it is better to save battery power, because it may not be possible to recharge for a very long time.
  • Seats (we had inflatable ones) so as not to sit on the ground.
  • barbecue lovers it is worth taking at least a skewers, and a brazier can be built from improvised means.
  • If the parking lot is next to a body of water , be sure to take a fishing rod.
  • Just in case it is worth taking a needle and thread, scissors, adhesive tape and a rope.

Summer is the best time for hiking. To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to carefully prepare for the trip, so as not to forget to take something you need, but also not to overload the backpack with unnecessary things. The list of what you need to take with you on a camping trip can be divided into 3 categories: necessary, desirable and optional things.

Necessary things

Things you can't do without on your trip include:

  • Backpack (size depends on the duration of the hike and the number of things).
  • Tent (one for several people, in a multi-day hike it can be carried in turn).
  • Sleeping bag (mandatory at any time of the year).
  • Karemat.
  • Documents in waterproof packaging.
  • Money.
  • Mobile phone.
  • Cup.
  • A spoon.
  • Bowl.
  • Jackknife.
  • Matches.
  • A bowler hat (1-2 is enough for a small company).
  • Change of clothes according to the season (if you start in hot weather, you need to take 1-2 warm clothes with you in case of a sharp change in temperature).
  • Spare shoes.
  • Headwear (in summer it can be a wide-brimmed panama or hat).
  • Personal hygiene products (soap, towel, toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpaste, you can take one at all).
  • Plastic bottle for water (preferably a few).
  • Food (the grocery set depends on the wishes of the participants of the trip, but it is most convenient to take cereals, pasta, salt, stew, tea with you).
  • Garbage bags (you're not going to leave trash behind you, are you?).
  • First aid kit (bandage, hydrogen peroxide, bactericidal plaster, painkillers and gastrointestinal drugs, validol and individually necessary drugs).

Desirable things

You can do without some things on a hike, but with them the rest will become much more comfortable. These things include:

  • Insect repellent (mosquitoes, ticks).
  • Cover for a backpack.
  • Camera.
  • Tourist seat.
  • Saw or small hatchet.
  • Map of the area (required if the route is unknown to all participants of the hike).

Optional things

Such things take up a lot of space, and you can safely do without them even on a multi-day hike. These include:

  • Cosmetics.
  • Shampoos (on a multi-day hike, you can take 1-2 small bottles for everyone).
  • Burner (needed only for those areas where there is absolutely no way to find firewood).
  • Player, e-book (they can come in handy for a solo trip; but if you go with friends, then the book and the player will only take up space).
  • Trekking poles (they make long transitions more comfortable, but you can do without poles).

When going on a hike, you need to remember one pattern: on the way, tourists often complain about a too heavy backpack, and not about the lack of some things. So even if the size of the backpack allows you to take everything you need and do not need, try not to overdo it. Remember that it is you who will have to carry all this for more than one kilometer.
