How to return passion in a relationship with a man. Psychologists' advice on how to return a husband's love to his wife and how to rekindle the former passion in a relationship with a man

Romantics and realists are two diametrically opposed categories of people.
For realists in family relationships, maturity is more important. They believe that love, proven over the years, is much more important than passion, which leads a person in the wrong direction and pushes them to stupid, rash acts. Realists completely reject the very idea that passion can be a basis for entering into a marriage relationship.

Romantics, on the contrary, do not see true love without passion. They are constantly looking for people to whom attraction will never disappear, and they believe that this is possible. Romantics equate the loss of sexual desire with the fading of love.

Whatever category a person belongs to, sooner or later it becomes clear that over time, strong emotions fade away. Passion and desire are replaced by other feelings: respect, responsibility, constancy. But this is not enough to maintain harmony in family relationships.

Even if the attraction, it would seem, is irrevocably gone, there is still an opportunity to fix everything.

1. Forget the common myth that you are two halves of one whole.

At first, in a relationship, everything is completely different than after many years: you want to impress your lover, every phone call is perceived as a great event. And there is also a feeling of uncertainty: none of you know what will happen next. It is this ignorance of the future that warms up the relationship and ignites the spark in them.

Over time, the main mistake is made: the partners get too close, without leaving any understatement. As a result, it becomes boring, because the inner world of a loved one is no longer a mystery that you want to solve.

All you can do in this situation is to learn how to harmoniously combine the personal space of each family member and mutual trust. Develop separately from each other, and then you will become interested again together.

Entering the initial phase of a relationship, people try to learn about each other as much as possible. Over time, it begins to seem that there are no unknown facts about the partner at all. This is a delusion that a person accepts because he is afraid to admit that he really wants change and unpredictability.

Look at both of you from a different angle. By driving a loved one into a stereotyped framework, you yourself turn the relationship into coexistence without passion. Consider how fragile your bond really is. Relationships cannot be predictable and stable.

You can try to look at your husband or wife the way you would look at a stranger. Seeing how passionate a loved one is about his hobby, how he communicates with friends, how much success he has achieved at work, you can again experience a great desire for him.

3. Don't cage your partner.

It is impossible for two people who love each other to become one without consequences, no matter how much you would like the opposite. Relax control, stop interfering in your spouse's relationship with the outside world. Do not try to protect your family from any shocks. Such behavior, oddly enough, often leads to betrayal.

The spouse is a free person, an independent person. That is how he once chose you as his life partner. And if loyalty and the desire to be close to the family cease to be voluntary, the partner will certainly want to escape from your captivity at all costs.

Do not follow the person you love, do not control his every move by studying the contents of the email and watching his movements. This pattern of behavior may awaken in him the desire to seek personal space elsewhere.

4. Recognize that there is a third person in your relationship.

The third subject always looms somewhere on the border of family relations. Maybe it's your first high school crush, the gym coach, the cute salesman, or your kids' school teacher. Maybe it's just a stranger on the bus who smiled at you. All these people are third characters in your family life. They, as it were, materialize our desires to receive something forbidden, outside the framework of what is permitted by conscience.

Oddly enough, the presence of a third subject only makes marriage stronger. Understand that your partner can also have secret desires and fantasies without your presence in them. You are both independent.

You can discuss the third side of the relationship in a playful way, turn conversations about this person into a kind of game. Making sure that a partner cannot be fully owned, you can feel that the relationship has been filled with new shades.

5. Learn to distinguish between passion and love.

And although some people believe that sex is the achievement of sensual intimacy, many will not agree with this. More often in love and sex people want absolutely different things. You can love your partner and treat him with great tenderness, but at the same time want experiments in bed, manifestations of aggression and power. Do not expect from marital duty the same as you expect from love. And vice versa.

6. Get rid of the cult of the child.

For several decades there has been an unpleasant trend - the cult of children. We fuss and run around the child, if only he would feel happy and contented.

When mom or dad considers it their duty to be with children every minute, to provide all the benefits of civilization, time and energy for a loved one may not be left at all. It's time to stop. The spouse is also worthy of attention. Discuss with your partner how you can organize communication just for the two of you, without worrying about what happens at home.

Set aside at least a couple of hours for a joint trip to a cafe or spend a day off in some picturesque place in nature.

