How easy it is to make a beautiful plasticine vase.

Which of us in childhood did not like to equip and make it more comfortable Dollhouse, even the boys sought to decorate a toy garage or a robot's abode. For this, any materials were used: paper and cardboard, matchboxes, beads, ribbons and threads. Do not forget about plasticine, which provides unlimited opportunities for children's imagination to fly. In this master class, we want to give an example of modeling a doll vase. This lesson, first of all, will be useful for girls, but boys will also be able to take note of something. So, we begin to sculpt a vase from plasticine.

1. To create a room accessory, absolutely any plasticine in color is suitable, but it must be solid in consistency, only such material keeps its shape perfectly and gradually hardens. If your favorite color is not in the set, then experiment and mix two or three shades.

2. To sculpt the body of the vase, roll two balls that differ in size.

3. Fasten both parts by carefully smearing the clay with your fingers at the junction.

4. Next, you need to create a hole inside the container. When choosing a tool, it is advisable to focus on the dimensions of the product. If the vase is small, then a pencil or pen will do. Just insert it from above into the plasticine and move it down a little.

5. Set the future vase on a hard surface and press lightly to make the bottom edge even. Attach the orange border to the bottom.

6. Clamping the plasticine between your thumb and middle fingers, make a wide neck.

7. Apply any pattern to the walls of the product. To do this, you can use a toothpick to apply zigzag notches, and plasticine in a contrasting color.

8. Attach the orange ring and top edge to straighten the neck.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

Here is such an accessory for the dollhouse turned out. After a few hours, the plasticine will get stronger, and it will be possible to pour water into a vase and put flowers or multi-colored paper tulips, which will look very nice.

Plasticine is universal material, from which you can perform the most various crafts. A handmade vase will be a wonderful decoration for your home. In addition, this is a great activity for a child who will have the opportunity to develop their Creative skills. With the help of this master class, you will quickly understand how to make a vase from purchased plasticine with your own hands.

How to make a plasticine vase: a classic model

Let's start with standard variant. To perform this work, we need plasticine and a tube, which, if desired, can be replaced with an ordinary pencil. You can choose a variety of colors, depending on what idea you will implement.

  1. First of all, let's make the basis of our product - the case. To do this, you need to take a block of plasticine of your chosen color and make a couple of balls out of it. different diameter.
  2. Now we connect the received parts so that the transition point of one to the other is imperceptible.
  3. Next, we form a hole inside the future case, into which we place the tube. We model the neck and fields around the hole from plasticine, making them as wide as possible.
  4. Having finished making the base of our vase, you can start decorating. For this, from plasticine different colors we create a wide variety of decorations - from simple circles to complex ornaments and plants. In addition, using the sharp edge of the stick, you can complement the pattern with neat lines and curves.

We create a multi-colored plasticine vase on our own in a master class

There is another technique classic version. Even a child can easily handle such a vase, it is so easy to make.

  1. You will need multi-colored plasticine, from each bar of which we pinch off a small piece.
  2. To make it soft and comfortable to sculpt, you need to carefully knead the plasticine in your hands.
  3. Now we proceed to the most interesting - the manufacture of the vase itself. Each piece is rolled out in the form of long sausages so that their size increases depending on the color. The shortest strip will be used as the base and neck.
  4. Divide each resulting sausage in half and bring its ends together.
  5. Now we got rings of different diameters. We just have to arrange them on top of each other as they increase in size. Then, having reached the maximum ring, we put the same size on it, and then we place the parts in descending diameter. We attach the smallest ring, and the vase is ready.
  6. can decorate plasticine toy at your discretion.

We make an exquisite craft with step-by-step instructions

In addition to the classic version of making a plasticine vase, you can also make a wonderful souvenir using a bottle. Such a product can act as wonderful gift, and also act as crafts for children in grade 4. The manufacturing process is simple and takes a little relatively little time. For your convenience, we offer instructions, step by step following which you will receive beautiful decoration your interior.

