Ethnic style in clothing designers. Ethno style: colorful solutions in fashionable images

Attracts many. Bright images, original decors, bold combinations in outfits and exotic cuts beckon with a geographical kaleidoscope and uniqueness. Any girl can try on ethnic style in clothes today - there are a great many options for national ideas on the catwalks and in stores. However, before you go shopping, you should decide on the concept of ethnic style and highlight its main features. This will help you choose the optimal color, texture and trend solution for a comfortable attitude and create an exotic image.

What is ethno style?

If you evaluate the photos demonstrating the ethnic style in clothes, some anarchy is striking. Fringe and soft leather, thin sari and ringing bracelets, delicate lavender Provence with many frills - all these are ethnic style ideas implemented in themed bows. How to determine the canons of images, so as not to make a mistake in the selection of models? To do this, it is worth diving a little into history and understanding what designers and fashion designers call ethnic style.

Even a child knows that each nation has its own national costume with original solutions for cut, decor and colors. Adherence to such outfits began to disappear with the emergence of opportunities for mass tailoring and active migration of the population around the planet. National roots began to be lost: ethnic-style bags, dresses, sundresses and skirts have exhausted their uniqueness, and this last century continued.

When the hippie ideological and fashion rebellion broke out in the world, ethnic outfits began to gain popularity again. Traditional national elements were opposed by the “flower children” to the fashionable canons of society and successfully expressed the ideas of the subculture about freedom, closeness to nature, and openness to everyone.

It is thanks to the hippies that ethnic elements - ponchos, hoodies, Aladdins, sari dresses, tunics - have proved their relevance for modern fashion, thereby gaining the opportunity for a new "life" on the catwalks and in the wardrobes of fashionistas.

The active introduction of national ideas into hippie costumes led to the fact that outfits and accessories got into the ethnic style:

  • African;
  • Japanese;
  • Scandinavian;
  • South American;
  • Greek;
  • Egyptian;
  • Indian;
  • French;
  • Russians.

Each style shared its own unique elements, increasing the recognition of ethno style in clothes in the photo and in life.

Oriental motifs in ethnic style: India, Japan

- the most easily implemented, emotional and outwardly attractive. It is based on the national outfits of various countries, but fashionistas prioritize the trends of Japan, India and China.

Borrowed from these peoples:

  • kimono - loose fit and wide sleeves;
  • sari - simple sophistication in maxi style;
  • jewelry in ethno style - rings, bracelets, cuffs, earrings, slaves;
  • decors and ornaments - sakura, embroidery, stones, rhinestones;
  • shades - red, orange, gold, olive;
  • natural fabrics - silk, cotton, chiffon, linen.

Dresses in ethnic style, focused on oriental trends, are always distinguished by freedom of cut, soft draperies, maximum closeness, femininity and sophistication. Flat-soled solutions are chosen as shoes - simple and comfortable models.

African trends: safari style and national fashion

An ethno-style photo shoot will turn out especially bright if you use an African theme for it. Often, safari style is distinguished in the outfits of this direction, but this is wrong, since it has no national roots.

If we consider models in ethnic style in a truly African implementation, then you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • decors - geometric and animalistic;
  • colors - sand, khaki, blue, coffee, orange;
  • finishes - ropes, fringe, tassels, wicker elements;
  • accessories - bracelets made of natural materials, amulets with images of animals, a necklace made of "teeth";
  • natural fabrics - silk, leather, cotton, wool;
  • shoes - on an overestimated platform or woven simple sandals.

If you evaluate the "African" dresses in ethnic style in the photo, it is clear that they are characterized by some minimalism in cut. All the chic of the image is in bright colors and numerous details - decorations, finishes, frames.

Russian-European trends: France, Scandinavia, Russia

Ethno-style sundresses offer directions of the European format, which include both Russian and Ukrainian national clothes. For the "Slavic" images, contrasting embroideries on a white background, a simple straight cut of products and laconic charm are typical. Russian Pavlodar shawls and outfits created on their basis are a separate category. But for the most part, modern ethno style is not very focused on the Slavic theme, since for Russian and European fashionistas there is no particular exoticism in this trend.

