Indexation of pensions per year. Indexation of the insurance part of the pension by years

TASS-DOSIER. On January 1, 2018, indexation of insurance pensions will take place in Russia. For non-working pensioners, payments will increase by 3.7% (above the inflation rate, which will be about 3%), social pensions will increase from April 1 by 4.1%. The average annual insurance old-age pension will reach 14 thousand 75 rubles. The TASS-DOSIER editors have prepared a certificate on the indexation of pensions in Russia.

Currently, all types of pensions paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) are annually indexed due to rising prices and average monthly wages.

History of pension indexation in the 1990s

For the first time in Russia, pensions were indexed even before the collapse of the USSR - in December 1990. Then the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, due to rising prices, raised the minimum pension from 70 to 100 rubles.

From January 1, 1992, until the pension reform of 2002, the minimum pension in Russia increased 27 times: from 342 non-denominated rubles. up to 185.32 rubles. (taking into account the denomination of 1998, payments increased by 542 times). In 1992-1993, indexation was carried out in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation, and the decisions of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. In 1994-1997, appropriate changes were made by federal laws, then decisions to increase pensions were made by the government of the Russian Federation.

The largest one-time increase occurred on November 1, 1992, when pensions were increased by 2.5 times. This was caused by a record level of inflation, which at the end of 1992 amounted to 2508.8%.

The increase in the size of the minimum pensions in the 1990s was higher than the increase in the size of assigned (actually received) pension payments. According to Rosstat, they grew 235 times, taking into account the denomination of 1998: from 3.5 thousand non-denominated rubles in 1992 ($12.2 at the average annual rate of the Bank of Russia) to 823.4 rubles. in 2001 ($28.23).

Indexation of pensions in 2002-2009

In 2002, a large-scale pension reform was launched, which consisted in a gradual transition from a pay-as-you-go to a pay-as-you-go pension system. The pension was divided into three parts: basic (guaranteed by the state), insurance (pension contributions that are deducted from wages and guarantee payments after retirement) and funded (real money in a personal account that can be invested in securities before retirement and other assets).

The basic part of the labor pension as of January 1, 2002 was set at 450 rubles. (for the category of old-age pensioners and without dependents). In the period up to 2009 inclusive, it increased 15 times - up to 2 thousand 562 rubles. (5.69 times). In 2007, the base part was indexed three times, in 2008 and 2006 - once. The largest one-time increase occurred on March 1, 2003 - by 36%.

The insurance part of the pension for the same period was indexed 15 times - at least by 6.2% (including additional indexations), of which three times - in 2007. The largest indexation rate (17.5%) was set on April 1, 2009.

From 2001 to 2010, the assigned pensions increased 7.5 times from 823.4 rubles. in 2001 ($28.23) to 6,177.4 rubles. in 2010 ($203).

Indexation of pensions after 2010

In 2010, the separation of the basic and insurance parts of pensions was eliminated - they were merged into the insurance part.

Since 2010, the amount of the insurance part of the labor pension has been indexed 12 times (including the increase since January 1, 2018). This usually happens between February 1st and April 1st. In 2012-2014 and 2017, the amount of the insurance pension was adjusted twice. In 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016 - once. The largest one-time indexation was made on February 1, 2015 - by 11.4%. Least of all pensions will increase from January 1, 2018 - by 3.7%. In 2016, during the indexation on February 1, the government decided for the first time not to index the pensions of working pensioners. This is due to the growing deficit of the pension fund. It was decided to replace the second indexation in 2016 with a one-time payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

In 2017, pensions were increased twice. On January 19, 2017, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the indexation of a fixed payment to the insurance pension was signed. According to the document, since February 1, it has been indexed by 5.4% - that is, to the inflation rate in 2016. The increase in pensions affected only non-working pensioners. The decision to increase social pensions (by 1.5%) was signed on 16 March. Since April 1, insurance pensions have increased by 0.38% (within the framework of the law, without a special resolution), and the increase was made for both non-working and working pensioners.

According to Rosstat, the average nominal amount of assigned pensions in 2010-2017 increased by 2.15 times in ruble terms: from 6 thousand 177.4 rubles. ($203) up to 13 thousand 336 rubles. ($232).

In January 2015, the Government approved two Decrees No. 39 and No. 40, aimed at adjusting from February 1, 2015 the pension coefficient, a fixed payment to the insurance part of the pension. This annual indexation of insurance pensions is linked to changes in consumer prices and is carried out in accordance with No. 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions".

