Synopsis of GCD on traffic rules in the middle group “Green, Yellow, Red. Outline of a drawing lesson (middle group) on the topic: Thematic day on traffic rules in the middle group "Journey to the green light"

Topic: Colors, their sequence and meaning in traffic.

Target: To achieve an understanding of the meaning of color in traffic, the alternation and arrangement of colors.

Fix the concepts of words:"traffic", "vehicle", "pedestrian", "pedestrian crossing", "passenger", "road", "carriageway", "public transport".

BUTtributica: Make appropriate markings in the music hall: “roadway”, “pedestrian crossing”, “pedestrian path”. Traffic light layout.

Lesson progress

Children enter the hall with the teacher.

Educator: Children, today we will get acquainted with a very important and necessary traffic light on our roads. Let's find out why this traffic light winks with its three different eyes at pedestrians and drivers. Maybe this traffic light was installed for beauty, so that it would be more cheerful and brighter on the road? Or maybe there is another more important reason.

We will find out what each color means, what color is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end. And now, my dear pedestrians and drivers, take your seats. ( drivers sit down on their "transport" and begin to make their movement along the "roadway", "pedestrians" walk along the "pedestrian path")

Winnie the Pooh appears.

Winnie the Pooh: Hello children! ( children say hello I). How are you? How is your health? How do you live? How are the tummies? Doesn't your head hurt? Forgive me, children, but I have very, very no time, because I'm in a hurry to Piglet, and then we will go to visit our friend the rabbit. The rabbit is very well-mannered, so he will never let Piglet and me go until he treats us with something tasty. Isn't it true that we act very wisely that we go to visit in the morning? Goodbye, children, see you soon!

(the bear cub pronounces all the words very quickly, because. in a hurry).

He runs up to the road, while the children continue their movement along the “carriageway” and along the “pedestrian path”. Winnie the Pooh runs along the road, clutching his head, but does not dare to cross the road. Finally he stops and looks around in confusion. Then he turns to the children:

About how many cars are here, I can’t believe my eyes!

Another car on the way

Well, what about me, a forest animal

Cross this road?

Not knowing the traffic rules

I'm lost, I'm lost!

And from such a position

Nearly got hit by a car.

Rabbit appears in the handicap of a traffic controller.

Rabbit: Winnie the Pooh, buddy, hello, how did you get here?

Winnie the Pooh: How glad I am to see you! You see, I'm going to Piglet to go to visit you with him, and why are you wasting time here, instead of sitting at home and waiting for guests, i.e. us?

Rabbit: Dear Winnie, I've started going to the school of traffic controllers, so you and Piglet will unfortunately have to postpone your visit to me. And now, when I have already learned a lot at my school, my assistant Traffic Light and I are doing such an important job, namely helping those who are confused on the road and do not know how to behave among such a stream of cars.

Winnie the Pooh: It is very good that you arrived in time to help me. I don’t know how I should be and cross this dangerous roadway, where there is nothing but traffic. And what did you say here about some kind of traffic light, what is it? To be honest, this is the first time I hear it. ( three children in red, yellow, green suits come out of the traffic light. In the hands of each circle of the corresponding color).

Red, Yellow, Green: (in chorus)

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burning day and night

Green, yellow, red!

Red color (raises his circle):

Red light, red color!

This means there is no way!

This is stop. stop

If the light turns red

So it's dangerous to move!

(drops circle)

Yellow: If yellow is in the window,

Wait a little more.

Wait just a little more

There will be a free path again!

(drops circle)

Green color: Green color opened the way:

Guys can go

Come on, let me

It doesn't matter that I'm alone

I securely protect

From trams and cars.

All three colors (in chorus): You must clearly distinguish

Color green, yellow, red!

Look at the signal

And then move on!

Rabbit: Now you understand. Little bear, what is a traffic light?

Winnie the Pooh: of course, you just need to look into the eyes of the traffic lights and then the road, so dangerous, will not seem scary at all and the traffic light will reliably protect both pedestrians and drivers from accidents and troubles.

Rabbit: And now we will check how you and the children learned everything about the traffic light.

Red, yellow, green lower and raise each of their circles in turn. "Pedestrians" and "Drivers" must speak correctly for each traffic light. (Educator and Rabbit sum up, encourage and make comments).

Rabbit: And now I will ask you questions about the traffic light. Whoever answers correctly will get a ball, and our balls are not simple, but only green, yellow, red (questions are asked individually, they relate directly to the colors of the traffic light and their sequence):

  • What are the colors of traffic lights?
  • What are the beginning (above) and subsequent?
  • What color is above yellow?
  • What color is under the red?
  • What color is after yellow? Etc.
  • What color lights up first, what are the next?
  • What happens if you switch to red? Etc.