A completely different matter is the European ethno style. There are some interesting elements here that ladies from different countries willingly borrow. This is Scandinavian fashion and French Provence.

Provence ethno style is distinguished by romantic sophistication - all the bows of this trendy direction are simply saturated with the scent of lavender and the tenderness of summer. Skirt in ethnic style, dresses, sundresses - everything is elegant, airy and naive. For the image of a girl "from Provence" you will need:

  • colors - light, light, weightless;
  • translucent fabrics - chiffon, crepe, lace;
  • decors and patterns - millefler, small flowers;
  • accessories - a straw hat, knitted bags, simple sandals.

Of all the European trends of ethno style, Provence is the most sophisticated. He is opposed by the passionate outfits of Spain, the cold severity of Scandinavia, the calmness of Germany.

Fashion of bygone eras: Greece, Egypt, Rome

If you want simple elegance, then you should turn your eyes to the past - Ancient Greece, Italy and Egypt. As this ethno-style photo shows, the characteristic moments for it are:

  • midi and maxi length with side slits;
  • emphasis on the waist;
  • straight lines or strict draperies;
  • simple fabrics - cotton and linen;
  • calm decors - ethnic and geometric motifs;
  • asymmetry in cut.

The Egyptian or Greek image of ethno style will be appreciated as calmly elegant. Ladies with any type of figure will feel comfortable in it, and outfits can be adapted for both casual and evening ensembles. A wedding dress in the ethnic style of bygone times also looks good.

Cowboy-Indian ethnic style ideas

The original symbiosis of the cowboy theme with traditional Indian outfits made it possible to appreciate the ethno style. In this direction, soft aggressiveness of images prevails, which is embodied through.

Ethno-style is a real find for creative people who do not tolerate boredom and monotony. It has been in existence for quite a long time. But despite this, it still does not stop developing. Fashion designers are inspired by various sources in different parts of the globe. As a result, unique collections are born, in which modern motifs are intertwined with traditional folklore. These clothes are multifaceted, extraordinary, and colorful. She dilutes the image and brings a fresh novelty to it. Together with the online edition of the site, you will learn more about ethnic style, as well as get acquainted with the main trends that conquer the fashion world.

Forgotten traditions of the past: a little history

In ancient times, people did not attach much importance to what they wore. At that time, clothing was, first of all, a protector from bad weather. But after a while, the attitude towards clothing changed. People realized that in the language of clothes one can talk about one's social status and belonging to a certain family. That is why the ancient tribes began to create their traditional costumes, decorated with ornaments, animal fangs and other decorative elements that protected from all evil.

Years passed. Traditional costumes appeared in many countries. But in the 20th century, interest in them began to fade: people began to buy ready-made clothes, and not make them with their own hands. It would seem a little more, and traditional products will go into oblivion. But it was not there. In the 60s of the XX century, the fashion for such things was revived again. It happened thanks to the hippie subculture. "Children of flowers", as they were often called, not only went against European values, rules and norms of behavior, but also embodied their worldview and lifestyle in extraordinary clothes.

Hippie clothes, shoes and accessories combined elements of the ancient traditions of the peoples of Central America, Africa and the East. Things were distinguished by a free cut, color contrast and a huge variety of decor.

Soon, bright, loose and long hippie outfits were also liked by other nations. Fashion designers also did not ignore this direction. They liked its individuality and diversity so much that they began to create their own collections, bringing interesting and fresh notes to them. Thus, the ethnic style was born. His popularity has not faded over the years, but continues to only grow.

Ethnic style - a mix of modernity and national motifs

Ethnic style is always on the fashion wave. Christian Dior, Kenzo, Roberto Cavalli and other world-famous designers never cease to amaze with new collections dedicated to the theme of clothing of one or another ancient people. Trendy ethnic novelties fell in love with Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, the Olsen sisters, as well as other celebrities. Why is ethnicity so fascinating?