February increase in pensions for disabled people and pensioners by age 2015

The changes were reflected in the increase in old-age pensions for pensioners who have reached the physiological age of 80 years, as well as military pensioners receiving two pensions - state security and old age (the fixed payment to it has not increased). There was an increase in the pension of disabled people of group I. Changes were also made to other categories of recipients - pensioners with dependents, children who have lost their parents, children of a deceased single mother, that is, everyone who receives insurance pensions along with fixed payments to her, which does not apply to.

As a result of the increase, the average values ​​of social pensions amounted to the following amounts:

The average size of all social pensions is 8311 rubles;
social pension for disabled children - 12,371 rubles;
disabled citizens due to military trauma - 29371 rubles;
participants with disabilities of the Second World War, receiving two pensions - 31488 rubles.

The average values ​​of insurance pensions were distributed as follows (in comparison with 2014):

The insurance pension increased to 12,464 rubles. (plus 1265 rubles);
old-age pension - 12930 rubles. (plus 1313 rubles);
for disability - 7994 rubles. (plus 818 rubles);
disabled due to military injury - 28490 rubles. (plus 1655 rubles);
WWII participants receiving two pensions - 30257 rubles. (plus 1914 rubles):
for the loss of a breadwinner - 8040 rubles. (plus 822 rubles);
fixed payment - 5014 rubles. (plus 522 rubles).

April increase in pensions

Since the beginning of April, the size of the monthly cash payment (UDV) has been increased in relation to federal beneficiaries: disabled people; citizens exposed to radiation; veterans, Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of the Soviet Union. Indexation will increase the EDV by 5.5%.

Since April, the size of social pensions and payments, monthly material security, state pensions have changed - increased by 10.3%. The increase affected all payments calculated on the basis of the size of the social pension.

Indexation will have a positive impact on the level of pensions of 3.7 million pensioners, most of whom receive social pensions, and 16 million citizens receiving social benefits, most of whom are pensioners.

Planned increase in pensions - August 2015

Working pensioners will receive an increase in their pension in August this year. It will happen automatically for this category, but the amount of indexation is strictly individual and depends directly on the level of wages and seniority of a working pensioner.

Or maybe it would be wiser to find out and settle these questions "inside" ...? The government is the same, "as it were", one team, designed to jointly develop and make coordinated decisions. After all, all the same, they hold discussions only among themselves, without involving experts, listening to and taking into account public opinion. It seems that such "paper" fights are a routine performance played out to achieve a number of goals. Firstly, to probe public opinion and test its reaction to various initiatives. Secondly, for the gradual introduction into the consciousness of ideas that at first seem unacceptable, such as raising the retirement age, abolishing the recalculation of pensions for working pensioners. And, thirdly, to create a positive image of "defenders" of pension interests from among certain State officials and State Duma members. The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Central Bank traditionally play the role of noteworthy "villains", and the Ministry of Labor and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation act as defenders. Above the "fight" is usually the first deputy prime minister or prime minister. Moreover, they always agree among themselves and still make those decisions that they consider necessary.

But this is so, "by the way" - a remark that suggests itself when you observe the same thing over and over again. Well, what actually happened, what decisions were made, what useful information has appeared recently?

  • Indexation of pensions in 2015 On October 1, Maxim Topilin, in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, announced the figure for indexing pensions in 2015. According to him, a draft budget of the Pension Fund has been submitted to the State Duma, according to which indexation of insurance pensions from February 1, 2015 will be 7.5 percent. In 2016, the February indexation of insurance pensions will be 5.5 percent, in 2017 - 4.5 percent. The second annual indexation, which takes place on April 1, will depend on the income of the Pension Fund. Specific figures, according to the Minister, will be determined later, depending on how employers will pay contributions to the PFRF.

Notes 45-90. Recall that according to the current legislation, pensions are indexed twice. For the first time in February - at a level no lower than the inflation rate (ie, rising consumer prices). The second indexation is carried out in April and depends on the growth of PFRF income. The figure named by the minister - 7.5%, is preliminary and will be corrected several times. Note that real inflation since the beginning of the year is much higher - the ruble depreciated by 21% against the dollar from January to October, the rise in prices for food, fuel, goods and medicines is by no means lower than 10%. We all know this by shopping every day. And we are still being convinced by the financial bloc of the government, by the way, that the official inflation rate - the rise in consumer prices since the beginning of the year - was only 6.5%. Apparently, this is where the figure of 7.5% of the planned for 2015 indexation of pensions arose.