7. Distribute areas of responsibility.

Don't dump all the housework and parenting on one person. It would be surprising if by evening he had the strength and desire to fulfill his marital duty.

Separate responsibilities, you can create a written schedule and indicate who should do what: go grocery shopping, take the child to kindergarten, take out the garbage or walk the dog. Try to distribute the load fairly, in equal shares. A compromise in resolving this issue will free up a lot of time for being with each other.

Sometimes you can act not according to plan: let your beloved wife sleep a little longer on Saturday, and cook breakfast yourself at this time.

8. Be a little selfish.

Your own pleasure is very important. Often people try to please their partner and forget about themselves. Concentrating on meeting the needs of a spouse and being afraid to do something wrong, you can completely lose attraction.

Oddly enough, people behave this way quite often. Think about it, because your partner is unlikely to feel happy and satisfied if he notices that you are very tense and excited.

Just relax and enjoy the process. At such moments, you should not think about the end result, because such thoughts only distract. Concentrate for a while only on your feelings, be selfish - passion will definitely return, including from your spouse.

9. Understand exactly what each of you wants.

There is nothing difficult in understanding the desires of each other. Take sheets of paper and divide them into two parts. Each of the columns is an association with love or sex. Both you and your partner write on your sheet what each of these categories means to you personally. By comparing what is written, you can learn a lot about each other and about the relationship of each of you to love and passion. This will help you adjust your behavior according to the wishes of each of you.

10. Go beyond everyday life and routine.

Marriage is considered a serious and responsible matter. This is comfort and reliability, which allegedly cannot exist together with risk, pranks and flirting.

Relationships should be lively and dynamic, so flirting, games, jokes and fantasies are indispensable.

Stop treating family life like a job, let your imagination play one of the main roles: start flirting with your spouse on the phone, make a date in an unusual place, create an erotic atmosphere at home.
In true love, there is a place for everything: both peace and adventure.

No passion in a relationship: everything can be changed

No passion in relationships: reasons

Falling in love is such a process, the duration of which no one can predict. At the beginning of a relationship, it seems that this will continue for the rest of your life. But months, years and decades pass, and the fire of love slowly goes out. But if firewood is constantly put into the fire, then it will burn for a long time.

Common causes of cooling to each other are:

  • financial difficulties;
  • selfishness;
  • accumulated grievances;
  • perfectionism;
  • lack of romance;
  • neglect and forgetfulness.

In the modern world, everyone lives for himself, forgetting about others. Unfortunately, selfishness today is considered the norm, not a disadvantage. A woman or a man focuses all his attention on his needs and desires, forgetting that his beloved half is the same living person.

It is believed that people should be successful in all areas of life: at work, in society, at home, in the family, among friends.

Such exaggerated demands lead to the fact that we begin to see the shortcomings of others and severely humiliate them for not meeting fictitious requirements.

Abstinence and other unusual methods to rekindle passion

  • More

How to add passion to a relationship: ways

Passionate love will not come back on its own. You need to make an effort. Psychologists recommend paying attention to such points:

  1. Diversify leisure. You need to try to do everything together, go to concerts, performances and holidays, sometimes allow yourself to go to cafes or go out into nature.
  2. Take care of your appearance. A woman and a man should look attractive to their soul mate. Stylish clothes, sports, neatness and a pleasant smile on the face do a lot.
  3. Make your partner jealous. If a person sees that he can lose his half, he begins to appreciate it more.

But these efforts will fail if they are not 100 percent sincere. You need dedication and a desire to change your life with your loved one for the better.

How to return passion to family relationships?

  • People forget to tell their soul mates that they love and appreciate them. We need to speak warm and tender words more often. The main thing is that it should be from the heart.

Let your relationship become gentle, harmonious and bright again, as in the first months of meetings!

When people fall in love, passion intoxicates them, they want to be with each other all the time, intimacy becomes an integral part of communication. But later the fire goes out. What to do so that it does not go out at all? How to bring back passion in a relationship that lasts for years? The answers are in our article.

Why has the passion gone?

To treat a disease, it is necessary to identify its causative agent. To understand how to save relationships and return the former fire, you need to understand why it has become smaller.