Let's start with the fact that its very name comes from the word "ethnos". And in translation from Greek, it means: "people, tribe." Indeed, ethno style is a style of clothing that has absorbed the identity, culture and traditions from many countries of the world. It is based on respect for the history and traditions of its people and the heritage of all mankind.

Recognizing ethnicity is quite easy. The style has the following features:

  • Clothing uses material, cut, shades, patterns, decorative elements and accessories that are characteristic of a particular people;
  • Only natural and light materials in clothes (linen, cotton, silk, wool, leather);
  • A rich variety of complex and not intricate patterns;
  • Simple cut - products in the ethno style do not consist of numerous details. They are incredibly simple and free to wear.
  • A riot of colors - color combinations are sometimes so extraordinary that the product can radically change the image.
Ethnic style does not need additional details. It is quite lively and bright on its own. This is the perfect solution for expressing your true self.

Popular ethnic style directions: a brief excursion

Since ethno style is considered international, several of its national subspecies can be distinguished:

  • Scandinavian;
  • African;
  • Oriental;
  • Indian.

Now let's take a tour of each of them.

Snowy and frosty notes of Scandinavia

Scandinavian style is very popular. It is great for winter wardrobe. After all, the main highlight of such ethnic clothing is snowflakes, Christmas trees, deer and other patterns that are traditionally used in Scandinavian countries. Such drawings look very good on the contrasting background of a hat, mittens, a warm sweater or a hand-knitted tunic.

Lively, sultry and unpredictable Africa

African style is the exact opposite of Scandinavian. After all, it is appropriate only in the summer. It is characterized by lightness and variegation. In the women's wardrobe you will find airy dresses, shorts, loose trousers, skirts of any length, all kinds of tunics, tops and other things that are designed for the hot season. Products are sewn of natural thin fabrics that help to survive hot weather. This is linen, cotton, silk. The African style is distinguished by a simple cut, rich colors (blue, red, terracotta, khaki, coffee), sharp contrast transitions, geometric patterns, animal print. African notes are also simple accessories that complement the image. These can be headbands, wide belts, massive necklaces made of bones, horns and claws of animals, wooden bracelets, as well as beads of all colors of the rainbow.

Mysterious, alluring and sophisticated East

Oriental style is very extensive. It absorbed the culture and traditions of India, Persia, Japan and other eastern countries. This style pleases the eye with graceful draperies, rich colors reminiscent of spices, as well as a huge variety of patterns. So, paisley ornaments resembling drops or cucumbers speak of India. And Japanese patterns are sakura flowers and birds. Products in oriental style are made mainly of soft silk fabrics that are pleasant to the body. They create an unsurpassed feminine image.

Native American Indian style is a real trend

The ethnicity of the ancient inhabitants of America is very interesting. Its main feature is prints (feathers, wigwams, stylized images of animals and birds), stripes, fringes. Products of the Indian style are presented in natural shades: sand, beige, brown, terracotta. Details of green, yellow, white, gray and blue shades are often used in clothes. Models are made of cotton, jersey, wool, denim. The women's wardrobe includes fringed tops, shorts, tunics, loose dresses and skirts of any length. The most popular is the poncho. This outfit is practical and warm. It can be worn both as outerwear and as a sweater.

The poncho has been around for centuries. This outfit was invented by one South American Indian. He thought of cutting a hole in the blanket for the head and putting this thing on himself in order to protect his body from wind and cold.

Indian clothing is perfectly complemented by various accessories. These are belts and belts, braided headbands, earrings made of beads and feathers, as well as pendants in the form of dream catchers.

In fact, it is impossible to fit all varieties of ethnic style into one article, because there are so many of them. And each of them is unique in its own way.

Ethnic style is an opportunity to see the past, merge with nature, and also find your own harmonious image.

Ethnic style appeared on fashion catwalks in the 60s of the last century. However, the peak of its popularity came in the period of the 90s. It was at this time that the fashion houses Christian Lacroix, Driesvan Noten, John Galliano, Kenzo and many others began to produce collections based on the ethnic outfits of Asia, Africa, Native Americans. A little later, variations appeared on the theme of the folk traditions of Northern and Eastern Europe. For many designers, ethnic style has become a kind of calling card.