Each answer is encouraged with a ball from the Rabbit's paws (the teddy bear is mistaken several times, the teacher encourages the children to correct him).

Educator: Well done, children, that they learned so well everything that was said here.

Winnie the Pooh: Thank you rabbit and you children, that you helped me too, did not leave me at a difficult hour, but taught me the mind. Now I will not be lost and will start my friend Piglet with everything that I have learned myself.

Rabbit: Well done, Winnie the Pooh, now I will be calm for Piglet, and if something is not clear to you, then come to visit me, because I learned a lot at the school of the traffic controller, and the treat has been in store for you for a long time. And today Svetofor will treat our children. He has sweets that are only in yellow, red and green wrappers. You will all get a piece of candy and immediately remember the three-eyed traffic light (the children and the teddy bear thank the traffic light).

Educator: Children, let's say goodbye to Winnie the Pooh, Rabbit and Traffic Light and sing Svistulkin's song from the cartoon Dunno in a Sunny City.

educator MADOU No. 297,

Kazan, Russia.

Target: introducing children to the basic rules of the road.

1. Introduce children to the traffic light and road signs "Pedestrian crossing" and "Zebra".
2. Develop a desire to know and follow the rules of the road.
3. To cultivate communicative qualities in communication.

Organizational moment: Game "Hello" (with the ball).
(Children sit down).
Three eyes hang on a pillar
We recognized him right away!
Each eye, when it burns,
The team tells us:
Who can go where
Who is walking and who is standing (Traffic light).

Educator: Why do we need a traffic light on the street? (it controls the movement of pedestrians and vehicles so that there are no accidents on the street and everyone moves according to the rules).
At what traffic light can you cross the road? (green).
What should I do if the traffic light is yellow? Red light?

Knock on the door. A child dressed as a bunny enters.
Educator: A bunny comes in, a little alive.
Where did you jump?
Bunny: On the pavement!
I did not listen to my mother
He crushed the bus paw.

Educator: So you probably don’t know the rules of the road?
Bunny: No! And what is it?
Educator: Rules of the road - these are the rules that must be observed on the road!

Educator (addressing the children): You see, guys, what can happen if you don’t know the rules of the road.
Sit down Bunny, and listen, and the guys and I will tell you the main rule of the traffic light. And they will remind us of him (names of children):
The traffic light has three windows:
Check them out as you go!
All the traffic light understands without words,
He speaks in the language of lights:
Red - Stop!
Yellow - Wait!
And the green light - Go!

Game "Traffic Lights"

Educator: Guys, do we have traffic lights in Kizner? (children's answers).

We don't have traffic lights. They are only in cities where a lot of cars drive and a lot of people live. He helps them to follow the rules of the road correctly.

And since we don’t have traffic lights, how can we be then? How to find out where to cross the road correctly and safely? (at a pedestrian crossing).

And how is the pedestrian crossing on the street distinguished? How can we recognize him? (Wide, white stripes are drawn on the road. They are far visible to both pedestrians and drivers).

Who does this striped path look like? (children's answers)
Yes, zebra! It's called a zebra crossing. There is even a poem about her! Here listen:

A bit like an accordion
And a little on the stairs
On a vest and a mattress, -
I have walked on it many times
And the cars slowed down
And they said to each other:
"Quiet move! Quiet move!
See, the zebra is a pedestrian?!”
(V. Ovchintsev).

Educator: And the pedestrian crossing is also indicated by such a sign (the sign of the pedestrian crossing is shown). It's easy to remember.

Educator: Now do you remember the hare how to cross the road correctly? (You need to cross the road only on a green traffic light or only where there is a pedestrian crossing sign).

Educator: But road users on the roads are not only pedestrians, but also cars. And now I suggest you get up, close your eyes, and when I count to three and you open your eyes, we will turn into small cars. Ready? So! One…

Physical minute "Cars". (Children run after the teacher to the table and again at the expense of "three" turn into children).

Educator: Look at the sad traffic lights we have here. ? (children's answers). Why do you think you are so sad? What is wrong with them? (children's answers).
Do you want to help our traffic lights? Let's hang them up?
Then take your seats.

There are a lot of colorful lights here. Glue, etc. Take now the mugs of the right color and arrange them correctly on our traffic lights? (then the picture of the traffic light turns on so that the children compare their work. Did they do it right).

Teacher: Well done guys! Now our traffic lights are just like real ones. And the bunny got it right too.