  • Habit

Oh, this habit! That is why the ideal husband is a sea captain. Six months on a business trip ignite passion and give spouses what they lack in everyday life - the opportunity to miss each other. However, not everyone has the opportunity to send their faithful to distant lands. But do not despair, there are other ways to fight the habit of seeing each other every day. You need to set the days or hours when you each go about your business. It is strange, however, we are talking about how to return passion, but on the contrary, we advise you to move away from each other. But don't let that bother you. It is constant friction next to each other, only joint evenings fill asku. By the way, women only enjoy spending time together, but a man begins to get bored if everything goes like clockwork in his personal life. Lenten food is boring, it needs to be diluted with something spicy.

How to fight?

Find a hobby for yourself and leave your husband alone for a while. Do not ask what happened, do not bother with your stories. Give him enough personal space to make him miss you. After all, you can miss someone not only because of the distance, but because of the lack of a lot of attention. When you do something pleasant for yourself, you seem to show that you have other interests of your own. Men are selfish, so they take any attention to their person for granted. But lower the volumes and he will immediately notice it. Even the hunting vein will make itself felt. I only ask you, do not invent imaginary lovers for yourself and, moreover, start real ones! If you want to save a relationship, don't play on jealousy. This is a dangerous weapon, and it remains to be seen how it will work, if not against you.

  • The victory of stereotypes over common sense

A fire cannot burn forever between two sane people. Breaks are needed, otherwise you can burn out too quickly. Endless sex is super, but it only happens in a well-known genre of films. Don't count how many times you had sex in a week. When you first got married, you were just beginning to get to know each other in your new capacity as spouses. Passion burned between you, the attraction was stronger, where did it all go? How to return passion? To answer, imagine that your husband would continue to behave towards you in exactly the same way as in the first time after the wedding. Represented? Now remember that he also did a lot of things that annoyed you. Over the years of life in marriage, you have rubbed yourselves, adapted to each other, learned to give in and turn a blind eye to trifles. Your passion has not died out, it has simply evolved. And the fact that you suffer from the fact that the fire does not blind you anymore is nothing but a stereotype.

It is important for you to remember that love is not only passion. Real feelings are also caring, and kindness, and the ability to forgive. Try to become more affectionate to your spouse, do not find fault with trifles, make his favorite dish just like that, for no reason, just because you love your husband and want to remind him of this. Rest assured he will appreciate it. And do not chase to become an exemplary family. Your happiness concerns only you, no assessments from the outside should influence it.

  • Lack of harmony

The intense rhythm of life makes us constantly worry about something, run in circles without getting a result. Passion can fade in the family, because there is simply no time left for it. First of all, you need to deal with yourself. Perhaps it was you who spun in the cycle of events and stopped paying attention to yourself.

Regardless of age, a woman needs to feel desired. To do this, you need not only to receive attention from men, but also to spend enough attention and money on yourself. Make a face mask, sit in a warm bath, whatever! But it should be related to what brings you peace and tranquility. Passion is an impulse, it is the opposite of calmness. But how can you achieve it if you yourself are always in suspense. Your body is simply not able to respond properly, even when it comes to caresses. Don't start yourself up. Give yourself permission to be a woman once in a while. And my husband will definitely notice.

How to return passion after 10-15 years of marriage

All the tips above also apply. But there are still a couple of true secrets.

  • Do something together

It could be sports or cooking classes. The main thing is that both of them should be interested. Men are generally very lazy creatures. But the good of a woman is inventive creatures! Interest him, play on his weaknesses. For so many years of living together, you have already learned many intimate details about each other. Take advantage of this! Only you alone know what your man dreams of, what he wants. Pick something that suits both of you. Joint activity unites even more than this banal sex.

Just do not quarrel during this joint activity. It should bring you joy, not push you away from each other.

  • Experiment in bed

Gently ask your spouse if he would like it if you switched roles in bed or tried new toys. Or give him a sushi tasting right from your naked body. Remember that women are the most cunning and resourceful creatures on earth. You can illustrate your desire with pictures. Most men are visuals, which is why it is important for them to see in order to understand. But be sure to act discreetly. Yes, this is great art! But you know how to approach your man. Do not be offended if he somehow rudely comments on your dream of being tied during sex. Many people are not able to calmly talk about sex. Do not be offended, think that he was especially successful when your intimate life was at the peak of sexual development. Remind me how good you were. Just don't say that now you're not so hot anymore. Men until the end of their days consider themselves real sex bombs. Don't insult him.