Ethnostyle has its own characteristics, one of the main ones is the manufacture of clothes, shoes and only from natural materials. Clothing can be made of silk, cotton, wool or linen.

Ksenia Perova

“Ethnic outfits feature contrasting fabrics and colors, appliqués, embroidery, bright themed patterns, lacing, leather straps and beadwork. Ethnic style is primarily flowing, flowing dresses, sundresses, harem pants and voluminous shirts. Capes, scarves, shawls, pouches and all kinds of jewelry can complement the ethnic image.

Dresses in ethnic style are always long, maxi or midi. Usually they are bright on their own and do not require additional accessories. Ethnic skirts have a straight, A-line or flared cut. The so-called gypsy skirts look very colorful, they go well with a light or dark top and flat sandals. A common element of the ethnic style wardrobe is a tunic, which gives the image femininity and softness, which is relevant in 2017-2018. Jackets in ethnic style have a loose fit and are almost embroidered or beaded.

The history of another element of ethnic fashion is interesting - the poncho, traditional outerwear in the form of a large rectangle with a hole in the middle for the head. The first poncho found by archaeologists dates back to the 13th century. According to one version, the poncho was invented by an Indian who was returning home from hunting. The heavy blanket with which he took shelter from the bad weather in the mountains interfered with him, then he made a hole in it and put it on himself. Another legend of the origin of the poncho tells of a Catholic missionary who wanted to dress the locals in this way, recognizing only the outfit of Adam and Eve.

Ethnic style is still in trend today, this trend is reflected in decor elements, colors and accessories. The clothes are decorated with fringes, ribbons and ethnic ornaments. The autumn-winter collection 2017-2018 from Prada brought together ethnic motifs of different peoples and cultures. Fashionistas can not do without ponchos with ethnic patterns. Designers of fashion houses Etro, Valentino, Naeem Khan presented a wide variety of ethnic outfits. Dresses with ethnic patterns are found in the collections of Tom Ford, Kenzo, Dolce & Gabbana, Valentino. For many years, Scandinavian motifs have not lost ground: Icelandic snowflakes, deer and Norwegian geometric ornaments.

Variety of destinations

In ethnicity, several directions can be distinguished. For example, indian style , which combines long dresses and skirts in bright colors, tunics embroidered with beads, and harem pants. The characteristic features of the Indian direction are the layering and asymmetry of the cut. For asian style silk, multi-layer products of a trapezoidal or rectangular shape are inherent. Often the Asian costume is made in bright, contrasting colors. Arabic style stands out with floor-length long dresses, wide-cut sleeves, thread embroidery, capes and silk scarves. The mysterious and mysterious Arabic style is designed to make a woman even more attractive.

less popular and african style in which midi and maxi dresses and tunics reign, traditional leather, wood and metal products, scarves and bandanas beautifully tied on the head.

Polina Galkina

“African-style outfits very often have large or animal prints, or, conversely, are made of plain fabric in coffee, dirty yellow or brown colors, reminiscent of the hot desert air. Thanks to the rich palette, the African exotic style is suitable for any type of appearance.

It is impossible not to mention separately Japanese style in fashion, often used by designers of leading fashion houses. The traditional Japanese cut is dominated by clear and straight lines, and the silhouette resembles a trapezoid, square or triangle. For many years, kimonos, shirts with a stand-up collar, wrap dresses and tight closed dresses have not lost their relevance on world catwalks. The Japanese style fascinates with prints and patterns on the fabric: cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums and colorful birds…

The divine Greek style . Floor-length white dresses made of flowing fabric with drapery seem to have forever won the hearts of fashionistas and designers themselves. Falling pleats discreetly hide flaws and emphasize femininity. Greek-style outfits are a great option for going out.