(Children get up from the table around the teacher and show the work to each other and guests).

Well, Bunny, now you know the rules of the road! Do you remember everything?

You are all great today. And you guys, and you are a bunny. I really enjoyed our meeting today. And so that you never forget the main rule of a traffic light, I want to give you these medals!

Bunny: Thank you guys! Today I learned a lot from you and now I will always follow the rules of the road. Goodbye! (Bunny runs away).

Title: Summary of GCD on traffic rules in the middle group "Road signs"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lecture notes, GCD, SDA, Middle group (4-5 years old)

Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU Kiznersky kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 1
Location: UR, Kiznersky district, pos. Kizner

Thematic week on traffic rules for preschoolers of the middle group

Author Kichigina Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of MADOU No. 18 “Kindergarten “Ladushki”, Gai, Orenburg region.
Description. This thematic week was developed in accordance with the thematic planning in the middle group and was held as part of the month on the prevention and prevention of road traffic injuries among children before school age.

As before, one of the most important tasks of preschool education is teaching children the rules of road safety.
Children's road traffic injuries are one of the most painful problems of modern society. Every year, tens of thousands of road accidents involving children and adolescents are committed on the roads. Knowing and following the rules of the road will help shape the safe behavior of children on the roads. Therefore, daily work with children is necessary to form ideas about the importance of observing the rules of the road.
As part of the preventive work to prevent child road traffic injuries, we have developed a thematic week "Rules of the road" with the main goal of developing the skills of safe behavior of children on the roads.
This goal was achieved through the following tasks:
- creation of conditions for the conscious study by children of the rules of the road;
- development in children of the ability to foresee possible danger in a specifically changing situation and build adequate safe behavior;
- developing habits in children to behave correctly on the roads. Education in children of competent pedestrians.
To achieve the goal of the week in the reception for parents and children, we organized an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "Attention, the road!" Directly for parents, they issued a folder-slider "Tips for parents on traffic rules."

In the group room for children, they organized a corner on traffic rules “Traffic light” and an exhibition of books on this topic, replenished the subject-developing environment with a lapbook “Young Pedestrian”, board-printed games: “Lotto. Road signs”, “Memory. Road signs”, puzzles “Transport”, coloring pages, street layout with road signs.

During the thematic week, the following conversations were held with the children:
"Why you need to follow the rules of the road"
"Our helpers on the road"
"The traffic light is our friend"
"We are pedestrians"
"Where should children play"
During the week, the following activities were held for children:
GCD on the knowledge of "Rules of the road" the main goal, which was to acquaint children with the elementary rules of the road;
GCD for the development of speech "Truck";
GCD on drawing "Our assistant is a traffic light";
memorizing the physical minute “We are pedestrians!”;
guessing riddles according to traffic rules;
reading fiction:
- Ryzhova E. "Transport of a big city";
- T. Alexandrova "Tsvetik - tritsvetik";
- T.A. Shorygin "Marta and Chichi go to the park";
- S. Volkov "About the rules of the road."
target walk to the traffic light;
traffic control;
viewing drawings, illustrations about traffic situations;
role-playing games: “Drivers”, “Road”, “Bus”, “Car dealership”, “We are pedestrians”;
outdoor games: “Colored cars”, “Sparrows and a car”.
The final event of the thematic week was the NOD on drawing "Our helper is a traffic light" with the organization of an exhibition of children's works.
As a result holding the thematic week "Rules of the road" children received and mastered knowledge about the rules of the road; got acquainted with some road signs and their meaning; remembered the purpose of the traffic light. In addition, visual aids and materials were developed that have a developmental impact and cognitive stimulation on children and parents, the formation of children's knowledge about the culture of behavior on the road, the upbringing of responsibility for the safety of their lives and the lives of other people.

Synopsis of direct educational activities on traffic rules in the middle group "Road alphabet".


I offer a summary of direct educational activities for children of the middle group on the topic "Road ABC". This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers. This synopsis of the integrated GCD is aimed at forming children's knowledge of traffic rules, the development of speech and motor activity, educating the need for children to follow the rules on the roads.

Integration of educational areas:

"Safety", "Artistic creativity", "Physical culture", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization". Formation in children of middle preschool age of the basics of safe behavior on the street.

To expand children's knowledge of the rules of the road, to introduce the concepts of "pedestrian", "crossing", "traffic light", "carriageway", "sidewalk";
To consolidate children's knowledge about the buildings of the city (residential, public);
Expand children's ideas about the street;
Exercise children in crossing the roadway (using a mock-up).