In the process, we will use the following materials:

  • Plasticine
  • Plastic bottle
  • Brushes and paint
  • Toothpaste
  1. We start by cleaning the surface of the bottle from the label, washing it and drying it.
  2. Now that the base of the vase is ready, let's start sculpting. We apply plasticine to the bottle as your imagination requires.
  3. Next, we are engaged in the manufacture of jewelry, which will be flowers. Using plasticine, we create plant petals, a stem and a core.
  4. We fix the received parts on the product.
  5. In order to be able to apply paint to the vase, it is necessary to apply it on top of plasticine toothpaste and let it dry. T
  6. Now we paint the vase and draw the elements to give the decor the most advantageous look.

The resulting vase can be a creative design solution and spice up your home. She will also make a delightful gift made from the bottom of her heart.

Banks can also be used as the basis for a vase. Such a product will turn out to be more capacious and voluminous. It is done in exactly the same way as when using a bottle - we clean and dry the container. Then we stick layers of plasticine on the surface of the jar, decorate with plasticine flowers on top. You can also attach beautiful beads that will give originality to your product. With the help of this technique, you will give your child the opportunity to learn the art of clay modeling, develop fine motor skills and give hours of exciting work.

Video related to the article

We bring to your attention a selection of videos with which you can get acquainted with other techniques for making plasticine vases.

A plasticine vase cannot be called an easy craft, because in this case there is a need to create not only the main, but also additional small parts. On their own, small children may not be able to cope with such a responsible task. Why responsible? Yes, because, most likely, they will sculpt a vase as a gift to their mother or, or to decorate their loved one. That's why adults should help kids create beautiful vase from plasticine.

After viewing the modeling lesson below, you will understand that such work will be within the power of schoolchildren. It is better for kids to entrust the choice of shades, kneading the pieces in their hands, rolling out the main ball and additional thin sausages.

To sculpt the vase presented in this lesson, the following were used:

  • a set of bright high-quality plasticine of a fairly dense texture;
  • stack
  • match;
  • cap from a pen or felt-tip pen.

1. Choose a quality plasticine for work. The bright box in itself cheers up the children and sets them up for the accomplishment of plasticine feats. There is a stack in almost all kits, so it is not necessary to buy it separately. But still, before buying it is better to look inside.

2. For the main color for sculpting a vase, you can choose absolutely any bright block, for example, red. Roll up an elongated piece resembling a drop.

3. Take a match and stick its head into the sharp part of the drop. Pull the match almost to the base of the vase. Thus, the internal cavity of the vessel will be obtained.

4. The main blank for the vase is ready. Now it remains to think about its decoration. To do this, it is better to take some other shade that is different from red, for example, yellow. First, draw out thin sausages and attach the rim and base.

5. Next, with the opening of the cap from the felt-tip pen, apply an arbitrary pattern, for example, in the form of two rows of circles. The child will love this vase decoration idea. You can also add yellow dots in parallel.

7. Draw the relief with a stack.

When the plasticine vase is ready, you can freeze it in the refrigerator and play with it: decorate a dollhouse, put paper flowers or beads in it, give it to your mother or grandmother.

Tatiana Chernenok

Fine motor skills are the ability of the toes to perform precise and coordinated actions. It is necessary to develop it in every possible way, because it, in turn, affects the development of the baby's speech. Therefore, when the baby works with pens, the corresponding parts of the brain are activated, thereby activating the neighboring zones that are responsible for speech. Therefore, the goal of my work is to achieve positive dynamics in development fine motor skills hands of children through the use of a variety of forms, methods and techniques.

Plasticineography - molding.

Joint work of the teacher and children.

Objective: Create positive - emotional

mood. To develop the artistic and aesthetic perception of children.

cognitive processes (thinking, attention). Cultivate perseverance. Develop finger motor skills.

Material for work: frame; plasticine;

millet and buckwheat groats; 3 buttons

(core flower) ; butterflies (material for children's creativity).

A summary of the work done. The children really enjoyed it.

With interest they put grits on plasticine without going outside the lines. We rejoiced at the end result - an unusual vase with flowers.

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