For many people, the personification of ethnicity in clothing is Scottish style . The unique bright cage has been emblazoned on fashionable scarves, skirts, jackets and even tights for many years. It is considered habitual country style , combining cowboy and Indian national features. And here clothes made of suede and leather, embroidery with beads and beads, fringe, moccasins, chintz shirts and cowboy high boots will be relevant.

Gaining more and more popularity patchwork style which emphasizes the general tendencies of village life. Here, outfits consisting of patchwork, cheerful and cheerful are welcome. Patchwork has been used extensively in the latest Etro collections, where plain fabrics are exquisitely combined with prints. Fashion brand Maiyet paired patchwork with fringe, making the look bright and original. Patchwork knitwear was presented by the fashion house Iceberg, and the Salvatore collections featured luxurious warm coats using patchwork technique.

In recent years, interest in the ethnic traditions inherent in the Slavic peoples has revived again.

Almost all modern couturiers do not bypass the colorful Russian ethnic style. Russian fashion began its march around the world exactly one hundred years ago, in 1917. Russians emigrating to Europe brought with them not only family jewels, but also outfits in the traditional Russian style. Bright colors and unusual styles simply could not help but attract attention. Straight styles of clothing entered European fashion, Marlene Dietrich and Gretta Garbo fell in love with beaded embroidery. Pavlovsky Posad woolen shawls, Orenburg downy shawls and Khokhloma painting have become a typical symbol of the Russian style. The Russian style is characterized by straight or bell-shaped skirts, sundresses with wide straps, and high-waisted dresses. All clothes are aimed at comfort and are made only from natural fabrics - wool, linen, silk, cotton. One of the most common combinations is white with red. Clothes decorated with floral patterns, ancient ornaments and fabulous birds are simply designed to attract attention. It is impossible to do without lace, braid and handmade hems.

However, to be fair, the first acquaintance of European fashionistas with Russian style began with the famous "Russian Seasons" by Diaghilev in 1908. Then the French language was enriched with the words “kaftan” and “shapka”.

Many clothing styles have been relevant for decades. The once forgotten are becoming popular again, which happened to the ethnic style, which is notable for the variety of colors and styles that reflect the culture and traditions of a particular people.

There are many varieties of this style, so any woman will not have problems choosing her own image. Consider the main directions of ethnic style.

Oh this America

If you love stories about the Wild West, be sure to take a look at this kind of ethnic style. It consists of traditional elements of the Indian costume, which are diluted with features of country-style outfits.

The image in this case is formed by cowboy hats and boots, blue jeans, leather or suede vests, white cotton lace blouses, romantic dresses and skirts made of chintz and chiffon. It is also characterized by an abundance of fringe, a large number of wooden, leather or bone jewelry, bright Indian ornaments on clothes and accessories.

If you are freedom-loving, at the same time you are a romantic, then this is your version of ethnic style. In this outfit it is convenient to walk, go shopping, relax in nature, meet friends.

African motifs

African folk costumes are colorful, incredibly colorful, bright. One of their features is the presence of geometric patterns in the image. It very often appears in the collections of world famous designers.

African ethnicity is characterized by rich and matching colors. Despite the fact that African outfits are colorful, they cannot be called gaudy and vulgar.

A memorable image is certainly complemented by multi-layered jewelry. If you see yourself in this image, get massive beads, necklaces and a bracelet. The priority is metal, wooden products. Feather accessories will be useful. Don't forget big earrings. Animal fangs or claws are often used to make jewelry, which emphasizes the connection of this style with nature. You will also need a variety of shawls and scarves, which serve as capes on the shoulders, hats. They simply transform into luxurious tops and skirts.

Muslim ethnicity

A feature of Muslim culture is strict norms regarding. But this does not mean that nothing can be borrowed from the wardrobe of Muslim women.

Pay attention to the spacious pants - harem pants, which do not restrict movement and allow the skin to breathe in hot weather. Long capes made of translucent fabrics also look great, which will be a stylish addition to many.

Like in Indian cinema

India is a country with a rich culture. By the way, it was this state that gave us a lot of fashionable images. Light tunics and blouses embroidered with bright threads and beads, multi-colored long skirts, cropped tops - all these are Indian outfits.