Preliminary work:

Examining illustrations;
Examination of cards with the image of road signs;
Making a layout of "City Crossroads";
Reading literary works on the topic;
Conversations on the topic;
Role-playing games: “The driver”, “We are going to visit grandma”, etc.

Materials and equipment:

Layout "City crossroads";
Illustrations of our city;
Road safety cards;
Cards "Road signs";
Traffic light layout (with flashing lights), transition layouts: underground and ground;
Album, pencils, wax crayons, pastel.

Group form:

On the magnetic board - "Road signs"; road safety cards.

Methodical methods:

Conversations, reading fiction, looking at illustrations, creating an imaginary situation on the road, physical education, writing short stories, productive activities, analysis.

Educator: Guys, listen to the riddles and try to guess them!
1. There are houses in two rows,
Ten, forty, one hundred in a row.
And square eyes
They look at each other. (The outside)
2. Although he has three eyes,
But does not look all at once,
And he always looks alone
Well, we are following him. (Traffic light)
3. Miracle janitor in front of us
With raking hands
In one minute raked
Huge snowdrift. (Snowplow)
4. The bus does not roll here.
Trams will not pass here.
Pedestrians are calm here
They walk along the street.
For cars and trams
There is another path. (Sidewalk)
5. Striped horse,
Her name is "zebra".
But not the one in the zoo
People are walking along it. (Crosswalk)
6. I'm walking around the city,
I won't get into trouble.
Because I know for sure
I follow the rules. (A pedestrian)
Educator: Guys, we live in a big beautiful city with wide streets and avenues. Cars and trucks move along them, trolleybuses, buses drive, and no one interferes with anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. In order to preserve our health and life, we must strictly observe the established rules of the road. And knowledge will help us to follow these rules!
(The teacher invites the children to go to the table on which there is a layout of the intersection).
Educator: Children, we looked at illustrations of our city. And now, let's go to the layout and look at it. You see that the houses are along the roads. Look, the buildings in the city are different: residential, where people live, and non-residential (public), for example: a clinic, a kindergarten, a pharmacy, a school, a store.
Educator: Guys, look carefully and show me where people go?
(Children show where people go, interview 4-5 children).
Educator: Children, tell me, what is the name of this part of the street? (children's answers).
Educator: Correctly! From building to building you can walk along the sidewalk - these are paths for people that are laid along the streets (show the children the sidewalk). Guys, show me on our layout what kind of houses do you live in? In high, low? (children's answers).
Educator: So, we learned with you that people walk on sidewalks. And tell me, guys, how do cars, buses, trolleybuses move? (children's answers). That's right, they're on the road. And that part of the road on which cars drive is called the carriageway of the street. Let's look at the layout of the roadway. We see that a white stripe has been drawn in the middle of the road; it separates the flows of cars and is called a dividing line. Some cars go to the city center, while others go from the center.
Educator: Guys, tell me, have you ever crossed the road with your parents? (children's answers). Then show me how you and your parents did it.
(Children “cross the road”, according to traffic lights 3-4 times).
Educator: Well done! Now guys, let's get some rest.

Physical education "Road".

(Children read the poem and perform the appropriate movements)
- The road is not a path, the road is not a ditch ... (walking),
- First look to the left, then look to the right. (head turns)
- You turn left, smile at a friend next to you, (head turns with a smile),
- Stomp with your right foot: one - two - three, (stomp feet),
- Shake your head: one - two - three (shaking head),
- Raise your hands up and clap: one - two - three (clapping over head).
Educator: Guys, do you know that traffic lights are not everywhere where you need to cross the road? What should people do? (children's answers).
Educator: That's right, the police came up with rules on how to cross the carriageway. People who walk are called pedestrians, and the place where pedestrians are allowed to cross the road is called a "pedestrian crossing". "Pedestrian crossing" is indicated by a "zebra" and a special road sign. (The teacher shows the children a "zebra" and a "pedestrian crossing" sign).
Educator: And if there is no traffic light near the pedestrian crossing, it does not matter. In order to cross the street, you need to look to the left, if there are no cars to reach the dividing strip, and then look to the right, and if there are no cars, cross the street to the end. Let's try to cross our street! (3-4 times).
Educator: And now, let's make road signs for pedestrian crossings. (Children sit down at the tables and start decorating the blanks of the road sign).
Used Books:
1. T.F. Saulina, Three traffic lights: familiarizing preschoolers with the rules of the road, a guide for teachers and parents, for working with children 3-7 years old Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez, 2009 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general development type No. 27 "Teremok"

Chistopolsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan



Educator MBDOU No. 27

"Kindergarten of general developmental

type number 27 "Teremok"

Khramova Marina Evgenievna

G. Chistopol, 2016.

Target: Consolidation and clarification of children's knowledge of the rules of the road.