PS. In early January 2015, the Ministry of Labor adjusted the indexation of pensions in February, promising 11,4%. For our part, we note that the assessment of the level of actual inflation by our users is twice as high as this figure (according to the survey posted on the pages of the site, in which 2,628 people took part as of January 16, 2015):

  • Estimate your pension after February 1, 2015, if the PFRF indexes pensions by 11.4%, our calculator will help:

The second annual indexation, which was traditionally held on April 1 in all previous years, will not take place in 2015. Read about the reasons in the article.

  • Question about the fixed payment to the insurance pension(FBI in the old terminology) was raised by the Ministry of Finance (Minister Siluanov) a few months ago. The idea was as follows - to deprive the Fixed payment (today it is 3910.34 rubles) of Russians who have reached retirement age after 01/01/2015 and continue to work.

In other words, it was proposed to pay working pensioners a pension cut by 3,910 rubles 34 kopecks. Such abolition of fixed payments to working pensioners would allow the Ministry of Finance (according to its own estimates) to save: in 2015 - 30.5 billion rubles, in 2016 - 96 billion, in 2017 - by 169.9 billion rubles, a total of 296, 4 billion rubles budget money.
The Ministry of Finance "assumed" that this measure would not only achieve a balance (savings) in the budget, but also force citizens to leave their jobs and draw up a pension at a later age (?). Among the arguments in favor of such a step, there was a completely shameless passage - "an insurance pension is insurance, compensation for lost earnings, and if a pensioner works, then his earnings have not been lost, which means that he can not pay a pension at all or pay it in part."
Well, then, don’t demand 22% of earnings in the form of deductions to the Pension Fund from working pensioners, gentlemen - I want to answer ... We already wrote about attempts at such a robbery a year ago. The idea to improve the budget at the expense of working old people still haunts the Minister of Finance. This time the attempt failed again. The Ministry of Labor, through the mouths of Maxim Topilin and Andrey Pudov, informed about the final decision taken by the Government - "everything remains as before: working pensioners will receive a pension in full".

  • Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners in 2015 Starting from 2015, the recalculation procedure will change and not for the better. It is planned to "rob" working and well-earning pensioners, limiting their pension increase to a threshold of 192 rubles 30 kopecks (three pension points).

Note 45-90. In other words, if you are a working pensioner, then a monthly increase in pension after the August recalculation. in 2015 will not exceed 3 * 64.1 = 192 rubles 30 kopecks (for 2015, the cost of one pension point is set at 64 rubles 10 kopecks). This corresponds to the threshold value of a monthly salary of about 20 thousand rubles (the figure is also affected by the age of a working pensioner). And no matter how well you work, no matter how much you earn and don’t contribute to the Pension Fund, the monthly increase in pension after the August recalculation will not be more than this threshold.

Let us explain the new rule that will be applied to working pensioners in 2015 and beyond. If a working pensioner earns up to 20 thousand rubles a month, then the increase will be calculated "as expected" - 16% of his annual earnings will be divided by the period of survival and will receive the amount of the pension supplement after the August recalculation. Those pensioners who will receive salaries over 20 thousand rubles, for example, one - 30 thousand, the second - 40 thousand, the third - 70 thousand, will receive an increase (both the first and second and third) in the same amount - 192 rubles 30 kopecks. And that part of their deductions, which exceeds the addition of 3 pension points, will simply be confiscated. According to the most conservative estimates, the size of the monthly "confiscation" due to this decision will be from 30 to 35 billion rubles!

  • New "Rules for calculating and confirming the length of service for establishing insurance pensions" which come into force on 01/01/2015. The rules were approved by Government Decree No. 1015 of October 02, 2014.
  • Reference Information. The average size of an old-age labor pension today has reached 11.6 thousand rubles. In total, 41 million people receive pensions under compulsory insurance and state security. The total amount of PFR payments to pensioners exceeds 5 trillion rubles a year (approximately $125 billion at the current exchange rate). There are 14.5 million working pensioners in the country, which is more than a third of all pensioners and about 18% of all workers. These figures were published in early October by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Final remark 45-90.