In this case, ethnicity is based on natural shades and ornaments. The most commonly used colors are red, crimson, green, yellow, purple, as well as shades of pastel colors. Floral and geometric patterns embroidered with beads, sequins and multi-colored threads are popular.

Japanese style

Another country that strikes the imagination with its traditions, history and culture is Japan. Features of the national Japanese costume now and then appear in the collections of leading fashion houses. By the way, many elements of the national Japanese costume can be used in everyday life.

First of all, pay attention to the traditional Japanese cut. Clear and straight lines prevail in the clothes of the land of the rising sun. The silhouette of the outfit most often resembles a trapezoid, square or triangle. Geometric shapes make the image memorable and stylish.

Kimonos, shirts with a stand-up collar, wrap dresses, tight closed dresses came into European fashion precisely from the Japanese style of clothing. And look how popular they are!

Japanese ethnics boasts stunning prints and patterns on fabrics. Cherry blossoms, luxurious chrysanthemums, bamboo, colorful birds and animals adorn the national clothes of Japanese women. Such patterns allow even ordinary everyday clothes to be beautiful and memorable.

Scandinavian look

The harsh weather conditions of Scandinavia have left a mark on traditional costumes. Naturally, “winter” patterns prevail in ethnic outfits: Christmas trees, snowflakes, deer. The print is applied to the contract fabric so that it is clearly visible.

In the range of materials, the lion's share falls on soft and warm fabrics: wool, jacquard, thick knitwear. Styles provide the opportunity to engage in active recreation in nature.

Patchwork style

The clothes of this style do not reflect the traditions of any one people. Rather, he emphasizes the general tendencies of village life, when every piece of material was tried to be put into action.

This approach has found its application in modern costume. Outfits consisting of small multi-colored shreds are deservedly called cheerful and cheerful. They become bright spots in a strict and monochrome urban environment.

By the way, today almost no one sews separate pieces of fabric to get. Instead, ready-made fabrics with a patchwork pattern are produced.

As you can see, the ethnic style is so diverse that you can find the right outfit for any occasion. At the same time, you will pay tribute to the traditions of the peoples of the world, but you will get a truly stylish and modern look.

Extraordinary and originality are more and more welcomed in modern fashion. And in order to achieve such qualities in your image, it is not necessary to “reinvent the wheel”. One of the easiest ways in this case is to choose an unusual direction in fashion design. And one of those popular today is ethno-style.

Clothing in ethnic style 2018

Ethnic motifs are popular for their attractiveness and demonstration of freedom. This direction is incomparable with others, because it has clear definitions, but at the same time it covers the cultures of different peoples - ethnic groups. Such a fashionable branch can be described as original and multifaceted, while there are individual differences here, such as colors, finishes, and cuts. Let's see the most relevant solutions in the wardrobe of the ethnic direction of 2018:

Ethnic style in clothes

The main difference of the popular trend is the clear features with the inherent details of a certain national costume. Ideas from the past are borrowed here, often reflecting the original features of the wardrobe of ancient tribes and peoples. To create a stylish bow, you can use the direction as a whole or its individual elements. Wardrobe details are distinguished by a free and comfortable cut, natural fabrics and bright colors, often in an ornamental print. Ethnic style is subdivided into several main sub-styles. Let's find out more about each:

Ethnic style dress

This type of clothing has become one of the most relevant. Ethno-style dresses perfectly combine femininity, sophistication and comfort. Such natural fabrics as silk, cotton, linen convey lightness, and the free silhouette eliminates any stiffness. Actual styles are considered a trapezoid, a fitted straight cut mini and midi with a relaxed yoke, a wide sundress to the floor. The design can combine several ornaments and prints at once. And along the edge of the hem, neckline and cuffs, the product is often complemented by a contrasting piping.

Tunic in ethnic style

Another popular element of the ethno wardrobe has become a shortened mini-dress or an elongated jacket. The tunic is presented both from warm fabrics and yarn, and in the style of lightweight long blouses. Beautiful blouses in ethnic style are often complemented not only by bright ornamental colors, but also by fringes, tassels or symmetrical pompoms, and an abundance of decorative straps. Finishing such as a short sleeve or a cape-type detail, a wide neck with a lowered shoulder is also welcome here.