  • Flirt with your husband all your life

If you haven't started yet, now is the time! Of course, a completely innocent New Zealander should not be portrayed. But playing the game of flirting is a must. Compliment his new haircut and say that he looks like your favorite movie actor that you once had very dirty erotic fantasies about. If this is too bold for you, come up with something of your own. Since you flirted with your husband once, repeating it will not be as difficult as you think.

It's easy to say that you will always be the best couple, never stop loving and wanting each other, and your passion will never fade, even after several years of marriage. But let's look at things realistically: we all know that sexual attraction somehow weakens over time, the euphoria of falling in love passes, partners get used to each other, the element of conquest, "hunting" is lost. Someone comes to terms with this and lives on quietly, but for someone the lack of past passion can become a real threat to relationships. Is it really impossible to return feelings, is attraction irretrievably lost? Do not despair! We offer you 10 tips that will surely seem simple and even banal to you, but which really work in practice!

1. Kiss longer

If you usually pull away from your partner quickly after a kiss, it's time to fix that. Hold for a few moments, catch the breath of a loved one. If your partner pulls away first, pat him on the cheek, don't pull back, let him know that you want your kisses to last longer.

2. Hug

Psychologists say that people who hug more often feel happier than those who neglect hugs. In general, touch plays a huge role in relationships. A hug gives a sense of security and safety, confidence. It is enough just to hug each other for a minute or two, and you will already feel how you have become even closer to each other.

3. Be vulnerable

No more "I myself!". Let your partner feel like your protector, helper, those without whom you will never live in this cruel world (even if this is not true). But all requests for help should be submitted in the right way. Ask affectionately, a little playfully, as if only your partner can really handle the task. And don't skimp on gratitude. It is very important for a man to understand that a woman appreciates him and that she needs him. It is to such a woman that he will reach out, and it is precisely this woman that he will want.

4. Do not forget about compliments

Do you remember how you felt at the very beginning of your acquaintance? How did you constantly say warm words to each other, not hiding your feelings? How from one small compliment were you in seventh heaven with happiness? Don't underestimate the power of words. Tell your partner how you like his hands, especially when he hugs you, note his virtues, and you will see that very soon he will begin to do the same.

5. Make time for each other

In the course of everyday life, there is very little time left for yourself and your loved ones. Routine and everyday life are the real enemies of passion and attraction in relationships. Try to do it very simply: do all the work tasks in advance, take the children to their mother, turn off the phones and devote time to each other completely. After all, at the very beginning there were only two of you, and the rest of the world did not bother you at all.

6. Update your wardrobe, but do it right!

You don't have to buy anything super sexy. If you have never worn stilettos or mini skirts, then you should not even start, especially if you are uncomfortable with this. Don't fall into this common trap of buying clothes and updating your look! Understand that if you feel uncomfortable in a new short dress or leather high boots, then there can be no talk of any passion. Choose comfortable clothes that emphasize your dignity and liberate you, then your partner will feel more confident next to you - relaxed and satisfied.

7. Do something you've never done before

Go with a partner to some new cafe or bar on the weekend, somewhere you haven't been yet, skydiving or something else. Or you can arrange something new at home. The most important thing is that it should be new for both of you - so you can break the walls of the routine and get new emotions, look at each other from a new perspective.

8. Be flirtatious

If you don't have enough time to set the right mood for intimacy when you get home, then it makes sense to take care of it during the day. That seductive messages are a proven way to set a man in an intimate way, so that in the evening, when he comes home, he will first of all rip off your clothes 😉

9. Tell me what turns you on

It often happens that even after having been married for several years, the spouses know absolutely nothing about each other's sexual preferences. It’s embarrassing, uncomfortable, there’s no right moment to tell ... Drop the stereotypes! Perhaps your partner just doesn't know what you like, which is why they seem so distant and cold. Open communication is key in any relationship.

10. Be confident in yourself and your sexuality

When passion goes away (especially in marriage), women immediately begin to think that they have ceased to be attractive to their partners, that they have fallen out of love and the like. Do not allow yourself to panic and depression! After all, thoughts are things. Fight negative thoughts, do not wind yourself up once again. If you are constantly on your nerves, then your partner, no doubt, will definitely feel it and will also be nervous.

Start putting these tips into practice today, and very soon you will realize that returning passion to a relationship is possible!