From our point of view, measures to "improve" the pension system, such as those described above, are ineffective. The fundamental reasons for the lack of money, both in the country's budget and in the PFR budget, are not being eradicated. Lack of the money that goes to the social security of the older generation. The reasons, from our point of view, are as follows - out of 70 million able-bodied population of the country, only about 40 million (bees) pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund. The figures are not invented or exaggerated, but taken from the speeches of M. Topilin and Deputy Prime Minister O. Golodets. Of the remaining 30 million, some part serves in the army, takes care of children, etc., but the remaining 15-20 million (drones) work in the shadows, in black, "for themselves", deducting nothing for their future pension, or in the budget. And the most interesting thing is that the drones, having become pensioners, will still receive (and receive today) pensions, will exist (and exist today) on deductions made by bees. There is the concept of a pensioner's subsistence minimum - PMP (it is different for each region), below which a pensioner cannot receive. And if the pension accrued to the drone turns out to be miserable, he will still be raised its size to the PMP at the expense of the budget. For example, in Moscow, the PMP plus the Moscow "surcharge" is 12,000 rubles, and if a person is entitled to a pension, for example, of 6,000 rubles, according to his real work and contributions made to the FIU, then it will be raised in Moscow to 12,000 rubles. The same is true for all other regions. Well, where do you get the money? The government, the Ministry of Finance and the FIU do this by infringing and robbing bees ...

Drones are an offensive word, especially since many became such not of their own free will - remember the 90s, the collapse of the economy, the mass disappearance of enterprises, the lack of jobs, especially in the "outback". And someone does not suspect that their employers do not transfer anything for them to the Pension Fund, also making them unwilling drones, and so on. But what is - that is ... A huge blame for the creation of a layer of drones lies with the managers who failed to organize the economy in such a way that such a phenomenon did not exist. Instead of running the economy- create jobs, improve the tax system, encourage businesses to work openly, etc., financial management takes place- their redistribution, pumping from one pocket to another, recalculation, redistribution, withdrawal from some in favor of others. The logic is clear - it is much more pleasant and easier to count money, instead of earning it. Moreover, there is a lot of money in general. from 45-90 for calculating pensions in 2015 and subsequent years

According to Rosstat, consumer price growth in 2014 amounted to 11.4%.

In this regard, from February 1, 2015, in accordance with the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 23, 2015 No. 39 “On approval of the consumer price growth index for 2014 to establish the value of one pension coefficient from February 1, 2015” and dated January 23, 2015 No. 40 “On approval of the indexation coefficient from February 1, 2015 of the amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension” increased by 11.4% the cost of one pension coefficient and the amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension.

As a result, the cost of one pension coefficient, set as of January 1, 2015 in the amount of 64 rubles 10 kopecks, will increase from the specified date to 71 rubles 41 kopecks.

Indexation from February 1, 2015 of the size of insurance old-age, disability and survivor's pensions, as well as fixed payments to them, will increase the level of pension provision for almost 39 million people receiving insurance pensions as of the date of recalculation, as well as about 0.69 million a person from among military pensioners who, along with the state pension provision, receives an insurance old-age pension (with the exception of a fixed payment to it).

As a result of indexation, from February 1, 2015, the average insurance pension will increase by 1,265 rubles and amount to 12,464 rubles, while the old-age insurance pension will increase by 1,313 rubles and amount to 12,930 rubles, the disability insurance pension - by 818 rubles and will amount to 7,994 rubles, insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner - by 822 rubles and will amount to 8,040 rubles. The average pension of citizens from among the disabled due to military trauma and participants in the Great Patriotic War who receive two pensions will increase by 1,655 and 1,914 rubles and amount to 28,490 rubles and 30,257 rubles, respectively.

At the same time, the average fixed payment to the insurance pension (taking into account the increases established for it) will increase by 522 rubles from February 1 and after indexation will amount to 5,104 rubles.

Starting February 1, 2015, the cost of indexing by 11.4% of the old-age insurance pension, disability insurance and survivor's pensions will amount to 29.41 billion rubles a month, or 323.51 billion rubles by the end of this year. The cost of increasing from February 1, 2015 by 11.4% the size of the fixed payment to the insurance pension will amount to 20.54 billion rubles per month, or 225.93 billion rubles by the end of 2015.

Average pension

before increase


including growth

fixed payment

insurance pension

Recipients of insurance pensions

old age


on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner

Recipients of two pensions

disabled due to war injury

participants of the Great Patriotic War

widows of fallen soldiers

disabled people awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad"