Ethno style skirt

This feminine element of clothing is present in the lines of all sub-styles of the fashion trend. An ethnic-style skirt always has a wide feminine silhouette - a trapeze, sun or half sun. An asymmetric hemline will be an actual addition. In addition to natural material, comfort is provided by an elastic insert or a wide elastic band instead of a hard belt. Ethnic colors are often used in the design of other popular styles, for example, the slim mini.

Vest in ethnic style

A sleeveless jacket is considered a characteristic attribute of the national costume of many peoples. In the Russian direction, such a detail can be functional on fur or sheepskin. In other stylistic branches, this women's clothing in ethnic style plays a more decorative role. A popular solution has become a knitted openwork design, often with a woven leather belt included. Another original version is presented in soft leather or suede, complemented by fringe or perforated patterns.

Ethno style coat

Maxi-length models are considered a traditional element of outerwear. Short short coats can correspond to a given theme only in color. Such ethno clothing for women has a wide flying hem and is distinguished by dense natural fabrics without lining - wool, knitted cotton and others. A stylish solution is considered to be a patchwork technique with the addition of not only textiles of different textures, but also leather, suede, and fur. Often in the design of the coat there is a wide free-form hood.

Ethno style cardigan

An alternative coat choice would be an elongated women's jacket. The main difference between outerwear and a cardigan is a lightweight design. Summer fabric is also used here - seam, linen, chintz, lace. Ethno-style in clothes accentuates the relevance of combining a cardigan with a knee-length dress or trousers, both in the appropriate direction and casual.

Wedding dress in ethnic style

Marriage in the national style has become a popular decision in. The most important difference of the original idea is not so much the decor of the situation, but the image of the bride. An ethno-style wedding dress is always relaxed, but at the same time feminine. Here you will not find ornamental colors. The color of the product remains classic white. But the fabric is used without synthetics - perforated cotton, stitching, cotton-based lace. Actual styles are straight silhouettes with a drawstring at the waist and tight-fitting models with a long train.

Evening dress in ethnic style

Having picked up an outfit for the evening in such an original direction, you will definitely stand out from the crowd. Characteristic features of the design are a smooth style to the floor of flowing natural materials. An elegant ethnic dress is presented both in summer collections and in cold season shows. Ornaments and prints in the national theme are made not only in contrasting colors, but often with a metallic sheen. A stylish finish can be a halter collar, an asymmetric one-shoulder yoke, a wide A-shaped sleeve, an attractive hem slit in the center.

Shoes in ethnic style

Shoes are always simple and comfortable. At the same time, the design is often complemented by intricate trim - lacing, pom-poms, fringe. Mostly women's shoes in ethno style are presented on a flat sole. If you prefer models with heels, be prepared that you will not find thin stilettos in such collections. The block can have a small height of up to five centimeters and a wide shape. Designers use soft natural materials - leather, suede, durable textiles. Ornaments or warm natural palettes are relevant. Let's see the most popular solutions:

Bags in ethnic style

An important addition to the original bow is the bag. Roomy textile backpacks in characteristic colors have become an actual choice. A more feminine and romantic solution would be a small suede shape with a long handle. Ethno-style summer bags are presented by hand-made models of a round shape or with soft square outlines. Such accessories are often complemented by a catchy and expressive finish - large-scale beadwork, fringe, small pompoms around the perimeter of the product, a lot of straps and more.

Ethno-style accessories

A beautiful ethnic image is not complete without the use of stylish jewelry. Large rings and massive bracelets are considered an actual addition. Such accessories can have a thin shape, but at the same time go in a triple or more set. Earrings in ethnic style have also become a popular solution. Such jewelry has a massive design, often using natural materials - natural stones, silver. Beautiful earrings are also presented from beads. And jewelry in ethnic style in the form of necklaces and large pendants are considered.