- To cultivate the desire to independently use knowledge in everyday life.

Develop attention, memory; interest in the art of applique, to form the ability to carefully use glue, scissors. Exercise children in the ability to cut round shapes from squares by rounding the corners.

To consolidate children's knowledge of road signs, traffic lights, traffic signals.

Create a positive emotional state.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Artistic creativity" (drawing (non-traditional technique)), "Safety", "Socialization", "Cognition".

Types of children's activities: playful, productive, communicative, cognitive-research.

Planned results: knows how to maintain a conversation, expresses his point of view; expresses positive emotions (interest, joy, admiration) when solving riddles; owns self-service skills, is interested in visual children's activities (drawing "Pedestrian crossing").

Materials and equipment: multimedia projector, screen, three tables, road signs "Bus stop", "Children", "Traffic light"; puzzles for the game "Assemble the traffic light".

Handout: A4 black cardboard, white gouache, potato printing, napkins.

Lesson progress:

1.Water part.

Slide 1. Children enter the group. The music sounds "When my friends are with me"

Educator: Hello guys. It's good that I got into your kindergarten.

Slide 2. On the way, I met Masha. She sent a letter for you.

Let's read it: "Hey guys! In our forest, I found some incomprehensible signs, some I collected and sent to you. Do you know what these signs are and what they are for? And we also have a lot of animals that walk as they want. What should I do with them?

Guys, let's see what kind of signs Masha sent us. What's this? (children's answers). That's right, road signs. What do you think they are for? (children's answers)

2. The main part.

Conversation, guessing riddles.

Educator: Do you like to solve riddles? Now I will give you riddles, and you, having guessed them, will find the correct sign.

slide 3 . In this place, oddly enough,

They are always waiting for something.

Some are sitting, some are standing

What kind of place is this? (Sign "Bus stop")

slide 4. On the road sign

The man is walking.

Striped tracks

They put it under our feet.

So that we do not know worries

And they walked forward. ("Crosswalk")

Slide 5. Day and night I burn

I give signals to everyone

I have three colors.

What is my name, friends? (Traffic light)

Educator: What is a traffic light? (children's answers)

A traffic light is a device that regulates traffic. It stands on a long leg and shows who to ride and who to stand with the help of three luminous eyes: red, yellow and green.

On the road for a long time

There is an owner - a traffic light!

All colors are in front of you

They will have their time.

Red light on:

“Stop, there is no way forward!”

Yellow light - "Attention!"

On the green light - "Forward,

The path is clear, pedestrian!”

Game "Collect a traffic light"

Educator: Guys, I know a very interesting game "Collect a traffic light". Shall we play?

Look, at the traffic light, his multi-colored eyes were broken and messed up. Let's help fix the traffic light. You need to collect the eyes, and arrange them in the correct order.

slide 6. (Children collect the “eyes” of a traffic light from parts. Music sounds)

Slide 7. Educator: Well done guys. And you have completed this task. And what do you think, how can we help Masha and the animals so that there is order in the forest and the animals walk along the paths? (children's answers)

Drawing "Pedestrian crossing".

Educator: Take your seats at the tables. Let's see, each of you has cardboard, a jar of gouache and a piece of potatoes on the tables. Now we will draw a pedestrian crossing. Let's take another look at what it is. Each of you has a cardboard. What is it for? (children's answers). That's right, on it we will draw a pedestrian crossing. You also have paint. And why do you think you don’t have brushes, what are we going to draw with? (Answers of children). Yes, we will draw with potatoes. See how I will do it. (Showing children drawing techniques).

slide 8. (Children begin to do work, under the guidance of a teacher)

Physical education "Red, yellow, green"

While our tracks dry, we will play a game. We all know that a red traffic light is at the top. So I ask you to put your hands up. The yellow signal is located in the middle. Please stretch your hands out in front of you. But green is at the bottom, and we all put our hands down. I have three traffic lights. Be careful! I will take out a sign with a signal from the bag, and you must show the desired position with your hands.

Well done! You are very attentive, and I hope that when crossing the road you will be also attentive. Now take your tracks and come to me. Let's build one long crosswalk. Look guys, do you like it? We got it the way we planned. How beautiful and neat they are. You helped Masha and the forest dwellers a lot.

3. Reflection.

Educator: Guys, look, Masha sent treats to everyone.

(Presenting gifts). Thank you guys for your help. Goodbye.
